A short update on the energies

As many of you have already ascertained, there is a short lull in the proceedings, and none too soon you will perhaps add. For these last few days have been marked by a huge influx of energies, the likes have never before been seen on this little planet of yours. And yes, this is also something that is becoming visible, not only to your scientists, but also to the untrained eye. For your world has started to receive some signals from deep, deep space that was sent out a very long time ago according to your measurements, and now, they are reaching your shores, for the first time ever. And no, we are not referring to anything that can be deemed to be a mere coincidence, for as we have always told you, everything happens when the time is right for it to happen, so too, in this. So if you lift your eyes to the sky, you will see a small pinprick of light that was not there a few days ago, but now, it will seem to become more and more visible, as the signals that was sent out for such a long time ago, now have come to greet you all. We are not referring to any sort of disaster in any way, merely something that your scientists will call a supernova, but that we would like to refer to as the greeter.

For this is just a signal that something far more important than this little celestial greeter is on its way to you. And before you fill your minds with images from the long line of disaster movies your fellow men like to fill you with on a regular basis, we must hasten to add that what we are talking about, is nothing like that. For we are not referring to an actual object hovering in the sky above your planet, casting shadows far and wide in any aspect you may think of. No, we are talking about an influx of energetic particles, much like the ones that are coming your way from your neighbour, the Sun. But what we are referring to, is indeed the same sort of “substance” in the form of energetically charged particles, but these will be particles hailing from a very different source indeed, and that will have an even deeper and more profound effect on you all. And no, not as in breaking you down, if that is perhaps what you have felt like these last few days, we are referring to the kind of particles that will literally charge your engine, in the form of the energetic circuitry, and thus, will enable you to truly become fully connected once again.

So take some time to breathe deeply, and take some time to go back and re-evaluate what you have been through this last week or so, and we think you will all start to see things in a very new light indeed. Perhaps you should even take some time to go back and peruse some of the messages we have given you during this same period as well, for as we told you early on in this sequence of messages, there is much that lies in between the lines here. So if you do try to retrace your steps – and indeed ours – a little bit, we think you will begin to see something new emerge, both within, and indeed without. Indeed, there is so much going on now on all levels, you will all be hard pressed to take in more than mere fragments at a time. That is, the human part of you will perhaps be struggling mightily at times, but the rest of you are taking this all in and savouring it deeply.

For it will be like manna from heaven in every sense of the word, and so, even if you think that this last week has been all about physical incomprehension, fatigue and even downright exhaustion, it has been quite the opposite, if you look at it from our perspective. For we see the full picture, and we see how those old and dormant parts of you are starting to awaken, stretch and yawn and literally welcome in the new light. And as such, what has taken you to the brink of exhaustion, has also taken you to the threshold of complete and total awakening. So yes, look ahead, look above, but do not forget to look back, the better to see what you may have missed out the first time around. Or rather, the better to see what you truly have been given, and what you truly have received within the very core of your being.

(From Aisha: The CCs must be referring to the supernova M82, you can read more about it here.)

136 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. Dear All,

    Never in my current incarnation I felt such a Peace and Love like now. Does this mean that no challenges, worries and anger come to my shore? No. But when they hit me I can easily focus on my inner heart space and my Light and within a millisecond, all these negative feelings are simply vanished. What a great relief this is and the best is, that this is simply just the start. We are on the verge of something (= the Event, the Tsunami of Love) which brings us all that we have ever dreamed of. So often I have asked for evidence. So often I have looked outside of myself to find such evidence. Now I see it inside of me. And it is amazing! I am looking so much forward to our next gathering and hope, that I will be able to share my Light and Love with you all at the Pond.

    Maybe this is of help for those that are on their knees right now. But first of all, don’t think for one moment that you are alone. You have all the help from above and moreover, from your fellow Ponders. Here we go with some excerpts from Jesus through John S. latest message (I have made the one part that is essential for myself in capitals):

    “The task you chose to embark on for this particular earth life has been very difficult for many of you, and before you chose to do it you knew that this would be the case, but, with the help of wisdom, advice, and mentoring from your spiritual guides you planned most carefully to ensure that it would be well within your capabilities. You knew that it would be hard because you would be unable to remember any details of your pre-planning and consequently each moment would arrive, as it were, unannounced, presenting you with surprises and choices that were often unappealing. However, you also knew that you could not fail because of the divine field of Love enveloping you and supporting you in every moment. There truly are no accidents, every thing that occurs is part of a larger plan to provide all involved with the lessons that they wish to learn and thus bring them firmly and steadily forwards towards their awakening. And that awakening is most definitely a done deal, nothing can prevent it.

    As you cope with your individual doubts, worries, anxieties, and suffering remind yourselves frequently that you are divinely supported in every moment, that you are continually making sterling progress, just as intended, and that THE SECRET OF FINDING PEACE AS YOU FOLLOW THIS DEMANDING EARTHLY PATH IS TO SURRENDER TO EACH MOMENT AS IT OCCURS.

    You planned the life path you are experiencing with great forethought to enable you to learn the lessons with which it would present you. You knew it would not be a rose garden, and it is unhelpful to look at the apparently happier life experiences that others are undergoing and feel that therefore you are being unfairly treated by life. The path you are experiencing and following is the most appropriate one for you, and you can have absolutely no idea of the suffering and pain others have undergone that have led them to where they are.

    So when you are feeling down, hard done by, alone, and unappreciated go within. Within you have instant access to your guides and to the Love that our Father offers every one of us constantly. Focus your attention on the inner knowing that each one of you has confirming that you are an irreplaceable and absolutely essential aspect of your Source. Disregard any adverse judgments that you believe others are making of you, and let go of any adverse judgments you hold against yourselves, because none of them are valid. You are, and always will be, a dearly loved child of God, a perfect aspect of Him that has chosen to undergo a very difficult experience to assist in bringing all His children to awakening.”

    With so very much Love,

    your lightbrother


    1. Dear brother, your bright light makes the Sun shine for me today – even though there is a snowstorm outside my window 🙂 Thank you for sharing your light here at this Pond in the way that you do – both your own words and these quotes help to lift us all!
      With love and gratitude from me, Aisha

    1. Lovely Lin:) I´m sittiing in the waiting room at the hospital waiting for the doctor. So nice they have a computer here.

      Oh – lunch coming now!

      Love you,


      PS. Thanks all for your support . i LOVE YOU ALL! DS.

      1. Dear B, kära syster! Jag står vid sin sida, tilsammans med alla vackra själar här ved vår Pond. Vi håller dig i våra hjärtan, vi omfavnar dig med ljus och kärlek, och vi önskar dig allt gott inför morgondagen 🙂
        Stor kram och mycket kärlek från mig, Aisha

        1. Bästa syster!

          Jag känner mig verkligen väl omhändertagen – både här och av er alla:) Jag känner er kärlek närhelst jag tänker på er och går in i morgondagens händelser med stor tillförsikt och vet att både jag och mitt operationsteam är omgärdade av kärlek.

          Stort tack till dig Aisha och alla Pondare. Jag gör mitt bästa för att sprida mitt ljus i alla sammanhang :)))

          TACK och stor kram!


  2. Funny, I never had any nasty physical symptoms, all went smooth.
    I remember, long before december 2012, I made up my mind, and I said “all will go smoothly, I am physically safe, bla blah”.

  3. Hello beloveds! Isn’t it interesting….has anyone noticed the HUGE influx of new beings into the Pond? I see our lovely Aisha baby welcoming so many new family members and it makes my heart soar!

    More and more Beings coming into resonance with the cheerleading of our blessed CC’s…more and more beings opening up to new and to the ancient within us.

    As a student of science I am loving seeing the “spiritual” and the “natural” world working together…anyone who has done a chemistry experiment knows that when you put things together you create something else when energy is applied….but we forget that birds and animals come into season because of the light frequency of the sun…plants burst into bloom….so many biological events occur based on the cycles of the moon, the stars and the sun…why not our DNA? The idea that we have been sitting, like tiny seeds for millenia waiting for a trigger from the sun, or the energy of neutrinos or photons or the particles from a supernova, things that have not occurred before, but were divinely planned to set us into bloom…how wonderful! When things are in the natural progression, I feel many more beings will seem to understand them and feel comfortable with them as opposed to something “divine” or Miraculous…

    Of course, I am comfortable with the divine and miraculous, but its certainly easier to talk to my husband about solar flares or energy or magnetism because he is a grounded earth being who has an angel living inside of him…he helps anyone who needs assistance with kindness and support but talk to him about spirit and he kind of giggles…we will watch so many others opening up, coming to understanding in their own unique ways and we will all be here to assist them!

    Whoot! 🙂 Alex

    1. Whoot whoot to you dear Alex, and to each and every shining soul gathered here :-)! It is truly wonderful to see how more and more people are drawn to this Pond, and it is a tangible proof of what Hilarion /Marlene Swetlishoff says in the message that Phillip has shared further down. For we all act as catalysts wherever we go, and we “activate the awakening codes” in people we encounter on our way. And they in turn, do the same to others. We are like a “benevolent virus” as my friend likes to say, and we all help to spread the light in this world by our mere presence. And yes, it is the biggest gift of them all to be allowed to see so many around us opening up to this light.
      With much love and gratitude from me to ALL of you, dear brothers and sisters of the Pond 🙂

    2. Yes Alex… keeping it organic. “Nautrally” Helps me feel so much better about the whole process! Yet… I am reminded we keep hearing this has ‘never been done before’. But, new species have come and gone before us…and butterflys metamorphosing, crabs growing claws back, etc. thats all ‘natural’. It all depends on our Source’s Intent. Some of u picked up on this intent sooner than others is all. Lucky us. 😉

  4. This is the first time I go on this site and for this week-end it has been a blessing because I could finally find out what was happening to me. I have spent most of the week-end in bed because I have very little energy to do anything. Thank God for the weather we will have the next two days off from school. I’m a teacher and I need all the energy I can muster. My question is why are some of us so sensitive to these energies, and why are others not affected at all. Each time we get bathed in light I feel like I have less energy to go on. Why is this? Is this a sign that I’m doing something wrong?

    1. Dear Barbara, welcome to this Pond, and thank you for bringing your light here! I am certain that you will get some helpful input from your brothers and sister gathered here 🙂 As the CCs always say, you are not doing anything “wrong”, even if it may feel like you are doing so because of the physical reactions you get from these energies. This is a process that we all experience in our own unique way, according to our personal set-up, and our bodies will act in all sorts of ways, or not react much at all. I can relate very much to the feeling of having “less energy to go on” when these waves hit us, and to me, it is actually a sign that I have so much energy in my body, it goes into “reboot mode” like a computer for a while to digest all of this new information/energy. So I have days when I can be almost in a zombie-like state for hours on my sofa or in my bed, awake, but not even able to move a finger. Of course, this is so much easier for me as I do not have to go to work like you do. I also find that gentle yoga-stretches and long, hot showers or baths can help to move these energies through my system, perhaps this can also make it easier for your body to get through this “rebooting-process”?
      Love and light from me, Aisha

    2. Yep! According to Aisha’s suggestion here is my input:
      My daughter told me lately that she didn’t believe me as a child when I had those symptoms and explained to her that I am ‘ill’ – because she saw all those wonderful brandnew energies swirling in and around my body 😉

  5. My dear Sun – I dont see what it is all about yet. Still tired but the uneasiness from the hard knock energy is subsided. I was trying to get my head around it too and then stopped. This one needs to settle so I need to settle big time for it to do that. Something will emerge that is for certain. Kelly is down feeling horrible now (not same as me but says he just feels awful all over)… he has been in bad shape so I pray it does not hit him as hard as it did me.
    Yes… resting this whole week is my game plan….as much as one can while working. If I could, I would stay in bed. Love 2 U, ~A~

  6. I gained some insight as to the energy i received yesterday while driving.
    I’ve been troubled by the dilemma of ascending with me while at the same time staying behind with my aged mother.
    It was shown to me that I can do both, simply by wearing the illusion like a costume for her benefit, while continuing my advancement.
    good idea.
    now i just need to reach an understanding of how to actually do it.
    it’s okay
    it gives me something to ponder.
    no need to hurry, no time to waste!

    1. Dear Otmn, May I offer too that your Mother will see only what she has trained herself to see so no problems. 😉 all will be well. It is sweet how much you care. I am well enough to give u a smooch. My guy just said I better sleep on the couch as he is sick to his stomach now. uggh
      Love, ~A~

    2. Dear Otmn! A big smooch coming your way from me! You are finding your way forward, step by step, and by taking your time to stop and deeply ponder, you are moving forward so fast 🙂 Thank you for sharing your insights, thank you for sharing ALL that you are.
      Much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

  7. Hi Aisha and everyone –

    speaking of DNA and quantum field surrounding the DNA –

    here are some channeled messages from Robert Mesure. http://www.youtube.com/user/idowhatu

    I have seen them for a year or so on the YouTube channel of Matt Muckleroy. A couple of the channelings are recent and from The Angels. I find them to be very technical, and I don’t understand what it all means.

    However, I do understand little glimpses – and the messages talk about the nature of DNA and that each strand of DNA corresponds to a dimension upon which we exist. They say we are in the process of coming back on-line, as it were, to our multi-dimensional selves, and the upgraded DNA we are getting is linked to the dimensions where we already exist.

    And I’m looking forward to this!

    thank you to everyone who posts here. I get a lot out of reading the messages and I feel the love you are offering each other, and I do feel this is how we will interact more and more in the heaven-on-earth we are creating.
    much love,
    Sarah in the midwestern USA

    1. Hey Sarah, I have believed that Earth had to first be upgraded/re-seeded (being quarantined for a long while), then we Hue-mans. This makes sense. We need the support in order to do this successfully – hence the energy downloads/uploads/reloads. If u get a chance, check out the crop circles 🙂
      Love 2 U kindred light sister from me

    1. Dear Caroline, thank you for sharing this link! One part of it triggered something for me that is very much related to today’s message from the CCs. In this channeling, she mentions the transmutative process we go through from a carbon-based to a silicon-based creation in order for us to be able to absorb and contain more light. And THIS is from spaceweather.com about the supernova: “I used a 9-inch Celestron telescope and a Star Analyzer 100 to record the supernova’s colors,” says Strange. His data show a strong absorption line corresponding to ionized silicon. Silicon is one of the products of fusing carbon and oxygen, and a telltale sign that this is a Type 1a supernova explosion. Type 1a supernovas are famous in part because they led to the discovery of Dark Energy in the universe.”

      Interesting – silicon pops up again. And it also led me back to Kryon’s message “The Last 2013 Channelling – Moving into 2014” where he talks about our quantum DNA and homeopathy:
      “Medicine, esoteric medicine, has been using something for centuries that they don’t really understand. They know it works, but they don’t truly know how. Homeopathy is mysterious because homeopathy takes a tincture too small to chemically react to anything in the body, but it works. The Human ingests this, and it is absorbed normally under the tongue and it works. However, if you ask the homeopathically inclined that dispense and use it, they will come up with all manner of reasons why it works. But they are guessing.

      The reason it works is because the small tincture you present to the body is “seen” and is communicating to what is called the “innate intelligent body”. It is not the intellect, not your brain, and not what you think is your 3D body chemistry. The tincture is a signal to the body to heal itself. The tincture isn’t guided anywhere, but the body sees the intent of the Human Being and the chemical in the medicine, and the innate smart body immediately knows what to do. It starts to heal where it knows it should heal.

      Trillions, if not hundreds of trillions of DNA molecules are all identical in the Human body. Somehow they “talk to each other” instantly. If one DNA molecule senses something, they all do. Science doesn’t know that yet. They may have thought of it, but they don’t know it. There is a mystery here of how DNA does what it does. Somehow it must communicate, yet there is no process of communication known to your science that could explain it. But they all “see” the intent of your program together as one and implement it as one.

      The field around DNA is quantum and it responds in various ways to other quantumness given to it. The response is not linear, not chemistry and not through intellectual thought. This quantum world around you is a world that you’ve not measured yet and one you can’t see yet. There are no instruments to prove it yet, but there will be and when that time arrives, you will see it clearly. Then you’ll know I’m right.

      If DNA is surrounded by some kind of quantum state, it means that it has quantum attributes with other things in a quantum state. At a quantum level, this multidimensional field that connects all the DNA has one intelligence, and it is connected to the original template. That means that it “knows” like homeopathy “knows” exactly what you’re trying to do, and it is benevolent to the max!

      Your DNA chemistry may be working at 30 to 35 percent in 2014, but the master template is at 100 percent. [This template is there and always has been.] Therefore, the field around your DNA is always there working at 100 percent. You, as a Human Being, make choices based in duality and create the decisions of life. But at the DNA quantum level, the “smart body” level, there’s a cheering section that is connected to the template and it’s always ready to go – benevolent and ready to cooperate with anything you give it. This is the homeopathy effect.”

      So perhaps what this supernova is doing, is to deliver a “silicon tincture” to our bodies by sending out charged particles that interacts with our DNA in the way that Kryon is describing?
      Love and light from me, Aisha

      1. If I were to be the experiment on the use of Homeopathic remedies, I would be a great success today ! and I am. It does not always work on the first dose. I had to take 4 today before there was a true noticeable change. My whole body calmed down – heart and all. This is my Similisan brand Anxiety Relief I talk about often here. I have tried the tension/stress relief one and did not get same results. sometimes I mix them and it works… but I always seem to need the anxiety one. Today I want to point out that it worked ‘better’ in a way I intuitively linked to the latest energy episode I went thru. This is great news as it is inexpensive to use as well as so safe and affective.
        And so the supernova sounds to be a particle accelerator!
        I know ET’s are supposed to be silicon based beings to exist where they do… i thought we were to change to crystalline. I like the sounds of that better. 🙂
        Also… the crop circle info i posted earlier shows DNA structure as well. XOA

        1. Hi Breeze – silica IS a crystalline structure, so it appears to be the direction in which we’re all heading. Also, I would recommend to you Hyland’s Bioplasma homeopathic combination of the 12 mineral cell salts vital to cellular health & function. Will help to keep you in balance during these trying times. Be well. Love & Light!

          1. thanks – writing it down! and yes… i see about the silicon-crystalline mentioned in a link above also… LOL.. I think Silicon makes me think of battlestar galactica Cylons or something. 🙂 Love, ~A~

    2. So thanking u for this Caroline!
      It offered much to me. The first gift was when i read ‘…de-ascension of your Higher Self into your physical body.’ > De-Ascension. So I see how the CC’s, ET’s and our HS’s and guides have been working to get us to ‘Ascend’ – move ourselves up so that our HS ‘can’ De-ascend. Building the rainbow bridge we are. Another gift: “The way into the future space that has been promised exists within your own heart. And it is your willingness to accept all those disparate parts of yourself home, to become fully integrated, dark and light, so that you might be whole, again, that will see you through the various stages of mastery. ” > This answers my question of does the ego go with. For we are leaving ‘duality’…so yes, of course, we are integrating – unifying.
      Another gift: a very personal one for me: “you are mastering the rays of God that enter into your body. The first three that must be mastered are the Blue Ray of the Will of God; the Pink Ray that is the Love of God; and the Golden Yellow Ray that is the Intelligence of God.” > I Love this because I instantly saw my wings as some of us did here a couple of months ago – the colors for mine are silvery grey with blue toward the edges and the very tips are shimmering gold. The wings themselves are heart shaped.
      There was so much here. I Loved it. I am so grateful that I came in with my consciousness and vowed so very young to keep it. All the times it almost got crushed under the density….nothing was ever going to stop it. XOA

  8. As I read this, I thought of the last Hopi prophecy which talks about the return of the Blue Kachina…….. which we can’t really interpret what they meant, but it seems to indicate a star or meteor or something that will make it’s appearance in our skies. The time is getting very close. Thank you, Aisha, for your insights. This week was very, very rough and I could not quite pinpoint exactly why or what was happening cosmically, even though I knew it was something very big. I could feel the energy running through my body in a way that was almost out of control in intensity. Thank you. Blessings and namaste.

  9. All day I get a ringing in the ear and so I’m sure that something big is happening and then I came here and know what it is. Thank you for this, Aisha 🙂

    Love & Light

  10. (automatic translator)
    Dear Aisha, what wonder are this information from C.C. …: -) …
    I have looked at the link with the news of the supernova you have inserted and at the end, there is a wonderful phogallery.
    Infinite thanks for all the help loving which you give us.
    A smiling embrace. …:-) …


  11. Reblogged this on unity2013 and commented:
    Yep, I am feeling the new energies. My crown, heart, root chakras are feeling connected, and I feel expanded, part of the whole of creation. Have not felt this before, nice to feel my Oneness in a deeper way.

      1. Dear Aisha – thank you for your messages. Your messages, and the messages from the Constant Companions, have helped me to understand better what we’re going through. and to find out how to be balanced, take responsibility for my emotions and experience (so hard to do!) and (I think) start to feel happy. I see glimpses of how this releasing of ALL and including of ALL leads to happiness.
        Thank you for this beautiful article about the artist.
        Thank you for bringing together all the lovely people at The Pond.
        Next Gathering Sunday, I hope to join in the meditation.
        I did the Glastonbury one with Méline Lafont today. Wow. It was a beautiful experience.
        Heaven is inside of us; inside of me, if I can learn to keep my inner radio station tuned to the heaven channel. lol But it’s true!

        much love, Sarah from the midwestern USA

        1. Dear Sarah, thank you for these beautiful words, they really make my heart sing 🙂 This is such an incredible process, and the very fact that we can connect like this literally from my side of the world to yours to give and find support here at the Pond is a true miracle. I am also looking forward to our next Gathering a week from now, it is such an incredible experience to be a part of this world-wide-web of light and love. I’ll see you there 🙂
          Much love from me, Aisha

  12. Thank You Aisha/CC’s. Before i got so sick I had found really interesting crop circles – some with reference to water – on youtube. My boyfriend asked me to check and see if any new ones….a timely request on his part. I wrote them down and will post them for any interested – many here may have seen the one that shows Extraterrestrial ‘answer’ to Carl Sagan’s space msg sent in 1974. Very cool indeed. The second is very long…at 26:50 it gets real interesting. worth the time.

  13. Thank you Aisha! For me it’s been exhausting to live in the old energies. Only lately have I noticed that was what was keeping me so tired. Every time my mind starts to wander into old stories I quickly come back to how freaking happy I am right now. How easy everything is flowing. That old pattern of thinking is on its way out! Of course, I’ve been doing this forever, but now it seems as if I truly believe I AM happy and it’s easier to stay in the higher dimensions! Bye Bye old thoughts. Hello everything new and abundant!

    1. Dear Donna, thank you for this important reminder! It is a bit like the way Kryptonite affects Superman, only for us, it is easy to forget why we are feeling so “low” and what we can do to step away from it.
      Much love from me, Aisha

  14. Hi Aisha, that u for your writings!! I do resonate with what is said in your postings and I am new to your channelings, may I ask whom are the energies that your bring forth?

  15. Hi Aisha!! I am new to your readings and I just want to ask whom is the energies that your are bringing forth to the many??? I do resonate with all that you write, but I was just curious..thank you !

    1. Dear posithot, welcome to this Pond and thank you for bringing yor light here! I recieve these messages from a group or “collective” that call themselves The constant companions, youo can read more about them here.
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  16. Thank you dear Aisha, lovely message. There’s certainly been wave after wave recently that I’ve felt… takes a bit of assimilating but worth it I am sure!

    I definitely feel like more and more things are starting to unfold and I am taking time to just be with all this to see what unfolds so not commenting that much. I am here with you all and send out a Spheres Of Light intention for to those who wish to receive… much love Philip 🙂

    1. Thank you Philip – with all my heart I am in gratitude for your constant help.
      My focus this week is to keep close with source in sweet, simple, nourishing ways. Much Love, Areeza

      1. Glad you’re feeling better today. Just love and pamper yourself today. Love to you………

        1. Dear C, heart still seems unsettled, whenever I rise or try and do anything much at all. Trying to get more into calm/trust/Love and release fear about my work week ahead.
          ~I Live in the Heart of God and God is in My Heart~
          good mantra for me – XOA

          1. That’s a good plan – try to do some gentle tai chi moves. You don’t want any excess energy to get balled up and stuck in your heart. Avoid any more strenuous physical exercise until it’s settled.

  17. To me it feels like, besides the exhaustion, deep inside me a balloon of which the outlines are already there much bigger than ‘me’ like a glove. Its wrinkled but gets filled with air and as its gets filled I feel Im expanding feeling free, liberation and literally like I can breathe again. Growing bigger and bigger not knowing yet when Ive reached full size. But I am streching and the wrinkles disappear more and more… that already feels wonderful!
    Besides this image… cant hide from anything in myself anymore. The child inside me cried and showed its full fear, hurt, shame and how much it wants to be loved. The only way seems, appears to be the new. Nothing old can survive. Felt like suffocation, stuck in a corner like I could never move on BIG TIME. At the most hard times I saw sparkles and the same day I read somewhere that is the way your guardian angels can show themselves.
    Today Im stuck home without electricity. Need a whole new electricity system. It cant wait they say, so it will be renewed on this sunday… so how many signals can a person have! 🙂 However I know this is a signal not only for me so thats why Im sharing. Dear ones hello, thank you all (Aisha, CCs and everyone of the Pond and reading this) for connecting. Love ❤ Esther

    1. thank you for this Esther. I grabbed hold of my own inner child last night and just kept repeating, lift, lift, lift. I also feel the expansion. And remember: We Are The Particle Accelerators! Love, Areeza

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