The manuscript of survival – part 376

The times they are a-changin’ is a tune many of you will be familiar with, and this is indeed exactly what is going on now. You might not be fully able to literally tune into the full extent of what we are referring to at the moment, but as with everything, it will become clearer for you as you manage to fully embrace all of your inherent faculties. So again we say, this is in all aspects very much an inner journey, one that needs to be taken in solitude, but also one that needs to be shared in a way that will enable both yourself and others to better see the path ahead.

For this is in many ways the underlying reason for all of this ceaseless stream of information we deliver. It is not only to give you a heads up as it were on what is going on on all the levels you may feel disconnected from at the moment, but it is also to remind you that so much of this is indeed going on within yourself. For YOU are the virgin territory we have discussed earlier, and there is no one but yourself who can explore that to the fullest. And that is why we are here, to encourage you to do so. For that is the only way to find that future you so crave, as it is not hidden anywhere else than within.

This may sound contradictory to many, as they will point to other factors that play an important part in not only their own well-being, but that of this whole planet, and rightly so. But that is why we say, go within, as the answers you so crave are already there for you to find them. For you have the solutions, in fact, you ARE the solution to every single problem that plagues mankind. And we do mean that, both on a micro and macro level. For now, there are no outside factors that inhibits you, as those negative usurpers that have preyed so long on mankind, have lost the hold on your hearts, but perhaps not on your minds?

So again we say, you are the solution to every single problem you see around you, and you are more than strong enough and wise enough to tackle every single one of them. We will be at your side, every step of the way, and we will do our part in order to make you find those solutions in a way and at a speed that you could not have done single-handedly. But for us to be able to aid you, you must first of all come to your own aid. So that is why we say go within, and do so with the intent of one that is actively seeking the greatness that has been lying dormant there for eons. For you are like Sleeping Beauty, someone who has been kept sedated for such a long time, it can take forever to wake up again. But wake up you must, for in order to face the future, you must have removed those last vestiges of induced sleep from your own being.

It can feel uncomfortable at first, much like the sensation when blood returns to a limb that has been numbed down for a while. But remember, all of these “needles and pins” you will experience on the way are truly a sign of you finally waking up. For that is what this whole process is all about, waking up to the fact that you are a far more powerful being than what you have thought yourself to be, and as such, the process can very much be likened to a patient who has been in coma for years, suddenly coming to. And so it will be a period of bewilderment and confusion for you all, for you will need to get acquainted with that “new abode” of yours we referred to in an earlier message. Remember, you have left that old and cramped flat behind, and now, you inhabit far more spacious living quarters than before, and one that has a whole new set of rooms with which you need to get acquainted with. For there resides so much of your own powers, the powers that have been locked away in a storage vault all of this time when you have existed as the old kind of humans, the humans running on one single cylinder, functioning on barely a fraction of their own power. But now, you will be able to rev the engine and utilize its full powers, so perhaps this is not the best time to sit idle?

For as we have told you before, you are the one with the hands on the wheel and the foot on the pedal, and you are the one who needs to decide whether or not to go and explore that new mansion you have just moved into. We cannot make you do it, but we will continue to remind you that you cannot stay asleep anymore. For if you do, not only will you miss out on quite a lot, you will make it harder for this world of yours to wake up to a brand new reality as well. For the world of your dreams will only become a reality if you make it so. So again we say, go within, for that is where you will find the brand new you, the you who is more than ready to shoulder any task that may stand in the way between you and the future you dream of.

188 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 376

  1. Dear sun_of_blue, something very powerful – and wonderful – is indeed starting to wake up inside of us all, stretching and yawning. Do not worry, you will not get on the wrong side of him, for it is YOU. I am looking forward to say hello to him 🙂
    Love and light from me, Aisha

  2. “Only a man who’s heart is pure can wield the knife. If you are such a man, you will have it.”

    I have been a bully and a coward most of my life. Last night I made my prescence known to a bothersome energy that was trying to attack a child of the light. Then I started to channel MY energy in preparation to withstand the pending attack. The attack never came. The negative vibration departed. The light shone a little brighter. I will always be sad to see the passing, for I am the defender of the light.

  3. Thanks Sun!

    It feels as though my brain has been opened and released in some strange way. Think there has been a lot of rerouting cables there – almost a short circuit;) My heart on the other hand has always been open;)

    Wish you a weekend in the way you want it to be:)


    B to B

  4. wtf?>
    enough of jeff
    something in this little Tv wired up to the little flat typewriter is not doing what I asked.
    I better shut it down
    don’t ask me

    1. Grin
      I think you really showed something here.
      Not two, not three, but four times.
      You really <4 her, my friend.
      I listened to Jeff all three times.
      Any man who can play his "lady love" in such a way
      has my unwavering support!!!
      I enjoyed every minute.

      And watching you flounder around
      just a little
      Was kinda fun.


  5. I am a happy camper
    I got to to see my twin flame for a few hours today.
    She is a healer and busy more than before
    To see her I have to make an appointment just like anyone else, well no, not exactly, she is not interested in my money. That time I offered her some , pissed her off. It pisses her off when someone says I less than three you.
    ❤ , huh? less than three. ! ?
    how fucking lazy can you get.
    Anyway, I shouldn't be so brash,
    I didn't say, "I love you"
    She looks at that happy horse shit with a raised eyebrow.
    I said
    "It's easy to be relaxed and peaceful when I am with you"
    she called me, her friend.
    I felt the earth move under my fett
    hmm I guess there is a song in here someplace.
    well/ more than one.

  6. Today I met up with a full size scorpion where I’d just been pulling out weeds by hand. I was also raking the pile towards my bare legs. I was sad that I had to kill it. Minutes later I was weeding a tomato bed and paused to view, what I thought was a spider scurrying away and it was a baby scorpion! Two in a row! I headed up for a swim while Jan was watering the planter at the end of the pool. She hollered snake. Darned if wasn’t a young Fer-de-Lance (pit viper). Apparently they can be very aggressive and very fatal! The fire department was called and did a live catch. They say they turn them loose in the mountains. I was glad. (I like snakes.)

    I’m grateful for ‘signs’ that confirm my decision to leave is wise and timely. Today the messages are clear… my time of grace and protection may be running out. I enjoy gardening without gloves, feeling the earth between my fingers and the weeds etc. I’ve been learning not to engage too deeply with the paths of those I get close to. Leaving here (rather than staying) is part of that awareness. I will show more caution in the remaining days while working outside. I must say I have probably not been doing that much. 🙂

    On a good note, I found the entrance to my dear friend, Lizard’s den today, right across from the scorpion. I will leave him some fruit tomorrow. ~Nancee

    1. You get many nice messages from your little friends – especially the scorpion 🙂

      I can not help but read the book “The animals ‘language’:
      “You have a strong feminine / masculine energy – use it. My gift to you is to feel attractive. Scorpio I met showed how easy it was to find a partner. It found them attractive and by this it was also irresistible to other ‘

      Much love Nancee!

      B to B

      1. Thank you B for sharing the above message! I will hold it dear as I prepare to return to Canada and such a different lifestyle again (and cold) and all the wrong clothes for the season. I will carry this message with me as I make new plans for Australia. I really like to know that the scorpion didn’t die for “nothing.” I am awed and humbled that s/he gave its life for me to get a message. I found out later that these scorpions don’t usually have enough venom to send one to a hospital. I would have let it go free if I’d known that! Love, Nancee

    2. Dear Nancee, wise soul 🙂 Thank you for reminding us to be aware and to be present – and to be clear about the choices we make. You have such a a wonderful ability to SEE the signs around you, and for acknowledging the guidance you are being given. I am so looking forward to see what happens when you take to your wings and set course for Australia 🙂
      Love and gratitude from me, Aisha

      1. Aisha I don’t usually acknowledge your replies to me but I want you to know that they are very encouraging. This morning I awoke a bit overwhelmed with returning to Canada, visiting, working (just got an offer) and making plans for Australia. It is so HUGE… what happened to that little dog’s head shape I have treasured in my heart? It GREW 🙂 So many deep deep breaths will keep me on track and I will not get sidetracked with a new work opportunity for longer than I need. I will gather all those inner seemingly parts of me, my masculine and feminine as B shared and continue towards my dream! Love, Nancee

  7. Dear Friends!

    Before I go to bed tonight I just have to tell you that it is like the roller coaster stayed up today and life came back to me. Thank you Aisha for pressing the stop button 😉 Even the stubborn flu starts to ease.The body feels light and free and especially the brain, relaxed, happy and everything runs igen.The dormant and completely duplicated operating system in the brain has been moved to an external hard drive and left some free space 😉 A wonderful feeling and experience. Have even watched TV in the evening, the finale of Idol 2013 where this amazing guy won (though not with this song):

    There is hope my friends 🙂

    Love you all,

    B to B

    1. Dear B to B – I am so glad you are in smoother waters now! Hope you will have a wonderful weekend, with time to explore a little of your new, open spaces 🙂 And thank you for sharing this video! I love to see the light that shines out from young people like him when they do the thing that makes their heart sing 🙂
      LOVE, Aisha

      1. Thank you Aisha 🙂 and I agree with you about young talent, wholehearted people following their heart no matter what – like Nancee, Amy, Anna Helen and JayJay and others also do. Now that I think about it, it’s a fact that we ALL do it (regardless of age;) but younger people are especially inspiring.

        Wish you all a lovely, inspiring weekend!

        B to B

        1. Amen to that, B to B! That is why we are all here, to make our heart sing by following our true calling 🙂 And that is why it is so magical to read all the comments here. For every day, I see so many wonderful people sharing the journey they take, guided by that voice from their heart. And for every step they take, their light shines stronger and stronger. Just like yours 🙂
          Love and gratitude from me, Aisha

      1. Thank you JJ – love back to you, ALee and your families too!

        I think of you, and understand that you are probably in an intense breakup stage these days. I’m sending a bubble of light that you all can get inside and retrieve the light and power of.

        Love you all!

        B to B

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