An update and a powerful confirmation

Dear friends!

Like many of you, I have receiving so much information lately. Some of it during meditation, but most of it has been in the form of articles, books or films that I have “stumbled across” or that others have found and have been guided to share with me. Much of this information is about the communication between our physical bodies, our consciousness and these “invisible energies”, and a recurring theme also seems to be scientific discoveries being made now that can confirm information that others have predicted or even channeled earlier. It is an amazing process of finding bits and pieces of information in one place that leads you to another, and finding connections between something that at first glance seems not to be connected at all. This is very much an ongoing process, one that so far also involves amongst others my sister and Philip, but I am certain that many of you will be involved in this kind of “collaborative efforts” in the time ahead – if you are not already very much a part of it. I am also certain that we will start to see more and more of this kind of information coming out now. I have been waiting for a signal to start to post some of what has been collected so far, and today, I got this message from the CCs:

“There have been times when mankind has seemingly stumbled across some important information, information that may seem to come out of nowhere, but has a potential of changing the course, not just for the individual coming across this nugget of knowledge, but also for all of mankind. And now, you all stand poised before a period in which so many of these nuggets will start to manifest – also in the minds of highly trained people all over your globe. For as we have told you again and again, the light will find its way into the hearts and minds of all, not just a chosen few, and now you have reached a point where mankind can no longer be ignoring these signals coming in from what you like to think of as outer space. But remember, these “outside interventions” are not truly foreign in any way, they are merely signals from your own core, finally seeping out into your consciousness in a very new way. And as such, they will be looked upon as new. But nothing that will arise in the time ahead is in fact new to any of you, for it is simply the resurrection of the true you, the core that contains it all, even knowledge that you think is far beyond your capacity to contain, far less understand. But this is what is starting to happen now, on a much grander scale than before. For even if mankind has a long history of reinventing themselves, guided by some brilliant single minded individuals crying out eureka as if seeing the light for the very first time in the darkest of jungles, now, this will start to turn into a mass movement, where the light being released will in turn release so much inner knowledge that will help to lift you all far above the rather primitive ways of living that you carry out today.

For it is a fact that mankind has governed their lives in a fashion that is more than detrimental, not only to themselves, but to everything that is all around them, and in order for mankind to try to sustain themselves, they literally suck the lifeblood from their surroundings leaving them barren and bare, unable to maintain a healthy and vigorous life cycle. But this is about to change and again, this change will be fuelled by that light you all carry within, with a little extra helping being beamed in from your far-flung surroundings.

For you are indeed an intrinsic part of this salvage operation, but you are not merely here to act as anchors for all of this light coming into your atmosphere. No, you are also here to ensure that these deep and untapped layers of information that you already carry within you are coming out and into the open now – for the very first time since mankind started on their rather long and convoluted journey towards this very point in time. For remember, you are not here to drive yourselves to extinction, you are here to lift yourselves up from that smothering layer of inert energy that has been suppressing all that you are for far too long. And now, that layer has more than cracked open, it has disintegrated to such a degree, a veritable flood of light will start to pour forth from the unlikeliest of places. For this light is within you all, and we do mean all, also in those that so far seem to have been running the errands of those still set on dragging you all even further down into that old morass. And so, look around you, and you will start to notice signs of discoveries of such a magnitude, mankind will never look back on their history and think “we did all this, but we did nothing to get ourselves out of it.”

For in the times ahead, you will start to see how one by one the old truths will be left on the scrapheap, for never to emerge again. Or if they they do, it will be in a museum, where they will be displayed as proof of the distance mankind has traveled in the interim. For now, you will start to take some decisive steps away from the old ways of thinking and the old ways of acting, and in time, these steps will become giant leaps. For this part of your evolution will not be a slow and gradual one. No, this will be measured out in quantum leaps – and we do mean that in every sense of the word. So say tuned, and stay alert, for we are certain you will all be guided to start to dip into that pool of knowledge you will find before you, both on the inside, but also on the outside. For there is so much going on now in small rooms and in larger chambers all over your globe, done by honest, hard working people who are starting to see some concrete results emerge from those intuitive sparks that suddenly lit up their minds during the unlikeliest of hours. And from these small sparks of ingenuity and inspiration seeds have been sown that are already starting to grow. And one by one, these seedlings and these minds will be displayed for all to see, and this is turn will help to lift the lid off so many other bubbling cauldrons of inspired invention. So again we say expect the unexpected, both in the form of content but also in the form of location, and trust that divine intervention is indeed already in place, by that very divinity you all carry within you. For that divinity is now taking over the driver’s seat again, as it is your divine spark seated within your heart who will be calling the shots. Not just in you, but in millions of others as well.

We would like to conclude this message with a film, and it is indeed one that has been picked up by this channel in the last few days, and so, we will ask her to please include it in this message. For in this film, you will start to see the emergence of a message that will become clearer and clearer to all of mankind, and it has everything to do with you as humans, but it has also everything to do with you as creator gods. Thank you, that will be all from us at this stage, but we do implore you all to take the time to watch this footage and take in the message embedded within it. Thank you, we leave.”

And here is the film the CCs refer to, it is an hour long interview with Stuart Hammeroff, an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona known for his studies of consciousness. I am certain this will help to “set off some sparks” in many of you as well, and I also hope you will feel called to share what you “stumble across” in the time ahead!

Love and light from me, Aisha

177 thoughts on “An update and a powerful confirmation

  1. Some great sharing and insights here folks on Penrose and Hamerhoff and more!

    One of the things that is really cool to me is that people of the ‘standing’ (old world speak I know but you know what I mean) of these two are ‘sticking their scientific necks’ out so to speak against quite considerable opposition to say hey guys here’s something we really need to look at further. Their results are kind of hard to ignore but the ‘establishment’ will do its best to do that! I like Hamerhof – he comes across as no nonsense sort of guy whose not going to let the nay sayers stop him from following this track. Penrose too for different reasons (that you probably have to be english to understand) an eminent Oxford Don doesn’t tend to take things lightly. Go guys you’ll get there and you’ll help others see the light eventually.

    So to some of the comments and reflections on their stuff… this fits, as you might imagine, with the Rubidium insight I shared here some time back and discussed at some length by many! It was clear to me then that microtubules were a key component and its exciting they’re getting the evidence to show that. Yay!

    The Rubidium insight ‘in brief’ showed ‘the light actually it was Spheres Of Light’ (pure consciousness) connecting to or interacting with the physical with Rubidium as kind of ‘pin’ in the circuit board. It seems the microtubules are acting in some kind of ‘gateway’ or ‘computer like microtubules’ as Kiera puts it.

    The focus has been on the brain but, for me, it relates to the whole body vehicle, and ultimately every cell in the body. Indeed one of the questions right at the end addresses this point and Hamerhoff agrees that it must go beyond the brain though it doesn’t get expanded on much. For more on this you can read Spiritual Chemistry by Malcolm Smith PhD (it’s in very laymans terms) combining simply expressed science with some information channeled by him a retired scientist.

    Others scientists are looking at this in different ways too James Oschman (looks at spiritual energies interacting with the body, Mae Wan Ho (the biology of all this), Gerald Pollock (fourth phase of water i.e. Bev’s famed H3O) and no doubt more… dots may not have been joined by them all yet but good signs.

    For those interested one of the earlier bits I discovered about this was the evidence pointing the ‘quantum computing’ aspect of it in the body and that’s another role for Rubidium… it aids that function to take place at body temperature due also to the the highly aligned (liquid) crystalline structure and more no doubt. Oschman and Mae Wan Ho… have looked at this body temperature issue.

    I was waiting for the bit in the video to see if ‘out of body experiences’ would come up and was glad they did. Hamerhoff talked about this in terms of Proto Consciousness (proto meaning first or original in this case). For me this is ‘closer’ to the pure consciousness of source and the consciousness he is talking about experience in the body is what we are experiencing day to day. Notice the bits where he talked about the changes recorded with experienced meditators from the Dalai Lama showing how that deep state affected the experiments.

    Hamerhoff isn’t quite there with that bit yet in his definition of human consciousness which I think is limited somewhat by his view as anaesthesioligist sort of expressing it as ‘I’m out for the count under anaesthesia … equals unconscious’ – yes that just common terminology for ‘the body’ though we are still ‘conscious beings’ possibly in ‘out of body state’ or perhaps ‘watching on the sidelines’ as witnessed by many a person whose had an operation whilst ‘the body eventually recovers’ what is called normal waking consciousness.

    I have had many an OBE (not in operations) as I am sure many have here and you know your consciousness is ‘out of the body’ but you also know it still connected to and can ‘feel the body’ – at least that’s been my experience.

    A few years ago I had my one and only operation on my left ankle after having done the stupidest thing in my life (ha, ha) though a great awareness came from it later… and I chose to be ‘conscious’ for the op and just have the lower body numbed. I decided to meditate during it and went into a really deep state. I noticed a really interesting thing… I could feel the ‘life force energy ‘coming up’ my body through my legs but it had deliberately ‘diverted’ near the ankle to ‘outside of the body’ entering again just above where they were operating to take its normal path. I could ‘feel’ all of this despite my lower body waist down being otherwise numb. It was really cool. This showed me many things not least that although ‘the body’ was numbed the energy wasn’t it was still going like the clappers. I knew and experienced that it realigned itself properly after they stopped messing about in that area.

    That’s it for me for now… Joyfully, Philip 🙂

    1. Thank you Philip Wade
      Consciousness seem to have come to be gradually solved by scientific research. But they say it has been known in philosophy that there is a conciousness of ‘out of the body’ state. Because the conciousness is the state of ‘looking at each me’. Previously, I made ​​a comment to Ray something similar contents, too.
      I was looking for a site of Japanese so confusing details in English. It was a study of the quantum computer.
      Love & light,

    2. Like when a leaf is partly cut off — its ethereal aura is still there — u made me recall this Philip. Another proven scientific fact.
      Was also just saying yesterday how perhaps a crab grows its claw back because it does not know it cant! 🙂
      Thanks for your insight as always !!! wonderful xx oo

    3. Thank you Philip!

      As you say – “really cool” – to be aware of what happens during op, but I still prefer to be sedated during my next surgery 😉 However, I always call all the helpers in the Universe and ask them to keep an eye on the events 😉

      Love & light,

      B to B

  2. Dear sun-of-blue
    I seem to recall Native American teaching that believed male and female energies went in opposite directions. And a woman’s energy was stronger during her monthly. I find your experience interresting. Both sexes now flow together. Hmmmm…will give much thought to this now. Thank you!

  3. Oh, and I have been seeing waves. On the walls, etc. things are ‘wavy’ many times – and I think now I have always seen them this way but not so consciously or I took what I saw for granted before.
    And the particles (the molecules as I called them since I was a child)…. I see them inside not just outside in the sunlight.
    I found a dime the other day on the ground and had the thought ‘oh, so Ray sends Pennys and Kim is going to send dimes’. Kim said yesterday she wanted us to visit our friend, Ray’s, grave site. She wanted to place a dime there – in thanks for his helping her get in my body a few days ago. (Ray is the only other person to share my body vehicle in this way – so far. ) We were near the grave sight but had no dimes with us. We were going to get Kellys mail and at days end it fell off the back seat and when i picked it up, there was the dime.
    >> And the penny Ray left for me (to further inform me that Kim was indeed getting in my body last week and he ‘was’ assisting) was dated 2011 – the year he left his body.
    It just keeps coming and coming

    1. Dear Areeza – we ARE 1, we ARE love and your words help us to see that clearly. Thank you – for everything. LOVE to you and to your family and to Kelly and his family!
      Aisha ❤

  4. My niece has helped me greatly in the fuller connection of what ‘was’ called the other side. it is more like side by side now. I hear her and so far what she has said has been confirmed almost immediately. Like the other night, while falling asleep I heard her say she wanted me to tell Kelly that she would be greeting his mother when her time came to leave the body. I did not want to tell him right then though she wanted me to. the phone rang about a minute later. It was Kelly’s sister from Ohio. She rarely calls us and never late at night. She is concerned about Mom. I then decide to tell him what Kimmy said to me. Kimmy said she was training to be a ‘part time’ greeter. Mom Sharon was not doing well today. Chest pain, coughing up blood and shortness of breath. Kelly was packed to stay over night with her and take her to hospital when she was ready (stubborn one she is ;p). Sharon called about 7pm and wanted to go to hospital. she is there now with Kelly – resting comfortably. Pneumonia and heart blockage. no heart attack so who knows, she may be with us a bit longer. I called my sister Karyn. She says she feels Kim will ‘greet her’ when the time comes… she felt Kim’s energy ‘standing alert and ready as if she was in training for this!! I had not shared that much detail with Karyn. this is just one example. It is a way of life now. Kelly is very open to it now as he has become changed also by Kimmy experiences since our journey to and from her life tribute.
    I told Kelly there would be a post like this to explain and here it is.
    Beloveds, we are One – In Love
    Thank you for the ever increasing Fullness of this truth

    1. Dear Areeza!

      It’s always a great openness occurring – especially when young people go to the other side. It breaks up the armor that surrounded our hearts and the light gets another chance to reach the heart ❤

      Love you,

      B to B

    2. Dear Breeze
      I think your relationship with Kimmy is so wonderful. Tearing up at the moment. I too am given information and messages from those that have passed on. Often as well I sense someone arriving and waiting for another loved one to pass on. At the moment my father is currently waiting for my brother in-law. Our loved ones and friends are always close to us. They help us all the time from the others side. My love to you and Kelly during these times of transition. ❤

  5. yeah i kinda liked the idea that all everything really is is the same electron travelling infinitely fast,’round the world like 13 thousand times per second,or something like that,meaning we’re not only all made of the same stuff,so to speak,but that we’re literally one big thing made of one little electron or whatever,maybe some tinier particle,-whatever–the idea was profound at the time and hit me hard–it made *infinitely* more sense than any physicist ever did-this was bashar–surely some of you know the lecture i refer to!
    so yeah..i sometimes feel a twinge of regret,like i coulda,maybe shoulda learnt more,did more…well i did less with more than can be imagined–haha
    but nobody shall be excluded,you can spread the word for the ones who don’t read english,right?>
    thanks everyone,i’m still a little slow to pick up on people and things-just sayin hey!
    and i wish ian lungold were here..sure enough,he was a little too sure of himself and i’m frankly still disappointed because of what he’d described–he wasn’t the only one–with regard to not only the new age of aquarius,but the whole idea of conscious co-creation..well! the speeding-up thing is more apparent than ever-he wasn’t exactly wrong..i just don’t ,haven’t seen these…grand things’s to ian,and hangin’ tough! here’s to all of you-
    toltec had a show last night-and it was long and very hard to listen to-kinda like watching a ‘residential speech–haha! seems to me,he again got away without really sayin’ anything of substance–incredible! is it just me? maybe i’m the perennial critic,who just dudn’t git it…!

    1. Everything is the same infinite “electron” (existing as an electron in the physical realm), same infinite PARTICLE.

      Call it the Prime Radiant:

      1. Dear Kiera, you are doing a very good job of starting to fulfill your own dream: “How I would love to be able to explain anything, to anyone – to unconditionally spread the expansion.” Thank you 🙂
        Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

  6. Holy F*CK!!!!!!!!!! The emperor’s new mind….

    This one has come to me directly from my dead volatile father (died in January) through the cc’s……well here we are — here’s the balancing of the Universe in action —

    Had to read through 6 months or so of iterative, repetitive, metaphor-saturated CC crap, (right after they deliciously dipped into Conscious Entanglement last year and were discussing how particles engage with Conscious Observation)…..and FINALLY they return back to the *fascinating*.

    New Fascinating Old Repetitive

    My recently-dead, psychotically negative, mentally abusive, VERY LOW FREQUENCY father was obsessed with the book,

    “The Emperor’s New Mind” by Roger Penrose.

    Last year before his death, & before his mind was mostly eaten by cancer he was out of the blue going off on me suddenly, about Stuart Hammeroff & Roger Penrose, and daring me to “understand” what their theories were.

    I took up his typically belittling challenge of course, and shocked him by not only fully understanding it, but by taking it further.

    In my father’s low frequency state as an immature human physical personality construct, he could not imagine that another person — other than quantum physicists — could surpass him in intelligence/awareness.
    He was quite the paradox, being so UNaware, yet containing the spark of genius and obsession with quantum physics, math, music & finally consciousness.
    Dealing with him was like soothing a continually explosively abusive, externally focused, mentally retarded genius.







    So here is my now- higher-dimensional dead father, (thank god no longer spiritually retarded & limited in a human body) sending me this message that they ARE taking it further.

    The key impetus here to move science along obviously is the MICRO-TUBULES.
    This is the connecting bridge that will allow the quantum scientists to finally move their asses into the realm of Consciousness.

    Stuart already has figured out that Quantum Entanglement is preserving Conscious Memory….in the next stage of his evolution he will connect with the study of “Akashic Records”……the memory storage of creation, where I propose that all COPIES of Quantum Entanglement exist.

    I suggest that Quantum Entangled wave functions (packages of Consciousness) are not only automatically preserved, but can be endlessly copied.

    Thus, the accessing & sharing of these packages in the form of Akashic Records, for any higher dimensional being to copy for themselves, and experience vicariously.

  7. Holy FUCK!!!!!!!!!! The emperor’s new mind….

    This one has come to me directly from my dead volatile father (died in January) through the cc’s……well here we are — here’s the balancing of the Universe in action —

    Had to read through 6 months or so of iterative, repetitive, metaphor-saturated CC crap, (right after they deliciously dipped into Conscious Entanglement last year and were discussing how particles engage with Conscious Observation)…..and FINALLY they return back to the *fascinating*.

    New Fascinating Old Repetitive

    My recently-dead, psychotically negative, mentally abusive, VERY LOW FREQUENCY father was obsessed with the book,

    “The Emperor’s New Mind” by Roger Penrose.

    Last year before his death, & before his mind was mostly eaten by cancer he was out of the blue going off on me suddenly, about Stuart Hammeroff & Roger Penrose, and daring me to “understand” what their theories were.

    I took up his typically belittling challenge of course, and shocked him by not only fully understanding it, but by taking it further.

    In my father’s low frequency state as an immature human physical personality construct, he could not imagine that another person — other than quantum physicists — could surpass him in intelligence/awareness.
    He was quite the paradox, being so UNaware, yet containing the spark of genius and obsession with quantum physics, math, music & finally consciousness.
    Dealing with him was like soothing a continually explosively abusive, externally focused, mentally retarded genius.







    So here is my now- higher-dimensional dead father, (thank god no longer spiritually retarded & limited in a human body) sending me this message that they ARE taking it further.

    The key impetus here to move science along obviously is the MICRO-TUBULES.
    This is the connecting bridge that will allow the quantum scientists to finally move their asses into the realm of Consciousness.

    Stuart already has figured out that Quantum Entanglement is preserving Conscious Memory….in the next stage of his evolution he will connect with the study of “Akashic Records”……the memory storage of creation, where I propose that all COPIES of Quantum Entanglement exist.

    I suggest that Quantum Entangled wave functions (packages of Consciousness) are not only automatically preserved, but can be endlessly copied.

    Thus, the accessing & sharing of these packages in the form of Akashic Records, for any higher dimensional being to copy for themselves, and experience vicariously.

  8. Dear sun, you have once again made me speechless 🙂 Time for me to go to bed and tune in to this brand new duet!
    Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha

  9. Dear Aisha!

    Sometimes I wonder what I at all can understand. I read your message this morning but refused to click on the attached link because I intuitively knew that I could not take in what was being said there. I sat out on the patio with my teacup and watched a little bird came and sat in my yard tree a few feet from me. It turned to me, looked at me a long moment and then flew towards me and up past me. The bird touched my heart so tangible that I got tears in my eyes. It confirmed me on a deep level, it was like he said “It´s OK – you are OK anyway” 😉

    It was interesting to note what happened to me when CCs asked us to take part of the video about Stuart Hameroff – how I felt the exclusion directly. Got the feeling of not being able to “keep up” any longer before I quickly “turned the course” so to speak, I reminded myself that I get everything that I need, in the way and when it suits me, if I’m open to it and ask for it.

    I do not give a damn about particle physics, microtubules, or quantum physics. What I care about is what I myself feel, interactions between people, my experiences in nature and how love and joy spread among us in the choir today when we were practicing – that’s what’s important to me. I don´t have the need to explain anything at all – I am – and that´s sufficient to me 🙂

    Love & light ❤

    B to B

    1. Dear B to B,
      I understand deeply how you feel. It starts from the linear mind which doesn’t understand it all, and heads out to the unknown with questions.
      Each of us has a journey and listening to a video you don’t resonate with is the least of your worries. Anyway the video was so technical lets hope someone can break it down for me, as a dummy!!!!

      Cheer up.
      You are Who You Are and none can change that, so En-joy!!!

      1. Thanks Michael for your encouragement! ❤

        Yes – I am who I am and I really enjoy myself nowadays 🙂 There are all varieties in our lord's hopscotch as they say and I suppose I had a need to explain who I am – if someone accidentally had not understood it already 😉

        Much love ❤ och sov gott!

        B to B

      2. I did not find the video to be “technical” at all.

        The interviewer was also assisting to “dumb it down” for the masses by asking very layman-like, Homer-Simpson-“Doh!!!”-like questions.

        Penrose and Hammeroff:




        The key impetus here to move science along obviously is the MICRO-TUBULES.
        This is the connecting bridge that will allow the quantum scientists to finally move their asses into the realm of Consciousness.

        Stuart already has figured out that Quantum Entanglement is preserving Conscious Memory….in the next stage of his evolution he will connect with the study of “Akashic Records”……the memory storage of creation, where I propose that all COPIES of Quantum Entanglement exist.

        I suggest that Quantum Entangled wave functions (packages of Consciousness) are not only automatically preserved, but can be endlessly copied.

        Thus, the accessing & sharing of these packages in the form of Akashic Records, for any higher dimensional being to copy for themselves, and experience vicariously.


        Parallel Realities and The collapsing of wave functions.

        In this physical reality, when we OBSERVE something (a frequency wave(s)…..we EXCHANGE energies with it.

        Observing it, causes it to change it’s state from a Wave Function, to a PARTICLE.
        When it becomes a *particle*, it has become *materialized*. Become physical.
        Take your focus off of the particle, and it reverts back to the state of being a Frequency Wave.

        Apparently other things also occur when we Consciously Observe something. A “Super Positioning” effect which creates an alternate polar? particle at the opposite end of our bubble reality.

        Unless the other alternate particle is observed (given energy exchange with our Consciousness)… will with a certain amount of Time? (perhaps) collapse.
        It will remain as a Wave Function (not energized & transformed to particle/material)…..until its Wave Function collapses.

        Now this of course depends on the Time / Space function of our reality.
        How this works for generating Parallel Realities, I still do not know — I would assume that for a Parallel Reality to NOT COLLAPSE, it would exist outside of the limitations/boundaries of Time/Space.

        So I would suggest, yet again, that COPIES of these alternate Super Position particles/wave functions are generated inter-dimensionally or multi-dimensionally….so there would copies existing as well in higher dimensions and therefore no collapse of wave functions due to the effect of lower dimensional TIME.

      3. “The Emporer’s New Mind” cont’d:

        (Roger Penrose & Stuart Hammeroff)


        How does our physical reality actually use Light (Photon) Energy?

        Stuart is figuring out the Light Energy, the Consciousness Energy must first pass through a PROTEIN complex (consisting of helixes of amino acids)….which serves as a physical computer, making exact computations.

        The Conscious Energy moves through the protein complex using Excited Electrons, thus generating electrical energy for chemical processes to take place.

        So Conscious Energy first enters into the physical brain initially through the computer-like Microtubules.
        The proteins of the Microtubules act as an INSULATOR to allow Quantum Coherence to be maintained.

        Without the Microtubule proteins insulating the wave functions, the wave functions of the Conscious Energy would collapse — hence NO Consciousness within the physical body.

        Anesthesia blocks the insulating proteins from doing their job of maintaining Quantum Coherence (keeping the Frequency Waves stable so they don’t collapse)…..
        With blocked proteins due to anesthesia frequencies, Consciousness can no longer enter the physical body — and so the Conscious Energy must exist elsewhere (outside of the body, in a higher dimension, higher frequency state) — until the anesthesia stops blocking the computer proteins from serving as Conscious Energy Insulators.

        1. Dear Kiera! Thank you for letting the full blast of your powers SHINE! This is just the beginning – you have also more than confirmed the messages I have just posted – A history of Creation part 7.
          LOVE, Aisha

        2. I like how you explained about the anaesthetic blocking the ability of the microtubules to insulate the consciousness waves so they can no longer be active, or as you say enter the body. So, to be conscious, the waves (because energy is both waves and particles) move through the body’s cells unhampered because they are insulated by the microtubules. A network of these tubes allow the waves to get to where they need to go.

          I would like to add >

          I suggest then, that as we are coming into full ‘consciousness’ that there is even more “unblocking” going on at a higher level, that will aid the cell biology and greatly enhance our consciousness/biology.

          Humanity has had its consciousness dumbed down and its consciousness waves have, (anaesthetics aside and even at the levels we were working on up until now)…. been tampered with.

          Could it be that we have had all sorts of nuisance molecules ( i.e. chemicals) in our food, water and air that have worked in a similar way to the anaesthetic molecules. For example, I read once about the Fluorine that is added to our water nationally (Britain), which actually impacts and destroys pineal function. Not sure on the facts but I understand that Pineal function is the gland associated with crown chakra and ‘connection with the Divine’ (i.e. our divinity consciousness, and therefore Source consciousness).

          Once and when, we REMOVE the effects of all nuisance molecules (foreign chemicals… specifically that act in this way), and anything else…

          ……(such as: self doubt; not trusting our intuition; belief in lack and limitation; tricks and programmes inserted into our minds by long standing power mongers; shackles of society and media, etc)…..

          that have previously impeded our ability to access the full blast of our CONSCIOUSness, then we can move into a space where movement of the full consciousness energy returns, full force, through those insulated (and soon to be crystally enhanced as our biology upgrades) cell microtubules.

          At which time we step into and reclaim the fullness of our biology consciousness, i.e. Our biology becomes fully conscious and one with our divinity. Which, I think, is what The CC’s are saying.

          PS. Loving this site, Aisha and the messages from CC’s are like manna. Loving this pond,


    2. Dear B to B, dear Michael! The bird was speaking the truth, for you are both more than OK! Remember, we are a family, we are ONE, but we are also here to add our own unique voice to this orchestra of light. And as the CCs like to remind us, none of us can take the place of another, “no more than a violinist can replace a percussionist, no matter how skilled a musician he or she is”. This film is important, for it will help to open some doors and to “push some buttons” – in those that are here to be “fired up” by this film and by the topic of quantum physics. But like the CCs also tells us, this is not a competition, and none of us are “better” than others, and no, you are definitely NOT a “dummy” either if you do not “get this”. Like you say, Michael “You are Who You Are and none can change that, so En-joy!!!”, for you are here to be YOU, for what YOU are and what you do, fits so perfectly into this giant puzzle composed of only truly unique pieces 🙂 So thank you both, for BEing who you are and for doing what you do!
      Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

      1. I know and I also know exactly what you are saying but for some reason I needed it to come up to the surface to be taken care of again 😉

        Thanks Aisha! You are amazing and I really love and appreciate you for being our “choirmaster” who helps us get our voices in tune with ourselves and All That Is ❤

        Love & light,

        B to B

        1. “but for some reason I needed it to come up…”

          The “reason” is that you are seeking reassurance from EXTERNAL sources for feeling inadequate/inferior, because you do not feel yourself to be fully self-empowered.
          You are also still feeling the need to be “led” by others.

          You have not yet stepped into and embraced your full power as a Being of Singularity.

          When you do so, you will expand considerably.
          And you will become interested and will “give a damn” about so many many more things…

          1. But lo and behold Kiera – what are you talking about??? You are completely way off as we say here. If you consider yourself to be a full-powered being of singularity so please feel free to be. I am fully satisfied and grateful for being the sovereign person I am!!!

    3. B to B said:

      “I do not give a damn about particle physics, microtubules, or quantum physics. What I care about is what I myself feel, interactions between people, my experiences in nature and how love and joy spread among us in the choir today when we were practicing – that’s what’s important to me. I don´t have the need to explain anything at all…”




      Good Grief.

      What a massive example of Polarization and as-yet-unrealized expansion — I give a damn about EVERYTHING.

      That’s what I care about, *everything* — that’s what’s important to me. EVERY-friking-THING in creation.

      How I would love to be able to explain anything, to anyone – to unconditionally spread the expansion.
      (which I already do, but without my natural unlimited higher dimensional access to the akashic records)

      Well thank All-That-Is/Creation that *I* exist….and all others like gorgeously precious Stuart Hammeroff who are continually expanding and growing and evolving.




      1. God love you both B & Kiera!

        For you have brought us back to Rubidium.

        I’ll sit on your bench B on a lovely May morning thinking about Kiera’s explanation concerning micro tubules and consciousness and how rubidium and Lv helped remove the Xenonhexaflouride clogging microtubules preventing the rising of both mass and individual human consciousness 3,4,5,6,7 years ago thereby throwing a cog in this whole marvelous process.
        How did the galactic eruptions of Andromeda sateliite galaxy MH32 play a role in this clogging with Xenon hexa flouride. And how did the Rd with Lv break it up with a little help from Uus with Sb and Uuo with Bk and a few others perhaps brought into our atmosphere by meteorites and comets. Perhaps they helped remove from our consciousness our pesky quarrelsome aspect along with our feelings of unworthiness. Perhaps they helped embedd peace, happiness, & harmony.
        Now we can think and postulate how, why, and who. What fun!

          1. Dear Forest Joy – YES!!! Thank you for sharing this, now the fun will begin! I know Philip will join in, he has been working on the Rubidium-link as well 😉 And yes, Bev’s H30 is also very much a part of it.
            LOVE, Aisha

        1. I really appreciate the knowledge and wholehearted interest you, bev, Philip, Ray, Areeza and many, many others contribute to making this Pond to an even brighter and fantastic source – to the benefit of not only of us but for the entire Universe. It is simply incredibly exciting what is happening – even if I can not understand it all 😉 I feel more than I understand 😉

          When I say I do not care about quantum physics, microtubules, etc. I really DO NOT mean that I’m uninterested in development – on the contrary – I just mark my way of dealing with life, based on my experiences and abilities. If CCs consider it important for me to understand the message in that video I´m sure they will let me get it – in one way or another 🙂

          Love & light,

          B to B

      2. Dear Kiera !

        I am extremely grateful that there is such a great variety of people here on the blog – all with different talents, capacities and competencies. We do not know each other’s ability to take advantage of what is written and attached here and I have – you may remember – misunderstood among others, your posts here because I do not always understand the language nuances, since English is not my native language. This does not mean that I could take in what Stuart Hammeroff says – although I fully could handle the English language 😉 Still, it’s easier for me to communicate in writing than listening to videos and understand the message. It gives me additionally another reason not to listen to Bashar and other wise gurus 😉 Anyway – I have no greater need to immerse myself in the scientific explanation of how consciousness works – so far – but with the kind assistance from you and others so perhaps I can bring it to me eventually 😉 Or so I know it already ;)) )

        Until further I rejoice in being able to love and appreciate people for what they ARE, not for what they are NOT 🙂

        Much love to you Kiera ❤

        B to B

    4. B to B mentioned enforced feeling towards nature and having even some sort of alienation towards science. I have recently had quite similar kind of experience. For years I dug into science, alternative science, free energy technology and many many more. During the last 2 months my dreams have included being in the nature, surrounded by palm trees or leafy trees in general, close to ocean and growing own vegetables and fruits. This dream give me beautiful feeling. The beauty of it is in simplicity.

      I’m not saying that we couldn’t use science for good purposes, no quite the opposite. But to me I probably first time in my life feel grounded and that by itself feels absolutely great. Having connection to Mother Earth feels simple and serene. I just hope to get a chance to get to a place like that and see the wonders of Mother Earth. 🙂

      May this day light us all up inside! 🙂

      1. Thank you for sharing this, Kalle! You are right, this is another important aspect of this whole process. As the CCs say in part 7 of A history of Creation that I just posted, “For its roots are deeply embedded in quite another sense of being than the one you have all been experiencing up until now, and the word that can best describe it, is paradisiacal. For paradise awaits you dear friends, but it will only come at your beck and call, and as such, the creative forces that are about to be unleashed are the ones that through you will engender it all.” We are the ones that will create this Paradise, and some of the tools we will use, are quantum. But what truly creates this, is our consciousness, our intent to create Paradise. So I agree, “the beauty of it is in simplicity”, it only seems to be complicated and “technical” and confusing, but it all leads to that place of our dreams, the New world, vibrating to the frequency of love. So some of us will be guided to dig deeper into all of the singular components of this process, while others will be guided to help to deepen the connection with Mother Earth, some will be guided to focus on our physical body and others again will have other tasks. One thing is certain, we will ALL start to see which task is ours in this amazing collective endeavour, and we will also see how we are all being connected more and more through all of these diverse tasks.
        Aisha ❤

      2. Dear Kalle!

        I myself have worked in contact with medical research for over thirty years and feel no alienation to research. I have also experienced and partake of its benefits.

        For many years I have searched and tried many alternative healing methods, but for my part, nature has been absolutely outstanding – it still is and will always be. I am glad you seem to have the same experience 🙂

        Thank you for sharing ❤

        Love & light,

        B to B

        1. Yes B, I seem to be in the same space as you in regards to nature and science. I stated off with two years of science in college and do love reading it at time, but I have been absorbed in the plant world and nature for many years now. We each have our part here. 🙂
          ❤ Denise

  10. That was cool! What it feels like to me dropping to the “ocean” is like the moment 02:47 in the Nikolay Makarov’s Supernatural (Original Mix). I like the sounds out there. Wondering how the dolphins and whales feel like down there, doing their drop to the ethers.

      1. Hi precious one,
        12 years ago I started having violent grand mall seizures every month at around the same time every month. Aftermath events included memory loss (short and long term), muscular aches throughout the entire body, loss of consciousness or non-conscious. Seizures: nocturnal between 2-4 A.M. Continue for 2-4 days. Hair changes color almost daily. Able to look directly at the sun without burn or after blinding. No body odor. We have a farm with a number of animals, horses, goats, chickens, dogs, cats, doves. We will loose at least 1 animal every month after seizure activity. Last month while we were in Denver we lost 3 white doves.
        I have certain projects that I have been working on since before the seizures started. A CD called Blowing in the Wind features a wind chime and nature performing the Bird Symphony, and the Bug Symphony. Another project is the ‘special rock’ displays highly polish stones found in the yard suspended in a candle gel.
        Another project is transcribing 15/16th century Divine inspired music orchestrating it for string orchestra.
        One one of these projects is completed and that is the Blowing in the Wind CD. The other projects move along but focus varies from month to month. Animals, especially dogs and little children are attracted to me.
        Don’t really know if you can help me and most of this may not make any sense to you but then it may and that is what I am counting on.
        Thank you
        Steven Martin
        Not sure about

  11. Oh my, I am just loving this so much! We’ve all had those experiences where we think or feel something and then “someone else” on the pond will post a comment that makes us realize that we are sharing consciousness. I am now finally seeing why I have been led for so long to stay in Silence. I knew I was “practicing” sharing myself energetically instead of in the written word. This has gotten to the point where I actually feel I don’t need to “speak” with you guys. I mean, it happens nearly instantaneously now, and not just through one person. Hard to describe. I will have an idea with several components, and it will be expressed in little pieces through several of “you.” In the several hours before this latest message of Aisha’s, there was little to no commenting going on at the pond. This lasted for such a long time from my perspective that I jokingly wondered if some sort of Mayan group disappearance had occurred. Just now, as I was composing this comment in my head, the Divine Mother swooped in and said, “That is precisely what has happened. You have all fully merged into a soul group consciousness. This fact is integrating into your personal awareness(es) at different rates, and is now displaying itself in your outward reality(ies).”

    Again, I say AWEsome!!!!

    Love, love, love to US all…

    🙂 AH

    1. Wow, AH, this is really mind-blowing! Thank you for being, doing and sharing this! It really, really resonates for me 🙂
      LOVE, Aisha
      PS – I just read sun_of_blue’s latest comment below – this is ALL connected!

    2. Your words strongly resonate with me, too, Lori. For a long time I thought my precognitions were increasing. Nope!!! Our collective connection feels quite unique. Big thank you hug coming your way… 🙂 🙂 Caroline

  12. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you Aisha! I’ve been noticing this also with information just appearing and often making interesting connections with others information as well. Like the artist whose work you posted a bit ago gaving so much similarity to an artist my husband had been telling me about-bith worked in early part of ladt century and both were focused on spiritual matters. Because the other artist had illustrated the Thoth tarot deck I had never connected with the deeper meaning in her work until I saw it in the images you posted. The whole experience made me notice the way I perceive things and how value judgements can interfere with clear perception.

    It’s a new way of experiencing the world and learning with all these unexpected but fortuitous connections very much illustrating the effects we’ve read about quantum particles at a macro or personal level.

    1. Dear ohnwentsya, so true! We are being trained in re-evaluating the way we perceive things on many levels now. I have been given a few interesting and amusing “lessons” myself lately 😉
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  13. Quickly, before I actually read the rest of this post and watch the video, I just wanted to let you know that I, too, have been guided — ‘pushed’ even, lol — to watch movies and listen to concerts of bands that have delivered powerful messages to us over the decades. So I’ve been downloading these like a madman (and having SO much fun doing it, too!). Films as varied as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to Vanilla Sky to Star Wars to Close Encounters, old bands I spent hundreds (if not thousands) of hours singing and driving and raging and crying and partying to in my teens and early 20’s (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Who, some ‘old’ modern jazz/blues like Larry Carlton and Robben Ford) as well as modern bands and music of the ‘new’ generation (Fernando’s Kitchen, hang drum artists, etc.), and TONS of ambient/chill/psybient music compilations (YouTube videos like Cafe Del Cosmic and Gaia Spirit) as well. As I listen and watch, SO much information comes through that, though I was seriously aware of the direct messages in that music and the films, I could never ‘see’ back then. NOW, however, the perspective garnished from the KNOWING of the ascension process I’ve acquired over the last few years — this ‘rescue’ of humanity from the abyss of duality and separation at the very last moment before we destroyed this planet — has given me a new level of insight into how all these serious MASTERS were able to deliver all this AMAZING ‘information’ to us despite the extreme control being exerted over the media by the forces opposing this fundamental change. WOW!!!

    1. By the way, the final deep CLEARINGS of my childhood and adolescent emotional duress and angst has been GREATLY assisted by this adventurous trip down memory lane (the old movies and music of my first 2 decades of this lifetime). Especially the releasing of that old ‘sadness’ that so many of us felt back then during our formative years — and, to my surprise, still lurked waaaaaaay down deep at the bottom of my subconscious emotional barrel. Glad to finally scrape it OUT o’ there, bless it for what it WAS (what it provided for me back then), and joyfully launch it up, up, and AWAY forever!!! 🙂

      1. Dear Waverider, thank you for sharing this! It is very interesting the way we can “suddenly” accces new layers of information – both on the outside and on the inside 😉
        Love and light from me, Aisha

      2. waverider1, your post describes my last 6 months to a T, I’ve been re-discovering whole CDs that seriously got me through high school that i had somehow forgotten i’d ever heard… after falling out of love with movies over the last 10 years i recently started re-watching the movies from high school that made me want to go to film school in the first place, only now with new eyes and greater understanding, of the movies and of myself in high school.

        last fall i started obsessively collecting all the old 60s & 70s pop my mom used to play when i was a baby/toddler/child, so i could put it all on an iPod for her. the emotional journey of culling all of that music was unexpectedly transformative. it reconnected me to my original, youngest, purest self, the me untarnished by decades of outside influence and misguidance. I remembered that these “new” things i’ve been feeling and thinking about are actually the same “old” things i felt as a kid, things i *knew* then that i was somehow un-convinced of somewhere along the way.

        i tossed out some major baggage with that project.

        my childhood wasn’t especially happy or very easy, but re-living it through all that music (and what incredible music it turned out to be!) helped me put stuff away that, like you said, i didn’t even realize i was still tripping over… and it helped me refocus on the parts of childhood that i really loved — mainly, music.

        one of my recurring themes in all of this waking-up has been about stepping back, and getting a wider field of vision, and stepping back and getting a wider field of vision, and on and on. making that iPod for my mom was a giant step that really gave me a wider angle not only on my own life and childhood but also on times before me, when those 60s songs were new and my mom wasn’t a mom yet, and the whole program was changing…

        that’s the kind of shift in understanding that i’ve been working toward, and i’m happy to say that work has been paying off like crazy lately.

        wider field of vision is good stuff.

        1. Thank you for sharing this dave! Yes – music is so healing and some songs contain so many emotions and information that you mostly didn´t not have a clue. What a wonderful win-win situation it was for your mother and yourself by collecting the music in an iPod 🙂

          Love & light ❤

          B to B

        2. …and YES – “I remembered that these “new” things i’ve been feeling and thinking about are actually the same “old” things i felt as a kid, things i *knew* then that i was somehow un-convinced of somewhere along the way.”

          Agree to that too my friend 🙂


          B to B

        3. OH yeah it is!!! I started The Process consciously around 20 years ago, way ahead of the (necessary) mass trend. This last ‘revisiting’ of those childhood and young adult ‘themes’ has been more of a ‘look at how the deprogramming of humanity, via song and film, has been assisted by these great Cosmic Masters’, than the ‘purging the last vestiges of old egoo’ for me. And even more on the bright side, I saw/see even more clearly the POSITIVE themes and messages of that music and film, how it helped me ‘survive the System’ back then before I was strong enough in this lifetime to make it completely without support — and continues to do so.

          Glad to read that others are sharing similar awesome experiences as we begin to TRULY manifest our Nova Gaia lucid dreamworld 🙂 . . . . AWESOME!!!

          P.S. — If you like my comments, you might like my blog. Some of that magnificent ‘old’ music of the 60’s through 80’s is in there 😉

    1. AWESOME!!! I saw Joe Jackson live in a small theater in Santa Cruz, California, in the early 80’s. I think I might have actually BEEN 19 when I saw him, lol! — a very ‘different’ performance it was, him alone I believe with various instruments, like ‘unplugged’ but several years before THAT concert style got popular. He was way better than I expected, and proved himself a MUCH more versatile artist than I ever suspected as well. Thanks, ARCTOURIST!

  14. ok,well,that wadn’t it either! sorry! wait a second,wait a second,there’s others…maybe that really wadn’t it!

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