A short update on the energies

As many of you have already noticed, the energetic activities over the last few days have been nothing if not on the heavy side, and this will indeed continue for quite a while yet. We hear the groans of discomfort already, but let us hasten to add that you will feel a lightening in your bodies as these energetic injections continue. For you are opening yourselves more and more to these emissaries of the light, and as such, it will be as if your body automatically manages to adjust and rearrange itself in such a way, this prolonged period of heightened exposure will become more than bearable. We know that for many, this will fail to reassure for you will feel as if at a breaking point already, but again we say, know that all is well, and you will all find a way to breathe into those constricted parts of your being to lessen the pressure somewhat.

We speak in simple terms, but we also want to remind you that even if this process may seem to be overly taxing at times, it is also one that you will have no problem in handling as long as you manage to stay out of fear. For fear is the single most restricting parameter there is, so too in this, and even if this will not be news to any of you, it once again bears repeating. For fear will take a choking hold on everyone if you let it, and it will restrict your means in every way, and we do mean that very literally. For fear will block your ability to simply be, and it will certainly stop you in your tracks in that all important task of allowing these incoming particles to aid you in your expansion, and so, the more constriction, the higher the pressure, and this again will in all probability serve to increase the amount of fear within your mind. And so, what can only be described as beneficial can and will be experienced in a very challenging way, the more you try to hold back and lock yourself down. And no, this is not criticism in any way or form, merely a simple statement of the fact that your inherent mechanisms of fight and flight will at one time or another be triggered by this seeming landslide of light, and so, what comes to your aid can be perceived as the opposite, so the natural reaction will be to try to slam shut the doors to you heart in order to protect your innermost core. Again this is only a natural reaction, but it is also a reaction that for you have become obsolete and will only serve to impair you, and that is why we will keep reminding you to stay on the alert the better to counteract these old and primitive gut reactions that may occur during this period of enlightenment.

Remember, you have been build of strong stuff, and originally you were prepared to expand and evolve in all directions, but during the dark ages, you were in actual fact retrofitted with all sorts of inhibiting mechanisms, and for many of you, traces of these old shackles still linger somewhere in your system. It is not for nothing they have been labeled as survival mechanisms, for your mind has been taught that in order for you to survive, keeping a low profile in every sense of the word was all important. And now, as you have started a brand new existence as carriers of light, you certainly stick out in all sorts of ways. And so, anything coming in that will enhance your ability to shine, will also serve to trigger any of the old mechanisms still within you, and so, you will hear lots of clamouring within, and the signal to duck and cover and to clam up as best as you can, can come from many directions at once.

Again, these are indeed obsolete signals, more than ready for the scrapheap, but they are still in many cases very eager to show their prowess, and as such, a show of resistance will be put up, varying from a mild degree to an almost crippling one, where it will seem that your whole body will be rebelling against these interlopers of light that we have already introduced you to. So once again the advice will be the same old one that we will continue to remind you of, namely to try to step within, past that barrier of hue and cry, of danger signs ablaze and of alarm bells going off. For there, you will all find that tranquil deep well of knowingness, the pond of unending light, where nothing can pull you into fear no matter how hard your body or your mind will try to entice you into falling flat on your face. For you are so much more than your body, and you are infinitely more than your mind, and even if both of them are doing what they can to help you to notice them at the moment, know that your mind is the one that will try to keep to you back, while your body is the one that is actually trying to get you going. For your body is more than willing to acquiesce to these new sensations of expansion, but it is the mind that is setting off the signals of distress, and so, the body can only do so much to override them. But you can help your body, by allowing yourself to find that tranquil place, and when you are there, you can strike up a conversation with your body that will enable you both to literally just be within any and all energetic storm passing through.

Remember, you and your physical body are not enemies, you are true allies, and you are indeed what we have told you many times before, a match made in heaven. And together the two of you will also help the mind get past its old limitations, and set you free to go and explore far beyond the old borders of humanity. And yes we do mean that in every sense of the word, as you are indeed here to explore freely, not just to stay confined within the old limitations of fear, nor within the physical limitations that this process of expansion seems to bring with it. Remember, this process in itself can seem to be overwhelmingly exhausting at times, and so, the focus will be very much on the symptoms it ignites and not on the results in themselves. And that is why we are here to remind you that you are not here to suffer, even if that seems to be the case for many of you at the moment. These are merely temporary setbacks, but they are never the less caused by events that are being put into action in order to lift you out of the old world and fully into the new.

We are well aware that our words can offer little except for some comfort here and there, and so, what we can do, is simply to keep reminding you that the only solution to getting through this intense period with the least amount of discomfort, is to find a way to find your true center, to find that oasis of calm that is there in all of you, no matter how much confusion, anxiety or noise you seem to be swimming in at the moment. And even if our words seem to be repetitive beyond acceptance to some, that is still the case. For you are the only one who can help yourself through this, by allowing these streams of consciousness flow into your consciousness through your physical body, and the only way to do that, is to stop trying so hard to understand what is going on, and to just feel into it. This may sound like a feeble explanation, but again your human mind will try to make this extremely complicated, and so, the chatter from your mind will literally stand in the way and increase the pressure. For the less you try to understand and the more you manage to simply be, the easier you will find that calm place of knowingness, the place that will help you to understand that you already know what is going on.

For this is not something new and therefore something to fear, this is simply all about returning to the full version of you, the you that have no limits and therefore have no need to fear anything. And when you fully embrace this, all of the old barriers will melt away and the release of tension in your body will be palpable. So again we say try to truly get to terms with the fact that all is well, and that this intensely transformative process is one of reconnection not one of destruction, and so, you need not do anything at all. All you have to do, is to sit back and allow yourself to be lifted out of the shadows and into the light, and to let your heart rejoice from all of the light it can finally drink in again after such a long time in the desert of despair. It sounds so easy, but it is anything but, and we also know that you can all attest to this in one way or the other. For even if there is no thing that the heart craves more than to do just this, there is still a lot of resistance within that complex and convoluted human mind, and even if your intelligence is more than capable of knowing the difference, there is a long step from knowing to allowing, and that is where you all stand now.

For what seems so simple as an idea, can be made extremely complicated if your mind can have its way, and so, the journey from potential to manifestation can be a long and hard one. But that is why you all came to be here in the first place, for you knew that this was the task, and you knew that you were the ones capable of taking it on. For you are not the ones that will dream of making this happen, you are the ones that are making it come about even as we speak. And even if this process can seem endless to you, you are in fact racing ahead, and you are completing that gap between the idea and the manifestation of it every single second.

So again we say, know that even if you do feel despondent and out of breath at the moment, you are all making great progress, and even if you think that the doors to your heart have been sealed permanently shut by your mind, you cannot be more wrong. For your mind is finally learning the truth and that truth is that it can put down its arms, for there are no more wars to fight now. All it has to do, is to let you take over. For the time has come to let the mind take a well deserved rest from the old duties of keeping you going, for the mind is no longer needed as the master and commander now that the heart stands poised to take over the helm.

So even if the mind can be more stubborn than a mule, there is no need to curse it. For it has only done what it knows best, and all it has done, has been to protect you under the old laws. But those old laws of limitation are no longer valid, and so, you can thank your mind for the love it has had for you, but you can also tell it to step back, let go and let be. For now, you are the master of your domain, in every sense of the word, and your heart is the new command center for any action that needs to be taken in the time ahead, and so, the sooner you managed to truly take this in, the faster this process of turning over the reins will be completed. For this is not something that comes from the outside, this is something that can only come from within. For the doors to your heart cannot be forced, they can only be opened from the inside, and now, we can see so many cracks starting to appear in so many hearts. So do not berate yourself if you still feel as clammed up as mussel under attack, you are not closed off, you are just ever so slowly opening up. And as soon as you manage to trust yourself even more, those doors will fly off the hinges in a shower of love and light for never to become shut ever again.

190 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. “We speak in simple terms, but we also want to remind you that even if this process may seem to be overly taxing at times, it is also one that you will have no problem in handling as long as you manage to stay out of fear. For fear is the single most restricting parameter there is, so too in this, and even if this will not be news to any of you, it once again bears repeating. For fear will take a choking hold on everyone if you let it, and it will restrict your means in every way, and we do mean that very literally. For fear will block your ability to simply be, and it will certainly stop you in your tracks in that all important task of allowing these incoming particles to aid you in your expansion, and so, the more constriction, the higher the pressure, and this again will in all probability serve to increase the amount of fear within your mind. And so, what can only be described as beneficial can and will be experienced in a very challenging way, the more you try to hold back and lock yourself down. And no, this is not criticism in any way or form, merely a simple statement of the fact that your inherent mechanisms of fight and flight will at one time or another be triggered by this seeming landslide of light, and so, what comes to your aid can be perceived as the opposite, so the natural reaction will be to try to slam shut the doors to you heart in order to protect your innermost core. Again this is only a natural reaction, but it is also a reaction that for you have become obsolete and will only serve to impair you, and that is why we will keep reminding you to stay on the alert the better to counteract these old and primitive gut reactions that may occur during this period of enlightenment.”


    10 Surprising Things That Trigger β€œFight-Or-Flight”

    By Lissa Rankin MD

    You know that when you’re getting chased by a tiger, you’re almost in a car accident, your β€œto do” list is overflowing, and you’re burning the candle at both ends, your body’s β€œfight-or-flight” stress responses are going to get triggered. But you might not know what else will trigger stress responses in your body, and it’s important that you do!

    As I explain in Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself, the body has natural self-repair mechanisms that can fight cancer, prevent infection, repair broken proteins, protect your coronary arteries, and retard aging. But whenever the nervous system is in β€œfight-or-flight,” the body’s natural self-repair mechanisms are disabled!

    The amygdala in your primordial limbic brain is your danger alert signal, and it hasn’t evolved to keep up with modern day society, so your amygdala can’t tell the difference between dangers that threaten life and limb and perceived dangers that are merely thoughts, feelings, or beliefs in your mind. As a result, your amygdala may be sabotaging your health, and you may not even know it!

    So how can you avoid winding up in chronic repetitive stress responses? Here are some surprising β€œfight-or-fight” triggers to avoid.

    1. Feelings of loneliness

    As a species, we are tribal people, so from a survival perspective, being alone too much can signal the amygdala to trigger stress responses. Makes sense, right? If we’re dependent on the tribe to keep us safe, forebrain feelings of loneliness can activate the amygdala’s danger signal. Scientific evidence suggests that people who are part of a supportive community have half the rate of heart disease when compared to lonely people, and this may explain why.

    2. (Continued here:)

  2. Big hugs to all of you blessed pond tribe! As divine sovereign FREE WILL beings there are a number of divine laws in place that must be followed and I know that utilizing these laws allows things to “generally” flow in my life easier.

    first, as a free will planet, you must ASK for assistance or ALLOW an event to take place within your body for maximum results. If you feel in fear, or your brain is on over drive, simply ask your spiritual team, or the CC or your higher divine self to send you comfort. Matt Kahn’s method of sending I love you’s to the heart also help create much peace within….second, as energy is incoming, it will effect you just like when you are using a weight to create bigger muscles…there is stress and strain and tiny tears in the muscle, the muscle inflames, is healed and becomes stronger–your energy field is the same way…so when you get that “delayed onset spirit pain” like delayed onset muscle pain, know that your energy is getting stronger and you are assimilating more and more–but you can also set the intentions to ALLOW and receive the highest possible unconditional love and light into your field. You can ask and intend to have the energy integrate easily and quickly…remember, you are divine sovereign creators of your reality…you get to choose to flow and ask for assistance and allow energy to enter and there is always the idea of re-working your own brain pathways. Many people learn to do this via bio-feedback–when you feel a reaction, you imprint a brain pattern and vice-versca and you can ALWAYS change through repetition what a pattern means to the brain….

    hugs hugs and more hugs…allow, accept, receive in deep gratitude! Alex

  3. Just had a blissful walk in nature, walking around a pond nearby. There was a light spring rain, no wind, and the air was filled with the smell of blossoms. I was finally able to breathe freely, and could feel myself grounding more and more with Gaia with each step I took. I even ran some parts of the walk which eased some of the tension in my right leg and arm. It was just wonderful, and I still feel the bliss from that walk.

    Love to us all,
    JJ ❀ LL

    1. Dear JJ, I have just come back from a slow and blissful walk in the forest myself. Always the best medicine, especially during intense times like these! I felt the urge to be near water also, just sitting there, soaking up the Sun and listening to the water lapping on to the shore. It seems like we have shared the same experience, and I am so glad it has helped to lighten up your day and the tension in your body πŸ™‚
      LOVE, Aisha

  4. I just had a wonderful poetic “whimsy” I hope it does not offend

    when you have the “urge to urinate”
    why close the door and hide?
    when “peeing
    is sooo freeing”
    when done

    1. Jimbo you did make me smile. In the midst of so many getting restless about what is to ‘come’ it’s fun to remember the simple things. I think your poem applies more to males… but I must share that for one week at the “cabin” the toilet was outside. There was 3 walls, no door and no roof (a plastic partial cover) and “peeing outdoors looking up into the green hills was indeed extremely freeing.” I couldn’t agree with you more! πŸ™‚

      Otmn I’ll have to ask at the next place I may stay if they’d like me to protect their chickens since I may be staying outdoors in a tent! Love, Nancee

    2. We human is a SELF CONSTRUCTOR.
      For instance I myself, even during up to 32-year-old was in the relationship, and during up to now(there are almost no relationships without job) not even once the only thing that was intended to be trying to interfere with the love and marriage of others.
      For instance “curse the evil” too. It might be no one is out on the right side of him. Human draw a clear line between “does exist and does not exist” using free will/mind. Human “build up the shape of the existence of their own” in this way. Constructed “the shape of existence” will be (part of) his/her SELF. I think when a person stick around to something, there is the relevance with this “SELF-CONSTRUCTION” in the background. Of course it should be positive direction. I think if a “Clear Delineation = SELF-CONSTRUCTION” didn’t do well(or When he/she headed in the direction of negative contrary to the nature of life), the meaning of the life of this turn becomes thinner. The person will be incarnate and start “the same SELF-CONSTRUCTION”. In this way, the shape is different in each person, no one exactly the same form. People will come to see their shape of their own and gradually in this way. They begin to exist. The human become 1 as existence. However, actually the person have a “SELF form that does not exist as one in the universe.” All persons SELF is different. This is the nature of the SELF.
      The other hand, genital is one of SELF polarity of flesh. All are in the same shape. Therefore if you mention SELF as genital you become deny his/her true SELF. Bacause all SELF has almost different shapes.

  5. A heart felt hello to all the dear ponders,
    I have been taking in the energy waves and spending my time in nature. It seems to be a time for new beginnings and I am needing the quiet time to go through my thoughts. A giant group hug for everyone! I really love you all! ❀ I take everyone of you with me when I am not here. Each of you is ever so special! I will be popping in but may not have the time to share. I have a feeling this will be for a few weeks. Much love and light to each of you! Denise (Sunflower Within) πŸ™‚ ❀

    1. Dear DeniseSunflower, you are ALWAYS here, shining your light, no matter where you might roam πŸ˜‰ Taking much time to just BE out in Mother Nature myself these days, going slow, letting my body lead the way and letting my mind wander and wonder a bit too πŸ™‚
      LOVE, Aisha

    2. Dear Sunflower – I wish you a pleasant time for new beginnings <3.
      I also feel a need to be a little more for myself now and do not always follow up on what is happening on the blog.

      Wishing you a lovely spring – the best of times πŸ™‚

      Love & light,


  6. Read somewhere collective might take a zero-point experience soon. That would be awesome, it’s like eating a big fat Double Quarter Pounder after a lifetime of vegetables. Errrrrr…

  7. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. ~Buddha

    The way is not in the second ago. the way is in now, ~me

    now is the time for bed, ha ha

    Love to you all !!

  8. Here in Holland it’s Kingsday for the first time. It’s very appropriate I think, since the heart will be King once more, the heart will rule again. The wise heart will rule, without interference from the mind.

  9. Love your holistic approach, Sun! I’m finally understanding how a life of complete congruence and transparency is key in recognizing, analyzing, and reconciling any inner friction (God’s hints) I feel. The stability of knowing and being (wholly and holy) me is both my offense and defense in the war against gravity. Embodying truth, then, aligns me with God’s will of unified self-actualization for me.

    1. wow. can not get a grip on what this song is doing to me right now. my heart is beating outta my chest and my emotions are spinning.
      can’t get past the first minute thirty three…. the lyrics cut me like a knife.
      my mind is flashing back and forth from my relationship with my husband and my relationship with the Pond…..
      β€˜whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better.. we belong together.’ do we really….. yes no maybe probably

      1. i went back and looked at the frame at 1:33
        it is a pink background with a Capital letter “w” at the top of the page where it begins to display
        “we belong”
        i’m trying to pay attention
        but I don’t understand what you’re saying

        1. The words from the beginning of the song to 1:33 made me rethink my relationship with my husband and my relationship with the Pond. I got mixed feelings about both, which surprised me. I felt happiness and sadness. Also, the familiarity and comfort I usually felt from both relationships fell away and I doubted I had anything in common with anyone or anything. These feelings definitely caught me off guard. I was puzzled I had such a strong reaction to a song I’ve heard many times?! geez.
          The fact that I’m still pondering these feelings tell me that an β€˜AHA’ moment is close… and that’s a good thing.
          ha. I went back to 1:33.. you’re spot on about the pink background and capital β€˜w’…. made me chuckle.

    2. We belong together,cause we are together, just can’t feel it all the time.
      Thankfully we ponders Know we are.
      Sally we are,,we belong together!!!

      1. Thank you Michael.
        I guess the song really threw some fear in to me.
        Identity crisis came on strong.
        Trying too hard probably. πŸ™‚
        Thanx again. ❀

        1. Dear Sally! I can relate to the feeling of “identity crisis”, for it is extremely hard to try to hold on to “me” these days. I can go through a day doing different things, but when I look back on the day, it is as if there are many different versions of “me”, one for every experience during that day. It is a bit like living in several different dimensions in the same body during one single day. Does this make any sense to you? And perhaps you are going through something similar that makes it hard to feel that you really “belong” in any kind of relationship at the moment? It does not mean that anything is “wrong”, I just think it takes time for us to keep adjusting to all of these intense adjustments at the moment πŸ˜‰
          Love and light from me, Aisha

          1. Aisha thank you! What you say makes perfect sense to me.
            Something truly indescribable happened during the Feb. Gathering and since then my mind has been working overtime trying to put all the β€˜different versions of me’ in some kind of logical context (bless itβ€˜s heart!)…. and logic just doesn’t work anymore…
            I needed to be reminded that β€˜this is a process and I am doing nothing wrong’. πŸ™‚
            So much love and gratitude to you. ❀

  10. We are sooooooo much more. A happy life is string of beautiful happy moments, enjoy your FAN -tastic dreams & imaginations ❀ & I do with fun silly imaginations and it is fun !

    so what is gonna happen? FAN happy things !!

  11. “As many of you have already noticed, the energetic activities over the last few days have been nothing if not on the heavy side, and this will indeed continue for quite a while yet. We hear the groans of discomfort already,”


    What discomfort? What heavy energies?

    The only thing that is new the past few days, is my relief that the seemingly endless year-long torture is now dissipating.
    This is the first time in 1 & 1/2 years (a full 18 months, literally) that the non-stop insomnia is finally allowing for some period of sleep….

    The first time in 1 1/2 years that the gruesome negative energy body rashes, inflammation & shock swelling of the lymphatic system is finally beginning to heal and disappear.

    The only thing I’m emitting are groans of blessed RELIEF and piteous, ongoing GRATITUDE….

    Heavy energies??? WHAT??! Where?


    “For this is not something new and therefore something to fear,”

    What “fear”????

    Something is really off, here. I am definitely SO not sharing the same reality, even a tad — this is now becoming glaringly obvious.
    The reality trains are very far apart, right now.

    Synchronicity Update:

    But besides the brand new RELIEF from the Energies — the Synchronicities are now sped up to the rate of occurring within minutes, no longer hours….and are coming faster and faster.
    No time to even laugh about them anymore, they are appearing so furiously fast.

    The appearance of Synchronicity is the strongest sign that Space & Time are collapsing at a faster rate within your reality.
    Synchronicity is your reality showing you that everything exists all at once, here & now, & is all connected. That you are moving closer to Zero Point.

    1. GFOL info:

      Negative energies” were those damaging energies exuded by the Reptilian factions still residing on this planet, but have been in the (unbelievably) slow 2-3 year process of being removed.

      According to the Galactic Federation, those who reached very high frequency are most sensitive to the Radiation-like effect of the negative energies excreted by the Reptilians.

      All those still of the lower frequencies, were not yet sensitive to these energies & did not feel them as electrocuting charges throughout the body.
      Lucky bastards.

      1. Thank you Kiera, yes that has been my information also… Its difficult to understand for so many that having been so depleted and in the storms these many years is to do with energetic sensitivity to subtle frequency changes, bringing up extreme dark energies to clear in the , rather than personal karma and a bad diet! Everything is upside down and inside out in this work.

    2. good for you, bold and fearless; beauty.

      it’s other people’s heavy discomfort that i feel now, but I have learned to let it flow right on through me. it tingles a little, but doesn’t hurt like it used to.

      you should see my mother’s fear. She is absolutely convinced that she totally failed raising me, because i “fell away from the church”
      end of story, no discussion allowed.
      You either go to church or go to HELL
      and yet in spite of herself she too feels the incoming energies.
      She thinks she is sick. then complains, criticizes everything and moans a lot.
      If she speaks to me, it is only to tell me that i am wrong again.

      On the other hand,
      the arrogance and self-righteousness of christians is becoming painfully obvious to me. I think that all 9 of my immediate family members (DNA) are deluded with ancient superstitions.
      oh well
      The thing is that they all agree with themselves about what I am. I have tried to tell them they are incorrect, but that just reaffirms their belief that I am DAMNED, and have no idea about what’s real.’
      after all, they agree with one another.

        1. Heh Caroline,
          Don’t throw Bill out with the Self-righteous Christians.
          Each point of view gives us all a picture of what the whole beach ball called life is about. Need the dark to see the light. So love what shows up. Cause what you resits, persists.
          But if you don’t think so, don’t worry about what I wrote, just en-Joy life as it comes.
          blessings to you.

        1. thanks
          i’m not sure where i would be without you
          you have helped me help others continue to pass it forward.
          just for fun
          relax with Mozart


          1. Dear Otmn, thank you for your words, thank you for your love and thank you for the wonderful music! To quote the CCs, this is in all aspects and intents a collective effort, one that I am so grateful that you have chosen to be a part of. So thank you for all that you are and for all that you do, you bring much light to so many πŸ™‚ In return, I want to give you another beautiful piece of music from that shining soul, Mozart:

            With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

      1. Otmn I have lived with, next to, worked with and every other with situation with fundamental Christians. I have found the best way to handle them and open their brains is by using their own biblical words on them. Know more then they know about the bible. Not difficult as most don’t seem to read it. Once their mind opens a little the heart will follow although sometimes it is the heart first and then the mind. They will soon realize that you are the one “with the eyes to see”. I use to be able to give chapter and verse. These days my spirit sees no need. I have been walking my own walk for many years now. When it is in the heart it is in the life. When it is in the life we are a living example of the Christ conscious. Well hope i am not preaching. I think you know all these things anyway. Hugs to you Otmn. Denise ❀

        1. In King James in Psalm 137; verse 9
          it states

          “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones”

          and all that weird stuff in Exodus , chapters 22 through 31
          which, by the way, your sunday school teachers always skip the part about
          sayeth the lord
          yeah right
          so who doesn’t have a polyester/cotton blend in their underwear

      1. Hi Caroline~ Glad you are here with us again at the Pond. I saw earlier there was dialogue about cancer helps and just want to refer folks to Essiac, an herbal combination you make as an infusion to sip. I have made it and taken it as a preventive and sweetened it with royal bee jelly. You can research it online…peace, love, light and blessings, Monica

    3. Dear Kiera, thank you for sharing! I am happy to hear that you are finally getting some long awaited sleep πŸ™‚
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  12. Thank you, Aisha for this wonderful message.. very appropriate to and appreciated by me!

    It seems I have developed quite the pattern of shutting people out. My apologies to you all. I really, really hope I have not closed the door to any potential friendships here.

    I let my mind (the bully) have it’s way for a while, and it is still giving me a lot of resistance, but as you wrote so well..

    “The heart stands poised to take over the helm” (as soon as I manage to trust myself again πŸ˜‰

    Love & Light,

      1. Much love to you Sally ❀ ❀ and thank you so much for going out of your way to assist me before!! I'm sorry I flipped out and disappeared when things went all "neverending story". I have been meaning to contact you again for quite some time now.
        tytyty – I will be in touch soon!

    1. The doors don’t close, Adam. And if by chance the wind would blow one shut, no worries. You can easily open it when you are ready. Much love to you! πŸ™‚ Caroline

      1. Thank you Caroline! Much love to you, and very glad to meet you! If I didn’t say hi yet it is just that I think it is easier for me to connect with those I can see. πŸ™‚
        No matter tho..

        It’s all love ❀

    2. Dear Adam! No doors are closed here, and if you feel the need to step away for a while you are always more than welcome back πŸ™‚
      Love, light and a big hug to you, Aisha

      1. Thank you Aisha!
        Hugs are always eagerly accepted here!

        Unless of course I’m feeling grumpy..
        but then I feel silly for refusing the cure, and grumpiness is forced to disappear! πŸ˜€
        Good medicine.

        Love & light,
        and another one of those hugs too, please!
        ~ Adam ❀

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