The manuscript of survival – part 283

As you have already ascertained, the pace has gotten fast and furious by now. Many of you have already felt the brunt from this barrage of love bombs, and even if the outcome from all of this will be very positive indeed, the process in itself can be more than a little taxing for you all. You see, this is all about giving you all the best possibility to travel unhindered through this next phase, and as such, nothing will be spared in this effort. So again we say, prepare to be pummeled and squeezed, as you are all being sanctified by these missiles of light. And do not think you are falling apart at the seams, even if you might feel like it from time to time in the days ahead. For you are in fact being fused together in such a way that you become as solid as you can be. And when this process is finished, you can indeed withstand anything. So that is the goal here, even if some of you might feel like we are trying to tear you apart, limb by limb, memory by painful memory.

So again we say, remember to breathe, for that will indeed bring some alleviation of these symptoms. For the breath is the sacred link between you and the very Essence, and as such, the better you are in connecting to it in your own physical body, the more you will be able to ease this transition somewhat. Let us leave it at that for now, and let you all go back to nursing yourselves through it all. For these days can be brutal on so many of you, but in the end, you will know that the purpose is as noble as they get. For this is about lifting you completely out of the old morass you have been treading in, seemingly forever. So take whatever comes in with open arms, for it will help to remove the last vestiges of the old that you still might carry within.

143 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 283

  1. Thank you for reminding me Amy! With what I read last week I understood that I am not EMPTY of energy, I am FULL of them and they are very strong. I do that often but I know I can improve on the efficiency ofthe process.

    I have trust in what you said about directing it. I need to ADDRESS the energies first, VIZUALIZE them and then DIRECT them.

    Also, as to clairvoyance which I have but it has not really come back since I put it aside in my early 30’s, I know I need to be confident and PRACTICE.

    See you under number 284. 😉 😀

    1. What I have ascertained, there is no longer a necessity in visualizing or even understanding these energies. All is energy, and with intention, I easily without effort, direct these energies to the “imagines” that arise behind my 3rd eye…….individual people, battered/abused women on the whole, the entire planet (yes, oh YES, this is easy!), ……. anything that comes up. Don’t think. Don’t rationalize. Just send the energy that you feel pouring in from your crown and out through every aspect of you to ALL in this world who desperately needs LOVE/LIGHT.

      Another way to “shake off this excess energy” is to literally put your hands in dirt and release. See this energy radiating out from you (the core) out to all the world or whomever comes to your mind. I do this all time, not necessarily the dirt part (I actually have a glass container on my counter from my garden that is filled with dirt that I actually put my hands into when I am having trouble grounding). When I go for walks, I “see” energy just running in waves off of me, in every color, to all the homes that I walk by or all the whomever or whatever that comes to mind. It has almost become a game to me. In other words FUN.

      See you over the Rainbow! :;

      1. Hello Love… lol, brightlysmile! 😀

        I meant Irish or any other nationality celebrating St.Patrick.

        Happy day to you Love. Sorry, giggling again. Can’t help. 😀

    1. Sarah, yes a Patty here. But the reason I came here was to tell you, to start directing the intense energies within you to go to anyone or anything that come to your mind. I am finding that I have such a buildup at times I don’t understand how I don’t explode and am learning to speak to this energy telling IT where to go. And it does. Peace on this day, my Sister.

  2. It looks like I’m first in line or something. I just had one of the most incredible weeks of my life. You all still seem to be waiting for your breakthrough. Don’t worry you can’t be that far behind me. My mind is boggled, I had no idea I would see the clear before anyone.
    I’ve met several people who are eager to learn. I taught them and learned from them. I had no time for the internets. I was immersed in loving people.
    They cared about me and what I have learned. They wanted to know what I have learned. I’m 20 years older than any of them. Teaching them taught me so much.

  3. It is a grey and wintry morning here in Oslo. The body just wants to crawl back to bed and stay there, and the mind is like a lamp with a low battery, barely showing any light at all. But my spirit is singing, for I have been reading through your words here at the Pond. My head has a hard time processing anything today, but the energy and LOVE that is being reflected in the surface of this Pond now is sizzling inside of me, releasing bubbles of golden light all over. I find it hard to even try to figure out what words to use to describe it, so I will just say THANK YOU to the Rainbow Masters gathered here for shedding so much light on everything. You are like prisms, gathering and splitting the incoming light into fractions of colour that will touch each and every one of us and light up the parts that needs it the most. Yes, we are indeed HERE and NOW, holding hands, ready to step out into the full light together.
    Love, light and much gratitude from me,

    1. Greetings Aisha,

      Beautiful image of the light and the rainbow prism!

      Because you said it was a bit cloudy outside there this morning, I thought I would let you know what is behind those clouds.

      I remember the Sunday following 12-21-12. I remember seeing how clear the skies were and how bright the sun appeared. I pointed it out to others and while most did not think much about it at the time, one person said that they had noticed the same thing.

      I have been watching the sun almost every day for the last couple of years. Yesterday it was amazing. I again pointed out the brightness to others that I met along the days journey and this time, many more shared my fascination.

      I recently read that our Sister Sun has a message for us and will share it with us if we ask. I believe that the message was that she is a mirror of ourselves, of our own light shining now in the world. So I assure you that the light above Oslo, is beautiful and bright and showing love upon our planet

      The same is true is true above all your homes today friends. It is a beautiful bright day for all of us and for many, many now


      1. Yes Mark! It is shining, and shining through. I thought it was Brother Sun and Sister Moon but in fact we are all androgenous, expressing feminine and/or masculine.

        Love and Sunshine to you Brother.

        😀 🙂

  4. Well now,

    There is something else I have to explain. Once I learned about it I got it. 20 percent of human beings were born in families that were NOT the initial plan. BUT we needed bodies to BE HERE. Guess what? We are STRANGERS to them, outsiders, and probably not from the same soul families. We are BLACK SHEEP. I know I am! My life with these still S&B of the Light was all but easy and happy. I tried SO much to make it work but I was always seen as the one “who needs help”. I never felt love or loved and there was no communication. I developed the two by myself and I succeeded. I was on my own and I have always been on my own. I did not get married and I do not have children. I digress… I detached myself completely from that family a long time ago and I have no contact at all. From a distance we do not fight. It’s better this way. I love myself and I love all Sentient Beings, rocks, insects, plants, animals, human beings, Galactic Beings, planets and stars, everything and everyone. But I am attached to nothing or no one in particular except at the moment my cat partner. I am free to leave this dimension anytime. As you said, Philip, done this been there and what I did NOT have here I will get elsewhere and I will have eternity to enjoy myself.
    Talk to you later.

    1. Well Sarah, what a delight it is to hear that my message had such a beneficial result for you and me and thus everyone as well…

      I just felt compelled to send it and I actually got out of bed to send it – I’d originally thought I’d do it in the morning but that did not seem right… it just all came together and I’ve learnt to respond to these calls…

      So, it was right and perfect you shared the ‘opener’ as it were that gave me the gateway to something I had been feeling but could not quite put my finger on!

      You subsequent sharing resonates with me too… in many ways… perhaps the most significant being the strong feeling and actually discussed with Sue the other week that really there is nothing I seek to hold on to…

      It was interesting about your reference to a Black Sheep in the family. Would probably describe me quite well although I have a supportive wider family – even if they don’t quite ‘get’ some of the ‘strange’ things they accept and that is a blessing… and most are open to some degree.

      Anyway, a little tired right now so will stop here but this has been a wondrous exchange…

      Much love, Philip 🙂

  5. Hello my friends. Headaches and dizziness on and off. Frequent bursts of tears and sorrows. Incredible exhaustion with despair on the side. Feeling very fragile…… Thank you Aisha, for the suggestion to BREATHE. Brilliant. With blessings, xo Kat

    1. Same here, Kat. Headache and dizziness hitting off and on. Hoping this round isn’t as intense as that hit of energy back in the third week of February. I am being advised to drink plenty of water, sleep, relax, and generally try to enjoy myself and not worry about anything. Naomi

      1. Hi Naomi – I FORGOT about drinking water! Great suggestion, thank you. I don’t do nearly enough of that. Feeling a bit better today and I hope you are too. Happy St. Patrick’s! 😉 Kat

        1. Hey, Kat. It gets difficult to drink water sometimes, although I’m not sure why. The headache is pretty steady now, with some oh-so-delightful pain on the right side of face/neck/shoulders. At least the dizziness is still very momentary. Still, this is not nearly as bad as the hit last month. I think you are a day ahead of me, so maybe I’ll be feeling better tomorrow. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! Naomi

  6. This is very appropriate to me today. Aisha, you spoke of the record of all the hurts and why we remember them so well? Steve Beckow over at golden Age of Gaia speaks a lot about Vasanas, which are our “first hurts” and they are so pivotal in relation to our life path that they can create reaction patterns for our entire lives. I have been gently allowing things to come up and be released with love, and its funny because usually I do get amazing results while meditating in a salt water tub with big pieces of amethyst crystals in there and I ask my divine inner child (yep, my pal, my transformed and merged ego mind has been so very helpful in this!) to lead me to where I need to cleanse next and today up came probably one of my deepest issues that began at the age of 1 year old when I fell over an old wallpaper steamer and burned my body from my feet to my chin as I was running around in a cloth diaper. I have never felt safe, nor have I ever felt people comforted me when I hurt myself, which is bizarre really because I was always “healed” well by two medical professionals for mom and dad, but they would yell at us when we hurt ourselves, even as much as when I broke my elbow my mother would not take me to the emergency room to disturb my dad and I lay in agony for hours and hours until he returned from the hospital only to take me back in. I realize this is why my body while flexible has a seeming inability to relax even in sleep. What came to me deeply today is I am safe and I am comforted by source and also, truth of truth, I don’t need to hurt myself or be sick in order to get attention…that part, well, it really did seem needy to me and almost embarrassing to relate but those are the things we must share to be transparent and truthful and own all of ourselves. I am completely supported, I have all the energy I need. I have all the love I could ever squeeze into my soul and I can simply BE, peaceful in the knowing that I have released this deep and solid thorn that no longer serves me. I really appreciate the Love Bombs and the ability to release and lighten the load, and I also appreciate all of you! 🙂 With much love and light and only carry on 😉 Alex

    1. OMG I dont believe this, I was having a salt bath just before I came on here and burned myself slightly on the hot water tap. All of a sudden my first memory popped up as clear as if it were yesterday. I burned my hand on the hot water running into the bath (must have been about 3 years old) and was running about as you do when your small and you burn yourself. My mother phoned the doctor (!) and he sprayed some freezy stuff on it. I have never forgotten the incident but it was pretty hazy until now and although it wasnt the worst thing in the world I’ve always thought it was a rubbish first memory! But it had to come up for clearing, pretty wierd coincidence though!

      1. Pash, giving you a hug and healing for your hand and your first memory…yeah, it does suck when your first memory is pain, just as mine was…so glad I was able to release it as well! 🙂 Alex

    2. Alex, now I am sharing what happened to me yesterday. For years I have released, worked through, let go of, childhood abuse and trauma and I really believed I was past all of this. Yesterday, following a day of pristine crystalline bliss, found me in tears with my heart hurting so badly I thought I was going to die.

      I realized, I have never experienced a Mother’s love, and I mean never. As a baby, my needs were addressed, but in a very mechanical matter. My mother did not know how to express Love, nor does she know how today. (I have removed myself from her life) My brother was born 3 days shy of one year of me being born, and I was set aside, my brother getting all the attention. I “remember” clinging to my mother’s leg, one year old, screaming and balling my eyes out, because she refused to even acknowledge me. I have a “memory” where she actually tried to shake me off of her leg. Now, if this really happened, that is another thing, BUT the way I grew up, I wouldn’t doubt it.

      Yesterday, the pain that tore through my heart was agony. I cried big salty tears and released them into the Sacred Waters. “I want to KNOW what it feels like to be loved by a Mother”. I kept saying over and over again as the tears just rolled down my face. I lay curled up on my couch, terry cloth bathrobe on because I was freezing, and just crying.

      My cat Molly, who has CHF, climbed on the back of the couch I was laying on. She sniffed at my tears and began licking them. She then curled her entire body around my head and HUGGED me with all she had and I mean hugged me. I stopped crying. My focus was transferred to the “memory” of not being loved by my Mother, to the present Now, and in so doing, I FELT, I mean I really FELT a Mother’s LOVE for her little girl radiating off of Molly to me. I held on to one of her paws that was draped over my face and I just snuggled into that feeling, a feeling which was a FIRST for me. My husband took a picture of this, and as I looked at it, I could see the serenity and peace on my face, as I was experiencing what a Mother’s Love feels like.

      This is powerful stuff. This letting go of PRIMAL hurts, or FEARS is such a hard process, but in the letting go, I have gained my Freedom from a FEAR of “something is wrong with me because Mommy never showed me she loved me, but always hurt me”.

      Thank you for ALL of you for coming into my Life. I am so honored and so blessed to now call you My Family. I love you.

      From My Heart to your Heart, Crystal Rose of the Blue Diamond Ray

      1. Oh rosie! Tears well up in my eyes! I share some of what you have felt and experienced as a child! My mother gave up a baby to adoption before she met my dad and married and from BIRTH I always felt I was not good enough for her…it has taken me years to heal this issue so I very much with all my heart send out to you a HUGE hug and a cheer for releasing this and a blessing on your beautiful cat who through her body shared with you the divine love of our blessed mother…seriously, I have to say that the only true mother’s love of pure unconditional love was when I would be wrapped in the embrace of our mother Gaia when in vision and connection with her–and the tears of joy in that connection quite probably saved me….So happy for you Rosie and thanks for sharing with us! I feel like we are all witnessing the birth of our new cleansed and expanded souls and I feel so blessed to be a part of it–I love you, I love you all! Alex

        1. That Sacred Body of Water is getting pretty darn near completion, I would say! And then we will all be there, swimming with the dolphins, playing with the Mermaids as they show us how to have FUN once again and how to relax on a rock and the pink sands, bathing ourselves in the Light, turning our faces up to Source, and rejoicing to be alive! OH YEAH!

        2. I know the pain well, of a mother who I was never good enough for, would never make the grade, and have had to come to terms with her not being allowed in my life any longer. I made this deeply difficult decision 7 years ago, at 45 years of age. I walked away knowing full well that it was the end of the relationship.

          I found myself then, or at least, I could see my reflection in the mirror again.

          I know this pain you know so well.
          It is so appreciated by myself, that we know we are not alone in the endless pain of our mothers. It truly is a difficult issue to “let go” of.

          We have family, down by the pond, to help us along our way ((:

          Holding your hand and got a Kleenex at the ready.

      2. Pfff Amy, How can I say you that I feel exactely the same….I don’t remember any particular moment, but I feel it…
        I find it amazing to be reading this and see myself reflected in every word / event you say. In fact I think all the strength and find the path of light and truth alone is given by those situations that have marked our lives and made us realize that we must make do everything alone. Now the situation has improved somewhat in my case, but I find my lack of love life (received)
        I have it now with all of you, perfect
        MUCH MUCH love to you my herat sister

        1. Alex, if I didn’t have the LOVE of Gaea with me, I don’t know what I would have done all these years. This is why I LOVE gardening, smelling, feeling Her Body, reveling in it, and seeing how what I plant in LOVE grows so beautifully. I understand. Neighbors don’t understand how few weeds are in my gardens and they stare at amazement at the riot of glory and color in them as well. All it takes is LOVE and it shows.

          Emma, sweet Emma, I share with you and anyone else who sees themselves reflected in my words…… The more I have intended to LOVE myself and feel GOOD about myself, and stating it, and BEING it, the more I am receiving LOVE. What is most surprising to me, is seeing a man who has pushed Love away due to his problems, begin to soften and receive Love AND show Love. Miracles do happen. This was the last thing on earth I expected (don’t like that word for it is a recipe for disaster), but yet I see it happening. Yes, there are still moments when he succumbs to his inner torment and insanity results. But he does resurface and every time he does he is more open to LOVE.

          It ALL began with ME, determined to show me respect, show me Love, show me tenderness, and show me I stand up for ME, for I am worth standing up for! And so it will be with you, Emma. FEEL and BECOME the LOVE here and ALL in your life, ALL around you will be transformed. I promise you.

          I have always said, the ONLY answer is LOVE. Within that word contains All That Is and MORE. For too long this world has hacked that word to death, but we, the Light Bringers of this World, are bringing that word back to LIFE.

          I LOVE YOU, EMMA! Sleep on that tonight! I send you a RAINBOW, My RAINBOW that is ME.

          1. Thank you very much. I don’t know how I would have resist this times without you.
            My favourite color is pink 😉

            1. Emma, I see you coming in on the Yellow Ray. It “shows” in your personality and the energy around you.

      3. Gosh Amy I feel the power in this experience… so glad that Molly was there to help and your husband took the photo.

        We all deserve the love of a mother and a father… though I know many have not experienced it…

        Much love, Philip 🙂

        1. Just sending everyone a huge big hug and I am simply spellbound at the love and caring and tenderness shown as we each open completely, spread ourselves bare on the ground of release and change, and we are hugged on and supported and comforted by those swimming in the pond…this is how life was meant to be, and I am so grateful to be able to start reallly living that! Hugs to all and especially my rosie, pumpa, emma and philip for their extra special caring and sharing! 🙂 Alex

  7. Has anyone besides myself experiencing a time warp today? I am seriously shocked at what time it is, for I swear just moments ago it was 1:30 my time. I am hearing, Time is Collapsing…….and from what I am living right now, oh yeah, baby, HELLO, it is. Yes, time has been speeding up and I have attempted to adjust but as each day goes by I seem to be able to do less and less. Today? It seems I JUST fed my cats this morning, and here I am doing so again! Feeling very disorientated today as well, and as Sarah stated, it is almost unbearable to still be in body.

    1. This morning i felt so out of body, like the saying, an unbearable lightness of being. Then after an hour or so of that the anxiety set in. Today is another day i can’t seem to get a hold on “time”. Random emotions and old memories surfacing for the last few weeks like Aisha described.
      I am eternally grateful for the pond. Love, Crazywolf

    2. Hereeeee…of course. Unbearable doing anything, just waking up, blink….and going to the bed. Did you do something? Did you want to? I don’t….Everything I have to do is a duty….I have to much work enduring myself….

      1. Ah, Emma, the thought in my mind this morning said, “I just want to play!” as I played cat and mouse in the backyard with my feral kitten. Then the duty voice kept saying, BUT you haven’t drank you coffee yet and you and SOOOO much to do. (sigh) I blinked today and honestly it is gone.

        I also don’t seem to have much of an appetite, as neither do my cats.

        Thanks for verifying that time is honestly disappearing. I was told that several weeks ago but now I am experiencing it. (((HUGS))) Emma!

    3. Oh me too!
      I have 4 sets of eyes on me and I swear I just fed the dogs an hour ago.

      Any pet folks out there experiencing more ear issues on pets lately? ( have had buzzing in my ears for about 6 months, wonder if they hear that also?)

      Strange for my home, but both Goldens have ear infections at the same time and I can’t figure out what the trigger would have been.

      Neither one is prone to them and rarely if ever had an issue with their ears. Both appeared almost overnight, symptoms hit and both were scratching shaking head. I know this because they are anywhere I am.

      I have also noted in my dogs that some days, they are not as hungry as usual or famished and wanting dinner early.
      Just checking in…with love and light

      1. Pupma, my cats are going one way or another…..either not eating or eating triple the amount they normally do. Many of my cats are getting very dirty ears, which they never have had before, shaking their heads also as if something is bothering their ears. I have had ringing in my ears for years, but lately it has become extreme…..very high and very loud. If I can hear this, they can too!!!!

        1. PS They are also exhibiting symptoms of being terrified or being very aggressive, which again, is NOT the norm.

          1. I am simply blessed to have found this beautiful pond.
            Pinkrose, your words most days, bring up tears. So many of you do.
            This is good (:

  8. This music touched my soul… and I thought about you all… my new family…

    We were all marooned in a distant little blue planet…
    We strayed rusty ways uncountable lives…
    We didn,t know who we were…
    We didn,t know why we were here…
    We didn,t know if one day we would know…
    We had no idea of why so many ‘whys’ in our minds..
    No idea, no hope, no light… just darkness… all about…

    But deep inside, very, very deep inside,
    always lived a little spark… very little spark of pure light…
    What does it mean? Why is it inside me? Who put it here?…
    Why so many tray to take it from me? Who am I?…
    Why I don,t fit in this place? Neither nowhere?…
    Why am I here? What am I doing in this hell?…
    What did I do of so wrong to be left here, lost?…

    One day I found someone like me… that shined light…
    I was not alone anymore!… But how to tell that I also
    Have a little spark deep, deep inside me, of pure light?…
    Will this one believe me?… that I am also light?…
    Then a thought came to my mind: Shine your light!…
    And I shone my light… With the hope to be seen…
    And here we are… Sisters and Brothers of the light…


    1. Thanks Nohmad

      I have always loved Pink Floyd. My favorite band of all time.

      Beautiful words from you also.


      1. NONE of us are alone any longer! How glorious, how wonderful to behold that we have found one another once again! Family! REAL Family! This woman from the stars is lost for words…….

    2. The Light of my Soul, this Tapestry of Light found here at this Sacred Pond, is no longer an Island. We have come HOME to each other, bringing every single spark that splintered off into all directions, back into the One Flame of Love. Thank you for sharing…….

      Candles are lit for all here who are making the final Journey into the Port of OneLove.

      Crystal Rose

      1. We have manifested a UNIPOND. ^^

        P.S. Today I find it almost unbearable to be in this physical body of mine. Still giggling though. 🙂 Have a nice evening, night, morning, afternoon, wherever you are in our beautiful New World.

        1. Hold on, Luv, you are not alone. Very disorientating day today as I feel I have fell into nowhere land. This is NOT the void, just a sense of what in the hey is going on here? TIME is NOT here today! At all…..

          1. Thanks Amy!

            It is all physical. Feverish and very weak. Plus a few aches and pains here and there. No problems with my head/mind. I just read that one day our vibrations will be high enough so lower energies won’t affect us at all. My guess is, I ascended some 18.5 years ago but I have been struggling with keeping my vibration high enough. I know that conscious breathing helps but even that is difficult for me. lol. Ah gee! giggling again. I am not worried at all, I am not scared at all, I have been through what looks like everything I needed to clear and that is why I keep smiling no matter what. But still! I have got more than enough of the lethargy, the dizziness, the feverish state, the lack of endurance and many other things, including itchiness, digestive problems, feeling cold and sick, you know, all that stuff. I could go on and on. It is just that some days I would appreciate a shoulder to lean on for a while ^^. Cause I am not the type to go to bed every time I feel that way. I want to live, for God’s sake! Just tired to be confined in my apartment because my car needs repair and my legs won’t bring me where I need to/would like to be/go. I am writing all this with a pinch of salt. I will add a little bit of pepper today.

            It looks like I am complaining, no? Sorry for that. Tomorrow is another day and the Sun is still shining, whether in a blue sky or a grey one. And I KNOW that. Sometimes I just need to tell someone. And here in the UNIPOND I know that many dear hearts understand. And, Uniponders, I understand YOU. As I understand how humanity has been suffering.

            Now that I let the bag open and spilled out, I am going back to that neat place inside.

            By the way, Philip, I am vegan too, and I have tried so many things to feel better, whether with healers or food or supplements or prayer, you name it. In my case nothing worked. That’s the way it is, my S&B.

            Well, well, well. All is well with my Soul. And ALL will change for the better, in the future NOW and I am looking forward to THAT and NOT letting the past or the suffering endured affect my vision of my New Golden Age World.

            And I am telling YOU all to hang in there, hold on to your hats, welcome aboard! The roller coaster ride is morphing into a jet ride. The first thing we will know is that we are there, which is here, in another dimension.

            For now, I welcome the BLUE LIGHT within me whenever it is planned to show itself to me.

            NAMASTE everyone. Love you all. Big HUGS. Bye Amy.

            1. I knew it. I knew it. There’s something I’ve been picking up Sarah from your profile ever since I first saw it and I’ve not been in this unipond that long. Like that word – Unipond.

              Every time I saw it pop up. I go this feeling of let me see if I can put some words to it: depth, power (in a positive sense), mystery, like something unsaid best I can put it for now – then something in a few things you have shared… I felt compelled to come back here tonight and add this.

              Probably more than a guess for you about what happened 18.5 years ago! Though I guess from what you’ve said its a long time to hold a vibration when all around are in a completely different space.

              Mmm… Must have been a profound experience then and since… Do share more if you feel inclined… could throw some profound light on this journey in which we share.

              I love the phrase – that neat place inside…!

              Anyway, I am off back to bed now… something unfolding… and it seems to work best for me there…

              Gratitude for spilling…

              Philip 🙂

            2. Sarah, what you said flew right over my head until I read what Philip wrote. If what you are saying I am getting, what happened to me in 1984 was my ascension! HOLY CATS! No wonder the confusion of my life. No wonder these insane frequencies that I have been holding for sooooo long. And no wonder why my life as I knew it, changed from day to night after this event. OMG!

              And the BLUE……this is the LIGHT I came in on, and became after 1984. I am the BLUE DIAMOND RAY. This is blowing my mind, just blowing my mind. So much is falling into place right now.

              I don’t know how I will sleep this night. I have so much to think about.

              I LIVE in that NEAT place inside. I have become that NEAT place inside. Energy I am for eternity.

              Sarah, Luv, IF this is true what I suspect is true, by golly, I am jumping on this jet ride and not getting off until I arrive!

              BLESS YOU for filling in some gaps, and I really apologize for not seeing this when you first wrote this. It has been a day that has been totally inside out.

              And when I do write here, I tell you true, I seem to dive in between time to do it, for like I said, I really do LIVE in that Neat place. Lately, I have been writing a lot, for the energy is too strong for me to lay still. I need to move, my fingers MUST DANCE. And when my fingers DANCE, the most amazing words appear. Wow!

              Am I bringing the “Neat place” with me when I write now? Whoa!

            3. Thank you Philip,

              I will share a bit more since you invited me to do so.

              Your aha moment touched me in such a profound way. I was thinking to myself that maybe I should have not mentioned about my alleged ascension back in 1994 (CFS one year later, fibromyalgia and other pathologies and anomalies), that it might sound pretentious. I realized that only a few days ago. It came to me as the only rational explanation, naturally. I had tears reading your words. Tears of finally being understood!

              And Amy! You made me laugh! 🙂 OMG I am feeling SO good at the moment though very tired. I am laughing of joy! Thank YOU for getting it!

              You know, my first language is French. Maybe “neat place” is not the perfect English words to express heart space. I just LOVE English. I read mostly in English, my website in mainly in English, I talk to myself and to my Friends in English most of the time.

              OK. Now. Regarding Ascension. One must understand that it is an ongoing process and that there are many rungs on the ascension ladder. First and foremost, we came here already “higher” than most of humans, we needed to otherwise we would not have been in a position to help. Second, we might have already ascensioned a long time ago but as I see it it is likely that we went even further since. I read that the majority of humanity at this moment is in the upper part of the 3rd. Many lightworkers on the fence are at the beginning stage of 4D and many are past the 5th already, up to the 7th. I know I am not in the 7th for sure. I do not know where I stand but I understand that I am moving upwards again this year, at the same time that I will fully awaken, like you will also, Philip, Amy, and all Uniponders should it be their soul choice. I know what mine is. I know where I am going. As long as I can bring my beautiloveful cat Soleil, take me naked, leave all my stuff and here we go! I was told back in 1996 that I would be victorious. For me, victory is associated with my work as a Wayshower and a Lightwarrior, not for personal reasons. I am an empath, from the Blue Ray (is it the same as Blue diamond Ray?), I come from Venus, and I am the Principality of God (anyone cares to tell me what this means exactly?), AND I have a great sense of humor! lol hahaha. So, I talked for myself and I can see now, with that new knowledge within me, that people around me are starting to wonder about themselves. Of course many of us have already ascended! Gaïa has been supporting a melting pot of different vibrations and dimensions and it has been as difficult for Her as it has for us of the Light, in human form. Anyhow, we are not all at the same stage and some might do a quantum jump from 3D to 5D, again only their souls know when they are ready to move on. And Amy, if we did not have bodily symptoms we would still be in body but not in the lower dimensions, or it would mean we would BE in lower dimensions, without all the energies coming from the higher realms.

              That’s it for now. My upper back is burning from typing. Off to bed myself. And I will be back tomorrow because I find that the energies in the Unipond are very good these days. Bye now. 🙂 Good night. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh…… Zzzzzzz………

              1. Sarah, I sit here stunned reading your words. I don’t have any concrete evidence yet, as I am just now putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I know you speak Truth, and I know that many here are coming to “remember”. I was told who I am in 1984, yet here again, the memory was deliberately wiped clean. I now believe the reason why is because if I knew, I would have completely ascended and stayed there. The job ahead of me (from the perspective of 1984) was beyond the scope of difficult and I probably would have said, “I have changed my mind. Take me HOME”.

                So much to ponder on this day. I embrace you lovingly, my Blue Sister. I am not sure if the Blue Diamond Ray is the same as the Blue Ray. Diamond may be a “symbol” added to the Blue Ray, for we are building New, a New that has never existed before. I keep “hearing” Blue Diamond Ray. Someone actually wrote the words Blue Diamond, they leaped out at me, and then I heard, Blue Diamond Ray. My name as well I heard I believe as a “symbol” of the New. Crystal Rose, both words symbolic of many things, both globally and personally. Someone wrote those words, they leaped out at me, and I “recognized” them.

                Triggers. Remembrances. HOLY CATS. Speaking of, I am right with you, Sarah. I told my Team it is a MUST my cats, and all who I lovingly take care of here, go with me when the Call is made. Think Noah’s Ark. (giggle) Yes, I too LOVE to laugh and when I do, others around me cannot but help to laugh as well.

                So much to share. MY GOD! Unipond is so right on!

                With all my Love and tender embraces, Your Sister of the Blue Diamond Light

                1. Amy, just wanted to say I’ve had some vibes from your profile every time it has popped up too… I’m feeling a little less coherent right now than normal as I am tired so will probably best to articulate later… but words that come to mind are Love, Nurture…

                  Love, Light and Joy, Philip

    3. These Precious Words are going on my refrigerator. NOW. YOUR words touched MY Soul, as this music touched YOURS.

    4. Marvellous Nohmad
      Thankkkk you very very much, as usual I agree with every word you say
      Love and blessings to you

  9. Dear friends! I just wanted to share this from my mediation yesterday: When I sat down to connect, suddenly an old negative memory popped up into my head. It was not something very important, so it took me by surprise because it was so clear in my mind. Soon, other, even older memories came up, and they had two things in common: they were all painful, and they were very, very detailed. It was almost as if I could literally taste them and smell them. Amongst them was my earliest memory, from when I was about three years old, and I started to think why on earth are all of these painful memories still there in so much detail, when all the happy memories are so much paler and hazy compared to these?

    Suddenly I was shown this image of a needle engraving something onto an old fashioned vinyl record, and I realized that this is how these old, painful memories are kept for eternity. They are literally recorded down, and for some reason we choose to play these painful ”memory tunes” over and over again. But why is there not a ”greatest hits record” of all of those wonderful, happy moments too? It’s like only the hurtful parts of our lives are being kept so alive for some reason, and I started to think about a way to do something about that. And so I saw myself standing with this ”record” of negative memories in my hand in this big room filled with people. I soon realized that all of these people were there because I had invited them, and they were all playing a part in all of these sad and painful memories. And so I simply decided to put that record on, and we started to dance and have fun. But after a short while, I was again standing with this record in my hands, and I knew I had to find a way to do something about it once and for all. And what came up, was Ray’s comment yesterday about ”melting something down and put it in a new mold and pour me in it” and that was what I visualized doing to this old record: melting it down, and removing everything that once was recorded on it.

    Someone have said ” my soul has learned enough from fear, now it is time to start to learn from love”, and I think that this is what it is all about. It is time to let go, and truly let ourselves be ” torn apart, limb by limb, memory by painful memory” as The CCs said in today’s message. For we must pick ourselves apart, and remove those old records from our archive, and stop playing them. For these old tunes belong to the old energy, the old world, the old ”me”, and I am no longer that person. I know that for many of you, those painful memories are infinitely more traumatic than anything I have ever experienced, but we must all find a way to delete these old tracks once and for all. For, as the The CCs said it, we must travel light, and only by getting rid of all of these old and useless tunes can we be able to hear all the new songs of love clearly.
    Love and light, Aisha

    1. Thank you, Aisha, and thank you, CC’s, for the Great Work that continues to flow forth here at this Pond. I am SO grateful to you both! (((HUGS)))

    2. Wonderful Aisha, thank you for sharing this and also Amy for her comment on the other blog… spot.

      In my experience and insight clearing these ‘painful memories and experiences’ is an absolutely vital part of the process… full stop.

      They too are energy – of a lower vibration.

      They are held in your cellular memory.

      If you think of it as a pipe with some ‘muck’ stuck to its walls and the water flowing through it as the light. If there is little water flowing (i.e. less light )coming in the memories can keep their hold and keep popping up.

      The more light you allow in they literally cannot withstand this higher flow or vibration and ‘get dislodged’ for you to process.

      They will ‘float to the surface’ for you to ‘look at them in the eye.’

      They will ‘hold you back from experiencing higher consciousness’ if at some level you attach or hold onto them.

      How to ‘release’ them for it is a ‘release’ and an transmutation!

      Become the observer and the observed! OK what does this mean?

      The memories are NOT you! If you look at them from your head/ego – it will feel very painful and take a long time. This is because you are hanging on to YOUR STORY.



      So, from an INTERESTED but NEUTRAL perspective observe from your HIGHER SELF the sensation (i.e. lower energy) in the body.

      Think of it as THIS BODY is experiencing this… this emotion, this pain etc. I repeat IT IS NOT YOU.

      Ask for the light, Spheres Of Light if you like to help TRANSMUTE and just sit or lie and watch the energy change and it will turn into something more pleasant quickly if you hold this higher perspective.


      You may find that issue after issue starts to arise from different points in your life.

      This is fine! It means you are now in a RAPID PROCESSING MODE.

      Stay detached, observing from this higher place… and just watch as the light, or Spheres Of Light if you like dissipate each one.

      When you are first practicing with this it may be harder for you but it will get easier. Just realise you are NOT these things.

      Your own experience will depending on how much ‘stuff’ you are carrying and what you are ready to process.

      You can take a rest from this if you are doing a lot. Just ask for a rest and come back to it another time.

      I’ve written this process up in a blog I’ve mentioned here a few times. Its called Lightening (as in Lighten-ing Conductor).

      Your conscious processing of this will make this journey easier.

      Here’s the blog link again. Do try – it will help if you are open to it.

      Blessings Philip 🙂

      1. thank you, Philip…so appreciating your brief (I LIKE brief) description of your lightening process…helps me as the comments of the others continue to encourage me as well…♥♥♥…janis

        1. Your welcome Janis, I know I was given this work (Spheres Of Light) and the Lighten-ing process to share with the world in this process and so I do… the more that engage the easier it becomes for others… its bit like a positive chain reaction…

          Philip 🙂

          1. Oh! Philip, I just wanted to clarify that I specified that ‘brief’ part because I find that even though my mind has always wandered easily when READING, it seems that it REALLY is prone to do that more easily these days…haha…”the more that engage the easier it becomes for others”…and so it’s like the presence of the ‘information’/energy can be helpful even though we may not pay attention to each part…i.e.reading every word…haha…thanks, again, Philip…:D

    3. Received March 16 in my email box.

      Oakbridge University – Jeshua Online
      Message of the Day

      Even if you feel like you’ve come into this lifetime with a lot of karma, really old baggage, and you’ve got to work through all of those issues before you can be free—that truly is garbage that somebody else has given to you and has said, “Well, hey, you’re never going to be free until you work through all of those issues. You’d better go back and dig up all those issues and clear them.” Well, what happens when you’re digging in the past with all those issues? You’re living in the muck and the mire. Use the two eyes that you have in the front of your head and look forward and remake your future; not according to what has been in the past, but go forward enlightened. Throw off that old stuff. It’s over and done with.

      1. Just googled this and and whilst I knew a bit there were some surprises… we do eat very healthily I’m veggie, Sue nearly is – so I just need to watch out for some of the surprises…

        Thanks again… Philip 🙂

        1. Oops my comment above about googling relates to Amy’s comments about Alkaline foods… sorry for any confusion.

          The other comment about not digging is about Sarah’s post! Philip 🙂

      2. Yes I would agree with this to add to my comments above. Don’t go digging… what needs to surface will surface other stuff will just be whitewashed by the energy without conscious awareness…


              1. It is SIMPLE INDEED… I must tell you the story some time of how Spheres Of Light came to me… but suffice it to say that I had this strong inner urge for a SIMPLE way for everyone to GET IT…

    4. Beautifully written and shared. We have all hard the phase, “love conquers all.” But until we visualize/experience it, the truth of this remains somewhat veiled. You have seen, and even assisted, love’s perfect victory. And in your sharing of this, we have been given a powerful glimpse as well.
      Love and Light to you Aisha and to us all as well. For we are One as well as many.

    5. Thank you Aisha for both channeling the CC’s and posting personally. And thanks to all the members and visitors here as it is clear that this Pond is expanding. I believe it is Grace that is and will be wiping our records clean. I believe it is us at our Higher Self level and find it too easy at times to mistake the old record that it is up to us (or smaller selves) to do this. I haven’t found success in turning down the volume of the old records but have found that when the volume is slightly raised on the higher frequency channels, the lower frequencies aren’t so loud.
      My ears are open for the new record. And eyes to the blossoming.

  10. Thank you for this one, Amy.
    Beautiful words and imagery. There are plenty of flowers around my “Little House on the Prairie”. Oh, it is coming, it is SO coming. I have vizualized it for so many years. My heart/soul knew, it always did. People smiling and laughing and giggling everywhere, FREE, with lots of magnificent colors and fragrances. Mmmmm… sweet essence indeed!
    So BE it.

    1. Sarah, you are SO welcome and your imagery is SO beautiful as well! Flowers are blooming around my “Little House on the Prairie” as well! (((HUGS))) Yes, SO BE IT!

    2. Sarah, I suspect IF we didn’t have the physical symptoms we have, we would not stay in body. Evidently, we are both needed here and we elected to be here as well. Just think of the rewards…….just JUST PEACE and being PAIN FREE…… GOD, just those are HEAVEN to me!! (((HUGS)))

      1. Dear Amy, 🙂

        As I said, I am not complaining. I know I am here for a divine purpose and that I was chosen and I chose to be here. I would never go back!

        Oh yes, I do think of the rewards and of course I am expecting them for myself but the reason I have been through all this is to help bring them to manifestation for everyone. When one wishes all of humanity to be free and happy and abundant, it includes them also. I have endured much more than anyone can think all my life but I never had anything serious AND I have been protected against myself and others AND I am still alive because my inner strength and faith kept me going. Although I wished so many times to be elsewhere – I was missing HOME so much – I knew that if I was to leave this body I would be the first to regret it. So I stayed and lived one day at a time. The knowing was always there, hidden for the most part and that is what I have been seeking to unleash all my life. I have no personal goal on Earth – well besides my little house on the prairie because I have been living in appartments since 1979 and never felt at home anywhere. Some friend of mine says it was a life of sacrifices. I do not see it that way. It is a mission, not a sacrifice.

        I do picture the New World, peace, freedom, multidimensionality (yippy!), space travelling, abundance, eternity, heaven on Earth.There is no way one can bring it without believing it is possible. Also, I know that in the new Cities of Light we will be taken care of and our bodies will be rejuvenated and regenerated to perfection. So I do not worry, I want to make this as clear as possible. I find it hard most of the time but there is nothing wrong with me and besides, the whole thing embettered me in many ways. I have no regrets whatsoever although I would do so many things differently. I learned.

        By the way, there is a message on the Net about a very important date this month: March 22. We are invited to be very clear as to what we wish to manifest because there is a portal that was open at New Moon a few days ago and it lasts until the 22. They say that when we are done with our what-we-want list we can relax and enjoy the ride. I am excited Amy, I am more than happy with was is happening. It is happening AT LAST! I had sadness in me until September 2011. Then joy came back. And I always manage to go back to that space of joy and serenity, I do not let myself be caught in sadness anymore, not that I don’t cry sometimes for I did and still do have good reasons to be sad lately (…) but it doesn’t get the best of me. I AM happy to be alive and a participant in this wondrous journey. You better believe it lol!

        Enough of this! Yeah, I just learned that we are being bombarded with CME flares , there was a big one yesterday morning and that may be exactly what I felt today. More to come and, as CC mentioned, it will be even more intense in the coming weeks. Better go with the flow. There is always the Unipond (I like this word) for some fresh air and caring shoulders. Thank you for that. Shall I need it again. 🙂

        I am really happy my S&B. The outcome surpasses all past and present difficulties. Bye. “Here comes Santa Claus”. 🙂

        1. Hi Sarah, just wanted to say in relation to this one that I have been having a strong feeling for some time that the dates around the Equinox on 20th March is very important.

          I am going to be writing this up in a blog but for now, I would suggest to everyone that a conscious connection with Spheres Of Light (or the Light if you prefer) on these dates will be helpful to you. Further intend to share the light with all of humanity…

          I was advised last time around the benefits of this are beyond words… and have the same feeling this time around.

          Philip 🙂

    1. Ah, yes, our anxieties, our pains, our irritations come to us to be experienced, to be felt. energetically, it’s all resistance, tightly wound energy, so just turn off your mind and sit with the discomforting structures they’ve become within your body. Feel, FEEL, FEEEL, acknowledge them and allow them to do their thing. I think they de-magnetize each time you do this, and I’ve noticed that what actually triggers the emotion doesn’t happen so much anymore….. thank you pinkrose.

    2. Amy please see my response to Aisha and you on this subject. What this lady is describing here is is exactly what the blog article I refer to will help people process much more quickly and less painfully…

      Much love. Philip

      1. The MOMENT you give a memory a “label” or feel an “attachment” you have just created a link to something that NO LONGER EXISTS, therefore bringing it back to life. Allowing the memories to float up, embrace them, shed the needed tears (if need be) BUT know these are no longer hold Truth in your life, and NEVER HAVE, will release you from the inner torment that was created in the first place to withhold you from your Inner Beauty and Glow!

        All good stuff here today, my Family of Light! LET GO AND BE FREE!!! And don’t take back what you let go of either. IF it shows up, laugh, and say, “I DO NOT KNOW YOU. BEGONE!”

        (((HUGS))) to ALL here!!!!

            1. Done a fair bit myself and if there is anything I can do to help make it easier for others all to the good. It just means we get there faster collectively …. and that has to be a wonderful thing!!!

              Bring in the light, walk in the light… or even run and dance if you like…

              1. We are on the same page, Brother. Some of us had to wade through first, in order to understand what works and what doesn’t. 🙂 Thank you for doing your part in this, Philip! It takes a brave Soul to dive in with no one else’s hand and nothing to relate to. Years I had not a clue what I was doing, but then I began to “see” a pattern emerge. That, and listening to my Inner Self has produced what I know today. 🙂

  11. Now, regarding the new pope. We heard about him doing things differently, in a most humble way. We also heard about him having done terrible things in Argentina a long time ago. What we just learned is that the soul of that man left the body and an ascended master walked in. Hence the surprising behaviour. There was two lightnings when preivous pope resigned and here we see a ship at new pope’s announcement

  12. Thank you, Aisha and CC for confirming what we are experiencing. So much love to you and all of us. J.

  13. Hello everyone,

    Remember the other night the info I got regarding “time”. I guess my HS is focusing on fully integrating in my what the concept is all about. Last night I got this phrase:

    “The only reality that exists is the one that follows thought”.

    I know there is nothing new here. NO time, thought manifests. But the message is that we are ALL, NOW, in the process of integrating all this within our DNA.

    Have a giggling lovely day. Yes, I giggle when I wake up. Pure joy and excitement of what IS, and what IS to BE.

  14. Thank u from the bottom of my heart! The timing of your messages and the changes I’m going through would be described as uncanny if I didn’t know what I do. I’ve been having a crazy time lately. I live in Japan so the tremors come up through my feet and the injections are come down through my head several times a day now, verging on continuous sometimes 🙂 If I didn’t have your messages, I would be having panic attacks! Again, THANK YOU 🙂

    1. Hello Kristine Marie… Belanger? Are you originally from Quebec, Canada?

      I know how difficult it must be for you in Japan. My heart is with you all. The words that just came to me are: Japan is a catalyst. I don’t know. Just saying.

      Love, Light and Purification to your land.

      1. Hi, thanks for the kind message. My last name is French, but I was born in the States. I agree wirh what you said about Japan. I was back in the States last month and everything stopped for me. It was like I was in a bubble. When I returned to Japan, it started up again. I had an image of people becoming conductors for a grid which is covering the Earth. I think Japan is where I’m supposed to be “plugged in”. I hope you are well and are enjoying your experiences too!

      1. Love to you too. I come to this sight often now. There is no one around me (from what I can tell) that is going through this and knowing there are others out there is a huge comfort! Thank you!

    1. Dear Stephen! Just click on the “Follow” button in the lower right hand corner, and you will be notified every time I post a new message.
      Loven and light, Aisha

  15. Yes, I feel very much this is sacred blessing/cleansing… a kind of Metamorphosis – from which we will emerge from the Chrysalis anew – able to live in a new way…

    Love and blessings to all. Philip 🙂

    1. Philip, something else I had wanted to say is, you may wish to research how to eat alkaline. Many times, disharmony and dis-ease in our bodies is due to too high of an acid pH in our bodies. Just by eliminating complex sugars, dairy products, wheat……..could assist your wife in healing. Take in consideration all bodies are different, so what works for one may not work for another. Just a thought I share with you…….

      My candles still are lit…….

      1. Thanks Amy, will have a look at that for her. I feel we are close to bottoming this out now for her. It’s part of a sequence I have been helping her with in the 4 years I have known her – each time it goes deeper and I have sense she may now have reached the core. She had a most profound experience yesterday and is feeling stronger today.

        Your constant loving support is amazing – thank you.

        Philip 🙂

        1. You are so more then welcome, Philip! It is a glorious feeling that you give me in being receptive to that which I give. Bless you and your wife!!!

          1. Such excellent advice, Amy. I found out 2 years ago I was extremely gluten intolerant and canNOT digest grains. As I’m a vegetarian I was eating a lot of grains but had been ill for years with ‘chronic fatigue’ and no one but (finally) a wonderful doctor could figure it out. The minute I stopped eating grains I began to heal. Haven’t touched grains for a year and a half and it’s been miraculous. Just as a suggestion for Philip and his wife. With blessings, xo Kat

  16. Oh BOY does this speak the truth LOL. Ah, I have had every memory coming from every I don’t know where it was held, in the last few days – amazing. I’ve also found it getting easier and easier to let it go, it a no thing…’s really fabulous and the frequencies whoooey. Hang in there folks, this is fabulous, well, it just will be if it’s not, but really it already is. Much love to everyone, fellow travellers. Love to you Aisha and sister.

  17. Thank you Aisha & the CCs. I am sooooo very grateful for all your missives which let me know that I am not just crazy with all the things happening in my life. Bless you, bless you, bless you!!!!

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