The manuscript of survival – part 223

This day will bring with in many unprecedented instances, as the sun is once again being very helpful in delivering the messages we want her to convey. You see, the floodgates have started to open, if we may use such a word to describe the fact that now, the rain of energy over you planet will increase to such an extent it will at times be difficult to keep your heads above the water.

Let us explain. As many of you are aware, you are approaching the timeline many see as a divide between the old and the new, and even if some also think of it as the end of everything, the former is so much more true than the latter. For your world is not coming to an end, far from it. Rather, it is finally gearing up to start anew. In other words, the systems churning themselves out into oblivion are certainly coming to an end, but your world is rapidly approaching the dawn of promise. We speak, as usual, in convoluted terms, but what we do, is simply to state what so many have done before. Namely that this year is indeed the year of true change, and it will indeed be the one that will go into your history books as the year when humanity stopped going backwards and finally tok that decisive step into tomorrow.

You will find much around you that you will think is in dire need of rectifying before this year has run its course, and if you look on your calendar, you will be hard pressed not to think that you are in fact running out of time. Well, you are not, and after what has taken place on your shores these last few days and weeks, you will never ever run out of time. For the wheels have started to turn at a fast pace now, and helped by the imminent injection of even larger amounts of energy, they will start to turn even faster. So do not despair dear ones, even if you at times feel despair welling up inside at the thought of so much that is yet undone on this planet. For now, the quickening will start to expand at such a pace it will be almost like a blur in front of your eyes. The energies will be pouring in at such a rate you will all be struggling to stay upright, or rather, afloat at times.

So prepare yourselves to be inundated with energy, but prepare yourselves to celebrate the selfsame fact. For even if your physical body will call for a time out many times in the last remaining weeks of this year, know that your planet will revel in every new round of energy that hits her. For it will help to bring you all over that threshold that will finally ensure the perfect velocity for you all to literally break through the barriers that have been cementing you to so much of the old, and hurtling you into the wide open spaces of tomorrow. So take a deep breath and make yourselves ready for the waves coming in, for this time, they will pound you all mercilessly. Not to break you down, but to break you free.

31 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 223

  1. Reading this site daily, helps me in so many ways to live in 3D, yet, yearn for 5D to have happened yesterday. Thank you for gently guiding us, inspiring us on those very bad days and being a place to come to when question or fear arises.

    Many people I have spoken with lately are experiencing such thrist and drinking huge amounts of water and sleeping more. Then, an intense craving for chocolate and sweets.

    I have found speaking of Ascension symptoms it is a gentle way of explaining Ascension, which peaks many non-believers or unkowning people into beginning the study and education to what is truly happening all around them. I am thrilled as more people write me back, who are finally understanding what is happening to them, those they love and how their lives are so inadequate. They are finding their hearts, on their own, with just the tinest interest in the symptoms of Ascension.

    I just wanted to share this with all of you.
    Bless you!!

  2. Thank you Aisha and CC! Over the past few days I have had incredible cleansings and out pourings of grief and divine fever and releasings of old things and last night I came up to a point where I felt balanced on the head of a pin and the fear set in and in a divine rush of knowing I felt and said–I release the fear that has held me in this paradigm for eons…this is what has controlled me, held me back, undermined me…I release it as it NEVER served me and was not part of my own being but implanted by another–I release it–so I can flow into who I really am…I didn’t sleep last night until after 6am and got up around 2pm aching and sore, but I went out to my trees and spent time grounding and dancing and singing and now I am SOARING….I think it is so important to allow for the ebb and flow of this, the infusion and assimilation and put love into the space between…So glad to finally have a place to share this all…and a reminder…try as we might we will NEVER get our brain around the how of this so dont even try…when in 5d it will all seem so perfectly clear but we waste our energy right now trying to figure out how its going to go down or the timeline it will take–when we do that we step away from our God and Goddess nature that knows internally and fully that ANYTHING is possible–from the 3D perspective this is absolutely not the case…I look forward to a world with no more LAWS and inhibitions and roadblocks to a world filled with infinite possibility–really, try and get your brain around THAT! 🙂 Love to ALL and love to GAIA!

  3. Thank you Aisha! It is heartening to be reminded that the energy coming in is the good, flushing out the bad, the old and the non-functional. I always knew that the old cycle ending would be unpleasant but it has at times been beyond expectations.

    Lately I am feeling the energies physically in difficult ways, but my heart feels the seeds of the new world sprouting and shooting up like never before. It is as tho even the negative and frightening things are starting to be seen thru a beautiful glow, like those hazy June sunrises in Florida where despite the oppressive heat everything is just beautiful;-)

    Much Love to all of you! Thank you for all you are doing to bring in the good and release the rest!

  4. Pingback: Can You Feel It?
  5. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”So prepare yourselves to be inundated with energy, but prepare yourselves to celebrate the selfsame fact. For even if your physical body will call for a time out many times in the last remaining weeks of this year, know that your planet will revel in every new round of energy that hits her. For it will help to bring you all over that threshold that will finally ensure the perfect velocity for you all to literally break through the barriers that have been cementing you to so much of the old, and hurtling you into the wide open spaces of tomorrow. So take a deep breath and make yourselves ready for the waves coming in, for this time, they will pound you all mercilessly. Not to break you down, but to break you free.”

  6. all right don’t shoot me Aisha but to be honest I have given up now.
    In spite of what you just wrote, I don’t feel it will happen now. Let’s face it we’re the 13/11 today – 7 weeks to 2013- and everything is still in place (Euro, banks, illuminatis, our governements) and I can’t see anything change until 31/12…

    1. Sorry. There,s noway back to go. 3D is as usual, but the Shift may take less than a twinkling of an eye. And after it, you,re in 5D enjoying the biggest party that you never could conceive of. Or nothing happens and you continue in 3D. Fear is something that we,ve been very fond of, unwittingly of course. Now the energies are very different. But we doubt. But is our ego who doubts because it doesn,t accept us to change and move to the new paradigm. Also, our linear mind can,t understand what,s going on in this extraordinary time. So, look for into your heart the answers you need. Relax and put your mind to rest. Try to abandon all fears, anxieties and worries. The unseen team is working tirelessly to help all of us to make the Shift. God wants all his children nearer Him.

      1. Nohmad, you are welcome, but I can assure you the the ONLY fear is that nothing would happen. In few weeks or in few months.
        Guerric, as usual, is right. Because the evidence is the evidence. There, here, in Norway too.
        We only can choose to have “faith” or not. We can choose to feel some sign or to consider it as a further case of the common life (there is nothing more common than something considered as extraordinary). It is up to us to feel ourselves good or bad.
        But there also is a shared truth that could not be affected by me or you or him. And about this reality, this 3D, we will have the final word within 35 days. I don’t mean it as the final day of this world, far from me. I mean that the 22nd of December all the predictions, all the things said about this very date (or short period of days) will be clear. And Guerric will decide if to hold on rely himself again in this kind of “wonderland” made of good selfimposed feelings and nice thoughts, or to face the reality whatever it will be. Better if something will have been changed, worse if everything will be the same of now. 🙂

    2. Guerric
      Like you, I try to stay abreast of current events. I agree with you. So much is going on and NOT LOOKING GOOD.

      However, please try to not LOOK AT THINGS try to FEEL THINGS. And when you are looking try to be very observant. How do these observations make you feel? What is the truth? Just maybe – the banks and governments are still going to be here after we leave.

      I don’t know if you felt it but I just sent you much love. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t supposed to be. You wouldn’t be the loving being you are if you didn’t care about the things you reference. You will never give up. I know that. You care too much.

      With much love to you brother,
      Don’t ever give up,


      1. Thank you Jeff for your support! I really appreciate, and yes I feel better now!!! Have a good day and you’re right let’s keep faith!!!


  7. Yesterday I began to get a “taste” of these energies. It felt as though the rotation of the earth had suddenly reversed. In other words, it was as though this body/mind were being pushed through a press as I was being squeezed inside out. I forced myself to go to the gym and later OH how I thanked myself, for I came back to some semblance of balance. My suggestion is to stay busy….refuse to succumb to these powerful waves that if you allow them to, will put you in bed, unable to move. Mind over matter……goes a long way! Good luck! You can do it!

    1. Your right! I started feeling them yesterday. AND TODAY, I AM STUCK IN BED UNABLE TO MOVE. I sometimes manage to force myself to the gym and always feel better. But, sometimes, I just cannot drag myself there at all.
      SO good job!
      Love and Light to ALL,

  8. Dear Aisha & Constant Companions, thank you for this wonderful missive. My body is so very tired lately, it’s having a hard time keeping up with this new influx I suppose. I shall Go with the flow. Love to you all.

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