The manuscript of survival – part 188

As the time for the final countdown draws ever closer, the forces of the dark side are getting more and more desperate, and more and more devious. We have given you this warning before, but now the time has come to repeat this message. It is not a child’s game you are all involved in, and the stakes are high, so expect the other side to pull any and all tricks they can out from their sleeves at this time. And they are nothing if not devious, and they are in fact prepared to go to any length to inveigle themselves into your lives. They can come in all shapes and sizes, but for now, they seem to prefer the look of innocence. So let us just say that never has the warning ”beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing” been more correct. For that is exactly what they are, these devious entities masquerading as true bearers of the light. And even if their words and their actions seem benevolent enough, you can easily see through their mask of innocence, and smell the rotten core hiding behind this seemingly perfect facade.

For facade is all they are dear ones, and it glitters and glimmers enough to fool the most easily duped amongst you to believe them and literally show them in through the door. And when they do set foot inside your space, they will not leave willingly, and they can be mightily disturbing houseguests indeed. So again, heed this warning and take extra care of what you let into your ”house” from now on, be it in the form of words or energy of any kind, as there is much pollution about trying to sell themselves off as the truest and clearest of fresh air. Nothing could be further from the truth, so keep your eyes, ears and hearts open in order to catch the whiff of their real perfume. And when you smell it, make sure to slam the door in their faces as fast as you can, and do not open it no matter how hard they implore you to do so.

This is not a simple game dear ones, but remember, this is a match that is less than evenly set up, and the side of those dark skullduggers is not the one that has the upper hand, far from it. So do not be afraid, but be vigilant, and all will be well. You are more than capable of detecting their sulphuric smell, so we do not think you are in any danger of being duped by these puppets of the dark. But stay strong, and stay out of fear, because in fear you will have a lot more doors wide open than if you stay firmly in your light at all times.

46 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 188

  1. Hmmm

    Accident~ALLy ended UP HERE NOW in 2014

    2 yeARs and 2 months from NOW

    tALLkIN to my past

    nONE of this is the least bit scary

    ONEly scARy FUNny

    To my past illusION

    I SAY

    You AnchoR LIGHT INto the dARKness

    By not SEEING anything as dark


    somewHERE over the Rainbow

    Last song of PERFECT~ION

  2. I agree with this message, giving light and love to dark forces will not really help during these times, they are what they are and they choose to be that way. We must be aware that there are negative beings trying to prevent our spiritual evolution from lower astral dimensions. So these messages are spot on. Be Careful! and clear all impurities within the etheric body!. We are merging polarities, but we are merging energetic polarities within us. This is a time of eliminating all ignorance and misunderstanding, and neutralizing negative beings and sending them to where they belong is essential to bringing balance back to this world. Sending them light and love will not bring peace this world, try it to all those politicians, and it will still not work. We got to be more serious. Our power, love, and wisdom must come back and we must act when we need to, this means, not allowing negative weapons to exist on this planet. This whole 3rd density system is designed to create distortions, we cant merge with the negativity and thats nonsense Neekla.

  3. im so glad we can all share our feelings and input, for what else is most pertinent to us at this crazy time we are in… thank you also Bev and Theo and Aisha.. i think us all mirroring and “remembering” together is valuable and it’s not by coincidence who is here on this blog, for sure 🙂

  4. A foot-note of Thanks to ALL for their thoughts & comments, & as this site was generated by Aisha, it’s important that we, as her friends & participants in these readings continue to focus on sharing & learning always in a respectful way without casting stones & insults to one another. Although at present, we may have difficulty in agreeing with each other’s beliefs & interpretations, We are ALL seeking & travelling towards the same divine Truth & Oneness ! An additional THank you to Christie for your great input & of course Big Thanks to Aisha for her own added clarification !! Blessings to ALL in their contribution in anchoring the Light !

    1. Indeed, thank you so much, dearest Christie and dearest Aisha!
      Perfectly stated.
      Sometimes is our own arrogance that stays in our way.
      And since our last battle is growing much more dramatic by the day,
      I simply feel we finally need become grown-ups.
      It’s our responsibility.

  5. The light cannot be anchored on this planet without the help of us, and the same goes for the darkness. To me, that is what this message is all about. We are here to serve as anchors for the increasing light, but there are also those who have the role of anchoring the energies of darkness, either by choice or by being tricked into it. I know of many healers and channelers, myself included, who can testify to the fact that whenever a channel is open, there are sometimes darker energies trying to use this channel too. And now, this activity is increasing. ( Please see my post “A time of confusion”.) So to me, this is certainly an important warning, because if we do not stay vigilant now, we might unwittingly give those dark energies access to ourselves. And through us, they can also get access to others. And yes, they are very good at presenting themselves as “beings of light”, so they are not easy to spot when they appear. So please stay safe by always, always checking if the energies you encounter, whether they come in the form of a person, a channeled message or any other form of energy truly is representing the light. As I said, there are people out there not even aware that they have literally given those darker energies a way to be anchored on this planet. They can actually make things worse by carrying on the work they do, thinking they are helping to anchor the light, when what they really do is the opposite. So again, you might be exposed to this dark energy through someone who are convinced they are working for the light, so be safe by using your discernment at all times. It has never been more important than now.
    Love and light, Aisha

    1. Dearest Aisha & Constant Companions thank you for this missive and all of your communications. Some spiritual material I resonate with and some I do not. This and all material should be deserned with the heart/ intuition. We must listen always to our heart. I have always resonated with Aisha’s messages. Love & light to you All.

    2. Hmmm.. I had my spiritual life kickstarted when I started to look on my own darkness and let it a chance to breath. It’s been a journey ever since. World does call you back the same you yell at it. Been a tough time finding the balance as triggers went off all the time at first. It’s been a mess but a needed one I guess. As cc’s told, turned inside out. As if by embracing my stupidity Im finding myself, the good guy (with wicked powers) inside. Quitted drinking. Not good to cast spells that you cant recall lol. Even thought bit darker trip and had many voices yelling at me from the astrals even quite impatiently, its slow to change to be ‘better’. Fools progress for me.

  6. i agree with this message, bc i have experienced the darks myself. both in human form, and attacks from non-physical beings. i have been the “victim” of dark attacks PLENTY of times. think what the CCs are saying is that dark activity is ramping up bc they are afraid the light will win, and so to be a little more careful at these times. i have experienced this first-hand in psychic attacks, which are not that uncommon. i know that many lightworkers have been attacked by the darks. the point is to not be afraid, just keep vigilant. there are also those in human form who claim to be teachers of the light, or gurus, but they are not and they try to use fear tactics.. and ive seen this too. again not to be afraid of this, but just keep staying in your center is all you need as i see it. including, not letting yourself fall into thoughts of fear bc that is what they are trying to create, as they lose this battle on the planet.

    i definitely see that we are moving towards oneness in this process, but that does not mean lend yourselves to those of the dark. that would NOT be a good idea. loving the god essence in all, is one thing, but to say that to love those of the dark side to the point where they mess with you and you allow it, would mean you are giving up your power. meaning, if you love someone, and you let them do dark things to you or abuse you, that’s NOT a good idea in my opinion. you can love who they are at their core, but don’t stay in the abuse bc that would mean diminishing your light. in other words, i definitely think that allowing someone to take their own responsibility for their darkness, is the most loving thing one can do. i think most of us never had a problem with loving all of humanity (including the dark). i never did. but as i grew in my process, i saw how important it was to DISCERN. bc where you allow your energy to go, is where it will go. i see that those who are most blaming of others who “dont love” the darks, are the ones who feel most guilty for thinking they are “bad” for not loving “evil” and therefore it being a reflection of spiritual non-advancement. but it is not true in my eyes; and i see it as a program/ conditioning, that we can let go of as we transition. i think ancient texts give us a big clue, and ive surely studied them deeply, but if you take it too literally and give your authority up to them, it will prevent your own growth. now is the time to look to our own, in-the-moment knowing of life and the cosmos. and to exercise that muscle. there is really nothing to be afraid of as we trust our own knowing.

    i think more understanding needs to be created, before attacking the messenger (aisha in this case). this sort of information is not the easiest to translate– info from the non-physical to information in a physical world. so let’s not give into fear, bc really it does not exist and we are safe. but im always glad to get that extra little reminder during intense times like this, to be a little more vigilant; as i sense their energies around and am more likely to get dark-attacked at intense times like this. just ask for help from AA Michael if you feel you are being dark-attacked; and just realize that all these funny dark feelings and energies you encounter are simply dark energies flying around and also the masses clearing their own darkness in their clearing process.

  7. I felt a heaviness well up in me when I read this message…still processing what that means…I appreciate everyone’s comments because that has helped me…love to Aisha and the Constant Companions and each one here…♥janis

  8. when you are embraced by the light, it will be seen by all beings, maybe someone said to you “I want to be like you,” then also the energies “less noble” see you and try some form of “attack”, but because of your strong energy they can do anything against you if you do not allow this ,it is always your choice .

    If you’re an angel you do not have to be afraid of demons, simply because they can not even touch you 🙂 (Fabio Marchesi)

    and this is my real experience ,is not an intellectual understanding(from book) i cant go deep in explanation …
    sorry form my english
    ciao che Dio vi benedica

    1. Dearest Marina, Your English is excellent. I wish I could speak Italian, it sounds so beautiful to my ears. What region of Italy are you from? Love & light to you and yours

  9. Guys please do stay away from any occult practises, this is what is drowing in a lot of negative energy and this is what you are feeling. Because this is not right so you feel it as something that is not right. Makes perfect sence 🙂
    If you have any problems, please just simply ask God and Angels for help.

  10. I have been posting your articles on my blog now for some time. However, this time I am drawn to comment. Thank you for this post – from my heart to yours. This is indeed a time of clear seeing. Manipulative frequencies abound. Many who present themselves as “light” are now compromised. Few are sufficiently cloaked and inwardly turned to perceive with clarity. Some of these have been around for some while and have large followings who have not quite perceived the almost imperceptible (yet very real) DOWNWARD spiral of energy. I’m relieved to learn that this “knowing” of my soul is confirmed. Be bliss. Gillian

  11. So totaly argee with you. I tried myself to tell them, hello guys you are in a dellusion, yet they do not hear it.

    1. Marina, I understand that your english may not be very good. But, that is NOT what Bev said at all:)
      But, thanks for your caring words. What you may not know. Is that GOD sent some of his ANGELS to earth in human form to experience all forms of duality. He did this so that they could transmute the paradigms. Those ANGELS have felt lost in this duality as they had lost the awareness and connections they had as Angels. This has been a painful process for them and you may not be able to comprehend this.
      We are all awakening now. But some of us have had more to overcome than others.
      No one here, is any more “delusional” than another 🙂
      We are all working with abstract concepts and paradigms that only we can master.
      So, if you read what NEEKLA so beautifully stated. What he is saying is that yes, We are all Angels and don’t need to be wary, or careful, because we are the LIGHT and the LOVE of GOD. And above all, we are focusing and need to focus on that FACT above all else. We ARE NOW LOVE. AN ALL INCLUSIVE LOVE. When we create an all inclusive unconditional LOVE vibration. NOTHING can harm us. That is the paradigm that we are here to create.
      If that is not yours, that is totally fine. WE LOVE YOU STILL.
      Hope that helps.
      Many blessings and LOVE,


      1. Hi Mike, I’m very sorry that my English is not good enough for you 🙂
        However Ask Archangel Michael for spiritual protection and ask him to help you, also I found “101 Archangels” by Doreen Virtue very, very helpful to me, check it out. I would personally stay away from the Kabbalah ((for a number of reasons) it is mentioned in a book) and Archangel Michael represents – Blue (always has been) not Violet flame. 🙂
        But at the end the choice is always yours 🙂

  12. Dear AIsha and Constant Companions, I wake up looking forward to your messages after meditating and praying with the light.
    I still think I am way behind with my clearing process because only yesterday did I grasp the idea of my subconscious mind and it’s deeply negative programming. My feeling of NOT belonging in this world from having two parents who are totally unconscious, angry , violent, conflict oriented and abusive left me wanting to kill myself from a young age. I felt like I came from another planet and that there was something very wrong and lacking in that house. So, I have always felt cursed. And felt I must be very bad to have been born into such a place. I literally thought of my mother many times as the DEVIL. She had no motherly energy at all. And though I put on a brave face in the world, I only yesterday realized that these feelings were programmed in my subconscious mind and that they have been running my life and creating experiences that reflect my subconscious beliefs. Of course I have read about the subconscious mind over the last fifteen years but never quite grasped that I could literally access it and clear it. Eckhart Tolle talks about the PAIN BODY and I found that helpful when trying to clear my negative highly reactive programming.
    From my reading of Theosophist Alice Bailey, which was largely esoteric and beyond my comprehension, I decided that there was no evil. That there was only IGNORANCE. Ignorance of the true nature of all of our beings and our relationship to the universe and GOD. This comforted me and helped me to forgive people for their actions s they were “doing the best they could” considering their Ignorance of the Divine Truths. This also helped me to forgive myself But, I never really understood the powers of the subconscious mind and when I read about it, it was an abstract concept to me. And I have done a lot of work on my self over the past 25 years.
    SO, I have just come to the conclusion that all negative seeming attacks, “by the dark” are really just opportunities for us see our weeks spots. Which is, in fact, a blessing because we now have the tools to release, forgive, gain compassion and adjust ourselves.
    But, when I read messages like this, I if this “evil” is actually and intelligent entity that could still attack me personally? I am so confused because. And I have been randomly verbally and physically attacked so many times, that in the last couple of years I felt I could not take it anymore and got extremely depressed and suicidal.
    I wish I had someone I could speak to about these things. But I do not. And I do not hear answers to my questions when I ask my guides or higher self.

    This message has made me very confused. I do not have the tools to discern these types of things. Sometimes I wonder if I AM one of these things that you describe! “The darkness in the shiny suit of light.”
    All my dreams, every night, for most of my life have been an anxiety ridden story of being lost, LOST, LOST.

    I am rambling and unable to think clearly and linearly enough these days to write a cohesive thought.

    I’m just going to put this out there.

    1. Hi Mike,
      If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. When I have difficalties in my life I tried to look for the answers in my heart and listen to it honestly then I do act accordinly. To stay in a hurtfull situation is harmfull to anybody, to life is not about how much hurt one can possibly bear it is about living a life and appreciating it. To be happy and joyfull it is what life is all about, sometimes we do suffer hardships, usually becouse we need some resolution from the past (we made a mistake sowere along a way, need just to find it, see it and te fix it). It is all a matter what one chooses to look into Light, darkness, suffering it is all a matter of a personal choise. Ussually ovrcalming any difficalt situation is helping us to grow spiritually, we have gotten in this situaton on a first place for some reason, this is how we grow – we find it, learn from it, fix it and let go of it. Please try not to hold on to the past. The best technick that has always worked for me in to stay in my personal place of comfort and if something tries to push me out of this place, jus let them know, if you’ll say nothing they will keep on pushing.
      Find thil Light of God in your soul and please keep it leat at all times, or as much as possible, please do not let people take advantage of you, it is not the same as true kindness 🙂 Please stay happy and healty and true to yourself and endoy life 🙂

    2. Dear Michael…I am so sorry that your journey has been a most difficult one, & I send warm blessings to your LOving soul, but you must take solice in that you have a warrior spirit & have come a long way & you have survived it, wounds & All. You must realize that this evil energy that the CC’s refer to has always eminated from mankind’s doings…wars, torture, hatred, emotional distress, destruction to life – to nature, All wrong doings from the free will given to mankind where each was allowed free choice to make their way in this life, All experiences so very unique for each soul to learn, grow & find their way back to union with the LOve & Light of creation. It is a path of many obsticles & if you look closely you will see that All the negative ones that seep in to cause harm to your spirit are All spawn from an evil creation of mankind. There is much truth in what you say that through recognizing & overcoming these hurdles & weaknesses you have grown in strength, but the shackle memories remain a burden for you. The new energies coming in to this world will be changing All this, clearing & filling us with divine motherly, nuturing, LOving energy but you must also understand that the Earth that we know today will remain a place of free choice, & in order to receive these LOving energies we must choice it. As each individual makes his/her choosing so it will be their reality & their New World. I truely hope that this may be of some help to you…Blessings my friend !~

      1. THANKS Bev! I really appreciate your kindness and for taking the time to respond. As I said, it is so difficult for me to express myself logically as of late. I guess I shouldn’t have posted that response this morning because, it was a gut reaction, and I am learning to deprogram my gut reaction. I think I really needed to express the level of pain that I have endured in this lifetime. I have also been privileged to create and experience many miraculous manifestations as well.
        I am happy to say that I have received an abundance of incoming clearing energies today and MOMENTS OF CLARITY.
        I think what I am doing now is learning to bask in my heart center and in the LOVE of the creator.
        I need to quickly learn to put up shields of protection. Those of us doing the light work are protected. But the greatest protection is to be aware of our powers of self protection. I have had some kind of emotional implant that prevented me from accessing my true nature
        and my angelic HEART of HEARTS. I had the implant in order to understand the human condition. But, my HEART is now resurrecting rapidly. I am completely devoted to its healing and its purpose.
        I HEAR THE CALL. I am happy to be coming together with my brothers and sisters who also hear the CALL. In the months ahead we will all be called at once and we will join to create a field of ENERGETIC LOVE FREQUENCY that will help shift the human race and Mother Earth into the GOLDEN AGE.

        Do you know any procedures for protection that I might employ?

        Again, Bev, Thanks for your beautiful heart and for answering my distress signal today.
        LOVE and LIGHT and PROTECTION,

      2. staying in your center, out of fear, knowing that all the heavy things playing out in your physical life are just the clearing process… helps very much in staying protected…

        and on, look for the 12-d shield. this woman has had a lot of experience with dark activity and attacks, and i see that she is very aware of how it works… she is a psychic healer who can help you with protection. she can do an actual healing to remove spirits/ entities from your energy field. her utube videos talk about how to protect yourself and they are free.

    3. Hi Michael….I’m very pleased to be able to help you my friend as I believe it is one of our most important tasks at this time to help each other, as this makes us more focused & strengthens our abilities as conduits in anchoring more & more of the incoming Light towards ascension. What I would suggest the most to you during these times is focusing on a clear & uncluttered, questioning & worrying mind…just try to keep things simple without too much analysis…simply let your Open Heart’s connection to your higher self do the work & the thinking. Your own personal connection to your higher self is your lead, as they certainly know what is the best for you, & us ALL…a perfect complete package of LOve, guidance & protection…it’s really that simple…it’s always us that over-analyses everything & makes it way more complicated than it has to be ! We ALL have our own unique purpose & tasks to perform….the work is not over yet, so keep moving forward my dear friend….Shine Shine Shine !~

  13. This is pure baloney ! We are MERGING polarities…….not DIVIDING !! If you are all looking to ‘take sides’ this IS duality !!! We are ALL merging with are SHADOW sides……it’s about integrating and then TRANSFORMING…..
    GET IT?!?

    1. THANKS NEEKLA for your message. What you say in your post is the premise I have been working with.
      I have been working on loving all of the dark ones including George Bush, Dick Cheney, The Pope and even the illuminnatti. Oh, and of course, MYSELF! 🙂 Thanks for holding that strong point of view. You can see below that I crumbled. Maybe that was the point of the Message from CC today. So, we can re-affirm our beliefs and commitment to this point of view.
      Blessings, Michael

      1. Your welcome Michael…..the Buddha always said “Question EVERYTHING, even what I am teaching you….” They don’t call it a narrow path for nothing! You are learning discretion….a very difficult obstacle to learn. Keep going! Your doing great! I read your post. Much difficulty in the past I see. I am sorry. Please believe in yourself and that you will find your way out of the labyrinth of life….indeed it is all just a personal/collective reflection……like a marker so you know where you are at and what still needs attention, integration, and transformation. We ARE leaving duality… is not the time to get stuck in duality! Except it all and love it all for it is ALL us, every single bit! This is what the coined term “Oneness” means…….you cannot separate ANYTHING from the ONE and still call it oneness…..Bless you Michael for taking on so much in this life! You are indeed loved beyond belief…….Namaste my brother! ~

    2. Dear Neekla, I always Appreciate All of our wonderful views, interpretations & comments on Aisha’s site & do hope you continue to share yours., but might I just add that we each are at unique, & different levels in our spiritual journey, & those that are on the front lines & threshold as conduits, holding & spreading to magnify the Light onto this world & onto other sleeping souls, they will be the 1st to encounter resistance from the negative energies that have thrived & evolved on this planet for a very, very long time…as you may not be aware that Mother-Earth has been in the position to ascend, many times before, but there was not enough Love & Light eminating from humanity. This time it is different…she will succeed. The seeds that have been sown long ago have grown & are now healthy & strong ! Much of what you say is true about duality merging as one, but maybe not quite the way in which you now see it. We All contain a portion of dark energy within us & as we grow spiritually it dissipates. May I simply say in regards to your comment, would this be reflected words of an enlightened master or are you not casting ripples into calm & tranquil water. Blessings to you on your journey my friend !~

    3. baloney?
      Never ever spoke our Celestial Friends in this tone.
      They are concerned…
      They always KNOW exactly what they say,
      do you really think they would open their mouth in vain?
      Please remember, they see around the corner.
      Wish everyone of us be VERY, VERY careful.

    4. I agree with Neekla , Remain centered but to understand we are merging with our shadow selves and to be in this fear mode of what the dark can do just reinforces there power. Keeps us in the Game of duality /polarity consciousness ..YES we need to send love to the dark ones { not easy in the ego mind } but we agreed to come to 3-d huemanity and live out the free-will … Namaste we are one … Love always wins over the dark so no fear …there GAME is up … peace & love keeps them runnning away so why should we run from the dark ?

    5. Baloney ? not quite for everyone, Meekla but i understand your concern.

      After all we are still battling in this polarity based illusion where there is a ‘real’ danger that we might become ensnared. Caution is therefore prudent and being forewarned a gift.

      Obviously this caution should not immediately be translated into fear, because then it would become counter productive….

  14. so interesting…& yet another important message from you Dear Aisha & CC’s ! Your words of concern & caution should be kept tightly close to ALL of us now & in these final steps as the realms of Dark energy knows us ALL too well & know precisely how to attack & to invoke distrust & questioning in our faith, hatred, fear & anger…& indeed this creates a barrior in which the Light has much more difficulty in helping us. In my own experience from time to time such emotional attacks as the one that affected me just last night…has the knowing of my trigger point weaknesses, & in my current state of low energy it is very trying to remain calm & clear, so in these times of distress I ask for intervention from the higher realms to send ALL power neccessary to disfuse the dark energy with their brilliant Light & ALL encompassing power of LOve…Everything in our realm is Energy & All these Energies have their strong & weak spots but the Pure LOve Energy from the higher realms are much more effective in neutralizing dark energy for us !…but the key is in keeping clear, calm & connected…believing & trusting that they are working on our behalf while we stay grounded & enveloped in the Light & LOve !…just as the flooding waters & storm surge pass from Issac rocking our boats, there indeed will be more from many angles, whether physical or emotional…from family, friends, workplace, the internet…..All flooding with aim to our weak spots to upset our boats & stall us or prevent us from continuing our spiritual work & our journey. I say to ALL my spiritual friends “Ask for intervention “…. Release the negative, be Calm & surrounded with LOve & Light, Trust & Believe…& you will be Golden !!~ Blessings my Friends

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