The manuscript of survival – part 277

Let us begin this missive by saying that for many of you, these last few days have been more than intense, especially physically wise. And, as usual, that is easy to explain. As we have touched upon earlier, these new injections bring with them some brand new programming, programming that is altering the course of so much of what you have previously installed in your body. And so, the moans and groans from this literally not only mind expanding, but fully expanding energies will be heard throughout your physical body. For no expansion comes without complaints from the existing, and as such, even if they are indeed rather painful at times, these growing pains, for that is truly what they are, are once again just confirmations that you are taking one step closer towards completion.

For you are all expanding in so many ways, literally and energetically, as you are moving way past your old limitations and charging once again into unknown territory. And once again this will bring about confusion and disbelief, for as it is whenever something is ignoring old boundaries, the mind react with a twinge of fear from all of this unknown. For why not stick to the old tried and true? Why this penchant for leaving that behind and instead forge into something you have no possibility of knowing what will come out of? Again, your old system was hardwired to stay put in the same old rut, and as such, this endlessly pushing of the envelope is bound to get some reactions. So once again we say that the outcome from all of this can only be positive, no matter how taxing, confusing and even downright painful this actual process in itself is. So try to quell your gut instinct to revolt against it all, and give yourself some time to breathe and relax into this ”unpleasantness”, and we can guarantee you all that no matter how bad you feel, either physically or emotionally at the moment, you will all in some way manage to get at least a fleeting glimpse of the glimmer of light that accompanies all of these symptoms and discomforts.

And growing is always painful in some ways, as it means giving up all that you used to be. For you are not a child anymore, and the awareness that comes with knowledge means that you can never hide behind the innocence of a child anymore. For you have been given access to the biggest truth there is, and with it comes also the knowledge that you have been living in a lie fabricated by others. And as such, the ripping apart of the veils will be painful in so many ways. But you know too that this pain is not the reason why you go through this. For this pain is only the pain that comes from liberating yourself from all the old hooks and barbs embedded in you that are trying to hold you back. So know that every second of discomfort will be repayed with a lifetime of bliss, for you are growing beyond the point of no return, you have in fact passed that long time ago. So again we say that the aches and pains, sorrow and anger are but small markes along the way, signifying one more victory as you take a new breath laden with the incoming energies that will make you grow bigger and more complete as the days go by. For you are not here to suffer, and this process will make that clear to you as you sense your magnitude expanding daily.

So bless your body, for it is working so hard to accomodate all of this new you, and bless your mind, for it is only doing what it knows best. And even if both of them seem more reluctant than ever to let this expansion continue, know that they too are fully committed to this process. For they will be with you every step of the way, but they cannot help but utter more than a few yelps of distress on the way. But again we say do not let that trick you into thinking that they are only offering you resistance in this, far from it. For you are all a team, and you will make it all the way as a team. So let us conclude this message by saying that you are all doing your very best, and for that, you should be immensely proud of yourselves. For know that we are, and we will always be so. For you are the bravest of the brave, soldiering along every day, come rain or shine, and you are bringing the light of freedom into every nook and cranny on your planet. And what you bring, cannot be turned away. For it is here to stay, and you are the ones who are making it all come true.

145 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 277

  1. Thanking each one of you for your messages posted here…means so much to me…I usually have very few words that come to mind to comment with but just feel much appreciation…♥♥♥…janis

  2. Good evening all from Atlanta, Georgia. I must tell you all what I saw this morning as I was preparing to try to sleep. I am nocturnal at this stage, I am awake all night, watchful and alert. The energies are much different then and the veil between worlds seems far thinner; it’s far easier for me to slip back and forth. At any rate, before I saw this activity, the sun had not risen yet, it was dark here in my studio save for the glow coming off the monitor as I digitally paint and draw and communicate and listen to the music of the spheres or binaural beats to make the vibrations jive so I can connect – sort of like, clearing a line if you’re a plumber! haha! So I am writing and hearing Metatron tell me what he wants my old friend to know, (even though at this time I don’t let on that I am delivering a message, I still talk to him as if I am speaking in the first person active voice, such a balancing act let me tell you). As I am writing, I feel a warm, golden light on my head and I think it must be the overhead light coming on, the one in my studio. I look up and it is not, it is just as dark save for the glow from the monitor. I look back at my monitor again to resume typing and now I see the golden light and feel the warmth on the top of my head. I see the golden light in my peripheral vision. I can’t help but laugh and feel overjoyed. I continue writing to my friend and finish up my drawing, I know its time to make this body rest as it has not slept in 50 hours at this point. I put my pens away and start to clean up. I start to walk through the doorway from my studio into the rest of the house and as I do – this HUGE wall of BRIGHT BLUE energy passes through me. I stop. I turn around and go through the doorway again. SAME FEELING. I pass through it once more, and yes bright blue energy and now I see little golden flakes sort of like glitter in the air again. HEY! You know what it looks like?!?! Remember the old Star Trek, when they would beam people up or down off the ship? IT LOOKS LIKE THAT!!! Those sparklies! But suspended in this luminous blue energy. All of a sudden I hear the Voice tell me that’s enough – laughs like haha – then says come to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen, but my human mind is starting to cramp with fear. I tell myself I am just overly tired and I am hallucinating. I go to the kitchen and go into full tilt panic anxiety attack feeling, and I can feel my perception start to get swimmy, so I go the freezer and force my limbs to open the freezer and its like I am underwater, I am moving so slow and it seems to take superhuman effort to move my body to pilot it. I make my body take out some ice and put it in the food processor. I have enjoyed making this sort of snow concoction for some years now, where I grind ice into a very fine powder and scoop it into a cup, and just allow it to melt in my mouth over time almost constantly. I find it helps with whatever it is that plagues me that I can’t name. So as I am forcing myself to do this and finding it incredibly hard to do so, a huge BOLT of something – understanding? the Voice said HEY WE ARE TALKING TO YOU PLEASE LISTEN. I stop and say out loud, “Ok, ok, you got me, I give up, I am listening but I am afraid” and the Voice said to me, “Listen my child, you and the others like you are the ones to usher in what your human understanding calls The Golden Age. Some of the humans have called this the One Thousand Years of Peace on Earth that has been written about in many texts. The pulses of energy that have been bathing your planet with energies from the sun and far away objects have passed though all of you, changing you forever. It was a convenient way to accomplish activation so as not to panic the Lower energies or Sleepers on your planet. Very shortly there will be a period of panic as human belief systems collapse upon themselves and as world events and meteorological sequences intersect in order to get everyone’s attention. At that time, you will know exactly what your instructions are. Some of you are doing it already, you have returned to the Old Knowledge by teaching yourselves things such as needlecrafts, soapmaking, and adaptive gardening and other arts and artisan skills and so will be well prepared and placed to teach others as well as lead the world in the new currency, or the even exchange of energies for tangible objects on this plane of existence. These skills were nearly lost and if you had not heeded the call to return to your original talents you would not be as well prepared and could not accomplish this, do you see now how this fits together? Do you see the direction you must travel in now?” As I am hearing this, whatever I was looking at had gone into soft focus as I had paused to listen, and now that the Voice had stopped talking, I could see twinkles and flashes like lightning around me, sort of superimposed on the familiar landscape of my kitchen. I said aloud: “I see you and I hear you, I understand.”

    I hope this helps some of you, my panic anxiety abated immediately, and I went to sleep for about 5 hours. The body is still tired, but the mind wants to continue so I will make a compromise with them both by doing a little of each.

    I love you all

    1. Wow Jade, what an experience and what a message – thank you for sharing it with us hear.

      There is so much in this particular download you got…


      Philip 🙂

    2. ‘Things’ will become ‘hairy’ shortly. It,ll not be easy for nobody. Some 3D people (sleepers) will see in us (lightworkers) a safe refuge. Our calmness/peace/tranquility will be the sign they look for in middle of chaos. I said some and NOT all. And among these, may NOT be those who we should like most to protect/save. We must be aware that Heaven knows everything, and we do not. All will be O.K. for us. We need to have much calm, be strong and wait for more specific instructions.

      Meanwhile, each of us must meditate with center in our hearts, to know what can we do now in order to be best prepared. We know our environment and know what are our most crucial needs. As you know, all big city depends on electrical energy. Without it, if we don,t leave in 3 days, probably we,ll die. All of us must have a plan B. This is the worst scenario.

      Vatican will fall. International monetary system will fall. Governments will fall. Mother Earth needs to get rid of much negativity and Her only resources are wind, fire, earth shaking and water. She needs and will use them all. And all this at the same time. Probably, to add a lot of pepper to the soup, mayhaps all the sky will be full of extra&intraterrestrial ships, of all kinds/forms/sizes. A mess.

      I hope I,m totally wrong and it won,t be so hard. I don,t want to false alarm you all, my brothers and sisters of the light. But all this must happen for humanity to be free of darkness forever.

      Thank you, Jade for sharing.

      All my love to all

      1. Hello Brother Nohmad – I think the scenario you are describing might be a vision given to you as a warning if we do not create our own powergrid of love in order to overpower the forces that would make the worst parts of that vision happen. My impression is that yes, the Vatican will fall, it is a necessary and its not but weeks if not days away at this point (the more we gather in strength, the faster it hastens their fall) however, once that marker has been established it is then up to us to power out all negativity with unconditional love for all. It is very important that the Vatican fall, because along with that and the collapse of that, plus weather events and objects falling from the sky in the form of asteroids and meteors coming together in a huge intersection here very shortly, that’s gonna be our big activation signal to step into the void and power that puppy, light that thing up like a pinball machine. There are tremendous pulses of galactic energy about to wash over this planet, they have been well on their way for millions of years, that is what is going to sort of push the remote and take off the ‘mute’ button and get this medicine show on the road, so to speak.

        All my love to all of you, feeling so incredible these days.

        1. Thank you for this Jade I too feel with the power of love and joy coming our way that whatever ‘blips’ there may be they will be considerably eased by our focused attention and intention on bringing more and more energy on to the planet.

          Fascinating insight about the Vatican. I certainly feel it was no coincidence that lightning struck it the day the Pope made his announcement. I don’t know if you’ve heard beyond the UK but the most senior UK Cardinal has also resigned due to seemingly ‘inapprorpriate’ behaviour towards younger priests. Coincidences – there aren’t any are there!

          Having been brought up at the hands of the Catholic church I know first hand just how much damage it does to people with misguided teachings. I must have chosen this path and I have a good sense why! The amount of healing I have gone through releasing myself of all that – well it would be quite a story… 🙂

          Its a world I left behind a long, long time ago – thank goodness!

          I feel sure the Vatican and a number of other ‘human’ institutions ‘will go’ – for me its a matter of when not if.

          Timing is everything and I know from my life experience that its best to get the conditions right and then it will all fall apart easily… No doubt it will cause a few concerns but as people see the truth for the first time – I sense it will quickly transmute into overwhelming joy…


          Philip 🙂

    3. Dearest Sister, when I read what you wrote, I was covered in goosebumps. I too am seeing lights, BLUE specifically, and then colors appear just suspended in midair. I see sparkles all the time (bright flashes of either bright white Light or colored pinpoints of Light) and the other day I saw the snow on our property glow magenta. As I told you, I have just begun speaking up, and there is so much I still don’t talk about, for it seems I still have yet to exorcise the voice that says, “You are crazy!”

      Thank you, Jade, for showing up here, and giving me incentive to share more or my experiences. My heart is pounding as I write these words. If you are brave enough to talk about your um “crazy” bouts, then so am I.

      Twilight is the time for me to “see”. That is the “light” when I begin to see the molecules like pixels. I also see molecules in the very air itself, and these dance, always moving. So much more………but this is a beginning.

      Sending my Love to you on this Grand Day!

      1. I probably should have added Amy and Jade that I do see energy from time to time when I pause and become still.

        I’ve noticed it becoming stronger recently seeing some very interesting colours in the sky that you’d not normally expect. Also when I pay attention I do see the pixels etc.

        Perhaps my most profound experience of this nature was three years ago when I was on the phone to a friend and right in my lounge whilst talking with her appeared an ‘human type’ image about child sized in all the colours I had been working with at the time. Beautiful greens, magenta, gold and more – more beautiful than any colours I had seen before.

        I watched with amazement as I chatted to my friend telling her what was happening. It continued all the time of the call and for some time afterwards I could even get it to move around the room!

        Seeing and perceiving energy I know from my energy training is a natural phenomenon. Something that we can all do but have forgotten about. Indeed it is said most of us turn off the ability and forget we even had it as we are being brought up…

        I’ve even tested it on a child of a friend who sees it all the time and got him to tell me what energy colour I am using in a particular session. Spot on he was – leaving no room for doubt.

        I love it when I see it – it feels wonderful and I get really excited – I feel sometime we will all be doing this as a matter of course. It will tell us much more about the world out there than our current relatively limited senses do…

        Philip 🙂

        1. Philip, I have this Dream of where True Healing is going. It involves sound, light, and vibration (frequency). I “see” and there is so much to explain, yet I only say this for now. This morning finds me in Life and what must be done so I can proceed with me day. I actually offered to speak to a Chiropractor regarding what I am seeing, who I thought would be open to it, but no call back. Hmmmmm……..So when the time is right, I speak.

          With that, I must go. Hump day for me. This too I shall do, and stand firm and tall. Peace on Earth is here for All Eternity.

          1. Yes I have many insights about healing in its truest sense to and what you say fits with that – as you’d expect!

            Amongst the key insights I was given with Spheres Of Light is that your INTENTION phenomenally powerful, that it is like a ‘Genesis or Creation’ and that it IS the Golden Egg…

            Look forward to chatting more here. I am off on a trip now (more Sharing Spheres Of Light with the world) won’t be back here to tomorrow.


            Philip 🙂

    4. Jade~ I like that they said this will occur “very shortly” and we would “exactly know our instructions.” I so feel that this is true.
      During this process, I sometimes lose sight of the old me and the new me and I have no idea who I am and where I am going. However, I’m always been so very into skin care and when I’m doing my facial routine I can tap into the real ME and I’m very relaxed and at peace. Last night, I read your message, and then I did my normal facial routine. During my relaxed state, I had a feeling of “good” nervousness. I had this strong feeling that we are all being trained to work together (soon) at some profound level. It became very real to me, and I was nervous yet excited. I felt strong, like right before a race.
      I used to hold fear that we would run out of water or food, but I really do believe that not a hair on our head will be hurt. I was even a prepper for a while, and now I just have some extra water. I think it’s important to be vigilant, but not to throw fear into the universe. That is what we are trying to overcome. Oh yes, the monetary system will collapse. It already has, it just depends when they will allow us to see it. There is nothing that we cannot overcome. We have all been trained for this. Jade, thank you so much for being brave and being able to hear the message and also to relay it back to us. Things are going to be surreal, and fall apart, but I am excited to get back to “community” and the more natural state of life. This has to end soon. Sometimes I hate even going to to the store, I seen the pain written on people’s faces. They are struggling, the little kids want to grab some candy and the parents can’t afford it. I remember being maybe 5 and I wanted to go on a ride outside of a store and I think it was 50 cents. My mom didn’t have the money, we couldn’t afford it. A lady saw me and let me ride the ride with her little son. I never forgot that. I do not think we have been outcasts and sufferered and have been ridiculed just to be thrown further into the fire. I think we all have the strength and we are part of the change.
      I can be be wimpy sometimes, but my backbone is unbreakable. If we all stay centered, and watch around for the clues that are given to us each day, we can do this. I feel we are SO close. ~Amanda

    5. thanks for sharing that…. i knew it wouldn´t be in vain scrolling down threw all this wonderful coments and hoping for your next post 🙂 … now i can go to sleep 🙂

      1. Marko I feel like you. I don’t know where to look anymore here. Wherever I look is gold and diamonds and pure wonder!!!

  3. Lots of good info here today. i wish i had more time to write before my hands cramp. i’ll get further leaving out capitals.
    pinkrose, thanks i felt the energy yesterday. felt like a drum was playing inside my neck.
    i have read everything here twice, except bible quotes
    i’m going to let in all blend into one thing.

    one way we get more powerful is that people all over are in on it, so the more any and all open themselves, they become part of the growing strength which we all share.

    there is a common consciousness amongst us. we are becoming a hive mind at least on a certain level. you can access it right now is through telepathy. so run for your life away from floride anything. floride in the body inhibits telepathy. the powers that were know this. that’s why they fill you up with poison. keep them sleeping, they thikn. won’t work, their is enough of us to overcome the inhibition. the telepathy is getting louder.
    break time ouch

    Aisha. thanks for poking a little hole in the darkness so we can start shining through
    ? what if we wrote a short description of this beautiful little pond we found in Norway… then send the link “reply all” and ask them if they like it , would they send it “reply all”
    btw i wake up with a cat on me too.
    thats all i can do now

    1. Otmn~ I know there are so many things we need to avoid and most “food” sold is polluted garbage. However, my gut tells me that we are moving full steam ahead at this point and no fluoride or GMO or anything can stop us now. I did have a problem with eating MSG last week and I had horrible pains for a few days. I agree I think it can make us sick, but I do think that as a collective whole, anything that is done from this point on to halt our progress is futile on their part. You are correct though, even my dental hygenist friends have stopped brushing their own teeth with fluoride. ~Amanda

      1. Amanda-I have to agree with you. I have been told repeatedly that we have very little control at all over this process. It doesn’t really matter what we eat, drink, do, etc. I also have a feeling that, although we still need to try to be careful to eat well, etc., our bodies are being protected from things that may have harmed us in the past. I also suspect that our bodies may be functioning so differently at this point, that we may soon find out that some of what was good or bad for us in the past no longer holds true. Naomi

        1. Amanda, and Naomi, I have gotten into the “habit” of eating good. Yet, I had a “nice” surprise! I went out to the movies a few days back, and on that day, my husband was “light” and we both acted like kids. We pigged out on chocolate and popcorn and normally when I do this, I feel horrible afterwards. I felt FINE! In fact, that chocolate and salt combo was so yummy, I was practically having organisms in my chair. GRIN……really not, but you get the point. I haven’t tasted something so good that normally I do not eat and NOT to have a reaction? Cool!

          1. 🙂 Something tells me that is what we are supposed to be doing on this last leg of the journey…acting like kids and seeing the joy in everything. Having fun, not thinking, just living (from the heart) and smiling. Glad you had fun. 🙂 ~Amanda

            1. Ah, thanks, Amanda. Those “kid days” are rare with hubs, and today he is right back with thunderclouds on his head. MAJOR garbage being taken out. I ride it out with full confidence ALL is as IT needs to BE.

              Today at the doc’s office, I not only succeeded with my Mission but my blood tests all came back improved. I was SO full of JOY I just wanted to SING and dance just like a kid, and almost did until hubs walked out the door, making a scene. Yep, digging out garbage is painful.

              Hugs to YOU, Amy

          2. Now that is very interesting Amy! I too eat very healthily and practically vegan and usually avoid anything that might be too dairy and especially cream as it feels so heavy to me.

            I went out with my wife Sue the other day and after a good walk I ordered some cheescake at the counter. I don’t know what made me do it as I was expecting that heavy feeling part way through. Anyway I polished off a sizeablle portion easily and did not notice any heaviness at the time or in the following hours – very interesting…

            Philip 🙂

  4. Dearest “Lil” Amanda…….thinking of you as you make some mighty BIG decisions.

    Naomi, BLESS you for thinking of me. Answers are coming already, as they usually do, in signs around me. For starters, a SKUNK sprayed in the barn next door…..ya can’t get a LOUDER sign then that! I looked up what skunk means, and it means, “walk your talk” and “self respect”. Again I face those whose first reaction is, “MRI, this test that test, surgery”, and of course, let’s not forget the “meds”. I take enough thank you!

    Solutions as to what best to do for me are coming and it is not any more surgeries. Two botched surgeries are in my past and I don’t plan on having any more. I’ve been fighting back ever since (20 years worth). I am confident that with the decisions I am making (thinking of you, Amanda), my Highest Good shall BE.

    Hugs to all, as I wind down for sleep, bringing you all with me in my Heart. Knowing I have family and friends, is a novel feeling, one I cherish totally.

    1. Amy-I would make a horrible rapper, so lil in front of my name won’t work. 😉 I did make my big decision Monday. All is fine now. Everything is working out for me. I can finally take a breath for the first time on over 2 months. I am glad you are confident in your health decisions. Stay healthy so you can take care of your cats. PS I found a new feral female cat today at the shelter that I am working with. She HUGGED me after I finally got to pick her up. Like a human hug! I have never felt a cat hug before. Adorable, adorable, adorable. ~XO Amanda

      1. Amanda, Lil was short for Little as in Little Sister, younger sister, one who I cherish Sister……..oops, not what you thought…….(((HUGS))) I do not rap either……NO way. Classical music is more to my taste in music…….

      2. PS I have a HUGE lump in my throat about what you said regarding the feral cat. I have had a hug from a cat, and it literally stops your heart. Beautiful and SO touching! You rock!

        1. When they transform the FEAR into LOVE it’s a major force. I know you already know that. So beautiful to watch them.

    1. HI, JANIS! Sure I can recall your name now, but in the comment I wrote, flttt, right out the window. (((HUGS)))

  5. As dear one, Pinkrose said, thank all of you for putting into words what I am feeling and experiencing so that I don’t feel so alone with what I do not express as well as all of you are doing. Thank you, thank you for BEING you. I love you; I love us more than any words I have could say. J.

  6. Enthusiasm, what a good feeling there,s in it. And it could not be different, it means TO HAVE GOD WITHIN. Isn,t It what we are all discovering, together? When was the last time we were part of a TEAM like this?

    Our passion for LIFE was dying, everything was dark/lugubrious/sad, but suddenly it happened: LOVE EVERYWHERE! NEW LIFE AGAIN! What joy! We are awaking again to life. We feel deep inside again. Our internal fire is growing, burning without control. Happiness! And what can be more beautiful than to share this new exuberance with the persons we love?

    And what about Naomi, Kat, Jeff, Christie, Guerric, Heather, Lara, Michael, Alex, and the others brothers and sisters that shine their light here at Aisha’s Pond? Really we are becoming a great team of the light.

    I wonder what will happen the instant that we all together begin to think at the same time in one determined goal?. Miracle, without doubt.

    Hugs to all with all my love!

    1. Thank you, Nohmad, for mentioning other Brothers and Sisters. My “mind” went blank, but OH how I KNOW there are so many of us.

      This is my FIRST time I have felt ALIVE and on a TEAM with others of like mind. This truly is a first time event for me, and it is radically changing my LIFE.

      I send YOU my LOVE and SO many HUGS for putting into words what I feel/experience/am. I am so grateful for what you bring to Aisha’s Pond! I am so honored to have you in my Life!

      From my Heart to your Heart

    2. PS Your last sentence jumped out at me and grabbed me! Imagine, having ONE goal in Mind as we together focus on that goal and not stop until we see that goal materialize! Imagine what we can do together as ONE!

    3. Thanks, Nohmad. I have a feeling we’re all being trained to collaborate in preparation for whatever we’ll be doing out in the real world. I’ve had a few dreams where I am being trained or meeting with part of a team (I seem to acting as some sort of a judge), so I am guessing this could happen in the real world.

      I just wish we could all meet each other, in a real, live way. Maybe someday… As Amy says, it is awesome to finally not be alone. The few people I know in real life who’ve been through this process/or are currently going through it do not understand what it’s like to go through it with so much physical and emotional/spiritual pain and suffering. But that sensitivity seems to be one of the common denominators here on this blog. There is truth to the old saying about finding company in misery 🙂

      Two quick comments for Amy: 1) I don’t believe your team ever ignores you. I think rather sometimes you can’t always hear due to physical pain, emotional distress, fatigue, or maybe at time we just need to go it alone. Or, we’ve been given what we need for help or information and aren’t “getting it.” 2) I also raised hell with my information a few days ago. Makes you feel temporarily better to get it out of your system, doesn’t it? Even if we know there’s not a darn thing we can do but suck it up and continue. Ugh. LOL

      By the way, I am spending a lot of time in total silence, including not talking much (BIG deal for me!) & even spending less time interacting with people online. And it feels wonderful, so please don’t be offended if I miss a comment and don’t respond.

      1. Oh, Naomi, again the tears are on. These tears are never far of late, and just reading your #1 and #2 I thank you. Yes, you are SO right when the pain level is too high for me to tolerate, I do not hear. My Team is always here, and it can be, and many times is, interference on my end that would want me to think they are not “talking to me”.

        I have done all I know how to do and still this pain persists. It’s bringing me to my knees.

        I too have pulled way back on books, and the internet. In fact, this is just about the only place I come these days. The not talking part, I’ve had 20 years of, so me being here and “talking through my fingers” is a big deal. I was pulled out of this world in such a way, that my Life that I once knew disappeared and I found myself alone. Very challenging for one who is “chatty”. Yet…….in the Great Silence, I would rather be quiet than participate in conversation that means nothing to me. Even before I got pulled out of the world by Me, small talk made me bonkers!

        And I do apologize for overlooking your name. This mind is just so barely working due to the inhumane pain that is pounding this body. It is a miracle I “saw” in my “vision” this morning what I did see.

        Sending you My Love, and yes, I do understand about the Great Silence. This is GOOD!!!!

        From my Heart to your Heart, Your Sister, Amy

        1. Amy-No need to apologize!!! So sorry you are in so much pain. I have constant pain (head, lower back, neck, shoulders, etc.) but it’s tolerable. And same here, nothing really kills the pain completely. One of my mentors called yesterday and her take on it is that the last amounts of gunk (physical, spiritual, etc.) are getting pushed out of us and this is causing the pain. I think she’s right. Let’s hope with the predicted changes that are supposed to take place on the 22nd, the pain finally abates. I can’t even verbalize how sick and tired I am of this process. I’d love to be pain-free and have some semblance of a life. Complete with a purpose that makes me happy to wake up in the morning. 🙂

          1. Naomi, just “imagining” what life without pain would be like, sends me to the Moon and back. YOU helped me tremendously with a decision I had to make. I have a doctor’s appt. tomorrow (IF I could get out of it I would……ya know the contract thingy and all) and I was asking my Team do I tell this doc about this pain, or do I leave it alone and go on FAITH this is the FINAL countdown before the change this month? From what so many are saying, pain is up. So, I am not saying anything. I’ve had so many healing crises, and to understand if this is related to the ascension or is this something that needs to be addressed in the physical….not an easy call. I “heard” my answer in your words.

            Thank you!!! And Much LOVE. And oh, some semblance of a Life would be nice as well. Hanging on to THAT Dream as well! (smile)

            1. Amy, ask your team if each of your symptoms is physical or energetic. If any are physical, they should also be able to direct you as to what to say and what not to say tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you.

    4. A shared goal? Together? at the same time? YEssssssssssssssssss
      I am eager to know what awaits us, that wonderful society created here!! Que’orgullo be part of this!! What a blessing to live it!! and do want to work together and in harmony!!
      God bless you all

  7. The frequency of reality . Is where you are at the moment. The frequency of the reality you want is to travel to another reality. All realities have different frequencies. You have a now, past and future. Each of these have their own time frequencies. You must have a stable platform from where to start this and where you go. Kinda like mailing a letter you must know how to post it and where it will be delivered.

  8. Oh Sonya, Macedonia sounds like a paradise. I miss spring when everything blooms. I live in Finland, middle of nowhere, but this is my place were to be at the moment.

    And Amanda I had my yogurt season previously 🙂

    1. I’m knee deep in snow here in the midwest. I love it because I can see all the little footprints of the birds, deer, pheasants, bunnies and squirrels in the yard and in the snow. 🙂 ~Amanda

  9. Reading this Pinkrose makes a old man cry.
    This has been painted before. Its a picture of a child holding onto his fathers leg while his father is holding onto his father that is being pulled away by the light.

    1. Again, no accident I am here, ready to move on to my next agenda, and my laptap “speaks”. So, yes, I open it, and lo and behold, there is Emma and you! Between your words, Ray, and Emma’s, tears are streaming down my face. Good GOD! What has begun to happen here brings gooseflesh and JOY and Wonder and “IS this really happening???”.

      I love you, Ray. (((HUGS))) Miracles abound! We are coming HOME. Just the word Home makes me cry!

  10. AISHA! Oh!!!!! And ALL here! What I just “saw” I must get across to you! I was on my way to the next phase of my day, when it “struck” me what Aisha’s Pond represents. I am so withdrawn from 3D right now, I am going on Faith that my words make sense.

    I SAW us here at Aisaha’s Pond, so many different personalities, so many different aspects of Source. We are all blending together, individual colors, individual “notes”, each having his/her own unique Light/Sound Vibration. In coming together here, we are joining as ONE. The once scattered multi-colored points of Light are coming together here, joining to make a TAPESTRY of LIGHT. In our connecting, in our sharing, in our showing our own Light, we are creating a New World here! I “see” this as a Glorious strand of Light, which has individual strands all woven together (picture DNA strands), each with its own Light and Codes, and beginning to BLEND together to make a New Strand of Light. OH, Please get this!!!

    Aisha, what you began here, you just followed your Heart. Whether you know it or not, you put out a Clarion Call, a Call that got our attention and we came. In our coming, we are joining what was once separated into many many Rays of Light. We are no longer separated. We all are contributing here at this Pond, and the Ripple affect is being felt throughout all Existence, in all Dimensions.

    We all have an electromagnetic resonance, and that resonance is like a magnet, and that magnet is the substance that is bringing the separated strands of Light into the Original Strand of Light, only in a Different Way. It’s beautiful, It’s Glorious! OH, I wish I could paint this! That is not how my hands work……I don’t tell them to draw, they just draw what comes through them.

    This excites me to no end……And my singing, is creating something that correlates to this Pond AND my Life at the same time. Not to see the whole picture is “OH COME ON!” So, I give you what I “see” and in that sharing, we become more Powerful as One in Light/Love! Mayhaps someone else here can add to what I have “seen” and shared to bring more clarity to what has begun here!!!

    1. Dear Pinkrose, I so get it! You are seeing exactly the same as me, and this is what has been seeping into my consciousness these last few days. The image of the tapestry is also the same as I got ( I posted a comment about it a few days ago), and your words just adds even more weight – and more beauty – to it. Who could have thought that this is the reason that I was guided – or rather pushed – into starting up this blog in the first place. And even if The CCs have told us again and again how important it is for us to connect, now it is finally starting to become clear to me. This is not just for support and encouragement and sharing, this is also about connecting in a way that makes something very, very new by blending us all together but still keeping each individual voice. It is just like a choir, the whole is magnificent, but only because each member of the choir sing with his or her true voice, a voice like no other.

      And now I also see why I was given very clear instructions that I had the full responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the energy in this space. It has amazed me all the way from the start that the comments being posted here have such a beautiful energy. I started out very early thinking that it was important to let people contribute what they wanted, and I was very reluctant to interfere in any way. And I can honestly say that all the way through this (I think there are more than 5000 comments on this blog now), there are just I handful of comments I had to remove because the content in them was improper in any way. So again The CCs were right when they told me that I had no idea how important this would be. But now I see that my most important role in this was not the messages in themselves, but it was to anchor the energy, and through this energy you have all been drawn here and you have added your own unique strand to this tapestry.

      I am so excited about all of this, for I sense that there is something BIG starting to happen now. And this blog, with about 1400 visitors every day, is just a tiny, tiny part of it. This is how we are building our new world, and that is why everyone else think they are living in the same old world. For they see only the news, and they think this world is falling apart. But we see each other, and we see that we are all coming together. Wow, what a great time to be alive! This is just the beginning of March, and by the end of this year, or maybe even the end of this month – who knows what will have happened? I am so looking forward to sharing it all with you!
      Love, light and tears of joy from Aisha

        1. Oh as if to reinforce my message above I’ve just been reminded of a very important quote by Einstein:

          “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.

          Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.

          It can be no other way.

          This is not philosophy.

          This is physics.”

          Do you get it…

          1. Another “clue” I received today as I opened one of my closet doors where some of my books are kept. My eyes fell immediately upon a book and drew me. I took it off the shelf. The book is, “The Divine Matrix” by Gregg Braden. From there I of course opened the book and yep, another clue (again). “Page 33 Key 4: Once something is joined, it is always connected ( the last four words are italicized), whether it remains physically linked or not.”


            The author is speaking here of the big bang and that the photons and the particles from the big bang were once physically part of one another. Hmmmm………Jumping to Aisha’s Pond, I know we are connected because once we were ONE and now we are returning to the ONE for we recognize each other’s frequencies. So, this in my opinion, is just another affirmation that yes! we are connected!

            (LOVE LOVE LOVE when we rock we ROLL!!!!)

      1. The power of this is building exponentially now I feel.

        Our focused INTENT is far more powerful than we consciously know right now but WE WILL KNOW soon enough.

        That saying that “Whenever two or three come together in my name….” now starts to take on its real meaning and true power. We come together in the LIGHT and the LIGHT shines through us, in us, IS US.

        It has been said before but it is so ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for…’ together and with other communities of light we we create the new world… for the benefit of all.

        LIGHT attracts LIGHT, JOY attracts JOY and they create more JOY and LIGHT – this is by divine design.

        The higher we hold our vibrations, the more we shift, the stronger, more powerful and profound its gets my brothers and sisters.

        It is both incredibly simple and beautiful yet weaving an array of light of depth, complexity and true power.

        I’ve said this before here and I feel drawn to saying it again – I was reminded of the saying I had not heard for 30 years or more recently:

        “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth.”

        With love,


        1. Philip, YOU are SO special!!! YOU bring such depth to this place! Thank you for being YOU!!!! (((HUGS)))

          1. Its is a wonderful gift to be ourselves here. Soon, we will be even more of that (if you see what I mean).

            We ALL will be and that will be a wonderful day indeed. No more masks or hiding just pure authenticity and joy… 🙂

            1. Wow Phillip!!
              As Amy says, you are very special, your words are always the right ones, you release bright and inspire much peace
              Much love to you

      2. Aisha
        This is getting really weird, but in a good way. The comments are becoming so plentiful that I now have something to read on the days when the Constant Companions don’t leave a message. After all the talk about dreams and all, I thought I would tell of one I had about a week ago.

        I never had one like this before –
        The last dream cycle before waking, I was in a field under a tree. I had a rectangular picnic basket with a lid on top. I took off the lid and the basket immediately turned to an oval shape. I must have had a lucid thought enter my dream. As I was looking at this oval basket and a rectangular top, I realized, hey I’m just dreaming, I can do anything I want. So I just thought that I needed an oval top, and it immediately became one. So I put it on. Then I woke up.

        I also want to thank everyone for their thoughts and experiences expressed here. My God has this place gotten crowded in the last year. I remember about 6 months ago, I went back and read all the messages from the beginning. I would recommend this to all. It gives a lot of context as to how this all started back when Aisha was just a little girl (just kidding, It doesn’t go back that far, only about a year and a half ago).

        Love to all

        1. Jeff~ I was watching ‘I dream of Jeannie’ yesterday for some inspiration. How fun! 🙂 ~Amanda

          1. Amanda
            I think some of those old shows are fun. When I was having a particularly difficult time a number of years ago, I used to watch “Wings”. Two half hour episodes at a time. Wouldn’t miss it. There was one episode where they were planning a wedding, the mechanic came in and was listening to what they were planning to serve for food, he asked “Aren’t you going to have a big sandwich?” they laughed at him so he asked “Well then how will know when you are full?”

            I love those times where you just laugh.


            1. Another excellent show to watch is Adventure Time. Under the guise of a kid’s cartoon, the show explores everything we speak of here, but in the metaphorical. Episodes to pay attention to are: I Remember You/The Litch and the continuation of that is Finn The Human/Jake The Dog. In this series of four episodes (each episode is about 11 minutes long) the hero Finn and his companion Jake the dog, a magic talking dog actually are tricked into helping the Dark open a portal in the time space of their existence where they then have access to the Multi-verse and are given a wish and a chance to alter their reality. Every single episode is full of messages and confirmation about what we are doing. I stopped watching tv when I was a kid so I have no real frame of reference when it comes to things on tv, but I was told it was an excellent show, and it blew me away, yes it is. You can see those episodes on You Tube.

  11. I am laughing and tears of joy are streaming down as I read these words from all of you, it seems we have made a sort of psychic love grid just in a matter of under 48 hours. I’d say well done fellow team members ❤ Earlier this evening, I was compelled to write to my high school friend whom I shared a very special connection with and said:

    Dana Changing
    Oh Morris! I was so overjoyed to read your message! I am not kidding, I got all misty. I, too, have felt this tremendous urge to return to who I truly am, to reconnect with those who knew the true me before the physical world did it's damage, so to speak. There were only a very few whom I let in to see the real me, for fear of rejection. You were one of only three people I let see that part of me. I could never really explain it and I never really could formulate back then what I can say now. Now that I have made this incredibly inner journey over the last few years, I can tell you exactly why, and that is because I recognize one of my own kind. As a teenager there is no way I could ever communicate that because I hadn't had the experiences to confirm that yet, but I knew deep down because I could feel it. Think back to when we would run into each other – the last time was something that just floored me to no end because of the probability factor. I remember the first time I saw you after high school I was just freakin' overjoyed to see you. You have always had this amazing light and energy that comes off of you that draws me like a moth to the flame, but its not in the way that we understand it in the traditional sense, do you know what I mean? I know I am talking like I am crazy, but I assure you I am not. I have chosen the path to ascension and it's seriously making a tremendous impact on my life. When I consciously chose to start the process, it was like a light switch went on and art just started POURING out. I mean, it still is and it's been 8 months or so of constant stream of consciousness art! I can't help it at times, I just have to get out the idea and can't let up until it's done. I had not picked up a pen in 8 years before this 'awakening' started, and now I have to remind myself to eat, to sleep, to get up and do the things that humans do. Its like I am plugged into the Creator energy and it flows through me and comes through in my art. My art is heavily laden with lots of messages coded throughout and has layers upon layers of hidden meanings and messages that are tailor-made to the person I am making it for or intending it for, without them knowing it on a conscious level. I am able to send them so much love this way. I am hearing messages from the powerful angels and they assure me that indeed people like you and I are beacons of light and understanding, of creation and love, and to encourage us to do the joyous work and expression we have been waiting so long to do, and do it with all of our hearts. We don't need to make it obvious to all, as those who 'speak our language' or can recognize each other will know without question. My method of communicating this incredible love is art and yours is music. People like you and I raise the entire energy level and consciousness of humanity by creating in pure joy such as we do and we are to encourage each other and love those who create for humanity with all our hearts, for we will indeed save the world. All my love to you and you are always in my heart now and always.

    1. Jade! MY GOD! I could talk to you all day, yet my day calls me. We have so much in common! I too am an artist. I too just let my hand go, with no thought, just FLOW, colors, and music. Automatic drawing? LOL Anyways, like I said, my day is calling………And yes, I DO have a smile on my face as I say this, for I am taking your words with me! You are in my Heart with so many others here!!!

      I love you! Peace this Day! (((HUGS)))

  12. Nohmad I get a smile on my face everytime I see your name on a post. Everything you say is felt deep within. Bless you for your understanding.

    1. I know without doubt there are here at Aisha’s Pond, those who have the understanding, yet due to “conditionings” and “deep wounds” are hesitant to put voice to their understanding. This is one reason why I treasure words found here, for I know, and understand, and am SO grateful for those who do have the ability to voice the understanding.

      Some of us also have the understanding, yet not in words. In pictures. In feelings. In knowings. Abstract knowing. This is how my brain loves to function so I have honored its wishes and given it space to function as it desires. Yes, I am a college graduate, yes I am a licensed professional who could be making a LOT of money, yes I have studied so many metaphysical books, yet I am choosing (again) the Path Less Traveled and slowly putting away the books, instead going Within to Learn there.

      Yet, now something is happening. All those years I yearned to put voice to what I “knew”, is diminishing and in its place is a beautiful aspect of Self, one that Flows, like sea grass, to the rhythms of the waters, embracing and dancing with the Great Central Sun. No words. Just BEing. Connection to Source.

      What I am seeing is a transference. That transference is based on brain function and logic, to High Heart function connected to Source and FLOW. This is all so new to me, and those things I am seeing manifesting leave me with my mouth hanging wide open. Just this morning, I lay in bed with many of my precious cats around me (on me) as I sang a song to the tree outside my window as I saw how beautifully and gracefully it embraced the Sun and merged with it. I have been singing ever since, and with it, I know I am creating LOVE, where or how, that I don’t know (yet).

      When I say I am so grateful to Aisha and Nohmad and you and many others here who put into words what I am feeling or knowng, I really mean it. I truly wish I could write my Light Language and have both you and me understand it. That too shall come. And so much more.

      From my Heart to your Heart, Amy

  13. To anyone still saying ”nothing has happened in this world, everything is exactly the same as it was before 12.21.12, I just want to say: please take some time to read the comments on this blog. Nohmad, Ray, Pinkrose, Jade, Otmn and all – reading through your comments this morning just blew me away! Have you seen what is starting to happen here? I have to admit that as we approached the end of last year, I was more than a little bit anxious for what this forum would turn into. I fully expected to see a lot of disappointed and maybe even angry people here, but look what you have all build instead! This is emerging as a community not only filled with love and support for each other, but also as a place for sharing information and inspiration that will help us all to evolve into something beyond what any of us could even hope for. And the best part of this is: we are only the tip of the iceberg! Think about how many others like us there are out there, all of them starting to finally stand tall and proud, no longer afraid of sharing their light and their information with the rest of the world. Just writing these words sends shivers down my spine. For we are just a small portion of this immense network of light, and now, we are finally starting to see just how much light we all carry. And no one can stop us now, ”for what we bring cannot be turned away”. I am so proud to be a part of this, and I embrace you all, my brave, shining, amazing fellow warriors and carriers of the light!
    Love and light, Aisha

  14. Greetings to all, and hello Brother Nohmad – it seems we have been on a somewhat similar path in that if you were to tell me six months ago I would be sitting here talking about this in as serious a manner in which I am currently doing, I would tell you to go soak your head! I have tried so hard to reconcile what I know versus what I have been told – like this knowledge. When I think about what this might look like to Lower energies or Sleepers, I get impressions of tin foil hats and X-Files. I don’t want to be a mocked distortion of what I am feeling, yet, our current reflection in our society reminds us constantly that what we are feeling is a lie, its mass hypnosis, it’s wishful thinking, I’ve gone mad. I’m still getting used to all of this. All my love to all.

    1. There are some of us who have persisted on Living Truth and building our Lives on that Truth, in Love, no matter what this world says. My husband ‘s favorite thing he says to me is that my head is up in the clouds and I have no idea what the real world is. GOOD! I don’t want to know!

    2. It does not matter what society (3D and darkness people) think. Light/Love is here and is forever. Nobody will remain the same. All is quickly changing for the good. Remember that all souls have their Angelic Ascension Team working 24/7 on them, and they are perfectionists. Pristiness, Truth, True Unconditional Love, Life for ever is our destiny. Does not matter what anyone think/do/want. All will be changed.

      Now, we (light beings here on Earth) are just babies in relation to spiritual things. But we,ll learn quick and we,ll be the masters we are supposed to be. It,s a new time, a new Earth, a new paradigm.

      It,s a honor to be here, talking with you, Jade, my unconditionally loved sister of the light. Hugs!

      1. I am also so honored to connect with you all here today, and thank you to pinkrose and Nohmad so much for sharing your experiences. I’ve always been labeled a ‘space cadet’ by Lowers and my earth family, a weirdo and an outcast. As an artist, it was easy for me to just accept that as my truth, that I was just ‘out there’ and try to fit in as best I could with disastrous results. It occurred to me the other day, as I had that enormous power surge where I saw the light contained in the physical bodies that surrounded me in that restaurant, that there is no way I could have possibly been ‘conditioned’ for my task unless I had walked through the things I have endured, and in that instant, I was able to see my earth family’s patterns so clearly – almost like I was reading a billboard but like in rebus fashion, remember those? And there was a dotted line, sort of like the old Family Circus panels that showed where Little Billy went with the ice cream cone? It looked like that. A cosmic, psychic flowchart, if you will, mapping out who and what represented what aspect of myself, the quantitive summation of events and crossroads in my life if you will (A+B = C and that’s why you are doing so and so) so that I now have that knowledge and experience so I can speak that dialect to those people. Does that make sense? Sort of like being trained in a language that only initiates know?

        All my love to all of you, I am so happy to be here.

        1. I’m appreciating your descriptive comments as I am picking up things and learning from what you say. I am experiencing bits and pieces of what you are saying and you are helping me to connect the some of the dots. Thank you! ~Amanda

  15. I sent this to my oldest girl she has Four boys in college, two of them are into this kind of stuff. It is something that needs to be thought about sooner or later. If any of you younger people are into alchemy this could be fun to study. Stuff like this is fun when you have grandkids that think they are smart. But it makes them look it up to see what I’m talking about.

    Tell them to lower the sea level you could just take some of the Oxygen out of the seawater. Which makes up 85.84% of the volume of seawater. Much study would have to be done on this to see all the effects that would come about from doing this.The weight of our atmospheric pressure would try to put the air back in the seawater. There is ways around this if studied. But it is possible to drop the sea level by enough to stop the flooding of many parts of the world by the fresh water being added from the ice melting in the poles. The north pole isn’t that much to worry about but the south pole is. It would effect the whole world in many ways. Its a process that hasn’t had much study that I know of. I’m sure some would know of this. It could be done a little at a time. It would increase the density of the seawater. You would have to look at the fresh water elements being added to seawater and how this will change seawater.
    It would have all the other elements in a smaller volume of water. This can also be used to get other elements from seawater.Just a much larger process that involves all the other elements. After they get out of school. If they know how to explain this. I’m sure they could apply for a grant to study this and the effects it would have on the world. Just something to think about. Someday we will have to use seawater for drinking water don’t forget this part. Most of the elements in seawater are good for you just to much sodium and chloride.

    1. Ray, between you and Nohmad today I have been saying wowo! For some reason I am seeing BLUE with your words ^^^^^ right now. Yet, when I look head on, there are no colors….it is just with my “soft eye” or out of the periphery of my eyes do I see them.

      The subject of dark I have avoided, because I am such a sensitive and because I know just know how twisted it is. Add to that my dark past, (with those who forgot how to Love) I avoid studying it.

      I have studied Sacred Sex, though, and even what I have studied, is twisted and not True. Sacred Sex is one of the highest ways to create with Source, and is so mind blowing, that it has been deliberately twisted so that the humans on this planet don’t realize (again) their own power. This too, like anything else, has been manipulated and used for evil purposes.

      I am way out of my league when it comes down to what you know. I thought I would just add my two short cents in, for all it is worth. And to say, that no where I have traveled or what I have observed, does anyone know the Secrets of Sacred Sex. Now, I am passed the age of even wanting to have sex, much less seeking someone who understands the Sacredness of Sex. I really believe that the stench of darkness must be fully eliminated before the Truth of Sacred Sex is revealed in its Pure Form.

      I am really enjoying everything you post. Thank you, Ray.

  16. There was a merging of darkness and light from the beginning. I have studied this for years and how our creation came about. Making love with a soul mate was a rare and beautiful act of creation at one time. Nomad I agree with your heart felt words. It is not the darkness that is bad its the people that have used it to hold man back from learning the truth. These people become masters of darkness and use it for their own greed. Darkness that is over come, is used as a stepping stone to show us the way to light. Without darkness there is no light . Without light there is no darkness. They always come together. All it takes is a small spark to light up a solar system. I would like to talk to you about this some time. It is something many people are working on now to come up with answers. This is something that could destroy our solar system if done wrong. I have put a lot of thought into this subject. This isn’t the place to talk about this subject. I try to keep up with the latest about this and have a few ideals myself. 99% of what you can find on darkness is half truths or made up beliefs. Dark energy And light energy is a lot of fun to study. It takes both to make mass or form. All form is created from light energy enter acting with dark energy.

  17. I too, feel gratitude for that which Aisha is doing. Nowhere in the rest of my life do I receive appreciation or comfort or reassurance. That’s OK I’ve been working on this transformation for many lifetimes. I live in a safe location and I’m planting herbs and spice as much as I can. I expect grocery stores and gas stations to soon become moot. Along with the rest of life as I have known it. Everything will end up in a state of sustainable balance. No more weeding out the Lambs Quarters in order to plant Spinach. C’mon Lambs Quarters has more nutrients and it tastes better than Spinach. We have been brain-washed into thinking that the natural things are no good. But then, you can’t make big profits from people who eat weeds or use herbs to maintain their health.
    I’m starting to remember things that in my simple life, I have no right to know. Where is it coming from? I suspect past lives, but I dunno.

    I feel my body. My cells are changing. Instead of just putting things back where they were found. My cells have begun to refer to the original blueprint. So instead of rebuilding my body the way it is, my body is rebuilding in the way it is supposed to be.
    I don’t care. I’ve lived in constant pain for decades. (I really don’t need anyone’s sympathy or prayers) I don’t want anyone to do anything about it. I’ve got it covered. The thing is I broke a windshield with my head in 1975.
    A person either gets philasophical about never ending pain, or they blow their brains out. I hope this healing is real. I would love to be healthy again. Anyway, it was all part of the plan. My “ministry” has been with doctors, nurses, and therapists.
    oh well, somebody had to do it.

    I have more to say, but I need to go do some pain management.

    1. My mouth is hanging wide open collecting flies. It is too late in the “prayer” department, for I knew you were in pain, while in my quiet zone last night, and I sent you a TON of LOVE. I too live in pain, and part of my Mission has been going one on one with the medical elite, standing my ground and saying NO NO NO to surgeries, drugs and invasive treatments. Animals are only one aspect of my Life……FYI. I knew we had much in common, and I felt the pain and your struggle, so I do what comes normal to me, and that is to send you Healing and Love.

      I have tears in my eyes, for not only Nohmad’s words have moved me to tears, but yours as well. Dear GOD, will this JOURNEY ever be over??? Cripes, I am dripping tears again. Leaky valve somewhere.

      HUGS HUGS HUGS x 100000000000–00–0-0- x pi…………

  18. Hi there, this is from Budapest, Hungary. I can’t tell you how much comfort it provides that we share the same experiences on the opposite sides of the world… and also to read Aisha’s channelled messages, of course. This is not an easy stage, at least for me it isn’t. Last days have brought especially significant amount of energies which is not easy to digest to say the least and which also makes me feel like I am now a bit separated from, and almost ‘invisible’ to my fellow human beings. This is temporary, I know, yet it is not easy to feel so vulnerable, unnoticed and even empty sometimes. Divine synchronicities around me still help a lot though….Thank you/ Love and Light to you all.

  19. BRAVO! Dear Brother Nohmad.
    Love and Blessings To you and your Fierce Angelic Heart.

  20. If anybody had told me 1 year before, or at least 6 months before, that I would be writing and posting anything in internet, in a place called Aisha’s Pond, I would have answered that person to find psychiatric advise/help/treatment urgently. But, who knows the future? Or future is something we build/plan/aim in the present?.

    I always suspected that in this whole planet should be people that could think/feel/wish like me. But, where. How to find them?. I always knew that everything around was wrong/dark/corrupt. But, tell to whom? Who would listen/believe/trust me? I found that I was alone. Just me and my thoughts. What to do then? Study. All that I could. When I finished Engineering for each book of science, I had a dozen of esoteric/religion/philosophy matters. None of them answered my questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why was I here in this horrible world/system/situation? And many, many other questions of the like. Nothing worked. The answers where very well hidden, somewhere out of my reach. But by whom? Why? I never desisted.

    The times we are living, in no way are the typical of before. There,s ‘something’ that makes everything different/unusual/strange. LOVE/LIGHT is intheair/everywhere/inside&outofus. Love vibration is spreading like a plague, engulfing everything and everybody that is reached by it. Everything and everybody are beginning to oscillate to its rhythm/tone/pitch.

    But always there are people that does not want to change, because they think who gives the cards are THEM. And, if/when/as we look carefully at them we see they are darkness. The total/absolute/complete lack of LIGHT/LOVE. They ask: How could this happen to us? We were the lords of this realm for eons. Who betrayed us? ‘Things’ change. Cycles end. Happened. Never will be like before again, NEVER.

    Now, the answers unclasp/sprout/blossom forth very easily through the grace/magic/blessing of this same LOVE/LIGHT. Me/You/All am/are Light/Love/Spirit. We came from Heaven/Spirit/Home and we are all going back There again, in flesh. And finally, who prisoned us in ‘hell’ for eons was darkness. Now everything is easy, everything flows, everything is coming up like bubbles from under the sea.

    We are all one. Sons and daughters of the same MotherFatherGod. If there is anybody that doesnotagree/reject/refuse to accept this fact, I understand/accept/lament his/her choice, because we all have free will and his/her decision/wish/desire must be respected by all. The choice is very clear/simple/frank: Heaven… or hell. All the blessings of Heaven… or 3D again in that unhospitable/infected/dusty planet. Choose wisely, next solstice is approaching at increasing speed and the ever rising high incoming energy by those days, mayhaps, WILL BE the last Love energy you feel…

    We were just fed with negative energy for eons. We were forced to eat principally animal flesh since Roman Empire. They destroyed the places where Love energy entered Mother Earth. They built their monuments/buildings in those places. Recently, airports, churches and more government buildings. All of them will not withstand the Love frequency. All will be returned to Eden pristiness.

    They ruled through dogma inclusive the lives of married people, preaching that sex was a dirty thing that made of us as the animals… Which woman could enjoy/reach/expect to have an orgasm after that… Which relationship could endure all life this way? Watch the movie Eyes Wide Shut (1999) if you want to know how darkness loved/enjoyed/lived sex. Their most hidden secret was that women’s orgasm represents/opens a multi-dimensional portal through which enormous quantities of positive/light/love energy comes into this realm, and that was not interesting for their agenda.

    Layers of lies upon deception upon dogmas upon corruption over misery over unhappiness over sadness over lugubriousness. This was our ‘life’ after ‘life’ after ‘life’ until… now. Now, the cycleofduality/game/prison is over, forever. A new LIFE, full of joy/happiness/abundance is beginning. We are in the transition between hell and Heaven, and we are destined to live Heaven on Earth/Golden Age. The time is NOW.

    While we are not yet ‘there’, here we are enjoying Aisha’s Pond high vibration, among friends, brothers, sisters, our new family of the light. Everyday someone arrives/show up/sprout, bringing more light/love/energy making this place better and better.

    We are beginning to interconnect among us making contact ones with others. it,s a pleasure to watch how this develops endlessly. As any process, this one has a begin, a middle and a final. We are in middle now and the final will be crowned with Unity Consciousness.

    A mega event is being prepared by Heaven for all humanity to watch. When the time is ripe, thousands and thousands of ships from far away space and from inner Earth will be flying all over our sky, at the same time. Who will stand up and shout: ”They don,t exist!”. Or ”They are enemies!”. Who will believe them, the worst liars in the whole history. This event will represent the oncoming “effect domino”, that will implode all remaining power from darkness on planet Earth.

    Our history, carefully hidden/destroyed/adulterated by darkness, will be taught from the beginning. Hidden/new free technologies will be given to us. And, principally, the gap of knowledge/wisdom/technology between us and them will be fulfilled. Their main goal is to help us to be restored to Full Consciousness. Then we,ll be restored to who we really are and became able to be whatever we want, for eternity.

    1. thank you so much Nomad my dear brother in the light for your sharing! I totally look forward to when you write in and share with us and i agree with what you are saying! I also felt some tears of gratitude well up for Aisha and the CC and this wonderful sharing. Sometimes I feel so empowered and other times so fragile. I bless having this place, the people/spirits who share here and of course the messages! Love you ALLLLLL! 🙂 Alex

    2. You are an incredible Beautiful Being, Nohamd. Your words move me beyond description. GOD bless you for you insisting on BEing YOU! Every word of yours sings LIGHT to my Heart!
      From My Heart to your Heart, Amy

    3. Oh my God Nohmad
      Your message was for me as a succession of fireworks light filled beauty and harmony, accompanied by a symphony crescendo was the more advanced … each of my skin by beating all his words. Yours and all that are here …
      What encouragement God!! Like you and many I can not believe what is happening here is cast look back a few months. I can only say I do not recognize, or who did not know me before. It’s painful, yes, I can not deny … all the physical and psychological symptoms that seem to drive me crazy everyday … But how comforting to know that you are there, there are no purer souls than you and I was wrong in thinking that it could only be recognized by the world I know. Yes, yes gratifyingly, although frustrating at times, because as Ray, you have to go out there and make your “daily life” that you do not feel bound at all and would like to be in your bubble all day. … everything loses meaning. Those around you and ask for your attention right now is the last thing you want to do.
      I hope this happens soon, and regain my sanity and my ability to express myself and interact with others. I know that nothing will ever be like before … but oh! What do I want?? Why so much strength and weakness?
      Nothing that I liked before seems pointless enjoy more, we have lost our ability to enjoy even the joy of enjoying us? Or this will become … let’s see what develops.
      I enjoy all your wisdom you give me in this part of my the process, often from distance … but I really see the tapestry that is woven here, as you bear this light … and it seems incredible and overwhelming.
      You are perfect … God bless all of you
      I can not add anything more

      1. Ohhhhh, Emma, how much I LOVE YOU! You are making me cry! You and Ray and Nohmad and Otmn, and Philip, and Amanda, and Aisha.


        I AM HERE

        WE ARE ONE


        1. Yesss. You are expressing what I wanted to, naming everyone you have mentioned. But I didn’t want to convert it in a personal messages. Because what I feel for YOU (plural) I could say you to each one and I would never end, what I think /feel about you…but it would be very personal, how you are representing my companions now. You are playing your own roles like in my personal movie, and as it you are all characters very well defined. As you say many times, I would like to express with feelings (not words), is the only one way I know now.
          But something I have very clear is You are my sister, forever…And you are at home with me always…And as family each relative is here.

          1. Ohhhh, Emma, you bring such JOY to my Heart. Thank you for your Love. I cherish it like I cherish my Grandmother’s brooch……wrapped up carefully and nestled in a pretty box.

            I too am not seeing US as having names, but as Light Tapestry of Aisha’s Pond. LTAP for short. LOL I am laughing at me.

            Yet, yet, I still see the individuals…..some I didn’t mention before….Michael, Jess, Lara, eeeeekkkkkk, the other J (Lightheart) that I KEEP forgetting but have in my HEART, then the J, Sunny……and it goes on. LTAP for short! And of course I will remember the other J’s name as soon as I send this comment. Too funny…….Told you earlier I really am not in 3D today!

            1. JAjajajajajajajjaja
              Pero qué graciosa eres!!!!!! Me muero de risa contigo!!!

              1. Emma, again I am here NOW. I don’t understand it, but I really feel as if you are my SISTER as in Twin. And again, the tears continue……….So many women here, SO many I feel they are my Sisters…….I am so overwhelmed and so blessed and darn it, these tears just won’t stop!

                I LOVE YOU! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! (((HUGS)))

              2. And of course, Brothers too. I TOLD you guys this brain is just so NOT here……..tears…….I HAVE A FAMILY! This is a PRAYER come True, a DREAM come true, one I have had for many years! I am so lucky!

        1. Ohhh, -my sweet Amanda
          This is a rollercosater you know??? 😉
          Thank you for worrying about my mood. I always in a good one when I feel you are here…the rest is only a passenger.
          Love you dear

          1. Emma, I’m off the rollercoaster for the moment. However, you can probably find me at the popcorn stand. 😉 LOVE, love, looooove you dear Emma. ~Amanda

  21. “For this pain is only the pain that comes from liberating yourself from all the old hooks and barbs embedded in you that are trying to hold you back.”

    Aisha, once again, my mouth hangs wide open. Just last night, in my quiet place, I actually “saw” a large hook in my abdomen. It took several body jerks to get the hook out, yet it came out. And here you are saying THIS today. The synchronicity of what I experience and what you say is just incredible!

    Incorporating what we all are learning into FEELING that learning is so powerful! Yes, the growing pains ARE worth it, and just as a child leaves the growing pains behind, so shall we as well. Thank you AGAIN for being True to your Heart!

  22. very encouraging and true
    know that every second of discomfort will be repayed with a lifetime of bliss
    brave as can be

  23. Hello Maarit, funny you say that as I went through a similar phase last fall. I ONLY wanted frozen yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And that is what I ate. That lasted around 2 weeks and I went through quite a few pints. My body needed that for some reason. I had to smile when you wrote that because I can totally relate. Now, im onto the pancakes and french fries and veggie chips and other similar stuff. Enjoy the icecream! 🙂 ~Amanda

  24. Thank you Aisha.

    I need less sleep too, but my dreams are still strange. I can´t get enough of the ice cream even it is freezing cold outside, minus 24 and
    it´s snowing.

    1. Dear Maarit,

      I just wonder how you can survive on such severe weather…brrr…and were is that place where the spring is so far away? Come here in sunny Macedonia to warm up a while. This week we have very pleasant weather with 17 C and flowers ready for blooming.And also all brothers and sisters-light workers who like to escape from the winter laziness are welcomed with you Aisha and CCs. Thank you once again for being with us during this long time of shifting. Warm hugs to all.

  25. Once your mind has entered a state that it feels alone or distance. This is the time to read something that has moved you in a life changing way. This will open a new window that will began to fill the new room you have created in your thoughts. The longer you wait to do this the more your old thoughts will try to come back. Just the action of waving of your hand and saying go away they will leave. Each thing you learn gives you a power to do this. As you make more and more steps and open more windows . You become stronger. This is given as a gift to help you along the way. The more you use this the easier it becomes. Just never give up.

    1. These words spoke directly to me, Ray. I thank Thee, for giving me the Direction as to where next to put my feet. Bless you! And (((HUGS)))…

    2. Yes, monitor how you are feeling at all times. Abraham-Hicks describes us having an Emotional Guidance System. Whenever we are feeling bad – alone, distant, discouraged, etc. – you know that you are not connected with Source Energy. Our work is to reconnect – by reading something that inspires us, look for something to appreciate, relax, pet your cat, appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. Otherwise your old thoughts do try to come back and keep you in an unconnected state. Thank you for the reminder Ray.
      with love and appreciation for all who share here in this community, Jessica

  26. Thank you all for your postings today and yes, Mark, how some day we may actually be able to enjoy the moment entirely as it is and was always meant to be. That will be real rest from trying to be to Being. Love to us all. J.

  27. Thanks Aisha and Michael and Ray,

    Michael, I too have experienced the tiredness and need to sleep, which is a clear sign to me because I am generally very active.

    The contrast that strikes me, and one that I honestly struggle with, is between the doing and the letting go. And you see this everywhere. Many writers and channels talk about “doing the needed work,” and we are all familiar with this. But at the same time, we also hear, especially through Aisha, about the work/changes that are being done quite beyond our present awareness.

    The CCs are especially kind in this regard, and it wonderfully takes some of the pressure off. There is a grace in all this that works through and past our experience of it.. Of course, we want to do our part but sometimes it is very hard to know just what this is or how exactly to do it. In our present reality, this would be described as the difference between the “being” and the “doing.” Though, spiritually, I wonder if there really is a dualism here?

    Anyway, I am confident that everything is fine and that we are exactly where we need to be. And I credit the CCs for very often assuring us that this is so. Nevertheless, my mind (especially) wants to go over this 24/7 to make sure that I am: meditating enough, paying enough attention, concentrating on the light, looking in every nook and cranny for something that I might have missed or some grudge that might still by hiding away somewhere… At times, I waffle between enthusiasm and embarrassment, essentially spending all kinds of energy toward an effort that is probably all about grace anyway…

    To imagine that this will one day soon by something else is quite a thing to consider. That we will actually be able to enjoy the moment entirely as it is and as it was always meant to be.

  28. Depending on how deep your thoughts can go even the little I have written can be a life changing thing. Enjoy your thoughts.

    1. Dear Ray! Thank you so much for all that you share! Your words touch something deep inside of me, and you make me see this in a very new light – literally! Love and light, Aisha

      1. Love your description Ray, my wife and often say we feel like we’ve been reprogrammed as we’ve been engaging with these energies.

        I feel it as a very affirming and growing process to go along with and that has made the various transitions easy.

  29. When we are born we come with a giant garden that is unplowed and unplanted. Our parents start giving us seeds to plant in the darkness of our garden. Its is up to us even as a child to give light to our garden to let it grow. After the first six years of our life. We have planted a large garden that will grow and stay with us the rest of our life. As we grow new plants are added to our garden. Some we have never tasted the fruit they may give. These have to grow and be harvest before we can tast them. Only then will we know what this fruit will bring. If we are lucky enough we may have a older friend or someone we care about very deeply. That has tried most of the plants and knows the good ones from the bad ones.

    The bigest problem with most people now is that the first six years of their life were given bad seeds. These have grown and taken root. This is where most people are now. Digging up these plants is a job that is only as hard as you make it.

    This is like reprograming a computer to run with better motherboard. software, bios, processor, and harddrives. This is not a easy thing to do if you are new to computers. The computer being the body. If you slow down a little and compare the body with the different parts of a computer. This may give you some insight to what you are doing. Remember everything created by man is a reflection of himself. The computer is a replication of the human body and what makes it run. If you slow down and just take the time to look you can find things everywhere you look that will help you understand what is this creation we live in. It is within every person to do this. This has just been hidden from most people through the ages. If everyone knew this they could not control us to do their will.
    We can be free to rome the stars even to see the creation itself. Their is no limit to where the mind can go. Never be afraid to seek your freedom from what binds you to just what you see around you. Be free look into yourself open the windows of new life for you and all around you.

    Just remember when you see something that changes what you have believed in all your life. It is a reprograming of the basic way you think. The new is kept and never forgotten. The old is overwritten. This makes your thoughts grow and gives your brain more room to put in new things. This is where the feeling of losing something comes from. It will give you a feeling on being alone or lost. But this is not what it is. It is giving your mind time to open up for more to come. You are never alone once you start this process.

    Learning starts from placing one stone at a time. You look at the first stone you lay down and think where the next stones will go. All the way to the top of a highrise building. You have to have a ideal and put the first stone in place to go any further. Everything is created one step at a time.

    May all of you be blessed with understanding.

    1. Beautiful, Ray. Just beautiful. I really like the way your Mind things and how your Heart speaks.

      I’ve been on this Journey all my life, except for the interim where I did all I could to get away from “within”. Didn’t work. The past 29 years have been intense, learning from no outside teacher, only “within”.

      I am experiencing these amazing energy spurts and in fact, once I think I experienced the Perfect Body. That lasted for about 1/2 hour, and to be honest with you, I didn’t know what to do. It was sudden. Unexpected. Now, later, with hindsight (of course) I began to question self what would I do when I experienced this state of being again. I am beginning to get those answers.

      Then the cycles of feeling yes! I am getting this, and then the period where nothing fits or feels right anymore, so that is my signal time for growth. I get passed this, and again the upsurge of energy happens. Miracles happen around me. People change. Circumstances change. For I have changed.

      I am at the part of my Journey I am intensely looking at the laying down of stones, seeing where I am going and why. I still don’t have the entire picture, just listening to “within” and my Heart.

      So grateful to you for sharing these words of wonder and wisdom. I could drink here all day at the Pond, and still not drink it all.

  30. THANKS ! Aisha !! Everyone is still so busy commenting on the last Manuscript message that I will take the opportunity to say hello to you here!
    I have been sleeping most of the past three days and so now, I have not been able to fall asleep at all and it is now 6AM, here in SF.
    I am mostly enjoying the lightheadedness and dizziness that has come more strongly with the new energies. Also, feeling the heart chakra pulsing more strongly.
    Alas, I have very little energy to engage with the outside world.
    This weekend, everyone around me, here, in the streets seems to be on edge and out of sorts. It’s a challanging mercury retrograde on top of everything else.

    1. Sleep… oh what sweet words. Early morning rise , shower, eat and it takes every last little tiny bit of energy I have left to not head back to bed. It made me smile to read you are enjoying the lightheadedness and dizziness… I shall carry that with me today as I trudge off the 3d world of work. Thank-You ALL !

    2. Dear Michael, I send a big HELLO and a big smile back to you! I feel these energies much in the same way as you do, and yes, sugar seems to be very important for my body (or maybe the brain) these days too. But it seems like my body does not think that sleep is so important anymore. My sleeping patterns have changed, and I rarely sleep for more than a couple of hours before I wake up for an hour or so, and this goes on the whole night. Strangely enough, I never feel like I have had too little sleep when I wake up in the morning after one of these “off an on” nights. A few years ago, I would have been like a zombie after a night like that, but now I only feel the other aches and pains that come with these energies that are downloaded during the night. So yes, this is certainly getting more and more interesting ;–)
      Love and light, Aisha

      1. Same here, Aisha. In the past I could not function on anything less than 8 hours, and now after a night like you described, I feel like it is not as big of an issue as it used to be. ~Amanda

      2. Yes sleeping patterns resonate with me also Aisha and Amanda! I wake up feeling like I’ve had the deepest massage!

        Spot on the message again Aisha – gratitude as ever.

      3. Hello Aisha, I am experiencing the same thing. I have never had a normal sort of sleep pattern but the last 18 months have seen me operate on only a few hours here and there. I am an artist, an illustrator, so I find I am taken over as it moves through me and I cannot put my pen down until whatever it is I am working on is completed. As a result, the piece is super hypercharged, so to speak, and there are layers upon layers of messages in each one, yet no one sees them 😀 It’s all very curious and I am observing it with amused detachment. I wonder at times if that is the sleep deprivation talking or delirium or what. I will go like that for weeks at a time then one day CRASH sleep for 8 hours straight and then back to the hour here and there pattern as I draw and paint like mad.

      4. Yes Aisha and Jade and Amanda, Sleep is a creative endeavor at this point. I had the triad sleep pattern for a long time. WIth an hour of being awake. Now, there is no real pattern. But, I drink so much water that I often wake up to deal with that.
        But, what I wanted to say is, does anyone else notice or experience that SLEEP itself is no longer the same at all. It feels like something
        completely different which I notice when I start to wake up, I am aware of the energy flowing through me, vibrating and pulsating. And when I wake up I feel like I have been in some wort of healing chamber. The last sleep cycle is always the most powerful. When I awake from the last sleep cycle, I often notice I feel VERY VERY light on my feet. I am, getting lighter and lighter and soon will be floating away.
        Does anyone else have these experiences? It is strange. I love it because I know things are changing within me and I am grateful.
        But, it can be difficult to experience all these bizarre things and not be able to talk about it with anyone.
        Love, Michael

        1. Dear Michael! Same here, sleep is no longer sleep, but something very different. It is a state of fluctuating energies, and just like you said, the last cycle in the morning is usually the most powerful one. At times, I dream of being able to sleep restful like in the “old days”, but when I think about it, I would not exchange this nightly roller coaster ride for anything!
          Love and light, Aisha

          1. I am SOOOO tired… I need to go to sleep VERY early. I sleep “like a baby / a log”. I never remember my dreams anyway so there is no change in that.

            During the day I am “only half-awake, being so tired that I would like to forget the rest of the world and only sleep / lay in bed silent.

            I need to do some writing but I feel dizzy and make typos all the time like I am dyslexic.

            I hope “this too will pass” and soon enough I will be full of spark and energy, joy and love.


            1. Same here Lara. My best subject is English, yet on here I type the same as you. Dizzy and dyslexic, short concentration, and mind and typing not moving at the same pace. Sorry to all.

        2. Hi Michael, yes I would say my ‘sleep’ has been quite different for a considerable amount of time.

          Your description fits well with my experience. It feels like I get a series of downloads during the night. I’m awake for a while in between as a kind of ‘rest’ and then more downloads.

          It was interesting reading about your last sleep period too. I do seem to get the most powerful download at this point and the energy is particularly powerful. Many times now I’ve awoken feeling like every cell in my body is vibrating at an incredible rate. I feel lighter and clearer though sometimes my body asks for me to take it easy.

          One thing I have found is that if any ‘stuff’ comes up I just ask the energy to transmute it in my highest good and just observe ‘this body’ as an interested but neutral observer. This woks fantastically well and has become the subject of the blog I shared here the other day called – Lighten-ing Conductor. A play on words with Lightning – because what happens is that fast compared to anything else I’ve come across and I’ve studied and learnt a lot about healing.

          If you want to read the blog:

          Folks this is useful for anyone suffering from any kind of ‘stuff’ be it emotional, mental, physical, spiritual – try it – it works and you’ll move through your ‘stuff’ with grace and ease….

          Blessings, Philip 🙂

          1. Thank You Philip! I will check out the blog. And thank you for telling me/us about your “sleep patterns.” I do find it very helpful to know that I am not the only one going experiencing these bizarre situations.
            Blessings to you as well, Brother,

            1. It was equally intriguing for me to affirm what I was experiencing even though I was sure it was all part of the process… if you see what I mean.



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