The grain of sand that makes the pearl

Dear friends!

So much has started to sprout here these last 24 hours or so, and much of it was started by Philip and Bixie and what you shared around the topic Philip calls the “Infinite Silence”. This has triggered so much in many of us, so thank you for setting off this shower of sparks, and thank you to everyone who has added their insights to this!

I was woken up at around 2:30 this morning and guided to go into meditation again, and I set my intention to enter this “Infinite Silence”, and just like the night before, I chose to do it while connecting even deeper to this Pond like the CCs suggested we do in their previous message to us. As I connected to the energies, I was hoping for another experience similar to the one Philip describes, that blissful state of “coming home” and feeling as if  “sinking into a luxuriating bath”, but I was given so much more than that. For as I connected to the Pond, I saw us all as a collection of hands stretching out to each other, and the moment all of these hands connected, I heard a loud CLICK and the word “exoskeleton”. Then, this grid of connected hands morphed into a beautiful filigree sphere floating in space, and it looked very much like one of those close-up images of a grain of pollen that Bev posted earlier. Pollen has been a recurring theme here, so I started to think that this meant that we had turned into a single grain of pollen, but then, I was shown this vibrant, colorful coral reef, and it zoomed in on one of the corals so I could see that it was composed of thousands of individual little polyps connecting together to form a single, complex structure. I was also shown how these small creatures filtered the water for food, and how they spawned millions of eggs into the seawater.

Next, I was given the words “You are the grain of sand that makes the pearl” and I saw how layer after layer of luminous substance was deposited on a small grain, turning it into a pearl that then became a pristine new Mother Earth. I was reminded of the words from “A history of Creation”: “In order to create, you must have friction”, and that WE are that friction, that still point of creation, like a “membrane” connecting to the void or “sea of potential”, that enables the energetic particles there to coalesce and become manifest, the consciousness interacting with energy to create the quantum collapse. This is not new, this is how All of creation comes into being, but what IS new, is this collective effort of creation we are a part of. For not only everyone here at this Pond, but every single light worker on this planet have come together with the intention of “building a new coral reef” – a New World, and now, we have put together this exoskeleton, this foundation, that will enable us to make this world come fully into BEing by continuing to “filter” this “ocean of potential” and sifting out more and more particles and use them to manifest it all – bit by magnificent bit.

And we will continue to “seed the waters” with our eggs, our spheres of light, that we release out one by one, and they will find fertile ground in thousands of others out there and turn them into conscious co-creators of this new world also.

I did not get much sleep because of this message coming through, but while I was kept awake putting all the pieces together, I WAS in that blissful state, I felt myself floating in this “luxuriating bath”, and with every slow breath I took I inhaled more potential, and with each exhalation, I created more of this message and more of this amazing new world we are all making come alive by our presence here on this planet in this physical body. The foundation is ready, the time has come to start to create in earnest, and I know that what we will make together, will be a world that is “nothing short of miraculous”, to quote the CCs 🙂

With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha


302 thoughts on “The grain of sand that makes the pearl

  1. The commonly held belief that a grain of sand acts as the irritant is in fact rarely the case. Typical stimuli include organic material, parasites, or even damage that displaces mantle tissue to another part of the mollusk’s body. These small particles or organisms gain entry when the shell valves are open for feeding or respiration.

    Die frühere Vermutung, ein in die Muschel eingedrungenes Sandkorn sei der Auslöser zur Bildung einer Perle, wird heute von der Wissenschaft mehrheitlich verworfen. Man geht davon aus, dass ein Sandkorn einem dem Leben am Boden angepassten Tier wie der Muschel keinerlei Schwierigkeiten bereitet.


    פערל פארמירונג

    א פּערל ווערט געשאפן פון אראגנישן מאַטריאַל וואס איז די סעקרעציע פון א מאלוסק אלס רעזולטאט פון א סטימול וואס טוט אריינדרינגן אינעם אויסטער. דער מאָלוסק סעקרעטעס קאַלסייט און אַראַגאָניטע איבער צייַט, די הויפּט קאַמפּאָונאַנץ פון קאַלציום קאַרבאַנייט (CaCO3), קאַמביינד מיט אַ פּראָטעין גערופן Conchiolin שווער שטראַלן. קאָמבינינג די פּראַוויזשאַנז זענען פּיילד אויף יעדער אַנדערער אין לייַערס און שאַפֿן אַ העל פּילקע אין צייַט ספּעקטאַקיאַלער. ווען דעם פּראָצעס נעמט אָרט דורך זיך, גערופן שאָל “אויב-פּערל” אָדער מוטער פון פּערל (Nacre). פאַרקערט צו פאָלקס גלויבן, די מקור איז טעות פֿאַר אַ קערל פון זאַמד גייט אריין אַן ויסטער, אַזוי עס ראַרעלי כאַפּאַנז. דאס סטימול איז יוזשאַוואַלי אַ פּעראַסייט אָרגאַניזם, קיין אָרגאַניק מאַטעריאַל, אָדער אַפֿילו שעדיקן די ינער פּראַטעקטיוו געוועב אַז פּראַטעקץ די שעלפיש. יוזשאַוואַלי די פונדרויסנדיק סטימול אין אַן ויסטער ווען עס אָפּענס

    1. Thank you michilyn for the translations.
      It’s so much easier for me to read your comments ❤
      Danke michilyn für Deine Übersetzungen.
      Es ist so viel leichter für mich Deine Kommentare zu lesen ❤

      ❤*¨*•.¸¸.• ♥✿♡✿♥•.,,.•*¨*•.¸¸❤

      Heart greetings ❤
      I AM BIXIE Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ

  2. In the night was shown the number „2″ to me.
    This reminds me: In my experience dream someone sat behind me.

    With my hands I have also made progress.
    I sat last night quietly and put my hands folded in front of my heart center.
    I thought: „hmm, what can I do now? Perhaps breathe?” I began to breathe consciously and noticed a change in energy.
    To be sure I was not yet floating as in my experience dream, but it felt a little bit like ‚Taking Off’. That I will continue.

    This morning I noticed that my black shirt front is drawn tight at the Heart Center like a butterfly.

    ❤*¨*•.¸¸.• ♥✿♡✿♥•.,,.•*¨*•.¸¸❤

    In der Nacht wurde mir die Zahl „2“ gezeigt.
    Dazu fällt mir ein: In meinem Erlebnistraum saß jemand hinter mir.

    Mit meinen Händen habe Ich auch Fortschritte gemacht.
    Ich saß gestern Abend still da und legte meine Hände gefaltet vor mein Herzzentrum.
    Ich dachte: „hm, was kann Ich jetzt tun? Vielleicht atmen?“ Ich begann bewusst zu atmen und bemerkte eine Energieveränderung.
    Ich schwebte zwar noch nicht wie in meinem Erlebnistraum, aber es fühlte sich ein wenig wie ‚Abheben’ an. Das werde Ich fortsetzen.

    Heute Morgen bemerkte Ich dass mein schwarzes Shirt vorne am Herzzentrum so zusammengerafft ist wie ein Schmetterling.

    Heart greetings ❤
    I AM BIXIE 😀

      1. a light was dancing among no gravity beautiful lights missed there.

        #70, with eyes open was carried the light through to vast homes in 15 vehicles In EYEs in joy cotton candy.

        …- vast of -ant…prime radiants crystal ocean they I swam with vast waves of crystalline masters, waves after waves dancing in eyed open in lucid colors in I am them rising love.

        dance with 12 silence in crystal ocean in deep turquoise Lapis golden lights in tri-spirals. They I dance on easy 90 coasters in heaven sparkling vast new rainbow print colors.

        Joy of lights I am.

  3. I “see” how it works now, how “miracles” work. When one wishes for something, it will be so. This is made possible because there are different time lines and multiple spaces where the outcome comes from. It can come from any direction from any point in time, so therefore anything and everything is possible! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. These Wings Can Fly:
    I Love your shamanic experience ! thank you
    I wanted to tell you that during my own (I had a powerful one years ago) I saw the green mist. To me, it represented the Christ Consciousness and I rode upon it like a cloud and it guided me up to where there were angels.
    Just wanted to share this. Love to you ❤ Areeza

  5. def a of ‘Catch-22’ : A situation in which a desired outcome or solution is impossible to attain because of a set of inherently illogical rules or conditions.
    Now, I say it is Not impossible because of illogical rules or conditions but because of what we ‘had thought of as logical ones’ !
    Going on what Paul was speaking about.
    So maybe Donkey comes back on the flip side to show how it has, in fact, turned around. The donkey comes with a new cart of goodies.
    “Cart before the horse is an idiom expression or proverb used to suggest a conventional or culturally expected order or relationship.”
    Expect the unexpected. Throw old logic out the window for good!
    just my thought

  6. The essence of the Master Number 22 is unlimited potential of mastery in any and all areas – the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. The number 22 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new opportunities. When Angel Number 22 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths.


  7. “Dose” does look logical, when you consider that the verb is: to do.
    I couldn’t help but noticing, Sun_of Blue.
    Love to you.

    1. Maybe there is no need to understand, since logic does not apply. 🙂
      There are no straight lines here, no linear time frame. 🙂

  8. see comments on prev page 😉
    I too am having a hard time keeping us JJ and everyone ! Love, A

    1. Je t’aime, Areeza! I love us all!! Smooches all around! Hugs for everyone!! Free hugs! Hahaha! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  9. the gifts is LOVE, with all obvious experiences since little child with outer and inner and nature, & all, & last october I was reawaken in me & I heard your voice too. and everyone’s here in pond that is why I am here partially.
    I am not wired or someone special I am just me. and I am, thanks JJ

    1. thank you accepting me thank you for your love from my heart you are an angel, god, everything, and me too but funny one, please have a good day everyday I treasure today i really thank you so much jj. tomo

        1. I am grateful to you always & your love are always shinning this one light drop & many others I know. 💓 gratitude from one drop light me

      1. (((and ,,, oh my,,,, i am so glad to say this, I wrote before to aisha that 3 month straight all the voices captured me didn’t let me go non stop, all voices from everywhere. I don’t know how to describe this all things but only I know. I am working on expressing but it is so far going to my little arts & little words expression that is here what I am doing for myself to live as who I am, I am none I am just a mom but vast in me. you and all in me. it is voices telepathy transceiver from here & non physicals who what helped me so much in those 3 month it brought me here, if I say it is only my reality, but you all helped me through, your voices,))) I go to bed now. more than word thank you.

      2. Haha, our own greatness is what scares us most. Can I really be…God? Thank you again, tomo. You show me my limitations, the ones I have inside, my restrictions. Ha, I love them all, but I will change them into potential, my wishes for all of us! I think I will burst out of my skin!
        ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  10. Archangel Michael:

    You have never in physical form ― well, not since the beginning ― held such a high vibration on Gaia. It very quickly deteriorated. Now, I know that we speak in eons of time. I am not speaking about eons or decades or years of time in terms of Ascension. You are on the doorstep. The pressure from the crowd coming in and the pressure from the portal of we who are welcoming you is building. It is ready.

    So the question, my beloved friends, to each of you in your hearts, is are you ready? Have you surrendered? We have spoken of being tired being a good thing, and now we speak of the collective, that they are tired enough of the old to surrender.

    Because many have asked, how can this happen, when the majority of the human race not only doesn’t know anything about Ascension but has not agreed? What we depend on is heart and soul agreement. And the collective is so tired of the old that they are in a place, even those who appear virulently aggressive, recalcitrant, dismissive, they are so tired of the old ways. They may not know or understand fully what they are surrendering to, but they are surrendering.

    How often do you hear every day, every moment, all over the planet, there has to be a better way? This does not work anymore. We are tired. Change is a must. And the good part of that is, the encouraging part of that is that people are then looking to themselves, to their neighbor, to their partner, to their community, to say, “How can we change?”

    Here is the link to the full message:

    There is also a channeling from Archangel Gabrielle to be found there:

    [audio src="" /]

    Love, JJ ❤

    1. To surrender, that is the key, yes Paul!!! That word, surrender, stood out for me like a big sign! 🙂

    2. Hi JJ thank you❤︎ wow

      conscious crossing & evolving conversations with non physicals are all my life…. what a special day today to know, last week had start vague conversations with aa Michael that I just started. so much to look for the gifts ( that is what they said) to make me to who I am. jj i hope I didn’t hurt you without knowing but if so thank you for being here, tomo

      1. Dear tomo, you did not hurt me, only I can hurt myself, and I have done so by not allowing Love inside. You are one of the ones who have shown me Love, so much Love. So, I thank you tomo, for who you are, and for showing me what was blocking me.

        I love you, tomo!
        JJ ❤

    3. oooo ! this is exciting JJ for I have said how the collective mass had to get real tired of the old in order for this thing to kick in. I found myself talking to ‘them’ – egging them on.
      so it is. wonderful report! TU ❤

      1. Yes, we are creating this, we are the Creator Gods. I see stuff happening/egging as I’m standing there, right in front of me. I will be thinking/egging it, and someone will be speaking/egging out my thoughts. It is so cool, and it’s fun too! 🙂

  11. Look what I did:
    Here I have written some of my previous experiences.
    The most of the pictures, also the BixRon-Smilies, I made by myself, some I found in the internet.
    I use this blog no longer for my daily publications – that I prefer to write in Aisha’s blog.
    But now and then very specific things I put here in my blog.

    Schau was Ich gemacht habe:
    Hier habe Ich einige meiner früheren Erlebnisse aufgeschrieben.
    Die meisten Bilder, auch BixRon–Smilies, habe Ich selbst gemacht, einige fand Ich im Internet.
    Ich benutze dieses Blog nicht mehr für meine täglichen Veröffentlichungen – dafür schreibe Ich lieber in Aishas Blog.
    Aber so hin und wieder ganz spezielle Dinge stelle Ich hier in mein Blog.

    Heart greetings ❤
    I AM BIXIE 😀

      1. & Bixie ❤︎

        it is now including embracing all of me up to now in timeless me,
        because she is really mutidimentional fun one.

        ” Those are my(me) stories of joy.
        Truly, I love my multi-dimensional experiences” my version,
        I enjoy to be me 💓tomo

      2. Yes, that pages I mean.
        I needed to correct one of the stories because in 2006 Ron was not my husband jet, we married 12. of July 2007.

        Bixie 😀

        1. Spring 1965 ~FIRST I was a light ~moment with name.

          1970~ now in no time , Space brother’s & sister’s bodies are in me along with vehicles in primradiant.

          Thank you bixie from my heart^o^*\(^o^)/*

          1. Dear tomo i,
            thank you very much for your answers.
            I like the ‘Bixies’ you made 🐱

            ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥
            Bixie 😀

            1. that all are mini-me in no time everywhere ❤︎
              Energies that sparkles & radiates transparent doors
              I am they are in them❤︎
              transceiver-ing energy life in crossing ……OMG

                1. if so our years in no time crossing well, so it is. good night thank you so much Bixie❤︎love from the other side,

                2. Dearest Tomo! A few days ago you said “June 1 2014 mean to me lots i feel like it is a big turning point for myself to become more to who I am”. It seems you have already made that happen 🙂
                  LOVE, light and a big, big hug to you! Aisha ❤ ❤ ❤

              1. OMG is right ! these words transformed me when I read them Tomo – truly – you are a wonder to behold and I am smart so I will Be and Hold on to you! 😉

                1. holding on and enjoying the rides you are taking! that is what I mean . And you have me wanting to take so many more joyful rides myself in magical ways ! XO

                  1. I ❤︎u Breeze, I am so grateful to you always, your kindness love harmony all always teaching me lots. love seth/ u /tomo/all ❤︎

      1. Oh yes, dear Aisha, I enjoy my stories and my pictures.
        Each time I see something in the night I make a drawing, sometimes afterwards also a picture in my computer. I love that so much ❤

        Bixie 😀

  12. From : irrational, crazy, strange, wired gold medalist but it is all ok tomo,
    To : dear Paul

    Before today I was always thinking about & forgetting about why I came here for, but today by your kind words ( I listened ur words several times swimming into it and, through Lin, BIXIE, Anna, Philip, & all good souls here made me realize today, I discovered something about what I wanna be.

    is going to become me, mighty me, strange me, fun me, it could be sound strange or hard to understand but I believe my vibration/ frequency/ unique energy will show that I am having fun with all my emotions mainly fun stuffs.

    because I went through so much that no one ever understand but I wanna try for myself, my expression. so everyone please allow me from tomorrow
    it is new me ! and I am happy, thanks to all from my heart tomo
    thanks Paul. tomo

      1. thank you my goal is to become me but I like BIXIE plus Phillip spices, thanks Phillp from my ❤︎ tomo

    1. Dear Tomo, dear shining, joyfilled, old and wise but also young and vibrant spirit, thank you for bringing ALL that you are to this world and to this Pond!
      LOVE, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

      1. dear aisha, same & beyond back to you with lots of ❤︎,
        I envelope expand because you gave me so many chances like non physicals always do for me & everyone. ❤︎ huge hug from me😃

          1. thank you Aisha ❤︎ magenta is a great teacher also. her voice is so cute & teach me lots like you, thank you always tomo

  13. Musings from the state of my awareness – part 749

    I was having a discussion earlier today with my wife, about the process of “getting out of the way” to allow the things you want to happen.

    I’ve seen it expressed in many ways through the years, letting go and letting God, handing it over to the universe, and others, and the paradox was always trying to get my mind around what it felt like to do that, to surrender, to release attachment to something and yet still want it. Today we managed to come up with a metaphor of sorts that helped me understand it better from my limited linear perspective.

    Imagine youself in a room with a pile of crude oil, iron ore, bauxite, sand, copper, gold, rare earths, and so on, in just the right proportions and amounts required to make a shiny new computer like the one you are currently sitting in front of. Now, imagine you wish to have a new computer, but you want it to be just right, so you’ve decided you want to do it all yourself, the whole process, while sitting in your small room. You’ve got some tools, and a lifetime of education in the physical sciences to help you achieve your goal. You have all the time you need, 50, 100, 200 years.

    Even in that case, you still could not do it. I seriously doubt there is a person alive on Earth who would even know how to do everything needed to take raw materials, and produce a modern PC or tablet, let alone be able to do all those things alone. From the smelting of metals, refining silicon, the myriad processes and knowledge required to do this is way beyond what any of us can do alone, and yet it can be done.

    What’s more, it can be done in such a way that everyone reading this message has access to at least one of these miraculous devices, and none of us has to have any idea how it was done. The task is so far beyond any one mind, you have no choice in the matter. If you want a computer, you must let someone do it for you. That doesn’t mean you can’t have some degree of choice about what it looks like when it arrives. You can have a PC, a tablet, a smartphone, a laptop, in any number of different varieties, all to suit your own needs, but no matter which you choose, you cannot do it yourself. You must let the raw materials leave your room and trust that somewhere out there, in countless factories, refineries, smelters, manufacturers, distributors, programmers are all the skills to give you what you asked for. You cannot do it yourself, you cannot even direct the process, you must let go and trust.

    To me it feels analogous to a quantum superposition. Outside your room is an organised system so vastly more capable of producing a computer than you, that you can never understand it all. Not even those in the system have a good grasp of the whole process. Ask a Windows programmer how aluminium is smelted, or how integrated circuit lithography works and they’ll reach for Wikipedia and get a glossy dumbed down version that could never be used to actually _do_ either of those things.

    We are currently aware of inhabiting a very linear universe. (Granted, quite a few more here are aware of the non-linear side of our existence also) The linear, rational, logical world is our little room, with raw materials, and a desire for a computer. The scope of everything outside our room is so vast as to be incomprehensible, and yet it can serve our needs. Indeed it wants to do just that. The global system used to create these shiny technological trinkets exists only to serve our needs in that regard. Without us, sitting in our small room, the system becomes pointless. Without us wanting new technogadgets, the factories sit idle. But this is not about silicon based technology.

    When I was studying engineering, we learned that in certain fields (electronics being one notable one) that imaginary numbers are very useful at solving problems that cannot be solved linearly. So are irrational numbers, like pi. Both of these don’t make sense in our linear, logical world, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be used to make things that _do_ make sense. On reflecting on irrational numbers, it struck me that when a person’s behaviour is described as irrational, our society has been trained to see it as synonymous with invalid, or inappropriate, and yet that is not what it is, necessarily. How many genius creations, or inventions have been brought into this world by minds that were not “rational”? So I’ve begun to see rational thought as the linear perspective, the logical, sequential way of doing things, and irrational as the quantum superposition where anything is possible. Perhaps that’s why we’ve been trained to fear irrational people, because in fact, anything is possible, and from our fear based viewpoint, that means something “bad” can happen. Only it can’t. All my life I’ve also heard that when someone is being emotional, driven by feelings, they would be described as irrational. And that this was a bad thing. But it’s not. Or that if they couldn’t provide a logical, rational explanation for the reaction, that it wasn’t valid, it could be discarded, and in doing so we’ve thrown out the entire system outside the room, designed only to serve us. If it isn’t in this room, something I can understand, it must not be real, so we pretend it doesn’t exist.

    Until we want a new iPad, that is…



    ps. If you’re wondering where parts 1-748 went, you’re still thinking linearly 😉

    1. From : irrational, crazy, strange, wired gold medalist but it is all ok tomo,
      To : dear Paul

      my message is below

    2. OMG, i am sorry I thought your name is Paul, you are kaplunkiiboy !!!
      so below message is to actually “kaplunkiiboy” (Paul) sorry, all along I thought you are Paul !! forgive me,

      1. From : irrational, crazy, strange, wired gold medalist but it is all ok tomo,
        To : dear kaplunkiiboy
        Before today I was always thinking about & forgetting about why I came here for, but today by your kind words ( I listened ur words several times swimming into it and, through Lin, BIXIE, Anna, Philip, & all good souls here made me realize today, I discovered something about what I wanna be.
        is going to become me, mighty me, strange me, fun me, it could be sound strange or hard to understand but I believe my vibration/ frequency/ unique energy will show that I am having fun with all my emotions mainly fun stuffs.
        because I went through so much that no one ever understand but I wanna try for myself, my expression. so everyone please allow me from tomorrow
        it is new me ! and I am happy, thanks to all from my heart tomo
        thanks kaplunkiiboy. tomo

        1. Dear Tomo,

          I am Paul, I am kaplunkiiboy, sometimes I am Leo. I am all of these and none of these.

          I am, and that is all that really counts.



          ps. I look forward to the new you.

          1. thank you for your kindness Paul/ kaplunkiiboy /Leo ❤︎

            yes, I look forward to meet new me ❤︎

            but one thing remains that is ❤︎ love. tomo

    3. really “Loved” this analogy Paul !….certainly a long one but a potent one ! & the real beauty of this is that anyone can substitute any of the computer words to their own soul interests !….I completely understand as you an engineer would feel the most comfortable to create this analogy….but for me, I can imagine the substitution words to input regarding the wonderful life within Nature….even right down to the elements of air, fire, earth & ‘Water’ ! Thank you for this important sharing !
      “The Want, becomes the Will, & the Will becomes the Way”….Creation only really needs the ‘Want’ from us…& is naturally committed in providing All the rest ! (but is certainly Open to any & All participation !!!)
      Love to You !….Bev~

    4. Dear Paul, thank you so much for sharing this! ” How many genius creations, or inventions have been brought into this world by minds that were not “rational”? So I’ve begun to see rational thought as the linear perspective, the logical, sequential way of doing things, and irrational as the quantum superposition where anything is possible. Perhaps that’s why we’ve been trained to fear irrational people, because in fact, anything is possible, and from our fear based viewpoint, that means something “bad” can happen. Only it can’t.” Anything IS possible, and all we have to do, is to allow ourselves to create it 🙂
      Love and light from me, Aisha

    5. nice ! and we have not – in the recent past – nurtured genius here.
      glad to be an emotional nut job and so glad when someone says I am not ‘normal’! XOA

    6. Thank you Paul. I will be visiting/staying with my daughter when I return. Her husband “doesn’t like me” and fears that she might become like me – an irrational woman! Things are not going well in their marriage… she has really “rocked the boat” and stepped into very illogical feelings and choices the past couple of years in her attempt to feel. (Not always the wisest choices but she is new to this experience.) Your description of “irrational” people brings me peace. “He” works on computers for a living. Perhaps I will share your words some day with him, though to date he has dismissed anything outside his box as foolishness etc. I know that I will visit now feeling more stability than I have been feeling about landing back there in the current chaos that exists in their home.

      Your words bring a stability to my feeling world. There was nothing rational about me originally planning on moving to Ecuador and all that involved. Yet this idea lead to my trip to Costa Rica followed by my trip to Oz and NZ. For that matter it also lead me to the Pond. I trust it will lead me to an income source that will support me upon my return.

      I’m not sure I have expressed all that your post stirred up for me. This is the last day of my trip. I return to a world of the familiar where people will try and woo me back into rational (fear based?) choices. My own humanity will be tempted to find comfort in such choices. I have copied your words to a document where I can read them again. Come to think of it you were amongst the first at the Pond to encourage me when I arrived here. I’m not surprised that you amongst those that I draw courage from as I turn this current corner in my journey. Love, Nancee

  14. Hello Ponders an english friend living and teaching in Moscow and who came and now sharing Spheres Of Light there is planning a 22 minute meditation tonight to support peace in the Ukraine:

    Here is what he said:

    “22 mins: a meditation for peace in Ukraine tonight at 9 o’clock uk time  for 22 mins or as long as you like. Join me 🙂 All external conflict has its source within me. If I restore peace and harmony within, the outer world will follow. Time for some collective healing magic.”

    He’s aiming for 9pm UK (London time) but since”time is an illusion. Lunch time doubly so.” (Douglas Adams)… you could join in any time…

    Feel free to join James and others around the world and engage SOL / IS or “As you like it!” Shakespeare

    Philip 🙂

    1. really “Loved” this analogy Paul !….certainly a long one but a potent one ! & the real beauty of this is that anyone can substitute any of the computer words to their own soul interests !….I completely understand as you an engineer would feel the most comfortable to create this analogy….but for me, I can imagine the substitution words to input regarding the wonderful life within Nature….even right down to the elements of air, fire, earth & ‘Water’ ! Thank you for this important sharing !
      “The Want, becomes the Will, & the Will becomes the Way”….Creation only really needs the ‘Want’ from us…& is naturally committed in providing All the rest ! (but is certainly Open to any & All participation !!!)
      Love to You !….Bev~

      1. Big OOPS…..Sorry, this was for Paul !…..But thanks Philip for this sharing….Sending Love & Peace to All Life in the Ukraine !!!
        & Love to You !….Bev~

  15. it is just after 4 AM in Oregon
    i have no idea why i am awake and prompted to remeember
    that the trouble with sweeping a dirt floor
    is that it is hard to tell when you have finished
    the trouble with sitting around,
    doing nothing is
    it is hard to tell when you when you are done

    1. Otmn I just popped on before sleep and had a good chuckle over your comment. I will add my sleepy first thought as it now applies to me: The trouble with not having a home base when I arrive back in Canada is I don’t know when I’m done travelling around from place to place. 🙂 I think it is only 4:30 a.m. now in Oregon… maybe you’ve gone back to sleep and only woke up to give me a laugh on my last night of my 3 month adventure… last night, not counting my flight time. Thanks! ~Nancee

  16. The ,black book’ I have named so because it was a black heart that became to the half (90 ° angle) unfolded ,book’.
    I mean only the external form, there was no writing in it.
    Sometimes the black heart was shown me, then this book form again.
    For me, this black is my invisible light, my divinity, my zero frequency which is always with me, I perceive it, it’s here.
    Only today I know that the external shape was referring to the angle and only today I remember back in my waking dream experience of 1998/99 that I kept my hands in this angle.

    Das ‚schwarze Buch’ habe Ich so genannt weil es ein schwarzes Herz war das zu einem halb (90°–Winkel) aufgeklappten ‚Buch’ wurde.
    Ich meine damit nur die äußere Form, es war keine Schrift darin.
    Mal wurde mir das schwarze Herz gezeigt, dann wieder diese Buchform.
    Für mich bedeutet dieses Schwarz mein unsichtbares Licht, meine Göttlichkeit, meine Nullfrequenz die immer bei mir ist, Ich nehme es wahr, es ist hier.
    Erst heute weiß Ich dass sich die äußere Form auf den Winkel bezog und erst heute erinnere Ich mich wieder an mein Wachtraum–Erlebnis von 1998/99, dass Ich meine Hände in diesem Winkel hielt.

    ❤ Bixie ❤

    1. Thank you Bixie for taking the time and effort to share this I understand it more clearly now and it makes sense to me.

      It seems to me there is a connection between this and something you said the other day too:

      “When I woke up this morning I saw a black void with a white being insinde. Someone said: This is you.”

      I also see a connection between this and what I shared about ‘Infinite Silence.’ When this was emerging I saw a black void that I knew to be representing the ‘Infinite Silence’. I felt it too.

      So Spheres Of Light and Infinite Silence together as One is quite similar to what you saw! I hope this makes sense to you!

      Blessings, Philip 🙂

  17. Dear sun_of_blue! Thank you for your words, thank you for your love, thank you for your wonderful spirit – in every sense of the word as they say 😉
    Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

  18. I want to thank everyone for commenting, for sharing. I wish I could reply to every little thing here On the Pond, but it’s impossible. So thank you All.
    Love to Us All.
    ❤️, JJ

  19. This morning when I woke up I finally knew what the black book means: Both hands just below the heart center at a 90 ° angle, open at the top, folded into each other.
    Therefore, was shown to me hands (I thought they wanted to greet me and greeted back), again and again the 90 ° unfolded book and heart.

    Before the turn of the millennium I had experienced in a waking dream. A black figure slipped in in my body and then we sat in a large room on a small carpet on the floor.
    A white figure was sitting directly behind me. As I folded my hands below the heart center as described, we took off and hovered sitting through the whole room.
    I still remember that I lightly touched the cloth–ceiling with my head and how the sleeves of my blouse fluttered slightly.

    Today, on Ascension Day, the feast of Yeshua’s ascension, I know finally how it works…
    Heute Morgen beim Aufwachen wusste Ich endlich was das schwarze Buch bedeutet: Beide Hände direkt unterhalb des Herzzentrums im 90°–Winkel, nach oben offen, ineinander verschränkt.
    Deshalb wurde mir Hände gezeigt (Ich dachte sie wollten mich grüßen und grüßte zurück), immer wieder das 90°–aufgeklappte Buch und Herzen.

    Vor der Jahrtausendwende hatte Ich das in einem Wachtraum erlebt. Eine schwarze Gestalt schlüpfte in meinem Körper herein und dann saßen wir in einem großen Raum auf einem kleinen Teppich auf dem Boden.
    Eine weiße Gestalt saß direkt hinter mir. Als Ich meine Hände unterhalb des Herzzentrums wie beschrieben ineinander verschränkte hoben wir sitzend ab und schwebten durch den ganzen Raum.
    Ich erinnerte mich noch dass Ich mit meinem Kopf leicht die Stoff–Zimmerdecke berührte und wie die Ärmel meiner Bluse leicht flatterten.

    Heute, an Christi Himmelfahrt, dem Fest von Jeshuas Aufstieg, weiß Ich endlich wieder wie es funktioniert …

    Heart greetings ❤
    I AM BIXIE 😀

    1. Thank you for sharing, Bixie.
      The hands folded like that, they look like wings.
      ❤️, JJ

      1. Yes Jay Jay,
        they have shown me also a white ‘book’ with ‘feathers’ it looked like wings.

        ❤ Bixie ❤

    2. This is fantastic Bixie… and resonates with something that happened to me a while back too… love to explore this further though I have an appointment now so will be back later!!! Philip ❤

    3. OK my appointment has been rearranged so I am free to discuss/share more here…

      I am very intrigued by this experience Bixie as it reminded me of something I shared at length at the Pond a while back that was also connected with Ascension Thursday and also in 10 days time Pentecost! I’ll come back to that but first some questions if I may?

      Please can you say more about your experience… “What is the black book you refer to?”

      What is it that you now know how it works?

      I know you are writing in two languages so if it helps to put it in German as best you can I can use Google Translate to get the english translation and I should be able to figure out the meaning from there if that helps you in any way. Whatever is easiest for you. Philip 🙂

      1. Yes, dear Philip, I write what I can describe.
        Something is also in German not so easy to describe. But I will do my best. Please give me a little time to think about how to write …

        Bixie ❤

        1. Whatever is best for you Bixie I am just interested and if need be I have english friend who is very fluent in german (and lives there) who could help. Thank you for taking the time to share this. Philip ❤

          1. Dear Philip,
            that’s great to know.

            Before the millenium I had so much experiences with friends on the other side, but after the millenium it was gone.
            But I understand why – I had zu grow.

            ❤ Bixie ❤

  20. You found the door, Sun, you even saw the Light. Maybe to show others the way?
    Thank you for sharing.
    ❤️, JJ

  21. You’re probably right at the front of the line again now sun_of_blue for you have realised the block… whatever… you’ll get there with your great spirit. Love the insight and experience. Philip 🙂

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