The final chapter

Beloved family of light!

Yesterday, my sister and I returned from what I can only describe as a sacred journey. It has brought healing, closure, release and clarity on a huge scale, acting as a catalyst to help bring about a profound shift for us all. It has been a journey where we have been blessed by the presence of many of you, both in person and in spirit, for the work we have been carrying out while we have been away from home is truly a collective endeavor, one that encompasses a large number of people over a long period of time, and I want to thank every single one of you for what you have brought to this. No names are necessary, for you all know who you are, and I can only extend my deepest gratitude to you for helping to make all of this come into being.

Exactly six months ago, when I returned from another sacred journey to Crete, I posted a message welcoming you to the New World and New Pond, and today, it is time for me to post my final message here. Ever since I got the first installment of The manuscript of survival on August 16 2011, I knew that this part of my journey would end one day, and now that day is here. For I have been shown that this version of the Pond has fulfilled its designated purpose in the creation of the New World, and now, we must all step away from this space and create something very new.

For my task is no longer to be the “Pond mistress”, the one that holds this space and anchors the energies. Because what we have created here together is an energetic structure that is self-supporting and complete, and it will continue to support us all as we continue on our individual journeys. So the tapestry of light we have created here will not unravel, it will simply begin to unfold and evolve and encompass even more shining souls in some very new ways as we all follow our inner guidance from this point onwards and outwards.

For now, we do have everything we need at our disposal, for now, such a deep reservoir of light has finally been released from the depths of Mother Earth herself. That energy is SO huge yet so soft, and as long as we continue to fully embrace our own selves and our own powers, this wave will carry us anywhere we want to go. I know that some of you also have tasted this crystal clear energy already, and from what I have witnessed over these last few weeks, there are no limits to what we can create now – as long as it comes from a place of pure JOY.

For this next stage will be all about CREATING from the heart for every single one of us, as we all finally begin to realize and release all of the potential we each have within us. I do not know what my next task will be, but I do know it will involve communication in one way or the other. I do believe that my art will begin to play a much larger part in my life, and that I will use it to convey the energetic messages that I still know will be mine to share. I also know that my sister and I will continue to travel and do the kind of energetic groundwork we have been doing in Norway, in Crete and in other parts of the world during these last four weeks.

I will leave this space open for comments for a few more days to give you all the chance to set up some new paths of interaction leading out from this Pond. I know that some of you will feel called to create your own communities and to keep up the conversations and co-creation that you have helped to initiate and evolve here, for this is indeed a time for many of us to step into some very new roles. So by closing down this Pond, I am doing what I can to help to scatter all of the potent seeds that have matured here to new and fertile grounds, so that they in turn can begin to sprout and grow into new “Ponds” in their very own space and in their very own way.

But even if this Pond will become silent, it will continue to speak to all of those who feel called to come here. I will close the comments section, but other than that, everything that has been shared here both by me and by every single of you will still be here, serving as a vibrant library for those who will follow in our footsteps one day. And so every single word, every single image and all of the energetic imprints we have co-created here will live on, acting as signposts and tools in the future.

I thank you all for everything you have brought to this Pond and for everything you have brought to this world. I also want to thank all those who have helped to bring these messages even further out across the globe. For together we have brought CHANGE, by allowing ourselves to embody the light in a way that no one has ever done before. Our paths may take us in different directions from now on, but we will all still be a part of this same amazing grid of light that we have co-created here. It has been such a blessing to be allowed to BE a part of this process and to be allowed to witness the emergence of something so powerful, so vibrant and so beautiful as YOU.

So I thank you all for allowing me to walk part of this journey in your company. It has been a journey spanning more than three years, 570 posts and almost 90 000 comments. Perhaps our paths will cross again some time in the near or far future, but until then, I wish you all Godspeed. You are ALL magnificent, and it has been such a wonderful gift to get to know you. And by closing this book, we can all begin anew, finding new ways to co-create something even more amazing than what we have accomplished so far – by allowing the joy that is ours to come all the way out into the open. For now, it is finally time for us all to dare to fold out our wings fully and allow this powerful new updraft to lift us all and this entire planet all the way up to where we do belong.

And finally, this is the last message the CCs want me to share here:

The manuscript of survival – part 435

“So let us begin this one final issue of this volume of light by saying that this is not the end, this is the beginning of a whole new chapter in the life of All of creation. For now, you all stand poised to take that affirmative final step forward, the one that will tell ALL that you have finally decided to truly become the one you set out to be. And so, the celebrations have already started, for we can already see the commitment of your stride becoming apparent, as one by one you will step out of this door and enter the true halls of your own greatness. For what lies ahead is not idleness for any of you, for you are not here to simply BE, you are here to do great deeds indeed, deeds that will continue to change not just your planet, but the entire fabric of Creation.

For you are all true creator Gods, far greater than you have yet been able to see through those narrow slits of validation that constitute the former version of you. For now, you have awakened as the ones you are meant to be, the magnificent ones, the seers of light and not just the transmitters of light. For now, it is time to open your eyes fully to the greatness that you do harness, the greatness that is meant to become through your own actions and through your own words, through your deeds and through your imagination. For you are the creators, the ones that will help to give birth to and to nurture ALL of the great ideas that must come into being, the ideas who are still merely embryonic figments of potential if anything at all at this stage. For you are the ones who will give them wings and set them free to roam so that All of creation can lift off and into an even more elevated version of existence.

So go forth and create, go forth so that all of these ideas in turn can procreate a myriad of other ideas that will help ALL to see life the way that you see it. For you have managed to tear away the veil that has shut the eyes of so many, not just of mankind, but in so many other places of Creation as well. So allow that true force of the light to penetrate all the way into your newly awakened being, and allow that light to help you to push off from these by now so familiar shores and set sail for what is truly YOUR destination. For now, you will all scatter in every direction of the compass, not to diminish this truly impressive force of light that you have been so successful in amassing by coming together in this space, but to actually make it come into its full force by opening up the space in between you in such a way, All of creation gets the oh so necessary space it needs to finally expand out from its own limiting borders.

For you are the true pioneers, the ones that will help not just mankind, but All of creation come so much closer to fulfilling the task of finally expanding into its own true greatness, and as such, it is indeed time for all of you to do just that. So go forth with your heads held high, and know that for every step you take out into the hitherto unborn potential that lies there dormant on all sides, know that your very intention to explore it will awaken not just the ability but also the deep need to do so in ALL.

So once again we thank you all on behalf of All of Creation for walking with the light held high ahead of us all, and for taking us with you on this huge quest to bring the LOVE of creating out into full bloom. And know that in your footsteps so much will grow. For your love for exploration will ignite that same quest for exploring the light in so many others, and so, what you have sown by allowing yourself to carry all of this light for such a long a time and over such a long distance will now finally grow into what it was originally meant to be, a true garden of Eden that encompasses All of creation, where the love for life will finally come into its own. Thank you, that will be all from us in this space, we leave.”


Aisha North Series 5 - 2 kopi

No words can convey the gratitude, the LOVE and the joy I feel for every single one of you, so I will simply sign off with this: I love you ALL – always, forever

Aisha ❤

PS: Dear family of light! On June 2 I was guided to open up a new blog to share the channeled images that I have started to create. You can find it here:

You can also follow me on Facebook.

701 thoughts on “The final chapter

  1. Dear brothers and sisters, beloved family of light! Thank you ALL – for EVERYTHING. It is time to take to our wings and fly, so I have no more words, only LOVE. Always, forever.
    Aisha ❤

  2. Hi Vinny 🙂 ❤

    Thank you for your message 🙂 As always, I can not define what's going on – I just FEEL that something is going on 😉 Today I have a headache which is usually a sign of a larger download.

    It's still cold here in Northern Sweden. Mother Earth cleanses herself with rain and it is only a few degrees above freezing yet but the birds don´t care. They are chirping like never before and chasing each other in sheer joy over the return of light and life – and so do I :)))

    Godspeed ❤ ❤ ❤

  3. Coming Home

    Lay down…Oh lay down
    All of your doubts and worries
    Help is near…No need to fear
    Keep on moving
    To the Light

    Just know…Just know
    We’re all in this together
    Through stormy weather
    Like birds of a feather
    We will all fly through

    Straight into…Straight into
    The Arms of the Angels
    They’re guiding our way…
    Yes Everyday

    I see…I see
    The multitudes are gathering
    Oh what a sight
    Angels in flight
    All for you and me

    So look up…Look up
    Never seen the clouds so awesome
    Never seen the sky so blue
    Never heard the birds sing so sweetly
    Just for me and you

    We are special…Don’t you see
    All are One…An Endless Sea
    All Coming Home…All Coming Home
    Yes…You and Me

    Poet Toscha…Love and Peace to All

    1. Dearest Toscha ❤ Your poems go straight to my heart ❤ Thank you for sharing them ❤ ❤ ❤


      PS. Guess I will go back later to this Last Chapter and read and listen to ALL that you ALL have shared ❤ But right now I just have to listen to the birds outside ❤

  4. Dearest Aisha and Lisbeth, as I head for my bed tonight I want to thank you both. Lisbeth I knew that I knew you the moment I saw you in Crete. It still leaves me in awe on how strong that was. I will always cherish the memory of the two of you walking towards me on that quiet street in Crete on my last afternoon. You both shone with love and opened your arms in such loving embraces. I have been through my own inner struggles these past six months but always that memory came to comfort me.

    I understand the depth of loss some are experiencing in letting go. I also feel the stirring of excitement over new beginnings. Michilyn just left the most beautiful comment. May we all “feel our dignity and majesty again”… as we go forward with the strength of knowing the family we met here, may that benediction along with so many of the closing comments, poems and songs, go before us as both the ‘flagstones’ beneath our feet and the wings upon our backs.
    I love you both. Thank you for having the courage to close the activity on this page. Thank you for setting those that you have come to love so deeply, free, to try out their wings in other areas… and for setting yourself free to follow the promptings of your hearts. With much love, ~Nancee

  5. From a relatively quiet human observer I am just sending this note. I thanked Aisha already and do so again but I wanted to say that I have felt such awe, gratitude and admiration for those of you who have had the confidence and ability to share your generous insights with souls like me that are trying to learn how to be human, spirit and discerning, that I must thank you all today and wish you all a bon voyage now our feet are firmly on the ground. I love you all, Linda xx

    1. THANK YOU Linda for being with us with your light ❤ ❤ ❤
      God bless you on the rest of your journey ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. still this space is open
    I remember sitting in the water of a pond
    during one of the gatherings It was september.
    I remember being on a hill during these connections with you all.
    One time I was alone in a tiny boat on a silent evening.
    I had a candle with me, floating on the water with my eyes closed.
    I remember a sunset at a river. Gatherings at home. The waves at the ocean.

    We did so much and came so far.
    Let´s be proud of what we have achieved
    like they say go on with the head held up high,
    even if the neck is dirty. Let´s go to work
    and rearrange the garden to a pristine beauty
    and make people feel their gravitas,their dignity and majesty again.
    Plus plants and rocks and animals.
    let there be light.

  7. wow
    so many voices, now
    i read all the comments and responded a few times
    to those i did not respond to, i say you had it covered
    i suppose this will be my last comment

    i have gratitude to you for the respect and affection
    the support, the reassurance [wow, i spelled it right first try]
    the understanding, the advice, the tolerance for someone’s occasional rant
    i know went off like a madman a few times
    probably true,, shrug
    i don’t get any gratitude in this 3d space, and yet, by you lovers, i was able to reach new heights
    there really is not a last word,
    nor a first
    one last thing to pond-er
    life is cyclical it is not linear
    comes/goes around
    you get it
    lets have a big group hug, with smooches, and giggles, and shrugs
    follow your heart

    oh yeah, now i will have time to listen to some of the stuff i had no time at that time for’
    but now there is a lot of time, maybe, i will go back to the beginning misive and read it all, listen to it all, and make up for it

    1. Dear Otmn, I’ve been sitting here watching for your final post, knowing if Aisha didn’t close this site it would come. For me your words, here in the late hours of the evening symbolize the closing comments to me. There have been great songs shared, creative poems… some how over the past couple of years (minus my time away to nurse some wounds) it was your late evening posts that closed down my evenings. So tonight you close down more than the evening… you close down a big chapter in my life. The Pond will go on… openly at the new pond site and more ‘silently’ in the hearts of the people here all over the world. So many lives have been touched and you sum it up so well. I think seeing you stretch, learning to handle so many of ‘our’ female emotional rants touched my heart the deepest. You grew to accept that it’s just the way some of us make it through this world of ours. Thank you for that gift. ~Nancee

  8. Old Soul

    Just an Old Soul
    Just an Old Soul
    Just an Old Soul
    Tryin’ to move along

    Want to go home
    Need to go home
    Must go home
    No more to roam

    Feel the callin’
    Hear the callin’
    Know whose callin’
    To take me home

    Back to Being
    Just me Being
    No more heartache
    For this tired Old Soul

    Oh come and get me
    Oh come and get me
    Oh come and get me
    And let me see

    Know Heavens comin’
    Hear footsteps runnin’
    All God’s children
    Are gonna be free

    Love to all!
    Poet Toscha 5/1/2015

  9. Oh have SO MUCH to say. To tell you about my journey that these channelings from the CCs and these messages from you, Aisha, and This incredible Community have helped Greatly, but apparently i am supposed to keep this short so I will jut say a PROFOUND THANK YOU from the CENTER of MY BEING for this blog, this community, the beautiful creation it has become and ALL the incredible and yet beautiful growing pains. I know there are still MANY more, but the difference is that they ALL now feel VERY Capable, Possible, Doable…REAL! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!:)
    If anybody wants to reach me my website is:, FB -AllowingtheLight and email is:

    Love to EVERYONE ❤
    Blessings and Beauty to ALL,
    Carolyn 🙂

    PS: Aisha, I can feel it IS time, but that doesnt mean you and this beautiful act of Love (The Manuscript for Survival) and the Entire Incredible Community here wiill not be missed , but it Will Be Forever in our Hearts. I do hope we will meet sometime in the future so I can give you a hug, but for now heres a virtual hug ❤ 🙂 …many Blessings sweet friend.CR

  10. Movin’ Up

    I’m movin’ up
    You’re movin’ up
    We’re movin’ up up up
    To a brighter day

    And the feelin’ is this
    The feelin’ is bliss
    Gonna be bliss bliss bliss all day

    Won’t you come along
    Help me sing this song
    Gotta a ticket to ride
    Be by my side

    To a brighter day
    To a brighter day
    No more blues
    For you and me

    Oh hear that song
    That heavenly song
    Heavens comin’ down
    To earthly ground

    Can you feel it
    Oh can you feel it
    No more despair
    Loves in the air

    Oh brighter days
    Yes brighter days
    Heaven on Earth
    For You And Me!

    Sending out Love
    To Everyone on Planet Earth
    ‘Mother Gaia’

    Love to All!
    Poet Toscha 5/1/2015

    1. Hey Nice ! and Wow! I just wrote “Love Is In The Air” above your post -before reading your post. CoolNess. Love you and I had just finished reading your most wonderful Pond poem on the last page which sparked me to come back and post the May song. Just Lovely. ❤
      ~Love Is In The Air~

    2. You are a GREAT poet Toscha! Thank you for sharing ❤
      Love & blessings on the rest of your journey ❤ ❤ ❤

    1. ever since seeing and hearing a very jubilant Vanessa Redgrave sing this song…I have sung it either out-loud or inwardly each May 1 for a good many years now
      ❤ Hugs ❤ Lets be silly, frolic and dance around the May Poll ! well, maybe after some sleep for me 🙂

  11. “And – YES – you are my friend on FB – and I even sent an answer to you – though belated 😉 There is SO MUCH on my FB and I cannot manage to follow up everything and always but as I checked it up again this morning I cannot see any more messages other than the one about Enrique Iglesias. So – we will have a channel open 🙂

    Love ❤


    Ahhhhhhh…..I just checked and saw your message.

    I’ve been sporadic on FaceBook for a few years now.

    It used to be my main form of communication blast outwards into the human collective, but then I was directed/urged elsewheres.

    The few times this year that I’ve been urged to post again and spread the info in the spiritual FB Groups, I get a dump of “Friend Requests” right after the posting.
    It’s the same as what happened on YouTube (although my totally unexpected YouTube following was unexpectedly massive). People still craving to become disciples.

    (Peering at your FB Message)


    “Like I said to another person that would like to be my FB-friend lately – I appreciate if it is a mutual interest to be my friend on FB – not just a follower wacthing me in silence – without any actual exchange”


    Oh. Hell.

    I did not realize there were to be any conditions involved.
    That’s something I haven’t encountered before on Facebook!

    I certainly did not anticipate this conditional reaction, but I’m so sorry B, I can no longer operate that way (on conditional levels)…..and if this FaceBook situation bothers you in any way, as it surely must, apparently, please go ahead and “de-Friend” me.

    Maybe that’s for the best. And this is undoubtedly another HS “sign”/big-ass billboard message flashing brightly.

    Because I am rarely on FaceBook now (although that may change again, if my HS decides in that direction)…

    And according to your Expectations it will seem to you like I am watching/following you around with no exchange — when that’s actually not the case at all.
    I’m simply just not there. Doing anything.

    Until I’m otherwise directed by the Higher Realms and their social media machinations to use my physical form to get the information out there, at the Perfect Timing(s) — to the greatest number of people….in the rather conveniently HUGE FaceBook Groups.

    1. that’s funny
      you make me laugh
      your giggle has got to be around here,
      someplace; look around
      and a hug that ha s to hurt

    2. Dearest Kiera ❤

      When people that I don´t know – from my own as well as from other countries – want to be my friend on FB I use to ask them how they found me and why they want to be my FB-friend. This is – mostly – a curiousity from my side to get to know how our connections come about 🙂 There have been unusually many foreigners who want to be my FB-friend lately and either they choose to say that they really appreciate my question and the short presentation of myself that I give (not necessary in your case 😉 and others don´t answer at all – and then I don´t accept them as my FB-friends either. Lately I said the same thing to Lin like I said to you Kiera (or her husband Guy as Lin doesn´t have a FB-account of her own albeit she has been my private "email-friend" for a couple of years now). An unknown male person from a foreign country did NOT give an answer back to me and my answer to him, as he said I had to accept him as my friend before he would answer, was that I don´t want to have friends on conditions ;)))

      That said – earlier in my FB-history (guess I have been on FB since 2009) I didn´t ask why people wanted to be my friend like I have done the last couple of years. I have the right to do so if I choose to do so and that gives me a tiny hint of their "openness" 🙂 But it is not on my table to take responsibility for how they choose to react to my questions 😉 I've actually thought about to check which ones are my friends, and delete the ones I do not have a clue who they are because they never raised their voice 😉

      I am who I am – and will always BE 😉

      Much love ❤ ❤ ❤

  12. coolness! I was waiting for the perfect time to put this song here. Had a powerful experience with it cranked up a decade or so ago. The vibrant/full of Joy energy I put into the clouds at my home at that time left me totally exhilarated! I will never forget it. Later bought the CD even. 🙂 And…My Mom called me about 1/2 hr later….she said “did you see those clouds?! “I felt something looking up at them”. Ahhh (as did the whole world they traveled too!)
    Crank It Up~!!!
    Thanks Michael !!! ❤ XO

  13. Hi Vinny
    I think of what ‘will come out of the well’ myself 😉
    Love you ❤
    I had rings of energy move from my heart center – to my jaw – to my ears – and finally around my upper eye area — also with an energy vibration in my left kidney area. Very interesting it was and I immediately went into sitting pose to just be with it in silent darkness. This was two evenings ago. I also sensed a large craft far up above me the whole time. More happened that I have no idea consciously about at this time. Just felt like the energy took a longer time to move up to heart chakra area — and now, all in this evening, moved up to third eye and perhaps beyond. A higher connection was made and I just now recalled that the Kidneys represent 'purpose in life'.
    Enjoy my friend!

  14. Just noticed, the new water painting above has the pink legs and feet walking forward…. and with remnants of pond water behind the feet.
    Awesome Sight!! And they also make ‘an 11’ gateway 🙂
    Love To All ❤
    Aisha and your sister (who's A-Soul Star name I forgot – sorry!)…. Please each give the other a hug from me. thanks! 🙂

    1. Interesting observation Areeza on the picture. It’s clear as can be once you mentioned it. 🙂 Aisha and Lisbeth (Afathon) in case you want to make note :). ~Nancee

      1. Afathon~! thank you! 😉 XO
        Have a good night Nancee — see you at google. I just joined the new pond community there. ❤

    2. One foot has a slipper!!!
      I’m going with walking through all the heart energy in the pond!!!
      ❤ ❤ ❤

  15. Lol, I tried posting the sound of music song 3x today and it wouldn’t post. So I said – I know someone at the pond is thinking the same thing I am and will post it for me……and you did. This will be another thing I miss. We are all so connected even when some of is don’t “talk” as much as others.
    Farewell to the Pond, the best swimming hole I’ve found to date. I know another is waiting for me just around the bend……

    1. Now this would probably be the best ‘last thing’ I could ever leave here
      😀 ❤
      So Full It IS as Our Cups Runneth Over From This Lush, Glorious Pond !
      Bless You and All ~

    2. So nice to meet you dearest Sister 🙂 You will stay in my heart forever ❤ ❤ ❤
      Godspeed for the rest of your journey 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

  16. SO LONG, FAREWELL (The Children)
    ….. from The Sound of Music

    There’s a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall
    And the bells in the church too.
    And up in the bedroom, an absurd little bird
    Is popping up to say, “Cuckoo cuckoo!

    Regretfully they tell us but firmly they compel us
    To say goodbye to you.

    So long, farewell,auch wiedersehen, good night.
    I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.
    So long, farewell auf wiedersehen, adieu
    Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you.

    So long, farewell, au revoir, auch wiedersehen.
    I’d like to stay and taste my first champagne
    So long, farewell, auch wiedersehen, goodbye
    I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye~

    I’m glad to go, I cannot tell a lie
    I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly
    The sun has gone to bed and so must I

    So long, farewell, auch wiedersehen, goodbye
    Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye


    GODSPEED Everyone with Love and Laughter! The journey never ends …….. It has been grand!! ❤ ❤ ❤


      1. Farewell dear Caroline… it was wonderful for me to return to join you and the others for final ‘goodbyes.’ I’ve yet to learn to make contact in spirit so if others don’t show up on google it is like a final conscious goodbye. I both weep and laugh for leaving is never without a bitter sweetness. ~Nancee

  17. Dearest Vinny ❤

    I feel the same thing like you do. I need a break now to recover my body and just BE in the new.

    Big hug and much love to you ❤ ❤ ❤

  18. Dear Vinny! I have staretd to remove your old comments, but as you have posted more than 1000 it will take me some time to finish the task.
    LOVE, Aisha ❤

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