The people of the Pond

The Pond is what we call this blog, this gathering place, where people from all over the world come to connect and share their light. It has grown into quite a community where each and every one of you participate in your own way, either just by reading the messages posted here, or by adding your own words to this growing circle of light. I have set up this page to give those of you who wish to do so a place to post a short presentation of yourself. Please feel free to share what you want about yourself, but try to avoid falling for the temptation to use this space for commenting on what others post about themselves. Think of it more as a “list of participants” rather than a space to chat 😉

This blog has some practical/technical limitations, therefore I ask you to keep the following in mind when you add your personal contribution here:

• Please post your presentation as a new comment, not as a reply to any of the ones posted previously. That will make this list easier to navigate.

• You cannot edit your presentation after it has been posted. If you need to add something, just post a reply to your own post.

• Photos can not be added, but your gravatar will appear alongside your post as in all of the other comments you make on this blog.

• These presentations will be added in the order they are posted, and they cannot be sorted alphabetically or geographically.

I welcome you all, and I thank each and every one of you for what you bring to this Pond, and to this world!

Love and light from me, Aisha

152 thoughts on “The people of the Pond

  1. Colin – Hi Aisha and everyone else who have supported this monthly gathering around the pond meditation. I like to thank you Aisha for setting up this meditation and all others participating including the divine beings helping to build this system of light support for Earth and Humanity. It has been enjoyable to see what a group of people world wide who do not know each other can achieve with meditation from the heart with intention. With a touch of sadness I will miss the monthly group meditations but look forward to the adventures ahead in the new energy. Love All – Colin

  2. Hi Aisha and all lightworkers of this pond. This is the first time I have posted but know you all each and every one. My name is Sharon and I live in England. I have followed your postings Aisha almost from the start and felt a great connection and validation of the messages I was receiving myself. Since around February this year I have been receiving the message that I have truly stepped into the role of creator along with many others. I also felt guided to reduce the amount of information I was viewing online and felt there was only two people who I felt truly in alignment of the information they were bringing forward, Aisha you were one and the other is Sandra Walter. After reading Sandras latest post I truly understand why ❤ Thank you so much for all the information you have brought forward for all of us and I have loved meeting all of you at the gatherings, we will continue to meet and work together on occasions. There is so much more ahead of us now – it truly is onwards and upwards. So much love and light and to you all on this next part of the journey 🙂 ❤ xxx

  3. Hi, My name is David and I am a 72 year old American. I believe that we have reached a critical mass as People of the Pond and that we are well on our way to becoming not only one with each other but one with the planet. Yes, even some of my generation! It seems that I was called from bed at 1:15 AM on this Easter morning to enter something here. I will return to bed soon and just send light for a while. I believe that we have turned the corner on this planet and are well on our way into an age of peace and oneness. Sometimes it doesn’t seem so as the old energy dies hard but die it will! Some of us will transform it and some will outlive it. Many are learning to let old energy flow by without being a part of it, to just rise and ride above it. Also to reach out a hand to others willing to be lifted up. There are things happening across the planet, things of Love and Hope which do not appear on the evening news but are nevertheless real. We can feed the Good with our Light. There is power in sending Light together and Spirit knows how to use it best. Thank you for these posts Aisha and for creating a place for many to come together.

    1. Dear David! Welcome to this Pond and to this family of light, and thank you for bringing your light here and to this world!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  4. Hello Aisha and all the amazing Lightworkers here. My name is Pina and I just thought I would say hello to everyone. It has been an amazing ride through this transformation on Earth and as challenging as it has been at times it is so freeing and beautiful to be a part of this beautiful landscape. Sending a Tsunami of love to everyone.

  5. Thank you dear angeldbjorgica – and welcome to the most wonderful Light Family that you could ever imagine :)))

    Love & light ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. Hello Aisha and People of the Pond.

    Your manuscripts and messages are great. I´ve been reading them since 2012.

    Lately I have been relentlessly urged by my Higher Self to come out of my old comfort zone (which wasn´t really comfortable anymore anyhow), put behind me my solo seeker role and take part in the world again. To connect and interact with other lightworkers, and to take part in the co-creation by sharing my experience of this world through my past, present and future artworks.

    Thought I might join you in the Gathering on Sunday, and after reading your welcome message to the event, there´s not a doubt about it. I will fire up my Beacon and join in the choir with my voice in exultation for the Symphony.

    In gratitude, from my heart to the whole world,
    Eldbjørg Havåg, Bergen

    Ps. Beautiful inspiring painting you and the water made. I´ve put it on my computer desktop. 🙂

  7. Hi Aisha, I left a message for you in January and wondered if you have seen it. I would so appreciate a message from you as your work has got me through so many difficult times . I hope I have not written the wrong thing in any way xxx

  8. Aisha:

    Thank you for the messages and your availability to serve as a channel through which they flow. I hope this time of transition is going easier for you than the rest of us, but I suspect you are no more immune to the energies than we are.

    Once upon a time I fancied myself a spiritual teacher, offering perspectives and insights to help people integrate their expanding awareness into their outer affairs. At the same time, I kept one foot in my “real world” work to try to make a living — but the effort to do both, as well as launch other ventures to serve, was unsustainable. None went as I hoped, being spread too thin to do justice to any of them.

    The result was an energetic feedback loop that made me push harder until I could push no more. Ultimately my body and business paid the price, losing one and nearly losing the other.

    A long hospitalization and longer recovery ensued. Though I tried to pick up the balls I’d let fall, there was no inner urge to do so. It was more about “sticking my toe in the water” to realize I had let go of all those activities that I once held dear.

    You write about the energies causing us to release our hold upon the old and allow ourselves to move toward the new, even without knowing what that new is. I’ve been in this process for many years now.

    My life has conveniently arranged this release through dramas, injuries and illnesses for loved ones (not to mention my own), and financial uncertainty that have required further letting go just to get through them. It has forced me to examine my own inner conditions and address the things that haven’t served me very well.

    This continues, and I suspect lots more will be coming down the road.

    The challenge for me, and I suspect for your other readers, is to maintain a state of balance through it all, even while cutting the old chords so we can rise and fall with the energetic waves sweeping over us.

    Uncertainty is the great equalizer here. We know not where it leads, much less how to get there.

    Yet that inner voice that should guide us too often remains silent, allowing us to flail about in our dramas until we finally throw our hands up in frustration over our ineptitude to create anything different.

    Even as I “know” what I must do to set my life back on a path that “works” in this world, something inside stops me, as if it WANTS to experience the challenges that come without doing anything to avoid them or make them better. And I, being the good soldier, sit back and wait for who knows what, content in the moment to simply watch things unfold rather than work to facilitate the change I want to see.

    It is absolutely the hardest thing I’ve ever undertaken — yet delightfully freeing, not trying to plan or steer my life in any way but simply to experience it fully as it unfolds.

    I suspect I am simply ahead of the curve, gathering these lessons for some purpose not yet revealed other than the changes they trigger inside.

    It is important for all of us to accept the possibility that our struggles will not end, or even lessen. They may intensify and even multiply before granted a brief respite, only to begin again. Only by letting go of the expectation that they will and seek the good that they offer will bring us peace.

    It’s been a wild ride. It probably will be even more so in the days and months ahead. May we all find our way through the morass with ease and effectiveness as we perfect our ability to “go with the flow.”

    Thanks for listening.

    – john

    1. Dear John, welcome to this Pond! Thank you for bringing your light here, and thank you for sharing from your own journey in such a powerful way. Yes, we are the true pioneers, and every step we take is a leap of faith as we know what is behind us, but not what lies ahead. But what helps us all to keep going, even through challenges like the ones you and so many others have seen and still face along the way, is that knowing deep inside of us that is always there, even when we cannot hear the sound of its voice. That, and the knowledge that this is something we do together, and what we do, we truly do for ALL. So thank you for adding your light to this “wild ride” and through that, help to make it a little less “wild” for us all!
      With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

      1. Thanks, Aisha. Perhaps I can share a little more of my observations.

        You wrote about dissolving the boundaries of the layers within us as we move toward wholeness. This is part of the process of integrating the seen and unseen worlds, and by extension, our inner and outer selves.

        But the dissolution of boundaries isn’t just happening within us. It’s also occuring within our personal relationships and family units, as well as in our greater society and world.

        The inner changes are mirrored in our outer lives as we’re forced to adapt or doom ourselves to struggle. Situations become fluid, and require a nimbleness of response that demands we break out of old patterns to meet to the needs of the moment.

        As an example, our family’s personal challenges have changed the way we relate to each other and go about our lives. Often we’ve had to change the way we communicate, as well as shift into new roles or lend/receive a helping hand to keep things functioning effectively. But these shifts are not static. When one person goes down or struggles, another steps in to take over or lend a hand. Over and over and over again.

        I once wrote that family is an incubator of community, where we learn our place within a greater unit and begin to think of more than our own self-interests. It prepares us to take our place in the world, developing the skills, attitudes and approaches that enable us to add our piece to the greater communities of which we are a part.

        Many are horrified over war, famine, disease, earth changes and more. These conditions are calling us to take the next step in applying the skills we’ve been developing in our own lives and pull together in order to deal with these crises if humanity is to survive and evolve.

        Just like a family may be forced to adapt and overcome the problems created when one member doesn’t carry their weight or engages in destructive tendencies, our greater society is being forced to deal with those same issues and people who do harm. They/we are creating situations that have no solution unless we change.

        I urge patience and perspective to those who feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and the self-judgment and feelings of impotence that often arise. Try not to look too far down the road, and focus instead on here and how.

        Where is it stealing your peace? Where is it creating struggle, suffering or conflict in your life? What are the changes required in you and how you go about your affairs that will better allow your family and communities to move a little more smoothly through the situations, and put you in position to act when that inner urge arises?

        Put aside grand expectations superimposed by an ego that has only known the old ways. What can you do now? What do you feel called to do — big or small — in your life that can make things just a little bit better?

        If I’ve learned (?) anything on my journey, it is that we must allow what is happening within us to be reflected in our affairs. To be kind and caring. To live in peace within and without. To lend a helping hand. And not to hestitate to request or accept one with our own problems when we are in need.

        The only map to follow is the one that is being revealed in your heart, one heart beat at a time. Eventually it will lead you home.

        God bless you indeed.

  9. Dear Aisha, words alone cannot express to you by joy and bliss in meeting your loving, hand crafted, harmonic and magical words used as a bridge between home and this experience. I have been having a deep connection with home for the last six months and seem to slip in and out of the 5th relatively easily now. I am aware of how they comfort, celebrate and champion me with the feelings I arrive at. I feel like I am going through this alone as I don’t know anyone else who is experiencing this and if you understand what I am experiencing I wonder if you would email me. My address is but my actual name is Deryn Camille de Temple (Little singing Bird, female Amazon Warrior, in the house of God so you see I have been named to do some sort of job haha. I call it Whooshing because it brings me to tears in awe, humbleness and gratitude but I also think it might be rapture. It seems that after these experiences my perception expands and I gain a higher consciousness ever time. Make any sense to you? I hope so!! I have also been channeling poetry from Petrach who is one of my other lives. I so dearly look forward to hearing from you and again thank you from the centre of my inner being for your messages, which for me, feel like they have been written especially for me x blessing to One and All xxx Deryn xxx

  10. Me too, me too! I have been reading and communing for several months. Now I physically say hi from Los Angeles. Love to you all! And thank you Aisha!

    And.. I am confused.. today’s update says “what you did last night” … was there another gathering that I missed? Or just one etherically that I am unaware of.. 😉

    1. Dear SusiT, welcome to this Pond and thank you for bringing your light here! Last night’s event seems to be one of those collective endeavours involving people and energy from this Pond that happens “out of the blue” from time to time. I have a feeling we will have more of these in the time ahead, and I am certain we are all aware of them beforehand and during on a higher level even if just a few have any conscious recollection of them afterwards. As the CCs always remind us: “you are all at the right place at the right time” and we are all so deeply connected so I am sure that your energy was very much a part of this “gathering” as well 🙂
      Love and light from me, Aisha

      1. Ah, sounds good, Aisha! Wheeeee.. more fun to come! Thank you for drawing us all together here to expand our lovelight exponentially! ❤

  11. am in California, and felt the magic of the flow of the gathering today…grateful to you Aisha, and the CC’s for your messages…love, peace and harmony to everyone!

  12. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks, Aisha, and have come to deeply appreciate your messages. Deep gratitude for your wonderful heart-centered work.

    This is such a magical time to be alive, and I’m so happy to join this group of fellow travelers on our next big adventure!

    In Light and Love :-}

  13. Heyllo Aisha and all the light workers present 🙂
    I would like to thank Aisha for putting up this site and giving her time to us in order to have a collective pond.
    This is really special because i often listen to CC´s words, meditate visualizing the “pond crew” and it is the first time that i am actually present at the designated time.
    I work with dance and its healing energies and i feel grateful to have a chance to share that with all of you.
    Blessings and much light to all -_-

    1. Dear Nelson, welcome to this Pond and to this family of light! Thank you for bringing your light here and to this Gathering, I am so looking forward to “see” your energy dance around this bonfire of love 🙂
      Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

  14. Hi my name is Wendy and I live in UK. I am new to this Gathering even though I have been following Aisha and reading all her posts for many months now. Please could someone tell me what I need do to participate in The Gathering Around The Pond which is Tomorrow 5th Oct as I would like to take part. Blessings to All.

    1. Dear Wendy, thank you for bringing your light to this Gathering! All you need to “do” to take part in this group meditation, is to set the intention to do so. Find a way that feels natural for you to connect, I like to sit down in quiet meditation for an hour or so at the designated time, but these energies are already here so you can choose a time and a location that suits you. It is simply about opening up to these energies and “see where your high consciousness takes you” as Areeza said before the September Gathering 🙂 I am looking forward to “see” you there!
      Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

      1. Thank you Aisha for your reply. That was what I thought but I just wanted to confirm it. I look forward see you to. Bless You. Namaste

  15. dear aisha,

    i just found now “randomly” your blog and it is amazing! what a great work you’re doing with posting & sharing all these messages…thank you so much !


  16. Perhaps I should add that I work with homeopathy and alternative medicine, energy work, clearing, purification and balancing of homes and spaces, specialising in finding the real cause behind the symptoms and problems, quite clairsentient. I’m also interested in tantra/sacred sexuality and how to understand and use the sexual energy in spiritual growth. I think this is a forgotten topic in most of these communities and gatherings.
    Bless you all! /Urban

  17. Hi everyone~
    I am Monica and everything you would like to know about me is pretty much parked at this website.
    If you read comments to Aisha’s posts lately, you get to know me pretty quickly.
    Born a girl, daughter, sister, cousin, later wife of a few mates in succession, nurse, traveler, healer, earth lover, into shamanism and all things involving supporting LIFE and quality of same, aunt, niece, and now for the first time a grandmother. Oh yes, unifying thread is a journalist.
    I LOVE the internet and communing with you all.
    I am open hearted and will gladly correspond with any of the PONDERS.
    I AM a midwife of PEACE ON EARTH. Main mission. Fully passionate.
    ❤ 🙂

  18. I am who the illuminati refer to as 23 or number 7. The secret service calls me whitey.

    1. Christian Mercier…welcome..are you working for the Light I assume? Do you have some information for us? thank you.

      1. Please do not be afraid. They will not hurt people of the pond or of the light. Peaceful actors are your strength. Others are warriors for the cause of the light. Sent from my Kyocera Rise

  19. You might be interested in a channelling I found from a really interesting blog site of channelled messages from Source:


    Amongst other posts on the subject of Reality it states:

    We have told you that your reality on earth is an illusion. We have also told you that you are limitless facets of Source. If you put these two facts together you can see that humans, as creating facets of Source have created their current reality of the earth in the universe. Thus you can conclude that as you are a facet of Source, Source via you, did create within the illusion. But only via you. The essence, which is love, does not create, but just IS.

    So what about the bad aspects of the world?

    Similarly, this is a creation of humankind, a facet of Source. However it is important to remember that the essence of Source IS, and IS LOVE. It is through the connection of love that humankind does not become lost in the illusion forever. It is a temporary dream and therefore not reality.

    So you have to understand that your question does not really make sense as you are not really of the dream. It is but a temporary illusion and not your reality or that of Source of whom you are a part.

    Source ensures that you are never lost in the dream. Your connection of love to Source is like a thread which links you always. Connect with love and you connect with Source.

    1. This is all pretty wild and wonderful and opening…of which I seem to need of.
      Expectations drive. Must pay attention to those silent ramblings that pass as
      mindless chatter, so called. Every once in a while, a small gem surfaces. It’s as though it’s all very deliberate…
      Is it?

  20. This a short description of my experience of the gathering around the pond on July 6th 2014 the way I can recall it:
    I went inside at 20:00 GMT and I saw the circle of many people sitting around the pond.
    The circle lifted up initially slowly and then it started moving very fast on one direction.
    In a while the circle stopped in the middle of huge space. I can see the of star field spherically around us. I felt the presence of large number of consciousnesses around our group but I can not see them.
    From the chests of all of us streaming colours started to going out that looked similar to the rainbow going out of the “Care Bears” characters but with one difference. The colours of our rainbows were vertical strips of colour sequence. It was mesmerisingly beautiful!
    In front of every one of us appeared a firefly dancing around. My firefly morphed to a golden phoenix which I followed (I just have realised I was flying after it!). The phoenix stopped, turned sideway and morphed into an egyptian hieroglyph of a burd.
    I opened my hands sideway like a book and a very bright light started streaming out of me. The bird asks to reduce the light and started looking into the light in me. I felt there are infinite light “pages” multidimensionally in me.
    Then the bird morphs to a beautiful egyptian lady pharaon. She said “It seems you do not feel comfortable with this avatar” and she morphed to an older men and finally to an older wise women. There was some communication after this but I can not recall it.
    We are back in the circle of humans and in an inner circle against everybody there is a woman, man or whatever other form of communication (avatar) everyone they has chosen.
    Two circles started to rotate slowly and I can feel there is a glorious and beautiful downcoming stream of sound but I can not hear it. I asked why I can not hear it and the answer was I can not perceive it yet and it may damage my field. I must have been very sad hearing this answer, because I felt the whole stream slowing down and it has reduced somehow so I can perceive it. For a very short time I heard a beautiful harmony of very loud sound like many ship horns we turned on at the same time. After that I was able to perceive the sense of harmony but not the sound itself.
    I heard the word “librarian” multiple times pronounced with variety of voice pitch, tone and speed, said with love and excitement.
    Then we were back in a circle around the pond but this time everybody’s avatar communicator sat next to its human counterpart. The whole ring raised into the starry sky and the ground under us disappeared. Suddenly the avatars started morphing into very dark violet flame going up. I asked if this is the Violet Flame of the Saint Germain why it is going up? The answer was: “… look up, the Gaia has ascended already and you are catching up figuratively speaking. You feel confused, let us change the perspective… “. We flipped and I started perceiving the Earth below us with the ring of people descending to the ground. The violet flames become very gentle and lost their colour intensity. Then I saw that the bodies of everyone we crystalline and I was able to see the stars through them.
    I noticed some of the people in the ring looked like they were sleeping and asked about them. “Their fields would have been damaged if they had perceived the fulness of the energies of this event. Everybody of them experienced their own version of this event and the results and the memories are going to surface in one or other way.”
    Next we all were sitting around the pond and everybody was clapping and smiling.
    It was 20:21 when I returned my focus fully into my physical body.

  21. Dear Aisha,
    May I please offer the deepest of thanks for your dedication to bringing the CC’s messages thru! I’m one of those seeders who have been following your messages for some time but only this week am I discovering that I am Family of Light, officially! This unfoldment into remembering who I truly AM has been such a blessing and because of people like you, it’s also been a lot of fun!

    Sincerest thanks for your service to us all. Joyfully, Ame.

  22. I like it here and it seems like it took me years to find it, even though I have been reading Aisha’s work for several years now. I suppose we find our way to where we are supposed to be, when the time is right and not a moment sooner.

    I’m just a dude and I applaud you all for what you do.

  23. Wow! I’m going to digest all of this information. I haven’t by any means read it all, but perhaps all my questions I’ve been asking (all my life or all of what I remember) may be answered. TBT. Feeling a sense of relief.

  24. Dear Aisha,

    After June 27, 2014’s message I feel it is imperative that I connect with you and the Light People in the G.T.A. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have never blogged before so, I am hoping that message reaches you like, it couldn’t be fast enough to get your response… I want to explain, but in a private email to you.

    Love and light always with all my heart to all the Light People and workers on behalf of the Light

  25. Dear light beings, I love you all! I would love to share an intention in light and I welcome you sing this with me .

    I am word through all beings present here. Word I am word. I am word through the vibrations of all present in this pond. Word I word. I word through the bodies , minds and emotions of all in this pond. Word I am word. I word through my knowing of myself as word . Word I am word. I am word through all these intentions . I am word, I am word , I am word .

  26. Dear Aisha and everyone around the Pond,

    Thank you for your beautiful contributions to the developing light on our magnificent Earth.

    I’ve been connecting with wonderful light groups for a number of years – including a recent group visit to time-anomaly power-sites in Turkey. But it’s pure delight to share our different frequencies and such a privilege to assist with the “igniting” that the CC’s are referring to for this evening’s Gathering.

    I’m Australian by origin but have been living in Europe for many years – mainly in London but also recently spending time in southern France.

    Great blessings to the whole Pond and enormous thanks to the CC’s and all our divine “teams”.


  27. I figure its about HIgh time I said HI here 🙂 I tend to be a little shy about doing things like this but I feel so CConnected to the CCs and everyone here that I just can’t not drop a line into this Pond

    My name is Amy…I like to say AMy…and I live in Alberta, Canada

    I have been on the Journey for my whole 33 years and in the summer of 2013 things intensified big time. I was introduced to my first bit of channeling via Bashar and have since listened to many channelings. I find listening to these wonderful messages connects me not only to the Entities sending the messages but to all the light workers here on Earth

    And in these past 10 months I have come to feel more and more connected to the CCs. Every time one of the messages comes up on YouTube I feel a burst of Joy and am always blown away at how deeply they seem to speak to me. Every single time I find myself astounded by how EXACT…I like to say SO exaCCt!…these messages are for me. I always feel like they’re talking right to me…right into my Core

    A little while ago I had some mind-blowing events happen at the same time as the “Powerful Confirmation” and “History of Creation” messages came through as well as the Scientist thing and I was blown right out of the water! I knew then for sure I was connected to this lovely bunch and intended on sayin hello then

    However I guess timing is everything as last night I was looking online at something totally unrelated and somehow ended up on this page here. I read about the June 1 Gathering and knew it was finally time to add my outer ripple to these Waters

    Anyway I just to say how much love I feel for the CCs and for everyone here and I am deeply grateful to have found a Home here with Us All

    Thank you for providing and CCo-Creating such a beautiful and comforting Gathering place

    Much love to All ❤

    1. Dear AMy,

      this is Barbara here (Edmonton, Alberta, CAN) and was wondering if we could meet up sometime to keep “deliver” and “share” the “local” light? 🙂 it would be also good to meet with similar minded people, don’t you think?

      With love and grattitude,

  28. The question beckons, in all its silliness: How did ‘I’ get here? My arrival to this pond can be articulated only by a deeper knowing which defies the mental geographies of my illusory ego. And this ego indeed has been flickering out of relevance with a force that would alarm, if it weren’t for the solicitude my spirit gleans–even without deliberately manifest contact–from all of you loving presences here. The undeniable swellings experienced upon reading the messages shared at this pond, the feeling of reunion, of the highest homecoming, brought me first to grateful tears and finally to grateful words. This fledgling spirit is being lifted into the air upon streams cast by the strong flapping wings of all you long since soaring in the ether of unified consciousness. With love and light growing steadily, undeniably, deepest thanks to you all! my heart rises and expands to greet you/all!

  29. Hi all. I have just discovered this blog and it is so wonderful to see others getting the same messages. I am receiving similar messages via Shamanic Meditations and have also been strongly guided to publish them as ‘Messages for the World and Humanity’. Aisha – your blog has just given me that little push I needed and I will start publishing them on my blog. Thankyou. It’s great to be part of the Pond! Vivienne Duke

  30. Aloha Dear Family–

    Thank you for all that you do and are! I’m here now and a part of this journey….dear Aisha, you already said hello to me a few nights ago… team has been nudging me to add my voice and conscious participation….much love and deep appreciation to you all for being here on this Beloved Planet!

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