The manuscript of survival – part 278

For the last couple of days, things have once again started to pick up speed. For many, it is as if your heart and eyes have started to open even wider, and you are indeed starting to perceive things in a slightly different way. In other words, you have finally started to tune into this new tune, if we may call it that, and you have mayhaps realized that things are indeed coming to pass even if you on the outside have yet to see any real traces of this. We speak in parables as usual, but what we are trying to convey is that this change that you have all hankered for so much is already in full swing. But as we have also talked about on several occasions, this may not come about in the manner you had envisaged. For a human mind is a simple one, as it cannot see beyond the boundaires it has been given. A human heart, on the other hand, is far more accomplished. For it can see and feal that which does not even exist yet, for it can tap into the true potential of something. And as such, the heart is a wise warrior, and as long as you follow your heart, you will know where to let it take you.

And it has taken you all this far already, and even if for some of you progress seems to be less than minuscule, you have in fact already made a quantum leap on this journey of yours towards that fabled goal you all seek so intently. Again we say, your heart knows this already, and now, the power of your heart has started to override the misgivings of your mind in a much more powerful way than it used to. For it has once again taken the driver’s seat in this, and by that, it has wrested away the control from the so much more timid and skeptically-prone mind of yours. So now, you will all start to see this whole process in a much more lucid manner. For now you will know where you formerly only had the hope, and now you will literally feel in your very core just how close to unveiling the whole truth you really are. And when you do, you are not the only ones able to perceive this, for then, the whole world will have to sit up and listen. For the truth will out no matter how hard the old and rigid structures try to hold it down. And now, they are crumbling, and they have other things to worry about than just keeping up appearances. And they will be kept busy indeed, as they feel the strong gust of wind that will tear down their house of cards once and for all approaching. And this wind cannot die down, for it is indeed fuelled by the power you all carry in your hearts, and now, you have gained access to that power, and you can feel yourselves starting to fill your lungs to their fullest capacity as you prepare to add to the storm approaching.

We say this not to scare you, just to remind you that you, through the actions instigated from your heart, are so important in all of this. For you are guided by your heart now, and that is not where the fear resides. For fear only engender violence and hate, and you dear ones, you are not to be lured into that old trap again. For you know that love will conquer the world, and from that love, a new world will arise from the ashes of the old. For the old world cannot stand the pressure from this wind of change, and it will indeed collapse into a heap of broken promises, taking with it the hopes and dreams of so many who had staked their future on this false flag of success. And they will feel as if everything they trusted their survival on, is razed to the ground. But you will know better, for you know that these smoldering remnants of the old will only serve to nurture the new and far more viable world that you are creating. And you know that from this seemingly lifeless heap of dirt, new shoots will start to emerge. For just like some seeds will lie dormant in the soil for years, even centuries, waiting for the right conditions before they can germinate, so too it is with many of your fellow men. For they all have it in them, they just did not know that they were still in that dormant phase. But now, many of these tiny little seeds will start to awaken, and you will all be amazed at the speed of their growth. For it will seem that the smoke has not even cleared yet before healthy and vigorous new sprouts will emerge all over, and they will soon cover the last remnants of the old with their proliferation.

So know that you will soon be as in a lush forest of healthy growth, and you will be able to rest in the shade of these sturdy trees whenever you want to. For you have done the hardest work, of clearing the path trough that dense and unpenetrable jungle to get where you are today, and you have done so at the expense of so much. But know that soon you will be assuaged by the arrival of all of these new and eager sprouts that will help to ease the burden off your shoulders, and you will be free to savour this new and fertile forest in a way you thought you never would. So again we say to you stay calm no matter what transpires in the days and weeks ahead, and know that all is well, for it has been thus ordained, and thanks to you, it will come to pass, and for that, we are all more than blessed.

114 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 278

  1. LOVE is but an EVOL word.
    Fairness, Understanding, Compassion, Kindness.
    Take the first letter of each word and this is what all should be taught.
    But hey, one must never speak of that word ever again???
    I too have experienced ALL the ascension symptoms and more, yet i still have a problem with the L word.
    As nothing but evol has come from this word – jealousy, war/murder, heartache, sorrow, etc all in the name of love.
    This why I believe the F word was never to be spoken again?
    Even the Vatican allowed me to enter it’s building’s with a t-shirt that read –
    “What I mean when I say F… Fairness, Understanding, Compassion, Kindness.

  2. If you use a chain reference dictionary what you can find will blow your mind if you can read it and how far the research has come on some of these things.

  3. Werwater as you know there aren’t a lot of people that even know what synchronistic means. But just by looking up this word a person could find some of the latest top secret projects that are being worked on. Some of which will be used greatly in the near future.

  4. Look for what the governments are wanting to do to make a new world order. Watch for people claiming that they will help out when things start to happen. And what they want to do is a lot like what our governments want to do. Don’t be fooled by them. Our government can do a lot of things that most won’t believe even if they see them doing it.

  5. It amazes me how governments hide what they do right out in the open. everything they do is in Wikipedia. They even make movies of it. They know they have kept knowledge hidden so well that most can’t see what is right out in front of them. Some of what they have in Wikipedia only a handful of people can make any sense of it. So they aren’t afraid of it being their. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know what they are doing. I am ready for this stage of man in this world to be over with. I hate all the suffering man is going through. Because of 1/10 of 1% of the greedy monsters in this world. It is so crazy for the people of the world let this go on. I don’t think they would it they knew the truth. That movie that says you can’t handle the truth is true for most people of the world.

  6. Even though coffee now makes me gag, I do enjoy an iced coffee once in a while. A week or two ago I stopped to get an iced coffee and as I was getting out of my car, my eyes noticed a license plate parked two down from me that read “MARCH 7”. I took note of that in my planner, and today is March 7th. I was curious to see if it was a specific message for me or something else.

    Has anybody else been experiencing nightmares? The last year I have been having very vivid dreams, but now they have turned very scary and violent where I am waking up and shaking or I can’t go back to bed. I’ve had dreams of being tortured, two nights ago I was trying to tell people we were being robbed, and nobody listened until it was two late and the thieves took everything. Last night, I must have been on vacation and I was staying at a hotel that was haunted. I asked the lady at the desk for my money back, because apparently I didn’t know I was staying at a haunted hotel. She told me sorry, I already paid for it. I’m almost afraid to go to sleep now because my rest has been anything but peaceful. ~Amanda

    1. Ask Archangel Michael to protect you and your dreams before going to bed and when you awake, ask Him to protect your whole day.

      Good and sweet dreams for you, Shiny Bunny!

    2. Hi Amanda, I’ve been following my own dreams for about 8 years now and have a very good handle on them and how to get at the message. They can be quite personal things so a lot of the symbology out there may not apply strictly to you but, having said that there are some common themes.

      From what I have learnt and indeed observe in my own dreams there are different levels to them. A lot of what they are showing you are your fears to heal and they can repeat if you don’t get the message.

      In general terms:

      Level I is day to day stuff we are processing.
      Level II tends to bring up older and deeper stuff in the psyche
      Level III tends be from the collective consciousness

      Dreams can have all the above components. The most common ones are Level I/II – Level III is relatively rare. Though in this little community I suspect may be more common!

      I can offer some pointers to your dream(s) if you like to help you get at the meaning but a potentially more productive route is to become conscious of your dreams as they happen and ask the energy of Spheres Of Light to transmute the experience and fear… and observe and let it go…

      I have ‘sense’ of the message of the ones you describe but as I don’t know you in person, as it were, it is only a sense…

      Happy to help or explain more if you wish.

      Do not fear them rather see them as messengers to let go of your fears. They can and will be transmuted if you so choose.

      Blessings and the energy of Spheres Of Light to your dreams.

      Philip 🙂

      1. Thank you Philip. I appreciate that you explained the different levels and how they may be singular or combine all of the three into one dream. I actually have a good grip on what each of the dreams mean to me, I just find they are very wicked and severe in nature. They are definately getting my attention!!

        The dream of me being tortured is current from my current coworker who admits to being bipolar, but without a doubt in my mind she is a clever,thoroughbred sociopath. My dreams are of her torturing me, slowly, with a knife. In my current work with her, she is completely insane. She has even told me that she wants to slit my throat. It got so bad I told my boss what is going on and that I actually fear for my life, or my car. She spends her work time trying to destroy me and throwing me under the bus. Normally I work 2 jobs, but since this is my only job, and I enjoy it, I’m forced to put up with her.
        My dream of being robbed is from my past employment. I always thought I had a horrible, rough childhood, but the people I come into contact with in my work experiences put my mind at rest that they must have had a worse life than me. I had to quit work after 90 days once because someone above me was ruining my work. I was in an office where 6/6 women ganged up on me for a year, hid my files, lied about me, stole my phone when I went to lunch etc etc etc etc. I even brought in cake and cookies for my birthday and not one of them ate it or said a word to me. They would never speak to me. Even though I was in love with my job and I excelled, my boss fired me for no reason. My current boss pays me the most, yet stifles my growth and hardly gives me any work. My last boss did the same. I feel like I am being robbed of my dreams and I am constantly working with and running into mental cases. I can’t understand how people can be THAT insane. I really don’t.
        My last dream in the haunted house, I remember seeing pictures and stuff moving and winking at me. I feel like this is relating the the transition we are all going through. I feel like I don’t know what I am in for or what I will see next.
        The dreams do represent past/current and future fears, and like you said they are asking to be released. If you can provide any other insight I would appreciate it. Thank you! ~Amanda

        1. Hi Amanda, you are welcome! It seems like you have a fairly good handle on them as you describe.

          Your words: “I just find they are very wicked and severe in nature. They are definitely getting my attention!!” speak volumes to me… OK so they have your attention, but how about looking upon them as friends rather than wicked?

          This may seem completely bonkers BUT they (the dreams) are not here to hurt you or have power over you rather as devices to say “hey Amanda – this is something you’ve not healed inside – let go of it” – if you can befriend them and ask for transmutation they will gradually shift in nature and your ‘waking life’ will improve as well.

          Gosh your work does sound unpleasant. I have a question about your work and your dreams it may sound crazy but stay with me here… it may lead to some insight… “Why are you letting them have power over you?”

          You can stand in your own power. You have that gift.

          Trusting this helps…

          Philip 🙂

          1. To answer your question to me as best as I can…I am a person focused on results and doing my best and searching every nook and cranny to be the best I can be. I’m very driven. When I see people spending 95% of their day trying to destroy me, and 5% of their day working, I decide not to waste my time on them. I don’t get thrills out of fighting, I see it as wasting my time. If I spend my time trying to undo every lie my current coworker says, I will be just as lazy as she is. I treat people how I would want to be treated and no less. I guess this all adds up to I am letting them have power over me? I’m not a jealous or insecure person. If I want a better job, I will find one. If I want to look better, I will change my looks. I don’t like the victim mentality that leads people to go insane, which in turn they hurt others. I’m not a fighter. I’m into healing and helping and that is why I spend so much time volunteering with animals. They are not insane! 😉 The more I see the state/mindframe of people, the more worried I am about people! My current coworker sabotages all of my work. WHYYYY? I don’t know. I don’t see it as me and my power, I see it as why is she clinging so tight to being nutty? Why isn’t she focusing on her success? I have no idea. ~Amanda

            1. If only more people were like animals! 🙂

              OK here’s an insight from a quality text on dreams which may help throw some light. You are being attacked in this dream by your co-worker. This might give you a clue:

              “Dreams in which the dreamer finds themselves being violently attacked often represent a sense of guilt, and a desire for self-punishment. They can also indicate that the dreamer is too vulnerable or apprehensive in the face of the outside world, as if outer forces are battering him or her into quiet submission.”

              You may feel that this is not so in your case and apart from what you share here I do not know enough of your situation. Though given that you are saying that they ‘wicked in nature’ and seem to have been fairly regular then it points me to suggesting that there is something that you are not getting and your dreams are ‘shouting at you’ pay attention…

              I could of course be completely wrong about this… because ultimately you are the one in control, it is your truth. I merely offer this as a possible route to some deeper insight and with the benefit of a lot of experience of sorting out my own ‘issues’ from the vehicle of my dreams…

              I have found that by really getting the message and act on it in my day to day life there is an improvement…

              Trusting this further insight helps unravel it.

              Though remember I mentioned in my first response is to ask the LIGHT to enter into your dream space and help you transmute… this approach takes away a lot of the fag in try to get what its all about…

              Philip 🙂

              1. Thank you Philip. I’m not sure if there is a difference, but she wasn’t attacking me in the dream…she was SLOWLY torturing me with knives and blades on my skin. And she was laughing. Normally, when I have frighening dreams I immediately wake up. This particular dream kept going…and going and I was experiencing this torture. I’ve worked with her for a year and a half, and I have been dealing with her “games” since day 1. But, aside from the dream, I am sensing danger from her on a very real level as well.
                The best part is I am thankful my dreams are telling me to process all of this and let it go. I’m going to listen and ask for LIGHT to enter my dreams. thank you..thank you. ~Amanda

                1. You’re welcome Amanda!

                  I am glad you are seeing it for what it is.

                  With the additional info you have provided I now see it more clearly and your dreams are communicating perfectly with you. I am rather called to other issues as I teaching a healing workshop this weekend – but I now believe I have better grip on the dream… key thing – keep asking the Light to transmute the energies in the dream for anything and everything of this nature that comes up.

                  Much love,

                  Philip 🙂

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