The manuscript of survival – part 218

As the sun rises today, it brings with it even more good news. You might be unaware of this, but last night, a large multitude of the shining souls currently gathered on this planet were deeply involved in an important task that will bring so much relief to the rest of mankind. You see, in the unseen realms, under the radar of ”ordinary folks” to call it that, a major clean up operation has taken place, and the outcome of it all was indeed a resounding success. We know this will sound more than a little strange to many, as the task we refer to is one that can best be described as science fiction to you all. But it is in fact not fiction, but facts, and the results from all of this hard labour will soon be apparent. As we have already touched upon in an earlier missive, some of those parasites who have been sucking mankind dry in so many ways during this huge expanse of time has already been forcibly removed from your atmosphere, and last night, they were joined by an even larger contingent. Of course, they did not leave voluntarily, but were asked to do so in no uncertain terms by you.

We know that this will come as a surprise to many, because there was a large number of delegates to this ”convention” that was not even aware that they were attending this meeting in the first place, and as such, they are not aware of the major role they played in this. But we know, and when the time is right, you will all get a much clearer picture of your own role in all of this. As we have told you countless times, we are many who have come from afar to help you out in this realignment process, but the majority of the tasks in this process falls upon you, the bravest of the brave. And now, you can all account for one more major victory, as you have pooled your resources in such a way it has been made abundantly clear to the forces still under the illusion that they govern you, that this is no longer the case.

The scales have indeed tipped, and they have tipped far beyond the point of balance. In other words, the light can no longer be in danger of losing the foothold it has finally regained on this planet, because the level of energy has shifted so much that there is no longer any doubt as to whom sits in the driver’s seat. So from now on, the light will set the pace and direction, and it will do so firmly, so expect to see some clear results in the most unexpected ways. But again, do not forget that even if the ”invisible” shift of balance has changed beyond doubt, the superficial layers of illusion will take a longer time to dismantle. That is easy to explain, as most of your fellow men and women have no inkling at all of what has been going on behind this facade that they call reality, and therefore, they will not have any reason at all to be able to discern any difference in their daily lives. So they will go on much as before, seemingly without any shifts in either direction. But not for long. Because the truth of what we have just shared with you will start to seep out, and the outcome of it will be surprising in so many ways. For remember, in order for them to really understand the difference between yesterday and tomorrow, they will have to acknowledge that what they have always believed in as the truth has just been an illusion, and it has been so for an almost endless cycle of time.

So yes, the shift has been momentous indeed, but it is nothing compared to the shift that will come as soon as the majority of mankind will have to start to acknowledge the fact that they have in so many ways been living a lie. That will take time to adjust to, and it will also take a whole host of dedicated lightworkers to ensure that this transition goes as seamlessly as possible. For you must be the ones standing tall amidst all of the turmoil. It is your light that will shine and help others see the path forward when they feel plunged into the unknown. For you are the wayshowers, and you will be the beacons shining not only your light but also showing the way to the brighter future. We know you can do this, for what you did last night has proven beyond any doubt that you are a force to be reckoned with. So give yourselves a round of applause dear ones, you certainly deserve it, and know that the rest of Creation are already on their feet, saluting you all as the true saviours of this realm.

33 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 218

  1. I just found your lovely blog through the galactic free press and I wanted to say how very in sync it is with what has been happening with me! Some folks have been complaining of head pressure, and I have been having that for months now-the back of my skull on top in indented from strong pineal activity, but I sometimes feel this pressure in the left side of the internal frontal lobe and if I tuck my chin I get a zing of pressure all up my head–also the neck and shoulder pain especially–but I am digressing–what really zinged me was the dreams! I have had a number of warrior dreams where I am flying around and full of power and weilding a mighty energy-which seems like a sword and vehemently defending our space to clear it of evil. Last night, which was actually the 8th but I have been very distracted living through 9 days of no power in the East (thanks to everyone for their prayers!) I had an extremely vivid dream of evil lurking around and beneath all our homes and working on them at night to damage structures and they were breaking things that looked like leaf blowers and climbing all over our homes. In my dream I knew they were doing something of damage and so I went to get my daughter and we flew into this place that seemed very old and even had some arabian tent type structures and a man with a turban type hat and he was weilding what looked like a snake and I flew around him to do battle and protect and clear what was of the light. It was frightening and powerful at the same time and I felt immensely like a warrior. One last thing, when I woke up after the hurricane, even though we had no power I had this definite feeling of calm and a message that the storm had cleared out the archon from us and we were indeed healing from it, so that works into the immune from poison portion of your dream.

    I am very excited to read all your messages from the wonderful CC and thanks so much for sharing them with us!

    1. Welcome, and thank you for sharing these powerful dreams with us! I am glad to know that you have made it through the storms, both Sandy and the one “on the other side”.
      Love and light, Aisha

  2. Excellent news! Tomorrow is an important day for us here in the U.S. because of the presidential elections. I get the feeling this is the beginning of a new cycle. On the surface, we still have to experience residual negativity, the darkest hour before the sunrise…but we are prepared and ready!

  3. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”The scales have indeed tipped, and they have tipped far beyond the point of balance. In other words, the light can no longer be in danger of losing the foothold it has finally regained on this planet, because the level of energy has shifted so much that there is no longer any doubt as to whom sits in the driver’s seat. So from now on, the light will set the pace and direction, and it will do so firmly, so expect to see some clear results in the most unexpected ways. But again, do not forget that even if the ”invisible” shift of balance has changed beyond doubt, the superficial layers of illusion will take a longer time to dismantle. That is easy to explain, as most of your fellow men and women have no inkling at all of what has been going on behind this facade that they call reality, and therefore, they will not have any reason at all to be able to discern any difference in their daily lives. So they will go on much as before, seemingly without any shifts in either direction. But not for long. Because the truth of what we have just shared with you will start to seep out, and the outcome of it will be surprising in so many ways. For remember, in order for them to really understand the difference between yesterday and tomorrow, they will have to acknowledge that what they have always believed in as the truth has just been an illusion, and it has been so for an almost endless cycle of time…”

  4. Sorry to be daft here Aisha, but from what your message says and from what I read in many comments, does that mean we took part to that job and did all that work in our dreams?


    1. Dear Guerric! Yes, I do believe that we are much more active in this process than we think, and that the major part of our work take place during our “dream time”, or rather, when we are asleep and enter another level of awareness.
      Love and light, Aisha

  5. I do not remember my dreams, but I was unable to sleep during most the night until about 4 a.m. There was definitely something keeping me awake.

  6. I love this! Also I had a particularly rough and restless night which is most unusual for me. I do remember dreaming during the small bit of sleep I did get, that I was working with my Aunt (a medium) on something that was to benefit humanity. I was going to be cranky today about missing rest last night but for this….so worth it! Amen, Amen!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you Aisha and CC.
    Before I slept I asked to go spend an hour on the ship Athabantian.
    I awoke later and from my dream I thought ‘I must have been on the ship”
    I was too tired to write the dream down and now I cannot remember even the tiniest bit.–just that I must have been on the ship.I did feel wonderful this morning though.

  8. The images have escaped me, but I remember going through a list of names, reading them off… Interesting too, my son (a brilliant healer at 4 years old) and I both woke up sick today. Both with different illnesses. Neither of which were present in the slightest yesterday.

  9. I definitely felt something last night… it was good! I was drawn to do this DNA activation at The Template website: The Ceremony of Original Innocence
    Scroll to the bottom of the page for the streaming links. This is a 30 minute activation that reconnects certain strands of DNA using light and sound and sacred geometry along with vocalizations. I found it quite uplifting and suggest that everyone give it a try. The best link is the one on Vimeo as you can switch to HD, which is better for viewing the visualizations.
    Then this morning I woke up with the song “Purple Rain” from Prince in my head… weird… I haven’t heard that song in years and I couldn’t get it out of my head, but it strangely felt good, like something had been accomplished.

    Thank you Aisha and CC’s!

    In Peace,
    Keith R.

    1. Mahalo Keith for the link to this superb meditation. I rarely experienced such a meditation, i loved the blend. I felt as if i was integrating many knowledge ( known and unknown). Speaking the words also does a great work of anchoring.

      Aisha Mahalo

  10. Thank you Aisha & Constant Companions. I cannot remember anything from last night. I almost never awaken and recall dreams that I might have had. I wonder why? Love & Light to you all.

  11. I remember my dream from last night I was singing hymns to the Divine Mother together with thousands of people. It was a very uplifting and liberating dream.

    1. Dear Wildsparc, thank you for sharing this! I am looking forward to see if there are others who have some clear images from their “dreams” last night too. I will share mine a little bit later, I just discovered that they are identical to what another person very close to me experienced at the same time.
      Love and light, Aisha

      1. Dear Aisha, I am very anxious to hear about your dream and your interpetation. My thoughts and Love to you always.

      2. Thank you for the wonderful confirmation, guys 🙂
        I’ve been having a range of “dreams” in large succession, scope and intensity.
        It appears to me that we are with many at the moment, working in sync and together on something very new and fresh, in also a very new environment, where our creations are starting to blossom in their true fullness.
        I’ve also noticed the remarkable increase in strength and speed with which our ‘minds’ can operate, so I’m now taking even more care with what I wish for or what I put my attention to 😀
        The music that I ‘received’ (created) this morning is also in tune with a very strong flavor of celebration:

      3. This has been a restless night indeed, with vivid dreams and very intense energies. I knew that something was supposed to happen, because I was told so in a personal message yesterday. They gave me no details as usual, so I just knew that I was being sent ”on a mission”. The strongest memory I have from this ”mission” is that I encountered some large insect-like beings. They were about the size of my arm, and they were black and yellow in colour. I remember cutting one of them in two, and it was full of this grey, gritty, slimy substance that kept oozing out of it in large amounts so I had to spend a long time cleaning up the mess. This morning I spoke to a close friend of mine, and before I told her about my dream, she told me about hers. She remembered seeing all of these huge ”bugs”, they looked like large, flat insects the size of a house. They were slowly spitting out a steady stream of greyish ”slime”, just like the substance I had seen in my dream. Another interesting detail was that she remembered someone asking her if her body had reacted previously by becoming very cold, and when she said yes, they told her that everything was OK. It was like they wanted to know if she was ”immune” in any way to this substance that these insects were producing. My impression from all of this is that these beings we met were the ones responsible for making the ”poison” that has been used to literally poison mankind to keep us all down, but now, they are being neutralized and removed by an army of us who have all become immune to it. And when I got the message from The CCs this morning, it was a strong confirmation to me.

        Love and light, Aisha

      4. Thank you for sharing some more details, Aisha 🙂
        Your story reminds me of a scene from the movie Caveman (1981):

        I remember too many details from my dreams to name them all, although I have no recollection of small or large insects.
        I predominantly remember the massive amounts of people and great changes in the atmosphere and landscape, where many structures were being altered and also built, in very remarkable ways.

        For example I remember working together with many on building a new structure that we turned completely invisible and impenetrable, and you could also walk through it without noticing it was there.
        And another completely different example is where we were sort of playing a game, but it was kind of a serious game, involving some sort of weapons and cleansing of various kinds in a teambased fashion in a range of ‘darker’ places.

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