A lesson in co-creation

Dear brothers and sisters of the light!

Even before I sat down to channel today’s message, I could tell from the energies coming in that something “new” had arrived. And when I sat down and connected to The constant companions, they confirmed that this was indeed the case, and here is the message they gave me:
“Today’s message will be given not just by way of words, but also in images, some of which will be supplied by others frequenting these pages. In other words, think of this as a truly co-creative experience, where words are being given through the usual channel, but where each and every one of your reading these words will be asked to connect with the energy contained within them and then try to open up for any additional information that will come your way, either directly into your mind or through other sources out there in the wonderful world of your electronic communication network. You see, you have all passed on to a very new level now, one where you not simply receive words like these by way of others, but where you also will carry forth so much of this information yourself. And so, look upon this message as a sort of test run if you will, one that will start to enable your inner senses in a very new way, and one that will kick start a whole lot of interactive goings-on between you and the entire energetic force field that you are an intrinsic part of.

You see, you are all so deeply connected, but as yet, you have still not taken in the full scope of what it is that you already can access. And so, you tend to sit back and wait to be given, instead of venturing out to look for the “missing pieces” to the puzzle. Do not think that this is any form of criticism, it is merely an observation, and it is based upon the process that you have already taken yourselves through. That process has been one of deep transformation, and it has brought you all here to this moment in time, all primed and ready to take that leap into what for so many of you is still the deep unknown, but that for some has already become more familiar territory. For you all carry with you the ability to venture far out into the wide blue yonder, in every sense of the word, and you are all seasoned travellers in time and space from way back when, but still, you hesitate to grasp this fact with those parts of you that still identify you with the human you see when you look into the mirror. This is indeed more than understandable, for the underlying truth has been kept hidden away from you for so long, it takes time and courage to wrestle yourself fully free from the old untruths. But that is where you all stand today, on the threshold between thinking and being it fully, between dreaming of it and fully acknowledging it, between knowing and doing.

And so, we ask you to step up to the challenge you have been given today of not simply sitting down to read these words we have given you, but to fully take in the energy that accompanies it, and then, to go inwards and let the full force of your being be allowed to step boldly forth. For then, you will start to see and hear and know so much more than the small snippets of information we have given you in all of these messages, and you will finally begin to complete the picture we have tried to show you over the years. For by now, you have all the necessary information at your disposal, and what we can do, is simply to help you to trigger the activators you carry within, and then, it will all start to roll out in all of its glory. So therefore we say try to let these words truly sink in, and see what they in turn will help to bring up to the surface in you. And not only that, look around you, and see what will be brought into your vision and into your sphere of awareness in other ways, whether that be words or symbols, images or sounds, and try to see if you can find a connection between them. We also ask that you share what you find, for this is in many ways a collective process, one that will help you all to relearn the value of connectivity, and help you to fully savour the gift it is you have given yourselves by opening up the old paths of interaction, paths that have been left neglected and have become overgrown with disuse over the millennia, but that will now once again come into full use.

For you have opened these channels within you that will enable you to fully access these old and well worn paths of interconnectedness once again, and we truly hope you will jump at the chance to do so. So once again we say go within, and see what you find, then bring it out in the open and your awareness with it, and see what comes to you from other sources out there. For by now, you all swim in so much information, you would be hard pressed to miss out on any of it, but the trick is to see it for what it is amidst all of the noise and all of the confusion.

And so once again we thank you on behalf of All of creation for what you are about to do, for you have opened the doors to your true being, and now, you will finally begin to stand proudly in this great room that is the real you, spread out your arms fully and say this is me, all this and then some, and I am here to show it to the rest of this world so that everyone else can see their own magnificence too!”

It will be interesting to see what kind of information this message will “bring out” in us all 🙂 What has been shared here over the last months has shown that we as a group are already wonderful at finding and sharing information that in turn will help to trigger something in others, but this will be an opportunity for us all to try to do this even more consciously. So I will take some time to let this message sink in and see what it “brings up to the surface for me” and then I will share whatever it is. I hope you will all do the same!

Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

355 thoughts on “A lesson in co-creation

  1. Yesterday was one of those days! Doing research on Solomon’s Key, hour after hour the exact info to put the puzzle together was provided. I recognized I was the typist channel and thanked the hidden presence. So many obscure links I could barely keep up. When I took a break, I came back to the computer to find a site was opened with the perfect next puzzle piece, magically. Three well-known researchers also posted info on the same subject yesterday. I Love the connection, have had it before, and don’t want it to go away. May Love and Light and Power restore the plan on Earth!

  2. Hello Aisha, and everyone from the Pond! this is my first post here. I felt it was important to speak up, and share what ive found, especially in light of today’s message from the CC’s, and the request that we share!

    Early this morning after reading the CC’s latest message, i was so excited and immediately closed my eyes, and began to search to see what would turn up. Literally after having my eyes closed for what couldn’t have been more the a minute, the word “Undines” came into my awareness. Now i had heard the word Undine before somewhere, but couldn’t remember where or exactly what it was, although i had a faint inner remembrance. The word Undine kept on repeating in my head over and over, it was pretty blatant that I was being guided to investigate, and see what connections i could make. So i googled Undines, which i intuitively knew how to spell, and immediately saw Water Elementals in the search results. It instantly triggered my memory of the Undines being the personification of water, just as the Sylphs/Air, Gnomes/Earth, and Salamanders/Fire. I began to read more about the Undines, and came across a section that read “As water affiliates, Undines will speak most freely to water signs, Cancerians, Pisceans, and Scorpios” so it made alot of sense to me that the Undines would be more inclined to make contact with me, considering im a cancer, and was also a competitive swimmer for 22 years. I immediately closed my eyes to feel what exactly the Undine’s were trying to communicate to me, and it quickly became apparent that the Undines, along with the other Elementals are in need of humanities help at this crucial phase of our ascension.

    So I lovingly ask all those who feel guided to, to please lend your focused support, loving, and light filled intent to the Undines, Sylphs, Gnomes, and Salamanders to empower them to mitigate, and transmute that last bits of negativity, and dark present here on Earth. They are asking us to remember our connection, and partnership that has been forgotten for far too long, not just to them but to ALL.

    Theres so much information coming in right now, I couldnt possibly get it all down here in a concise manner, lol. I just wanted to share a snippet of what ive gleaned so far, and some of the connections ive made today, as per request of the CC’s.

    i just wanted to take a second to thank Aisha, the CC’s, all of the ponders, and all lightworkers for everything your are doing, and continue to do. I love you all. Thank you for taking the time to read my post (if you did) lol. Thats all for now.

    Love & Light


    1. Dear Jamie, welcome to this Pond! Thank you for bringing your light here, and thank you for sharing this important message!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

    2. Cool… reminds me of that quote I shared here recently that was emblazoned across a swimmers chest…

      “Per Aquam ad Gloriam” – Through water to Glory (as in the divine type)… nice message Jamie. Philip ❤

    3. Dear Jamie,
      I welcome you to the pond as a Pisceas. I felt your message in my heart. Thank you for sharing it.
      Today, I went to the beach around sunset. It was so peaceful with the colors of the sky, calm waves, washing the sand, birds flying with joy. I closed my eyes, felt one with the creation. I was a bird, I was the sky, I were the waves, the fish in the sea… I felt pure love. I became love, remembered why I’m on this earth.
      Thank yoy for who you are.

      1. Thank you for the warm welcome Tijen! Im glad my message touched your heart.

        Thank you for sharing, and describing what you experienced so vivid, and lovingly! I closed my eyes and could see and feel everything you described. Beautiful. I too remember! Thank you also, for being you 🙂

        1. It did touch, yes, very much so Jamie. When I was watching the waves, I apologized to the Mother Earth for being such cruel species and not loving her (and her children) enough.

          1. Yes we definitely have some making up to do! As often, and regularly as possible, i send my eternal love, and support to All life, and reaffirm to them that we haven’t forgotten! We will right our wrongs, and we will more than make up for our mistakes, that is a promise! I always feel the love, support, and appreciation come right back to me.

            I feel so incredibly blessed, and honored that I was chosen to be here, at this incredible now moment in the history of not just earth, but all of creation. To be apart of this monumental turnaround so intimately is truly mind boggling. I often think to my self, what did i do to deserve this honor? Out of all the souls in ALL of creation I was chosen? What? Who am I? lol!

            Im just grateful we are here now, and am able to be apart of correcting our mistakes, and having the opportunity to show ALL what were truly made of! Im so Excited!!

              1. Yes this is very true. Its more like, how did i get to the front of the line, i know were all specialists here, but i still wonder whats on my resume 🙂 lol.

  3. ❤ Dear Aisha, All… felt HUGE & Radiant & full of LOVE while reading this message… like the HUGE (me BEing) that was revealed to me recently. Am sooo excited to be here with you All, to BE, to Remember… with Love&Light&JOY to you All. (Thank You, Dear Aisha and CCs) ❤ ❤ ❤ 😀 😀 😀

    … and DITTO to Lysiane's message above… LET'S PLAY !!!!! 😀

  4. Dear family of light! I have been guided to dip into these energetic waves over and over again today. I feel something dissolving, opening up, as if layer after layer is slipping away. So much is going on, but it is difficult to literally grasp it. It is like I am being shown flashcards with colours, shapes, persons and places on them, but I cannot “see” it clearly yet. But some of it comes through, and once was when I saw myself stretching out my hands to connect with the Pond, and I felt this great whoosh of energy. I was standing in circle inside a huge, dark cave. It was a kind a of ceremony, and we were gathered around a fire. In the flickering light I saw huge animals that looked like bison painted on the wall. I also saw myself standing inside a white room, looking out the window at the wonderful world outside. Suddenly I realized “there is a door here, so why not go out and experience everything instead of just looking though the glass?” And so I went outside. It was raining, and I stretched out my arms to heaven and looked up into the rain. I heard the line “melt like lemon drops” and I saw the rain change to arrow-shaped droplets of light that went right through my body and made me “melt” into liquid light that soaked into the ground. This guided me back to a film my sister found a few months back that is about the amazing connective tissue we have in our bodies. That film was an important piece of the puzzle for me then, and I have been guided to share it here for I think it will be of help to some of you as well.

    I am also drawn to water again, so I had to walk out into the forest and find some moving water to dip my hands and arms in. This weekend, my sister and I will be visiting our parents. They live on the coast, and I am really looking forward to also have the opportunity to BE by and hopefully in the sea then 🙂 I have been guided to continue to go deeper into these energies, so I will probably not be here so much today. If anyone feel like doing a group meditation, please go ahead and do so! I have been dipping into the Pond several times today, and it really feels great 😉
    Love, light and gratitude to you all from me!
    Aisha ❤ ❤

    1. Dear Aisha,

      It must have been nice to go outside…! Hope to join in the fun… soon. 😉


    2. Before I settle into this missive I want to send a warm hug to you Aisha.
      I was day dreaming about water drops from the heaven as you were writing your words. Clouds gathering and rain drops falling on our shoulders as Joy filled embraces of the divinity. We are touched, so I suggest soon we raise our hands up and feel the drops, connected we are.
      Thank you, going deeper now!!

    3. Mesmerized ❤
      Thanks for sharing your experience dear Aisha.
      I'll be meditating by the pond at 21:00 (9 pm) Oslo time.
      Hoping to hold hands with many Ponders.
      Much love to everyone around here.
      I'm so glad you're here.
      I'm so happy you are you…

    4. Aisha

      I don’t have time right now to watch this video but I wish I did! I’ve been trying to absorb my environment and to read comments here in between customers at work and I can’t wait to go home and go withIN…HOME 🙂

      Anyway just wanted to say that a few months ago my sister, who is a massage therapist and an EMT, started talking about fascia…it was pulling at her foot or something

      And normally I am not much interested in the body’s physical workings

      But that night I was suddenly zoned IN and started asking her all kinds of questions and received so much information through and beyond the information she was giving me…and I knew that fascia, being connective tissue, was significant and I felt it to be significant to what I had going on here at the Pond

      I’ve been waiting for this to come up here in some way and I think maybe now it has

      Don’t know if your video has anything to do with fascia itself or if fascia is more of a symbol for me but I do know I have seen much amazing stuff around the idea of fascia and how it relates to the connective tissue of Life itself

      Hopefully there’s more info to come now that this is out in the open

      Thanks! And have an awesome time with your family 🙂

      1. Ok so you want to talk fascia.
        Daugherty is a learning Athletic training and explained it to me.
        Why you may ask…well after chemicals in my body my fascia in my feet have not come back to their un-swollen selves. They are the reason that we don’t walk around on our bones and just skin.
        It is like a cushion between the skin and bones. and they connect the foot from front to back.
        Also holds a lot of the connective tissues in their place around the body.
        But I believe I’m not the reason you are sharing this!!!!

        Hope some else knows something else!!!

        1. Actually Michael, of course you are the reason I’m sharing this

          We’re talking about COnNEcTive tissue here…we’re all the I*N*t*e*r*COnN*E*cT*ed(ION) reason

          My basic understanding of fascia–what I like to call FAsC(Ets)ia (of the dIAMond CORE CHRYSTALL Heart)–from what I got from my sister and from what I found on the internet back at that time

          Is that primarily fascia connects muscle to bone and sinew and whatnot as well as being responsible for holding together muscles and muscle groups as well as possibly organs…it basically holds together the ‘bag of bones’…holds the form of the body

          For me however…with what I was seeing beyond this definition of fascia–for fascia was a symbol for how I was viewing the body of the Universe…of the Macrocosm–I knew that the connective tissue of Life itself wasn’t just connecting everything and giving and holding the shape of everything…I knew there must be information going back and forth through this sUbStance…carrying the information of the WHOLE through the ALL through the very stuff that connects the ALL…it was the only thing that made sense to me

          And so I knew if this was true, then human body fascia–or something related to it–must then be much more involved in the goings on of our bodies and much more pervasive throughout the entire body from big to small…from limbs to cells and maybe even smaller, than was being said in the current definitions that I could find at the time…and yet I found nothing that agreed with that at all (not that I searched too extensively as I was too busy absorbing the INFO to fill my head up with details at that point) so I kind of moved on a bit

          And now tonight after reading your comment I got curious again and quite easily stumbled across two articles that I’ve only skimmed over so far

          But so far they are mighty interesting…and exciting!

          It’s not proven stuff by the sounds of it…but it seems to fit with what I saw

          Either way it’s interesting stuff

          I’ll post the links to the articles here


          1. Dear Amy! YES- you are SO right! “… fascia was a symbol for how I was viewing the body of the Universe…of the Macrocosm–I knew that the connective tissue of Life itself wasn’t just connecting everything and giving and holding the shape of everything…I knew there must be information going back and forth through this sUbStance…carrying the information of the WHOLE through the ALL through the very stuff that connects the ALL..” Back in April, I had a period of literally digging deep into this subject along with my sister and with Philip for we “stumbled across” information that confirms what you have intuited. This is about the “liquid light” or “the living crystals” that so many of us have been shown in so many visions, and even the CCs have mentioned it: “the concept “living crystals” is one of the first that will arise out of all of this”. If you go back to the video I posted above, pay extra attention when you get to around 8 minutes into it, for when I saw that I suddenly realized I was looking at “viscous light.”

            This is the article that sparked off so much back in April:

            Here’s part of it:
            “As our understanding of the body as a matrix of electromagnetic energies deepens, we’ve come to see that the fascia or connective tissue (structuring, sheathing and interconnecting our circulatory system, nervous system, muscular-skeletal system, digestive track, organs and cells) is actually an energetic communication system.

            The collagen that makes up most of the connective tissue in your body is liquid crystalline in nature. Liquid crystals – known to be semi-conductors – are able to conduct energy in the way the wiring system in your house conducts electricity. They are also able to send, receive, store and amplify energy signals – like your high-speed internet connection.

            These discoveries have caused James L.Oschman, in his book Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, to suggest that fascia is an intelligent organ of communication that is “conducting electromagnetic signals not only in the body, but from the cosmic energy field of the universe into the body and from the body into the field.”

            This led me to the following presentation by James L.Oschman. I really recommend that you take the time to got through this presentation, and I think you will be as amazed as I was at the end for here, so much of all of these bits and pieces of information suddenly came together in a whole that to me was such an powerful confirmation. Also for Philip, for it confirmed so much of the insights he had shared in earlier discussion here at the Pond about the role Ribidium plays in this all of this: “The other thing that struck me was the droplets you could see and you mentioned. It dawned on me that they look exactly like the ‘pin head’ (Sphere Of Light) which I saw when I had the rubidium insight. You may recall the ‘pin head’ (which looked like a Sphere Of Light just like the droplets) was joined to the rubidium pin shaft which plugged into a pure white circuit board. Now I feel the circuit board was the connective tissue. This being the route for the light to connect into the body. One of the properties of Rubidium I found at the time was that it was used in Bose-Einstein Concentrates which served a number of functions but it was key piece in the communications and in the concept of quantum computing … a higher function of the bodies field…. ”

            Here is Oschman’s presentation:


            We continued to “stumble across” more information, and it led me to post this message back in May, “An update and a powerful confirmation”. I know that we still have much more to “discover” on this subject, so it will be interesting to see if this sparks off more insights for anyone 🙂

            Love and liquid light from me, Aisha ❤

            1. Thanks Aisha !…Love All this ! & the clip…will watch this other one abit later (working basically a 2,1/2 person job at present, covering for vacations, etc) I suppose you might of missed the connection about ‘Salt’ I posted in ‘missive 423’ in regards to ‘ living liquid crystal’ that you are speaking about…..’Liquid’ meaning ‘Water’ in which is over 70% of our body & ‘Crystal’ meaning ‘Salt’ as Salt is a crystalized substance & ‘Salt’ is vital to the workings of our body ! Where you are more focused on the ‘Structure’ part of it, I was/am more focused on the ‘Flow’ part thru the Structure of it ! Our bodies are not only ‘Water’ but they are ‘Salt Water’ same salinity as the ocean….& ‘Salt Water’ is also an excellent conductor of energy current ! I posted a few links also in ‘423’…maybe worth a stroll back to read……”We are the ‘Conduits’ of the Earth here on behalf of All of Creation & We are ‘Conduits’ by means of ‘Water’ & ‘Salt’ & ‘Light’ ! We are the ‘Salt of Earth’ means much more than most realize…..Salt water conducts electricity is because the NaCl breaks apart into a positively charged Na+ and a negatively charged Chlorine Cl-. When voltage is applied, the charged ions feel the force of the electric field created and they move. Instead of electrons then, the current is the moving ions. ‘Water’ is the medium of flow & ‘Salt’ is the means to carry the energy communication…..Living Liquid Crystal !
              Love to You……Bev~

                1. Finally understand a little bit about the Crystalline liquid, I believe.
                  Salt water………
                  So cool Bev.

              1. Dear Bev, thank you for bringing the salt back to our attention again! “The salt of the earth” is in not a saying for nothing 🙂 I have also felt intuitively that salt plays such an important part in the distribution of information. I have had periods where I have been urged to go to the sea and immerse myself completely in the water, while other times I cannot even bear being near the sea but instead, I just have to swim in a freshwater lake. I have been shown that this is because of the powerful effect the salt in the seawater has on our whole system, and sometimes it will simply be too much for me to be around it. But this weekend, I know it will be extremely beneficial for me to be close to or hopefully even IN the sea, and I am really looking forward to do just that!
                Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

            2. Wow! Thank you Aisha! I super appreciate you taking the time to organize this stuff…I will definitely take the time to pour over it all….and I’m sorry I forgot to watch your video after everything! Can’t wait to see the liquid light! Liquid light! I love it! Gonna head there now 🙂

              There is such a gorging feast of information flowing here that I don’t know what to do with myself!…other than receive absorb transmit receive absorb transmit…and have FUN doin it! For me this is all my “Highest excitement” as Bashar puts it…or my “HIGHest exCCitement” as I put it 🙂

              Thanks again wondroUS Aisha ❤

              Love and Liquid Light to you as well!

            3. Oh and thank you for the “powerful confirmation” and the “update” on further info…and even for the info I came to ‘on my own’…for now I see where, at least in part, this information was COming ThrOugh me from…my liquidly brilliant Pond Family 🙂

            4. Oh and!…sorry…but I just took a quick peek at the Oschman presentation and got real excited about Einstein! He’s been popping into my head all day…and along the path I take to get from my work to my bus stop, there is this huge mural painted along this concrete wall that I’ve seen many times and so I barely noticed it today except that suddenly I saw for the first time there’s a barely noticeable portrait of Einstein painted there and my eyes just happened to land on it…I don’t know what it is with me and science…but I love it! Always wished I could be a brilliant scientist…but I’ll have to ‘settle’ for being a brilliant ScIeGNtist 🙂

              1. Amy
                you have that scientist in you ready to come out, just maybe not mentally ,but spiritually, as say a muse!!!
                Let it flow!!!

                1. Thank you Michael 🙂 Yes! Science as a muse! That’s PERFECT!

                  I have come to see that science is really just another word for Life and just like Life has an infinite number of branches…so too does science

                  And so I have decided I am a scientist of a branch of science not yet recognized…at least not as far as I know

                  That’s why I like to call myself a ScIeGNtist…I like to study live breathe eat and sleep ONEness and the I*N*t*e*r*COnN*E*cT*~ION within the ONEness

                  And I see this stuff all coming to life through SIGNs and synchronicities and S*ynergisticE*nergyeX*change

                  Thanks for SEE~INg me Michael

                  So much Love and Light In~Formation flows from you Michael…I could almost cry when I think about you…such a beautiful BEing you are…and I mean that with everything I am ❤

                  1. Just came back to catch up on the liquid crystals, salt water, when I read your words. SEX. Laughing :)) as I have studied this term with Neale Donald Walsh.(have read every book he has written). The love you send out is amazing. Weather because we mesh in vibration or I have risen to your level of vibration I can’t tell.
                    Question please, You are very sensitive to unconditional love, I see that. I’m just surprise you see it in me so much.
                    Could you explain a little how you focused so…. to see it in me.
                    Love and light, light and love.

  5. We dance in a circle and suppose, while the Secret sits in the middle and knows~ RF. The secret has awoken! joining us in the dance. Dance with it! I have only been waiting waiting waiting, but she has always been her. She too awaits for purity within. Each night i feel the last old strings of what we call the egoic dissolving allowing for the communication my heart seeks. ‘Tu ne me chercherais pas, si tu ne m’avais trouve.’~ Pascal

  6. I don’t usually post songs but this one kept repeating as I read through everyone’s comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtiXiYMS86U

    I’m not sure if it will automatically open: I Can See Clearly Now

    I’m running 30 mins late now for getting ready. This missive just excited me so much along with the comments. Thank you to all. I also saw so clearly as I read how the Pond has also become “1” in my heart in so many ways… full of individuals who I love yet when I share with others I share, “I learned this from the Pond, I came to understand through the Pond…” It helps me to understand oneness so much easier.
    Love, Nancee

    Love, Nancee

  7. Today is the birthday of my daughter. She is 19, like every
    year. The trick is to see it for what it is. . .
    love and tolerance

  8. I’m not sure this belongs here…if not please forgive me as I don’t wish to cloud the issue for anyone

    This is actually something I need to share with Monica

    Monica when I read your reply this morning I was absolutely staggered…blown right away

    I think you’ll understand why if you read on

    A while after I talked to you here I ended up telling a story on Facebook that I had previously gone to tell a few times but always stopped as it just wasn’t the timing

    Then last night I was suddenly prompted to share it instead of going to bed like I had planned

    I want to share this story with you and I once again find it easier to just copy and paste the story here rather than re-tell it

    I apologize for the length…which ran over two Facebook posts

    I wasn’t aware I would be sharing this here and so I just let myself go hog wild as its my FB and I can write as long a story as I wish 🙂

    And so last night…

    Post #1 written on a Solfeggio meditation video:

    Solfeggio Harmonics 528 hz Miracles + Love Frequency + Ascension Soundtrack

    06 (***just an added aside here–this is labelled as 06 because the night before last night I was suddenly prompted to put ‘random’ posts on FB that are counting up to something…I don’t know what yet…but I have a feeling they will end up telling a coherent story at the end of it)

    Personally I didn’t think this one would be yet…but…it is now…perhaps it is because there’s no way I’ll remember this for much longer with ALL that COnstantly HAPPENS

    I have a Cat Tail to tell

    One that is very STRANGE IN~deed

    It BEgan…the other evening…everything now is always a few days ago or the other night…when really something may have been weeks ago…the best I can do…is lump everything into a few misty days in the ‘past’ behind me

    However I know this one was actually the other night as what happened was tied in with a video I watched over the course of 2 nights of Darryl Anka being interviewed by this…gas pump Buddha or something…and I know by my YouTube history that I watched it recently…the second bit last night…so this happened the night before last


    The other night I was out on the deck which is fairly high off the ground as we are in an upper suite…and both my cats were outside with me

    At some point I began hearing coyotes not far off…which was strange as I only ever hear them late in the night…as in early in the AM

    And this was probably around 8ish and it was still light out

    Not long after I heard this I saw Jackie running around in the park across the street

    I called her a couple of times as I was worried about the coyotes but she took off and I lost sight of her

    So…maybe half hour goes by and I decided to go in the house for some unremembered reason

    Annnd…there’s Jackie sitting on the arm of the couch

    And I was so delighted that she was in safe

    But then I realized that I didn’t have any memory of her coming back up on the deck–which always creates a commotion as it’s so high up–nor of me getting up and sliding the heavyish patio door open to let her in

    I mean I was SURE I didn’t even get up out of my chair once

    But sometimes this happens…you just do something in a daze and have no recollection of doing something

    So despite the fact that that explanation didn’t feel right…I chalked it up to that and basically forgot about it

    Then awhile later…maybe an hour maybe two hours later…I was still outside when Cali, who had been hiding under a chair so I didn’t know she was there, suddenly got up and jumped off the deck…and I remember wishing she would just go in the house because of the coyotes and whatnot

    Then a little while later I was sitting there thinking of god knows what when all of a sudden an image of Cali…intruded into my inner vision…not as a thought…it wasn’t a thought about her but just an image

    And it was a very strange image…I can’t even describe how it looked…almost like it was a flimsy photograph overlaid on top of what I was thinking about…it just looked and felt weird…..less substantial than the thoughts I was having yet more…powerful…more REAL

    The only other time I’ve had anything like that was during my 3 night IAM COntact Experience back last…November or December I think

    The 3rd night it was the IAM and it didn’t speak or even have an image…it was just a LIGHT that vibrated so strongly that it seemed to hold my head and my focus in place as it…’shook’ through my head and then body…that’s the best I can describe that Experience…and that isn’t even close to what it was actually like

    Anyway this image of Cali was similar in that it seemed to hold my head and focus in place with its vibration

    Then while I was seeing this a weird voice…an INner voice…but one I’ve never heard before…it was just weird…like it was my voice but someone else’s altogether…and yet like the picture the voice also had a…falseness to it…almost like a tinny sounding recording

    And this voice said…”Caaali. Come. In. Caaali. Come. In.” OMG that’s what it was like! Like one of those dolls where you pull the string and when you let go the doll speaks

    Anyway it said this a few times while…Vibrationally and subtlely wobbling my head

    And as it was saying it the image of Cali started walking…but in place…like she was on a treadmill…or like a video game where if you walk the character into an object and get him stuck but he keeps making the walking motion…how dumb and fake that looks

    So this happened for maybe 20 seconds or so and then…I don’t remember really what I thought of it…other than that it was strange

    So I sat there awhile longer and eventually got up to go in again

    Aaand…there’s Cali…sitting on one of the end tables

    And when I saw that I KNEW something STRANGE was going on

    Because this time I KNEW I had not let her in and she had not come back up on the deck

    I KNEW I hadn’t forgotten anything this time

    And it was very quickly that I remembered the weird vision thing outside awhile earlier

    And this is getting long as usual so I won’t go on about how amazing that was or even what may have happened

    I mean my guess was that I had somehow transported the two cats into the house…or more accurately I had transported myself into a reality where they were already in the house

    And when I thought that I remember feeling…kind of bad thinking “Welll…did they get any time outside then? In this reality did I not even let them out in the first place?…did I rob them of their time outside?”…oh the stuff that happens when I’ve got the house to myself

    Anyway later on that night I somehow came across this video of Darryl Anka and clicked on it just so it would be in my history so I could listen to it later as I was planning on going to bed

    But I got hooked right away…it brought me back to center and gave me some relief from the intensity of everything I’ve been going through this past few days

    So I ended up watching the first like hour and 20 minutes or something and finally turned it off and went to bed

    Then I get up the next day and read that COCO (***i call the CCs the COCOs) UPdate that talks about being able to leave the body while still in the body to attend gatherings off planet and I knew this was COnnEcTed to what happened with my cats…OMG! The Cat Planet! I just made that COnnEcTion now!!!

    Anyway I knew it was also COnNEcTed to my Experience even earlier on of being able to view through the portal of my August 2013 and/or my August 2014 self and seeingfeeling myself in a Dome of portals beyond and ‘above’ my body

    So then later on last night I listened to the last bit of the Darryl Anka video and almost right away they started talking about teleporting, as the interviewer was asking a question on behalf of someone else who claims they have teleported in their car up 40 or 50 miles from one spot to another…and Darryl Anka knows people who have done that and someone else who transported from her bathroom to her kitchen without knowing how she all of a sudden ended up there…and ended up getting past her roommate without her seeing her which, with the layout of their place, was impossible

    And as soon as I saw this I flashed again to the Cat Event

    And yeah…

    As STRANGE as this was

    Perhaps the STRANGEST thing of all was how I reacted to this cat thing

    It was absolutely brand NEW and exciting and yet it was also instantaneously seemingly commonplace already…I had no adjustment time whatsoever…it was just like “yeah. Something new and amazing just happened…something really weird…but that’s just what happens here…things like that are just what go on here…meh”

    I know not why I tell this TailTale

    Nor why I mention my casual reaction…nor why this is 06…

    But I know its connected…COnNE*cT*ed to whatever it is I REALly meant when I said “…this is just what goes on here”…with emphasis on here…there is something more than meets the eye with that wordage…I can feel something triggered DEEPly by that…

    Post #2 written a few minutes later on a music video:

    Guantanamera – Steel Drum Music (Kool Vibes and Carlton)

    Oh my god!!!

    The Cat Planet!

    The gatherings off (Earth) planet!

    The memory I had shaken loose by the Greys (***another aside…I perceived this as being done by the Greys but for all I know it was the CCs who I didn’t know about yet at that time) at this exact time last year! of being gathered with a bunch of BEings, human and otherwise, on a planet somewhere else…meeting under the stars…planning and preparing for something ahead of us…something important and exciting!!!

    Oh my god…this is REALly REAL…and now I’m blubbering aka crying again

    And now I know why I can’t stop crying…because this all reminds me of HOME…this all triggers HOME…and that always touches me DEEPly…in a DEEP and unspeakable PLACE

    HOOOLY MOSES STUFF is Flowing again…it’s like a flood every time now…it doesn’t just trickle back in…it’s a RoARing flOOOd

    And that’s it

    If you see this Monica you’ll know how much finding your story of you and your husband blew me away this morning

    And perhaps this is connected to what the CCs say today

    Wow! That’s all I can say

        1. Yes yes yes!!! Experience is what is REAL!!!

          I’ve been on an obsessed Journey with what is reality my whole life

          And lately I’ve been getting on a very deep level that there is no ‘outer’ reality only an inner one…but my mind started taking me on confusing loops as to what that even means

          And experience was the key word I had forgotten about

          Thank you Tomo!

          You guys are all so wonderful!!!

          What a RICH environment this is

      1. Yep this be the video…was gonna post this but forgot…thanks for pickin up my slack

        And I love the pic and the info you put up…you know your stuff!…girl after my own heart

        Aaand something’s being triggered all of a sudden by the picture…

        Thanks Kiera…I love how FULL of info you are and how you always seem to know the perfect thing to share around things

    1. Amy, don’t worry about, you are a multidimensional being, you have always been in several different realities all at the same time.
      I’ve had some unbelievable events happen which refuse to be explained in 3D, only in a higher dimension will it make sense.
      i think you are remembering who you are.
      btw cats are also multidimensional, the difference is they know it. cats are accused of sleeping all the time, that is when they are on other worlds

      Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
      will help explain


      1. Thank you Otmn!

        Remembering who I am…music to my Soul

        “Cats are accused of sleeping all the time, that is when they are on other worlds”…lol!!! I love it!

        I’ll tell my girls you said that…I’m sure they’ll appreciate your understanding…and I do believe I will use that ‘excuse’ when I’m blanking out at work 🙂

        Thanks for the link will definitely check it out

      2. I remembered something from today and its good for a laugh

        I’ve been working in a coffee shop since October that I and others swear exists in some vortex…or “nexus of the universe”…where the most delightfully and indescribably strange things go on and it has never seemed real to me…I’ve always felt like whenever I go there I am entering a whole other bizzaro universe…no exaggeration…I finally realized being there felt just like being on a TV show…mostly an outrageous sitcom blended with X-Files blended with a soap opera blended with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and most definitely Alice in Wonderland

        Everyone there including myself seems just like a character

        There is this one older guy that comes in all the time and no one I work with can stand him

        But I feel a real affection for this guy…he makes laugh me hysterically…he’s just such a goofball Seinfeld character

        He goes there and everywhere just to scope out girls and tries to flirt with the other girls I work with but has never bothered much with me as I am too tomboyish for his liking

        But today he all of a sudden started asking questions about my life…and when I told him I had 2 cats and a dog he asked me what I do with them when I go to work…obviously he’s never had a pet…he must think they’re like kids who can’t be left alone

        Anyway I told him that they were at home probably asleep as that’s all they do for the most part

        Couldn’t help but laugh when I remembered this in conjunction with your comment…I am one of the guilty accusers you speak of 🙂

  9. Beautiful. Thank you Aisha. 🙂 I am wondering if you or anyone else here at the Pond are familiar with a clicking (morse code) sound. It is a high pitched yet somewhat distant sound (if this makes sense) that comes and goes throughout the day. This only occurs in my left ear. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as this just started within the last couple of weeks.

    1. Vinny,

      Thank you for your response. No, actually it is a sharp, high pitched, but distant morse code type clicking. The only way I can describe it. I did findd some information on another blog, but I am curious as to if anyone else here is experiencing or has experienced something similar. I’m waiting for a moment to be able to transpose it in some way. Intriguing to say the least. : )


  10. Well, guys, something really weirdly beautiful is happening to me these last two weeks. I have recently started to visit the etheric Temple of Healing and Rejuvenation somewhere in the fifth dimension, where I am being healed and purified under the caring and loving guidance of Hilarion, the Chohan of the Fifth Divine Ray. Not only am I purified and healed; in a matter of a few days, I have become connected through all my chakras to the Great Central Sun and to the core of Gaya. Through these connections information/energies/codes are downloaded into my being, and it is my understanding that I play the role of an antenna, broadcasting them all around. Feeling these energies rushing through my being is one heck of an experience! Thank you, God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Yes !….let the Co-Creation begin !….”I’m already in the pool & have been swimming laps all around for a while now” !….lol….Thank You Aisha & certainly ‘It Is Time’ !

    “on the threshold between thinking and being it fully, between dreaming of it and fully acknowledging it, between knowing and doing.”

    “venture out to look for the “missing pieces”

    “we truly hope you will jump at the chance to do so”

    I’m jumping ! & I believe I swirled & danced with some very important foundational information & images in the last missive, so I will BE a bit more of an observer today….but I truly hope ‘All’ will See, Feel, Touch & Understand that All this information….All these images of Divine Creation are that in which We swim in now within this world ! & All are entirely based on the balance of Love & Harmony for All Precious Life that surrounds us from macro & beyond…from the totality of Sacred Mother-Earth to undiscovered mysteries of the Universe ! All Creatures, All Life to be helped, protected, cherished & respected including All the places they call ‘Home’ !….We are Sovereign Light BEings of Creation….to BE of Help & Healing Service & in this way We bring expanded Glory to Creation as it is meant to BE in Celebration for All Life !
    Always remember that All of Co-Creation is important….Big & Small…even from the tiniest hidden places & the itty-bitty creatures upon Mother-Earth we can find Greatness !….All that you care & share is important ! & Life can BE so much more than stuck between ‘a rock & a hard place’…….

    between a petal & a soft place

    BE Co-Creational Busy BEEs Everyone & have Fun with it !…..
    Love to All !….Bev~

  12. Just remember that our universe is full of races much more advanced that the human race. These races don’t fear what we are. They watch us always because they fear what we may become if we don’t have the intent for love of all life. Use the powers bestowed upon you wisely with love for all life and wish none any harm. Use it only to advance the human race with peace for all without greed of power over others for personal reasons. This should only be used to help not harm or oppress others.

    Love and blessings to all

    1. I just read something on Trust in a channeling from Jeshua. It’s an ego thing; it said that ego is not a bad thing. It is a masculine energy. It is just there, and should be aknowledged. In “I Am that I Am”: the I is the male energy and the AM is the female energy. They both need each other. They are not opposites, but they are incorporated into each other as in the Ying Yang symbol. Trust resides in the third (yellow) chakra. It is there to shine, to shine and Trust One Self.

      “To illustrate the importance of balance between the feminine and the masculine on the individual level, I will speak of the energy centers in every human, which are also called the chakras. There are seven of them that you know of now and these are located along the spine, from the tail bone to the crown. I will go into all of these chakras briefly, to show you that they are all characterized by either a predominantly male or female type of energy.

      The tail bone (root) chakra is the energy center that connects you to the earth. The energy in this chakra reaches out to the earth and allows you to manifest your soul energy in physical form on the dense, material level of reality. In view of the reaching out and manifesting type of energy in the tail bone chakra, you may call it a predominantly male chakra. A chakra is never completely male or female, but one may say that the male energy has the upper hand here.

      The second chakra is called the navel (belly button) chakra and it is the center of emotions. This center allows you to experience emotions, mood swings, in short all the highs and lows of emotional life. It is a receptive center. That is why I call it a female center, a chakra in which the female flow of energy dominates.

      The third chakra, also called the solar plexus, is a center of action and creation. This is a center which reaches out and allows energy to manifest in physical reality. You may compare it to the sun, the outpouring of rays and the power of the yellow sunlight (the natural color of the third chakra is yellow). In the solar plexus your thoughts, ideas and desires are transformed into outer manifestation. It is the chakra of action and outward expression. It is also the seat of the ego, meaning the earthly personality, without negative implications. The predominant energy is male.

      The heart chakra is a receptive center like the navel chakra and it has the special ability to connect different flows of energy. It is the center in which the energies of the lower three chakras (earth reality) and the upper three chakras (cosmic reality) connect. The heart is the bridge between mind (head) and emotion (belly). From the heart you are also able to connect with others and transcend yourself. The heart transcends the boundaries of the ego and enables you to feel oneness with anything outside of you, even with All That Is. The heart chakra is the gateway to the energy of Home. It is clearly a center of connection and it is therefore predominantly feminine.

      The throat chakra is male. From this center inner promptings, ideas and emotions are given physical shape through speaking, crying, laughing, singing, yelling etc. Here the inner life is expressed outwardly by communication through the voice and through language. This center enables you to make your inner life known to others by means of physical signals: words, sounds, concepts. It is a center of manifestation that enables you to focus your energy outwardly into the physical plane. It is also a center of creativity.

      The sixth chakra, also called “the third eye” which is located in the middle of your head, is feminine again. It receives extra-sensory, intuitive impressions and transcends the boundaries of the physical (the five physical senses). It is the seat of clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. Through this center you can feel the energy of someone else – the emotions, the pains, the joys – as your own. With this ability of empathy, you transcend the boundaries of the ego and you connect with “that which is not-you.”

      Finally there is the crown chakra, on top of the head. This chakra is neither male nor female. Or you might say: it is both. In this chakra, you rise above the duality of male and female. The crown chakra is an interesting combination of both energies. When this chakra is balanced, the consciousness therein is in a state of receiving as much as reaching out. There is a reaching “upwards” to other dimensions, where it seeks spiritual meaning or support, or to deeper layers of the Self. And at the same time there is a quiet and tranquil receptiveness, a knowingness that the answers will come in good time. It is a type of consciousness that is both highly focused and highly receptive. In this “state of mind” you come very close to the unity that underlies male and female energies, the energy of Spirit or God.

      I have now sketched very roughly the movement of the male and female energy flows throughout the energetic body of the human being. Now I wish to speak of the lowest three chakras in particular. These are the chakras that are most connected to the earth, that are most involved with being in the earthly realm. This area of the lowest three chakras is of utmost importance in your inner road to healing, for in this area lie the deepest traumas and emotional scars.

      You often feel you are earthly beings opening up to the spiritual. But we see it the other way around. You are spiritual beings opening up to the earth. The earth is a brilliant destination, a hidden diamond that has yet to reveal its true beauty. The earth is the Promised Land!

      Heaven is your birth place. But you will not return to the state of consciousness that you remember as “Home” or “Heaven,” to a state of purely spiritual being. The adventure of Creation brings you to new destinations; you are always expanding and progressing towards a wholly new type of consciousness. (We have spoken of this before in the last chapter of the Lightworker Series). Earth is an essential part of this journey.

      However in your manifestations on earth and your attempts to express yourself there, you have suffered much pain. Almost all of you have severe emotional wounds in the lowest three chakras caused by experiences of rejection, violence and abandonment. This may have happened in past lives as well as in this lifetime. Almost all energy blocks in the upper chakras are related to emotional hurts in the lowest three chakras.

      I will say a little about the tail bone chakra first. Your connection to the earth has become emotionally burdened, especially for lightworkers. Because you have met with grave resistance over many lifetimes, there is much fear and reserve in you when it comes to truly grounding yourself. Grounding yourself means being fully present in your earthly bodies and expressing your innermost inspiration in material reality. The resistance to grounding yourself fully has been discussed before (in the Lightworker series). It has mainly to do with you “being different” and having been rejected for it.

      In the second chakra, the emotional center, you have also been affected deeply by experiences of being threatened or deserted (literally or emotionally) and by being severely restricted in your self-expression.

      With these traumatic burdens in the lowest two chakras, the solar plexus (third chakra) is also heavily affected. The solar plexus has to do with life force, creative energy and power. You know few examples of what true power means. With this I mean power that is not aggressive and destructive. In the solar plexus chakra you often see that a person manifests himself or herself either in an aggressive, controlling way, or in a subdued, overly modest way. Both ways are the result of underlying feelings of helplessness, stemming from a wounded first and second chakra. In the third chakra it is all about finding a balanced way of dealing with power and control, it is about a balanced ego.

      Ego is okay! The ego has a proper function; it lends focus to your consciousness which enables you to create and manifest as the separate individual that you are. Yes, you are part of a greater Whole but you are also “I,” separate and different from anyone else. The ego is a necessary complement to the spiritual part of you that transcends the “I.” The energy of the ego is fully honorable and justified in the energetic reality that you live. True power is in the joyful alignment of ego and Spirit.

      The area of the lowest three chakras is the most important area in self-healing and inner growth. The greatest spiritual challenge to you now is to take care of this wounded area in yourself. Meditating to transcend physical reality or connect to elusive cosmic levels is not your main goal now. Your goal is to give your gentlest understanding and loving support to that hurt inner child within you and to restore its beauty and playfulness. This is your spiritual journey; herein lies the greatest treasure. Cherishing and respecting the human side of you, the child part of you, is your road to divine compassion and enlightenment.

      I would like to draw your attention to the fact that within this energetic area, two out of the three chakras concerned are male. This shows that especially with regard to the male energies within each of you, much healing work is to be done. Therefore my message to you now is: heal the male energy within! The feminine energy is in many ways recovering and acquiring the strength needed to express itself fully and beautifully. The female qualities of intuition, sensitivity and connectedness are being appreciated more and more, individually as well as collectively. But it is not so clear what a balanced male energy truly looks like. The male energy somehow got lost in false images of what it means “to be a man,” stereotypes that always boil down to power through aggression. It is vital to recognise and express the true nature of male energy. The female side now needs the balanced male energy to be able to truly fulfill her role. The female energy is waiting, not just at the collective level but also on the individual level. The female energy is getting out of its victim role, regaining its self-esteem and it is now wanting to manifest itself powerfully and joyfully through reunion with the male.

      So, what then is the power of balanced male energy? This goes for the male energy in both men and women.

      In the first chakra, a healed and balanced male energy leads to self-consciousness. The male energy does not have to fight and struggle anymore, it is present through self-consciousness. Presence, i.e. being fully present with all of your soul, is an essential quality of the first chakra. Being present self-consciously means to stay aware of yourself, remaining centered, not getting lost in someone else’s opinions, expectations or needs. It is about finding the balance between connecting with others and being true to yourself. A balanced male energy in the tail bone chakra allows you to remain centered and aware of yourself while you interact with others and the outside world.

      It is essential to develop this quality of self-consciousness, for it will protect and guide your female energy. The female energy is naturally inclined to connect with others (other living beings) and to be present with the other in a caring, nurturing way. The male energy makes for boundaries and helps find a balance between giving and receiving. With regard to the flowing, connecting female energies, the male energy in the lowest chakra fulfills the role of anchor and backbone. It is the point of coming home to yourself, the point of releasing ties to other energies you have connected with.

      The solar plexus or third chakra fulfills the same role in a different way. This chakra is, as I said before, the energy center of the ego. You still have trouble with this concept of the ego. Especially among lightworker souls, there is a tendency to look upon the giving, self-transcending energies in the human being as “higher.” But it is not so. You live in a world in which two energies play together and form the building blocks of Creation. One tends to connect and seek for unity, the other creates separation and individuality. And the latter energy is just as viable and valuable as the former one.

      It is important to make peace with the male energy, to embrace your individuality, your uniqueness, your “I-ness.” There is an essential “aloneness” in life which has nothing to do with loneliness, but which has everything to do with you being an “I,” a unique individual. To embrace this aloneness does not stand in the way of experiencing deep connections to others. If you truly embrace your individuality, you become an empowered, independent and creative individual able to share your energy deeply with anyone or anything, because you are not afraid to lose yourself in it or give up your individuality.

      The male energy of the solar plexus helps you become truly creative and empowered. That is what the female energy in you is waiting for. Your heartfelt inspiration wants to make itself known on the material level, it wants to come out in a very earthly manner and bring tidings of love and harmony to the earth. The female energy is the carrier of the New Age but it needs a balanced male energy to truly manifest itself and grow roots into material reality. That is why it is of such great importance that the energies of the first and third chakra are healed.

      The energy of a healthy ego, the healed solar plexus, is self-confidence. In the first chakra it is self-consciousness, in the third chakra it is self-confidence. This is not the kind of arrogance you see in an inflated ego. It is about simply trusting yourself: “I feel that I can do it!” It is being aware of your own deepest inspiration, your own creative abilities and then acting accordingly. Let your energies flow out of you, trust your natural talents and gifts, trust who you are and show yourself to the world! Especially for you lightworkers who carry so much inner knowledge and wisdom, it is now time to show yourself and not hide anymore. It is time. This is your destination and in this you will find your greatest fulfillment.

      Make peace with the male energy within. Do not hesitate to stand up for yourself, to receive abundance and to take good care of yourself. Be egotistical, in the pure and neutral sense of the word. You are an ego, you are an individual. You cannot and need not be forgiving and understanding all the time. It is not spiritual to tolerate everything and anything. Clearly there are moments at which you have to say “no” or even “farewell” and not compromise who you are. Do this without guilt or fear and feel how the male energies of self-consciousness and self-confidence empower you to let the delicate flower of your female energy flourish and shine.

      It is all about the cooperation between the energies. Male and female energies have gone down together in a long and painful struggle. They will also rise together, for one cannot be balanced without the other. Now that the female energy is ready to rise from the ashes of humiliation and repression, there is an urgent need for a rebirth of the male energy. This rebirth of the male will become visible on a collective scale eventually, but it will first manifest in each of you separately, man and woman. You all are the keepers of these ancient energies within you, and it is your birthright to make their partnership equal and joyful.”

      © Pamela Kribbe 2005

      1. JayJay TY there are actually more chakras … we are re-activating our DNA which is made up of circles and not strands. Just see the latest movie Lucy with Scarlet J and you know what I mean.

        Yes balance is one of the keys..

        1. Yes!! “Lucy”… due to Kiera’s and Bev’s influence, I’m (still) going to see this movie, this weekend. so excited. ❤ Much Love and smiles to all of you ❤ 😀

        2. The Movie Lucy: DNA ACTIVATION

          The movie “Lucy” is about our DNA being changed, at THIS time.



      2. Dearest JayJay, THIS was so meaningful for me just now. As I read and paused to feel Aisha/CCs message I felt nauseous. I was thinking there was no message in that and I’d better ‘work’ more at tuning in etc. Then I read this posting you’ve shared. WOW!! It is the solar plexus (where I am feeling agitated) that I am balancing my male energy that was being shown to me. It is indeed a ‘weak’ area for me yet over and over I have been reminded that ego is ok. THIS brought some clarity and understanding and I see an area that I can allow myself to flow in more freely. My greatest fears have always remained in allowing ME (I= Joy in an old missive) to show her face to this world in any way other than “small.”

        On Sunday I was seeing the beautiful entwining of the male/female energies coming together and trying to describe it to a friend. I didn’t see them merging… I saw them a bit like two ropes wrapping around each other… joining at spots and “bulging” out in the middle… creative flowing loops… the female chakra could be the protected ‘loop’ fullness in the example here… protected where the lines touched together.

        So much for me to play with now JJ… wonderful!!! Much love to you for being lead to post this. ~Nancee

        1. Dear Nancee, I knew this posting was for you. 🙂 🙂
          I’ve been having the same issues as you, being kept “small”:

          Simon And Garfunkel – The Boxer Lyrics:

          I am just a poor boy
          Though my story’s seldom told
          I have squandered my resistance
          For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises
          All lies and jests
          Still a man hears what he wants to hear
          And disregards the rest

          When I left my home and my family
          I was no more than a boy
          In the company of strangers
          In the quiet of the railway station running scared
          Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
          Where the ragged people go
          Looking for the places only they would know

          Lie la lie …

          Asking only workman’s wages
          I come looking for a job
          But I get no offers,
          Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue
          I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome
          I took some comfort there

          Lie la lie …

          Then I’m laying out my winter clothes
          And wishing I was gone
          Going home
          Where the New York City winters aren’t bleeding me
          Bleeding me, going home

          In the clearing stands a boxer
          And a fighter by his trade
          And he carries the reminders
          Of ev’ry glove that layed him down
          Or cut him till he cried out
          In his anger and his shame
          “I am leaving, I am leaving”
          But the fighter still remains

          Lie la lie …


      3. 5 Things You Need to Know About Your 8th Chakra


        5. Experience Divine Love and Spiritual Compassion

        When you start to understand that you are truly a soul living temporarily in a physical body rather than a body with a soul, your capacity for deep compassion and divine love begins to blossom. As the 8th chakra expands and this knowledge is fully absorbed, you become more spiritually compassionate because you now know that everyone else is on the same journey. Each soul plays its own important role in the interconnected community we’re all a part of, and by activating your 8th chakra and peeking at that huge spiritual tapestry, you experience true unity, which is followed by unconditional love from the Divine. Once you feel the power of divine love, you will reflect that love in your actions and it will spread like ripples in a pond. Imagine what the world could be like if everyone had golden halos from their open 8th chakras beaming love and compassion. It starts with you.

  13. Oh, one more thing, dear Aisha, could we set s time for tonite to meditate together like our monthly meditations? It could be 21:00 OSLO time again. Let’s co-create!

  14. I’ve had a terrible headache since last night. I know it’s because of the glass of wine I had. This is happening for the second time in a week. It feels like I shouldn’t drink even that one glass on days like these when my head should be clear. I felt strange all morning but wasn’t sure if it’s the wine, headache, energies, the weather or all. When I read the lesson in co-creation, I decided to meditate before reading any comments. Oh, strangely (or may be not) I was reading Kryon’s message about channeling just before I read the message from the CC’s:
    “When we first started, I gave him the concept, the entire channelling, in one smudge. [Lee makes the sound of a single syllable.] Like that! Then he had to remember all of it and give you the channelling. He wasn’t very good at remembering, so then we tried something. If we kept giving him the same smudge over and over, he could interpret it in a linear fashion. By the way, I just gave you the secret to mastering intuitive thought. Ask for Spirit to repeat the intuitive message over and over. That should be your request to Spirit when you don’t understand what the message was – repeat it! Have that intuitive thought repeated so that you can grasp it and see it for its beauty and its clarity. It may seem like this would be obvious, but remember that free will keeps us from doing anything for you unless you have asked. Spirit does not naturally repeat anything. Repetition is a fully linear concept that you must ask for.”
    So I told myself, if I hear anything but do not understand, I must ask for repetition. I didn’t hear anything in specific during the meditation but I saw myself meditating in a glass pyramid. Just a flash of it. I saw many eyes in my third eye area and crystals here and there. Then I saw people running away from something in fear. All in flashes.
    That’s it for this time but I’m all eyes and ears for more. Thanks Aisha, for this fruitful message or may be I should say teaching. ❤

      1. Jlcmom, I haven’t finished reading it but yes, it’s very informative. And for the wine, I decided not to drink. It doesn’t do me any good anyways 🙂

    1. Thanks “Tijen” !….so glad you enjoyed this reading from Kryon….it is a great one !….but my favourite part is this ~
      “Dear ones, here is the truth: We don’t have any trouble understanding you! This is because we are the master interpreters. We know exactly what you’re saying and it doesn’t matter if you’re thinking it or saying it. We know what you are communicating because we’re with you all the time. Your Higher-Self, which vibrates above the corporeal-self, knows the psyche of your mind. When you sit down to meditate, we know what you are going to do, because the potentials are there. You’re already thinking about it before you do it, and that’s what we see. Let me give you some hints about this communication with us. Stop giving us lists of what you want! We already know what you want. Instead, sit and say to us, “Dear Spirit, tell me what it is you want me to know.”

      & hope your head feels better soon…..Love to You….Bev~

      1. Bev dear, thanks again for sharing the link. Yes, I do enjoy, moreover I learn a lot from it. And about giving lists, I never liked it anyways. Things keep changing, I am changing so how would I know what I want for the future so the last sentence is so true, I must remember it when I want something from the Source. Much love to you too.

  15. And if you don,t know me by now. All the children sing: hey
    Buffalo Bill what did you kill,
    Buffalo Bill…
    Picture – yellow and blue flowers

    1. Love yellow and blue together. Don’t understand the rest, but here’s my Love (& smiles) to U and yours… your energy btw in this little packed message ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙂 xox Lin

  16. I was contacted on Whatsapp by a full stranger as i was just reading this message now now and for a sec got a sudden feeling of excitement kicking in my heart as i saw that corresponding with today’s msg connecting-true wonders !

  17. This should be interesting, then.

    I tend to wake up with a song inexplicably playing on repeat in my head. In my attempts to meditate thus far, I’ve not got anything that I can remember is worth noting.

    A couple of days ago, the song was the Bee Gees “I’ve just gotta get a message to you”… I don’t recall hearing it for decades, but there it was, quite clearly.

    In particular, the chorus was stuck.
    “I’ve just gotta get a message to you
    Hold on, hold on”

    We shall see what happens next.

    I’ll be sure to let you all know if any other jolly ditties wake me up in the mornings to come.



    1. I get lines from songs like this all the time that I haven’t heard in years and sometimes the words are subtly changed to emphasise the particular message being conveyed… I find it’s the line that is repeating that is the key one for you… Blessings, Philip ❤

      1. Holding on as best I can, here. This is quite a ride.
        I keep coming back to:
        – Remember to breathe
        – No matter _what_ happens, stay out of fear
        It’s all I can do to remember those two things, but I’m still here, so I guess it is working.


        1. The message is there… hold on and ‘listen’ with all of your being, listen quietly, still … it emerges from the stillness… breathe yes… don’t ‘stay out of fear’ for that put’s fear in your path… instead walk in trust … i.e. love the fear melts, disappears.

          What is it or who is it you are trusting? You! Big You. Infinite You… so there’s no need to even trust … it knows… and YOU are and WILL BE OK.

          It is working better than you realise. You are STILL here. STILL within.

          You’re doing great. Really. You are STILL HERE.

          Philip ❤

        2. Oh another facet that may be useful Paul. Love holds dear, fear clings on…

          So hold on in a loving way that is a gentle embrace of trust…

          A bit like riding a bike, you hold on to the handlebars… and forget you are holding as you ride it is a trusting… you are not clinging on for dear life… so to speak.

          This is you speaking to you. It might look like its me. But we are one.

          Philip ❤

  18. The gaze of the creator is truly on what unfolds now. That gaze is a collective one. The gaze now triggers collective codes within each of us, keys if you will. It has been a long time since the power of the collective gaze has been this focused and strong. It is because each on of us amplifies the other and supplies the supporting pieces. It is no longer a world of a lonely poet here and a solitary prophet over there. This is different and unprecedented. I salute every bright star out there that sings in this chorus, in truth, I LOVE You!

    1. Yes, and that gaze is shining light through the eyes of Love. My, oh my. What a wonderful world! Louie Armstrong gazed out and what did he see? A WONDERFUL WORLD

      I see trees of green,
      Red roses, too.
      I see them bloom
      For me and for you.
      And I think to myself,
      “What a wonderful world.”

      I see skies of blue,
      And clouds of white.
      The bright blessed day,
      The dark sacred night.
      And I think to myself,
      “What a wonderful world.”

      The colors of the rainbow,
      So pretty in the sky
      Are also on faces
      Of people going by,
      I see friends shaking hands
      Saying, “How do you do?”
      They’re really saying,
      “I love you.”

      I hear babies cry.
      I watch them grow.
      They’ll learn much more
      Than I’ll ever know.
      And I think to myself,
      “What a wonderful world.”

      Yes, I think to myself’
      “What a wonderful world.”

      Oh yeah.

      1. We found Matisse living in a small house, with a magnificent, sweeping view beyond his vegetable garden. In one room there was a cage with a lot of fluttering birds. The place was covered with paintings, most of them obviously new ones. I marveled at his production and I asked him, “What is your inspiration?” “I grow artichokes,” he said. His eyes smiled at my surprise and he went on to explain: “Every morning I go into the garden and watch these plants. I see the play of light and shade on the leaves and I discover new combinations of colors and fantastic patterns. I study them. They inspire me. Then I go back to the studio and paint.
        – Andre Kostelanetz, This I Believe, 1952

    1. Suzanne, very interesting, this is very similar to the path I walked during my meditation. I was just heading to the pond, our pond. ❤

  19. And Aisha, thank YOU now for confirming all that has been already happening. “You see, you are all so deeply connected, but as yet, you have still not taken in the full scope of what it is that you already can access. And so, you tend to sit back and wait to be given, instead of venturing out to look for the “missing pieces” to the puzzle.”

    I just posted this yesterday over here. Take in the “full scope”

    BTW, can I tell you? On Sunday one of the biggest messages in two sessions I had was about… “the missing piece” To the point where a very well known person came in and gave us coins to represent the missing piece/peace! This is just way toooooo cooooooool.

    Live and love it everyone.
    Right there with ya,

    1. Nice one and so true Donna!

      … and the reference to piece/peace you mentioned reminded me of this to reinforce what you are saying:

      “When inner PEACE is obtained outer peace becomes possible at last.”

      … and, of course, your inner peace is right within right now… in the Infinite Silence… great stuff Donna.

      Peace is here… within.

      Philip ❤

      1. And it’s such a cumulative process. I can now “see” how everything brought me here. Like it’s the time now. I found this in my journal from last month….
        “My head filled. Letting go of thought. Of what it feels like. And beginning to BE what it is. I’m seeing so many flashes of past, things that we’ve done…meditations, past lives. I’m seeing them all in this light being that I am. Everything is me and I am everything. And I feel–I’m feeling, I’m sensing–this vortex of energy that’s whipping around us. Like a tsunami, a tornado…feels like it’s blending everything we’ve done, blending it together.”

        Once in a meditation I saw myself shooting an arrow to all of my future lifetimes. Setting up an anchor point. And spirit has been showing me arrows for about 3 years. Almost egging me on to this point. I found where the arrow landed.

        Isn’t this just the BEST! Living the love,

        1. “…feels like it’s blending everything we’ve done, blending it together.”


          That’s exactly what I am observing and noticing too… some quite strange mixes I’ve noticed but that’s part of it merging ALL into ONE … NO DISTINCTIONS.

          Living the Love indeed! Philip ❤

  20. Oh my. What a warm, penetrating energy these words contain. I could feel soft openings occur throughout my body as I read this lesson. I look forward to experiencing more and to read what my fellow Ponders experience. With much love and appreciation to ALL.

  21. Reblogged this on Adele and commented:
    Thanks Aisha Constants and Companions! 🙂 … …
    “And I know, look upon this message as a sort of test run if you will, one That will start to enable your inner senses in a very new way, and One That will kick start a whole lot of interactive goings-on between you and That the Entire energetic force field you are an intrinsic part of. “

    1. Just yesterday I commented to that effect with Julian, one of my “expert” contact on Facebook … and I’m happy to “find” the consonance with today’s message of the Companions Constants.
      That is: FIRTS I LIVE the situation and AFTER their explain me what I experienced, or am experiencing. What’s a very pleasure! … 🙂 …

    1. Ok, wow, it’s working in reverse! I have a friend who LOVES Tina…..sharing with him, will report back what he says. This is fun!

    1. I got one, too, this morning. Woke up too early, felt off, went back to bed with my dogs, and they helped bring it through. Wonderful! And I, too, identify with the idea of us as children, playing together. Yay!

  22. I see us all dancing and laughing and holding hands, playing like children. We are happy beyond words since we have made it – we have shifted into the brand new Golden Age. Gone are the days that we focus on suffering, on lack of money and other material things. We can create out of our heart and gone are our attemps to gain more things than we trully need.

    We are focusing on the well being of the whole planet and all her realms. We are unified with the animal kingdom, the elemental kingdom and all kingdoms in and out of Gaia.

    We are one and recognised this oneness.

    This is our destiny, our home. And we are well on track to reach our goal. The gates are open up. The Tsunami is washing us and freeing us from old limitations.

    We have finally made it. And it is on our door step. We just have to open up the door.



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