The manuscript of survival – part 190

You have been walking through the valley of darkness for a very, very long time now, and we cannot reproach you if you feel convinced that there is no end to this valley. After all, this is not something you have had to contend with in this lifetime only. Mankind has been literally forced to wallow in these depths for eons, and now that some of you have actually managed to lift your eyes from this darkened ground and look up to the skies searching for more than a glimmer of hope, it will be hard not to be tripped up by all of the debris still cluttering up the ground. Let us explain further.

As you are well aware of by now, the rest of the world seems to be spiraling ever further down into the murky depths of despair, as the systems of finance, governance and everything else seems to be literally hell bent on making everything worse for the inhabitants on this planet. And now, as you have managed so successfully to wipe the dirt and grime away from your own eyes, you see this ever so much more clearly than before. Hence, the feeling of despair and sometimes pessimism, as you cannot look around you without seeing an overwhelming burden of proof that this planet is heading in the wrong direction. But what about all of the hard work we all do, not just by clearing ourselves of all of the old dross, but also enabling the light to become anchored here, why does that not do anything to literally enlighten the rest of this planet, we hear you say. It does, dear ones, it does in so many ways, you have no idea. But as yet, not much is visible on the outside, and the reason is a very good one indeed.

Remember, mankind has been preprogrammed to be literally trapped inside this system that has been deliberately set up to hold you down, and as such, you have a hard time seeing beyond the limitations all of this have on you all. You have in so many ways become free of it, but it still has an effect on your mind, and therefore, your mind cannot see all of the changes, but your heart and your spirit can. In addition, the ones hiding behind the scenes as it were, controlling all of these systems, are more than aware that the stream of consciousness that has been beamed onto your planet has literally set so many free, and therefore, they are certainly not about to let you go off in another direction than what they deem to be beneficial to them. So they have also literally amped up the volume as it were, to try to bring you all back down again by scaring the wits out of you. And they are certainly giving it their best, or rather, worst, to try to pull this off. Never before has the direction of mankind seemed to be more hopeless, as the media is awash with ill-omened stories about the destruction of the environment, and the collapse of the civilization as you know it. Greed, hatred and violence is becoming rampant, and humans engage in the most unspeacable atrocities seemingly without even blinking their eyes.

But remember, this is only on the surface, this is only a part of the drama literally being played out in front of your eyes. And now that you have all opened your eyes even wider to all of this, it will make an even bigger impression on you all. But do not get lost in the drama dear ones, it is only make-believe, put into place in order to ensnare you once again, and to make you literally lose not only hope, but also the will to go forwards in the direction you yourselves have picked out. In other words, they are trying their hardest to bring you back into line, trudging ahead on the narrow path they want you to follow. They do not want any free spirits, and that is what you are. Never ever forget that.

So lift your eyes once again, and see how the light over the rim of this seemingly dark and lost valley of humanity is growing brighter by the day. And take a deep breath and feel how the quality of the air has improved. You are not heading for disaster, far from it, but it behooves these dark creatures to try to convince you that you are. So again, stay in your hearts, because that is where the real truth is. And there, you will see that darkness is not falling, it is in fact starting to fade away, being replaced by the most glorious sunshine you could ever imagine. We are here, and we will never let go of you, but remember, do not let go of yourselves. For you are the only ones who can plunge yourselves back into the dark depths again, by giving away all that you have learned on this journey so far. You are strong, and you are becoming ever stronger, so do not let any outside drama lure you back into thinking that you are not. It is only a show, but you are not meant to be a part of this show. You have a far bigger role dear ones, because you are the builders of the new and true world, where this old and decaying drama has no place at all.

20 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 190

  1. Thanks a lot! Throughout the years I have come to similar observations. As there is very contradictory information about this subject matter, – most of it abstruse and terribly far-fetched descriptions – , I really wonder:

    Who are these “uninvited visitors”? How come that through trackless time, The Cosmic Order has allowed these twisted entities “to run their game”, keep away the truth and mislead human beings into unspeakable darkness…? What is their agenda, at the end of the day?…

    I knew once a professor in Chemistry who left the academic world and became his own.
    As this man was a very pragmatic, a man of science, not at all into “esoterism”, I was baffled one day when he spoke about the “real entities who govern this world.” He said:

    “You cannot dream of the vast knowledge and technological stuff they have at their disposal…the instruments they use would look liks science fiction to us…THEY ARE THOUSANDS OF YEARS AHEAD OF US”…Imagine my shock to hear this from him.

    Now, how can we ever be able to outwit these entities…? Quite an impossible don´t you agree…?

    My last question is:

    Do you give readings?

    Best regards,


    1. Dear Julien! Thank you for sharing the story of your professor, it is a reminder that there are many of us, in all walks of life! Back to the “tricksters”, to call them that. You can find more information about them in The manuscript, I would suggest part 52 and part 117. You will see that the task of removing ourselves from their influence is not one we have to do by ourselves. Here’s an excerpt: “Let us return to the subject of our role in this powerplay or show of force. As we were saying, we make up a mighty army, armed will literally all of the knowledge in the multiverse, and we have all of the power in the multiverse at our disposal as well. As you might know well by now, we, unlike you, have maintained that all-important connection to All there is, therefore we can call upon help from literally every corner of creation, and we do so fully in compliance with All there is, as this is not an isolated skirmish located to a small part of creation. Therefore there is much vested interest in the outcome of this battle of wills, as the results obtained here will ring out all across the web of filaments crisscrossing your universe and beyond.

      You see, we are here to help restore balance in a place where much imbalance has been created, and this imbalance has been tainting so much else, and in order to restore this imbalance, you the ground forces, have now been formally reconnected to the outside world yet again, and therefore our task of assistance can be and will be more visible than before.”

      As to individual readings, I do not have the possibility to do them now. But if that changes, and I am told to do them, I will of course inform you all.
      Love and light, Aisha

  2. Your writing is measured, pragmatic and above all permeated by objective observations and clear thought. So that is why I venture asking you: who are the ones behind this fearful scenario?

    “Remember, mankind has been preprogrammed to be literally trapped inside this system that has been deliberately set up to hold you down”

    Best regards,


    1. Hello Julien! Let me answer that with a quote from The manuscript, part 73:
      “Remember, this whole planet was set up as a learning facility to be used by all of those eager to learn things that their current environment could not offer, but they were under strict regulations as to how to behave whilst spending time as a human being. These rules were simple, and they included a total respect of the free will of each and every individual on this planet, but the whole system was corrupted by beings unwilling to comply with these rules. They set up this planet as their own little playground instead, and as such the whole balance of darkness and light was disturbed in favour of the darkest of the dark. But now the time is out for these tricksters, and time has come for the light to once again penetrate the fog of mismanagement and indoctrination that have been cloaking this beautiful place for far too long. In other words, separating the world of the tricksters and setting up a new and more wholesome environment for those of you ready to let go of the unbalanced way of living under their twisted set of rules.” And this, from part 84: “Were it not for the tricksters that came to your shores a long time ago and turned the tables in their favour, your ultimate goal would be achieved a long time ago. In fact, many of the old civilizations you today refer to as primitive were much more advanced down that road, as they still had many remnants of their old lineage still active in their minds. Therefore, their way of co-existing with their brethrens from far away shores ensured a highly developed society, with skilled scientists and an abundance of knowledge, and an almost total lack of warmongering, diseases and oppression. But then, as you all know, the uninvited visitors came and history were turned on its head. You as a species were put on a very different track, and soon, corruption and greed – and an imposed forgetfullness – ensured a rapid decline into a society rife with warfare, sickness and poverty. ”
      Love and light, Aisha

  3. Although I always resonate with your messages this one really hits the mark. I have myself been evangelising about all this since the early 1990s but something feels different now, like it should have already happened a couple of years ago and didn’t. My own intuition really pushed me towards feeling that something big, physical and tangible would happen on 11/11/2011, and so it was a massive disappointment that nothing did happen and caused me to really doubt all the certainty that I had previously had. I feel like I have gone BEYOND the point of being ready, and now everything about the shift just feels like a stale joke and that I have snapped free from an absurd fantasy. Having very successfully detached myself from the old 3D world I seem to have spent much of this year trying in vain to reintegrate myself back in, to somehow get a sense that this is home after all (NB That hasn’t worked).

    All the mixed messages from the various “good” channels don’t help either. Some talk about a the 21 December 2012 bringing about a full-blown physical conversion with a new set of energy bodies, 12 strand DNA and reintegration with our higher selves, while others who also “feel” respectable say that – actually – nothing of any note will happen in December 2012 and that this will just be an ongoing process that lasts for many years. Others, again, talk about a first wave of ascendees being taken up at some point in 2013 into Pleiadian/Sirian motherships for rapid healing, enlightenment, and a fast-track re-education so that we can come back down and spread the word to the rest of the population about what is happening. For the reason I mentioned above I don’t really trust my intuition now, and that really doesn’t help.

    Aisha, you have been kind enough to add reply comments to my previous messages and I thank you for that. What I have said here doesn’t necessarily need a reply because of course that exists within the article itself, but I guess it is just therapeutic to be able to share my own reflections of the core part of what you and the companions have said on this occasion. Honestly though, it just feels too much to hope for now that I could ever feel anything other than burnt out, anxious and alienated.

    I suppose on some level I can’t be completely switched off from all this because I still always drop what I am doing whenever an email comes in that you have posted a new message 🙂

    Thank you so much for what you do.

    1. Hi Jack

      Everything you have felt from the build-up of 11/11/11 to the disappointment and confusion that followed has been experienced by myself and others. The reason you felt that something big would happen on 11/11/11 was because there was something big to prepare for. I had one months notice to prepare, mentally and emotionally after a 4 year awakening period.

      Regardless of what was initially planned for this alignment we through our focused collective intent at that time opened a major stargate that allowed more energy from the higher realms to enter through our fields and further transform Gaia and humanity. That is the reason for incarnating here on 3D earth at this time. Without us as conduits for the divine energy to enter this reality the outcome would have been vastly different.

      It is not well known that saving humanity was not and is not the highest priority of the higher realms. Saving Gaia is. As I understand it not that long ago it was not even known in the higher realms whether humanity would be saved because of the situation on the ground. An option was to hit the reset button and start again. That’s how bad the situation was on earth. The Powers That Be had full reign of the planet while the Light Workers slept through their alarms. Not enough woke up when they were supposed to because the PTB drowned out their alarms. Many are still asleep although this is changing at a rapid pace thanks to the energies now flooding in and a different timeline has been created. Quite a sobering realisation but true none the less.

      You need to remember that we are powerful spiritual beings here for a purpose. Unfortunately on the ground we are the ones who have to wear the consequences of any delays and bear the burden of those not awake yet. The fact that we are on a need to know basis doesn’t help our morale and are left guessing when the plan changes. Such is the mission we signed up for.

      I found it challenging reintegrating back into mainstream 3D life and managed to drag out the act for about 7 months longer before I had to stop working. I was a Captain flying for a small airline in Australia. I couldn’t physically do it any longer because I was just too tired. Mentally I wasn’t even there.

      I know how you feel because I have been there. The only way forward is to try and trust your intuition again. Your soul is experiencing physicality through you and calling the shots. If that means tricking you and me to achieve an outcome out of our comprehension then that is what will happen. Has happened. We have to trust our souls because they are us and will get us home when we are done. There is no other way.

      I’m sorry for yabbering on although I felt the need to write this. This is how I navigate now, by way of feeling. You can find me and others at my facebook page –

      Warm regards

      1. Thanks for the encouraging words Alex. I had no sense that you were “yabbering” my friend, just being supportive 🙂

        I don’t think my problem is that I overslept (I know you didn’t say that it was), I think quite the contrary that I woke up at the beginning of the 1990s (first wave blue ray volunteer I assume) and it has just been such a long slog and I have such difficulty existing in such dense energies. Burnout has long been my companion.

        I’m trying not to whine about it, really I’m not, I just thought I would share my specific resonance with the topic at hand. The point I think I was trying to make is that I have gone beyond being ready for the shift, and feel now like I’m slipping backwards.

        Still, that will all change when “it” happens 🙂

  4. Thank you for important message again, Aisha & CC’s. Unreal & real is so mixed up right now and not many out there is reminding what’s really going on. Thank you for that!

  5. WOW, this is so clear why things seem darker when we know in our hearts they are so much brighter…. focus on the love… thank you Aisha for your service to us all..

  6. Thank you dearest Aisha and Constant Companions for this timely missive. I have been very tired lately, feeling worn down, like this is never going to end, just continued drudgery. So onward I go, one foot dragging to the front of the other like sisyphus.

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