The manuscript of survival – part 331

The times ahead may be construed as chaotic for many, but as you have been told before, chaos does not need to entail fear. You have been taught well dear ones, as you have managed to wrestle yourselves away from the old prison of fear and started to breathe the air of freedom of choice.Continue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 331”

The manuscript of survival – part 330

You have by now started to source into more and more information, dear ones. Not only from your own physical body, but also further afield. For some, these revelations have been very interesting indeed, but for others, they have not yet registered on their radar so to speak. Let us explain. As we have talkedContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 330”

The manuscript of survival – part 329

We would like to delve a little further into the recent energetic upgrades you have all been through. And, as we mentioned earlier, these missives of information are not only affecting you, but they will continue to affect everyone around you in one way or the other. As you are all well versed in theseContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 329”

The manuscript of survival – part 328

As you have all passed through an intense weekend filled with much energetic chatter, we advise you all to try to stay focused in order to better be able to assimilate it all. In other words, do not push yourselves unnecessarily in any direction, as what you need most of all now, is to avoidContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 328”

The manuscript of survival – part 327

As you all have noticed, the reverberations from yesterday’s show of strength are still pulsing through you, and it will contiune to do so for quite a while yet. These are powerful energies of change dear ones, and as such, much will be pushed up in their wake. We do not necessarily refer to personalContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 327”

The manuscript of survival – part 326 solstice message

As you are perhaps aware of, tomorrow (June 21) is another pivotal day for your planet. For once again the sun will make another announcement in her perpetual journey around your globe. Or rather, it is not the sun, but your planet who will reach an apex of her yearly travels around your shining sister,Continue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 326 solstice message”

The manuscript of survival – part 325

Liberation is at hand dear ones, as one by one you will step into the divine truth that is YOU. We know this will be small consolation for all of those struggling in the depths of despair, seemingly unable to free themselves from a veritable morass of old drama and dross. But as many haveContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 325”

The manuscript of survival – part 324

Fear, pain, struggle and toil. For many, this will be a very accurate description of the last few days, and for all of you, you have been in touch with at least one component of this heady mix of conflicting symptoms lately. For yes, they are indeed symptoms of a profound transformation taking place withinContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 324”

The manuscript of survival – part 323

You have started to face yourselves now dear ones, and even if some of you are rather hesitant to do so, the signals you will get back from yourself when you really dare to fully open your eyes will be so powerful, they may literally take your breath away. For with this realization comes alsoContinue reading “The manuscript of survival – part 323”