A short update on the energies

We begin today’s missive by thanking you all for the way that you continue to seek for enlightenment in every way you can. You see, this is in all aspects an ongoing process, and now that you have managed to free yourself from so much that can be defined as inhibitors, you have all in some ways become as busy bees, looking in all directions for something more to add to your repertoire of light. And what do we mean by that? Simply the fact that you have all in some way started to seek out that direction you knew beforehand would take you even further on your journey, and as we have talked about in earlier missives, this part of your journey is all about creating.

For every single day, you all cast out your web of light to see what it will bring back to you later on, and we do mean this in the best possible way. For this is not a sort of entrapment, this is simply a story about widening this glorious net of interconnected energy in such a way, it will continue to evolve and grow and support more and more shining souls on this planet. And so as you go about your daily chores, perhaps not even being aware of it, with every step and for every breath you take you are literally spinning these new threads. And as they go out into the ethers, they in turn will hook up to other fine threads already out there. And so, what may start out as a mere glimmer of an idea somewhere deep within your consciousness will start to manifest in a very real way.

For you are indeed the dream weavers, the ones that make it all come alive, as you cast out your net and as you connect ever wider and ever deeper, not just to Source, but to other souls currently traversing this planet such as you do. For you are all here to create from your hearts, but you are not here to do so isolated and alone, for what you are spinning, will come into being so much faster by allowing your threads to interlace with those of other industrious people on this planet. For make no mistake, even if some may think that your dream of a better world can be likened to having your head in the clouds, you are here to make it into reality in every sense of the word. And even if you think you lack the necessary skills to find practical solutions to the challenges this world seems to face in every direction, this planet already has a generous supply of wise souls in all categories you can think of – and then some.

For this world already has all of the bright minds it needs, and when you couple that with an enlightened heart, you cannot go wrong. And this is what is happening now, on a truly global scale, even if it may still be hidden from view for many of you. For you are not the only ones wanting to change this world and turn it back into a haven for all, and as you continue to weave your web of light, you will also begin to connect to these more “invisible” and wise lights out there, a huge human resource waiting to be utilized for the benefit of all.

So again we say know that your light carry so much weight, and as we have said again and again, this light is not for you to carry, it is for you to share freely with every single soul on this planet. And this is indeed a task that you have all taken to heart in a very literal way, and the outcome of all of this generous light pollination will now begin to emerge in earnest.

And remember, you are helping this light to ripple out far and wide, but this is not something that needs to be directed by you in order for it to go where it is most needed. No, this light is a sentient light, and it knows fully well just where it needs to go in order to obtain optimal results. For you are like sprinklers of light, and as you go about in your world you help to send this light into every single corner of this planet, and no matter where you journey takes you, you will have an effect that extends even further. So thank you again for everything that you are and for everything that you do, you are truly making change happen in every way possible, and just by your mere presence on this planet at this exact time you have ensured that what you have dreamed of for so long will finally come into fruition.

166 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. „do death people get free lunches”

    ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

    Dear sun_of blue,
    my idea is: do the people on the other side after their death have to work like we do? Or is „no board to pay”?

    I always say, „I Am God – but not about others but about ME.
    I use my omnipotence neither ‚for’ nor ‚against’ others but only for ME.
    This protects against expectations of others 😀

    ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

    Lieber sun_of blue,
    meine Idee ist: müssen die Menschen auf der anderen Seite nach ihrem Tod arbeiten wie wir? Oder ist bei ihnen „Kost und Logis frei”?

    Ich sage immer: „Ich Bin Gott – aber nicht über andere sondern über MICH.
    Ich benutze meine Allmacht weder ‚für’ noch ‚gegen’ andere sondern nur für MICH.
    Das schützt vor Erwartungen anderer 😀

    Heart greetings ❤
    I AM, I think, I feel

  2. my twin flame has come to recognize me as her, in the other gender,
    and so she has gone to Colorado for a few weeks.
    that girl is a brat from hell
    gotta love her, she’s not doing anything i wouldn’t do
    oh well
    we are getting closer and close.
    one of these days we will get this thing into focus
    look out,
    here we come

  3. „If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future.
    Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.“

    Abraham – Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Springs, MD on Sunday, April 11th, 1999 #166


    „Wenn Ihr wüsstet, dass alles immer in Ordnung ist und dass es immer ein glückliches Ende geben wird, dann würdet Ihr nicht ängstlich in die Zukunft blicken.
    Alles ist wirklich so ausserordentlich in Ordnung! Wenn Ihr das glauben könntet und vertrauen würdet, dann würde alles automatisch und sofort in Ordnung sein.“

  4. I came across this, from John Smallman:

    “To live as humans with full knowledge of your true nature as divine beings, inseparable from your Source, would be impossible because the nature of humanity is separation and your divine nature is Oneness. Oneness is all that exists, separation is an illusion, and therefore to be human is to be enfolded in an illusory or non existent state. While living as humans, and experiencing the state of separation that that entails, it is extremely difficult for you to grasp and understand the fact that human life is illusory. It is far too threatening a concept for your limited minds to attempt to understand and make sense of. Consequently you are forever seeking more satisfaction in your earthly lives, but never finding it. There can be no satisfaction in your earthly lives except to discover that they are unreal and that you are divine and eternal beings temporarily lost in the fog that is the illusion which is shortly to disperse. And you cannot fail to make that rewarding discovery.”

    Especially this stands out for me:

    “Oneness is all that exists, separation is an illusion, and therefore to be human is to be enfolded in an illusory or non existent state.”

    The whole thing can be found here:

    Love, JJ

    1. dear JJ & dear Bixie, thank you ❤︎ I will swim with natural flow not to the ” illusion and trepidacious ” ❤︎ thank you

  5. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    “…And remember, you are helping this light to ripple out far and wide, but this is not something that needs to be directed by you in order for it to go where it is most needed. No, this light is a sentient light, and it knows fully well just where it needs to go in order to obtain optimal results. For you are like sprinklers of light, and as you go about in your world you help to send this light into every single corner of this planet, and no matter where you journey takes you, you will have an effect that extends even further. ..”

  6. Wow! Thank you so much. This and you are a blessing : )

    In the energy of Love,

  7. Hi AIsha,
    Thanks for posting your channelings.
    Could you please make the font larger on your blog?
    It’s kind of hard to read as so small.


    1. Dear John, welcome to this Pnd and thank you for bringing your light here! You can increase the size of the text on the page by doing this: 
To zoom in, press and hold down the CTRL (CONTROL) key while pressing the + key.
To zoom out, press and hold down the CTRL (CONTROL) key while pressing the – key.
After zooming in or out, to reset your web page’s zoom settings back to their original / default size, press and hold the CTRL (CONTROL) key while pressing the 0 (zero) key.
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel situated between the left and right mouse buttons, as an alternative to using the keyboard, you can press and hold down the CTRL (CONTROL) key, while turning the scroll wheel forward to zoom in or backward to zoom out.
      NOTE: Macintosh users should use the Apple key (also called the Command key) instead of the Control key. Otherwise, operation on a Mac is identical to that of Windows and Linux.
      (From http://blog.eogn.com/eastmans_online_genealogy/2008/09/increase-or-dec.html)
      Hope this can be of help!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

    1. ” ^i’m glad it’s summer” i, too ❤︎summer🌴🐬,
      “~it seems to slip away so very fast,i…well i just wanted to say i’m here~” me,2 & thank u very much dear arctourist 🌺

  8. well hey everyone-here’s my latest impressions…hmm….i’m ever so grateful for the continued erosion of our old lives,ways of life,ways of doing things,counting on things,etc….and the not knowing about the future…wondering what makes sense that way…what kind of a world would i ‘create’–well i don’t know,how about one where we don’t need all the rules,all the punishment,and all kinds of violent,unenlightened behaviour,right?
    how about one where there’s plenty of time to be good’n’ready before it’s time to run off again doing god-knows-what,god-knows-where,and only god-knows why! i don’t know…i’m glad it’s summer..but like the day,it seems to slip away so very fast,i…well i just wanted to say i’m here,and i was thinking anyone thinking they’re alone is hilariously mistaken–best be on yer best behaviour! namaste-and dratzo! what were we waiting for,one more time?

  9. I agree. There is no coincidance, no free will, no god,no solipsism,no boredom, no regret, and most of all; there are no comments. Thank you, Norman.

    Mr.Michilyn, you are a donkey.
    Is your home black, or what?
    Like the doc today,
    looked TV in my ass. He.
    Never trust anyone who gets paid for it…

    Hey JJ, hope she is dutch this time.
    The world of a better dream.

    1. Michiyn
      Thanks. My best to you during this difficult transition that we are all going through.

    2. ❤ Thank you, Michilyn… 1st, I hope you're feeling better soon and that you get reassuring and comforting news—a verdict with absolute proof that you're ok—from your doctor and that your distressing ailment is temporary with no permanent lasting effect. (We've all had the donkey crankiness—and happiness, with the donkey laughter that this 1 welcomes—at one time or another here) Do BE well, Michilyn. It matters; you matter.

      And re my question to Norman, Thank You! as you honestly extended my pov rather quickly 🙂 … in concert with Norman and Alex's answers.

      Re Ethyl/AH, this one has to smile, as she is multidimensional even though U.S. homegrown—maybe a little Dutch thrown in somehow. Her quick-silver mind/Energy delights me to no end, as does yours.

      Take good care, rest. 1 is glad you have such a nice family to aid your healing. you bad boy, you. 😉 ❤ +++

      1. Grace 1feels for you. Doc said it’s only a scratch. If u could see me now u would smile. Love to you. Michilyn

  10. Oh, my! Every time I read the Constant Companions’ messages I feel like I have journeyed home. I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated and more sure of my path. Thank you, Aisha and CCs. YOU are a significant Light in my journey. Love and Light ongoing.

    1. Dear Jill, welcome to this Pond and to this family of light! Thank you for your loving words, and thank you for shining your light here and in this world!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

      1. 💙❤︎❤︎❤︎💙 …….💙❤︎❤︎❤︎💙……….💙❤︎❤︎❤︎💙 …….💙❤︎❤︎❤︎💙

    2. I sent a reply via the e-mail I got, but not sure where it goes/went. I have been following all of the various messages for several years…Your loving service, Aisha, and the CCs, are an important part of my personal growth and ascension preparation. I am very grateful. Thank you for your warm welcome to this Pond. Love-Light to all, Jill

  11. Last weekend I saw again the beautiful film “I AM SAM” with the beautiful music of the Beatles.
    My inner child loves this movie so much ❤

    http://youtu.be/EROTbDCr5ag MOVIE

    http://youtu.be/fyiwT1BOJ4M On Our Way Home BEATLES / „Two Of Us“

    http://youtu.be/s-pFAFsTFTI ALL You Need is Love BEATLES

    http://youtu.be/PN9n1bAahg4 Across The Universe BEATLES

    ❤*¨*•.¸¸.• ♥✿♡✿♥•.¸¸.•*¨*❤

    Letztes Wochenende sah Ich wieder den wunderschönen Film „ICH BIN SAM“ mit der wunderschönen Musik von den Beatles.
    Mein inneres Kind liebt diesen Film so sehr ❤

    Heart greetings ❤
    I AM, I think, I feel

    1. This movie and this music reminds me also of a period of life with my slightly disabled 1st husband and my medium easily disabled child. Both are now as healthy as possible, as it allowed them their own soul path.
      I helped them as best I could and at all worry also much fun and playing was always there. It is my healed past.

      ❤*¨*•.¸¸.• ♥✿♡✿♥•.¸¸.•*¨*❤

      Dieser Film und diese Musik erinnert mich auch an einen Lebensabschnitt mit meinem leicht behinderten 1. Mann und meinem mittelleicht behinderten Kind. Beide sind jetzt so gesund wie möglich, wie es ihr eigener Seelenweg ihnen gestattete.
      Ich half ihnen dabei so gut Ich konnte und bei aller Sorge war immer auch viel Spaß und Spielen dabei. Es ist meine geheilte Vergangenheit.

      Heart greetings ❤
      I AM, I think, I feel
      BIXIE Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

    1. I feel the same way. Receiving what people offer you is good. Stay out of fear and wait for what your heart really wants. It’s not easy. I’m in the same mode right now also. Sher

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