The manuscript of survival – part 431

For now, you have already attained so much of what you came here to do, but there is still a while yet before you can see the full scope of your accomplishments. Indeed, you will all find yourself wallowing in frustration at one time or another in the time ahead, and the reason for that will be the simple fact that you all know at a higher level of your being that what you see around you in no way resembles the reality you have already stepped into energetically. In other words, what you SEE is not what you have, and as such the gap between the two is one that will be difficult to navigate for many of you in the time ahead.

For now is when the challenges arise, the ones that are born from the certitude that you already know that your mission to this planet has been a success, but as yet the fruits of your labours may seem to be invisible to you. Therefore we say to all, prepare yourself by allowing that inner core of yours to step to the forefront in any way you can, for as long as you maintain the connection between your human self and your own true self inviolate you will at all times find a way to navigate through what at times will be very choppy waters indeed. You see, the effects from your successful energetic endeavors over this last period of time will soon make its appearance known to all, but it will do so in what can only be described as some unexpected ways and at some seemingly inopportune moments. You see, this is a period of fluctuations that will bring with them what may seem on a superficial level to be upheavals in every connotation of the word, but as long as you maintain that inner connection, you will feel literally in your very bones that this is not about tearing apart, this is all about starting to settle in to some very new patterns indeed. And as such, what can be easily misconstrued as demolition for the sake of demolition itself is simply all about reaffirming what has already been set into motion.

For now, the wheels are well and truly set in motion on this new playing ground that you have already designed, the place where your origins will play a vital role in your everyday life in a manner that has not been possible before. For earlier, mankind has been held within an energetic environment designed to withhold so much information in such a way, the friction and frustration it created has driven you all into either a search for an inner truth or towards what seemed to be a higher ground but turned out to be a one way street towards destruction. But thanks to the likes of you, the number of people rejecting that headless run towards the latter, the entirety of mankind has been given the opportunity to think again, and to do so in a space of energetic beneficence that will enable every single one to have the opportunity to hitch their wagon to this jubilant group of intrepid explorers that you count amongst, the ones who have already turned their back on the old world, and by the very act of deciding to do so has opened up the unexplored hinterlands and crossed over the lines demarcating the known from the unknown, and you have made what was once not only inaccessible but also unimaginable become a fact of life.

For you have already crossed over that high range hiding the promised land from view from the old version of you, and as you all know, that trek has not been without its challenges nor its sacrifices. But you have made it, and as you ventured ever higher and ever further away from your humble origins, you literally opened up a path for every single individual still waiting out the remainder of their lives back in the land of lack and fear. And now, the path ahead for them is clear cut and well lit, and so, many will in the upcoming weeks and months suddenly find themselves under the spell of an urge to explore that will be so strong, they will see no other option than to act upon it. And as a veritable flood of light, they will toss aside the old millstones that kept them weighed down and chained to the old world and they will set off on a trek that will be a much smoother and far less daunting one than the one you, the true pioneers, had to endure.

But again, that is why you came here in the first place, to be the pioneers, the roughnecks, the ones that knew that no thing would mean more to you than to follow that inner calling from your heart, the calling that will send you spirit soaring up, up and away from the life you had been living up until that moment in time. And one by one, you heeded the call, and you packed your bags and set off, tossing off your old belongings one by one as you by and by realized that where you were heading for, there was no need to bring along the old baggage that you once thought was essential for you. And so, as you continued ever onwards, you did so more and more unencumbered by the weight of the lessons from yore, while at the same time you started to see that these lessons were indeed essential in themselves for your preparation for this exodus. But then, the time came for you to step away from them in order to make this pilgrimage feasible. And so, here you stand, on the shores of what can be termed as the promised land, but a more accurate description of it would be the chosen land. For where you are, is where you have chosen to migrate towards, and what has drawn you to this space in time, is the inner calling, that constant vibration within, the tuning fork that has led you to take every single step and every single decision you have ever taken, not just in this life, but in all of the previous ones. For you just knew where you had to turn at every crossroads that was offered you, and so, step by step, by dismissing every single option that was not in tune with this, your true north, you have made it all the way here.

But now you stand here, and you look around, and you will say “is this it?” and if you take a cursory look around you, we do not fault in you in thinking just that. For what you see, will look eerily similar to everything you think you left behind. So we say look again, and this time, look with your heart, and we think that what you see will be a very different landscape indeed. For then, you will see the potential, and then, you will see the love and then, you will see the approaching multitude of enlightened beings coming towards you from all sides. For then, you will know in your heart of hearts that you are HERE, you have arrived, and now, it is time to roll up the sleeves and get to work, pitching up your camp and starting to get things in order. For now, much will be set into motion, actions and ideas, connections and configurations, and as you begin to settle into this very new energetic environment, you will feel how everything literally kicks into life, inside and outside, in every single way you can think of. For now, you have truly arrived in the land of plenty, where life will spring forth in a manner and at a speed that is unlike anything you have ever witnessed, and as it begins to pour forth, it will only serve to increase the speed of everything around it again. And so, what may look like a barren field devoid of both life and promise at this exact time frame will show itself for what it really is, a blank canvas vibrating in anticipation, ready to spring into action at the first conscious touch from your newly emerged powers.

For you are here to create it all, and even if the framework, the grounding if you will, is already in place, all the rest needs to be constructed from all of the bits and pieces you have all carried with you on your journey, waiting for the right opportunity to come into light again. For as you jettisoned all of the old baggage on the long journey that brought you here, you also freed up the necessary space that all of this hitherto unclaimed potential could latch itself onto. And so, like a magnet attracts iron filings, your very being attracted piece after magnificent piece of this for so long untapped potential, and even if this added luggage carries so much weight, it is not a burden to any of you. Far from it, for it is this willingness to let go of the old and allow the new to step aboard that has lightened the load sufficiently for all of you to arrive where you are at now, and it is your willingness to not stop and turn back to wait for stragglers or to pick up any left luggage for others that have enabled this mass transition to take place. And so, you are the true creators of this new land not just filled with promise, but also flowing over with already manifested potential. For even if you will find it nigh impossible to even perceive any of this newly minted reality just yet, know that it is already here, and it is here because you have already created it – in your hearts and in your higher aspects, but as yet, little or no traces of it will seem to be readily available to the more down to earth human parts of you. Again, this will be apt to cause frustration to blossom in so many of you, so know that this is simply a stage that needs to be endured, and the best way to do so, is to try to close your eyes to the way the outer world still appears to you and to do what it takes in order to help yourself to see it all through your heart.

We know that these words are more than apt to cause frustration themselves, but be that as it may. We are simply doing what we are here to do, namely to remind you all that you are far, far greater and far more accomplished than what you are currently able to discern yourself, apart from the occasional small glimpses of this greatness some of you get at irregular intervals. So again we say keep your focus where it should be, and it is not on something that will cause your heart and you vibration to drop. We know that you all know what we are talking about, for it is indeed imperative that you do not allow yourself to wallow in the old mud. For now, the best thing you can do in order to help your own soaring spirit to stay aloft, is to allow yourself to find a way to not struggle to find a new wave to ride. All you need to do is to relax into the seemingly empty void that surrounds you on all sides, for you have all the support you need now, so just try float freely in this endless energetic sea.

For even if it may seem to be dead calm, it is quite simply teeming with life, but for now, you are all required to just BE in this energetic bubble for a little while yet, until all the factors are again readied for a new spurt of growth. For remember, this is a highly complex operation, and even if you think you are just bobbing around in a backwater, you are in actual fact being readied for all of the tasks that awaits you a little bit further down the line, so again we say that patience is indeed of the highest importance now. It is no use to try to force things, for that will only serve to heighten your frustration. So just allow this to unfold at the designated pace, and know that even if you at times will be hard pressed not to find the seeming inaction of things more than a little annoying, know that you are at all times in the middle of a beehive of activity, and even if you cannot perceive much of it yet, so much is happening at literally lightening speed at all times.

So allow yourself to simply BE, and if need be, allow yourself to be frustrated too, but know that all of this seemingly pent-up energy that will be nipping at your heels like an impatient dog is just a signal that at a higher level, you just know that you have arrived at the place where ALL of your potential will finally be allowed to step forwards. So know that all is well and everything is happening at the exact time and in the exact sequence that it has been designed, so just trust your own inner voice, for that will continue to send out the same signal of reassurance if you allow yourself to listen to it. And soon, this period of seeming inertia will come to an end, and you will all be catapulted out into a veritable feast of energetic activity that will bring you not just elation, but also instance after instance of opportunities to say “well done”, not just to yourself, but to the collective. For then, you will all be engaging in acts and in deeds that cannot be described in any other way than moments of bliss. For then, you will begin to truly DO all the things you came here to do, and that is when your heart will finally begin to sing in earnest.

190 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 431

  1. Aaand there! Bye bye cranky. I’ll take the happy one. Riding over all these symptoms over for once and all thanks!

  2. I don’t know if someone else is experiencing such a caos. All that was perfectly in time, so positively inspired, it all fell apart and I’m in the middle of the wreckage right now.
    All the peace and love thing was drained away and replaced with drama, aggressiveness and lack of hope.
    It’s bad enough for christmas time, but I’m facing it tall and proud! This is my last opportunity to find the measure between being aggressive and passive.
    It’s my last opportunity to show that no matter the scenario, I know it will all end up just fine, one way or another.
    Yes, I’m experiencing plenty of frustration, but I won’t give up now.
    Any tips??? Even my connection seem to be expressively reduced.

    1. Dear portf ❤

      I know what you mean. We can apparently still encounter the most surprising experiences 😉 My advice to you is to ground yourself – preferably go to nature if you have the opportunity or touch and drink blessed water, snow or whatever you have around you – and focus on your heart that always is LOVE. If you send love to the ones who need it the most you might also feel a flow starting within you 🙂

      I send you my love & light dear friend ❤

      B to B

      1. Hi, Portf… I agree with B to B’s Wise words. Be well, Dear One. We all hold one another’s hands during challenges; you are not alone, ever. You are Loved&Appreciated. Take good care. With Love, Lin/Amyrah ❤ 🙂

  3. BJ Canaway -> Oracle Reports

    “Talks with Relations”

    December 29, 2014 “Talks with Relations” Clan mother who teaches within this moon cycle speaks of learning the truth. Our journey is unique and individual. Others speak to the collective… Clan Mother messages are for the individual.

    1. I notice that my post does not fit within the framework here. Since I do not like vague messages where you get to guess what they mean, I want to make a clarification.
      Love ❤

      "December 29, 2014 "Talks with Relations" Clan mother who teaches within this moon cycle speaks of learning the truth. Our journey is unique and individual. Others speak to the collective… Clan Mother messages are for the individual.

      She spoke this morning of "Grace", not in movement but in our behavior and interaction. Dignity is an old fashioned word but it is one of the hallmarks of grace. To respond with politeness, display respect for one's self and others, give credit where due and accept responsibility with dignity, to display tactfulness in difficult situations, maintain decorum when you would rather rage… show manners & courtesy even when others are not. Each culture has their own set of standards kept by their elders of reputation. It boils down to, can you or I walk quietly, humbly and with head held high despite the ruckus, riot or storm around us. Do our words attack an individual or do we confront ideas. There is a difference in expressing our feelings without denigrating another. Likewise, can we listen or read and see which approach is expressed, honoring the intent even when poorly phrased…

      It has become a lost art… one that needs to be revived.

      I can not say I don't see points where I have been less than gracious & could have indeed shown more tact. I listened to her words thinking my verbal claws could use some shortening. Another place where progress made does not mean there is not continued room for improvement.

      If these words have meaning for you, please feel free to take them from the blanket. They are a double blessing. If they do not, let them be as they were not meant for you. Blessings to all…"

  4. Well, I have to give it to my inner voice. It’s always on spot, never failed on it’s criticism. Got that “dude”. Sceariest wizard I know of :O. Thou shall this servant of yours bow before your peacefull mightiness! This 30’s “crisis” was a real weird one. Apologies to everyone! Hehe!

    1. Oh – I thought it was a Santa Claus with curly beard 😉

      Jokes aside – I agree with you in previous post – let us like a huge wave of warm love embrace Mother “in every sense of the word.”

      May 2015 be the most amazing year ever ❤ ❤ ❤

      Love & Light ❤

        1. I passed the bus shelter where the golden sun shone through the ice crystals on the side window.The winter cold creates amazing ice patterns 🙂
          I´m glad you liked it 🙂 ❤
          Love ❤

    2. wonderful post, Murray. ❤ to you&Heather and all, too ❤
      2015, here's looking at you with glad eyes!!!

  5. Another wonderful message from the CC’s. So à propos.
    And timely.
    Yesterday we had a festive party at our house in Crete with many friends dropping by. The day finished with Ingrid, Sabine, Ildiko, Heather and others known to some ‘Ponders’ here gathered around our fire. This was highly symbolic of that part of the message saying the new is already here. Everyone gathered shared a spiritual outlook on the world. Most have their own sphere of work, healing, or teaching, and all are filled with hope at what we collectively sense is now coming into being.
    In many ways it was a moving experience.
    Let’s watch 2015 roll in with eyes full of hope and a heart full of gladness. The forming of our new world, the one we have always known, falls to us thought by thought, hope by hope and loving deed by loving deed.
    Thank you Aisha
    :3 to you all :3

    1. Dear D. Areeza
      that is sooooo beautiful. Is that really vegies only? I have no words.
      It got me the same way as the glass music virtuous Robert Tiso.
      Happy New Year

  6. i am concerned.
    the comments seem to have little to do with the missive.

    ‘For now, the wheels are well and truly set in motion on this new playing ground that you have already designed, the place where your origins will play a vital role in your everyday life in a manner that has not been possible before. For earlier, mankind has been held within an energetic environment designed to withhold so much information in such a way, the friction and frustration it created has driven you all into either a search for an inner truth or towards what seemed to be a higher ground but turned out to be a one way street towards destruction. But thanks to the likes of you, the number of people rejecting that headless run towards the latter, the entirety of mankind has been given the opportunity to think again, and to do so in a space of energetic beneficence that will enable every single one to have the opportunity to hitch their wagon to this jubilant group of intrepid explorers that you count amongst, the ones who have already turned their back on the old world, and by the very act of deciding to do so has opened up the unexplored hinterlands and crossed over the lines demarcating the known from the unknown, and you have made what was once not only inaccessible but also unimaginable become a fact of life.’

    tell me i am wrong
    but does this not make you proud/

    personally, i have been doing this since 1953
    it makes no difference how long it takes
    shut up;get to work;do what you came here to do1

    1. romantic native american.-piekna melodia

      don’t worry i didn’t understand a word they say
      the images are wonderful

    2. no need for concern my friend
      some of us are just chillin as
      the missive says.
      I’ve been at this my whole life-times too so
      right now i am in super drained mode
      again. Perking myself up takes
      more than it used to. so what ?
      Everyone is in perfect time, in perfect tune.
      All that is left for me is to Love me more completely.
      Some day it will not even be a thought to do that.
      with unconditional Joy too!
      Love You ! ❤

    3. Dear Otmn,
      also I do not like that the comments are out of the theme of the letters of the Companions Constants or of the Mother.
      Unfortunately, in these cases, it is right that each person feels free to express themselves as wish, although this fact is at the expense of the deepening of collective missives same … 😉 …
      How well you seem to prove, I would like the blog of Aisha was increasingly challenging for the spiritual and avoided “chatter” dispersive …:-) … but maybe, by 2015, even in this we see a deep change …:-) …
      A hug smiling

      1. Dear Adele,

        I am a woman who always want to speak in plain language, and always eager to try to be clear in my kommunikaiton with my fellow man. I have also never hesitated to, at least in my adult life, convey clear and in my opinion justified criticism whether I have been facing an unknown congregation of people or face-known and well-established authorities. I’ve never even feared to face the consequences of my true opinions and beliefs.

        In my opinion, it is important to be honest and clear in terms of both praise and criticism and who you are directing your message to – especially when it comes to criticism – if you want to achieve a constructive solution or at least a clarifying discussion. It all depends on what INTENTIONS you have.

        Last night I cleaned my apartment, put clean linens into my bed and now I wash my clothes and also feel a great need for clarity in yours as well as Otmns comments. I want a clean house before we enter the New Year 2015. Therefore, I ask you – and even Otmn – to stand up and clearly explain – foremost in simple and understandable English (without vague metaphors that I might misunderstand 😉 – whom the criticism is directed to and what it consists of and furthermore what working manner that you consider to be the most acceptable and fruitful in our common light work without affecting “… at the expense of the deepening of collective missives same …;-) …”.
        I think it is a reasonable requirement within a family.

        In addition, I humbly ask you Aisha to clarify in case I do not understand the rules here on the blog.

        Love & Light

        B to B

          1. Aisha dear,
            thank you for your simple but truthful explanation! … 🙂 …

            B a B,
            for to read and write here, I am forced to use the online translator and while communications Aisha and get a translation of the Companions Constants immediately understandable to 80-90%, those comments, often with slang phrases or idioms specific in English, or American slang, are translated automatically to me incomprehensible. … 😉 …
            And then, scroll hundreds of comments with “symbols of hearts” or with translations incomprehensible, is always a tiring that I faced in order to meet some comments “interesting and useful to deepen the messages” that Aisha shares with us. … 🙂 …
            So, to me it is only valid explanation of Aisha to which I add my suggestion: people speaking English, or who know that language, always remember that this blog is read and followed by people around the world who often must use automatic translations online to read and write.
            This awareness can help write comments clear and concise in order to facilitate all the readers in understanding … 🙂 …
            A hug smiling

            1. Dear Adele,

              I hear you and I agree with you about having to translate everything and all the incomprehensible that are being expressed here occasionally 😉

              Let us meet the New Year with happy and loving hearts that tell the true, universal and fully comprehensible language 🙂 ❤

              Happy New Year to you and your loved ones ❤ ❤ ❤

  7. Dear Vinny,
    I am finding some interesting ways to be in my core center and relax.
    For instance: Last night, though I focused on being in a bubble or
    inside a cloud, those just did not manifest for me.
    What ‘came to me’ was a cabbage. yes, I nice variegated green
    cabbage. I settled in there nicely and soon I felt akin to the whole
    cabbage patch! 😀
    Love to you

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