A short update on the energies

As the quickening continues, you will all at some time or another begin to lose your footing, and we do mean that in the very best sense. You see, what we are referring to, is your old way of maintaining focus and balance by striving to keep the old coordinates in equilibrium, and now, you will all need to be cast off from that old foundation in one way or the other in order for you to be able to complete the trajectory that you started upon in earlier times. You see, what was begun was started with the presumption that as you continued to evolve, your grounding would follow you a fair bit of the way, but then, what was old needed to be forsaken in order for you to be able to stride freely onto the projected path that lies ahead. And so, you now stand at a juncture where so much will feel as if it is crumbling around you, and even if this may sound ominous and overly dramatic to some, we think you will all find that this huge shift may not be as cataclysmic that you perhaps envisage.

You see, what we are referring to, is your energetic anchorage, the one that has held you in good stead while you were so busy rearranging the more superficial structures if you will. And so, it has not only enabled you to initiate this deep and transformative process of change, it has also given you the support you needed to stay the course. But now the time has come to cast off from that old anchorage and set sail for your new berth, the place that will serve your needs and that will also help you to be able to finalize this process of not just your individual transformation, but also the one of your entire planet. And so, know that whatever takes place in the time ahead, and no matter how much unsteadiness, unease and indeed at times even upheaval you may sense in your surroundings, know that it is all simply signals of you pulling up your anchors and of the wind filling your sails and setting you on a steady course towards tomorrow.

We know that our choice of words may seem to be rather flowery and perhaps even silly to some, but we also think you will all take in the gist of this message no matter what form we present it in. For you will all know in the very center of your being that you have now set off on a very new leg of your journey, one that will enable you all to set up a speed that up until now was impossible. For the anchors you hoist will come out so easily of the ground that they have held a steady grip on for eons, for you have prepared yourselves in the very best way for this new phase of this huge endeavour by making sure that nothing will jam up the proceedings and hold you up as you prepare to cast off and commence your onward journey.

And remember, we are not necessarily talking about a translocation in a geographical sense, for this is not about taking off and leaving everything and everyone you know behind you and set off for other shores. No, this is simply an energetic journey, one that will set you racing away from the old demarcations and out into the wide open sea of potential that awaits you all, there for you to finally frolic freely upon the welcoming waters. And you will find yourself speeding ahead by aid of the friendly and powerful winds filling up your unfurled sails, pushing you all ever closer to that welcoming new anchorage ahead, the anchorage that you yourself have so carefully chosen for its location and its abundance of resources, ready to fill your every need.

226 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. I so love warhistory, I gotta try this. Bushwhackers come out of the germans and they are flying out to the cold. Happy end. Maybe they learn to drink whiskey. Das ist for your gut.

  2. Hello everyone.
    This is my 89th favourite Japanese song from ttp://oriharu.net/jhyo1.htm
    Syuhji Kuniyasu : Hey (Released Date : Apr.21, 1985)
    Lyrics : ttp://j-lyric.net/artist/a0170c4/l0058e1.html

    === These are the most beautiful books in this world written by Maria Valtorta ! ===
    5 volumes, THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD
    === The Core of Denying is Affirming ! ===
    Why do you so deny it for affirm yourself ?
    Which is your top priority instinctively ? Deny or affirm ?
    Human(Life) always affirm.
    === You can use REAL WITCHCRAFT ! (THE TOOL) ===
    ( ttps://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-417/ )
    Love & Peace & Thanks to all,


    1. Dear Amy! Your comment was stopped by the spam filter. It does so automatically if a comment has too many links in it, especially if there is no text accompanying them 😉
      LOVE, Aisha

  3. Dearest Aisha & All Ponders !….Sorry I’ve been absent, but had to take a break from the electronic world & will most likely not be around so much for the week. I think many of us have been a bit overloaded with the past weeks of high energies as well as personal issues, & for me most definitely work fatigue…..so it’s ThanksGiving weekend here in Canada & I’m taking some time for Family, Friends & Nature…All I’ve been neglecting as of late….so just popping in to wish my extended ‘Pond Family’ a most wonderful & ‘Happy ThanksGiving’ ! & in view of all the turmoil that is going on in & of the world, we surely have so much to be ‘Thankful’ for !…..Love to You All !……Bev~

    'Happy ThanksGiving'

    & a perfect time of the year here at home for a relaxing break with some genuine ‘Earthing’ … ‘Water’ – ‘Tree’ bonding ! Thank You Mother-Earth !!!

      1. This is just a tremendous nice picture bev~!!! Thank you ❤

        Though I cannot – and don´t want to 😉 – compare my pictures with your professional ones, I can´t help but showing you my magical water picture of yesterday.


          1. Yes – and now I realize what the CCs mean by saying:

            “And so, know that whatever takes place in the time ahead, and no matter how much unsteadiness, unease and indeed at times even upheaval you may sense in your surroundings, know that it is all simply signals of you pulling up your anchors and of the wind filling your sails and setting you on a steady course towards tomorrow.”

            Love back to you JJ ❤


        1. Thanks be,Bev. rejuvenate,
          life can be tiresome sometimes.
          Luckily we know where to activate more love!!!! ❤
          gratitude always!!! :).

    1. Thank you bev~ for this wonderful picture ❤ Yesterday I had the need of being out for hours taking pictures though overcast and grey weather which isn´t the best circumstances for taking pics 😉 Nevertheless – I just had to fill my eyes with her beauty 🙂

      Love ❤


      1. B you would be surprised, if your not taking photos at sun set or sun rise, cloudy days are amazing,,,,, just like your images from yesterday. 🙂
        Pond picture seems like the refection of the tree in the water is coming out of the fog!!! Spiritual!!!!

        1. Thank you for getting the message in the pic and thank you for always supporting us all with your perfect videos and never ceasing joy and humour ❤

          Love, light & gratitude ❤


  4. Wow. I am very verbal today. What’s up with Mercury right now?! 🙂

    I want to share something I feel is very important. Recently there was a discussion here at the Pond regarding different approaches to lightBEing. Talk of do we need to merge both dark and light “sides” or be all about the “positive” aspect of Source. I fully believe there is more than one road to Mastery, and that different points of view are necessary. And here is an example of why.

    I am one who has danced with and embraced the dark in myself and in the world through my experiences. But that is my choice and my journey. Sometime in the last couple of months, I was offered an “assignment” in which some EXTREME and I mean EXTREME!!!! perpetrator / victim energy (involving a particular thing that has been occurring in the world) was brought up for clearing / transmutation. I was asked if I was willing to take this on. Of course I agreed. It was suggested that I gather my Pond family around me for support. What I had to do was allow this energy to fully engulf me from both perspectives. The perpetrator “souls” needed to know that they were understood, forgiven, and coaxed into a state of trust so they would know they could reenter the light without fear, judgement or rejection. The victim “souls” needed to know that they were understood and that they could reenter the light without fear of their safety being violated again. Anyway, in order to do this, I had to fully engage with both energies, and there was a “chance” I could sort of get “lost” or “forget myself” at those vibrations. So. I went to the Pond, and everyone gathered around me in a circle. This was an “energy,” and I could not see individuals except for our dear Bev. Bev, who I sense is more of an “all about the positive” kind of lightBEing than I am. 🙂 She stood there beside me, holding my hand as if she were a doula or midwife as we all labored to give birth to a neutralized, merged energy. She kept repeating like a mantra, “Remember your light, remember your light.”

    So we all, in our uniqueness, in our differing approaches and attitudes, preferences and perfection are indispensable as the Masters we are.

    ❤ AH

    1. (popping in again, still cleaning—takes me awhile 🙂
      My Dear Gracious God, AH, you (and Bev) are Powerfully fearless. I Love you both as much as you are fearless. Thank You deeply for what you (both) take on. I Love you 2 to the depth of my Soul+. God/Source must be well pleased with you two already, and you’re not even done… I know there are a few more Ponders standing in a circle with you both—everyone knows who they are. You All Shine like the Sun. With my Love, Gratitude and Respect. See you in Crete. xox Lin ) ❤ ❤ ❤

    2. how I “”LOVE YOU””””……& am Always with You !…..REmember that ! Mother has also been talking to me about the dark & understanding it more for it to be processed & transmuted….interesting !….when I get my batteries re-charged I’ll share more of this energy packet Mother delivered the day of the Gathering……..Big Robust Huggs to You….Love, Bev~

    3. Thank you for your post ❤ I have suspected that you were not completely idle in your silence 😉 Thank you for all rough stuff you're doing for All of Creation ❤

      Love you ❤


    4. Dear AH, dear Bev, dear brothers and sister of the Pond – how can I thank you all for the wonderful work that you do? You are the bravest of the brave, shining souls allowing yourselves to go “where no man has gone before”- in every sense of the word. For what you do, you do for ALL, and I send my love and my eternal gratitude to you all! And AH, the lioness of the light – thank you so much for sharing your story! I know it is not by accident that you and so many others have become so “verbal” now as others have been guided to step back. For this is a “push and pull” situation, were some will be called to step into the open while others will be asked to work more behind the scenes for a while, but we are ALL adding our tremendous energy to this collective endeavour – every day and in every way. I love you all more thna words can say, and I am forever grateful to know that I am a part of this amazing family of light 🙂
      Aisha ❤ ❤ ❤

  5. LEOTHILDA! Mind blowing is right! 🙂

    Here is another common thread with lions. One one my deepest, long-held desires is to “walk with lions.” I have had many visions of myself living in peace and harmony and communication with them as a human member of their Pride. Earlier this year, I had a wonderful meditation. It was much more detailed than what I am about to say, but here is the part regarding the lion. I was in a large dark auditorium – like room with many people. To my right was an opening to a lighted hallway. Suddenly a large group of “wild” animals came running through this hallway. Everyone in the room panicked and ran away to the back, except me. I sat there calmy watching the animals go by. A huge lion came and sat in front of me and I knew I was supposed to follow him out into the lighted hallway. I buried my hand in his magnificent mane as we walked side by side. To me, this lion represented the Christed Consciousness. We went outside into this beautiful fresh world, pristine and pure. As we walked along, he became smaller and I became bigger until we were the same size.

    I had a real, actual cat companion a few years ago named LEO. 🙂

    Sometime last year, I downloaded Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina and read it for the first time. Shortly after that, I happened upon a fairly recent film adaptation of it, though I have never seen the original one with Greta Garbo, who I completely relate to. “I want to be let alone.” 😉

    Which brings me to your other comment about your disomfort and panic attacks and visitors and slowly getting used to having unseen beings around. Your comment about that was one of those moments where you feel “everything I have experienced in my life has been in preparation for this,” as well as “everything happens exactly the way it needs to.” (I am very frustrated trying to express this in words, and English is my first language!). Ok. Number one: when I first felt the urge to visit Birgitta (in particular), I kind of had a certain way I wanted that to happen. I was not going to tell anyone I was doing this. What I wanted was to accomplish it, and then have Birgitta post on the Pond, “Anna Helen, did you really, actually come visit me last night, or was that all just my imagination??!!” That would have been the ultimate confirmation for me. However, when she posted her photo, I knew it was time to say something. I did not foresee how uncomfortable this whole idea might make people, though I should have. Because Number two: I have had a lifetime of experiences in which my trust, privacy and physical being was violated in one way or another. Many experiences of this. Including being watched and filmed by a third party (without my knowledge) in a very intimate moment with a trusted lover. I’ve had many complications with post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, hypervigilance, agoraphobia, extreme boundary issues, isolating myself, wanting to shut out the whole world and everyone in it, just to feel safe. I would rarely feel safe even when entirely alone. Most of that is resolved and healed and released now, though on occasion, it wil still get triggered in one way or another. What I am clumsily trying to get to here is that I COMPLETELY empathize with what I am feeling from you and Birgitta, which is “Yes, this idea of teleportation is exciting, but please approach with caution, because I need to feel safe in it.” It is almost as if my life experience has led me to a place of utter compassion in this, that I needed to be able to KNOW beforehand how NOT TO EVER violate someone else while asking if I can “come visiting.” And my own experience with unseen beings has helped me with this, because I did have to grow into a state of comfort and trust with them. I did have to understand that all of the visits, whether with a soul on the “other side” of the veil or human to human through teleporation are done in agreement from all parties involved and in an absolute state of trust, security and LOVE.

    ❤ AH

    1. AH, My heart goes out to you on your path that was “bumpy” and that you realized it for what is was, a piece of the Divine, which you surly are. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. <3. <3. <3.

      1. Thank you, michaelmichael. 🙂 Yes, I do realize it as a piece of the Divine. Absolutely.

        BTW, Autumn is my favorite season, particularly the changing of the leaves, so I love your other gravatar here. I have one “somewhere” attached to annahelenfoster as all ONE. Interesting outer reflections of our inner selves, no?

        ❤ AH

        1. Hi AH,
          Word press dose what it wants to. So let’s see what name it gives me this time!!! 🙂

    2. I know you mean well, AH. It´s ok. And really, you can´t tell in advance either for obvious reasons, can you? 🙂

      Your post could very well been written by me myself. Isolating myself and almost never attend at social gatherings, unfortunately I still do.

      But, I can´t say lions have been of special importance to me before, until this year. More leaning towards elephants, which I think is my totem.

      Do you know I´ve heard from a well educated man; Jesus was born in Leo (the sign) with every planet in their ruler sign.

      The movie is at http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/4491880/Anna_Karenina_%28Greta_Garbo_1935%29.avi

      When the last missive (before this) was posted, trying to read it, I could hardly think. But now the words Bixie said about ‘piece in mind’ is fitting very well. The message is delivered. I mean I´ve been commenting like crazy this weekend and the unseen has pushed me to it. Has been very emotional, especially yesterday seeing Avatar again. Cried a lot of love tears, I´m not a crying person, but feel deeply.

      I have to say good night now. Soon it´s morning here ❤

      1. Oh, thank you, Bev! How wonderful this is. Somehow I did not see the actual video when you shared it before.

        I love you too and know you’re always with me. 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more of what you have to share from your “energy packet!”

        ❤ AH

    3. Dearest Anna Helen ❤

      I remember your amazing story about your experience with the lions and once again tears my eyes and my heart rejoices with gratitude when you tell your vision again ❤

      I also get tears in my eyes and my heart cheers of gratitude for what you say you fully understand, "Yes, this idea of ​​teleportation is exciting, but please approach with caution, because i need to feel safe in it."

      It has nothing to do with that I have ever had the experiences you had – not what I'm aware of anyway, but I had the need to be quite clear to you in my feelings. It's strange, because I feel such a sincere and heartfelt love for you Anna Helen and it can not be misunderstood.

      Anyway – "violate" is a harsh word in my ears and it's not how I feel. Though I'm a loner, I am also open and spontaneous (and sometimes a bit crazy 😉 and welcome people who show up and do not have any fears in that case, but when even Tijen showed up with her to question if I felt her hand on me, I felt like the emperor in the "Emperor without clothes"

      An important lesson I received during my trip is to put myself first – at all times – as I have ALWAYS been the one who always made ​​sure that everyone else felt good first and never claimed my own opinion but chose to be quiet for the sake of domestic peace. It may perhaps be perceived nuisance to others but I have to follow my very truth in this although, of course, it sometimes is necessary to deviate from this approach.

      I appreciate that you reached out to me again in this matter Anna Helen and I really appreciate your insight "It is almost as if my life experience has led me to a place of utter compassion in this, that I needed to be able to KNOW beforehand how NOT TO EVER violate someone else while asking if I can “come visiting.”

      All my love to you ❤


      1. Thank you Johannes! Here is another one – full of colour 🙂 I try to figure out how to share all my pics via link from my walk in the forest today. I took at least a hundred pics as I just couldn´t get enough of Mother Nature ❤


  6. Just sailin in with a quick hello and LOTs of LOVE

    I feel the lines tying this sailboat to the dock snapping left right and center…all that’s left is to pull UP anchor and whip out these sails

    Heeeere we goooo…with the flooow
    Destination Paradise!!!

    1. Enya always sooth me with ease, thank you dear Amy❤︎today I feel like just wanna watch all dolphins swimming along with boat, and count how long all flying fish can hover😃

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