The manuscript of survival – part 340

The time is rolling by, and you are perhaps more than a little bit anxious as to what all of this energetic upgrading will result in. For some, it may feel like you are starting to fall apart at the seams, and you will tell yourself ”I simply cannot take this any longer”. But for others, they will look around and think ”where are these heavy bouts of energy that the others seem to suffer from? I do not feel anything at all, am I in the wrong here, or have I been left out of everything?”. On both counts can we firmly say that all is indeed well, and you are not about to go to pieces, nor are you skipping any of the adjustments.

For again we must remind you that even if these storms rage in so many ways, the way you respond to them them will be very individual. Some of you will have exactly the same physical and mental symptoms that often accompany these energetic emissions, and so, you will find solace in the fact that you are not alone in feeling more or less ravaged by these storms. While for others, their journey will be one that may perceived as more singular, and as such, they will struggle for a whole other set of reasons than those who feel more under the weather than most at the moment. But again we say all is as it is supposed to be, and even if your physical vehicle will be emitting more alarm signals at the moment and for a more prolonged period of time than usual, know that it is not about to give up on you. For you are build of strong stuff dear ones, and you are becoming stronger still by all that is literally going through your body, but we also know that this will indeed be small consolation to all those suffering badly now. Just remember, you are not under any risk of having any detrimental effect from these energies, far from it. Look upon these signals that your body is sending out as merely rumbles of irritation rather than signals of real distress.

As always, pay close attention to what your body is saying to you, for then and only then will you know that there is indeed a difference from what these energies will activate and what may come from any underlying weakness you might have. For what these energies will do, is to push your buttons in so many ways, and this pushing in itself is nothing to be worried about. It can be likened to a sort of irritation or perhaps a form of allergy, where your body’s defence mechanisms may go into overdrive at times in order to try to drive out these new vibrations it perceives as some sort of ”interlopers” to your system. Remember, your body has been programmed to maintain status quo at all cost, and so, when these regular bombardments of energetic vibrations start to penetrate ever deeper into your system, all those watchdogs who have been given the task of making sure that nothing unknown should slip in under their guard will be prepared to sound the alarms.

And now, the alarm will be ringing louder and more frequent than ever. But this in itself is no cause for alarm, only for taking more care of yourself and allowing your body the rest it needs in order to be better able to acquiesce to this energetic change it is going through. So again we say breathe deeply, and know that this is indeed the very simple, but also the most effective way for staying afloat in this churning mass of energy that is buffeting you on all sides. And to those of you wondering why your body is not sounding the alarm, do not be alarmed either. It is simply your energetic set up that is corresponding with these energies in a different way, and as such, you will be sailing through this period with more ease than others.

142 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 340

  1. What do the CCs say about emotional symptoms of this period? I have depression and have taken meds for it off and on for years, as well as herbal remedies, and lately nothing works. It has gotten very bad to where I just have to push myself through the day to get tasks done and keep up with life. Many people are talking about physical symptoms of the body, and I don’t have those. I go to the gym and workout and have energy in my physical body, but emotionally it’s been brutal going through this inner clearing and transmuting work and some days it seems not worth the effort.

  2. Dear Sun,

    This is about the only reply I have “time” for now.

    Over and over again, in the past few days, I have employed AA Michael to cut off of me “something” heavy and draining. I immediately feel the release. I again demand NO ONE of lower vibration then I have is allowed in my personal space nor near my cats or husband. Now, husband is tricky, because of free will, BUT when I HEAR words of death coming from his mouth, I immediately counter with words of life. And AGAIN I protect and transmute.

    It has been intense these past few days. I have free will, and when I say GET OUT OF MY SPACE it, they whatever, must leave. And if they don’t, (which I have seen), I employ help.

    I am not willing to let the very beings whose entire incentive it has been to destroy us and earth, even near me. And so it is!!!


    In Love, Peace, and JOY, Amy

  3. Dear friend, I agree. There can be many a good reason to guard the door now as you see from message no 341 that I just posted. So much is “flying around” now and not all of it is high energy, so make sure to check it out before you decide if it is a good idea to open your door to whatever comes knocking now. As you say, anyone pressuring you should make your alarm go off, and it is always important to remember that no one is allowed to come into your space without your invitation to do so. “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing” as the CCs have said earlier, and I think that is a good advice in times like these.
    Much love from me, Aisha

  4. Yesterday was a day of no energy. I just let it be though. No resistance. Slept well last night. Today, we’ll see what happens. Just riding the waves, sailing away. Towards the destination. Paradise is waiting. How will it be? Just thoughts. Just be. Me.

    1. …and meanwhile we can fill our soul with the energy of the small moments of glory that is when we let them come in – regardless of circumstances.



  5. So many different flowers with sometimes overwhelming fragrances on Mother Earth these days. Unique individuals – and I just love them all 🙂

    Love and respect to all of you around the Pond,


  6. The forest fire is about 300 miles away.
    The sky is weird and orange
    The wind is blowing the smoke our way.
    strange days indeed

  7. Yes,indeed, it is a very strange day. Grace from the Almighty seems to work in strange to us ways. Oh well, keeps life interesting and more than a little challenging at times. Whatever comes comes, sometimes painfull, sometimes not. But I Am feeling joy, You all are wonderful and thank you for sharing.

    1. Dear Forest Joy, so true! Interesting, challenging, painful AND joyful! I never know what the day will bring, but when I just accept it and go with the flow it makes it easier to remember WHY we do all of this.
      Much love from me, Aisha

  8. Dear friends!
    Strange days… It started off early this morning with an intense download that left both my sister and me feeling worn out and achy, but after a few hours this changed into a frenzy of activity. Now the whole apartment has been cleaned from top to bottom – including the walls… It was like EVERYTHING had to be dusted off and cleaned, and I do not know if this is in preparation for another huge shift, or a clearing out of the old energies – or perhaps both. At the same time, it feels as if I am a stranger in my own home, a sense of not belonging anywhere. We had to take a walk in the forest to try to settle ourselves again, and that always helps, but I have a feeling we have another restless night coming up. Taking a dip in the Pond usually helps, so I’ll see you all there later on 😉
    Much love from me, Aisha

    1. Yes Aisha – strange days indeed but for me in a very positive way. Yesterday I think I reached a kind of “happy-peak”. Reading Alex´ message I think perhaps it is something about going through the lions gate 8/8, but I know nothing about that.

      Anyway I have nice days. Healing my friends, walking a couple of hours in the woods today, eating blueberries, found some chanterelles while listening to the two Swedish journalists who were imprisoned in jail in Ethiopia 2011. When he said how important it was for them to be able to receive a message (in a matchbox from the prisoner next door) telling them that there were many journalists imprisoned around, their energy rose significantly. Then they knew they would survive.

      I can experience the parallell around the Pond 🙂

      Lots of love to all of you,


      P.S. Aisha – could you kindly ask the CCs to bring me some “cleaning-apartment-energy” ? 😉 D.S.

      1. Dear Birgitta! “Happy-peak” – I love that!! I get them too, and it is such a relief when they start to arrive after a deep and exhausting period, like this have been. My body is still a bit “off”, but the rest of me is certainly starting to “peak up” 🙂 I’ll try to get them to fire up your “cleaning energy” too, but be warned, when it strikes, it makes you almost manic and unable to stope before you have done your whole place 😉
        Lots of love from me, Aisha

        1. Thank you Aisha! I´ll let you know if/when those energies arrives 😉

          I am also grateful that you always channel these messages even when you have a hard time – I admire you and bring you my gratitude for that.

          I think the last couple of messages have been much more distinct, and for me, part 340 confirmed my experience very well 🙂

          Much love and respect,


  9. Hello wonderful family of light.

    I came in here after coming out of deep deep dark cave of body issues over the past two days since the 8/8 opening of the Lion’s Gate portal and accepting in those energies. My oldest and deepest body issues cleared and possibly one of my oldest energetic wounds released, I had to giggle and smile at the CC’s for supporting us all and knowing what we are going through.

    Doing the work, loving myself, dipping into the pond and releasing all that no longer serves me, to the ethers and also to the toilet! 😉

    Loving you all too! Alex

  10. hope your cats feel better. Whatever it is it will pass. Don´t worry.
    I feel tired and worn out. The energy? Busy life? Peace to the pond.

  11. I am witnessing an “interesting” parallel with those of you with “intestinal complaints” and my cats. My cats, one by one, GOD help me!, are getting “ill” with diarrhea then the third day vomiting. I am giving meds, giving IV pushes for dehydration, and cleaning up more poop then I know what to do with. Making chicken broth, feeding that to those who have not eaten in a while, then hand feeding regular canned food until that cat again has the taste for food……., runniing back and forth to the Vet……AND my husband requires my help today with the continuation of building our barn.

    Oh MY GOD!

    Calgon! Take me away!!!

    Pulling hair out YET darn it, still smiling! Amy

  12. I love blueberries. We had a show in a shop today. Now barbeque with all the parents and friends. My daughter visited me, on her way to southern France. Car broke down. Energy is low. Too much talking, busy bees like promised. I breathe through all of this. My tongue always closes the way down the mouth

    1. I “hear” you, Michilyn. There is a moment to speak, and then a moment not to. I seem to run into more of those moments not to speak. But when I do run into the moments of unglue tongue, oh yeah, how sweet it is! GRIN

      Energy WILL improve I promise. This transition was tough. (and then some!)

      And about those busy bees…….let them alone. Do your own thing and just gently swat them away. Too bad what others think or say. Let them. Nothing you will say will make a difference, but your actions sure will! Eventually they will catch on…….in their own perfect timing.

      BIG (((HUGS))) from me, Pinkie

      1. HEY NO!
        never swat at bees
        bees will ignore you if you leave them alone. They have no interest in you.
        Did you wear perfume to make yourself smell like a flower?
        And then wonder why the bees check you out
        wasps are a different story. When you swat them, hit ’em hard.

        hmm, there is one. It’s the Sweat Bee. Makes one a little nervous when they land on you to lick the salt from your sweaty bald head. (well, I’ve got one)
        They don’t sting at all
        The way I deal with bees is to talk to them and give them unconditional love.
        Just bumped into some of that secret knowledge.
        Did you know, no animal will harm you if you completely love them.
        no fear no threat
        just pure love. It disconnects the fight or flight rule.

        1. Hehehehehehehe, Otmn! I was talking about people being busy bees. It was a metaphor! Oh this has got me laughing so hard. Thak you. I KNOW not to swat at bee bees. You are so precious!!!

          I grow Lavender, and honey bees are all over it. I stick my face right in the Lavender to adjust things (my roses need room) and they just very casually check me out, and just keep on going after the flowers. It is cool to be so close to the “humming”. (smile)

          No fear. Yep. You got that right!!!

        2. A couple of years ago I had a wasp’s nest under my porch for a couple of weeks. I talked to them, said I don´t care if you don´t care and It went great until the day when my son (who had about 10 wasp stings from hornets when he was a little boy and we took him to the hospital) came to visit me and have a cup of coffee on the porch and became aware of the wasps…

          Afterwards I told the wasps to leave, get another housing, tried to smoke them out, spread insecticidal (powder) but they just wiped it away very effectively. After several trials I told them “the choice is between you and my son”, and they lost.

          Thank you Otmn for reminding me of the wasp-talking.

          Love and respect,


          1. Awesome story dear Birgitta. Thank you for sharing it. Friend’s advice could always be of help. Hugs to you.

        3. Otmn, today I had an experience with a dog that left me truly not getting it. Perhaps it was my sunglasses I don’t know. And clearly this dog was a trained watch dog as well. On my bike ride today I stopped by someone’s home who I haven’t seen in a long time. No one was home but the dogs surely were. Now, here I am, in my zone, peaceful, and my energy says so.

          BUT! This dog went ballistic to the point he attemped to jump over the link chain fence and almost succeeded mind you. I just stood there oberving and calmly made the remark, “Now this is a fine example of why I prefer cats. Dogs are SO noisy”. I then proceeded to sit down right where I was standing to adjust my camera pack I had buckled to me. It had become loose. As soon as I sat, the barking stopped. I did my thing, and the moment I stood back up, that dog went crazy again.

          I felt real hate from this dog. This just doesn’t happen. And then a second dog as I was riding my bike, he went nutso as well, rearing up, pulling on his leash attached to his owner, desperately wanting to take a chunk out of my leg. Both dogs were baring their teeth.

          Needless to say, both instances shook me up. HUH? I wasn’t showing fear, nor do I even do so towards anyone. Again, was it the sunglasses, or could it have been the bike helmet?

          As of this writing, I am still clueless. I have no idea why both dogs went nuts when they saw me. In the past, I have walked right up to dogs that I were told have a mean streak, to watch out, but no, they behaved just fine. I’m just stumped. The rule show no fear just did not work today for some reason. Hmmmmmmm…………….

          1. well, it’s not easy to know
            I wasn’t there
            Sounds like those dog’s owners are assholes
            and those animals were crying for help.

            1. Otmn, you are not far wrong. I felt the palatable fear, the anger, the neglect, and a heavy sense of addiction. Either these people have enemies and have deliberately made this dog mean, or these dogs are neglected. Either way, those who have no heart. I skeeedaddled out of there as soon as I had my camera bag readjusted on my back.

              I know my “peace” was felt by those dogs as I sat adjusting my belt. I also felt the trees around me reaching out saying, “thank you for being here”. And that is all I know.

              I truly feel no judgment for I know where both of these people have been, and what they have gone through. Yet, no matter the case, we DO have choices to make. I am so grateful to me that I have made the choices I have. One of those people are blood related to me. My brother. It is sad to me that those who are closest to me, are the farthest away.

              1. That’s so sad about your brother, Amy. I’m inclined to say wise words, but you know them all.
                Love, JayJay

                1. JJ, there is a “reason” why my “inner compass” kept steering my bike in the direction of my brother’s house. No matter in which direction I started, with no plan, my bike always ended up on one of the roads that lead to his house. I know much Light was anchored on his property by me. Mission accomplished.

                  I have HOPE that a day shall come, I will have my brother in my life again, and this time, with he open to Love and to Light. With hunger and with eagerness to learn………..(smile)

                  OH, the Universe is good, FYI! My farmer neighbor just happens to be out helping husband with barn, something that was planned for me to do. Oh for the JOY! Now I can have the day to myself, get done what must get done, and have some “peace”. GRIN!

                  1. Yes, peace to You, precious dear Amy!
                    Love, Peace, Light and Free-flowing
                    Missed You already!

                    Just went with Vive to the water nearby, watching the damselflies dance across the water.
                    A dragonfly choose my knee as a lookout post to catch whatever he was eating.

                    1. Ah, “duty” calls. Neighbor is done and now it is my turn. Darn! I thought I was off the hook today! LOL

                      I believe, JJ, you missed an email to Vive from Sassy. (GRIN) If you can’t find it, I will resend! Pics included!!!

                      XXOO, Amy

                      PS Dragonfly means ILLUSION………..

                    2. Oh Amy, no we didn’t miss it, but yesterday was just an off day. I will show her the pictures, BE SURE!
                      Thanks for explaining the dragonfly!
                      And good luck with the barn-raising!

  13. Hi all,
    Sometimes I get confused and wonder if all the crazy ups and downs and upheavals going on in my life between work and home are evidence of the “energies” or just happen to be my particular life situation at the time. In other words, are events triggered by these energies? And then when I feel like crap I wonder “did I drink too much coffee? Not enough water? Time to lay off the beer? :)” Also I’m experiencing persistenent insomnia and nightmares (can’t remember the last time I’ve had these, but have had 3 thus far this week). Right now my head is throbbing and every other thought I have is laced with anxiety, dread or “shoulda, woulda, coulda”. Yuck!
    Love to all, Stevie

    1. Hi Stevie!
      Wish I had a magic wand I could wave over you and say ‘abracadabra’ and you’d be stress free… hmm…. I’d make sure to wave it over myself as well! But I don’t, so I give you my two cents worth…
      I believe that you have always made sure your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers were happy and content with your endless support and heartfelt advice. I believe this is also what kept YOU happy and
      Now it’s your turn to be happy and content, but on a much deeper level. The ’energies’ are telling you this. They are telling you to focus on your own good and that could be hard for you to do. You might be feeling guilty thinking you are being selfish by only thinking of yourself. But you know by only lifting the spirits of others and neglecting yourself you will ’burnout’.
      I believe the decisions you are making now and will be making are nothing less than perfect for YOU… and that’s all that matters at any moment.
      You’re not being selfish. You’re recharging and revamping and Remembering. And after you’ve accomplished this, you will be able to go back to helping all those around you. But you will have quick, clever, sharp, and innovative ideas that won’t monopolize all your ‘time’, thus having more to give to yourself.
      You are a caring soul. That won’t be taken away from you. It will be embellished.
      Three cheers to You!

        1. Ha! Thanks Amy!! I needed that pat on the back… sometimes when I hit ‘post comment’ I gasp at what I said… but then I realize I’m at the Pond and I catch my breath knowing ‘all is well’.
          Thanks for being a real hoot! Ha! 🙂

      1. Dear Sally,

        Thank you so much for your heartfelt advice! I love your words of wisdom and the energy they contain. I do realize the gift that stress has to offer is to each me to base my happiness and peace on a much deeper foundation, and not on external reinforcements as to whether I’m doing well at this or that, or what this means or that means.
        I will reread your message again to fully absorb it.
        With love,

        1. Stevie! In a nutshell… you ‘got it’!! … and said it much better than I could’a, should’a, would’a!!! ha!
          Big smiles! 🙂

    2. Hey, Stevie, walk away from the analytical thinking and get into FLOW and Heart. You’ll drive yourself nuts trying to figure out things that just happen.

      Why must we always have answers for this that and the other??? Kick out the should haves, de-friend the would haves, and absolutely say “I don’t know you” to the could haves.

      BE easier on yourself. BE gentle and kind to your self. LOVE you for who you are in any given moment.

      You’ll be OK. You have us to help you. And Love you. And support you.

      BIG (((HUGS))), Amy

      1. Hi Amy!
        Thanks for your message…I’ve long enjoyed reading your posts…so nice to “meet” you!! I know, my brain is a tyrant much of the time! I’ve described it has having a terrorist living in my mind and the one it is out to destroy is me! My ego does not want to let me have any peace…I am commited to dissolving this pattern once and for all!! It is hard for me to be gentle and loving towards myself, but again, I am committed to this change.
        Looking forward to getting to know you much better!
        Hugs back to you, Stevie

        1. Ahhhh, Stevie, practice makes perfect. I know how extremely challenging it is to stop beating oneself up and really just letting go of the “stuff”, and just liking self.

          The biggest gift you can give youself is to catch your “stinkin’ thinking'” thoughts about yourself and your life, and begin replacing those thoughts with mantras……like…..I Love me. ………and keep saying it (with gritted teeth) until you FEEL it. You will. It will feel like a nice warm bubble bath inside of your heart.

          BIG (((HGUS)))!!! And I mean that. I know how much I have struggled and I know what all I have been through. This is no picnic! Only the bravest of the very brave walk this path of Enlightenment! And that is the honest to God’s Truth!!!! And YOU just happen to BE one of those brave ONES! How do you like that??? (GRIN!)

          From my Heart to your Heart, Amy

          1. Thanks again, Amy….all of your messages are so very helpful….thanks for taking the time to write to me…I know how crazy busy your life is!


            1. Stevie, the real pleasure is mine. It is with great honor I share what I know and what “comes through me” to help you and others. I had a career as an RN that came to an end 20 years ago, and with it, I (HS) took me out of this world. That is when spirit to me education began, to heal the dark that was in me, to improve my life, to live in Harmony with All That IS, all to teach me to re-member Who I Am.

              Those in my immediate life do not take to kindly to the “advice” or the “words” that flow through me, for they are not yet ready to hear them. My sisters and brothers as you here at the Pond, have given me the opportunity to share what I have been given, and more, and there is no greater JOY for me then this.

              I also am so grateful to my husband who bought me an iPAD for my last birthday, so my gift comes with me no matter where I am. Or with me no matter what I do. I told a friend of mine I think I really do dive in between “time” in order to get here, because as you say, yes, I have a very busy hectic life, one that is full to running over.

              Thank you, Stevie, for listening to me, and for your gratefulness towards me. It means the world to me and the effort I make to get here well worth it, to know that I do help. Our Journey is so far from a bed or roses, and my Journey has been so complicated but now I see why. I have been given so much in order for me to be able to speak from experience and to really understand the words I write. In other words, I walk my talk. And I have a way of reaching out to so many different people because I have had such a packed life full of many varied experiences.

              I Love you, my Sister! Your words on this day have put a very golden touch in it. Bless you!

              From my Heart to your Heart, Amy

              1. Thank you Amy for the brief overview of your life!

                I must say that you are the most empathetic and caring person I ever “met”. You take care of everyone here at the Pond, and I love you and admire you for that!!! And your language :))) There is no one who I so clearly get a picture of as you, biking with your hair fluttering in the wind, talking with your cats and flowers, and more. It takes courage and strength to do that – and I love it 🙂

                So much love and respect to you Amy,


                P.S. What does RN mean? D.S.

                1. Good morning, Brigitta! RN means Registered Nurse. I was a Critical Care Nures for almost 6 years in an Intensive Care Unit. Looking back I don’t know how I did it. Extremely physical job, extremely mental job, and an extremely emotional job above all else.

                  Thank you for the compliments. I follow my Heart in all I do, and that goes for here as well!

                  I Love you, Beautiful Birgitta. As for the hair flutter in the wind…….heheheheheheh……I have very short hair right now and I wear a bike helmet.

                  Have a GREAT day, or if you winding down, have a GREAT evening!!!

                  Love Amy

            2. PS Sometimes my responses may seem rather curt or short. That is because I am on the fly. I really don’t stop much to “think” about what I write, but just write exactly what is in my heart in that particular moment. I have also learned to typed VERY fast. 🙂

              BIG (((HUGS)))!!!! Amy

        2. Dear Stevie,

          For some reason I thought about you when I found this video:

          I think this is another parallel to what we are experiencing around the Pond.



              1. When I click on it, it says “this video does not exist”….maybe I’ll click on the the YouTube button instead and see if I can see it there.

      1. Stevie, I am about to step into a hmmmmmm……rather busy day. In other words, I probably won’t be apparent here at the Pond.

        I came here to say to you: You have to begin somewhere. That beginning for me was to start really focusing on my “inner chatter” in my head. To tell truth, I was shocked at what I found there. Negative thoughts galore. Rapid unrelated thoughts. A Mess.

        It took me years to take control of that mess, and at first I thought I was going to go nuts. To always be conscious of that inner chatter? But I did it. And with every negative thought I found, I threw it out and told it repeatedly to stay out. Oh, yes, those thoughts are tenacious and they will want to stay. Habit. Stuck groove on the record playing over and over again.

        So this I leave with you today. I wish you all the very best and remember, be gentle on yourself. No mattter what you fiind, you are Perfect and are Love. No less.

        Love, Amy

  14. I AM so sensitive to Timelines merging, solar activity and earthquakes and have been so lightheaded the last three days that I have trouble walking and breathing! Also been feeling bouts of ‘depression and anxiety’ from the collective, even a wave of nausea came out of nowhere yesterday afternoon. Finally last night before sleep I asked to be taken to my ship for some encouragement to keep on and I AM feeling better this morning. Please join me in healing and releasing the Atlantean paradigm, the trapped souls and returning all to original blueprint per Gaia’s request. Thank you! Live in Love and Light,

    1. I hold hands with you, Phillypam. WE really are doing this!!!! BIG (((HUGS)))!!!! I too am feeling relief this morning after 3 days, just like you, of being crushed, pulverized, suffocated, and yes, barely walking. I can think today, and the “pressure” is off of my body.

    2. Dear Phillypam, I have been through much the same these last few days, and I am so glad that you have been “lifted” also. We are ONE, and we are doing this with every breath we take, no matter how laboured it feels at times.
      Much love from me, Aisha

  15. Sempre grande Aisha!
    Il bello di leggerla è che nei “Messaggi da Casa” che ci rilancia …. si trova una “visione” dell’ “IO SONO – ADESSO” in cui la descrizione dell’ADESSO è sempre assai precisa!
    Grazie Aisha e C.C.! 🙂

  16. Dearest Aisha, my thinking process, once again, seems to be backwards.

    No matter what I am experiencing, I thank YOU for bringing us these missives to assist us to navigate through what is coming and to bring understanding to what has come.

    My utmost gratitude to you, my Sister.

    Love from my Heart,

      1. I am LAUGHING so hard that I too have tears in my eyes! OH for the JOY of laughter!!!!! What a release! Whew! Endorphins here I come! I am diving right in!!!!!! Oh Lordy, the belly laughs………now goosebumps all over………..I can’t stop! I have the case of laughing for NO reason! On my, I have lost my marbles! As I am writing this, I am making myself laugh enough harder.

        Heheheheehehehehehehehehehe 😹😹😹😹😹

        1. So good to be laughing – it is really releasing and liberating. In these times when everything is so confusing, weary, serious, tough and unknown we really need to take a break and have a big laugh together.

          Love you all so much,


  17. Gratitude as ever Aisha and the CCs – don’t have much time to comment still – though blessings and Spheres Of Light to all.

    Joyfully, Philip 🙂

  18. Communications also broke through for a tiny second yesterday. I was told, ALL on earth are most URGENTLY needed right now, and that is the word I heard, but whatever we experience, we will NOT be harmed. And then again, silence…….

  19. “It can be likened to a sort of irritation or perhaps a form of allergy, where your body’s defence mechanisms may go into overdrive at times in order to try to drive out these new vibrations it perceives as some sort of ”interlopers” to your system.”

    HANG ON!

    These past few days have been a devish whirlwind with me whirling around as if caught in a washing machine on the spin cycle.

    My sinuses felt like cement was packed in there, and I just could not get enough air. I gasped constantly, like a fish out of water, desperately trying to breathe. The CC’s say to breathe…….I couldn’t even do that!

    It “feels” like “time” is unfurling, and the more it unfurls the more it gains speed. And yes, in the unfurling, “triggers” speed by, and I don’t even have time to “re-act” before they are gone and another set of “triggers” are in place.

    Just hang on to whatever you can. A few times I was so overwhelmed for the harder I attempted to keep up, the more furious the whirlwind became.

    Today SEEMS calmer, YET I have SO much ahead of me, that IF I can maintain a calm pace, is doable.

    Holy Moly Rolly! It’s rock and roll time, Family!!! Lay low, duck when you can, and take cover as best as you can!

    1. And oh, literally coming apart at the seams? YES! Whatever is coming in, and there IS something coming in, it is BIG. So just let us all get through this together, and reap the fruit and feast, when IT arrives after this whirlwind settles down to nothing. 🙂

        1. Amy – I really love your amazing expressions (LOL) and how you manage your language. Wish I could lift my table tennis bat and play with you 🙂

          Much love,


          1. Aw, Birgitta, you give yourself not enough credit. You are you. I just have “fun” playing around with words to keep these neurons of mine flexible. Table Tennis? Love it! Used to love playing tennis as well! Ah, those were the days!

            Now off I go breathing any way I can get it, on my bike, with The Styx, Eric Clapton, and Fleetwood Mac! Great company and way cool tunes! Helps keep me pumping those pedals, especially on those _________ hills! LOL

            I Love you, Brigitta!!!! Amy

      1. I’m “thinking” in “blocks” today. The overall “feeling” when I “heard” what I did, was……something vitally important is coming in, and this is a last heave (no pun intended for those of you with stomach issues 🙂 ) to PUSH THROUGH.

        It doesn’t help matters that we have done this for SO long, that so many of us are SO weary, and that we are at the point ENOUGH ALL READY!

        There is strength is numbers. We CAN do this! And when we arrive on the other side of this, we all will be so grateful to ourselves for being persistent for NOT giving up. On that note, there is no giving up for the process has a hold on us and is not letting go.

        Much to Love to All!!!! Amy

        1. Thinking in blocks… That’s a good one Amy! All I’ve ever been able to do is think in blocks.

          Yeah, giving birth to our New Selves. Never been done before!

          Love to You dear Amy. You so speak to Me!

        2. Much love back to you, dear sister! As always, you have such a wonderful way of putting it all into words. Thank you! We ARE doing this, even when it seems that most of the time all my body wants to do is rest or go to the bathroom… But at least the feeling of being stuck in that foglike mental soup has lifted, and that makes these “allergy symptoms” so much easier to cope with.
          Lots of love and gratitude from me, Aisha

          1. Thank you, Lady Aisha. I am humbled by how you “see” me. And very moved.

            With all my Love, Amy

    2. Sun_of_Blue, thank you. I know how to do yogic breathing, in several different ways. What I was experiencing was a total blockage of my nasal passages with what felt like cement. I could not move air through my nose if you paid me. It was just plain awful, for nothing I did helped me get enough air, leaving me feeling as though I was suffocating.

      I normally breathe in through my nose out through my nose from deep within, pulling air from deep within my belly. (chest breathing incites anxiety). When I am on my yoga mat, it is in through my nose and out through my mouth. When I am on my bike, it is wide open mouth to get as much air as I can, especially going up hills. Hehehehehehe I also control my breathing in meditation, until I can get to “no breath”. That is cool. When that happens, my heart rate is barely noticeable as well. I call this “Still Point” and OH! it is delicious. The breath actually blocks one from merging with God Within. The Breath takes you there, and the calmer the breath becomes, the more one gets pulled into God.

      I’ve noticed how quieit my breath has become, (when I can breathe), and how gentle my heart beat has become as well. When quiet exists both without and within, FLOW is experienced, and One becomes ONE with All That Is.

      HUGS, Sun! “Rose”

      1. Oh, Sun, you made me laugh so hard in return. Thank you!!!

        I will try what you write here. Interesting. Gentleness. Gentleness truly goes a long way, doesn’t it?

        Good to see some of us are regaining/maintaining our sense of humor. Laughter as well, goes a long way.


        XXOO, Amy

  20. Hi SUN_…
    We just had a conversation about this situation. I’m much more relaxed now, knowing that it can run without a pain. Thank you
    Aisha for this message.

    1. Dear sun_of_blue and Maria! It helps us all to be reminded that our body responds to these energtic uploads in so many ways, and what can seem scary sometimes is a only “normal” reaction.
      Much love to you both from me! Aisha

  21. Hi All,

    My wife’s guides (who go by the name of Duriel) recently suggested she start sharing some of her experiences more widely. Actually, the way she put it, she felt utterly compelled to start writing about it.

    Much of it might be familiar to some of you, or just plain weird, but as I understand it, the point is to share it so that it might help others.

    Standard disclaimers apply, take what works, leave the rest, you all know the drill…

    Much love to you all,


    1. Dear Paul, thank you, and thank you to your wife for what you share! Yes, the more we shine our light and are brave enough to put into words what we experience on this journey, the more people out there will benefit from it. Love and light from me, Aisha

  22. Thank You Aisha,
    Always good to hear from the CC’s.
    Today something good here. Vive did not get sick from the chemo today.
    I know everybody is helping her (I dreamed this last night), and this morning I send Reikie to this day’s chemo (forgot to do that to yesterdays chemo).
    Also, besides the cannabis-oil and the mushrooms we give her (corriolus versicolor), I gave her a bit of Chlorella (algae). All together it worked!
    So glad for this, so glad for all your help and well intended suggestions!
    I LOVE You All,

    As far as ascencion symptoms: they get hogwashed in the turmoil we go through. LOL!

      1. Thank You Aisha, I read today that: to have Faith is to trust Faith itself. All will be well, because all is well at this moment. All very well, but how do I trust that I make the right decisions? I’ve never been good in making decisions… so hard.
        Love JayJay

        1. JayJay, this MIGHT be one of the reasons why this is happening with your daughter. The agonizing part is NOT knowing which decision to make. And when we finally step up to the plate, make A decision and stick with it, it is THE most empowering feeling in the world. Difficult?

          No one said re-membering we are Masters would be easy. WE are challenging ourselves!

            1. Oh thank goodness, a LAUGH. I have noticed since yesterday my sense of humor is coming back, and I am actually LAUGHING!!! I am SO happy you are laughing!!! We tend to take ourselves much too seriously! GRIN!

            2. I am so happy you have a better day today so you can be able to breath – and have a releasing laugh 🙂 I read somewhere that if you in a serious and hard situation can see humour in it- you win 🙂

              Much love,


        2. JayJay, I personally have come to believe that there are no wrong decisions.

          Anna Helen

    1. Oh, Jay! I just saw this! I am SO overJOYed for Vive that she did not get ill yesterday! Their truly is Great Strength in numbers and when Love is applied, no-thing is impossible!!!

      Great BIG (((HUGS)))!!!

    2. So glad to hear this. Love to you and to all your family dear JJ, especially to Vive. Shitake mushrooms (powder of dry mushrums) could also be of GREAT help.

      1. One thing more JJ…if somehow Vive’s immunity could be increased the desease will gone. Se the web Cancer is curable now and you’ll find that all cancer patients has low immunity and low iron & D3 vit. in their blood.

  23. What a wonderful message!!! Thank you Aisha and CCs!

    Maria – I am sure you are smiling too when reading the message today. You really were spot on 🙂

    Time to start all over again :))

    So much love, joy and glory to you Aisha, CCs and all of you around the Pond and in all Universes in all directions!


  24. Hello, my precious Sister. Thank you so much for this channeling, wonderful as always.
    Dare to say that, after more than challenging a year, our beloved and blessed body has learnt to cope as is happy as ever… and we with it 🙂
    Much Love and an ocean of Blessings, my dear Aisha, life is good 🙂

    1. Dear sister, my spirit has lifted a lot this last 24 hours, but my body is still working hard to digest it all 😉 I have just come in from picking blueberries, and being out in Mother Nature makes even my weary body feel so much better!
      Many blessing back to yuo! Aisha

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