The manuscript of survival – part 281

For many of you, the upheavals you have been experiencing lately, indeed are maybe still in the midst of, will signal an important departure from much of what you have looked upon as an integral part of your life. For now, everything that does not serve you anymore will be slowly but surely extracted from your life, but as most of these things have very deep roots indeed, it will not be a very swift process. You see, much of this are issues that have been allowed to bury themselves deep, deep within your psyche in some way, and as such, this extraction process will not be without its challenges. For, as we have talked about so many times earlier, your whole human set up has been designed in such a way it craves stability more than anything, and now, that is the last thing you can expect. So these bouts of energetic cleanups coming in now will have you all tossing and turning from all of this intense removal, so the very ground beneath your feet will seem to be less than stable at times too.

Let us explain. As it always is with these energetic immersions you are once again in the middle of, they will seem to disturb so much, and your equilibrium will be almost guaranteed to be lost for longer or shorter periods during all of this. We speak both of the more emtional processes, but also of purely physical ones. So you will feel yourself stumbling more than once during the next few days, as everything you have on the inside, and indeed also on the outside, will seem to be endlessly shifting around, and in addition it will do so seemingly out of synch with everything else. So expect to lose your footing in more ways than one, but know also that if, or rather when, you find yourself falling to your knees in some ways, you will always be able to get back up on your feet.

We tell you this as a reminder that this is not about breaking you down, it is in fact all about rebuilding you, but this process can easily be misconstrued as the other way around. For you will all in some ways suffer the consequences from this, in many ways brutal, process. But again we say, this is not to make you suffer, this is only to ensure that you will emerge victorious at the other end of this journey. So try to stay calm, even if the storms you will face up ahead will have you seriously considering if you will be able to weather them at all. And please know that there is no shame in holding on to something in order to help you stay on your feet throughout all of this. And when we say something, we might as well rephrase that to someone. But please choose well in whom you turn to in all of this, for a wise soul will know to choose another wise soul for comfort, whether it be one of your fellow men, or one of us. For if you choose to cling onto someone that has already succumbed to their own fear, they will not help to keep you standing, they will only ensure that you will not be able to stand up ever again after immersing yourself in this sea of fear they are apt to create. So again we say be sure to connect with your true brothers and sisters in this, lest you should accidentally pick someone much less buoyant in order to help you to stay afloat in these days ahead. For you will all need support in some way through all of this, so it will do no good if you choose to latch onto someone already going under in their own sea of despair.

Again, we come to give you encouragement, not to take away any last vestiges of hope that you might have. For this is not an easy ride, not in any way, but never forget you are more than able to complete it. For that powerhouse you all harbour inside has only just started to come alive, but it will gain momentum for each day now. So do not think you have taken your last breath, even if you may at some point get the wind knocked out of you, for you have just begun to breathe freely, without the restrictions that have been holding you down for eons. So again we say, focus on that breath, for it is indeed more important than you can understand now, and it will help you through even the worst of these squalls that are currently hovering on the horizon. For you are indeed build of strong stuff dear ones, they very stuff the stars are made of, and you cannot be snuffed out as easily as you mayhaps think at the moment. You will continue to shine brightly, even through the darkest hour of the storm, and as such, you will also help others. And by your light, others will also find their way to a safe harbour, and by your grace, you will do the same too. For you have not lost yourself yet, and you will not do so either, as long as you keep your gaze averted from all of those trying to lure you into their deep pool of fear.

So stay afloat, and fasten your eyes on all of those other islands of love that are right there beside you, and together you will soon feel your feet touching solid ground once again. And you will know with all of your heart that you can never ever be dragged down into that deep void of emptiness that so many others so willingly have lost themselves. For you will emerge onto dry land, and you will do so only to discover that this is indeed familiar ground. For you have been here before, but only in your dreams, but now, it will turn out to be reality.

115 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 281

  1. Dear Jade, know that you are not alone, dear One in what you are feeling and experiencing. I am holding you hand and loving you and thankful for you. Love to us All. JC

  2. Dear Aisha,   thank you so much for your inspirational work … I am translating your messages into the german language .. do you mind me, to set a "Donation button" above my work … thank you for your answer … Roswitha

    Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. März 2013 um 11:16 UhrVon: "aisha north" <>An: knoepfle-r@web.deBetreff: [New post] The manuscript of survival – part 281

    Aisha North posted: "For many of you, the upheavals you have been experiencing lately, indeed are maybe still in the midst of, will signal an important departure from much of what you have looked upon as an integral part of your life. For now, everything that does not serve y"

  3. In my visualization of being in the river of life, this missive seems to say we just passed a sign that says, “Caution – Rapids Ahead”.

    Finally! Let’s get this show on the road!

    The website “Zerohedge” has a great picture of a deer in the headlights. I’ll have to look for it as it seems like they’ll be posting it again soon. 3….2….1….


  4. I share what I just found in my email box. I usually delete all other messages other then those here at the Pond, but for some reason, I found myself reading, and again, my mouth dropped wide open. More of the answers to “who am I?” fell into place, leaving me now, saying, “OMG!” I hope these Words of Light speak to you as they did me, bringing you HOPE that we are right NOW beginning to Live a Brand New Way of BEING.

  5. Life is Aisha…
    Five Easter Archangel Rabbits
    all is well, anyhow.
    more furniture moving,
    preparing for a journey
    Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain,
    yes I know you can
    Still minus 9 Celsius and snow.
    Twice nearly got hit by a car,today.
    I liked the naked bicycle demonstration in Chile lately.
    Loosing my words sometimes.
    when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door,

  6. The decovery of life within.
    When you start this it can be like being in a long dark hallway. All around you are others in this place. One day you see a small little spark at the end of the hallway. You wonder what this small light might be. It is new to you and never been seen before. So you get closser and closer to this small light. You don’t want to get to close at first because you fear what it may be. As you get close to it. The small spark shoots a small spark at you. You are amazed at the feeling this small spark gives you. It feels warm all over you.

    The other dark ones around you say don’t do this. We want you to stay with us. These other dark ones are all you have ever known. But what you felt from the little spark is so wonderful you have to get closer to it again. The small spark don’t want to scare you so it sends out a slower spark to float slowly to you and stops right in front of you. You look and see all the colors it has and how beautiful it is. So you slowly reach out and touch it. It spinds in a circle around your hand. You open your hand and it slowly moves and rest in the center of your hand.

    The feeling you get is something you have never felt before.So you place your hand around this spark and it starts to grow and as it grows it gets brighter and brighter. All the dark ones around know not what this is start crying telling you to stop stay with us. You feel hurt and empty inside. For they have been your friends throught out time. So you drop the spark in your hand that has grown into a flame.

    When you rejoin your friends of the past they gather around and say you did the right thing. Then you feel all empty inside from what you felt from the little flame. You know what ever this small flame did it gave you something a sight you have never had before. After thinking about the flame and how it made you feel you have to go to it again to see what else it can show you. As soon as you take the flame back in your hand it starts to grow. It fills you with a warm feeling all over and a feeling of love you have never had before. You start to cry and you don’t know why. All you know is this is a feeling I never want to lose. By this time the spark is glowing all around you. And then the spark talks to you. It opens up its heart to you and you open up your heart to it. A love is shared between the spark and you. The spark tells you I have always been here you only had to see me. Now that you see me. We can share our life as one joined together. The spark tells you. This is nothing wait until I take you home.
    They live happy ever after.

    This has been just a thought as I sit at home and look at the world and the people in it.

    1. Dearest Brother, how beautiful your words. And how so very true in so many ways. There are times I start to get pulled back into reality as it is coined on planet earth, and fear raises its head, and I question if what I am living/being, insisting on focusing and living Divine Love, if this is just not wishful thinking on my part. Then I go to my “quiet place” and again become the observer, again become detached and again go within to radiate out that spark which has become a beacon to all that is around me. I stay way from TV, I stay away from dark music, I stay away from literature that focuses on the dark, I stay away from negative thinking with years of training to assist me (doesn’t mean I am 100% on this all the time but I sure as heck give it an all out try!), I stay away from this world as best I can, for I have created a Life from within this home of ours, that has nothing to do with this world. Am I crazy? If I am, I’ll take it, thank you.

  7. I’ve rewritten what I want to write here several times…don’t want to write a bunch of anxious details…this message speaks to me…triggers more anxiety as well as offering reassurance…thank you so much, Aisha and Constant Companions and each one of you who feel this place is like a welcoming home…the messages AND the comments are so meaningful to me…with much love and appreciation…♥EACH♥OF♥YOU♥…janis

    1. Janis, learn to insist on living a LIFE the way you want. BEcome that Life, no matter how many hurtles are in the way! Choose Love and Peace in all situations, and know, KNOW, that this process we are all involved in, will one day produce such Great Fruits. The growth ALL of us have attained thus far amazes me. GE gentle with yourself, LOVE yourself, for if you do not, how can you expect anyone to LOVE you? No matter how many times I stumble, I always come back to self, right what evidently wasn’t lined up with Divine Love, get up, and keep on moving forward. WE have been taught so many outright lies and deceptions all to keep us from realizing how magnificent and powerful we are.

      Listen to YOUR HEART for it will tell you how to pull up to the Port of Truth. It will steer you like no one else can.

      I love you, Great Sister of Light! Hang on to my hand, for I feel your sweet and pure spirit. All is good, all is perfect. (((HUGS))) Amy

  8. I’ve been having this syndrome lately and it is called, “open mouth syndrome”. Either the CC’s are eavesdropping on my thoughts/life/correspondences, or else Unity Consciousness has been birthed. Amazement doesn’t even cover it to describe what I feel regarding these missives that time and time again prove to be a reflection of my Life, and what I see happening here at the Pond, with so many Beings of Light seemingly appearing as if from out of nowhere. Wow!!

    All the Love/Support/Encouragement resonating here is radiating out to All Existence, lifting the bar of heaviness everywhere, lifting the All into Higher Dimensions of BEing. Think how you feel when you hear a Heart touching, Soul Stirring Peace of Music and how it “lifts your spirits”. THAT is what this Pond is doing! Incredible! Just incredible!

    BEcoming/transforming from a carbon base to a silicon base Sentient BEing, has been deemed Impossible. Guess what? We are doing it, so whatever the process IS, it is vital to create within us the Impossible to the Possible! We are not the Bravest of the Brave for NO reason! Pat yourselves on the back for all the process you have made thus far! I am SO proud to be a part of this Community of Light!

    Peace, JOY, Love, Happiness and Health ……. these and more shall be added onto you! (((HUGS)))

    1. I am suffering this symdrome too, many times every day…
      And I too very proud of being here.
      Love you all

      1. Love right back to you, my Bright Emma, a Golden Shooting Star! We are ONE in LOVE and JOY! (((HUGS))) from across the miles! Amy

  9. Wanted to say that the energy reading is definitely spot on for me personally as today I released sadness related to losing a baby 14 years ago. There was a lot going on in our lives at that point and my 2 year old was very ill and they thought she had cancer. My baby chose to disincarnate so I could be with my other child as I would not have been able to be with her through the testing and surgery which ultimately showed her issue to be benign. I have thanked my little Owen for his selflessness and I always feel him around as does my daughter who as a child had visits from him along with her great grandmother. I have been sad about it and mourned but today, I feel the beginning of menopause coming on which is normal at age 49 (birthday on thursday), I know my family is complete, with two beautiful daughters and an angel in the ethers, but still, the idea that I had the off chance of choosing to become pregnant again was always a comfort. I never really said that I would have loved to be his mommy and nurse him and see him grow into a wonderful man–I think it was too painful for me to go there and somehow felt selfish at the time, but he deserved to hear me say those words, even if he already knew my heart….tears pouring down my face right now–yes, CC, the things we need to go through hurt, they hurt to our soul, they hurt quite possibly not only from this life but from many lives and quite possibly the same thing happened to me in some brief incarnation somewhere—but I am glad that I found the strength to say these words to him, to the universe and to you all because I feel that sharing here is like being in a sacred place filled with love and unconditional support. What cc says about choosing connections wisely is so true, because some of us will be laid open and raw with what we need to release and I think as Meg said (hugs to you and your dad–healing energy on its way!) we are so used to giving and we need to receive, but many in our personal circles are so used to us giving that when WE need to receive they may be confused and fearful or feel it is time to unload on us because we have always been able to take it–well, right now, my heart is wide open and this is not about being self ish it is about self love and not glossing over a wound, but actually bringing it to light and releasing it forever and I feel the honor in this space to do just that…

    Jade, huge hugs to you too, you are not crazy and fear is one of the deepest wounds to heal and release so treat yourself gently and breathe and allow yourself to know that you are protected at all times…

    As for anyone who is feeling good, that is wonderful! We are all on the path together but sometimes we need beings to buoy us up–this is your time and I appreciate it–another time I will hold your hand and help you along…

    With the greatest love for beings I have not met in physical but know in the depths of my heart and soul! Alex

    1. OH, dearest Alex, in reading your words my heart just filled with Compassion and these leaky eyes filled. I only know too well the pain of loosing children, and even though the knife rips deeply, you are exposing to the Light that pain, and in so doing, you are freeing yourself AND Owen on so many levels! I light a candle for you this day, and I send my Love to you, embracing you as only a woman knows how, who walks your shoes. BE loving to you, Alex, and nurture you right now. This is so huge, the letting go process, but when it is over, the “lightness” you will feel will bring you Great JOY! Every tear you release will be collected in the Sacred
      Waters that hold all tears of release. In your release, you are creating beauty! Imagine a beautiful turquoise body of water, Mermaids sitting on rocks combing their wet hair, dolphins playing and singing, pink sands glistening in the Light, and Cliffs of Multicolored Precious Gems hugging this lake and all that is in it, keeping it pristine and safe in Light and Love for all Eternity! When it is completed, all those whose tears contributed to the creation of these Waters will come to swim amongst the dolphins and Mermaids with JOY JOY JOY!

      Sending much LOVE to you on this Freedom Day! (((HUGS))) Amy

      1. I am lost in the visual of this beautiful lake. How well written & sentiments described breathtaking. Your wonderful Pinkrose!

        Tears streaming down and honoring your journey, your pain and your rising, Oystergirl.

        “In your relase, you are creating beauty.” Wonderful (:
        Hang on Alex & Oystergirl. This too shall pass.
        Sending you much love from my heart today.
        Blessings to all here today.

        1. Thank you so much Amy and pupma for your sacred circle with me and your tears of love. I wanted to come back and let you all know that I shared my feelings with my beloved today about how I was feeling and he was of great comfort to me. I felt I “selected my connection” wisely in processing it a bit with all your love and then moving into a physical sharing with the one who I am in sacred union with. I felt the need to apologize for not giving him a son. I know we never spoke those words before–only saying our family is complete and we have two beautiful daughters. He turned it right around and said, I am sorry for not giving you a son–and that if we had really “craved” a son we would have tried again after the mourning and grieving period, but we both knew in our hearts that we were complete. It was a very cleansing and intimate sharing and I feel completely right with everything now and I feel my heart swell as I feel the little smile that I know is shining down on my from the ethers…:) Love you all and Amy, you have no idea that you described exactly my dear friends dolphin and whale sanctuary in Costa Rica (well, the girls who live there believe they are mermaids! and I am sure they are!)…That you pulled on one of my absolutely perfect visions of bliss is an understatement…thank you so much! Love alex!

          1. Alex, Heartfelt (((HUGS))) to you. I actually received this “vision” about a week ago, yet I wasn’t given the “green light” to share it. When I read your words AS I WAS WRITING, that vision came back to me and I knew at that moment, I was to write it to you. I am stunned at how this Untiy Consciousness is beginning to take shape. I am also overjoyed for YOU, my Sister, that speaking of this to your BeLoved, healed much within you and between the two of you. How glorious! Your Son lives, never doubt that, for there is no death of the spirit. GOD bless you today!!! Laugh and Sing in your newfound Freedom! Muc Love, Amy

          2. Alex, thank you for sharing your story, it brings healing far beyond what words can describe. Amy, you are filling this pond to overflowing with your light and your love, thank you!
            Love and light, Aisha

            1. Aisha, you are a key instrument in my Dream of being able to be fully me, function as fully me, without fear of compensations. You have no idea the feeling I have cherished since I found the Pond, that feeling within me to do what I came here to do with NO blocks, as day after day, my “radar” shows me where to extend a Hand of Hope and Healing! THANK YOU!!!!

      2. That image of the Sacred Waters of Tears is truly beautiful, Amy. Thank you for it. And blessings to Alex on your journey of healing from losing your baby boy, thank you for having the courage to share your story here. Namaste to all who are reading and writing here, may love and the Light of Christ and Blessed Mother and all the angels surround each one of us upon this journey towards freedom… Leigh

        1. Leigh, I KNOW this Body of Water exists and that someday ALL of us will be there. OH for the JOY and WONDER!!!

          1. [Dear Amy, I’m replying to you here because I couldn’t reply to your thrilling reply above. THANK YOU for validating the ah ha moment of “thoughts create.” Good grief, I KNOW it but have spent years battling with it. So bombarding myself with happy thoughts is my goal now. Every time I hear myself start to doubt—I change the thought instantly!!!! Thank you for all your beautiful replies on this blog. They are inspiring and soul lifting, xox, Kat]

            Alex, thank you for your heart melting remembrances. And especially for this gorgeous line, “With the greatest love for beings I have not met in physical but know in the depths of my heart and soul!….” Sometimes I think I know more beings in the non-physical than physical these days! With blessings unceasing, xox, Kat

          2. I have a very dear friend in the States who also has such types of visions as you have, Amy… you and she must be of the same Goddess tribe….

            1. Wow, Leigh! For the first time I have HOPE there are more like me here, for I tend to be “attracted to” those who live outside of the USA. Thank YOU for the encouragement that I am NOT alone in this country! (((HUGS)))

            2. Leigh, what I just wrote didn’t sound right. What I meant, those of my Star Tribe…….I know of those who work for the Light that are here, yes. My FAMILY is what seems to be missing, and I believe that some of that Family I am meeting HERE who live in other areas outside of the USA. Sigh. Now I feel better. I didn’t want to sound like I was “poor meing” “all by myself”. I have never felt “at home” in the States, and always have been pulled elsewhere in my spirit. I love the sound of Goddess Tribe……(smile)…..

              1. Hi again Amy, I really think that there are those who are part of this family, tribe, or what you want to call us, all around the world. It is simply ironic that so often we feel so very alone in what we are experiencing and learning. All of this work we are doing feels very solitary, and I for one would LOVE to soon be doing whatever it is i am supposed to be doing here on the planet WITH others (in physicality!) But for now, it seems all I and many others can do is to stay connected through this electronic means until futher notice!
                From the latest post here and your comments, I can see that you are in a state of bliss of a kind… it sounds very lovely and quite orgasmic!!
                Here is a link to some new music that I am currently quite addicted to, called Hang Drum. perhaps you and others here will like it! Blessings, Leigh

                1. Oh, Honey, this music speaks to my Soul! Thank you for sharing. I didn’t even know of this group! I must get some of their music…..(((HUGS)))

                  1. I am totally hooked on this Hang Drum music right now… it has a way of soothing and lulling and energizing all at once… there are quite a few groups doing it, check out Hang Massive on Youtube, they are wonderful young musicians, so peaceful!

                  2. I am totally hooked on this Hang Drum music right now… it has a way of soothing and lulling and energizing all at once… there are quite a few groups doing it, check out Hang Massive on Youtube, they are wonderful young musicians, so peaceful!

      1. Tremendous hugs to you all! Feeling completely “resolved” today and in balance. Last night as i was speaking to Owen and looking forward in excitement to connecting on an intimate level with his divine soul very soon, I felt a gentle smile and kiss on my cheek as the love exploded in my heart and what I was told was that he was never hurt. The soil is prepared, the biology is created and then the souls make a choice together and this had just as much to do with him being loving and kind to me and my family as me wanting him to be here with us…the unconditional love from his end of the deal simply floors me–and there is no blame, no guilt, no shame–there is simply only love and flowing of the divine light–what a lovely way to drift to sleep–to have that confirmation that no matter what–all is well…

        1. OMG, Alex, I am sobbing! HOLY CATS! This is SOOOOO beautiful and my Heart is just filled with YOUR LOVE for your little boy! OMG!!!!!! I literally have no words as I taste my salty tears.

        2. …..Still teary…..and yes, Alex, only Unconditional LOVE, Divine LOVE is what matters…….(((HUGS))) from this woman who sends you her LOVE to you and your family!

        3. dear Alex
          I do not know what to say, I am amazed with what you say and how you express it!! It is truly beautiful and perfect, a great relief for you, your family and everyone. I’ve moved and made ​​mourn ..
          I’m really happy about everything you feel and all that  means. You’re a hero for having “suffered” and for having told. I can not be more proud of all of you, for you to be part of my life now.
          Much much love

    2. God bless you Alex.
      This is truly a very holy time.
      Thanks for sharing. I’m a guy but I love to cry when something really touches me. Your story really hit me.
      Bless you and your family.

      Love always

  10. Quote:

    “So again we say, focus on that breath, for it is indeed more important than you can understand now, and it will help you through even the worst of these squalls that are currently hovering on the horizon.”

    I will remember this. I have been through a great deal for such a long time and yes, with worse than that one can worry but I do not fear. I will stand strong no matter what. I DO see the land at the horizon. And it is magnificent!
    Thank you Aisha.

  11. did you guys see that;


    what do think?

    1. Mariana, this doesn’t resonate with me, but maybe that’s just me. External information can be a huge distraction from your personal spiritual work. Keep focused on whatever information you might be personally receiving, and use external channelings for support and encouragement more than anything. Always question if the information you read/see is beneficial for you.

      1. Mariana, If you look at the beginning of that post D states that “this is just one person’s vision of the role out of the One People’s trust…this message is a visualization around the information to help inspire people with one beings view of how things may occur. I enjoyed the energy of this post but it is a focus on the energy of abundance, joy and freedom where I am at the moment and not on any specific outcome. Sending love and light to all for an amazing unfolding of bliss!

      2. well, it looks like a “lunatic” posted the dreams on a site and everybody got confused. sorry for the misleading – it’s just somebody wish – nice wish but they should keep it for their meditations/manifestation practice.

    2. Mariana, ‘things’ change… Just drop me an email, please, when you know where I can get mine. I,m crazy to begin to live again!
      Much love to you, dear sister
      P.S.: Soon. I,d pay anything to see darkness faces when this happen…

    3. Hi Mariana, Emma, about a month or two back I became aware of the work of the One People’s Public Trust and have been researching it trying to understand what its about, what its up to and where it might all be going.

      It looks to me like a lot of work has gone in to get some basic rights in place but this particular posting is not what it first seems. Following a few links the article is actually a blog of one person dreaming what might be the outcome of the work of the OPPT… sometime downstream…

      See this link to clarify that…

      I did read an educational article on this website which seemed to have researched things better than I had found elsewhere which up until reading this it had all been a bit sketchy:

      I also listened to blogradio programme with an interview with a guy called Winston Shrout that questioned some of the work. I have since seen a deeper clarification of the questions that were raised by him by the OPPT and what I read seemed to make sense but I am not a high level Lawyer. Apparently the OPPT are amongst other things. There are regular updates posted on this site which posts many other blogs including Aisha’s:

      It looks to be fascinating work but as I don’t think its gone anywhere near as far as the bloggers dream article…

      But I could be wrong…

      Philip 🙂

      1. Thank you Phillip
        I find myself jumping from one site to another, and sometimes I don’t understand very well the words (such a large articles) and even translator doesn’t help too much
        But I got you here for that 😉

    4. Dear Mariana! Let me answer that with a quote from The manuscript: “This is not done FOR you, but BY you.” In other words, do not give your own powers away by putting your faith in outside sources promising that they will “fix” this world, especially according to a set time table. That way, you are setting yourself up to be very disappointed indeed, and through that, losing your focus in what is the real truth here. For we are here to change the world by changing ourselves through connecting with our true powers, and the more we keep our focus on that, the faster this process will go.
      Love and light, Aisha

  12. Grateful I AM able to sit up and type this morning. Such intense energy, light-headededness, brutal headaches since last Thursday, a slight break on Sunday, then slam. I have had to cancel some healing sessions and, for the 1st time in 4 years, could not host my New Moon meeting last night. Having done lots of work on fear and doubt in February, I was able to let go of the guilt. The whirring buzzing ‘in’ my head is so loud! like a hard drive spinning, ha! that is probably more true than an analogy! ‘Continue to shine brightly, through the darkest hour of the storm’, I feel it coming. Sending you all Lots of Love and Light with all of my Heart. Pamela in Mexico

  13. Beautiful and thank you so much, I went through a very low and hellish time for the last two weeks, but the last two days I have got out of the other side – there is nothing to fear, it really is just leaving the illusion, and for those still struggling, it is time to love and forgive yourself, even if you can not understand why others have hurt you – remember – they are also in an illusion of mind and ego built up through fear, so it is not always these dreadful things that you have attracted to yourself, you are also in other people’s illusions as well as your own – forgive them anyway – it helps and heals ❤ Love to you all for being here together to help and especially to Aisha for sharing her gift with us all ❤

  14. Geez Aisha, you’re not kidding…I read this post, then saw my mom called, turns out my dad is in the hospital with uncontrollable bleeding from his nose (yuck). Aha, so this is where it’s going for me — time to be there for them….I’m ok, no fear response or worry, just now knowing this is what’s going on. Obviously any light and love sent our way will be appreciated. I’m good at being there for others, always have been, have never had much need to be on the receiving end, but now is a good time for that. Thanks all.

        1. Dear Meg! Sending you my love and support too, and thank you for giving us this opportunity to feel the deep connection we all share. And yes, it is time for us all to realize that we have to be as good at receiving as we are at giving. For so many of us are far better at the latter, but if we do not open up to what is given us, soon we will not have enough to give either to ourself or to others. So open wide and soak up all the love coming your way!
          Love and light, Aisha

          1. Thank you so much. The day went really well, I am reminded of how wonderful my parents are, and how good they are together. My dad is having surgery tomorrow, hopefully that will take care of the nosebleeds. It was actually a gift to spend time with them, to let my husband and kids take care of their stuff, and for me to just BE. Thanks again for the love, it was felt and very much appreciated!

  15. …but maybe we’re talking about the same thing, but for me your ‘out of sync’ means ‘in sync’ or whatever

  16. “(…) your equilibrium will be almost guaranteed to be lost for longer or shorter periods during all of this. We speak both of the more emtional processes, but also of purely physical ones. So you will feel yourself stumbling more than once during the next few days, as everything you have on the inside, and indeed also on the outside, will seem to be endlessly shifting around, and in addition it will do so seemingly out of synch with everything else. ” – This time I don’t believe you. I was out of sync for a week, TODAY I’m starting to be in sync with most of the happenings, and I hope everyone else here too!

  17. Thank you Aisha, thank you all,

    The messages and commentaries are always so synchronistic with what I live… and it’s so helping !


  18. To get words to understand what is going on is so wonderful. It keeps me longing to touch solid ground soon.

  19. I can see I’m going to need some shoring up. In my search for validation to make certain I am not mad or hallucinating I have inadvertently opened the door to fear, doubt, and being overwhelmed by what’s out there. The uncertainty you spoke of us very strong and the fear of madness or suffering hallucinations is nearly paralyzingly strong at times. I recognize that I am at a low point.

    1. Hello Jade, Sorry to hear that things are at a “low point,” But when they are at a low point, they only go up from there! This really does pass. But, it helps to let go of each thought that you notice is bringing you down. Keep breathing. Drinks TONS of water. And rest as much as possible. And, as many times a day as possible, reaffirm your LOVE of SELF. and your LOVE for ALL THAT IS. As Aisha said in the previous message, Imagine how happy you’ll be when your wings are spread, without fear and you TAKE TO FLIGHT!! Blessings and LOVE to ALL.

    2. Hi Jade, adding to what Michael has written… Fears come up to be healed in my own experience and a lot of helping others with theirs… I have recently written up a blog to do with my Spheres Of Light work which I know was ‘inspired’ it sets out a simple and rapid way of processing your fears/stuff in conjunction with the Spheres Of Light energy.

      Only your INTENTION is required to engage with this gift … the rest is in the blog and:


      Breathe, breathe, release and TRANSMUTE…

      You can see the process at:

      Much love,

      Philip 🙂

      1. Philip, I am having a fear that I hesitate to post because I don’t mean to sound insensitve to everyone else’s suffering. But, I am not going through any suffering right now and I feel like I am “missing the boat”
        or doing something wrong. I have always felt these energies when the CC’s talk about them and I have found that reassuring. but, for the past three days, I have been feeling more uplifted and blissful than ever.

        1. er… I think I follow you but not sure…

          I guess we are all here to ‘honour’ where each of us is in our respective journeys which may be very different from the next person… each one is as valid as the next and so must be yours Michael.

          It is wondeful to hear that you have been feeling as uplifted and blissful as ever… certainly I too have had a wonderful weekend sharing with others – and that too is OK for it helps me be ‘light’ and offer that ‘light’ to others…

          Hope this makes some kind of sense… 🙂 Philip

          1. Yes, Thanks, Philip. that is what I came to myself. I am exactly where I need to be. And, yes, it is good to be available to others who may need some extra light.
            Blessings! Michael

            1. Same here, Michael. I’ve been feeling pretty good, so I am just trying to savor it & am grateful for it. I am doing exactly what you are-making myself available to those who need help right now.

              1. Thanks Naomi, I really appreciate this confirmation. It felt very strange to be missing the intense stuff. I surely had months and months of it so, YEAH, let’s savor it. Blessings.

            2. You’re not missing anything, Michael. We’re all on the same path, yet with individuals variances. It makes sense considering our individual personalities, past gunk we have to clear out, health status, emotional frame of mind, ease or unease with the process. These and probably many other factors come into play.

              We all need to remember that we’re not going to relate to everything in everyone else’s channelings. They can’t possibly apply to everyone all of the time. What matters far more than anything is our own, personal guidance. Naomi

              1. Naomi, I read something yesterday which helped me envision what happens on this journey. Picture a piano and its white keys. (each white key represents a dimension) Each white key represents those periods of our live when we feel the Bliss, the Flow, and OH SO WONDERFUL! feeling! In order to play one note one higher then the one you just played, one must first “jump over” a “space” in between the two keys which equates to a void. Every octave has 13 notes and each time we go up one note (one stair) we end up in a void, climb out and then play the next note (stand on next stair). When we get to the 13th note, which overlaps the first note of the next octave, there is a HUGE VOID called a Wall. When we fall into a void or a phase that seems super intense we most likely have fallen into the Wall, ready to go up one entire octave. Whoa!

                I thought it was really cool the way this was described. AND in between each note, there are 12 sub-dimensions, so there are voids within voids, and notes within notes, and dimensions within dimensions. Makes your head swirl! Something to think about the next time we are struggling and realize we are hitting a lot of multi levels at one time.

                  1. (smile) Isn’t it though? When I read this, the “visual” was so cool. OH! And the black keys, (now this is MY intuit) are the cliffs we stand on just before we decide to jump into the void. Sharp. (smile)

                    1. Perfect! … and I feel the link to sacred sound through the octaves, 13 and the divine feminine and moon cycles in a year and it just goes on… great insight…

        2. Hi Michael
          The past few days have been pretty fantastic for me too, although nothing out of the ordinary has happened I’ve just been having wonderful dreams and like you a blissful waking reality also, its great to know that someone else feels the same (feels less guilty I suppose). Thanks for sharing.

    3. Dear Jade! Know that you are surrounded by love on all sides, holding you up so you can keep breathing through this. The vastness of this ocean can seem terrifying at times, but we are all close by and we reach out to you in all the ways we can. You are not going mad, you are merely letting go of the blindfold we all have to remove in order to find our way out from the old enclosure of so-called “normal life”, and that is overwhelming at times. We will all lose our footing at least once during all of this, as The CCs say, but we do so in order to reclaim the true solid ground under our feet. I see your light shining already, dear Jade, and I know that it will only grow stronger as you have already dared to open the door to the fears that were hiding inside. And it was not done inadvertently, it was done because the whole Universe knows that you are finally ready to face those fears. And so you are, dear Jade, and we are all gathered around you to support you as you do just that.
      Love and light, Aisha

  20. Thankyou for that very helpful message. I was feeling really worn out by what’s going on around me then read your message. It helped me get back on the path (again).

  21. The sentences to focus on for me are the last two – lets keep the end game in mind my brothers and sisters:

    “For you will emerge onto dry land, and you will do so only to discover that this is indeed familiar ground. For you have been here before, but only in your dreams, but now it will turn out to be reality.”


    Philip 🙂

        1. Darn tootin’ Philip!! It’s tough sometimes but I think I’m finally getting the hang of what Matthew through Suzanne Ward said the other day: “Everything is energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and because energy is neutral and has no reasoning capacity, it can’t differentiate between what is wanted and what is not. Consequently, as my thoughts and feelings shoot out into space, the Universe provides me with circumstances whose energy matches the energy of whatever I have been focusing on, and that’s the law of attraction that’s in constant motion.”

          I paraphrased it to make it personal. I’ve read that point a thousand times over the years. Maybe a million times. And I’m FINALLY getting that WHAT I THINK I BECOME. That my thoughts DO create. So when I’m in despair, as sometimes happens with these energetic bombardments, I will myself to think happy thoughts, to get out of the negative and think positive, like:

          The Earth is clean and pristine in the blink of an eye. The air, waters and ground are vibrant and teeming with life. Flowers and trees and lakes and oceans are shining. Animals are free, loved and protected. We live in peaceful, healthy, happy, prosperous times. We live in crystal cities with clean energy….” etc. And after I bathe myself in all those thoughts, even if I’ve still got the headaches and aches from the energy surges, I feel better and believe stronger.

          Aisha’s thought, that you outlined, is one of my happy thoughts now. That we will get to that promised land and it will be even better than we dreamed. Peace & Light xo 🙂

          1. Very beautiful Kat…..
            I will try to think about that next time, I will remember you

            1. Ty, Emma. I love your sea shell. I love the ocean so much and keep focusing on all the oceans being clean, pristine, happy dolphins, happy whales…… 😉 Blessings & light, xo Kat

              1. Yes, I liked it too much also, that’s why I took it from my journey… 😉
                I learnt another thing today ; Darn tootin’. All of you are an ocean of knowlege….Thanks

              2. Kat! Oh MY GOSH! I am SO excited for you about your A-HA moment regarding thoughts! OH OH OH! YES!!!!! When you finally “get it’ it is a WOW! When I first began “monitoring my thoughts” I was appalled at how many negative thoughts were racing through my mind! I began to chase the negative thoughts telling them NO NO NO get out of my head! Frazzled? Tied in knots??? Yes. It took TIME and PATIENCE and years (for me, Kat, on my journey, Luv, NOT yours!) to finally get to a place I have a semblance of Peace in my Mind. No matter what I see around me, I keep up with what I want in my Life, and I feel it too! When I “hear” stinkin’ thinkin’ going on, I go on red alert and firmly (yet lovingly too) tell those thoughts “no admittance”.

                Again, I am thrilled for you! WE are what we THINK! And soon enough what we THINK will manifest in our physical world. It is the Law of Physics, the Law of Attraction, the Law of One!

                I am right there with you, THINKING this planet into health! I also SING my Heart songs, singing these songs in my “native language” (Heart Language) to melodies that seem to be originating from my Mind and Heart. Very difficult to explain because I don’t know what this is. I am determined to create My World based on Love, Peace, Joy, Health, Wealth, and Happiness. And I will continue to so as long as I walk this earth! I am FEELING my New World into existence! Way cool!

                Can you tell I am excited for you??? You just made a MAJOR leap forward!
                From my Heart to your Heart, Amy

          2. Excellent Kat! Darn tootin’ was a new one on me but I got the sense of it and then googled it just to make sure I’d got it. I had!!

            You might like to take a look at my blog piece called “Lightening Conductor” which will deepen your awareness further and move you much quicker through the journey with the help of the profound gift of Spheres Of Light… its here for this process… enjoy… you really can CONDUCT THE LIGHT… indeed you’ve been conducting all along but not always with higher vibrational stuff… now you know how… 🙂


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