Stepping into the New

Dear sisters and brothers!

In a few short hours, we will exit 2013 and enter 2014. Never before has the “me” who is about to enter a new year been so different from the “me” I was twelve months ago, for this has truly been a year of great transformation. Like a sponge, we have been soaked in wave after wave of energy for then to be squeezed out again, in order to rinse out layer after layer of old patterns, old behavior, old beliefs and old programming. And when you thought you were finished, it all started again. But as this year is coming to a close, I sense that this process too is coming to a close, and that the year we are about to step into, will be all about the emergence of the “me” that is the real me, not one of those old versions of myself that I thought was the only one. For now, we will step away from this seemingly endless sequence of soaking and squeezing out, and the real “me” we all have inside, the one that has been waiting for us to discover it, will begin to radiate outwards. So even if this year has left us all feeling more than a little washed out and faint, our light will start to shine stronger and stronger. And as our light starts to gather strength, the effect it will have on the world around us will also increase. For our light will serve to dissipate so much of the old and dense fog still covering much of our globe, and just like the Sun, our light is powerful enough to fill this whole world with a brand new brightness.

So thank you all for that you have brought to this world this year, by allowing yourself to be soaked and squeezed out repeatedly by the incoming light, and by allowing yourself to shed layer after layer of the old. Thank you for shining your light here at the Pond, and for helping it become reality in a way that has surpassed my wildest dreams. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your questions, and for being brave enough to share your frustrations and your fears. Thank you for sharing your joy and your laughter, and your LOVE. Without you, there would be no Pond, and without you, there would be no Gatherings around the Pond, our monthly group meditations that also became reality in 2013.

For we are already in the New, we have already created the very first foundations of the world of our dreams, where we live from the heart, connected to each other and to All of creation in a way that will help so many others to be able to do the same. I am so proud of you, I am so proud of me, and I am so proud of US. For we have each and every one of us worked so hard to wrestle ourselves away from the old and limited version of “me” and prepared us for what we have coming up: the chance to finally step into the New with ALL that we are. So as we leave the old versions of ourselves behind as we exit 2013, I send it all off with a heartfelt THANK YOU, and I open my arms to welcome the brand new – the brand new year, the brand new me, the brand new YOU and the brand new world we will continue to create together.

I wish you all a magical, creative New Year, may it be a fruitful, peaceful and joyful one for us all! And this upcoming Sunday, we can welcome the new year together in our very special way, for then, we will have the first Gathering around the Pond of the year. I am looking forward to seeing you all there, and most of all, to step into the New in your company!

With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha


200 thoughts on “Stepping into the New

  1. R.I.P. fear 31st December 2013 23:59:59
    Money has been dealt a mortal wound
    sing happy birthday for “my” “daughter” born 1st January 2014 her name is celeste. she is the breaker of all illusions and is protected by i -x-

  2. Happy New Year everyone! I truely hope we each will be finding our hearts desire in the coming year. We are ALL worth it! It has been a great gift from each of you to be able to come to these pages and share joys and tears. And while I know there will be more tears to come in my own life this year I am looking forward to the new. Words that keep coming into my brain over the past week have been comfort and joy. I believe those are two things I really need in my life and so I wish these for each of you as well. It is not an easy road we each have taken and whichever path we chose at the time is neither right or wrong. We are the light and we are shining it on the paths for others to see and find their way as well. So here is to the brightness in each of us (and I do mean ALL of us here) may we shimmer with hope in the new and grow brighter each day!

    My love to you all,


    1. Thanks Denise!

      You are one of those shimmering diamonds here and I wish you all the light and comfort in your life in 2014.

      Love and respect,


  3. Dear friends! What a powerful New Years eve it has been here at the Pond! Thank you for everything you all brought to this celebration, it was truly a global one 🙂 According to the WordPress statistics, people from 174 countries visited this blog during 2013, and as I connected with the energies just before midnight my time, I could “see” you all like pinpricks of light scattered across the planet. I also felt how the energies shifted as the clock changed to 00:00, so to me, it was a powerful experience of this whole Pond entering something very new. I am so glad we are taking these first steps into 2014 together, so we can continue to support each other as we continue our journey. We have really become a family now, and even if we all have our own separate journeys, we are also very much on a collective one – “all for one, one for all” as the saying goes. Welcome to 2014, I am very much looking forward to sharing it with you!
    Much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

    1. Thanks Aisha! It is an honor to make this journey with you at the helm and with all the great and powerful rowers gearing up the light ship. With little wind in its sails, I think it will be a glorious year 🙂

      Love and respect,


      1. Couldn’t be said any better than that, B. I echo your sentiments to Aisha and every single Ponder.

        With Gratitude, Love & Light. xo Lin

        1. Yes Breeze!

          Cast off and help to interpreting Navigation chart 🙂 I love your inspiration 🙂

          Wishing you a lovely and comfortable route during 2014!


          1. Thanks B!!! to you too — safe, pleasant journeys~!
            I am in for it with my Kelly. Will tell you all more when we know the outcome of all his tests. He is in pain and depressed – not like himself at all. He is scared too. I am trying to be a rock for him – at the same time I am feeling that I play role of nurturer so well and so often – I need the nurturing too I told him. We have been communicating better so this is good. I am vowing to nurture myself in healthier ways too. Love, ~~A~~

            1. Breeze…wishing you and your guy peace and healing. My guy was just at the doctor today getting more tests. Not an easy thing to go through with them. Mine has been terrible to live with these past few months. In fact unlivable. Like you said we need some nurturing too if it is only the quiet time to nurture ourselves. I know I must be difficult to be around when I don’t get some me time. Going to try to pencil it in each week…a yoga class or an evening at the bookstore. 🙂

              Much love to the two of you!


              1. thanks Denise! My guy is home all day now. he is used to being a workin man. he valued what he did physically and i told him yesterday he might want to take a look at how he can value himself now. he does not fully understand the things i present. I understand his own frustration and his wants and needs at this critial time. I just cant be everything to everybody. I think he heard me so we will keep working at it. best of luck with your situation too. Love you.

                1. No change will be made unless you get your own insight. Before that all the arguments runs off like water off a duck. Unconditional love, however, liberates and helps to gain the insight needed.

                  Wise words from a woman who has just eaten a bag of candy even though it was completely unnecessary;)))



                  1. omg, B. You made me laugh out loud. Spit laughter, btw. Very uncouth. While my hubs and I were recovering, I ate almost 18 big bags of mini tootsie rolls… I guess for my body to try and get energy (wrong kind). Gained very little weight as I had lost about 5 pounds by then. I eat very little candy anymore–this was marathon.

                    I am a fan of anyone who can eat a whole bag of candy!!!… and I hope you ate it with JOY and appreciation. 🙂

                    Still laughing with glee.

                    1. Yes Lin! I ate the (almost) whole bag – piece by piece with joy and appreciation but at the same time too well aware of why my clothes seem to have shrunk in the wash lately- all of them!!! Sometimes I blame it on this blog that makes me too sitting still too long during the day … 😉 It’s very hard to choose sometimes. So – if I disappear from here a long time, so maybe it’s because I have to exercise a little more intense for a while 😉

                      Yes – you hear the way I try to defend my behavior. Hope the new energies will boost me 🙂



                      PS.I love that I could make you laugh 🙂 DS.

                  2. just want to clarify, we dont argue. Hardly ever have. in 8+yrs. I have my own insight – it just does not match his – therefore what does keep us together IS the unconditional Love. And he respects me and I respect him. that is the other must have ingredient. and that expectation thing. I keep a close watch on it. He does not adore me like my ex did. that adoration – ahhh – that was a wonderful thing to feel! My goodness, not many have experienced it so i am a lucky gal. >>Hey… eat what u feel these days. I am. But I dont seem to have near the issues I used to before surgery. That fibroid weighed over 2.5 lbs so i have to at least gain that back! LOL. I do need some cardio however and I know it. We all have been so tired its hard for me to get movin… and in cold, i hibernate.
                    (ps- on the courier run i look in each kitchen and see what holiday goodies they are have…shhhh)

                    1. Thanks for your encouragement Breeze ! Yes – I think you can eat anything you want as long as you are moving enough too. Many years ago – when I had a lot of anxiety – I walked a lot every day and instead got a problem with loosing too much weight . Balance in life is the best 🙂

                      I really want to emphasize that it was not a criticism of you and your boyfriend in what I said.Your post got me thinking. It was actually more of a reason for me to consider how I myself come to the realization before a change could happen and why and how I have evolved as I have done by following this blog and met with unconditional love and affirmation, which I also received from my friends.

                      I myself have had severe depressions so I can understand Kelly’s situation. To be in this bubble is really not something you want to wish even your enemy. It was during those years I discovered how I could redeem myself by lying down on Mother Earth and ask all the elements help to clean, release and heal me. You have to experience for yourself – then you will find the tools.

                      I hope Kelly´s depression will fade out soon.

                      Much love,


          2. lol

            so beautyfull i just want to sit here and listen and watch. howerer only 1:06 in and already they are shouting at me “do the housework!” i’ll pause it for now and catch up on the messages -x-


            “Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell.

            Spirituality is for those who have already bben there.”
            – Vine Deloria, Sioux

          3. B to B love this music! Thank you for sharing! I have a few cd’s but it has gotten harder to find and I am not able to get to the places I use to go to with a dear friend of mine like Cherokee NC. I may listen to this all day! 🙂

            Love to you B!


          4. B to B… I Love Native American music+. Late in getting to this for a listen, so Thank You belatedly. EnJOYed the vid, too–something clean and fresh and lovely about it.
            Glad you’re back!
            xo, Lin

            1. Me too Lin!

              I have an attraction to the Indians and the indigenous people who are close to me – Sami. I remember when they came and lived in our village when they moved their reindeer across the lake and down the coast. With delight I remember their unusual odor, language and dresses, their always barking dogs and I was a little afraid of the unknown then but I loved my shoes made ​​of reindeer skin that made me light and fast as the wind 🙂



              1. Thank you for the wonderful share, B. My Heart actually thrilled at your memory of the reindeer skin shoes and how they made you feel. They were filled with Light Energy!!!

                Our small town included a small Native American reservation… and I also remember the always barking dogs, their different way of Life of which I can now see/remember with grateful eyes.

                During the early summers in elementary school, I would ride horseback (my horse always ran away with me, but I learned the valuable lesson of how to hang on! ha) into the high Sierras with a Native American girlfriend and her family and there live in a very rustic cabin. Some of my favorite memories occurred there and one very special one. 🙂

                Much Love, Lin

                1. P.S. We played hide ‘n seek with her little dog, Curly, in a field of aromatic wildflowers that had grown almost up to our chins, warm sunshine, but not too, in a crystal-clear blue sky and a running stream nearby that could be heard that contained real golden trout. There were also an abundance of buzzing bees, and we never once got stung with all the running and giggling for the longest time. There were beautiful trees everywhere and a meadow of green. No traffic, no telephones, no electricity.
                  Only Quiet. Only God, only Mother.

                  1. Wonderful Lin! I can almost see you two running and giggling in that wonderful meadow of green 🙂

                    You know – my first thought when I started reading was that you are describing our future – I mean the future for us all on Earth. That would be nice – wouldn´t it?



                    1. Oh, B, I wish for such Innocent Peace and JOY and Love and Beauty for everyone. I hope it is our future while we fulfill our agreements to bring back home Blessings to Mother. I know that doesn’t make sense; we have to do the cleansing work first. And I’m all in.

                      This and other memories from the High Sierra were what I was thinking of when I responded to SFD higher up in the posts. My Heart literally aches sometimes when I KNOW what Mother offers, and I seemingly have no way of reaching that degree of Mother here in the city.

                      Bless you for helping me to remember, B.
                      Love you, Lin

                    2. I understand Lin. I am very grateful for the nature around me here. It has been so important for me in this journey.

                      You’re talking about cleansing work first – but aren´t we done with it now?



                    3. You’re most fortunate, dear B, like Aisha, A, and all others who have easy and daily access to the JOY of Mother. Mother’s Energy shines thru you and your Wisdom. EnJOY her for me. (SFD kindly sent me a youtube link to a wonderful appreciation vid of Mother which I will view often. However, walking in Nature is far different than viewing it on a computer screen–I’ll take/receive what I can get with heartfelt gratefulness.) I say this knowing full well we all are EXACTLY where we are supposed to be. Where we can grow and also offer the most service when called upon.

                      Re cleansing, I am referring to Mother Herself. Will She be instantaneously returned to Her Pristine state during the Shift, or… is more work called for…?

                      Love to you, Lin

                    4. I don´t know what will happen re cleansing Mother Earth. I am sure there are others here who can answer that question

                      I will also take time to view that vid from SFD – it seemed to be wonderful.

                      Good night! Sleeping time for me. Nice talk we had tonight 🙂

                      Much love to you my dear friend!


                      PS. Have I told you that I passed three shaman courses? I really enjoyed it – especially the drumming 🙂 DS.

                2. You made me curious Lin; “Some of my favorite memories occurred there and one very special one” – don´t you want to tell?

                  I have a penchant for primitive. A medial woman once told me that I was formerly shaman in for primitive folks way up in Siberia. I tend to think that this is why I feel connected with Sami. Our city will be inaugurated this year as Capital of Culture 2014 with many Sami elements and craftsmanship. Looking forward to the inauguration of the Sami hut made ​​of light beams with three Saami goddesses made ​​of ice and live fires on the river’s ice 🙂 Hope it gets below freezing again soon!

                  Much love,


                  1. B, I hope you do take pictures of this lovely ceremony. I think you said you share them on fb, so I will bite the bullet and use my hubby’s account and take a looksie if you do post them. (I don’t use fb) 🙂

                    Hope you will keep us advised when the inauguration occurs.
                    Freezing… brrrrrrrr. I’ve become a Los Angeles gal; anything below
                    59 degrees F is cold to me now. ha

                    Also, you have the Wisdom of a Shaman… and a terrific sense of humor used to dispense it. Wonderful combination. 😉

                    1. I would love to send you some pictures from the inauguration. I don´t know if you can see my email adress here, anyway Amy did. If you do – please send me a mail. I tried to “open” your gravatar to see if I could get it – but failed. We´ll work on it 🙂

                      Thanks for your compliment! You know – when I feel that I am too serious in my words to another person I often look at myself and become self-critical 🙂

                      Love you Lin!


                3. Loving this chat between B and Lin here ! I was thinking same B, that cleansing is over and I had same vision of what Lin said with that Being our new Earth when she was describing her girlhood adventures! Then I got to thinking we had those experiences to ‘lock them in’ for i recall a day when i was small enough to be sitting on one of those baby porch swings… and I consciously ‘locked in’ the wonderful energy feeling of that time. Love you guys, ~A~ oh,, B, I share a Shaman past with u – I was in pre-eskimo time as one.

                  1. I think it is important to have visions and “light-energy-experiences” pick up beautiful memories that fill one with energy. That was one of the first things I did during my deep depression in the beginning of my journey. Remember I was so excited and surprised that a memory that was so lovingly and profound could raise my energy so much by through the heart again and again go into that feeling, really feel – not think. It was remarkable and crucial for me!


                    1. Wonderfully expressed, B.

                      I believe you posted on Amy’s blog; to be able to post, one has to identify their email address to the blog creator… viola! I will create an email address and post it here for you. I probably should take the time to create a personal “public” gravatar here–but first figure out how to do it!!! 😉

                      With shared fondness for candy, xo Lin 🙂

                  2. A… I was talking about the cleansing of Mother. I don’t know how that will work; if the shift will provide instant cleansing to air/earth/vegetation/waters/+ or if additional cleansing is called for from all of us Ascended…? I hope it’s the former. So much harm has been brought to Her and still is being done so, it’s almost too overwhelming to think about. I’m prepared to do whatever kind of work I’m called to do. I know we all are.

                    Here’s to Love, Kindness and Fellowship (even towards those who caused it–hopefully in extreme ignorance or Divine Plan, I feel too tired anymore to even guess) bringing it about asap.

                    With Love to you, A, Lin

  4. B it’s so good to have you back!!!

    Today I do marvel… I start my new year off with almost total loss of voice from the virus I’ve had :t of all, my heart can still love. ~Nancee ) We’re off to a family dance soon with my grandkids 🙂 I’m asking my voice to return but if not I will continue to smile and joke about the loss. My feet can still dance, my ears can listen and greatest of all, my heart can still love. ~Nancee

    1. Lovely Nancee:))) and thanks for your greeting 🙂 You are so right – never mind about your voice, the children accept you anyway – how could they resist you? 🙂 Perhaps you can play a game with them like caw of a crow ;)) I always find a lot of different games with your kids and they are open to test everything. I think we adults have a lot to learn from them.

      I hope you recover soon so that you can gather strength for the next challenge.

      Much love to you,


  5. Anna Helen and JayJay!

    You are the bravest of the brave! You put it all on your love and vision and let us all take note of this, I can only say that I am full of admiration !

    During my trip, I have climbed up the ladder again and again and tumbled down just as many times. Every time I fell down, I felt like a total failure, until I got the help of others to realize that I never tumbled down to zero each time, but just a bit down the ladder to start on the basis of that place. It was a very valuable insight! It has been very frustrating to have to realize that my development did not go in the way that I myself had THOUGHT and above all – WANTED. Oh my God – after six months of sick leave, I was prepared to drop the lifeline, start my own business and save the world with my healing, my love and my insights – BECAUSE I WANTED IT SO STRONG !
    After a few months my “journey ” began seriously.

    What I will say is that we do the best we can – then we can not do more – for the moment. One must do as Native American when he travels – travel for a while and then stop and wait for the spirit.

    I like our motto in last gospel choir ” There can never be wrong – just different.”

    There are no mistakes – just experiences.

    I love you both so much and want you to know that I feel happy and proud of your courage. Please – do not judge yourself so hard!

    Love and respect,


  6. Back again – filled with love, experiences and a definite feeling that it now is harvest time for me in my life 🙂

    I hope the new year has started in the best way for you. May this new year be a little more convenient to us all, without so many stand-by-feelings between the energy waves, with possibilities to live our own lives as well.

    Thank you Aisha for your powerful words and the nice “icy” picture, reminding me of the many icy pictures I had during the last two months:) And a big THANK YOU for stay the course for this blog with an admirable patience and fine treatment of all who come to our blog. I joined this blog almost a year ago and for me it has been extremely important to be treated in the loving way you have treated me here and you still do. When you are surrounded by love as you dare let yourself free.

    Thank you all for your contribution to the development I have completed last year – a very extraordinary year with an equally extraordinary development. You have all been important for me. I see that some are annoyed over CCs “claims” and that “nothing” happens, but do not forget that we are involved in this development, whether we like it or not, whether we want to take advantage of the fantastic support available in this blog – or not. Personally, I have been alone on the journey for many years and know what it means and can not sufficiently emphasize how valuable this support is around The Pond.

    To me it feels now so much easier, feel completed, more grateful and happy now than just a few weeks ago. I’m really looking forward to what this year has to offer 🙂

    Love and respect to you all!

    B to B

    1. Welcome back, Dear B! Missed you mightily! 😉
      Unlimited 2014 Blessings to you.
      With Much Love, xo Lin

      1. Thanks dear Lin! So nice to be welcomed back again here after a needed break:) Hope you and your hub is getting well. See you!

        Lots of New Year-energy and love to you!


    2. Welcome back, B!! 🙂 You feel more powerful – standing taller and brighter. Good stuff! Happy 2014 to you!

      1. I love your comment Caroline – powerful, taller and brighter:))) – so it is. If there is ONE thing I can say have happened during this year following this blog – that is the wonderful feeling of oneness that I feel so strongly now. We are all one and have a need to be seen, loved and confirmed for what and who we are and feel.

        Thanks! I hope you will also have a wonderful New Year 2014!



    3. Sun!

      I just love you so much whether you get things forwards or backwards, right or wrong 😉 You’ve got a special place in my heart – so it is;) I really love that you missed me, but about ETs – I think they will not be dealing with definite and persistent women who want to play boss;)

      I really hope that much of your hard struggles are over now in 2014 so you can have some fun, sing and play around. You are so much worth it.

      Here we go Sun! Happy to be here again 😉

      Much love,


    4. “I was wrong again
      before I ever get it right
      I always get it wrong first
      it’s the way I learn”
      i heard that

      how about:

      first i taught myself the lesson
      then i learnt from it?


    1. So lovely pictures Pierre! The first one is so full of energy, freedom and joy and I thank you for publishing it! I hope your new year has started in that way 🙂



  7. Happy new one everybody.
    My girl, my dog and lots of friends from the Biodanza scene partied and danced in thankful joy. Lots of kids around. Games,dance,theatre fun.
    After midnight we send a hot air ballon enscripted with all our new years eve wishes for ´14 into the black sky. May all come true. Love,peace and freedom
    from funny old Europe.

    1. Thanks Michilyn! Are you in this video? I have a niece in Germany right now. She loves it! Sounds like a wonderful New Years Eve…I liked the balloon idea. May have to do it next year. Maybe I won’t wait. 🙂

      1. Thank you, B!

        All my Love to you, and your loved ones.
        At this very moment, AH is about to take off in the airplane that is taking her back to Memphis… I can feel her sadness, it is pretty painful.
        Well, it is as it is, and it is meant to be this way. All is well, just part of the process.

        1. I can only hope that the people that surround you are open and honest, and nonjudgmental. That´s the people you need now, but above all you need to throw away your own self judgmental for no one else can do for you. Let your light shine your way!

          You are in my thoughts!



          1. Thank you, B!

            That’s what I’m doing now, being non-judgmental to myself and others.
            I see now that the joining between AH and me was for a purpose although it wasn’t the purpose I expected. I thought that it would be so so that we could show and share the love we have for each other to everyone around us. Instead it was so that we could each expose the gaps or barriers that we both carry still within us; points of healing. To expose them, so healing can take place. The healing must be done separated from each other. All part of the Twin Soul process.
            I don’t know if we will ever be reunited in this lifetime. Ha! We must live in the now! Time for healing and reflection!

            Love, JJ

            1. God works in mysterious ways. I really appreciate that you can see it all so clearly although the pain may feel excruciating.



              PS. Anna Helen – I am with you there up in the air! DS

            2. This is a very powerful realization JJ – I know it is not easy but the Love mixed with the truth sets you free. My Twin and I steered clear of living together. We knew it was not to be that way. We have had on again , off again communication since about 1991. Often times when Twin Flames join the fire is too intense and like u said, the real work does not get done that needs to. Blessings to you both!!
              Love ~A~

              1. Thank you, A!
                I was drawn in with such force, I couldn’t resist.
                I have no regrets, but how can I ever go back to my wife? I just hope she will understand, and will be able to forgive/forget.

                Love, JJ

                1. I was thinking that for you and your wife. That is a tough one. We go thru a lot in this life and to keep our hearts open is what matters. My ex, Dave, understood about my Twin and I. I mean he tried hard to support me always. I even left him once to try it with my Twin – a weekend thing only. I knew I was taking big risk. Do u know my husband even packed us lunch !!! omg… to realize what that took. Well, It was no go and I came back home to a loving husband. When me ex and I split it was not anything to do with the Twin. You can share my story with your wife. It is not rare in other words. We have a strong ‘pull’ towards our twins of course and it does not mean we are to be life partners in marriage. It is better to try it and get it out of our systems though sometimes. I pray for you

                  1. Thank you very much for sharing this. I know my wife still loves me, but we’ll see how it goes.

                    Love, JJ

                2. Theres more that wants to come out for you. lol. Ok…there is no ownership in this life of another. See, my ex and i were exceptional in how we did focus on the real meaning of Love and support growth of each other. My current guy – no way he would have offered to me what ex did re Twin. When there is Love and a partnership that offers openness of understanding (and less ego) there is a chance for renewal and further growth. 🙂

                  1. I hope and pray that this will be the case. My wife is very loving. I hope that love will prove to be strong enough.

                    Thank you, A!
                    Love, J

  8. Well, I guess I called it quits just before the finishing line.
    I just sent my Twin home, she’s leaving tomorrow. 3D was pulling at me too hard, I lost myself. I feel like I failed the mission, I’m sorry. I said before, I don’t feel like much of a lightworker, guess I never did believe in myself. Also, there was no support from any of my former friends or family. I was all alone in trying to take care of everyone that were my responsibility. I thought that everything would fall into place, once we were together, but the opposite occurred. Everything failed, nothing worked. My dissapointment in the process is great, I feel betrayed. I have destroyed much, if not everything that I love.

    “Everything is as it should be?” I certainly hope so.

    I love you all (too much),

      1. Thank you, Nancee. We spoke of “adventure,” did we not? Well, I have just realized that I have created for myself the adventure of being literally homeless. How’s that for powerful? What an amazing and imaginative being I AM.

        One can only laugh when one gets one’s just desserts.

        🙂 AH

                1. ??? re this exchange I mean. SFD ???
                  I am soooo confused…. cant we all just get along… Be one big happy family. Anyone ever see the show “Catfish”? I would say this is what happened with JJ and AH but then, they did meet and not just cyber love. I Love you guys and everyone. And Yes, JJ, we do have to learn to Be enough for ourselves somehow. Expectations usually get shot down.
                  #1 = we all do the best we can at any given time – looking back and ‘shoulding’ on ourselves does no good.
                  #2 = keep saying -until u believe it- that ‘everyone Is FOR me’ >>> its pretty powerful and brings good gifts.
                  #3 = Life IS……

                  1. “can’t we all just get along” it is to preserve exactly that as to why i have responded they way i have. that should be sufficient, if you want further clarification, you can ask and i will explain further -x-

                    1. I have no idea what u r talking about. i pretty much said that in fun to lighten mood anyways. Its nice at this place to have the underlying feeling that everyone IS for you – thats what makes it so special. Love, ~A~

                    2. today was a very energetic day. i am working at a multidimensional level alot now. the secrets i know are so profound, so beautiful, i want to share it all, with all of you. i want to tell you all exactly what is around the corner. but i know i must not.

                    3. SFD, not even a peek?….. 😉

                      And now I’m being serious while trying not to be obtuse, but why must you not… share? xo Lin

                    4. glad you asked i was having trouble posting the answer a while ago. now you just asked it it should go through.

                      if i were to tell you the exact next step you were going to take your freewill would kick in and you would walk off your true path. it will take time for you to find your way back again, and i think we wasted enough of that.

                      p.s. nancee is going to teach everyone telepathy
                      p.p.s. you should appreciate this

                    5. We really have to go our own way though it may seem so long, bumpy and difficult. For me this was my calling so strongly about ten years ago that I was absolutely convinced that it would carry me no matter how my own signals howled STOP stronger. So – we must use all our skills and weigh up everything to a balanced mix – whatever spiritual belief or drive. It is my opinion and experience.

                      I wish you a Happpy New Year!


                      PS. I love your poem! DS.

                    6. one who keeps in hiding has a fear of something. fear not for another for they have their own strength in the asking. 🙂

                    7. Wha… SFD, I don’t have a blog. Perhaps you meant my response?
                      I started to reply and then visited you at your blog to view the poem first. Btw, I had already read your poem when you first linked it here at Aisha’s, and I also enjoyed it then. Very much.

                      I can relate to your poem (but you already KNOW that). I’m from a small town in the country now living in the city for a very long time… and the only access to any kind of Mother Nature seems to be in our backyard watching and talking with the birds/bees/insects/trees/the green/etc. My Heart dearly aches for the one-on-one quiet, out-of-the-city experience with Mother in 3D–and not just a weekend experience. (We’re very lucky to have our relatively big backyard, so I’m not complaining) However, I DO look forward to my new teleportation skills soon. Seriously.

                      Thank you, SFD, as I so enjoy the Energy & Light you bring here. Thanx for your patience, too! 😉 xo Lin

                    8. P.S. A/Breeze, SFD, I have no idea what A/Breeze is referring to re fear… Thrilled about the news re Nancee (high five, Nanc). I’m already in line when you’re ready, Nancee.

                    9. My Heart, My Soul, Thank you, SFD, for the youtube connection. I bookmarked it for frequent visits. and, yes, there were tears of quiet, Pure JOY… a lovely way to begin my morning.

                      Peace & Continued Blessings to you.

                    10. I didnt understand why SFD was posting something saying he could not post his experience- said he wanted to share but ‘must not’? Then when Lin replied asking, it sounded like SFD would take her off ‘her path’ if he spoke of it? So i said what i said. so sorry. no problemo – guess he meant ‘his path’. SFD communication not so clear to me at times.

                    11. it is my way dear one, do not be alarmed, and do not worry. your way is on another path to mine and my kin, you are just as important and just as cherished and loved as we all are -x-

                    12. Thanx for the Clarification, A. It is appreciated.

                      I appreciate the dialog between you both.

        1. Dear AH, beloved sister, brave and shining soul! Your path is not for the faint of heart, but I know you will find your way, guided by that powerful light you carry inside.
          LOVE, Aisha

        2. Dearest AH, We did speak of Adventure and I smile that we share the “homeless” state at the same time. I haven’t had a home to call mine except for ME and my space 🙂 since mid June. It’s a strange experience… liberating in some ways and certainly different. Some days I plain forget until someone asks me where I live now. I smile and reply, “Actually I’m officially homeless at the moment.” Make sure you smile though… it makes a big difference. My car is insured to my work location as that’s where I’ll sleep the most nights before going to Australia. I realize that I, at least have a plan to rest my feet upon so dear Lori you are actually braver than I! Remember this is an adventure. I am living with borrowed clothing for the most part but this week I share my bed with my beloved Raffle… the stuffed bear I left at my daughter’s. Life is good. Remember a smile is just a thought away. I often stop and just smile. Thank you for sharing so openly, especially about your love and support for JJ. I’ve felt your emotional experience from afar… much love, Nancee

    1. My love, I want you and everyone here to know that I believe in you. Still. I always have and always will. You are the most loving, giving, intelligent, talented, brave, strong and true man I have ever known. I do hope, I so very much hope, that one day you will see yourself as I do.

      Though separating from you is not and never would be my choice, I do understand. I am so proud of you for being true to yourself in this. I only want what is best for you, and I wish you the utmost happiness.


    2. Sun_of_Blue,

      I thank you, you lift my spirit, you make it leap with hope and joy. This coming from you means a lot to me.


    3. Dear JJ… take care of YOU. You spent and exhausted a lot if not most of your energies (mentally/emotionally/physically) caring for your beloved daughter Vive, rightly so. Now maybe it’s “time” to recoup those energies, which takes daily, moment-by-moment long-term care. Be sweet and kind to yourself at every opportunity. I will hold you daily in Golden White Light and be sending you Love in this New Year 2014. DO stay away from judgment of any kind!! Judgment = self-defeat with no wiggle room whatsoever.

      I Love you both very much.

      With my Love&JOY to you and without judgment, xo Lin

      1. Sounds like you are feeling what I am about 2014: It is the year of nurturing and being nurtured. I awoke with that as well as many things I wish I made myself get up and write! Anyway, I have felt like I am a shell lately. Empty, void. Its good though. 2013 I shed all I could of what was ‘not’ me. Now, its time to nurture what I want to Be Me. Planting the seed and taking care that it grows. Love you for making this come to the forefront for me again. Love to JJ and AH and all in the task of self nurturing!! ~A~

    4. Dear JJ – it not my intention to make u feel worse… ever. I am just thinking that if these folks are not supportive or you in your life choices – especially when the choices have to do with bringing more true Love (in all its aspects) into your life, then how good are these folks to have around anyways? Just sayin. I learned this too. I have my Kelly and friends who live a far distance. I plan to make new friends that match my own frequency better – just as I have with all of u here that I am every day so grateful for! If you still need whatever lessons these others bring to you, hey, that is OK too. Its all OK. Just be aware of it so you know what you are doing and why. I offer my Love and support always. XO~A~

    5. Dear JJ, my brother of the light! You are not a failure, not in any way. I see your light, even when you think it has been extinguished. It is there, and it will always be there, and I know you will find your way back to YOU.
      I LOVE YOU! Aisha

    1. Sending a big hug your way………….glad to see you………was a bit concerned…… your side during your silence……..holding space, with respect.

    1. I know this isn’t the “Auld Lang Syne” you meant. I do hope you “get” the one you wanted. Love you, friend. I am accepting a big hug from you right now, so thank you.

      1. My sweet Lori/fiery Ethyl+… I am holding you in my Heart, my JOY. YOU are amazing. And I will be holding you in one loooong, continuous big hug. I absolutely will receive the Auld Lang Syne I foresaw… and it does include you.

        With my Love, admiration and respect, xo Lin

  9. ,•*´¨★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★2013★,•*´¨★Love★,•*´¨★2014★¸.•*´¨★Love★¸•*´8888>
    ★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★
    ,•*´¨★¸.• ★
    ★ ¸.• ★
    / \¸.

    1. ,•*´¨★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★2013★,•*´¨★Love★,•*´¨★2014★¸.•*´¨★Love★¸•*´8888>★¸.•*´¨★Love★
      ★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★
      ,•*´¨★¸.• ★
      ★ ¸.• ★
      / \¸.

      the femenine principle is represented by a semicircle pointing up like the letter U. the masculine principle is also a semicircle pointing down. bring the two together and you make an o . a whole being with both energies in balance.
      a + (cross) symbolises the union of the material and the spiritual. place the o on the + and you get a being based off of the union of the material and the spiritual. you may recognise this as the alchemical symbol for venus, also attributed to woman.
      the arrow is a symbol of flight, penetration and direction. add this to a o and you get a being with these characteristics. you may recognise this as the alchemical symbol for mars, also attributed to man. the symbol for a man or a woman are infact multidimensional and impossible to scribe.

      guided by adele nozedar, recieved with love honor and thanks -x-

  10. ,•*´¨★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★
    ★¸.• ★,•*´¨★¸.• ★
    ,•*´¨★¸.• ★
    ★ ¸.• ★
    / \¸.•Ohhh, thank you, Aisha and All…Happy New Year to each one here…♥!

  11. Sending you all a big hug and much love for a blessed 2014! May all our dreams come true! Please send me a little love and energy as I am sick these past two days…since I am always WELL this has made me feel a bit sorry for myself! LOL But loving on you all and joining in in the celebration etherically! And Aisha baby…I wanted to thank you for oh so long ago having the courage to be who you truly are and take that first step to share out into the big wide world–without that step, this beautiful wonderful pond would not be! Loving you all! Alex

    1. sending u a warm hug along with a nice cup of tea with lemon 😉 Love 2 U Alex – baby ! Rest well. I am headed for the tub here myself with my baby ;0
      Ah…. yes, with some Tom Petty on TV classic rock — The Waiting – is the hardest part…. oh how true that is.

    2. Always you are held in the LoveLight, Alex.
      You are so kind in all that you offer here.
      Thank you sincerely, and 2014 Blessings to you&yours.
      xo, Lin

    3. Hope you feel better soon Alex! Take some me time for yourself and put on some fuzzy slippers and a warm cozy blanket! Healing light to you dear!

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