The manuscript of survival – part 304

As you have mayhaps noticed dear friends, the fires have been stoked now. For as we approach the first Gathering that has been set up for this upcoming weekend, many of you will feel how the heat of the fire will reach a heightened momentum now as you have agreed to take part in this world wide event. For the threads you have all so studiously gathered will already start to become a part of the great fold now. In other words, you have all been caught in this new web of light filaments, and now, we will make sure that you are all securely fastened as we start to spin the threads and weave you all seamlessly into this magnificent structure of light. This does not imply that you are prisoners in any way, quite the opposite. For this only means that you are no longer the solitary journeyer through a dense vacuum of lower densities, for now, you have all joined the party as it were, as you have all been connected to the filaments of tomorrow. And by your very actions, you have made that decision to the thus included a very long time ago. For this YES was something you gave on a soul level before you even came in, and as such, the joy you all feel in your heart comes from the realization that now, this YES will start to come into full effect.

For the journey you all had to take to bring you to this point has been a long and arduous one indeed, and for some, the trials and tribulations may not even seem to have lessened yet. But trust us when we say that your agreement to be an intrinsic part of this joyful web of light that has been started to spun, is a decision that will also cut all of the threads to the old that still feel like chains around your neck. For the net cancels the old, in every way you can think of, and when you all step into this great bright Pond together in a few days’ time, it will be like the final anointment that will wipe away the tears and the sorrow, the anger and the despair once and for all. For then, you will all be given the opportunity to really connect, not only with your own true core, but with the core of All there is. And once you get a glimpse of that, so much of the old dross will simply fade away, and it will be just like old fading photographs in an album. And even if you decide to open up that old album to take a small stroll down memory lane, it will almost be like looking at the memories of a stranger. For that used to be you, but it will not be you any longer. For now, the fires have been stoked good and well, and the heat from the flames will not only warm your hearts, but it will also burn away anything that has no place in this, the new you and the new world. For like a phoenix from the flames you will all rise again, and together you will stand shining as brilliantly as never before.

So again we say, all is well, even if you at times may feel the heat to be a little bit too high in the days ahead. For the preparations before the first Gathering are nothing if not thorough, and as such, you can all expect some interesting encounters with yourself in the days and indeed nights ahead. But breathe deeply, and know that you will not be burned by these flames of purification. For you are like the diamond still encased within a thin outer layer of carbon, and in order for the diamond to emerge completely, there may still need to be some measure of pressure and heat to bring it forth. But again we say, you are all guided closely throughout this last stage of the process, and we think you will all find a way to truly connect with the joyful part of this stage of the journey as well. For you have openend your hearts to this, and as such, you have also given yourself the permission to rejoice, not only for this Gathering, but also for yourself. For you have all started to shine more brightly than ever as you set up on this initiation, for that is what it really is. We will of course return with more on this remarkable effort you have all agreed to take part in, but for now, we will leave you all to ponder our words, and to give yourself ample time to rejoice and renew your vows to be a joyful being once again.


280 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 304

  1. When I opened my heart…
    It opened not just a bit…
    It opened without I noticing…
    To just and only All That Is…
    Yes, brother Mark, you got it…

    In this Pond of Infinite Light…
    I’ve already lost the account…
    Of how many ‘I do love you’…
    I,ve said to women and men…
    Without hesitating discrimination…

    If my mother new about it…
    I,m hearing her sayin’ me…
    Where’s the strictly Christian…
    Catholic Apostolic education…
    I gave you, gone, my son?…

    And if my wife new about it…
    That,s easier to know yet…
    Which would be her reaction…
    Rivers of emotional blackmail…
    I could neither breathe, more…

    The more I dig inside…
    The more I find it,s bigger…
    Will I one day find out…
    Where am I now heading?…
    Don,t know… Don,t know…


    1. Big hugs brother Nohmad….and soon you will let go of worrying what anyone thinks of your Love or how you share it….and then you will truly be free. It’s something that each of us must eventually do–the whole world will do it–fast or slow–but it will be done–love will be reclaimed for what it is–the divine, unconditional transfer of source energy from one facet of source to All that is….Love is free. Love is like the wind and the sun and the rain. It knows no rules, feels no walls and has one aim. To get inside of every single atom in the universe and make it quiver with joy….

      1. Thanks, Leslie, Joy, Alex, Nomad, Golden Eagle,

        I sincerely appreciate the positive feedback. I do love you all.

        And great contributions! You all added much to what I was trying to say. I love that too. It is so cool that we help each other toward this goal… Very much a part of the new, in which conflict is replaced by mutual respect, love and the greatest good for all.

      2. Thank you, Alex! Beautiful post. I hope it for me and for all. And I trust in God’s infinite love for us all, too, that it will come to happen with the least grief and soon. Big hug, my beloved sister!

      3. Alex, you are…
        So right…
        Love is free…
        Knows no rule…
        Brings us Joy…

        Darkness knew this…
        Then dogma entered…
        For eons our lives…
        And brought sadness…
        Regret… grief… misery…

        Now the Light…
        Is here…. forever…
        Let,s free again…
        Our hearts…
        And our minds…

        Love is free…
        Goes from A to B…
        Or from AB to C…
        It does not matter…
        Which sex they are…

        Sin?… Forbidden?…
        Against God’s Law?…
        Against Social rules?…
        Who said that truth?…
        Darkness… Mayhaps…


  2. Hey my Soul Sisters and Brothers,

    Anybody notice that great big giant portal today? I have occasionally had this strange feeling inside or very near my heart—sometimes it flutters but generally I just notice it. I was once told that I have a leaky valve but I am pretty sure it is actually a legitimate inter-dimensional portal. Right there in body… Who knew?

    But I digress…

    What I really want to share with you came after I read something about connecting with Gaia and how available she is right now. I took the advice and went for a walk at a nearby Greenway and just breathed and sort of prayed along the way.

    What came to me was this: The CCs have been assuring us that as we move further and further into the new reality, we must let go of the old. At times, this has felt great, just what we wanted to hear. At other times, this has felt daunting, change is change and sometimes it scares us. In this regard, the stakes have consistently gone up—first we were letting go of this, and then that… and most recently, it sounds like we are talking about losing entire paradigms—things like institutions, 3D relationships, and maybe even our sense of self. Again, for some this might be just one more cause for celebration–actually, I believe it is that way for all of us, but it might take a breath or two to take that next step.

    Anyway, I realized that one of the challenges for me was something that I had not considered before. I realized today that in the old, we were taught to believe that love is limited. Or, very concretely, that our hearts could only hold so much. Because of this, it seemed necessary (even critically necessary) to choose between this or that or maybe this family or that family. Folks were even made to choose between spiritual things–things like a “Heavenly Father” or “Mother Earth”… Those who dared to ask, “why?” or to forge another path (probably a lot of Lightworkers) were generally considered dangerous and even called evil.

    At this point, we can easily see that these are all false choices–dualistic fabrications created as part of the illusion…

    However, what we might not have understood (at least I had not yet) is that all this had also led us to believe that our hearts were finite. That the reason that we could not “have it all/love it all” was simply because no one could. It was presumed to be impossible, except maybe for God and most people probably doubted that even God could actually love it all.

    So today, as I am walking through Gaia’s beautiful world, I felt moved to open that multi-dimensional portal as wide as I could, and embrace everything that I was beholding and everything that I wanted to hold in my heart. This included not only the fullness of the natural world but each of you as well, and all of my own hopes and dreams that I typically don’t include because that would just (selfishly) take up needed space

    And guess what? I realized that I had in a sense been cheating myself (in the old) because I found that I could actually do this, and quite ably. The joy did not wear me out–at all. It actually made me just that much more hungry for more wonderful things to place in my heart.

    In other words, I believe our hearts are actually unlimited. This would then by the first of many unlimited things that I suspect that I will be discovering on this wonderful journey. And what a perfect first discovery—huh? How cool is that!

    Anyway, so one last connection… For those who may be a little apprehensive about this latest stripping away. It might be helpful to consider that the reason that you are nervous about “losing” something is because you imagine that your heart will then be less full. Given my revelation today, I am certain that this is not true at all. Your heart is in no danger of filling up–especially now that the Light has washed all that fear, negativity and lies away!

    So when we hold hands together in just a few days time, I want you to know that there will be room for each one of you in my heart. I cannot tell you how happy and excited this makes me. This would, of course, not work in the old paradigm because there would be way too much fear, jealousy, etc. to allow for something like this. But now it is not only possible, it is the order of the day. Yeah! And I am sincerely joyful to embrace this new day with all of you truly beautiful being.

    Grace and Peace and Love and Light… (See? … means that there can even be more blessings for me to give to you in my closing. It’s limitless!


    1. OK, wow I am blown away. The synchronicity is incredible. A few years ago during acupuncture I also had the same “vision” or revelation (acupuncture does this to me!) and it was – “Being in a physical body does not have to limit the amount of love we can experience or give. We can love like Angels” (that’s more or less the abridged version). And though this made quite an impression on me, in day to day life I forget. And with all the craziness lately and just trying to keep my head above water some days, I really struggle to get that feeling going. But in thinking about the upcoming meditation with everyone, I have been very consciously remembering that moment, that revelation, that the heart really is limitless, infinite, and quite capable of everything you so beautifully described above. It’s been on my mind…so to see you’ve written it out here (better than I could, thanks!) is pretty wild to say the least. Not to mention my husband was on the Greenway today and it could have been the same one! Guess we’re just lighting it up here!! Wowza!



    2. Oh Mark,
      After reading your words and thinking of all that love my heart seemed to expand and grow into my whole chest continuing throughout my whole body, my whole house and then the entire universe. Ah, my cup runneth over. Thank you!

    3. Dearest brother Mark! That was Freaking awesome! Oh so true! So true! I am doing the happy dance here for YOU and for all of us because oh my God, I am laughing–do you remember the 10 commandments? LOL well the first one read something like I am the lord your god and you must love me with all your heart and mind and soul–and I remember as a child thinking to myself, well I can certainly love you alot but I am not going to love you with all my heart and mind and soul becuase then what is left for everyone else!?

      You my friend, you have solved the riddle for me! You can love everyone with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul because EVERYONE is One! LOL you are so right–the heart, it is limitless and stretches like the biggest balloon….did you ever see the movie The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel? in the movie there is a line that goes–the first rule of India–there is Always room….That is our hearts! Thank you so much for sharing this!

      Also, wanted to share this in relation to connecting to Sophia-Gaia–my experience from this afternoon! I have to share with you because it made my heart jump. I was outside
      sitting at the base of my beautiful guardian tree bess soaking up the sunshine
      after being ill for days. My strength has returned and my joy as well. I was
      sitting amongst a field of crazily zigging and zagging ground bees, each intent
      on cleaning their burrows, finding nectar for their future babies deep
      underground and doing lovely sporadic dances in the brilliant sunlight.

      In the middle of this I felt my soul say to me–you are a part of this–you are
      a piece of this–and then joy spread across my body and I turned my palms upward
      to accept the sun into my hands and a tiny bee landed on the tip of my left
      index finger and I opened my eyes and it flew off but I began to see, above the
      jerky circular motion of the bees, small golden sparkling points of light moving
      out in all directions in smooth motions and I knew–the devas! the faeries!
      doing their work–i was in awe! to come in here and read this now–what joy! yes
      folks, they are out there! Take some time in your day to connect with
      sophia-gaia and see them! Hugs! Alex

    4. Dear Mark, Alex, Leslie and all – THANK YOU!!! The CCs keep repeating the advice of breathing deeper and deeper, and every time I do that, I feel myself expanding so much more than what I thought my lungs and my body were capable of. I think this must be a way to remind us of the same thing you all talk about, for there are no limits to this, and we must help ourselves to stop thinking in the old human terms of “limits” or boundaries. So thank you all so much for these beautiful insights into this limitless world of love and wonders we are about to step into!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  3. Hi all,

    I’m newish here (I’ve only been following Aisha’s posts since late February, but I have gone back and read them all from the beginning), and I don’t expect to be be posting very often, but I’m all for a gathering to create a world filled with light. Count me in. It will be 5.00am Monday for me (Melbourne) but I joined the 3am club a long time before I ever knew there were others in it with me 🙂

    All my love,


    1. Dear Paul! Welcome to the Pond! Thank you so much for bringing your light here, and for being a part of this circle of love! Make yourself at home, and feel free to just sit by the edge and enjoy the view if that is what you prefer. Your light is shining brightly for us just by your very presence!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  4. I just want to thank and honor everyone for all of your sharing. It really does help to see that my friends are having such similar experiences alongside me.

    On the topic of headaches…Two nights ago, I got slammed with the worst doozy ever. Around 12am I started to notice a small headache, then at 1am, boom, it hit me hard & relentless. I really thought my head was going to explode. This was a totally different outside-to-inside kind of pressure, completely unlike my usual flat-on-my-back-migraine. Skip the nausea, go straight to the dinner review…ugh. Thank you 3am club members (and whoever else was paying attention) for hearing my cries & smoothing it out a whole lot. I passed out from the intense waves going through my head, which has never happened before either. One moment I was asking, “please dial it back, this is too strong!” and the next thing I knew it was sunny. When I woke up it was all gone & no hangover. The kind of clarity I had was remarkable. None of my usual just-woke-up fuzziness or feeling like my head doesn’t fit right, as it sometimes does the morning after a bad headache. Well, for 15 minutes anyway, and then I noticed the dull throb coming back to visit.

    As the CCs said, “For you are like the diamond still encased within a thin outer layer of carbon, and in order for the diamond to emerge completely, there may still need to be some measure of pressure and heat to bring it forth. ” Oh yeah…got that in spades. Thanks for the warning/confirmation.

    Last night I thought, if time is immaterial then I should be able to go check out the pond and see what’s up. Maybe there’s a couple other visitors checking in early. I hadn’t looked to see if there was a new post up here, so to see later that others were there playing too is just amazing. It’s so intriguing to me, how some of us can have visions while meditating. I received some peaceful light to soak up and bathe in, and that by itself was way cool! But Amy flying on a bicycle? How I wish I could have seen that!

    heehee! What a thrilling ride this is! (But I wouldn’t wish that headache on anyone.)

    Hey! Who’s bringing snacks on Sunday?!? I’m bringing cookies. 🙂

    1. Sara, sending you a tremendous hug and a soothing rub for your blessed head. Have you tried to find a live feverfew plant and eaten one leaf a day? This really helps with migraines! I think many of our group have been experiencing very intense healing issues and I think it goes with the territory and I feel it too will shift just like our emotional cleansing is shifting. More big hugs…as for Amy on the bike, LOL everyone is wondering about that–Think of the scene from ET with Eliot peddling across the sky, but on his back he has wings…so she was peddling–but also flying with her angel wings! LOL silly but hey, my whole soul is silly! Much love! alex

  5. This is the first time I read this manuscript. I absolutely resonate with it and loved the joy the message brought me. However I don’t understand what is this gathering over the weekend. Is it a collective meditation? Please if you can answer my question before then I would really appreciate as I would love to join it too. I live in the south part of Brazil, so if it is a meditation, at what time is it and can I be a part from here as well. Thank you all very much.

    1. Dear Sandra! Welcome to this space, or the Pond as we like to call it! I am so glad that these messages that I channel have touched your heart. The Gathering is a group mediation, you can read more about it here:
      You will also find a link to a timeline converter there, so that you can find what time it is for you. (I live in Oslo, Norway, and for me, the time is 21:00.) Thank you so much for being a part of this!
      Love and light from me, Aihsa

    2. Bem-vinda, Sandra! Nossa meditacao global sera as 5 da tarde de domingo (17:00 hs de Porto Alegre). Tudo que necessitas para participar eh um coracao MUITO aberto e zero medo. So isso, nada mais. Procura um lugar calmo, relaxa bem e ai chama TEUS anjos para que te protejam e guiem durante o evento. Posso te antecipar que a duracao vai ser de mais ou menos 1 hora. Esta eh uma GRANDE festa da Luz. Ja estao comprometidos a participar quase 500.000 pessoas da Terra, e mais outras quase 500.000 almas vindas de muito, muito longe para estar junto a nos: nossas Almas Gemeas. Entao, Sandra, nao percas esta festa, porque va a ser rexeada de bencao para todos os participantes. Sera um encontro de muita alegria, amor, luz e uniao. Um forte abrazo, Sandra, e muitos beijos de amor incondicional! E novamente, muito bem-vinda!

      1. Aisha thank you so very much for the information. I will be together with you all for this party at 17:00 my time. I have one request. When I subscribed I think I clicked on the wrong option and now I am getting my inbox filled with all the comments from everyone. As much as I like to listen to positive points of view, it is crowding my inbox. Is it possible to unclick that option? Thank you so very much once again. The last message really helped out of a funk.

        1. Dear Sandra! Thank you so much for adding your light to this circle! There must be an “unsubscribe”-option, but I have not been a subscriber myself so I do not know how this works. I checked on my own wordpress-account, under “blogs I follow”, and I can adjust the settings to on and off there for following comments and posts. Is this of any help?
          Love and light, Aisha

          1. Yes Aisha that would be very helpful. Thank you so much for taking care of this for me. Much love to you and see you on Sunday in higher realms.

  6. Beautiful Carolyn! I have to tell you for the longest time, I simply thought of you as a little french donut…beignets! LOL cause I don’t have my reading glasses on and your screen name being me looked like the donut name! Delicious and warm and oh so sweet! 😉 I loved how you repurposed the words and showed the hidden meaning in them! 🙂 Big hugs Alex

    1. LOL Carolyn! It makes me giggle when you say you have a problem with words or are slow because your energy says different 😉 I support you in every way imaginable and love you very much as well ,dear sister of the ladybug on the poppy seed head! 😉 Alex

    2. Carolyn
      All are sweet here, but there is no one sweeter than you. We are all equal and the same. Slow? I don’t think so! Meek maybe, as all of us, and we will inherit the Earth. Bless you sweetheart.


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