A short update on the energies

Intricately woven into the fabric of the Universe. There you are. A vibrating thread of consciousness, connected to everything else. Every step you take is registered. Every thought, every action. Rippling out, becoming part of the shimmering fabric that is life. With every step, you shift it all forward. With every conscious thought, you lift everyoneContinue reading “A short update on the energies”

A short update on the energies

From the softness comes the strength. From the stillness all movement. From trust comes the courage to venture into the unknown. Listening beyond the noise, you will find the wisdom to choose. Strength in numbers is nothing compared to a fearless heart. A traveler will always find his way when he trusts his inner compass moreContinue reading “A short update on the energies”

A short update on the energies

The electrification of the masses keeps expanding. Fluctuating magnetics continue to cause minor and major tectonic shifts, within and without. Being grounded is the best way to find a foothold in these changing times, something Mother Earth willingly provides. A safe haven is offered to anyone seeking Her assistance. Ask, and ye shall find, isContinue reading “A short update on the energies”

A short update on the energies

Droplets of light are entering your space, expanding your field of consciousness. Like a leaf unfurling in spring, you begin to expose your new Self to the world. It might feel daunting at first, and the urge to withdraw can be strong. But soon, your confidence will soar, and you will be ready to flyContinue reading “A short update on the energies”

Equinox Message

Intermittent bursts of interstellar activity signal the next phase of human evolution. The magnetized particles will shift the trajectory of mankind. Enlightenment is inevitable. Transparency imminent. Redirection of focus will follow. Stay tuned to the galactic choirs. They sing songs of encouragement while the old establishments continue to crumble and fall. From the ashes, a newContinue reading “Equinox Message”