The manuscript of survival – part 280

As many of you have already ascertained, the energies have once again moved up another notch. It can be difficult to stay centered in these blasts of light, but please know that no matter what transpires in the next few days, you are not about to fall apart. We know that for many of you, this thought will come very close to the surface as both your physical and emotional state may be in turmoil. And, it is not about to abate in the next few days. Please do not take this as any form of preaching of doom and gloom, as this is only a forewarning of the incoming light. So yes, even if you at times may feel like you are being torn apart from all of these goings on, know that what we bring is in fact good news. For you are about to be filled with a large amount of light of the utmost clarity, and when the storm once again abates, you will find yourself filled to the brim with this clarity too, and you will be able to better discern the real goings on behind all of this hullabaloo.

For in the midst of these bouts of intense discomfort, it will as always be very, very difficult to find any positive aspect at all in what you are going through. For this will be nothing if not challenging for many of you. But again we say, please remember that all of this is only clear symptoms that you are being cleansed of all of the old, and your true core is being purified and sifted out from all of the old morass still covering it, much like when specks of gold are washed out from the tons of sand covering it.

So take this as another reminder to seek out the help you need in order to be better able to face these onslaughts of the light. For there is no better word for them than that, as they are indeed unremitting in their efforts to bring out the shining core of the real you. And you will be able to stand it all, even if you may at more than one point cry for mercy. But again we say, you are not here to be tormented, you are here to become the purest essence of yourself. And just like the process that turns the humble piece of coal into the most brilliant of diamonds, it cannot be done without applying the most intense form of pressure there is. But from the heat of this furnace the shining plumes of the phoenix will emerge. So know that even if you will feel as if you are about to be consumed by these flames of transformation, you will not be so, as you will once again emerge victorious and resplendent and for the first time able to show the world – and yourself – your true colours.

175 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 280

  1. Hi all. I’m not new to the site, but just discovered all the wonderful comments. Thank you Aisha for this wonderful community and all the channelings. I think I’ve been reading since almost the beginning. Here is what I’m wondering……

    Yesterday’s post (280) was like a god send. I read it on my phone before I got out of bed and then understood why I could barely move my body and get out of bed! The pain in my body yesterday was nuts. It was so helpful to get the lowdown and just breathe into another day of intense energy without panicking that certainly I would need to go to emergency room (exaggerating a little – I’m pretty used to all this by now, but yesterday was one for the record books). And by this morning it had passed. Then I read today’s post and I practically had a panic attack reading it. It wasn’t helpful at all. It just scared the crap out of me of what was coming, what was going to thrown me off,etc. And I wonder, is it just me, or is some of this stuff really helpful, and some of it not so helpful? No disrespect to you Aisha, you are wonderful and loving and wise and all can feel your heart. I just don’t know if I need to be knowing about all the scary stuff up around the bend. Seems to me it just helps me to create it. Anyone else?

  2. I have not given up as much as I am overwhelmed.

    Overwhelmed with the amount of information I am receiving vs. the sheer barrage of conspiracy theory, tin foil hat trolling, reptilian aliens, etc. It is very discouraging and again I say to you, I don’t know if I am mad, if I am experiencing a mass hypnosis, a delusion, or what. I am frightened and joyful at the same time. Its exhausting.

    1. Dear Jade! Now more than ever it is so important to be discerning. There is so much “information” out there with just one goal: to try to make us all feel powerless. So make sure to stay away from anything that triggers fear, unease or just does not feel right. Both promises and threats are doled out in large helpings by a myriad of sources, so always check in with your own center whenever you come across something that does not sit right with you. Or better still, just stay away from it. Nothing good comes from overdosing on anything now, so the better we are at limiting the intake of information now to what literally makes us feel good and helps us to find our own strength, the easier we will make this journey for ourselves.
      Love and light, Aisha

      1. (((HUGS))) Jade. I fully 100% agree with Aisha. I have questioned my own sanity these past few days and I manually keep ascending within, bringing my own energy up to my 3rd eye and keeping it there. I have limited my own reading on the internet (not books) to a mere minimum. Anything, and I mean anything, that even touches your fear button, get away from it.

        Sending you My Love, Jade! All is Perfect as YOU are!

  3. Feeling better, Folks…been sitting here receiving my warm chills…I’ve found Grace n Hope again….Hope everyone is experiencing some relief, as well:)….this last one was quite the doozy…Stay strong.

  4. Major blessings your way Mike XO Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing. Just wait, try to smile and find some humor somewhere if it hurts when you breathe……while things line up 🙂 ❤
    I think hypnotherapy (of a type), is in my future too.

  5. This message is an encapsiltion of my life to a T right now. This month has been so stressful beyond words for me. I, the one who seems to be the rock to so many with positive thoughts and healing energies and an ear to listen to people….feels lost. I have to move in two weeks. My car just broke down and is out for awhile it seems. My body is in severe pain that is either the energies or old pent up emotions. I just opened an office for my hypnotherapy and I cant get there to do my work while sitting in a desk job that I know is so far from my true calling. I send prayers and blessings to you all and would gladly be willing to receive some as well. Blessings and thank you for the community.

  6. My beautiful, lovely and shiny Sister of LIGHT, E M M A. I,ve got something for you, I hope you like it:

    La mujer, que al amor no se asoma,
    no merece, llamarse mujer.
    Es cual flor, que no esparce su aroma
    como un leño, que no sabe arder.

    La pasión, tiene un mágico idioma,
    que con besos, se debe aprender
    Puesto que una mujer, que no sabe querer
    no merece llamarse, mujer.

    Una mujer, debe ser
    soñadora, coqueta y ardiente.
    Debe darse al amor, con frenético ardor,
    para ser, una mujer.

    Yo viví, como en sombras, dormida
    sin sentir la mas leve emoción,
    una vez, me dijeron, querida
    y esa voz, mi letargo quebró.

    Ahora quiero, y me aferro a la vida,
    ahora mi alma comienza a nacer.
    Puesto que una mujer, que no sabe querer
    no merece llamarse, mujer.

    Una mujer, debe ser
    soñadora, coqueta y ardiente.
    Debe darse al amor, con frenético ardor,
    para ser, una mujer.

    Letra de la musica Una Mujer, de Sandra Mihanovich

    EMMA, quien escribio estos versos, seguramente sabia de ti,
    porque te caen como anillo al dedo. Tu eres to eso e mucho
    mas. Sin lugar a dudas eres una grande mostradora del cami-
    no del amor. Nadie como tu para saber lo que es el amor (e lo
    que no es). Mil besos para ti, querida hermana.

    Con todo mi amor


    1. Por el amor de Diosssss
      Cómo explicarte….!!!!!!Cómo no puedo cerrar la boca….?cómo, cómo, cómo. Cómo puedes saber, cómo puedes expresar lo que siento, cómo no puedo parar de llorar????? Cómo puedo emocionarme tanto? Cómo tan sólo sabes eso? Cómo sabes que lo necesitaba? Cómo precisamente hoy?
      Diossssssssssssssss mío Nohmad, te quiero, te amo.
      Ha sido apasionante, abrumador, emocionante, no encuentro palabras para agradecerte, de verdad.
      Siempre os leo y me encantaría que pudiéseis leer mi corazón con todo lo que quiero decir y… algo me para, idioma tal vez….o tal vez que me quedo abrumada te toda la belleza y amor que encuentro aquí y me hace sentir chiquitita y a la vez tremendamente poderosa.
      Me has dado toda la fuerza que necesitaba para no rendirme, te lo juro, es agotador. Creo que sí que sé lo que es el amor, pero a veces siento signos que me dicen que puedo estar equivocada y cambiar mi dirección.
      Algo estoy haciendo mal e intento remendarlo, pero no sé ni por donde empezar a preguntar.
      Seguramente suene muy personal, pero me recuerdas/haces sentir la energía de mi padre, la persona más importante en mi vida. Y todo lo que tú dices, para mí va a misa.
      He sentido cada palabra, cada mayúscula, cada coma, Dios te bendiga por los siglos de los siglos.
      Me has hecho una MUJER muy feliz hoy
      Y sí, esas palabras me definen, todas y cada una de ellas
      Te amo Nohmad

      1. Somos todos UNO, bien lo sabes. E no puedo quedarme parado quando siento que no estas bien. Aqui TODOS te amamos profundamente. Sentimos alto e fuerte cada palabra que no sabes como decir. Te sentimos linda y maravillosa, unica y incomparavel.

        Tu ya sabes lo que es el amor. Amor te hace sentirte libre e vuelas cada dia mas alto e mas feliz. Nunca te hace sentirte en una jaula, sola e mal amada. Amor es luz, alegria, pasion sin limites, placer sin fim ni paralelos. Nunca aceptes nada menos que AMOR. Tu mereces solo lo mejor que la vida puede dar, e eso es AMOR.

        Aprovecha a mil esta infinitamente grande nueva oportunidad de ser feliz nuevamente. Busca hasta encontrar tu grande AMOR. Sin la menor duda, enseguida lo encontraras. Pide a la Arcangel Indriel para que te ayude a encontrarlo. E se feliz, hermana mia, siempre muy feliz.

    1. Hi Lara,

      I wanted you to know that I read the link. I am sure that many others did as well. It is very powerful and I had actually read it before but it still brought tears to my eyes and reminded me that we really do live in our hearts.

      This love thing–it is a big deal. A truly wonderful, surprising and completely reliable big deal.

      Grace and Peace,


      1. Philip, I am walking through such fires today I keep saying this is not happening. Out of the blue BAM NO sense of anything! Thank you BLESS you for helping me. My Light is doing some revealing and BABY it aint pretty. MAN MAN MAN! When are the days coming that I don’t act like a freaking mirror anymore??? Cripes. Now the tears are coming…….OK, shaky……BREATHE!!!!! AND ALL IS WELL!!!! I love you!!!!

        1. That’s wonderful to hear Amy and you are very welcome… you were in my INTENTIONS as you gathered… take it easy on yourself too… Love Philip 🙂

    1. You are so funny, Amy! When I saw that this morning, I thought “Are they talking to me?” LOL
      After being super sleepy Saturday, I had a lovely few hours of anxiety and being hyper-emotional (similar to PMS) Sunday but am feeling pretty decent today. I have also noticed what feel like some very brief pressure changes in both ears. Must be the pressure changes from this crazy roller coaster ride. 😉

      1. Actually, Naomi, they were speaking to me. This is Red Letter day here! But it did make me smile!

      1. Yes!! Wasn’t this the mssage written on the front page of the ‘guide’? This is a really great movie. We are living in this humongest computer that answers the greatest questions about Life. Ready to leap into hyper dimension around the galaxy?

        1. Just got to this Nayon – yes it was! – and perhaps we can see even more clearly now how his humour had deep spiritual relevance…. loved it as I have just said to Naomi… Philip 🙂

        1. Ha, ha, thanks for that Naomi – it just seemed too much of a coincidence so nice to have it confirmed. I loved his work to bits – I used to have an old vinyl LP of it and listened to it endlessly – I think I knew every word at one point!!

          Glad to here that you are working with Spheres Of Light – the more you do the more it integrates into your life and will make this whole process a good deal easier…. my latest blog Lighten-ing Conductor will help you process ‘stuff” very fast….

          Ah those Hitch Hikers days – I always felt there was a deeper spiritual message in his work as well as it being so funny! Thanks again.

          Philip 🙂

      1. Sorry guys
        In my google page doesn’t appear nothing related to “don’t panic”. I never consider myself as a master but even a fool…Also I’m not Bill Gates and I want to think is something related with internet server or Google spanish version. Because I’ve spent 15 minutes trying to find something you are saying and….it’s driving me crazy….:) 🙂 🙂

  7. Oh I forgot to add – tonight, Monday is our weekly Worldwide Community Engagement with Spheres Of Light at 8pm UK time.

    Feel free to join in – it just requires your intention to do so and it helps if you relaxed with eyes closed and are just open to the experience. No effort is required!

    I will hold the Intention to share this wonderful gift with anyone from this community who wants it – no need to message me separately – your INTENTION is enough.

    By consciously engaging regularly with this energy I find it makes the journey easier…

    Blessings and Spheres Of Light are with you.

    Philip 🙂

    1. Hello Ania
      You are soooo welcome, I hope to see you frequently here.
      Thanks for sharing this
      Love to you

  8. Hello everyone.

    I stumbled on to an interresting hypnosis session this morning containing uplifting details about the ‘possible’ big shift happening in march. I sure hope the bulk of it is true. Somehow, my perception of the 3 days of darkness is that those days were actually periods of 1 month each, and for many lightworkers, those 3 months following 12/21 were a very dark place of faith shattering and testing, of uncertainty and doubt. Coupled with all the synchronisities and pain we all experience, I would not be surprised to see this big shift happening around the 21rst.

  9. Hi Aisha and fellow ponders of the light!,

    I’ve been busy the last few days sharing the light with others and they had the most profound weekend with us…

    As ever I find the trend of these posts accurate and I wanted to share a few things in support of that:

    I’ve noticed things speeding up for some considerable time now but sharing with souls relatively new to the spiritual journey this weekend it was a joy to see the rate they were ‘getting’ and integrating the insights and information I was sharing. It was a totally joyous weekend as well as healing, profound and so many other words… and I just know this is all being helped by the energies coming our way.

    I was particularly struck by the comment about diamonds in this latest post because in a guided meditation I shared with everyone this weekend in which you ALL get a gift including me as the ‘guider’ one of mine was an – energetic diamond – pure and crystal clear…. wonderful – the other was a ‘Lighten-ing rod’ as in lighten-ing up, allowing even more light in…

    I feel that we are all receiving this and it ties with so many other posts I see and particulalry Amy’s of a day or two back…

    Anyway, off to catch up with all the other posts now…

    Blessings, Lighten-ning rods and energetic diamonds to you ALL.


    Philip 🙂

  10. Dear Carolyn
    We are not losing our minds, we are recovering our soul … at least I like to think of me in the lowest moments, we are doing well? I still wonder what … but at least we’re together and senitmos relief from each otrso in this pond. It gives me strength to continue and not give up.
    You are more than welcome Carolyn, thanks for sharing your experience and I hope to read more about it to keep learning.
    Thank you very much and love for you

  11. Carolyn & Ruthy, we are only the first ones… ALL humanity is coming/running behind us. It,s not a race, everyone will make it. Here, at Aisha’s pond, we ‘drink’ what is happening/goingon with us all on a daily basis. Our community is growing steadily, as our group light quotient, that already is most powerful. Don,t feel alone, we are all here most honored to give you the most warm welcome.

    Aisha’s Pond is a kind of portal/window through which we see/feel/test what is NewEarth/GoldenAge/AquariousAge like. Here you will only find love, true friends and truth. Here darkness/negativity has no voice and they can not withstand the energy/frequency.

    Be free to share your light/love with us, we already love you. We are your Family of the Light. And feel free to take all the ‘water’/energy/support you need for cleansing/healing yourself or your beloveds. Aisha’s Pond water/energy is infinite. Loneliness is over.

    1. Nohmad, you write beautiful words from your heart, thank you. I feel so much like so many who read Aisha’s blog…. the isolation and feeling of loneliness is at times completely overwhelming. Yet I KNOW that you are all out there, feeling just as I do… and that gives me some strength. These days right now are so intense… there are moments when I can hardly pick up one foot and put it in front of the other without a real conscious effort. What an extreme time this truly is to be alive!!! And it is such a paradox, on the surface, everything ‘looks’ so normal, but energetically speaking, the pressure, as Aisha and the CCs wrote here, is enormous. The analogy of coal being turned to diamond is an apt one… as well as the washing and washing of the silt in order to uncover the gold hidden within it. Yes, all of the above and more!
      Very grateful to be part of this community of way showers and lightworkers…. Blessings and Light and Love to Everybody working for our shining future…. we will persevere and overcome…. hopefully soon our Rainbow colors will be shining out for All to see!

      1. Leigh, take from one who knows, that pressure really does produce a diamond. This intensity meter seems to have no limits. It is with great relief that I come here to feel the Love and and see the Support. I welcome you, with open arms. You have come to a Great Place indeed.

        And yes, Nohmad’s words are from that of a Master. I have come to learn when he speaks, to pay attention and know, just like the CC’s, every word of his is saturated with Truth and Beauty!

        Peace to you! Hang on! (((HUGS)))

          1. Thank you, Leigh! Both here and for your other comment about the “visual” of the Sacred Waters. The actual visual was breathtaking and I find it absolutely incredible how the Perfect Time unfolds and the words within me tumble out. I didn’t eve know I was going to share my visual until I found myself writing the words. (((HUGS)))

  12. Dear friends! I just wanted to share this comment from Attila that was originally posted on the page “About the manuscript”, because I want everyone to see it:
    “Dear Aisha and the other blog readers!
    Indeed, sometimes anger and pain I feel when I think of how many things hidden, concealed, lied about the “dark”, who are our world for thousands of years for leadership are trying to take us the wrong way, the humanity! I was also always being encouraging “with my heart rather than my mind I was thinking”! I’ve always said I’m naive (and thus vulnerable ..). I say I’d rather be naive, gullible, simple-hearted than skeptical, rational, “hard floors”. So I’m open to interesting things of the world, news of the secrets that have excessive levels of openness, “gullibility”. I’m not saying that the mind does not rise over me sometimes, in addition, they may pull off, he is anxious, swearing I do, but I always manage to overcome reviewed after a period of time. Last time I mentioned that we do not work for the old in my job, but I make a living with two young children and my wife should be so casual orders will have to take, and so I came up with a “work mantra” I now share with thought apologize specific content, but I’m graphic designer and therefore more sharpened my profession. Therefore, if you can help each other in everyday life :-). I do not know the translation (Hungarian to English) how to return it, I wanted to say …

    I am successful!
    In my spiritual center, I’m happy!
    Let light penetrate to the inner self and the control of my actions!
    I’m a professional at what I do!
    I’m doing everything right, I am clever and creative!
    Self-confidence, professionalism and conscience do it,
    which they do best!
    Customers are satisfied with me!
    Seeking a lot of money!
    I am happy and balanced in my job as well!
    The conflicts in time, with patience and good treat!
    All goes well!
    Free time is a lot, which cleverly farmers!
    In my spare time I find new markets and fantastic facilities in the world,
    or gardening, do the household activities
    because of the time it is given!
    I’m glad you all day, in which I can create free!
    I am grateful to the universe for the opportunity, every day,
    each finger, I am pleased to learn from!
    Thank you for the source of life, and in all of which there myself
    to become enriched experience have developed so far,
    Now who I am! Thanks for the sun to me to radiant
    symbols of spiritual and evolutionary helped my development!
    Thanks to him the warmth and the light came,
    which permeates my body and my spirit!
    Thanks for Gaya Mother Earth that live in symbiosis with it and,
    ensure that the conditions of life on earth until the end.
    Embrace his love of mother earth, to be able to forget
    all of which are committed against humanity. Hugging the light of the times,
    that he and the people with him we rise to a higher
    clearer dimension! Thank you!
    Master of all things I am what I am only!
    Because I am part of God, I am the creator!
    I Am, I Am, I Am!

    Love and light! Best regards, Attila!

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