The manuscript of survival – part 355

As many of you have been made aware of already, the immensity of the incoming waves are certainly not diminishing. Rather, they are growing by the hour, and as such, many of you will find it hard to keep your focus in the days ahead. We say this in order to prepare you for a huge influx of light coming your way, coinciding with that time of the year when your planet is perched seemingly in balance in the heavens.

As you all know well by now, this time of the year is marked by a congruence of the light, whereas all parts of your little blue globe seem to be receiving the equal amount of light and dark at the same time. This happens twice a year, and this time, it will indeed be a time that will be remarked upon by many of your fellow men. Not only all those already focusing their vision on the light, but also by all those still seemingly uninfluenced by the effects these heavenly missives have on you all.

For now, it is as if all the floodgates will open at the same time, and as such, the blast of light that accompanies this auspicious time will make its mark on you all. So fret not, even if you might feel ready to implode or fall to pieces in the time ahead, for it is only a signal that heaven has heard your cry for freedom, and it will give all that it have in order to speed up this process as much as possible. For now, there will be no holds barred, and we hope you will all find solace in the fact that although your physical body may be crying out in anguish because of this, your spirit will be soaring higher than ever.

So keep breathing, and know that this will not harm you in any way, it will simply transform you into that brilliant diamond you have already started to see the contours of. And now, the final polishing is about to begin. So batten down the hatches and lay low as it were, the better to be able to receive these heavenly gifts without too much strain on yourself.

261 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 355


    My jaw dropped when I read the words about things shattering in this report. OMG. Just this morning I went to the barn next door to feed cats that I feed, and the ceramic water bowl that is mine, that I had put over there to be used for their drinking bowl, as I went to dump the old water out, the dish went flying out of my hands, and SHATTERED.

    In that moment, I felt so much sadness and wanting to just kick myself. That dish meant something to me, and in that breaking, I wanted to cry. Now, all this over just a ceramic bowl? I usually don’t react like this. But then when I read the Oracle Repot today, even though I still don’t understand the full picture, I realized what happened was just a representation of the energy that is unfolding this day.

    How awesome!

  2. I had ascension dreams all night. I woke up a couple of times, went back to sleep and the dream went on. Over at Stankov’s, they’re also very frantic about a possible ‘lift off’ around the equinox. They also report uncomfortable surge of energy over the last few days. Should we dare hope for the best?

    1. Nayon, I too have been REMEMBERING my dreams, which is unusual for me. Last night I dreamed that water came and washed away all the structures on the earth. People were in a panic and I myself was very anxious for the waters destroying the very structures we were living in, brought “fears” to the surface. Water just seemed to pour “from the earth” pushing UP, filling UP, and then with the pressure, the buildings collapsed. Yet the waters did not touch the people. Just buildings.

      These energies are rapid, yet at the same time, outdoors especially, I feel a deep quiet, a hush, an emptiness. There seems to be an “echo”.

      Nayon, to get my “hopes” up again will be too much for me to bear. Whatever happens, happens. When one “expects” one tends to set oneself for disappointment. I was just made aware of the date yesterday, and I really had to stop, for it seemed to me I just turned the calendar to September yesterday. I also saw the mountain of laundry on my basement floor and again feeling amazement, for I swear I just did all the laundry. Time is doing very funny things these days……

      1. I hear you Amy, deception can be a bitch, and we’ve all been there too many times already. I am on edge since september 1977 so you can imagine I’ve been there a few times. I think this time is particular though. We’ve never been so close to an apocalypse before, and the speed at which the events evolve seems exponential. We can read between the lines, and you among many, also dream about floods. I had one not too long ago, floating in a small boat over a mixture of water and oil. Lots are having similar ‘rapture dreams’.

        People should read between the lines when Putin is calling for a world coalition to end ‘international terrorism’ when the world is waking up to who the real terrorists are. It is made obvious that the only legal war would be one of defending one self in a position of imminant threats, and it is obvious who’s threatning who. I’m with you that ‘channeling messages’ only are not enough to build our hopes, as they haven’t always been worthy of credibility, but adding world events to it make it a compelling case hard to dismiss. There is a convergence of elements never seen before. But yeah yeah you’re right, we are hopeless optimists.

        1. (((HUGS))), Nayon. The other dream, the night before last, was I dreamed I was traveling, in a car, a new one of a kind, that no one had ever seen before. On my journey, I stopped at a party. When I went to get my car, which I had parked in a simple parking garage, I found a very complex huge garage and could not find my car. I asked for help. When I found my car, it was in the spot with the numbers 55-56. Out of nowhere, men were all over my car, because they couldn’t get over at its beauty and because it was something they never saw before. They were making sure for me that my car was in top running condition. One I remember was tightening the lugbolts on the wheels. There was this beautiful design all over my car which took my breath away.

          When I got back on the road, I began traveling at such a great speed. Oh, before that. I hade to adjust the seat for it felt uncomfortable. While I was at this “party” my car somehow changed into this new one of a kind car. Anyways,

          As I was driving, the speed at which I was going was so fast I could not see the street signs. That and the fact so many roads were before me, I could not find the one I was looking for. I felt no fear. Rather I was amazed and very overwhelmed. Between the rapid speed and the streets that seemed to multiply before me, it was almost too much to take in.

          So, that is my other dream. And usually I do not remember dreams. This was two nights in a row I remembered. Hmmmm…….

  3. I have a question for the Christians amongst you….

    Last night on t.v., there was a clip on the news about the large influx of tourism this week. In Israel, we are in the midst of the fall holiday season which includes Rosh Hashanah (the New Year,) Yom Kippur (a day of forgiveness) and Sukkot. The last one is from the Bible and celebrates the last harvest of the wheat and the “sukkot” – temporary huts made of palms – that housed the Israelite people while wandering in the desert after the exodus from Egypt.

    There are lots of Christian groups who come this time of the year. They hold a gigantic festival at the convention center in Jerusalem. I believe they call it the “Feast of Tabernacles?” One pastor said something about it being predicted that during this festival, Jesus would “return” to Jerusalem and it would begin the awakening of mankind.

    Anyone know about this? Just curious….


    1. Hey susan, I was raised catholic and I have not a clue as to what you are talking about the feast of tabernacles so i do not think it is a catholic festival, but again there are many christian sects…we were never told in church that there was a specific event that would trigger the second coming of Jesus-just to always be on your guard, like being good for santa clause! LOL…I guess any positive energy collective is going to help and so I bless them all…HUGS!!!

  4. Alex, you are absolutely correct about the body and homeostasis. I had this explained to me last year by a friend who is a behavioral psychologist. It is as if we are so used to living in the dark, that the body is rebelling when it is flooded with Light. I am so used to looking over my shoulder – the fight or flight response – that it is difficult for me to learn how to relax – knowing that the negatives are finally on the way out…. In addition, our junk DNA is being reconnected and there are changes and upgrades to our cells. Last night I felt every one of them vibrating. It is not true that we are going to turn crystalline, float or become invisible. Just changes to our systems. This should all settle down. Alex, once again – thank you SO much for your support, input and love.

    The reason why some people feel the symptoms more than others is mostly due to your DNA. My guides told me that the stronger your home planet DNA is, the more you feel it. If a human’s soul is not from a planet of the Light, it does not necessarily mean that the person is unfeeling but doesn’t have the same neurological wiring. The guides also explained that there are humans – even from planets of the Light – who have been reincarnated many times on earth and their DNA is more “diluted.” There are humans who have been here only this time to volunteer (basically ETs in a human body) or maybe one or two lives – tops. They are getting the brunt of it. One other thing – the stronger and healthier your aura is, the more the negative energies will bounce off. Like Teflon. There are a few Light workers who have such high frequencies, they are able to block it out. The majority of us feel our protective layers have been eroded due to months and months of over-use. This is why it is so important to receive any kind of energetic treatment – acupuncture, Reiki, bathing in water, massage…. It is kind of like a Band-aid right now but I have been told, we will be taken care of.

    There is so much going on up there that it literally feels like I am in a bee hive. The team that is currently taking care of me (not my usual ones) has been popping in for a minute or two before I go to sleep at night. Basically to reassure that everything is fine. The energy feels different this week.
    Stronger in certain ways but not as threatening or nasty. I don’t feel the toxins like I did two weeks ago. None of us here feel nauseated. The opposite – we are very hungry. I see this as a positive sign. One thing is for sure – this frenzy means that something is going to move soon.

    Love, Susan

    1. Susan!

      Thank you so very much for your explanation about why we react so different in this process.

      Though I am not quite sure why I don´t react in the same way as most of my friends here around the Pond, I know that my brain has become a “teflon brain” even in the beginning about 10 years ago. I had an idea that most of my process in depth was at that time, so now I have a “lighter version” of it. Lots of things I don´t understand – therefore I really appreciate your brightness in these matters.

      Much love and respect,


    2. Susan, Alex – thank you so much for your excellent and helpful input! Karen Bishop has also posted a new update that gives some additional information and “tools for comfort” as she calls it:

      Susan, what you say about the current energies resonates very much with what I am experiencing. They are extremely intense, but they are also extremely positive. I am sensing “something” coming closer and closer, and this “something” feels so overhwelmingly new and different from anything I have ever encountered before. All the activity in my body – even if it is extremely uncomfortable at times – also gives me a feeling of progress and power, and to me, it is a sure sign of a massive transformation going on.
      Much love from me, Aisha

  5. Sun!

    II don´t understand why you say either/or setting ourselves first. Isn´t this jjourney a way of coming together, doing things together, share everything together, loving each other? Some day…soon…;) And you know – I have enough to keep my eyes on what´s happening around me and I dont spend energy on what I cannot influence. The off world beings may do his, I’m sticking to my – although I occasionally ask for a little help and support;)

    Love you Sun!


    1. Dear sun_of_blue!

      I don´t know about any soul contracts signed before I came here. As a matter of fact I hadn´t the faintest idea about what happens “off-Earth” before Susan talked about things that was almost like science fiction at the movie for me. But it gives me some structure to the universe for me, and I really like it. As I can understand they are making pretty well out there to protect and support us;)

      How they organize things – I don´t know. I have only organization in the academic world to compare to, and I must say, is the sovereign in organization in comparison 😉

      When I started to work I signed an employment contract. If I signed a soul contract before I came to this world – I have no idea. But it facilitates and have lift off a heavy burden to think that it has been necessary for me to go through what I have done, to grind my crystal. Then I can understand and forgive myself too for making the choices I did. I think our choices are free only to a certain extent.

      Selflessness. A couple of hours ago I talked to a man, 38, who crashed the other day and who feel sorry for both the physician and the psychologist who must “sacrifice” their time to listen to him. I don´t call this selflessness but self-destruction.

      I have been a selfless person most of my life. I “sacrificed” myself for my brother that I thought I could help. My heart bled for him, and I thought I will never be happy until he’s healthy again. I had small children and work and it stopped after a few years of that I fell and my brother got up and went. In parallel, I was in a marriage that only drained me.

      I know in my heart that I shall honour my creation, my body and soul, and never ever deny myself anymore.

      You know the first part of ten prayer often used in twelve step movement:

      “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change;
      courage to change the things I can;
      and wisdom to know the difference”

      Love and respect Sun!


      1. (((HUGS))), Birgitta. Sun has given you a “Gift” in disguise.

        Things have “bubbled” up to the surface.

        Now with Great JOY let them go!

        And know you are FREE!

        I LOVE you!

        With all my Love, Amy

        1. Amy – this isn´t the first time I tell about my life. I have talked about it many times, but not in this forum, but I haven´t told the whole world until now and it actually have no qualms about that.

          I also read the oracle report today and realize that this is one of the days when lots of hiddings are going to be “crashed”. I had a talk with my neighbours who just solidified when I suddenly revealed their secrets off unexpectedly 🙂

          Exciting times now 😉



          1. I too read the Oracle this morning. Don’t know if you saw my posting how a ceramic dish actually went flying out of my hands and “shattered”. Hmmmm………

            Exciting times for sure! As this day unfolds let’s see what else “hidden” is revealed. Hmmmmm…….

            I just told HS I am truly finished with this relationship I am in. I still do not see any door to leave though. I laid my weary head on a cupboard, closed my eyes, and just breathed.

            I take all that is heavy within my Heart to the Sun, and in my dance, I release it to be reborn in Love.

            Blessings! A new DAY has been given unto us!

            Love, Amy

            1. Yes Amy – I am so very greatful for every single new day and during last days when the clouds were grey the Sun came shining through a little while just to allow me to stretch my arms to it and sing an anthem 😉

              Love Amy,


              1. Luv, this journey has been so long for me, IF these changes truly do not happen, I really don’t know if I can handle it. I am doing my best NOT to “get excited” about the 22nd, but darn it, that is easier said then done. I’ve done so much to improve my life, yet it seems in one area, things refuse to change, and it is not of my doing. I’ve come to know, when doors do not open, and something seems stuck, ya suck it up and do your best. I usually go around this stuck pattern, but again, some days are more challenging then others.

                Wishing I was a good 30 years younger and without the “responsibilities” I do have. Wishing for a different life………Looks like I will have to wait until next life so I begin now by envisioning what I desire for that life to BE. If it’s not happening now, I can create it for the future. That is, IF I decide to come back to this insane world.

                Love, Amy

      2. Sun!

        I think it’s an important part of this process to release the past by giving words to it. I think others can benefit from it too.

        It is so important now to light up all the nooks and blow out the dust. I have nothing to be ashamed of, I’m free from guilt and shame and I wish everyone could feel the same liberating feeling as I do.

        Thanks Sun for giving me the opportunity to tell 🙂


        P.S. I had a free will to tell 😉 D.S.

  6. stop it
    this song is 44 years old
    you are not first in line
    how dare you magnificent beings droop and lament


      1. AMEN, Sister! You rock!!!! I am again getting a taste of this freedom and the miracles that are unfolding. Wow! Intense. And Wow!

    1. Dominique, this is SO good. I have witnessed so many people making money at a job they hate and over time, they become morose, ugly tempered, depressed, and their personal life becomes mud.

      All my life, I have not been drawn to money. Yes, I like to have money to have nice things, and I do have nice things. But to obsess over money, no.

      I have been perfecting technique on knitting and crocheting all my life, a span over 50 years. I started as a child, my Grandmother and Mother teaching me. Over the years I loved making baby afghans and then I began making cat afghans (mini afghans). Lately I love making round crochet baby afghans, and doilies. I also make crochet shawls, but those are a lot of work, very time consuming.

      And on top of this, I have “seen” the hundreds of gifts I have given, and now I really desire to make these things to sell. I have actually begun by making a cat afghan (knitted) which I am almost finished with and I have already started a baby round crochet baby afghan. I have started my inventory!

      I also do artwork and make my own soaps and body butters as well. I have never felt like this, never! And it feels SO good, because I LOVE creating the things I do. When I get my inventory to a certain point, I think I will start selling at our local farmer’s market next spring and summer.

      I know this is not about to make me “rich” monetarily, but it sure will make my Heart a whole lot richer knowing the pleasure I am giving a baby or a cat with my afghans. GRIN

      AND that is what it is truly all about. Cool beans!

      Now IF I could start my whole Life all over again, I would definitely focus on the art aspect of me. Most definitely. Interior Design. Architecture. Designing and making gardens. Wow. The ideas are endless.

      And here I am, yakking your ear off. LOL

      1. Creativity is endless. The soul’s purpose is a passion which comes back regularly even when we try to forget about it. It’s been there since childhood. When people don’t follow their passion and make money with a job they don’t like, they become depressed, because they don’t follow their soulplan. And their soul will remind them of the plan, one way or another.

  7. Thank you so much, Crazy Wolf, Lin, Amy, Alex, Aisha, Jean and Susan for sharing what you all have been going through. It helps me so much to know that I’m not alone. It makes sense, Alex, that the body is reacting to the light and dark clashing and upsetting the homeostasis. I’m going to listen to the video now by Matt Kahn. Susan, thank you for your explanation. I have read your other posts about these dark entities being booted out. I had hoped all the reptilians had actually been rounded up and escorted into the light as Dr. Kathryn May said happened a few weeks ago, but you said no. But we know at some point it will happen. It’s good to know the Galactics want to speed this up and bring it to completion. In the meantime I will stay in joy and do fun things like Alex said, laugh at cartoons and hug my cats.

  8. Yes, the Fed knows how to get a party started. But I must say I had worse times in my life here on spaceship earth. Nowadays there are people who seem to understand or even listen to what I am going through. By the way, sorry girls the I am not the human god. It is a friend of mine from lactsusa´s country. I am quite as sexy as he is, anyway.
    What was the point? Ah yeah going into seclusion with my submarina.
    It is so nice here in Pondistan that we can talk about all the losses, hurts, trauma, post trauma, shizophrenis depression and other dsm related worries. I lay low and let the wind of change howl over my precious body. I close the doors, like a flower is closing her pedals at night.

    cheer up friends let the light blast away the last remnants of the o.l.d.

    1. Oh, Michilyn, how you made me laugh! Heheehehehehehehe About the comment of the human god. Your sense of humor rocks! That means it is awesome! And again, your English amazes me is using the metaphor “like a flower is closing her pedals at night”. Now that is downright beautiful and VERY sexy for a man to say. NICE!

      I am blasting in my gardens wrestling with a king fern. Bringing in the new under a deep blue sky and a sun that is smiling like you are.

      Giggling again…… are too much!!! It is SO good to hear your high spirits. 🙂

      Hugs, Pinkie

    2. I just watched the Sheryl Crow video. BEautiful and the words I can so relate to.

      Now that King Fern is its new home, I lower my precious body on the couch and turn a good movie on. With hot wax on my hands, mitts on them as well, I lay with arms across my chest, guarding the Heart that has the names of many written on my Heart. Oh, yeah, Baby.

  9. Yes, to Susan’s and Alexes silloquills. A very heartfelt thank you to them, to Aisha, to all of you ponders including the CCs.

    It will not be long. There is still a little darkness in the collective consciousness to work through via our physical bodies and may be brutal as many feel it. However, there is now light beaming at the end of the tunnel and we are all feeling it and seeing it. About September 23 depending where you are soothing waves are slated to begin to wash over us and last for about 3 weeks.

    Ah, it will be wonderful! So take heart and know that relief is coming.

    Forest Joy

  10. Hey beautiful people…one thing I would say as a biologist that I know is going on that has to do with what Susan said but also simply with the light quotient coming in is that the body is losing density. The cells are dropping lower vibrational stuff, and it can be toxic stuff because we are being infused with a load of positive energy.

    the body it self the body vehicle is a very finely balanced biological machine, kind of like an avatar (from the movie) that houses a small portion of the soul so we can incarnate and experience life. The body must maintain a certain small window of requirements to exist biologically and so it fights for homeostasis–it wants to stay in that small window.

    With the raising of the frequencies–partly from the removal of negatives as Susan so eloquently describes and partly by being bathed in additional solar and cosmic light and photons from the photon belt the whole solar system is going through, the body is stressed. it cannot stay in homeostasis because it is being activated via our DNA to find a new balance at a higher frequency with all the lower density energies released.

    I agree that there are many sources speaking about “releasing things” and many feel guilty about the things they think they are releasing-but truth is, you never owned it to begin with and everyone has crap to release–but I think the point right now is simply we are shifting a biological system and that is going to be a wild ride.

    Something came through very strongly for me the other day, I giant iceberg floating in the middle of a calm sea and the temperature (energy/light) was rising and then the words phase change came into my mind–if you study science, you will know that term–it is the amount of energy and temperature where a substance will spontaneously change phases–ice around the edge may melt a bit, but at a certain point–it all melts…we are also changing phase and we are approaching that point and doing so rapidly…

    so chill, love yourselves, do fun things if you can, even if its laughing at a cartoon or hugging your cat…you have nothing left to do–other than to BE and LOVE…much hugs! Alex

    1. What puzzles me greatly, and it has for a long time, is why do only some people seem to be affected by these changes? This is what does not add up to me. I understand biology as well. By what you are saying shouldn’t everyone feel these changes since our bodies are all made up of the same elements?

      I don’t think any of us has the full explanation. An educated guess would be our best shot. There are days that I can barely function yet others around me seem as if nothing extraordinary is going on.

      I had a dream last night that showed me how truly complex the journey we all are on, and that no matter the direction we steer in, we really don’t know much of anything.

      I do know that those of us who have these symptoms are not doing so because of personal transmuting. No. Rather we have elected to do so for All That Is. And that is why I put my foot down last evening and said I have had enough! As of last night, the energies have eased up and what I am seeing, we do have a say in what happens to us. When we have had enough, say so! Be firm! You are Divine and have every right to say NO! Enough! I really require a break from all this heavy cleaning.

      Even if we are here by contract, there is free will policy here, and darn it, I am using that policy.

      Hugs to all! Amy

      1. Yes Amy I have noticed the same thing – that some lightworkers are not feeling any of this. They seem un-phased by it and are able to go to work at jobs and seem in the flow. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong to not be able to remain in the flow when these rough patches hit. Maybe their contracts are different – maybe they contract to hold the light in the work place and deal with the stress resulting from that. I guess we can’t figure it out. And probably shouldn’t try. But accept and surrender, yet tell the guides, as you have, when we need the break from doing energy work for the planet. I do a lot of energy work also, but have to stop the programs when I feel they are draining me. It’s a balance. Most of my transmuting is personal due to a three year separation and subsequent divorce, and all of the issues resulting from it that I’m working on to achieve peace over. We all know our individual contracts and what we took on to contribute to the ascension. But we do have a say in that we can modify the contract when it becomes too demanding. It’s a balance between giving and receiving. Time for you to receive now, and let the Ets or White Brotherhood or whoever, take over for a while for you, so you can be in receiving mode.

        1. BIG (((HUGS))), Sunny! All is WELL! So glad you understand that we really do have a say in what effects us. Those off planet really don’t understand how stressful it can get, and a “firm” reminder once in while, really does the trick!

          I am not one just to lay back and allow anyone to say “you must do this or that”, not when I am the one walking in this body, and when I really need a break from the “work” yes I did sign up for, “they” on the other side of the veil are very respectful of my requirements. Even though they get an “earful” from me (LOL) I know I am still loved, for again, right back at the core truth which I know……I AM LOVE.


          Love and smooches, Amy

        1. Perhaps one reason we are from different star systems…….


          And some of us are not even of human origin….


          And some of us hehehehehehehehe…….




          Faeries. Could be you know.

          Among others………

      2. Amy, I wanted to directly answer your question because seriously it is important and it is ALL about perception. You can take a group of people, normal regular joes as they say and you can hold their finger over a flame and some will immediately jerk their finger away, others can keep it there for much longer and still others will leave it there because they have limited peripheral nerve endings…

        EACH body just like each soul is made differently and each body is capable of being developed in ways that accentuate something about the body- A pearl diver can hold his breath for 7 minutes where I would be dead in 2 at the least. A deep water free diver can go down to depths that would need decompression for a certified scuba diver…

        Some beings are telepathic, others are clairaudient, some channel, some read energy, some sense animals–they are all human, and all different–and so, some beings are feeling or sensing or reacting to the changes and others are not because they simply have not yet developed the ability to feel in the same way and perceive in the same way.

        My mother will say, I am tired because I did yard work and the same yard work, because I have my bare feet on the ground will exhilarate me….

        Also, we are each where we were meant to be along our divine path. i watched a video by Sandra Walter yesterday where she speaks of equinox energies coming in for her and being overwhelmed by the level–she is living on mount shasta, has daily invited IN this experience and she is literally living for the shift…I honor her–I look at her experience with great interest and joy–but I certainly know she is in a different space than me and will be leading the charge for her own soul tribe…

        Comparison is judgement–there is no way around it–we are all unique and different–I know its interesting to see where others are–but seriously, they are where they are, and we are where we are and both points are blessed…release the comparision–release the judgement and just BE…And I say this to everyone, including myself…dropping this part of life will lighten our loads tremendously!
        Hugs! Alex

    1. Magda (?)! Glad to see you here 🙂

      I have asked myself the same questions – with the additions “am I wrong, do I not belong here”? But I know I do, anyhow, and If you read Susans message that came so appropriate to your question today, you will understand a little bit more.

      Much love to you,


  11. Dear Sunny,

    If you have been following my postings (you can get into them in Aisha’s archives,) you will understand that what is going on has nothing to do with anything internal. It is your neurological system being overloaded by waves of cleaning. “Waves” is to be taken literally as the teams come and go. There may be a few hours when they work intensively and then leave for a day. Some days, Europeans will feel the brunt and other days, the energies are felt more strongly in North America. Sometimes it is worldwide. We felt it most intensively in Israel around the Syrian crisis a few weeks ago.

    The Federation is like a giant U.N. and has different divisions. There are over 54 planets of the Light. Each has responsibilities and include security, communications, medical, logistics etc. In addition, the ascended masters – both formerly human and non – are a big part of this acting as advisors and guides. It is all part of a BIG universal plan to get the earth back on track.

    The operation started 2 1/2 years ago and is pretty much finished. There are still a few remaining pockets of negative energies (both human and non-human entities) that need to be either neutralized or deported. The overwhelming majority were booted out. The frenzy which you feel now is last minute housekeeping before we enter the new era. Although galactic time is not linear and they don’t use Gregorian dates, they still have certain “deadlines” to meet and are in a hurry to speed it up. I do not know if something big will shift on the 21st or 22nd but do feel it is coming up very soon. My guides told me last spring that they have to finish up by “the end of the summer.”

    The massive amounts of + energies clash with the outgoing – energies and this causes something like airplane turbulence. Dizziness, nausea and anxiety are the main symptoms. The negatives also used what we refer to as “psychic attacks” when they sent negative “vibes.” A lot of people were agitated and depressed this summer. I understand that this was pretty much neutralized 2 weeks ago. When you have muscle pain or headaches, that is usually a sign that the Federation is destroying something. It may be man-made weapons of destruction or negative ET equipment. Other things you may feel are quivering in your eyelids, insomnia, food cravings or total lack of hunger. It pains me when I hear people think this has something to do with their spirituality. It does not. Please do not listen to most of the stuff on the internet as it is hacked. It also does not mean you are going crazy or are suffering from a disease. No more than you would being in a busy airport and hearing and feeling 747’s going back and forth all day and night along with the chatter from the air control tower, the fatigue of jet lag and the confusion of being in a foreign city. My guides have been reassuring me that this is indeed the end of this long, taxing process.

    I would suggest magnesium supplements which will calm the neurological symptoms. Also a whirlpool bath, hot springs or Jaccuzi. Any energetic treatment such as acupuncture, massage or Shiatsu is recommended.

    This stuff is fairly new for many people who are starting to awaken (as their chakras are opening) but I have been experiencing it my whole life and extreme waves for a couple of years. This is the reason why I joined this forum. I didn’t want people to suffer like I did. I literally thought I was going insane 10 years ago. It was a long and painful process to learn the ropes. I had to go back to “school” for a few years with my guides to understand what is happening. The Federation is very well aware of our distress. In order to build the new, the old rotten foundation had to be destroyed. The earth was literally infested for centuries with energies that influenced mankind and they HAD to be evicted. This was no easy task. For our safety and the Federation teams, nuclear weaponry had to go. When the galactic garbage was taken apart and removed, we (the ones with extra sensitive wiring in our bodies due to our home planet DNA) felt the brunt of it.

    This should all end shortly.

    With love and service,


    1. Dear Susan… Thank you! for your comments… esp paragraph 4. Thought I was regressing, couldn’t get a handle. The anxiety was the worst; hadn’t had that huge impact in years. The restless energy now in my body is crazy. I normally try hard not to be so self-absorbed, but very difficult at present. Have always been super sensitive. Again, sooo appreciate your input/your service. God Bless. Many Thanx also to Aisha, CCs and all here. Lin

      1. I am listening right now to “Trance” by Gabrielle Roth. And yes, I have “Waves” as well. I believe I have all her music. 🙂 Out I am in my gardens. My Intention today is moving a King Fern to another location. Its present location is not large enough. Ahhhhh…..Ohhhhhh…….AhOh……….oooooooOOOOOOO………..AhOhAAOOHAOOoooooooEeeeeooooooooHA!

        1. Well Amy, You dance now my friend, I am going to put a movie on, this boxing-training got my entire body feeling beat in good way, dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee 😉 and all that jazz, see Ya

          1. Joining you on the couch, Stephan. Hehehehehehe The transplanting I did today has me aching. Oh yeah, Baby! But I did it! Now for a movie………..and I am about to dip my hands in wax to help with the deep pains in my hands…….ahhhhhhhhh…….

    1. Birgitta thank you for posting that. I had a chance to go to a weekend dance birthed from the 5 rhythms and one os Gabrielle Roth’s students. It was so liberating. The couple I will be living with in Costa Rica… well he used to go to that sort of dance release every 2nd Friday in Vancouver. I dream of starting something like that some day where I live. I don’t know the actual 5 rhythms but to release how you feel to music freely and eventually joyfully is a passion burning in my soul. To combine it with breath will be a good thing for me to work with too!!

      1. It is a very nice way to liberate your feelings and your body. I tried on this dancing during the most challenging years and it was a very wonderful experience. The leader had danced herself free from a lot of problems, drugs, anorexia and so on during lots of years and is now a leader for others 🙂



  12. That is strange. I thought I had escaped the ascension symptoms all together, I usually was not very sensitive to them. But yesterday I had to use some painkillers I had left from a visit to the dentist last year. It should have knocked me down, but I was awake most of the night. I had a sharp pain behind my right eye affecting this whole side of the head. This morning I woke up fine around 7, had breakfast and watched a few videos, then I dozed off to wake up 4 hours later with dizziness and a headheake. It feels like a flu but with only half of the symptoms, and I was quite fine all weekend. Once again the CCs nailed it.

  13. Reblogged this on At the Table, On my Plate and commented:
    this is why we here At the Table, say breath, and allow this energy to flow and release what no longer supports you. The flood gates are open, but you do not have to be swept away! Thank you Aisha for posting this wonderful article! ♥

  14. Yes, Sunny, I know exactly what you mean. You are certainly not alone with what you are feeling. I am so thankful for your sharing.
    Love to you Sunny and to us all, Jean

  15. Today I took the day off. is good to be your own boss (je, je) just got to crawl out of bed to the couch and then to a chair in the garden
    although it shows the fall, today’s sunny and 23 degrees in the north of Spain
    I’m half zombie, but in the nature around me noticed a strange stillness. my cats are sleeping among the flowers, my little dog ​​sleeping next to me, which is very rare because it has a boundless energy in the mornings not hear a bird sing or only a hawk flies in circles we

    I have not hungry, just intense thirst and insatiable craving for watermelon eating, strange because it is a fruit that normally detest
    is clear that something is happening, something is coming, my body suffers, but my spirit is exulting spirit companions, I think this time we’re really on the verge of the promised land
    Light a big hug to all

  16. I wonder if this next little bit before the road to our freedom arrives – if this last stretch is going to bring up the last layer of the old energies for us to clear. Yesterday, Monday the 16th, was so brutal I didn’t think I would survive it. .All of the fear, anxiety, sadness, trauma, losses, struggle, and hopeless feelings I had transmuted through Amy’s trees a few weeks ago, all came back and were more intense than ever. I could hardly do anything the entire day, and felt so weighed down I could hardly move. No amount of positive thinking or trying to stay in joy or light worked. There just was no joy or peace to be found. I worked on meditating to clear and transmute all these despondent energies. Finally they subsided a wee bit. I thought maybe when these hits come, we just have to surrender and accept they came back to show us something and just go with them until they pass. I’m not sure. We have been told to stay positive and in the present, but denying all the dark energy and trying to push it away when it hits us will just prolong it. So I worked with my guides and higher self to try to understand and make sense of it. Sometimes that worked and sometimes it just brought more confusion. Maybe we have to recycle all the old parts of ourselves one last time for the final layer to transmute and set us free. It is just such a very brutal process. Is anyone else going through this?

      1. Yes! me, too! Haven’t had this large influx in long time. VERY disconcerting. Doing my best to hold on to Spirit Guides, Light and Love. Been doing Ho’opono (spelling) and just focusing, “I Am willing to release all and Ascend.” Meditation has been difficult, too.

        1. BIG (((HUGS))), Lin. Do the best you can, and do I as have found out you can do…….speak to the Energies and tell them ENOUGH! and that you require a rest. All this day, I have been flowing again. Ah, does it ever feel good. Now to my couch to rest after a very physical day……..

          Love, Amy

    1. Sunny, and Crazywolf, brutal here as well. Some days I don’t think I am going to make it. I have stopped trying to figure out anything and I no longer take what I am experiencing as personal. I have cleared out all I am to clear out, right to the very bottom of the barrel.

      I was so vexed yesterday, that I yelled at my Team. Enough! I declared! I will not tolerate this anymore! I will not transmute anymore! I have done more then my share!

      Since I said this (again), the energies have quietened. As per usual, when I awoke, I had a massive headache around my crown chakra, so I laid there directing the energy to flow through me. And it did. Headache is gone. But this massive hunger is still here. Man, this hunger! I just cannot get satisfied!

      Just hang on! And speak firmly to the Energy, telling IT you just are not able to handle anymore. I really feel at ease at this moment. Now, I do not know for how long, I never do, but I sense a backing off. I didn’t mince words. In my opinion, it is TIME for those who are lazy, to get involved in this transmuting process.

      And speaking of Time. It is flying today. Darn, I have to get off of here to do what I normally do.


    2. Sunny, Crazywolf, Lin and Amy – big hugs and much love coming your way! I had brief reprive earlier today, but now my body is starting to ache all over again. Hoping for another one of those “bliss bubbles” to appear again.
      Love and ligth from me, Aisha

    3. Wanted to share with you sunny a short video by one of my favorite empaths and intuitives Matt Kahn. If you have not checked out his stuff I urge you to, his vibration is simply amazing and he resonates so strongly with positive energy and information. This video speaks all about the difference between transmuting (which is a cycle we can get stuck in) and transforming–it really hits the nail on the head. HUGE hugs! alex

  17. Hi Everyone !

    yesterday, I see the most marvellous and colorful rainbow I ever saw. And it spread over my house. Even if I live in a city, I feel that I am alone to witness it… nobody around seem to care about it ! strange feeling… but very good sign things are going on !

    Have a good day !

      1. Perhaps, Kade… The best hidden things are usually those which are in front of us, in plain view… Perhaps this time I really looked at…

    1. Pierre, exactly the same thing happened to me on friday! I was going to a meeting at our cinema where i work and I saw the rainbow as I drove up. I got out of the car and stared at it and took a picture and then went into the building and dragged my manager out to see it–we smiled at it with great joy but NO one in the parking lot saw it! then my oldest daughter drove into the parking lot–opened the car door with a huge smile on her face and said, look a rainbow! and began to take pictures–because she said it out loud, others turned to look and so the veil between worlds was broken and they could then share it–but my heart was big when I saw that my beloved daughter could see the rainbow too without being told to look up into the sky! 🙂 Welcome! alex

    1. While everyone was leaving the concert hall, they were playing this song!! ( I went to a concert from Ed kowalczyk last night)

      1. Flow flow flow merrily we flow along….don’t know if you could see the video from there, love, but this woman is roaring this song out wearing a Golden Angel/Goddess dress… 🙂

  18. Hello all,

    on a completely different matter: many of you have probably seen that Steve Beckow on his website (golden age of Gaia) advises us to buy Vietnamese Dong as a major currency revaluation is about to take place (soon 🙂 !…).

    This could help those in needs in the short term.

    have all a good day and take care – these energies are indeed difficult to manage!!!

    1. Thanks for this! Every day last week, I meant to run by the bank with 40 bucks and do just this (after one of Steve’s recent articles) . So much keeps happening, and I’ve felt so far beyond monetary concerns that I completely forgot!!!! If it’s in the flow for me, I’ll follow thru. Must be in the flow if you’re reminding me, huh? 🙂 Merci, mon frere.

      1. Birgitta, I couldn’t have said it better myself. If I went running after every “hint” I would be running in circles. I have no urge whatsoever to buy anything. I truly believe our “money system” is about to change. And it will just happen. Effortlessly. 🙂

      2. I don’t agree money is really important. Problem is sofar it has run in the wrong hand. When the right people get the money then the world can change in the good direction. It is a fabulous driver and a great tool that should not be neglected.

        1. Hi,

          For me Money is just energy, like oil or sunlight. Not a driver. We need to think of it and use it as an energy for the time we are still need to rely on. After that, it will be another world !

        2. Good for you, Guerric. I am one of those people who came in without any sense of money importance. Although, I must admit, that is changing. That is a first for me. I am not about to invest anything Vietnam for personal reasons.

          1. Misuse of money is how we got enslaved by illuminatis. Recovering the right usage of it will lead to our liberation.

            1. And I say, AMEN! Somehow I am thinking, and I don’t know why I am thinking this or where this thought came from, but the entire world’s money system will be changing. I don’t know how and I don’t know when. I also think that once the veil is lifted, we are going to be very shocked to know what the “truth” is.

              During my life span, I have made so many things, and I have gifted those items. Lately, I am making with the goal in mind of selling. This is a totally 180 degree turnaround for me and why it is happening, again, I don’t know. Who I was even 2 months ago is not who I am today. That is how fast things are changing. I saw this too in a dream. So fast, everything is a blur, and right now, at least for me, it is not the “time” to arrive at my destination. I have all the “new” in place, but now I just set back, yes in the driver’s seat, but I just allow to unfold before me without any specific goals in mind.

              Sort of like on a moving sidewalk one finds at the airports. Just stand and things move. 🙂

              (((HUGS))) Guerric. It’s really nice to see you again here.

              Love, Amy

        3. Dear Guerric!

          Money has undeniably a great impact and power over people today and I also depend on them to survive, but in the future I think that money will not be needed to the same extent and in the way they work today. At least I hope so :))

          Much love to you Guerric,


  19. Dear Aisha,

    How I would love to finally reach that point of freedom. My life is in turmoil right now and I do hope that the Equinox brings some relief with it. Puuuh, very hard to stand this moment.



    1. Dear Philipp, I am sending you a big hug and lots of love! Hope you will find some relief in these intense waves that are washing over us now. Remember, you are not standing alone in this, we are many around you, ready to reach out and give you a steadying hand!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  20. Dear friends! I can certainly testify that my body has already started to ”cry out in anguish”, but I can also say that what is coming in now, is of such a magnitude I have never experienced it before. Last night, I got a taste of these energies, and I felt like I was standing at the bottom of Grand Canyon looking up, for that is how huge these waves of energy appeared to me. My body was not too happy about it, but my spirit was shouting out in joy, and I can only say that this feels like such a major turning point for us all. So keep breathing my friends, and take good care of yourselves in the days ahead, and know that even if you feel like you are falling apart, you are only growing stronger. We may be battered and bruised, but we are already starting to taste the sweet taste of freedom :-).
    Much love from me, Aisha

      1. Dear Birgitta, my sealegs are not 100% there yet, but I am ready to give it all I have! We are the bravest of the brave, and yes, we are invincible!
        Love and light from me, Aisha

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