The manuscript of survival – part 345

You are being battered and bruised by these life-changing energies now, and although they are indeed working their magic on you, it can be easy to misconstrue them for something else. So again let us repeat the message that you are all well looked after, and we will not let anything go amiss. However, there are forces out and about less concerned about your welfare, and more concerned about their survival on these shores. We are not saying this in order to raise the alarms in any way, just to remind you that there are a lot of interest out there in getting you to lose your equilibrium. For as we have oft mentioned these last few days, the imbalance you all perceive can easily be looked upon as something negative. It is not, or rather, this imbalance is only negative for all those still set on keeping the old ways. Whereas you and everyone else who have set their sights on the light a long time ago, you are all well served by this imbalance.

For this is such a strong signal that everything is indeed going your way now. Not so, we hear you say, for you will feel the struggle within and without every day now. And so, what you long for is calm and bliss in every way. Be that as it may, it is indeed a state you will be able to savour in the not too distant future, but as we have told you already, this period is a period of deep and profound change all over, so the perfecly still surface you will find on this gathering place of yours so often is not mirrored in the world around you. Remember, the roots of the old run very deep indeed, and as they are pulled out one by one, much will be disturbed by this. For these roots have penetrated beneath the foundation of so much, and as their grip on your soil is being loosened, much around it will fare the same way. In other words, many of the old and seemingly indestructible structures are starting to crumble here and there. It might be imperceptible at first, but gradually the speed of their collapse will increase. And as the soil beneath them, their very foundation, has been compromised by these deep-reaching roots of the parasites, it will become unstable to the point where it will all colllapse.

So what you feel now, are the first signs of the teetering and tottering that heralds the end of the world of illusion. A world build on no more than loose soil, soil that is indeed incredibly fertile, but up until now has been covered by a thick layer of concrete and stone. In other words, the old foundations have been laid in place in order to hinder any unwanted growth. But as these old roots are pulled loose, the rigid structures aboveground will collapse as their foundations come apart, and then, the dormant seeds waiting belowground will have excellent conditions to finally sprout.

We know that to many of you, this will sound like a process that will take forever, something not you nor even your grandchildren will be able to savour. But trust us when we say that this is indeed why you have come here, to witness this process come about. And not just the destructive phase of it. For you are indeed here to see the new world not only sprout, but take root and form a whole and complex and beautiful new structure, one you will be able to play an important part in too. But before that happens, much will come about that will be hard to fathom and hard to not take notice of. It will make its mark on you in so many ways, and it can easily overshadow the end result if you are not careful about where you put your focus. So again we say look not at the deepening shadows, for they are only a sign that the light is indeed increasing in every corner of your globe. So the darkness will start to pool together in the small spaces they have left, and as such, it will become even more visible throughout this process.

So again we say, the wise ones will know just where to look, and the wise ones will know to rejoice when the ones of a more feeble heart will start to feel their own foundations starting to crumble along with the rest of the old ones. But fear not, for you have build your houses on solid ground, you have build it on the stable rock, the place that belongs to the future and not to the past. So keep breathing, and keep reassuring each other like you do, each and every day. For you are strongly connected, but only by staying connected will you be able to weather whatever may lurk ahead in those small but active pockets of darkness that still scatters the landscape. Remember, you are of the light, and you are already standing out in the open, ready to grow even more as these days comes to an end. For you are here to prosper and to thrive, but you will do so while much around you shrivels up and dies. But what is faltering now, are the ones feeding on the old and poisonous energies of yesteryear. They will not fare well now, but that is what you will do. For you will feel the air becoming more and more bracing and fresh as every one of those old structures comes apart, and as such, you will have many a chance to rejoice in the time ahead. Just remember, your focus must be on this, and not on the hubbub coming from those already struggling to take a breath. So fill your lungs and your heart with that fresh air, and know that for every breath you take, you take a breath of the future, while those on the other side will only be able to live on those ever shrinking remnants of the past.

242 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 345

  1. Testing……

    My bike and me…….. (smile)……..

    And then I go back to pink rose…….

    Thought I’d brave it and show my face……

    Hi, All. This is me with my bike today!

    1. Thank you “A” for the link! I have saved it to read again in the morning. It addresses so much of what I am going through right now and gives some practical help on how to clear the mind of the fears. I have to make some big decisions this coming week that will greatly affect the months ahead and feel much more confident!! ~Nancee

  2. This is neat, you can watch the video:

    SUNDIVING COMET AND CME: A small comet plunged into the sun this morning. Just before it arrived, the sun expelled a magnificent full-halo CME. Did the comet survive? Find out what happened at

    1. Thanks JayJay, I like that site! Did you see the picture of the sprites – they look like light sabers!
      I’m so glad to hear Vive is feeling well. She sounds like such a wonderful and courageous girl!! I think the hypnosis was a great idea. Also acupuncture can help with chemo side effects if you are able to try it.
      With love,

      1. Thank you, Leslie.
        Yes, she really is. She is an angel!
        I will take a closer look at those light sabers!
        Love, JayJay

  3. Vive is doing quite well, Birgitta!

    All the tests are behind us. She is in between chemo’s right now. She was nauseous during the first chemo, but not to badly. The following week she had intestinal problems with diarea, but right now she is feeling fine and she is cheerful! Her blood was good, not effected too much.

    A brother of my sister in law came to hypnotise Vive. He replaced some bad situations with cheerful colourful ones. We hope this will help her during the next chemo, for which the dosis will be upped by the way.

    We were able to give her cannabis-oil every day, I’m sure this worked for her. Also the great support from the POND helped her (and us) through!
    She is so well, that we can pretend that nothing is ailing her and that she will recover completely.

    Can’t wait from some real help though.

    Next week she will be able to attend the first schoolday (tuesday), but the next day (wednesday) the second 5-day chemo session will start.

    All my Love and gratitude to you and all here at the POND,

    1. It pleases me that Vive is doing well now – really 🙂 It also pleases me that, through your comments, I can feel you being more relaxed, though you have to struggle as a Light Worker as well. Step by step without letting fear taking over. I´m glad you seem to be able to handle it now 🙂

      Much Love,


      1. Oh, JJ, (tears). Goosebumps! I rejoice and raise my voice in praise and gratitude that Vive is doing so well! I am thrilled!!!

        Love, Amy PS Did you see the heart shaped bubbles we created while in the mud???? (smile)

        1. Nice to see you in the Gravatar Amy! You look fantastic – as I expected 😉

          P.S. I hope I wasn´ t too rude against you earlier. It wasn´t meant so. You can challenge me too – I can take it;) D.S.

          Much love,


          1. Birgitta, I really have no idea what you are even talking about. You rude to me? Not possible. 🙂

            Thank you for the compliment.

            🙂 🙂 🙂 Amy 🙂 🙂 🙂

    2. Dear JayJay, thank you for this update on Vive! I am so happy to see that she is doing so well, and I hope and pray that she will gain even more strength in the days ahead.
      Much love to you and your whole family from me, Aisha

  4. I was setting those depth charges last night, or doing recon. Doing some good down there in the dark anyway!

  5. Sun!

    I really love and admire you for struggling like you do – and still you seem to have your spirits up, “because you are just going through a process”:) Wonderful!

    Much love to you,


  6. Good evening my dear, dear Ponders,

    Yes, I fell off the horse again last night and this morning. Every one of the symptoms we all know so well and more…..

    Sun of Blue – Is that cobalt blue as in Sirian blue? You amaze me and I am sending you enormous and infinite amounts of love and gratitude for your work.

    So, in the saddle for a quick update. Last night, the teams were on NO communication mode. This morning, they allowed me a quick update.
    I told them that we are pretty much desperate. They said that it is NOT as bad as we think. Things are under control and much better than before. It is that we FEEL it is because like an infection, it is coming to a head. They hope things will ease and although they can’t give me dates, it will not be months. They said they hope by the end of the summer. They realize we are in dire straits. They send their LOVE to us and for us to know that they are WITH US but can’t talk a lot.

    Now, more than ever – we need each other to get through these last intense days. I feel that this is the “last card” my guides warned me about. The last bit of venom to try to throw us off track. Don’t fall for it.

    Love, Susan

    1. Thank you, Susan, for the work you do! Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it and so much more!!!

      Love, Amy

    2. Thank you Susan!

      Hope these are the last intense days.
      Sun_of_blue: I really hope you are right about the 28th 😉

      Love you both,


    3. Dear Susan, thank you again for sharing your information and insights here! Let me add something that I “saw” this morning: I had a very powerful vision of being down in deep, dark water. I could see something looking like small explosions, quite small but very, very bright bursts of light going off on all sides. The word I got was “depth charges”, the sort of explosives being used under water in order to destroy enemy submarines or installations, and I could “see” these huge, dark structures starting to slowly topple over because these small detonations had ripped out the bolts that kept them secured to the sea floor.

      So the light is striking where it is the most effective, even if it is not so visible to us. As the CCs say, we feel it as a sort of imbalance, but to us, that is a good sign. The “imbalance” is actually the signs of the old starting to come apart at the seams. But even if we do feel that WE are starting to fall apart now, we will not, for we are in this together, and we are SO powerful – we are the light 🙂
      Much love from me, Aisha

      1. Thanks for a very clear description of what is happening now, and yet life seems to roll on as normal on the outside. Really frustrating.

        Love and Respect,


    4. “Now, more than ever – we need each other to get through these last intense days.”

      These words seem so true and so important. As I read these words, I felt this connection that lifted me out of myself and into some (hard to explain) multiple awareness. It is a bit like seeing one’s nothingness and everythingness at the same time. The key in this clearly the love that binds us all. Thank you for providing this joyful moment of “seeing.”

      1. Amorosidad, this Pond is the GLUE that keeps us together. If I didn’t have this place, I don’t know what I would do!!

        Love, Amy

  7. (((HUGS))), Sun_of_Blue. I’m right there with you with dripping soaking wet. HOT. Flashes of such intense heat I just want to jump out of my skin.

    Love, Amy

    1. Sun, there are some nights I wake constantly, just so HOT and so uncomfortable, or feeling the wild zinging of the energy flowing through me that is so LOUD it keeps me awake.

      I’ve been emplyoying my bike and riding HARD and for many miles. If that doesn’t help me sleep, I don’t know what will. I have to practically wear myself out before I can sleep. And even then, I have difficulty sometimes. My fav thing to do is to fall asleep while reading a good book. When my eyes get heavy and the words start blurring, I put the book under a pillow, slip down under the sheet, and groan, OH THANK GOD! And sleep.

      Hang in there. We truly are brave, Sun, to have volunteered to do work no one in their “right mind” would want. I am going on you sticking out your neck, for I too, feel an ending at hand. And something “new” brewing.

      And I do so thank you for welcoming me back. When I go through these massive transmutations, I barely make it off the couch. Whew!

      Love, Amy

      1. Amy, Sun – same here! I feel like I have this huge furnace inside, especially during the night. And yes, the body is so full of energy that I wake up two to three times each night feeling like every cell is squirming and vibrating and moving about, and it will keep me awake for the longest time.
        Much love from me, Aisha

      2. Well, I seem to be back in the saddle, somehow…
        Hot summer nights, yeah (not the ones you see in the movies! haha!).
        Sweating like crazy! Was dead tired last night (early this morning is more like it). Still, lying bright-eyed in bed for quite a while!

        LOVE to you all!
        At least I’m able to feel that (love) again! I was numb (or not there at all) all day yesterday. I re-read my comments from last night and can’t even recoll that I made them.


      1. ….graceful swan dive……..yep, I’m in! Thanks for the reminder I have this Pond. Water…….cool at that……GRIN!

    1. Thanks Amy… I enjoyed your link. I’m not surprised about her comment about Water playing a bigger role… emotions, creative flow. I like to trust that beyond our emotional turmoil and tears lies our deep creative flow just waiting for greater expression beyond our own imaginations!

  8. Hello my dear Pond beings
    It is so wonderfull with emphasis on wonder to read the posts, magic happening everywhere. Healing, transformations and wisdom passed around, experienced and shared.
    Today I was gifted a visit from my friends the Whale People. What happened was that I woke up and found myself between realitys one were I am in my bed and one were I am swimming in dark waters. I could choose between them and if the waters got to dark I could take a break in my bed. Well, I swam around for while and began noticing some shit of some kind floating around in the water, from that I reasoned that maybe there where some whales around, the weird thing about it was that it looked more like horse-shit than Whale-excrement and I did my best not to swim into it, anyway suddenly I felt something big touching my legs and I got a little sting of Fear which I contained and thus a big Whale came out of the water. I lay on it where it got its enormous mouth and I was filled with so much supportive love as it looked at me with one eye. I don’t know how long I lay there but I was just filled with this feeling that everything was allright. Then at a point I was back in bed feeling at peace with everything.

    1. Sounds like an incredible experience!!! So full of beauty, power, wonder and communion…
      🙂 AH

    2. Dear Anna Helen, Birgitta and Aisha, it indeed was incredible, amazing and beautiful, the Whales have so much power but there wielding it in such a gentle way, so to be their friend and gain their trust is truly a blessing.

        1. Dear Birgitta
          It was rather a state I guess, I was being awake in that manner that I could act, or rather actively choose between which of the two reality’s I would be in, the lying in my bed reality or the swimming in the dark water reality, and within these realities I could act freely aswell. There was like an overflow of information in this experience it was as all my worries and questions were addressed, hence the feeling that everything was allright, it was so in a very detailed way.

          Love&Light Stephan

    3. Meant to say earlier that it’s interesting that you had to swim through shit to get there…how symbolic! 🙂

      1. Dear Anna Helen, in my experience it was pretty literal I’m afraid 🙂 but I see Your point. In these types of experiences with my power-animals there often is some kind of either unpleasant or traumatic intro that then leads to the central experience or teaching. Anyway thank You for adding the symbolic one which I did not see immediately.

  9. Dear friends!
    (Paul – when I write this there are exactly 111 comments on this post …)
    I have just been reading through all of your comments, and once again I am so overwhelmed by the beautiful and supportive energy here in this space. It is even more amazing when I think about what so many are going through at the moment. Despite that, you find the energy to BE here and not only share it with us, but give back so much support and energy to everyone else here. Laughter and tears, exhaustion and exhilaration, mud and cleansing water – so many pieces of the puzzle are coming together and forming this magnificent structure that we are all a part of. When someone needs to step back for a bit, there are always more than one ready to take his or her place, and this ebb and flow of energy is constantly growing into a larger and larger Pond of vibrating, life-supporting energy.

    The change we have waited for is already well on its way, and WE are the change, for what we are building here, is truly the world for the future, to quote the CCs. We are all stepping away (or rather wrenching ourselves loose) from the old, and even if this process is painful, exhausting and heartbreaking at times, it is also overflowing with love and joy and a sense of becoming ONE, not only with ourselves, but with everyone else here as well. What a magnificent world we are building by re-building ourselves! We are not done with this process yet, but what has emerged so far bears witness to the magic that is still to come. I am so proud to be a part of this change, and for being a part of this wonderful, inspiring and uplifting family of light that has gathered here.
    From my heart to yours – always, forever. I LOVE YOU!

    1. And remember – you are the main reason for us being here:)

      Thank you Aisha -I will always love you too.

      Couldn´t resist this link

      My first thought was Whitney Houston but then – there are soo many unknown glorious talents who are shining here around the Pond 😉



      1. This one always gives me such chills. I love Susan! She is so beautiful! There is also that brief interview with her where she talks about how devastated she was when she did not win the competition. She had to really syep back for a bit and, yes…deal with the mud and muck….than came back brighter than ever.

        Thanks, Birgitta!! 🙂 AH

      2. Dear Birgitta and Anna Helen! Thank you both for what you bring to this space. And Birgitta, thank you for the posting that link! It is such a perfect example of all of the “hidden stars” we have around us. I am so glad so many of these stars have chosen to shine their light here 🙂
        With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

        1. Birgitta what a way to begin this day. I listened to this woman and tears flooded my eyes. What a voice! OMG! My soul soared! And to watch the judges’ faces go from scorn and ridicule to absolute awe, my heart was saying YES! For in that moment, I saw all of us, who have been scorned, knowing that day is coming when we too step into the limelight and jaws will drop in utter amazement.

          Thank you so much for posting this! I will be listening to this all day!

          Love, Amy

          1. Good day, Amy! I like when the female judge says, “What a wake up call!” Seems like I read on an Hour With An Angel that AA Michael said one of Susan Boyle’s lightworker missions was specifically to help people not to assume things by first appearances. I think it’s working! Hope you stay “up top” today. I got really sick to my stomach last night (guess you passed that shovel over to me) and was up all night long. But no worries…it was more of a physical clearing and my spirits were still high. Much better this morning but I need a nap. Maybe I can borrow your bike later on today.

            🙂 AH

          2. Dear Amy!

            I think we can all recognize ourselves in her situation in one way or another. We also dream of getting to convey light, joy, what we know in our hearts and the amazing thing that is about to happen. But that’s easier said than done out in today’s 3D community, where we usually perhaps are regarded as odd people. But one day …. 😉 Remember that we are the first generation that paves the way for others too. And we will do that – against all odds 🙂

            Hope you´ll have a better day today 🙂

            Much love,


    2. Hey Aisha,

      Digital codes signifies different meanings. 0(nothingness/separateness) 1(union / whole and complete/reconnection). Being one with the one…..All aspects should be embraced and its a teaching from Universe.The Universal teachings is beyond human perception and all matter is very intelligent itself.We just have to embace all and love all creation. Enjoy your journey of life.

      With Love,

  10. here are some links with information that reflect exactly what is said above in both our constant companion’s message and many of the comments.

    Plan-B Igniting the Seed of Magic HiDef ver Day 1
    ( Are you ready to ignite your seed of magic? )

    Ashtar via Philipp: The Energies in September and First Contact
    ( a month of many changes in both your inside and outside worlds. )

    Portal 2012: A Short Update on the Situation in Egypt and Planetary Situation in General
    ( meditate on August 25th for the opening of the Peace Portal )

  11. Hi All,

    Much going on, things moving fast, some not so much fun but I don’t care to focus there. I thought I’d share something fun that happenend this morning while driving my 9yo son to school.

    Along the 25 min journey, I encountered (noticed/had my attention brought to?) a series of number sequences all on or adjacent car license plates.

    The first was a taxi, “M 1111”. Cool I thought 11:11 that’s nice.

    A little way up the road, a car turning in the lane next to me, license plate “KO-3333”.

    That’s funny I thought to myself, I must have missed 2222 somewhere in between, being absolutely certain it must have been there. But then if my attention wasn’t drawn to it, I can’t have “missed” it.

    Within seconds I pull up behind a large earthmoving truck. License plate was nothing memorable, but immediately below it there was a rubber cover over the tow bar and the phone number on it was “9303 2222”. Bam! I laughed out loud, that’s funny. My 4yo daughter wanted to know what was funny, so I said I was playing with the universe, and it was playing back.

    I dropped my son at school and wondered why they were “out of order”, and when the next one would come. I started looking for it (but it doesn’t work that way, does it…)

    I got about half way back to the office, and I had stopped looking when I noticed a car in the next lane with “Design 2000” written on the back of it. Mmmm, I thought, doesn’t really count, only three digits and they’re 0’s not 4’s but I pulled into his lane, and up behind him, and the license plate surround had the car dealer’s phone number on it….

    9758 4444.


    Love to all,


    1. Awesome Paul! And after reading your comment (which posted at 3:13) – I looked at my clock and it says 10:10! Playing with the Universe…I like that! And I want to thank you for posting your wife’s blog here earlier – I’ve been reading it and relate to pretty much everything she says!


          1. LOL – that is doubly awesome!! Love the synchronicities!!

            BTW I think you said you have a 13 year old daughter? I have a 13 yr old son…it’s a tough age!! Gulp!


    2. That is so AWEsome!! I love what you said to your child, too…I was playing with the universe, and it was playing back. That is just deep and light at the same time!

      🙂 Anna Helen

    3. he he, the afternoon run to pick him up yeilded 6666, 8888, then 5555. No 7’s or 9’s (yet). There is still the run home from work 😉

  12. Welp I feel like a stick in the mud. Transmuting so much negative energy from within and my heart and head both hurt. So tired and feeling lonely on this journey. No one to talk to irl just transmuting, aching, breathing, coming up for air, rinse repeat. I need a major change of scenery and fast! But that won’t happen til I change, so frustrating. So muchemotiona crap to shine the light on. I feel crazyish

    1. Persephone, Luv, you are not alone. Hang on. Just hang on. I have no idea how I am hanging on except by getting on my bike and ride like the wind. Just hang on! Seems some of us have elected to do dirty trench work. And this is NOT about you. Please, sister, it isn’t. We are together cleaning up the clusters of negatives that are still being resistant. I had in your face negatives over the weekend that were truly shocking.

      Oh, Hon, my heart goes out to you! I KNOW what you are going through. I pray PEACE over you! You are exceptionally brave to be doing what you are, for I understand the toll it takes on the body. And the mind. And the emotions.

      Just hang on to my hand, another Sister, who is shoveling shit.

      All My Love, Amy

      1. lol thank you that made me smile. thankfully my heart is WAY stronger than my head. blessings to you dear heart I hope I get to meet all of my fellow lightworkers soon!!♡♥♡♥♡

        1. BIG PINKIE (((HUGS))), Stephanie! We will get through this! You are so right…..the HEART is way stronger then the HEAD. Thank GOD my HEART is now in charge of me…….if I still allowed my head to take charge, I would have lost this battle a long time ago!!!

          With all my LOVE, Another Sister doing trench work in the mud, Amy 🌷 💝💐

    2. Well, you were certainly not alone! I was there crawling in the mud too.
      Finally got out this morning.
      Now just to rinse it all off… hose me down!
      Love and hugs, JayJay

    3. Hi Persephone I know we haven’t met here before. As so many others here I relate to your words, although “stick in the mud” makes me wonder, “What kind of stick?” Each branch carries its own unique energy to the mud it’s stuck in. Just think, “While you’re transmuting and aching and feeling lonely” you’re making the mud beneath you less lonely! How profound. You don’t need to “change” (that’s a natural part of nature here on Earth) you just need to be who you are today and don’t resist the change taking place in your life. When I’m in this place I actually lay on my bed and ask myself to smile. I just will the corners of my lips to go up. Sometimes I achieve a little grimace and then I laugh at the silliness of what I’m doing. It’s such a simple little choice but it may help. OR you can lie there and stick your tongue out defiantly and will yourself to laugh at yourself. Then go find a ‘real’ stick stuck somewhere and move it… place it lovingly and gently in a new place and thank it for the work it did in its old place. Maybe, just maybe, your own heart will do a little leap for joy. Also know that as this full moon peaks (another 6 hours or so where I live) you may find some rest from the emotional turmoil. Much love, Nancee

  13. I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this post, dear Aisha & the CC’s. Love it. Love it. Love it. Oh, so thrilling. THANK YOU.

    “For you are indeed here to see the New World
    not only sprout, but take root
    and form a whole and complex
    and beautiful new structure,
    one you will be able to play an important part in too…..

    Remember, you are of the light
    and are already standing out in the open
    ready to grow even more
    as these days comes to an end.
    For you are here to prosper & to thrive…

    So fill your lungs & your heart with that fresh air,
    and know that for every breath you take,
    you take a breath of the future…”

    Amen! Ah-so! And so be it! To a beautiful Future for all. To the Enlightened Age. To a pristine sparkling Gaia! To happiness! Abundance! Health! Lush life and Infinite love! x o x, Kat

    1. Kat, this missive spoke to me so loudly that I am reading it over and over again. So much of the old falling apart. I see it. And I also see the major fear it is invoking in so many.

      You have no idea how I wish to BE in actual physical contact with my my Sisters and Brothers here from the Pond. I truly am so weary of being the catalyst to bring the New in.

      I am breathing deep of your essence, Kat. Thank for showing up in a period of my life so much loss again is at hand. And the transmuting…….just so much over this weekend.

      I Love you, Kat. God bless you!

      HUGS, Amy

      1. Dear Amy ~ Right there with ya, sista’. I wish the period of ‘the dying of the old and transitioning into the new’ was over already. Sheeesh! I’m so over it!! I wish Gaia was her pristine self again this minute! That her air, waters and ground were clean, clean and revivifying. I wish all those that would do her and anyone harm were gone! I wish no one ever felt lonely again, especially you Miss Pink Rose, brightest angel of Aisha’s Light-Pond 🙂 But the good news is, there IS light at the end of this long long tunnel and it is a BLAZING LIGHT for us. That is what I took from Aisha’s message.

        I didn’t think we’d ever *see* the New World, much less contribute to it while in it. It’s so exciting that we may actually be a part of it. I thought we were meant to be good soldiers and help everything get to that point and then we’d depart knowing it *would* happen. But the fact that the New is arriving sooner than I thought is thrilling. Reading that was like wind in my sails. Ahhhhhh. I’m going to focus on this missive until it’s part of my cellular structure.

        Meanwhile, Onward Light-Workers, despite exhaustion, aches and pains, despite frustration and occasional clearings. We WILL get there and it WILL be more amazing than we can even imagine 🙂 (I’ve been looking at Gilbert Williams paintings lately. Imagining Crystal Cities… So nourishing 🙂 Blessings unceasing, my friend. Hang in and hang on, xoxox

        “For you are indeed here to see the New World
        not only sprout, but take root
        and form a whole and complex
        and beautiful new structure,
        one you will be able to play an important part in too…..”

        1. I really do Love you, Kat. I too am reading this missive over and over again, because lately, I just feel my life is over. That what I have come to do, is done. Is finished. I just seemed to have come to a dead end and with it, this knowing, this is it. In fact, I said to someone, it is going to have to be next lifetime for me to actually see and BE in the New World. I see age on me, something I never thought I would see. I seem to be getting more and more tired especially with these huge transmutations. It’s taking longer for me to recover and I seem to be slowing way down in my energy, another never I thought I would never see. Hmmmmm……..

          And then I started watching a video last night and this person was saying how this chaos was all around him, he no longer knew who he was, (I relate), BUT he said all those who are still transmuting and still doing “trench work” are actually still in 3 and 4D. I shut if off at that point, because no way have I come this far, to be told I am still caught in the old matrix. Hell no!

          These “things” just happen to me. I don’t go looking for them, and if I could, I would avoid them at all costs. Going down into the muck is the last thing I really want to do, oh believe me, but yet, that muck seems to find me. And in the finding I transmute it into Light.

          According to this person, all those who are in 5D are not being “touched” by the collapsing or the chaos but just in the center of the storm. If that is so, and if I am who I am, I ask you, what in the heck am I still doing IN the storm, transmuting the garbage? Hmmmmm…………I know you cannot answer that question.

          I am who I am. Nothing more, nothing less. And what I do is something NONE of us would like to do, and because of this, I think, I chose to do it for ALL of us. Now, when I get back on firm ground again, and all the heavy transmuting is behind me, and I am again in Flow, OH how easy it is to say, “Oh, yes, it is worth what I do to experience this heaven!” Yet, while I am going though it, and recouping from it, I seriously wonder if I should have my head examined.


          Anyways……today another bike ride for me, sorry, Anna Helen, but I am using my bike today! Hehehehehehe And I shall be plugged into some good tunes to take me away to my ZONE. Ahhhhhhhhh………and think of trees and soil and NEW.

          MUAH! I do LOVE you, Kat, my Angel Sister. Amy

          1. Miss Amy, you are in “transition mode” where everything feels blah, your life is over, why bother, why live, I’m exhausted, YUK!!! I totally understand. Let me introduce you to a wonderful writer who has helped me so much, long before I was lucky enough to stumble on our dear Aisha. Her name is Karen Bishop and she addresses exactly how you feel in this message:


            To read her August messages or any other you can click here:


            I love how Karen outlines precisely how I feel, and I love how Aisha and the CCs keep us going. They bring back heartening messages from our future (if there is such a thing,) Karen does that also but she, like Aisha, writes about what it feels like now and sometimes it feels like cr….a…p!!! (Pardon my language 🙂

            Ride that bike like the wind, my friend. Hug your friends the trees, kiss the flowers, wave at the clouds, tip your hat to the birds and chipmunks, they all will restore you because their unceasing chorus is “Love Love Love Love Love!” x o x o x o x

            1. Dear Kat, thank you for sharing this! I am a big fan of Karen myself, she is very good at describing what and why we are experiencing the things we do at the moment.
              Much love from me, Aisha

              1. Oh, Aisha, I don’t know how we would make it through this time without YOU and also Karen. What a blessing of light you are. Thank you so much for helping us through these mazes of waves of energy and bombardments of light. Oy! So happy you’re also a fan of Karen’s. You’re both like blessed-sister-twin-Cosmic-messengers 🙂 Much love to you, x o x o x, Kat

                1. Whew. OK. Go to WordPress and see your public display. You should see somewhere how you can change your Gravatar. If you have pictures on your hard-drive, you can upload one by the instructions provided, crop it if you have to and then save the changes. That is how I did it. But it seemed to take some time before the actual change happened.

                  Hope this helps. I know my instructions are not “technical”. If someone else can help Kat out better, please do!!

                  XXOO, Amy

          2. Amy!

            To citate you: What in the “heck” are you listening to/being influenced by?

            Citing the CCs part 344:” For your world is seemingly very much off balance now, as the old forces are desperately trying to regain the foothold they have lost.”

            CCs part 345 “Just remember, your focus must be on this, and not on the hubbub coming from those already struggling to take a breath. So fill your lungs and your heart with that fresh air, and know that for every breath you take, you take a breath of the future, while those on the other side will only be able to live on those ever shrinking remnants of the past.”

            You know the truth, deep in your heart.

            All Love and Respect to you Amy,


            1. Beautiful quotes, Brigitta. Thanks for posting them. I LOVE that last one particularly. Breathing in the Golden Future. Wonderful!
              Love and Light, Kat

  14. We all stand arm in arm….creating a fortress of light! Huge growth for me to trust in the unfolding of life with so much uncertainty and change defining my life right now. Especially since I’m a Cancer moon….all about nesting and the home. My home is here in the Pond!!

    1. Stevie
      I wish you smooth transition to your new future. The things happens for reason and I know that all will be in place for you and your children.

    2. Another wish for a smooth transition! I am also a Cancer moon, I understand all about the home and nesting!


  15. Hi all,
    Thanks for all of your comments. Amy, I thought of you immediately with the references to roots in today’s channelling…I was just like “wow! Amy must be flipping given her beloved Tree needing to be taken down and now these vivid tree analogies!!”
    I am in so much change right now, I feel seasick! House sold on Friday, don’t know where I’ll be moving with my kids in a month, new schools for them, found out today my husband and I can’t buy separate dwellings until we are divorced, so I guess now we’re going to try and expedite that process. Phone calls to lawyers, mortgage brokers, schools, realtors….plus my day job! Oh yes, my roots are being pulled up! But, I’ve got to stay grounded…knowing that I am moving into a healthier future, even though the winds are whipping around me right now and I feel like I might throw up.
    My birthday is 9/25–same day as we close and turn our house over to the buyer and say goodbye to our home of 7 years. I hope and expect to feel the shift anticipated on 9/21 and that I’ll be celebrating a lot of cosmic changes on my birthday including turning 54 years young!


    1. BIG PINKIE HUGS, Stevie! I am down in the mud with Jay Jay. Hehehehehehehe Yeah, and I just about flipped with I read today’s missive. Makes me even more excited now to understand the totality of the ALL of why and for what reasons this happened. Everything is connected.

      Now to feed my babes, and continue listening to some air bubbles going up to the surface. (smile)

      Love, Amy

    2. Stevie, I went through a separation and divorce also and am trying to rebuild my life. And yes some times I feel like I don’t know who I am anymore, as so much is changing. And the sick feeling in the pit of the stomach and phone calls trying to solve problems of 3d life. I read in a book that we are on a Hero’s Journey, and to think of it as a rebirth of the New Us. It said a New You is struggling to be born. And chaos theory always has maintained that chaos gives rise to order and creation. So I am trying to look at it in this positive way. Sending you energy to have strength peace and faith as you go thru one day at a time.

      1. Sunny and Stevie!

        It really is tough divorcing and start an ascension journey at the same time – I know. As you say Sunny, chaos gives rise to order and creation, but in the meantime you have better focus on that it really is a rebirth and that it is meant to be. I really needed a Pond of Love & Light during those years.

        Love you both,


      2. Sunny, deepest gratitude for sharing your story with me. One of the hardest parts for me is having to face my own ugliness when I get angry and lose control with my almost ex spouse. It fills me with such shame and I question, how can I call myself a lightworker when I can say the meanest things in anger? I was filled with self loathing after a bad episode last night …really hard to love my uglies …..but forgiveness is part of the ascension process, and truly feeling self love …….a lifelong journey.

        1. Stevie, don’t beat yourself up. We all do the best that we can during these times of uncertainty and change. Many relationships are falling apart these days and that’s probably as it should be. We can’t change our spouse, only ourselves. Forgive yourself and go forward. Each day is a new day. You are still a lightworker. Divorces can be nasty. I have been beating myself up thinking I should be farther ahead than I am since my divorce was last December. But my sister reminded me that divorces can be difficult and can take a while to adjust to. So I’m trying to not be so hard on myself. On top of divorce, we are going through all these ascension cycles, and the highs and lows they bring, and it takes a lot of energy to hold on and not fall apart. The month of July was the worst for me and I didn’t think I would make it. But I’m back up fighting and declaring to the universe I’m going to create a new life and have joy again. Yesterday I had that warrior spirit and today it was gone and I felt very discouraged. You are not alone.

  16. I’m in zombie-land today. Busy weekend, visiting people, people visiting us. Just too much. Don’t know where I am or what’s going on. Laying on the bottom of the Pond. Somebody pick me up, can barely put up my thumb.

    1. JayJay, I’m right next to you laying on the bottom of the Pond. Do you see me? I’m holding your hand and we are watching the bubbles of air from our mouth go up to the surface. Somebody has to be the bottom feeders. Looks like it is you and me today, Buddy!

      Blurb blurb blub blub, Amy in mud

      1. Hello Amy, I see you!
        You see me smiling? Yeah, it’s a smile!
        What are we doing down here? Glad to have your company.
        I’m sorry about your trees, and your sadness (or is it mine?). Don’t know much anymore. Hard to get any good stuff going. Just stuck in the mud.

        1. Oh, but mud is good, JJ. It cleanses the skin pores and it tightens the skin as well. Stuck is sometimes good. In what way, exactly, I dunno. But yeah, you brought a smile to this tired face of mine. At least I am in good company! Let’s just lie here and allow the mud to cover us, comfort us and cleanse our sorrows. And watch our air bubbles. (smile)

          Loving you, Jay, Amy

        2. PS Of course I think after I am laying down……I SEE your smile, Jay! It’s dazzling. Though tired like mine. And why are we down here in the mud? We have been elected to clean up the MUCK! Isn’t that exciting? And we get to do it together today! Tomorrow hopefully we can hand the muck rakes over to someone else.

          In holding position and staying there…..I interpret that as GOOD STUFF AHEAD! Same goes for you, JJ. Don’t fight it. Ya won’t get anywhere anyway. Sink in, luxuriate at the texture of the warm goo, and let that goo even squish in between your toes. Remember as a kid walking in mud, and feeling that oh so cool squishy feeling between your toes? Hehehehehehehe I at least do.

          OK. Let’s see what kind of air bubble chains we can create while we are down here. And let’s just chill. Ahhhhhh…..

          I Love you, Bro! Hang on to my hand and we will get through this together. And oh, thank you for what you said about my trees. Yeah, it was one heck of a weekend with all the goolies coming out as well. Glad this one is behind me…….

          HUGS and KISSES and More HUGS, Amy still in mud……

        1. Hhehehehehehehehe And looky here. YOU made me laugh!!! Things are looking up. Now for that mud……..ummmmmmmm…….

      2. Dear friends….I am up here on the surface reaching a hand out to pull you up. Suggestion: I read that today is a special day (don’t know why) for grounding with Gaia and setting your intentions for your journey into 5D and beyond. I did that this morningg with Her and it was so loving, nurturing, supportive and beautiful. I’m sharing my positive energy with you both right at this moment…may it be used to your highest good. And I can see your bubbles rising.

        Sooooooooo much love to you,
        🙂 AH

        big soothing hugs

        1. almost the same thing happened to me at my frog pond a little while ago.
          The difference is I know this pond has no bottom, so the others aren’t too far from shore.

          1. Anna Helen, as God is my witness, I am feeling lighter. You did it! I am free of the muck! This is awesome! I am not kidding! Either that or your “timing” was perfect with “something “lifting”.

            THANK YOU!

            And, Otmn, your posts always always bring a smile to my face!

            SMOOCHES to both Anna Helen and Otmn! And I rub the top of your head as well, Otmn, for good luck! Hhehehehehehe

            Love and BIG (((HUGS))), Amy OUT of mud and smiling………

            1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 and smooch! (might as well make it a full on orgy…)

              HA!!!! Heeeeheeee…

    2. You know – after I have been visiting my children and grandchildren I am so exhausted, for no visible reason. I mean there are just love and joy and I adore to be with them. How come? Is the subconscious intention to bring them all the best so debilitating? I don´t know. Just know that the second day after arrival home again I have migraine. But that is a cheap price for the visit 😉

      Hope you will come up to the surface again 🙂



      1. Thanks Birgitta. All the people we met were loved ones. Friends and relatives. Got no energy from them, at all.
        Well, back in the mud.

        1. JayJay,
          My relatives look at me like that cartoon of the crazy old man carrying a sign, reading;
          the end is now or maybe next Friday, the 23rd.
          The “Mad Monk” Rasputin thought so. thinks have changed, right?
          we will see.

          1. Yeah, well I stopped trying to ‘convert’ anyone. They will get there on their own. Some of them do I noticed.

    3. Big hug and smooch to you JayJay…p.s. been meaning to tell you that I lived in the Netherlands for a while back in 1990 and traveled there frequently over a 3 year period as I was madly in love with a handsome Dutchman. Returned in 2009 to see U2 in A’dam…..LOVE Holland!

      1. That’s so nice Stevie. You must speak some Dutch then… 1990 was the year me and Hellen got together.
        So what is a ‘smooch’. Teach me some

        1. A smooch is a kiss given with no thought of getting anything in return.
          It is given freely.
          as opposed to when you really want to have sex. Then the kiss is different.
          i think

        1. Hehehehehehe Love that word, smooch! With nothing in return. How beautiful! What a relief to know I can smooch without sex messing things up! LOL

          LOVE, Amy

          1. I don’t know where this is leading to, but here’s smooching to you Amy (haha)!
            When you’re in the mud, you might as well have some fun doing it.

            1. Hey, Silly, didn’t you notice you are no longer in the mud? Anna Helen “pulled” me out, and cause we were holding hands, I pulled you up. Take a deep breath! You are on the shore!!!

              And right back at you! Smooch! On the top of your head! For good luck! If we get into trouble for smooching we can always say Otmn started it all. Hehehehehehehehe Too funny!!!

              Love you, Jay!!!! You are going to make it! Now go get some rest! A little shut eye will do ya a whole lot of good!!!

              BIG (((HUGS))), Amy

              1. You’re the best Amy. Gotta shine my light in the mud though. Gotta smoke them out, pull them out, head them out.
                Got to do this. Then I can rest.
                Quick hug, gotta go!

                1. Round ’em up…RAWHIDE!!! Did they have the show Rawhide in Holland? You go for it, JayJay!

                  🙂 AH

            1. Dear JayJay and Amy… I think I sank down today into that little muddy oasis you created yesterday only to find that you’d both charged it with such good vibrations! I can only say thank you. I think I will help JayJay keep with the clean up for a while… maybe til the energy of this full moon passes this evening. I’ve had interesting interactions with the full moon rising energy all my life and this month it is having fun with me… so I sink down into my tears for a while. At the same time I smiled at all the above posts… mud is ok too. I even think I see one or two frogs down here looking for their winter abode when it’s time. Maybe JayJay this is a good place to come to regroup and release those murky emotions that start banding together at this time of the moon phase! I know the moon is calling us to release and then to rise up with arms open to the universe rejoicing in who we really are!! Time to get back to the many chores of the day and packing up my things once again. Friday is the day set for me to move all my things out of the shipping container and to sort and store them. I wonder if I can learn to LYS (let myself shine) at the bottom of the pond 🙂

              1. Wow Nancee! Thank you! Here’s to release and rising up again!
                My love to you Nancee!
                Tender hug, JayJay

  17. I’m in the eye of the storm. It is quiet, calm, and peaceful here. I know the winds of change are all around, but they can’t reach me here. I also know that I have a lot of chores to do that are on hold for awhile. Spirit is my guide, so when the time comes, things will happen as they need to.

    1. HUGS, Otmn. Lucky you! You are being told to stay right where you are for a reason. You have transmuted enough. It was my turn to shovel the shit and turn it into flowers. (Smile)

      1. LOL,
        no really I did!
        That reminds me, this would be a good day to go to the store and get some more

        I just came back from feeding the tadpoles, most have grown into frogs and moved out. They don’t call they don’t write. I see them in the flowers sometimes. What happened to Jess?
        and you can’t have frogs without having snakes. It’s alright, why would I need thousands of more frogs every year^?
        besides snakes have to eat. They eat more slugs than frogs anyway.
        I have to do something with the zucchini, they grow more than I can use. I’m getting behind.
        thanks for the chuckle,

  18. I’m on a crossroads here. This light and dark stuff I mean. Following the light gave me the experience of dark, and following dark gave me even a little bit of light. That’s how life works. Life can so easily turn around and you don’t know what’s what anymore. Like loosing the identity. I’ve lost my footing so many times on purpose it feels like in haze. Actual walking and directiong a skill long ago lost. I get up, but only by falling. Is there a purpose for this all? In the end when I cross over none of this ever happened. You count the points how many you hurted or touched in the heart. Either way, there’s learning and teaching. Which one is good and which one is bad?

    1. Tonik, I read something last night that said in effect, there is no good or bad, and that the entire experience is experiencing God. Also, being an artist, I know IF there was no shadow, you would not have any distinction.

      The extreme trench work I have experienced lately has me scratching my head, because I see others seemingly just floating through in a nice serene bubble while I am still doing transmuting work. I don’t get it either.

      I know I probably did not answer your question. Hoping my words shed some light into your life.

      Hang in there! When things get so intense for me I get on my bike and ride as though the “devil” himself was after me. SMILE

      Love, Amy

    2. Tonik!

      I can imagine that there are a lot of people out there thinking exactly as you do now. What is this all about? The most weird and confused world you could ever imagine. Couldn´t we go back to “normal” again? Do you have any choice?

      You made your choice to pull your bit to make this world a better place to live in. You made your choice many lifetimes ago and now we are standing here doing it, but who could ever think it would be this hard and challenging?

      I have no answers, but I know one thing: You are one of the puzzle pieces who is needed to give Mother Earth her dignity back again. Wouldn´t that be a tremendous choice?

      You are perfect Tonik! No special skills are needed – just being and loving the person you are, and we´ll all be around you, supporting you. You know – we make an effort that never before happened – and you are on the train! Just imagine 🙂

      All my love to you Tonik!


      1. Birgitta, your beautiful words bring solace to my heart. My brain seems to be frozen. As the words that normally flow. I feel and sound choppy and barely hanging on. Still.

        Your writing is awesome. Just awesome. See how things change? I’ve pulled back, you pull in. Ebb and flow. Nice.

        Love, Amy

        1. Thanks Amy! Just realize what you have gone through the past few days!!! Time to rest. I’ll watch tonight;)

          Much love to you dear Amy!


          1. God bless you, Birgitta. Thought I was ready to come back. Not yet. At least not in full.

            HUGS, Amy who says, I Love you, my sister!

  19. Hello Beloved brothers and sisters of the light. I have just returned from a wonderful and heart wrenching weekend to celebrate the life and death of a dear friend who passed into the ethers last week who was a musician in a band that I love. We celebrated his life with silly stories and shared his music with throngs of loyal followers at the most beautiful ampitheater on the charles river in boston. Built in the 20’s it reflects the sound in all its art deco glory far out into the streets of boston.

    Boston, my beloved second home, the home of the red sox, a place that I enjoy so much and now so wounded. I went for a visit this weekend for the first time in over a year and I had not realized that the energy there would continue to be so different since the bombings and how outside events and fear can create such a dip in a lovely space. this is exactly what the CC’s are speaking about now–things will occur to create a dip in the energy and WE must hold the space with our own vibration…I interacted with many people with kindness and love and I also anchored the love and peace into as much space as I could consciously while I went around that town. visiting there could have knocked me off my center, but I realized pretty quickly what was occurring because I trust my inner voice and guidance. I am glad I was able to be in that space and assist those people. Everyone who interacted with me had a huge smile by the end of the exchange.

    Stay the course…breathe….the center of your hearts, the harmony of your vibration IS the key to this all–guard it as if it were a precious sacred diamond of much value (it is!)….the ONLY thing you must do at this point is to hold the space and anchor the vibration and if you must be “self-ish” by 3d terms then be self-ish–dipping your vibration for anything means less energy for the light.

    Big hugs–welcome Kali as well, the blessed mahavidya of chaos and change…with great chaos comes wonderful change…be at peace with her presence…she is here to serve the good of all…Alex

    1. Hi Alex, I hope you find this post. Now that I am moving to Costa Rica my beloved collection of small branch segments from my favorite trees the past two years must be left behind. I still hope to find a way to work with them one day but do you have any suggestion on what I could do to draw in their energy? I don’t want to destroy them and actually made a ‘doll’ out of 5 of them two pond gatherings ago. I’m just sad not to take them with me along with other special things that I have gathered for my ceremonial and ancestor tables. I am a novice in such things but my heart is so drawn to the trees. I will never forget the day last summer when I shook hands with an old Hawthorne tree along the road. That experience alone has changed my life! Thank you for any feedback.

      1. Hi Nancee, actually my thoughts were for you to burn the branches and release the energy in your presence and ask for it to be assimilated into your being. You could also then scoop up a tiny bit of the ashes and keep them in a small container to carry with you. The energy of your trees are always available as the spirit who incarnated into the tree is HUGE and exists on the higher planes eternally. another way you could take it with you is simply cut a very small piece of a branch, bore a hole in one end and wear it on a necklace–this wouldn’t be a problem as in bringing agricultural products into another country because it is “jewelry”…big hugs! Alex p.s. I found 5 hawthorne seedlings last year and transplanted them from my lawn into my garden–the heart energy of hawthorne is so healing! 🙂

  20. Reblogged this on On the Cusp of the Wave and commented:
    Hi! Been a while, I know. I’ll be blogging a bit more soon, and publishing my e-book based on this site, what I’ve written over the past two years or so. Anyway, in the meantime, I thought that this beautiful, encouraging, uplifting message deserved one my rare re-blogs. I hope it helps you to better comprehend what is actually going on these days, and to stay calm and centered (as ‘the eye of the storm’, remember?) as this process goes into high gear — both within and without. Onwards and upwards we go . . . . !!!

  21. Where to begin? Well, as with any “party” I look to the Host, and bow with complete Gratitude for this Missive, which is Perfect in its timing. Its Words reflect what I have been experiencing. Aisha, I am SO grateful to you and the CC’s. I honor you with All I AM.

    These past THREE days were a living nightmare. From Friday to Sunday, days in which I wished I had an “eject button” to go HOME.

    When my Trees came down on Friday, with them, emerged what I coin the “nasties”. Susan refers them to the negatives. I was not expecting this, and when hate, scorn, fear, rejection, ridicule came flying my way, I just stood there stunned, and just wanting a hole to appear so that I could fall into it. These nasties took me right smack into depression that led smack right into the VOID.

    The agony I felt as I saw the empty space where my main Protector Tree once stood. In its coming down, it was seen that a “river of water” had formed inside the bark of the trunk. It came to me this was a “river of tears” shed not only by this tree but by all those who this Tree healed.

    This Tree also shielded me, and with it gone, my Full Light is being seen. I felt naked and very scared. I was seen and the reaction was major fear. I panicked. OMG. I cannot live like this! Terror. Spiraled right down into depression and such heavy exhaustion I was on my couch for two days, spent and in tears.

    My life as I knew it no longer meant anything. The VOID.

    With major determination, I decided to go for a bike ride yesterday. And in so doing, I saw. I saw how these Trees took with them the “OLD” and the put a major crack in the foundation of the old world. Thus the “nasties” appeared, doing their utmost best to keep me in fear. I will admit, I was afraid. I did not realize how protected I felt with my Protector Tree, and it being gone, I felt as though I was gone too. That, and I just could not handle being seen. And heard.

    Oh, that is another thing. Something uncorked within me when these Trees came down, and words from a Higher Perspective began just to come out, another reason why people reared back in fear. And I stood there stunned, that those words were coming from me and why why why, did I not stop them? I couldn’t. They just happened.

    So on that bike ride I let the wind cleanse me of the clingies of the nasties. I also on that bike ride, stopped by our grocery store to pick something up, and seeing I did not have a bike chain, brought my bike right in the store with me. My energy was loud as I walked with purpose and with lion like strength, and it shouted no one will stop me from doing what I am. No one stopped me.

    And I was seen. NO FEAR on my end. Just a feeling of Power.

    I got home. And then exhaustion hit me again. I immediately went into my meditation zone, and I saw myself on an airplane sitting in a seat with a man next to me who meant me great harm. I felt terror deep in my loins (in the physical) and it was my first reflex to pull out of this “vision”. NO! I stayed. I turned to this man, and told him I am loving him NOW, and he will no longer hurt me.

    For a while all I felt was terror. Deep terror. And then the merge happened. He merged into my love, and when that happened, I fell into a deep sleep. I slept for hours. Woke up to feed my cats and stumbled into bed. Slept some more. Woke up to eat dinner, managed to clean up the kitchen, and stumbled back to bed. Slept like a log.

    This morning under my bedroom window was found by my husband a dead snake. He told me no foul play was seen, it was just dead. Snake means TRANSMUTATION. The nasties, the meanies, the negatives, and the “man” who meant me harm, all have been transmuted.

    It is finished. And I have come out of the VOID.

    Wow! Just wow! How Nature speaks to me, and how everything is connected. Amazing is not even close in describing what just happened.

    From my Heart to your Heart, Your Sister, Amy

    1. Madam, great to hear you are back, and bubbly 🙂
      Wanted to tell you that you are the 3d or 4th person having something with snakes today !
      Big time transmutation all over ?

      Hugs and Loving Bubbles your way, Lady of Pinkiness 🙂

      1. Yepper doodles! I’d say we are most definitely on the HOME stretch! YA-HOO!

        Hugs and Kisses to you, BriBri!!! Lady of Pinkiness 🙂 🙂 🙂

        1. oh Amy, I am not surprised by your experience. We are transmuting so much for the masses and yes, snake medicine has always meant transmutation. And the hole that the protector tree left would make you feel vulnerable. Isn’t much we are going through similar to what Christ felt in the Garden, when he sweat blood from seeing the evils of mankind? Except ours is a day to day ‘sweating of blood’ because we couldn’t withstand it all at once like He did. Sending the man love who wanted to do you harm is the ultimate gift. I wanted to say that I did more work with the Maple Trees the night before they came down, knowing it was most important to do that before their removal the next day. I wrote a letter to them and told them about the suffering and struggle I have gone through the last three years with a separation, divorce, trauma, unemployment, losing three of my cats to illnesses and having to watch them go downhill, financial struggles etc. and cried and cried , asking them to take all this struggle and suffering and transmute it and send it back to me as inner strength, faith, resolve, a warrior-like spirit to rebuild my life, tenacity, hope, and belief in myself and in my purpose. I had become so worn down from the struggle and didn’t have much energy to carry on and even try anymore. After I finished the letter to them, I was so worn out from crying and pouring my heart out to them, I just closed my journal and fell asleep. And you know what – they did transmute it and send it back to me as strength and resolve. For the last few days, I have had the strength and focus to begin plans and intentions to re-build my life, do research as to different choices to reduce debt, etc, and take charge of other areas of my life I had put off due to overwhelm and trauma. Somehow, it now seems that the last remaining pain left from the previous three years is gone once and for all, and I feel new hope and feel a re-birth and renewal, like I’m going to make it and come out on top. And like you, I felt the shift from fear to power. I think when we get to the other side of this, and look back on it all, we are going to be amazed at just how much our suffering has helped people who are struggling with the dark to come to the light, how much our transmuting for the masses has lifted them up, and we will be so thankful we did not turn down the opportunity to stand strong and provide this service for them. We can’t see it now, but this work we are doing – we shall know at some point how magnificent our sacrifice really was, and look back in wonder. And never for one moment regret what we had to go through to make it so.

          1. Dearest Sunny,

            I read your words. Tears came to my eyes, as they are now.

            I am humbled and so honored that my Trees assisted you to let go of “old”. I have done this type of work for many years, and have known this was not personal, but somehow I was helping others in this world. This is the first time I know of one someone.

            I don’t know if you “caught it” but there was an actual stream of water inside the bark of my Mother Tree that ran the entire length of the trunk right into the ground. What came to me…….this was a “river of tears”.

            As always when I go through an intense transmutation session, it takes a few days for me to get Centered again. I feel anger (at myself for ever agreeing this), exhaustion, despair (is this ever going to end?), ……I feel very disorientated at the same time trying to adjust to this huge “hole” in my backyard (space wise).

            The stump was ground. The grindings are in some of my gardens. The rest was trucked away. Grass seed was planted where the trees stood. So when that grass begins to grow, think of New Growth for you and for me is now coming in. (smile)

            I Love you, Sunny. Sometimes the price is a high one to pay in order to move ahead. Sounds to me you can most certainly relate.

            BIG (((HUGS))), Amy

            1. Yes I did catch the reference to the river of tears you knew was represented by the water around the trunk that you saw. And how it held the pain of many humans that the trees told you they were willing to take away with them. It made me realize the sacrifice all living things make for one another. Many of my cats have taken on diseases to teach me lessons so I wouldn’t have to take the disease on. And the trees sacrificing for us is yet another example. Somehow, we have to believe that we are on the right course for us. Transmuting for the masses may be a contract we agreed to take on in this lifetime. The writer Denise LeFay has a contract to work with negative entities and help clear them. She talks about feeling the energy of the prisoners killed in the concentration camp areas of the earth and does work to clear those areas. It leaves her feeling depleted also. As for the video you turned off, it is not always true that one is still in 3d and 4 d because one is suffering. Each person has their own duty and role in this ascension process and therefore can’t judge another’s choices or experiences. Trust yourself and don’t be shaken by opinions of others. With so much turbulent energy going around, it is hard to trust ourselves. I know that from experience. But when we get clear within ourselves, we somehow come back to what we know and feel is true for us, and can’t be shaken. And the ups and downs and cycling back and forth from good days to bad days are part of this process. So the man in the video may have been in a good positive cycle when he said that. But that doesnt mean he wont be buffeted by these energies later. I would have turned it off also. And the writer Karen Bishop talks about how us lightworkers have held the space for years now, so more humans can choose this higher way. Some of us are these space-holders, and some of us are the transmuters . I sort of fall in between. But deep down, we know what our calling is, and so can lean on ourselves and our knowing-ness when feeling mis-judged by others. Our inner truth is our greatest ally. And yes, the new grass seed is germinating New Growth for us each moment.

              1. Sunny, your words floor me. Just floor me. You are such an incredible BEautiful spirit. Thank you for sharing your Journey with me.

                With all my Love and Respect, Amy

                1. Amy we will make it thru this. We have to. It is a test and challenge but we have got to keep pushing on and fighting the fight. Today I have to go to the vet to pick up thyroid and cortisone meds for my two cats and the people who work there always rejuvenate me and there is such good energy in that office. But I will also look at the trees flowers rocks and beautiful nature on the way and try to let it all soothe and comfort me. Whatever it takes to keep us nurtured and hopeful and on the path

              2. Thanks Sunny for your wonderful message that radiates much wisdom and knowledge. I really wonder who/what I am? 😉

                Lots of love to you,


    2. Rosie, my heart goes out to you at your perceived lost of your protector tree. As a tree whisperer I absolutely feel your heart breaking at this time. But understand that in the higher dimensions your tree spirit still exists and you can access it at any time.

      I would also suggest before they grind the stump that you stand with bare feet on the stump and open your root chakra and plunge it into the tree and ask for the essence of the tree to flow through you and become a part of your heart.

      I have taken on the essense of a number of blessed guardian trees over the years. Trees understand the dynamic of long patient life and self-less-ness and so are willing to stand in any situation for aeons and just as ready to be released from their earthly vehiicle to assist the collective.

      Your trees have stored up much energy and in the releasing of their earthly body the energy becomes available to the collective for great change. Tap into that–invoke and intend for the energy to be used for the collective good–and ask your tree to set permanent protection around your space of love…it will be so.

      huge hugs…

      1. Alex, thank you so much for your reply. It is the actual physical presence that I miss, for this Tree represented Mother, nurturing, protection, a sense of being held. What I didn’t say, was in the meditation I had, I saw and felt the trunk of this Tree merge with my core. It was beautiful.

        As for the grinding… is already done. I took the grindings and spread them in my gardens, to keep the physical essence here.

        I also am planning on planting another tree this September, one that will not grow as big. This too will be my Mother Tree in the flesh.

        Big (((HUGS))) and my condolences to your loss. Accepting the loss of the physical presence of anyone is difficult, even knowing there is no death. Peace, Alex. And much Love.

      2. Thank you for sharing that wonderful knowledge about trees. Trees, especially pines, mean a lot to me, and I have a special pine by the lake where I have been sitting during the years, holding its roots, cleaning and filling myself by its energy. They are powerful.

        Much Love,


    3. Welcome back Amy! I felt something special was happening – and indeed it was! I can understand that those trees were an important part of you life, as my guardian tree also is. They were meant to help you now.

      Much love to you,


      1. Aw, thank you, Birgitta. Bless you! As usual, I don’t understand totally the “all” of an occasion as I wrote about here. I was in great surprise when the CC’s spoke about roots and soil today. I know the “process” that unfolded was yes very painful (as most trench work is) but so very needed. As time passes, I will get more clues as to the understanding.

        I really am deeply touched by your words. As I can attest, the “ferocity” of what was transmuted is in my opinion, a direct correlation that we truly are in the “last trimester”. The stuffings were kicked out of me, quite frankly. The only way I have been taught, when transmuting, one must BE amongst the muck, in order to transmute. When it is all over, know it, and rise to HIGH once again.

        I did some serious butt kicking! And then to know a 2 foot snake lay dead under my window…….whoa. I bow in turn to Snake offering His life for the Process.

        Love, Amy

        1. Good to see you back Amy and to read about your weekend. I noticed that you were quiet and wondered what you were going through. Thank you for sharing your experience. It always touches our hearts one way or another.

          1. Thank you, Nancee. This summer has been one of many losses for me, yet in those losses, I have found great Gifts. When understanding comes, and it does, what transpired after the fact, would not have been possible if the losses were not experienced. Growth comes from places outside of the “nest”, outside of our comfort zones. At least I have found this to be very true.

            I am grateful to your for the words spoken here. Much heart gratitude.

            Love and Hugs, Amy

  22. Where are we in all of this?

    About 1 month away, September 22, 2013, our new birth day. The autumn equinox.

    I went back and reread Conscious Awareness from 3/28/2103. It is channelled out of Australia and is the only other trusted and consistant source that I follow.

    1. OK I guess I screwed up and wasn’t able to finish my post.

      Conscious Awareness has said for the longest time that December 21, 2013 was the start of the birthing process. It takes 9 months. The article from 3/28 describes this and labels it as a Divine Gift to all of us.

      If you look to the top left of this webpage, you will see ”

      channelings”. Put your mouse arrow over it and a popup will bring you all of these channelings. Please read the one above – you will see how it aligns with the CC’s messages only says it in a slightly different way.

      1. Oh my very goodness, Jeff. THANK YOU SO MUCH for offering this!!!!! I follow the Hj, too, and always benefit greatly from CA’s messages. I needed to read it again as well. I highly recommend it to everyone here.

        🙂 Anna Helen

      2. Jeff,
        Thanks, I too have been reading the CAs material. There was a website that published the CA newsletter each month for free, but they stopped this about two months ago. You have reminded me it is time for me to sign-up for the newsletter myself.

        A comment about the HJ, and many other similar sites. As the CAs remind us, preparation is necessary, but the HJ focus on “ten ways to achieve…”, How to create…”, “Why you need to…”, etc. seems to miss an important point. You don’t need to do anything. It seems there is too much talk about what we “should” be doing and a building anxiety over what is to happen. For myself, it seems that what is most important is to focus upon and be very aware of my intentions. In this way, what will happen, will happen because my intentions are creating the world around me. Previously, all that “trying” and “doing” wore me out. I finally decided I am just fine exactly as I am. In fact, my daily silliness is a constant source of amusement and joy. Who better to laugh at me than myself.

        I follow Aisha’s blog and Cosmic Awareness’ precisely because they are building hope for what is to come without promising anything too specific. That would be dangerous because our intentions are still in the making. But, what is important is the world is changing and we do need to keep free from the detritus being slung from the construction site that is to be our new home (sometime in the future).

        1. Amorosidad – I am with you 🙂 I am also a person that simply live according to my heart feeling, and we don´t have to do something to achieve anything – just follow your heart and have loving eyes towards each other. Then you will be able to be aware of the miracles happening around you.

          Jeff: I didn´t like that splitting discussion in the beginning of the link you mentioned. What did it mean?

          Much love to both of you,


          1. Birgitta – The problem I have with commenting anything of length is that the bottom of the comment box starts covering the things I am trying to type. Kinda like writing blindly. I’m not a computer wiz and do not know how to stop this………Help???

            Amorosidad – I agree with you about the healers journal and their other more human articles. They seemed to have less of them but now it’s about all they post. I don’t read many of them and agree with you. Cosmic Awareness and sometimes DL Zeta is all for me.

            The article I posted is because sometimes I find it good to look back to past postings for perspective. I went back and read all of Aisha’s manuscript from the beginning a while ago and recommend it to all. There are other Cosmic Awareness postings that I will read again soon also.


            1. Jeff – I don´t understand the problem you have, and I won´t try to help you, because then I think it will be like “a blind hen leads to another” as we say ;)))

              Much love to you,


            2. Jeff,

              I am not sure of the problem, but try this: Click in the box where you are writing so you can see the cursor. Then use the up and down arrows (usually on right side of keyboard) to move the cursor (that is, scroll the cursor). This will move your text in and out of view so you can review it. When finished, scroll the cursor until you can see the last entry point and continued writing. If this doesn’t work, post a reply and I will figure out how to give you my e-mail address so I can provide better guidance for you. It must be very frustrating for you to have to work under those limitations.

            3. HI Jeff, I think I understand the problem you are having typing. When our message gets long we end up at the bottom of our screen. What I do when this happens is go to the right side of the screen, click my mouse on the little scroll shape (different on every computer) and slide it down so that your typing area goes UP. (The same thing you’d do to view a webpage that is extended below your viewing sight.) I hope this helps as I find it difficult to explain computer things. I have opened your suggested site and will read after I make supper for my friend. Thank you for sharing. I find it difficult to go back into my typing on here as the cursor often won’t blink but usually it is in the position I click!

        2. Yes I too noticed that the Healers’Journals’ articles made me feel less-than, like I was doing something wrong if I wasn’t doing all that the articles were advising. It made me feel like giving up. Who can apply all those techniques the various authors tell us to do? It becomes overwhelming. I like the channeled messages from the CCs and Cosmic Awareness also, because they don’t chastize us or make us feel we can’t succeed unless we are applying all these techniques. We are all dealing with enough bombardment with the current energies, and need encouragement and support, which I find here.

          1. I am quite with you Sunny! Trust your gut feelings when you are reading – I didn´t have a good feeling either.

            Hope your depression has eased a little 🙂



            1. Birgitta, Thank you so much. I am taking herbal supplements for the depression and they are working. Sending you energy for you to have the most wonderful day!

      3. BIG (((HUGS))), Jeff! Thank you! I will take all the encouragement I can possibly take!


      4. Hi Jeff, Just wanted to clarify that the channel is called Cosmic Awareness and is channeled through Will Berlinghoff at the present moment but has been coming through various scribes since the early 1970’s.

        I have followed Cosmic Awareness very closely and then very loosely after the fall of their online forum group following the 12/21 non-event. It was very sad to see that the group took what cosmic awareness said literally and could not fundamentally reset their thoughts or understand that even things in the astral change and the future is not yet written.

        Denise LeFay does a wonderful job of “interpreting” cosmic awareness, who’s message has indeed changed significantly over the last few years as the future we are co-creating has changed. Find old channelings on the plant B scenario and its chilling…then again the message from our CC’s in the beginning was a lot more sober than it is now–if anyone has the time it is an absolutely enlightening exercise to start reading the manuscript of survival from the beginning and watch the transformation of the message as Aisha gets clearer in her interpretation (an absolutely breathtakingly beautiful experience!!!) and as CC picks up on our energy and longing and the collective desire for the light and even learns to communicate in a much more loving and kind way.

        Just some rambles…we are indeed in the 3rd trimester–kicking and moving around in the blessed womb of our mother Sophia-Gaia, and when we are birthed spiritually as newly born enlightened beings, we will be as babies and we will need to learn how to utilize all of our new skills and reorient ourselves to the world around us. What’s cool though is that we will have tons of loving god mothers and god fathers to help us! 🙂

        I would also note that we are in exactly the right place we should be. Divinely orchestrated and guided, the universe unfolds in front of us as it should. Hugs! 🙂

        1. Thanks Alex
          Cosmic Awareness – right on! Thanks for your comments. I’ve already started looking into Denise LeFay. More to learn, and I do appreciate the help.

          Thanks Amorosidad
          Wow up and down arrows – who would have thought of that? LOL
          Not me! (but I think you have me on the right track)

          tao (p) – Thanks for the link. I’ll check it right now.

          Much love to all

  23. Isn´t this a MESSAGE!!! Thanks Aisha and CCs!

    I just came in from a talk with my neighbour, and I really can feel that the soil really is loosening under her feet. Incredible! And she was one of my best friends!!!

    I am reminded of this song that we sometimes use to sing in my Gospel Choir. Our rock is our Pond.

    Take care, deep breath and lots of love to you all,


    1. How beautiful, Birgitta! Yes, it’s very appropriate to this pond and to this very message. Oh, Whitney…what a gift she gave to the world…

      Thanks for posting this. 🙂 AH

  24. I shall continue rejoicing!

    Thanks LYS! 🙂 Yes, I read your comment the other day about this meaning “light” in Dutch. It positively suits you, of course. Thank you CC’s and ponders…so glad we have this still, smooth place to float and play!

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