A short update on the energies

By now, most of you have discerned that the forward momentum has yet again been increased, and this time, it is not by a small increment either. Rather, the surge is such, it is apt to sweep more than a few of you off your feet. And when we say this, it is not to imply that this will be detrimental in any way, simply to say that whether you like it or not, this time you will all be literally swept up in this oncoming surge of light, and it will serve to pry loose many a grasping hand still trying so hard to cling on to yesteryear. You see, this upcoming increase in incoming light will help to sever some of the last straws that so many have been clinging to, the straws that for them symbolize the last link to the known. In other words, the old illusion, the one that feels slightly more comfortable than the seemingly unknown void that looms ahead, and even if this old illusion in more ways than one can be described as a less than beneficial place to inhabit, to some it is still preferable over the choice of stepping away from it to fully enter the New.

For the New feels so overwhelmingly new, it is apt to trigger any residual pangs of fear that your system still harbours, and so, you try to test out these New waters by stretching out to your full length to dip the tiniest tip of your toe into it while still holding tenaciously on to the chains that secure you to the old. Well, let us just say that now there will be no more room for these balancing acts of over stretching, for now, you will all find that your grasp on the old illusion will crumble away between your fingers, and if you still choose to try to maintain contact with it and turn your back to where this flood will be taking you, we think you will find your position an extremely untenable one.

For then, you will try with all of your might to go against the wishes of your heart, for remember, anyone who has already stepped forward into the light has done so at the behest of their heart, not of anyone or anything else. For in this, you are and will always be sovereign beings, and so all the ones connecting to this very space and reading these words, you are here because you have elected to be amongst the pioneers, the first ones to literally take the plunge, and so, going back against your own decision is not something that is feasible. For all you will succeed in doing, is making your own journey a much more challenging one than what was intended in the first place, for then, it will be like trying to literally go against the flow in a way that will have a profound impact on you, and not in a positive way.

Again, these words are not given out to try to intimidate any of you, merely to try to remind you all that you are here of your own volition, and this journey, no matter how intense and at times challenging it may be, is one that you have opted for with everything that you are. And so, you came to this planet to put your soul into this work, and you have done more than admirably so far, so never fall for the temptation to think that you are or will be a failure in anything that stands before you. For you have come so far and the challenges have already been many, but you have literally grown with each and every one of them just as you knew beforehand that you would do. And remember, that is why you came, to make this whole planned progress come alive in every sense of the word, by embodying this change every step of the way. And now, after what may seem an almost endless traipse through the densest of jungles, you stand before what can only be described as a superconductive journey through a channel of infinite light that will strip away the last shreds of detritus, flushing out your internal channels in such a way, they will be back to near pristine condition.

Again, this is a process that will seem to be overly convoluted and perhaps unnecessarily cautious at times, but that is simply because it needs to be so in order for you to be able to fully shine your light in the way it was intended for you to do, while still ensconced within this bodily vehicle. For that is indeed the crux of the matter, the whole idea on which it all hinges. You are doing a transformation on such a vast scale, from one set of existence to one that is so fundamentally different from the old one, it all needs to be done just so in order for everything to come together full circle. And now, what awaits you all is indeed something that will literally shift you a large sector of this circle towards full completion in the sense of becoming that much closer to full capacity.

In other words, during the next few days a flow of light will come in that will fill you all to the brim and then some, and it will bring you all along on a journey towards perfection to use a word that is much maligned, but in this context simply means removal of old impurities, impurities that have made your evolution as a species so inhibited because of the contamination it imposed on you, but which will now be rendered null and void in such a way, very little of the old inhibitors will be remaining. And as a result of this, you will all become cleared and ready for that huge surge of galactic cleansing that will arrive sometime later this month, and in its wake, you will all feel the freshness of imbuing pure light through your newly purified channels.

As usual, we refrain from giving out any details, but we will say this, no matter how hard the winds may blow, and no matter how intense the pressure from this light may be, it will be here to help you to fulfill your dream of completing this journey you have come here to do, and to do it in this incarnation. For this is it, this is the lifetime you have been waiting for, the one where it will all come together, and you will come together to secure the ties to the New world by severing all of the detrimental connections that only served to sap you of your powers in the old version of humanity. But now, you stand before a veritable Niagara of floods, a force of light that will at some point sweep you all off your feet and hurl you over that edge that stand between you and your future. And just like any such attempts to hurl yourself voluntarily off a cliff and into what may seem almost an overwhelmingly challenging feat of trust, know that your heart knows what it has in store as soon as it finally lets go of the fear of flying. For you will not go crashing down, instead, you will feel how the winds finally will be able to fill your wings to such a degree, you will be able to begin to soar freely yet again.

So once again we say know that all is well, and know that you will know just what to do and when to let go, and if you insist on holding back, also know that this will not diminish the pressure in any way. Rather, it will only serve to push you that much harder. And if you try to entice others to take this leap of faith with you, and they react by digging in their feet even deeper, know that it is not your task to hold back to help them to find their way over this demarcation line. For your task is simply to allow your wings to become fully unfurled, and the only way to help others to pick up the courage to do the same, is if they can see how freely you are able to soar. For if you insist on hanging on to try to wait for them to be ready, know that your prolonged hesitation will not benefit any of you, least of all you. For then, you will not lead by example as you are here to do, instead you will be holding you all hostage to the drag of the old and it will be enough to make you and those you are trying to lift up only mire yourselves even deeper into that old mud.

So lift your eyes to where it is your heart wants you to go, and that is when this incoming flood of light will have the very best effect on you all. For then, you will already be in the perfect position to take advantage of this powerful push, and you will be able to use it to propel yourself out into the lofty heights in a way that will not only elevate you, but also the collective. For remember, you are all individuals, but you are also part of something much, much bigger, and so, as soon as you allow this wave of light to lift you up and away from the old ideas of solitude and density, you will bring on an increase in the combined effects of this energetic field that in turn will help to elevate you all just that much higher. In other words, your single decision to act will have far flung consequences, for it will literally ripple out into the ethers and magnify the effect of the single decision to fly that will be taken by countless of your brothers and sisters. And together, you will in a very short time bypass the limit for critical mass and through that, initiate another huge surge of light that will add on to this chain reaction. And do not worry dear ones, this is already a fact, for you have already accomplished this, but as usual, it needs to be done on a level of consciousness that is available to the human in you as well in order to be fully integrated into your system, and that is what you stand before now.

So do not hesitate when you feel the incoming wave of light coming your way, for you have already taken the plunge, but this time around, you get to do it with those parts of you that still think of themselves as merely a human, and that is when it will all come to pass. And come to pass it will, for no matter how many it is who think they will balk at taking this plunge, they are far, far outnumbered by the legion who have already decided to do so. For that is what has been done, and now, it will finally come fully to pass, and for that we cannot thank you enough. So set your sails for tomorrow, and know that the wind in your back may blow hard, but it will definitely be carrying you towards that destination you have come here to reach. So sit back and let your heart set the course, and then, the wind and you will become an inseparable team, united by the light, united for the New, making headway for that distant shore that will no longer be distant but is already within reach.

432 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. This is really strange, but I see this can be no coincidence that I randomly came across this post twice in the last 5 months! And while reading it I felt as though it was a personal letter just for me. My concern and large preoccupation has been my soul journey…but my spiritual practices and beliefs may be different from yours and yet what you said struck a very personal c(h)ord for me!
    It’s interesting that you kept using the imagery of flying…I used to see myself flying a lot in my dreams and I’d remember these dreams very vividly because it brought me such delight!
    I do wish to fly and not look back and just be the inspiration you mentioned to others watching me floating by so easily! I do hope I can move out of past inertia…I had just written something very positive in my diary and was feeling elated when I came across this post of yours for the second time! I take it as an auspicious sign. Would love to contact you and have a personal chat with you sometime. Please email me if possible at radhikade@gmail.com
    I look forward to hearing from you Aisha!
    Love and light,

  2. This is really strange, but I see this can be no coincidence that I randomly came across this post twice in the last 5 months! And while reading it I felt as though it was a personal letter just for me. My concern and large preoccupation has been my soul journey…but my spiritual practices and beliefs may be different from yours and yet what you said struck a very personal c(h)ord for me!
    It’s interesting that you kept using the imagery of flying…I used to see myself flying a lot in my dreams and I’d remember these dreams very vividly because it brought me such delight!
    I do wish to fly and not look back and just be the inspiration you mentioned to others watching me floating by so easily! I do hope I can move out of past inertia…I had just written something very positive in my diary and was feeling elated when I came across this post of yours for the second time! I take it as an auspicious sign. Would love to contact you and have a personal chat with you sometime. Please email me if possible at radhikade@gmail.com
    I look forward to hearing from you Aisha!
    Love and light,

    1. Hello Radhika! Thank you so much for this beautiful and surprising message! How amazing it is to see just how “timeless” these channeled energetic updates are. I am so grateful that you lead me back to these words too, because they really help me see the current energies even better. I am also very grateful to know that what I share, helps others on their journey. I do believe we are all “part of something much, much bigger” as the CCs say. Every action taken by any one of us affects everyone else. “What you do, you do for ALL” to quote the CCs again. And no, there are no coincidences either. So much help is coming our way, in so many different shapes and forms. All we need is to be open to receive it. So thank you for receiving the words that I channel. I believe your wings are ready to be tested now 😉 With so much love from me, Bente/Aisha <3<3

  3. Lee Harris at Facebook today

    Just allow yourself to see this life you have lived. Because now you are heading into the future and you have a moment of choice. You can choose to allow more feeling or not. There is no right or wrong for you. I cannot prescribe that. I would not dare to. But I will tell you this, the more you allow yourself to feel, the more joy, the more love, the more ease, the more peace, the more happiness you will experience.

    ~~Ziadora through Lee, from The Heart of Humanity and ‘Energy Speaks’



    1. Hallelujah to that!

      There’s too much dis / mis-info out there about how and what to feel and not feel. Bunk.

      There is no way we could have done the energy work we did if we did not feel and express our emotions.

      Personally, that, often intense, expression not only kept me from spontaneously combusting, but it also allowed me to transmute energies for the world through my personal field, turning what could be destructive world energies into just a fit of rage on my part. Such can be rather sucky in the moment, but it was brief and could be recovered from and was a whole lot better than the planet blowing up.

      1. Dear Rick,

        For my part, I hardly know what I’m doing – I am a B to B, you know 😉 I just follow my feelings and beliefs and do everything in my own way 🙂 Of course it is emotions in what I do or I would be a dead herring 😉 🙂

        Love & light ❤
        B to B

  4. http://www.oraclereport.com/

    “Bygga Second Renaissance inte slit. Det är tänkt att vara roligt.

    Här är vad som händer på himlen för att underlätta det:

    Den 26: e, 27: e, och 28: e grader av Fiskarna handlar om moons- en New Moon, en Harvest Moon, och en fullmåne, respektive. Mars är avslutat transitering av dessa examina, slå dem först för att ge energi och “last” känslor av lust (hjärta och själens önskningar). Detta har hänt under de senaste dagarna, så att du kan titta på händelser, omständigheter och känslor du har haft och se vad som börjar.

    Venus kommer att börja transit dessa grader i morgon, träffa dem igen och förstärka vad Mars präglade. Önskningar är förstärkta.

    Därefter, mellan 16 till 18 mars kommer den allsmäktige Sun nå dessa grader, översvämningar fältet och förstärka vad både Mars och Venus har redan präglade. Detta är precis i tid för New Moon den 20 mars och även i tid för vårdagjämningen.

    Så du se hur prägling av energi fungerar och även hur viktigt den här gången är för framtiden.

    Visdom gudinnor (Dynamic Duo) av Matangi och Shodashi är nära med detta. Matangi ger vind och Shodashi korrigerar kursen, så vi går framåt. Men om hastigheten är för mycket för dig, fråga att vinden lugna ner en bit.”



  5. All the so called truth we have learned in our life is nothing but a touch of truth with untruth weaved into it that equals to much more untruth than truth. There is a limit to what a person can learn of the truth until all the untruth is seen for what it really is and released. This is a personal thing that depends on what a person is taught in their life and what they have accepted for truth that in most cases is just a dogma belief that has been pounded into their mind their whole life. Most of these beliefs were needed in times past to give people some kind of hope. Most people are taught to not think for themself and just do what others in charge tell you to do.

    Well times are changing fast and people all over the world are learning to think for themself. We are all at this stage of the life game in one form or another. All a person can do is use your own thoughts to deside what is right or wrong for you and build a better life from there. If something teaches hate. Make no mistake about hate or love. The only way to advance in a higher knowledge that is good for people and Mother Earth is through love not hate. All knowledge is advanced one thought at a time that gives birth to other thoughts. Hate only gives hate love only gives back love. It is as simple as that and all up to you.

    Love and blessing to all

  6. Anna Merkaba at facebook today

    Having issues with your Thyroid? Then you must read this!

    Just when I think that there can’t be any more surprises, the angelic guides surprise me yet again! I can’t help but share this incredible experience with all of you. I was working on someone recently and she said that she is having issues with her Thyroid. When I went into a healing I did not expect to see what I did…




    1. This is very interesting.

      I had read a few years ago that women usually have problems with the throat chakra, while men had more problems with the 2nd chakra.

      A few days ago I saw at night a man who had a cut across the throat. I let him bandages so that injury heals.

      My experience with communication, that had prevented me from speaking until 1986 or to communicate at all, I have released. Today I can speak freely and clearly.

      But maybe there was a violation in one of my male incarnations is to heal?

      I AM BIX 😀

  7. Lee Harris at Facebook today

    “Sometimes if you are wanting to release a person, or a situation but there are three or four reasons why you cannot, or why it does not feel supported to do so in this moment, many of you can get very frustrated. And you forget your magic. You forget the part of you that can simply say aloud, “I wish to release this.” You surrender the way it will be done to the universe. But you tell the universe you are ready to release your struggle and the universe and you will create a way at the speed you are ready.”

    ~~Zachary through Lee, from A Self Love Journey



    1. Very good. I’ve said similar to folks:

      Many people sense they need to let go of something or someone and yet want the replacement before they do. They want to find a new job before quitting the old one or find a new partner before breaking up with the current one. “As one door closes another door opens”, but I’ve found that before Life and the Divine will open the next door, you have to demonstrate the courage and self-love / self-respect to close the first one that really does need to be closed. Expect some “… but it can be hell in the hallway” time and yet that gives the time and space to process the released whatever – job, relationship, habit – so that you don’t carry that old energy into the new and just repeat patterns.

      And yes, absolutely to surrendering the how of it to Life and the Divine. I have found that I set a goal, or the Divine sets one for me, and I can envision it, like it sits out on the horizon and yet then I need to come back to the present and pay attention to what the next step is to get to that distant goal. And yes, especially early on in the process, how that present step lines up with that distant goal is not necessarily apparent. Then you just trust and do as you are guided. As it starts to unfold more, you can more readily see how it is indeed in line with the goal.

      And over time, as we increase our frequency, the speed of our manifestation increases, but one must release the temptation of instant gratification on the way to (re)gaining the power of instant manifestation.

  8. Funny dreams before waking up:

    I slid forward on my stomach with my head forwards, in a high speed, downward a high, dense, yellow flower hill.
    The flowers were so thick and soft as a mattress.
    At the bottom I kissed the flowers beneath me 3 times and thanked them for the great ride.

    I looked in general much yellow, besides the flowermountain I saw also a yellow shower curtain.

    When waking up I saw again the beings. The white being in the background, in front of it the RedBlue, this time it had a clear diamond shape.

    And someone said, „Etheric Suns produce misty fog” (???) 😀

    I AM BIX 😀

    1. Yesterday I was still aware of how different I feel with my balanced energy.
      I FEEL also the male energy.

      So far, I always thought the male energy only for ‚thinking’ and the female energy for ,feeling’.
      No – it is so that feminine energy thinks and feels and the male energy thinks and feels.
      Just think and feel both a little different.
      The female energy thinks more general, the masculine energy more focused.
      The female energy feels more general, the masculine energy more focused.

      What has changed for me is, that I can Myself and my being just as I AM now even more clearly recognize and appreciate.

      I AM BIX 😀

      1. It should be balanced. Not only that one or the other, but BOTH.
        I remember the Tobias channellings at Shaumbra.

        I have every reason to be happy.
        I think I slipped into my golden Heart Center.
        And the yellow shower curtain is my golden wrap.

        I AM BIX 😀

        1. I love my spirit as well as my body.

          The more I love my own masculine side, the more I can be female without becoming unbalanced.

          My heart loves men as well as women.
          I have a love relationship with my husband, but I feel love for men as well as for women.

          I feel this love also for other life forms, whether in the animal kingdom or in the stars.

          I see myself as: Prime-Creator-Light neutral, inside energetically balanced, outside girl and boy BixRon.

          It is always the ALL_ONE.

          I AM BIX 😀

          1. Once I was a child, neutral, even beyond male or female.

            Then began my journey through the female pole, it was a long and winding road.

            Now I am arrived, have combined my two poles again.

            And I recognize:

            Neutral was the unconscious self, the beginning.

            Androgynous is the conscious, happy end of my long journey through the separation and many, many experiences.

            And this happy ending is my new beginning. … ❤

            I AM BIX 😀

  9. me but fear not………….


    i am on fire energetically here,, multidimensional energetic networking going on with many Ponders :and Heaven -)) it is such a beautiful sensation tingling from head to toe and head area is an explosion in a fireworks factory :-)) Surf’s up,, thank you Anita cosmic trigger was pulled there on some seriously kool levels :-)))

    1. It’s a ‘holy mission’ indeed. Lol. Just keep wearing those sunglasses :-).

      Thank you Magnetic Blue for so openly receiving the energies, for riding that wave and sharing your experience. My body heated up quite a bit as I read your last two posts. The word effervescence came to mind so I looked up its etymology: the action of boiling up. Yep, somehow that description works :-). What a ride we’re on, so many layers in which to explore ourselves. I’m so glad to be on this ride with fellow Ponders <3… and chocolate. Lol.

      1. hmmmm i had a dream couple nights ago that woke me at one point,, whilst at another and deep inside the dream state, , i was showing Sandy (mrs flame) my finger which had like a ring of bubbling blue effervescent liquid almost kind of gently erupting from my finger expanding and bubbling away quietly consuming my finger,,, it did not perturb me though :-))

        Thank you Anita for your kind words 🙂 Turning to Steam indeed 🙂 and a wondrous ride of exploration/expansion :-))

        Magnetic Thankyou’s 🙂

  10. Arctic BaaaaAASSST! on its way! for whomever this one affects.
    Stay warm, safe and feeling the ever comfy presence of our never ending pajama party together!! Belonging 🙂
    Love You Light Group ❤ Hugs ❤

    1. Cold as a witches elbow, held in the freezer, inside an igloo.
      Brrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeezzzzzyyyyyyyy TOO.

      1. ‘witches elbow’
        my goodness… what a gentlemen you are! LoL
        We have our Kerosene heater going – nice and toasty and the sun shining in all afternoon made it really pleasant. Get sun when its shinin, all day here.
        And Hey ~! Kelly just make some Kerosene Cornbread! Yup! you heard right. we cook it (with added real corn) on top of the Heater!
        Tastes better that way as u can imagine. And, its more thin and crusty.
        I ate mine with Salsa and Sour Cream 😀 XO
        Enjoy The Brrrreeeeeezzzzyyyy part M&M!

    2. I played in the newly fallen clean white snow drawing hearts, combined with candles and had really fun this morning. So nice in contrast to the icy, wet weather we had earlier this week. Only -3C here and no winds or wobblings here – of any kind 😉 So fresh and comfortable 🙂

      Would share my pics but space empty 😦

      Love ❤

    1. yup…. she’s got it. un-fortunately.
      Ditto to all she said
      what this guest said at the end sums it up:

      “2 things required for ascension

      1. Release what is not you.
      2. Embrace what IS truly you.

      Let me rephrase –

      1. Release all disempowering programs, limits, wounds, fears, ego issues, materialism.

      2. Connect to your Higher / Divine self and follow its guidance. (Quit dismissing your intuition, no matter how much it beats against the world “out there”.)


      Guest Post by Cathy.”

      thank you Rick! ❤
      we are not to lead anyone to the water anymore either…that job would not do anygood anymore in our Now situation. We can no longer teach what we do not 100percent occupy. We are To Become One With This Love/Light Water We Choose To Drink Of. All Or Nothing is what I have been sensing strongly too. Looking at is a just taking another complication out of the sequence. Everyone knows what feels good and leads to the Bliss. Simple to Know – Not So Easy To Do. Will get easier 🙂
      I also agree with what she said about odd/even Dimensions. Always thought of it that way. cool.

      1. Yes, I’ve had this sense also and there has been a flood of confirmation. Like the original post by Dana also indicated – the bridge has closed. Gaia Portal expressed it as the difference between timelines was a knife edge – get your booty on the ascension side of the bridge by then or too bad. And I very much get the impression that right around the time those things were said is when the “cut off” happened. I get that there are still some, very few, literally ones of people, may still be just barely keeping up, right on the edge, but that they were some of this lot who wanted to camp in the middle so they’re not used to doing what it takes.

        And, just like that guest post indicated, the hold up has been from people who were “on path.” 3D level folks have mostly had their minds made up for quite some time. And unfortunately, many “ladder dwellers” have seemingly had their minds also made up for a long time… to continue to dwell on the ladder. Again, it’s really all or nothing. If 4D could be tied to an odd numbered dwelling dimension, it would be tied to 3D, because if you haven’t gone all the way to be prepared for 5D, then you just haven’t.

        And speaking of Gaia Portal, I know it always uses the terms “Hue-being” and “hu-being” and had at one time described the former at “Gaia companions” and the latter as “Gaia travelers” and I think that indicates those who are ready, have been and have helped Gaia as opposed to the travelers who are these ladder dwellers who just want to do the bare minimum, take as much time as they’d like, as if God, Gaia and everyone will wait for them, and think they can just thumb / hitch a ride on Gaia’s and “Hue-beings” coattails. And with all this in mind, to MY mind, Gaia Portal makes no mention of those still at 3D level. It has spoken only of 5D(+) and 4D level people.

        Yes, the days of actually being able to make any difference for these people is past. And I think that many of them still really don’t understand what ascension truly is. They keep describing 5D in 3D terms, like they just can’t dream very big at all. Even if they were able to knock out some healing and even release some fears, releasing limit really seems to be a major challenge for them.

        I read some of the comments on that guest post and those that were irritated by it are using anything and everything to justify why they just don’t have to get a move on… and it’s too late for that now anyway and when that guest originally made those comments to another post, it may have been right around the time when the “cut off” had happened. It was like a last ditch effort to get the stragglers who still actually stood a chance.

        1. more on this I am going to mull over…something more is ‘stirring’.
          This also explains for me why I felt so sad when i did. Many of us had hoped for the All coming to 5D and up. I sometimes have had the feeling no one knows exactly what to do. That leaves the feeling of lack of faith and frustration. Then, there is the feeling of knowing its all so brand new and making it up or making it happen as we go along.
          meanwhile, I always think of 3&4D partnered and 5&6D, etc.
          Thank you for this thread folks ❤ good day/night – nauseous for the past couple hrs. To bed 🙂

          1. Well, there’s this pesky thing here called free-will. And ya know, I’d certainly hoped we’d get more folks, but when it comes right down to it, I absolutely honor all these “creators” and their right to create anything they want to, even if doing so unconsciously.

            I must say though, that I have compassion for myself and others who did our own work years ago and have also done so much energy work for the planet and collective that we’ve pretty much got nothing left on any level, including our own personal, physical energy or a body that works right. And this is from someone who knows how to take care of myself and hell, frankly, could advise others on it, but this process and those above the veil didn’t seem to have the same respect for my body that I have had.

            The mental and emotional challenges of this are relatively easy – it’s energy, so it passes. But having your physical body not be used physically and to be used to major exhaustion levels energetically and for over 5 years, well, the body doesn’t bounce back like mind and emotions can and do.

            And that’s something right there – there are many folks who just do not realize how much work a fairly small portion of this world population has done and for how long. We were on it as early as allowed to be and have been on it often for several years now and it’s downright exhausting.

            And those that like to dawdle with their own personal work and are reluctant to release the old paradigm, and yet ask for ascension, don’t appreciate us and have no compassion for us and yet we’re to have that for them, even when we’re knocked out and not because we are resisting our own healing and ascension work, which we got through years ago, but because we’ve been overused and even misused in some cases. That’s a long story. But we can’t expect their appreciation and compassion anyway because they have no idea what we’ve done and what we’ve endured and no, it’s not about our own work, which we went through that too, before we served others.

            Over the years, I’ve felt so much empathically and compassionately and had to in order to transmute for Gaia, but I must say, that at this point, I have a hard time feeling for others, who, all they are doing is their own healing work and they make mountains from molehills because they fight the process each step of the way. When they finally get over some little speed bump, they think they’ve really done something major and in some cases think they’re completely finished because they just made it so unnecessarily hard on themselves by resisting so much.

            For folks like me, talk about being in the world and not of it. After many years of healing work, I (just like others like me) was finally allowed to move into my own personal ascension work in 2010. At that time, all 3D doors were slammed shut for me. The only thing I’ve done at a 3D level is exist, keep my vital signs going and do what I need to do to get from one minute to the next while I have the crap used out of me energetically. Eat, sleep, play games online, which I never used to do, watch more tv and movies than I’d ever care to. No money I could call my own for all this time, just some help from a friend. Most of this time, not enough energy to walk and visit the planet that I’m helping, while traffic, construction and other 3D human noise fill my days. I’ve stared at the same 4 walls of the same small room I live in day and night for the last 5 years, while my body breaks down, my vehicles get abused by the elements and my “things” rot away in a storage unit. And I would have gladly gotten rid of that whole lot, way back, if I had been able to read the future back then. But what to do.

            Meanwhile I read about all the so called lightworkers traveling and teaching and working out and going to the spa and surfing and camping, etc., still getting to be in awe of the whole process as they get to see how things manifest for them somewhat because that is the stage they are at, while folks like myself are well beyond that and are doing God’s work, with not a whole lot of say in it. We’ve been truly beyond free-will for years now. There’s no, “Oh hey God, I’d like to take today or this week off of energy work, huh, ya know, since I’m so completely tuckered out and all.” Yeah, right.

            … while others think that this process can go on and on for years, decades, centuries. Folks like myself, who have been holding this whole precarious world together by the skin of our teeth know that this CANNOT go on for much longer at all. It would flat kill us. And that might actually be ok for us, but that wouldn’t bode well for Gaia and anyone who is actually ready but not at the level we are. And it has been clearly demonstrated that there is no one willing or able to step up and fill our shoes.

            But I do know we are in the home stretch now, thank God.

            So, as much as I honor others’ free-will choices, I also very much want for folks like myself to finally be allowed to realize / manifest outwardly OUR choice for ourselves and Gaia. And I’ll be happy to not have to continue to see people lash out at me and others like me when all we’ve done is give them every possible chance. It’s one thing to do the work, then quite another to be totally beaten up by it, then another yet to know that some of it wasn’t even helping people and was actually impeding their forward progress (although they may have still not gotten completely ready), then to pretty much be spat on by the whole lot when we’d dare to go out online to offer our perspective. Hell, most 3D level folk out on the street are far more pleasant to deal with, even if you dare to push their paradigm a bit, than the 4D level folk you find online who think they’re so very cutting edge.

            Reminds me of the old line – If you’re one step ahead you’re a genius. If you’re two steps ahead, you’re a crack pot.

            This weary crack pot, who feels twice his age, is quite ready to move on, thank you very much.

              1. Yes indeed. That message coming through on all channels. Thank you for this one.

                This older-than-it-should-be body just might make it. What a champ it has been.

      2. Thanks Areeza ❤

        "“2 things required for ascension

        1. Release what is not you.
        2. Embrace what IS truly you.

        Let me rephrase –

        1. Release all disempowering programs, limits, wounds, fears, ego issues, materialism.

        2. Connect to your Higher / Divine self and follow its guidance. (Quit dismissing your intuition, no matter how much it beats against the world “out there”.)"

        I will bookmark you wise quoting and use it to explain to others – in an easy way 😉

        In very much appreciate compressed "in-a-nutshell-explanations" 🙂 😉


    1. Heard she had a spiritual moment before the superbowl game performance. Just adding to the buzz, 🙂

      1. Katy Perry said on the red carpet that she heard God say “You’ve Got This And I’ve Got You”. Then, right after, a camera man yelled to her:
        “You’ve Got This!”. So, that got to her.
        Yes,,, I watch fashion police too. 😛 LoL

        1. Well this is definitely weird and therefore thoroughly interesting….I will Google more about it:


          65 million Twitter followers saw it. Before the halftime show of the recent (and most watched) Super Bowl, pop superstar Katy Perry quoted Psalm 118:24,

          “Today is the day that the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

          Then according to her, this happened, “It’s funny, I was praying and I got a word from God and He says, ‘You got this and I got you.’

          And then I was on top of the lion and a guy, a random guy, just looked on me with a headset that I’ve never communicated with before and he just looked me straight in the eyes and said, ‘You got this.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, this is God confirming I can do this.”

          The religious critics were unleashed! Like hounds they sniffed for the heresy of her words. And filled with righteous anger they said, “How could God speak to such a sensuous and evil person?” “Of course it wasn’t God! She’s a rebellious, divorced, LGBT defender who has abandoned the one true faith.” “She’s stupid and part of the Illuminati!”



          So what happened, basically, is that she simply experienced her first ultra-fast Synchronicity.
          After receiving an answer back from her Higher Mind, or whatever entity/other aspect of herself she was connecting to & channeling, with her prayer.

          If these speedy Synchronicities were happening to her constantly, she’d have gotten used to it and wouldn’t have been surprised.
          Of course she would still be clueless that she was experiencing the normally hidden interconnection running through Source/All-That-Is.

          I my reality, things have sped up to the point of a back-to-back explosion of Synchronicities. Constantly occurring now, within a few seconds of each other. Like this one of Katy’s.

          And so if Katy is now starting to experience lightning-fast Synchronicity, she’s one of those heading towards Zero Point and the collapsing of Time in her reality.

          Which means, she’s a High Frequency chick. No matter what the public wants to believe.


  11. “Energetically, today is the second to the last day of this astrological year. The year’s theme of “the ruler of a nation” was designed to help each of us become more of who we truly are, to take our place of power within ourselves, to stand up for ourselves, and to assume the mantle of personal sovereignty.

    That’s a lot to do – especially all in one year!

    But it really hasn’t happened just over the past year. It is the culmination of many years of inner work and spiritual guidance. It was the year that marked the change – the year we have been working toward all our lives, the year that humanity would take its place, the year that we shifted into re-building the experience of life, the year the balance tipped toward goodness.

    So, we can understand how we might feel a little fatigued today. The year’s energy is departing on symbols of mountains, deserts, and thunderstorms. However, the symbol of a rainbow after a thunderstorm is in the mix as well, so we know the outcome.

    People are inclined to “test” other people, places, and things with this energetic. Alongside of this is a tendency for things to go their separate ways or take different paths. People are also inclined to overanalyze, criticize, and distort things.

    Wise owls are aware of this, monitor or gauge their own emotional responses, and focus on the rainbow that lies at the end of any stormy weather. The Sabian symbol of the rainbow after a heavy storm shows us that whatever transpires in the world and in our lives today and tomorrow (even things that have people and projects going their separate ways) is designed to make things better for everyone involved. We trust in the outcome.

    Our minds are naturally active in self-reflection and contemplation of things that have happened since the “natural” year began on March 30, 2014. We maintain balance in this analysis, aware of the potential to take things too far. What would a wise old owl do? It would look at the circumstances and situations of our lives since then from the perspective of what was learned. The wise old owl recognizes that the year is old, thus so is the energy. View it from high up and watch it pass.

    To be clear, the intense energetics and struggle of the past year are long-lived and ready to transform into something new. Are you?”


    1. Fake “Rainbow Owl”:




      And wise owl rainbow from the website “Freaking News”…..

      Alright, alright, no really — I’ll stop now, I will!


  12. You know – there is something weird going on here – this is NOT the song I tried to play for you. Seems like I am not allowed to convey the song “Walk in the light”…..

    Be back later…..<3


    1. It’s one of those “evil” YouTube Playlists, babydoll……

      Basically you just remove all the URL code from the first ampersand –& — all the way to the Right of your YouTube link…in your case, I removed this:


      Which left me with the original non-playlist link — um, is this it? I’m guessing here:

      1. I’ve actually learned this from you dear Kiera 😉 – but I think I was too careless while deleting 🙂 Would have to learn much more from you 😉
        Love & light ❤


        PS. Babydoll….hmmmmm…..

        1. “Babydoll” — sweet heart-warm endearment….and, then again manipulative HS is now saying…..there is also THIS:


          Baby Doll vs 3 Samurai Giants:


          Baby Doll ~ The Strength I Need to Push Me:

      1. “Good Looking Parents” – Haaaaahahhaaaaa!!!!!!!! Good one


        Since they’re both “crazy”, I think they belong in the same Mental Asylum that “Baby Doll” resides in…..so she can kick their asses using her Imagination whenever they start to sing songs from “Frozen”.

        Or any other Disney film….

  13. Long ago and far away, in a Mystery School, we learned that love was first experienced here on Earth. The conditions here made it so we had to join together in order to survive. From within this place of struggle, love was born. Once humans experienced love, it was there for others in the cosmos to experience as well. We so often look for what others (ETs) have to offer us that we overlook what we as humans have brought into existence. Love to all 🙂

    1. In 2001, when it was not good for me, I was channeling myself:

      „The first great love in the matter will come and it will be beautiful. It’s really worth to wait for the first great love”.

      And in 2005 I realized who this, my, first love was. I had known him already for several years 😀
      Although he is already on the other side, therefore he is now always with me ❤
      Through our staggered lifetimes he was able to cope with his life and now to be with me.

      BIXIE 😀

    2. I started “tingling” all over while reading your words, Anita. Wondrous perspective!! Thank you!! 🙂 ❤

    3. Oh my, i am going through this as i am typing :-)) i started reading what Anita posted there, and like Caroline started tingling, heavily, so i thought ok, sit back, follow it,, lets go ride the wave,,,, i slipt into trance, where i was shown “the wave” the physical oceanic wave or at least the first one, it was half a mile high,, i stood not quarter of a mile in front of it, i felt fear surge through me like lightening,maybe 3 mins of viewing that scene and dissolving the energy of it, where upon i find myself with God, requesting of me to let go !

      i spend a lot of time with our heavenly big guy so excuse me for familiarity 🙂 the energies from Anita and her wonderful Missive and flowing through me like a waterfall,,, i am fully grounded with golden dragon roots of fire wrapped around Gaia’s heart and heart tendrils as one with Creation, i can feel my heart chakra active and powerful, i can feel the magnetic influence from my field in wonderful effect, this message has activated something massive in me.

      it is ongoing now even as i write,, i am energy in full on effect,, and i feel it superbly,,, Gracious and most Sincere thanks for a wonderfully enlightening encounter 🙂

      Magnetic Blessings of Heart Centered Communication and thank you so very much Anita 🙂

      This is still ongoing with me and really quite spectacular InLaKesh 🙂

        1. 🙂 There are so many versions of “My Way”. 🙂 I thought I’d just add one of them (Herman Brood, a Dutch singer / life artist)

  14. Beloved Ponder’s of Light

    I have just read Transfiguration by Lisa Renee.
    Go to Energetic Synthesis.
    Brilliant insights.
    Have a read!

    I love you all exponentially.

  15. Hello everyone.
    This is my 130th favourite Japanese song from ~http://oriharu.net/jhyo1.htm
    SHUNKAY – VIRGIN LOVE (Released Date : May.23, 2001)
    Lyrics : ~http://www.oiktv.com/lyrics/lyric-310860.html

    === These are the most beautiful books in this world written by Maria Valtorta ! ===
    5 volumes, THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD
    === The Core of Denying is Affirming ! ===
    Why do you so deny it for affirm yourself ?
    Which is your top priority instinctively ? Deny or affirm ?
    Human(Life) always affirm.
    Telling one’s mind it does not need to think about it all the time to avoid but rather to let it be and forget.
    === You can use REAL WITCHCRAFT ! (THE TOOL) ===
    ( ~https://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-417/ )
    Love & Peace & Thanks to all,

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