The manuscript of survival – part 216

We greet you again on this fine morning, and we want you all to feel that even if your circumstances might in some ways be described as less than ”fine” at the moment, we want you to know that underneath this layer of third dimensional woe and despair, things are certainly starting to pick up. In other words, the movement forward is once again picking up speed, and much is changing for the better as each day passes by, even if to most of you much seems like the same old, or maybe even worse.

Let us explain. We know that this is a message that will seem repetitious to so many, as the heavy burden of straddling two worlds can be more than worrisome at times. You feel the pull of the new world calling you, while at the same time you feel mired down in all the trappings of the old. At the same time, you can observe so many around you blithely going about their daily chores without so much as a frown on their faces, like they are totally oblivious to the pressure you feel mounting inside. And so, keeping your focus and keeping your faith in this process is not an easy task. But again, that is why we are here, to remind you all again and again that you are not struggling in vain. And you are certainly not delusional, even if that at times seems to be the only sane answer to your dilemma. So again, we remind you that this superficial layer of third density ”reality” will literally feel more and more uncomfortable to you, and at times, you will feel like shouting out in desperation and give up this whole process of ascension. But you see, the only reason that the level of irritation seems to become more and more untolerable to some of you, is that the realization that undernenath it all there is a whole new world coming through is becoming more and more apparent to your subconsciousness. Therefore the more friction and irritation or impatience you feel at times, the closer you are to breaking through it all, just like a whale breaching the water and hurtling itself aloft in joy and celebration. So again, do not feel bad about yourself if you do feel annoyed and less than patient at the moment. Just as these large aquatic mammals will feel annoyed by those little parasites boring into their skin, so too will you feel the gnawing of all of the old and outmoded particles hampering you in your efforts to be free. But they are nothing more than irritations now, as they have been reduced to a mere shadow of their former selves, and as such they cannot impede you in the same way they used to. So just keep scratching yourselves if you need to dear ones, but know that these minor ”infections” will soon occur no more, and you will feel this whole layer of irritation sluice off in the same way the snake sheds its old skin.

But just as a mosquito bite, these irritations can seem to take up a large part of your awareness, so try to remind yourselves to feel into the whole of your being, and you will soon discover that these irritations are nothing but skin deep. And they will soon be just a memory, just as the old and fading traces of old lesions cease to occupy your mind once they have stopped making themselves noticed by chafing on your skin.

Again, we say this as a reminder that this part of the whole process can be frustrating, because there is so much annoyance being kicked up by that departing density, and it will likely keep you occupied for most of your day if you let it. So try to let it go, and instead focus on the not so irritating aspects of this process, and as usual, they can only be found if you manage to go beneath this upper layer that is still sticking to your consciousness.

20 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 216

  1. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”So again, we remind you that this superficial layer of third density ”reality” will literally feel more and more uncomfortable to you, and at times, you will feel like shouting out in desperation and give up this whole process of ascension. But you see, the only reason that the level of irritation seems to become more and more untolerable to some of you, is that the realization that undernenath it all there is a whole new world coming through is becoming more and more apparent to your subconsciousness. Therefore the more friction and irritation or impatience you feel at times, the closer you are to breaking through it all, just like a whale breaching the water and hurtling itself aloft in joy and celebration.”

  2. I can handle the physical symptoms (pain, expansion) of the changes and energy shifts, but I am having a really difficult time with other people in my daily life and their extreme negativity. I feel as if I’m being attacked and knocked down 24/7. I try to put up a shield, but it gets exhausting. I’m hoping that these people tone it down very soon.

  3. It has been a long ride to this new beginning for all of us. We,ve got lots of scars but does not mind, we,re warriors after all. Mother Earth is being most lovely to us, as always, but the Photon Belt is getting closer and closer. In days will begin to feel the first waves. We must be prepared. I read a channeling by Kris Wong at from an Anonymous Being and i think parts of it applies. “Try to live this moment of profound transcendence with absolute tranquility. Abandon all fears, anxieties and worries that could harbor in your heart. Relax and be in profound love and gratitude. Because after it you will be able to get closer to the higher worlds of much beauty and sublime perfection, whose inhabitants are waiting for you with open arms”. The problem is that almost nobody knows. We will have to explain and calm everybody and tell what to do. Fortunately we are not alone to do this!. All is in Holy and Divine Order.
    Much Love/Light to all

  4. Please check out (Sedona Conference).
    There is so much there for you on line now.
    In person, we have no words to describe the experience and the energies produced and continueing to expand across Gaia.
    I attended conference one and already wrote up what I could on the website.
    Oh! If you have the time, do NOT miss this opportunity.
    I wish every human on this planet could experience what we did during the first conference. Never in 50 years have I felt like this.
    Follow the site the next few weeks when you will read all about what we all experienced in person. Out of the world just doesn’t do it, it was more than even that!
    Blessings to all!

  5. The reason I really like this message is because it is so right. Let me explain.

    People say that they are frustrated because they don’t SEE the changes.
    That’s probably because they’re not being observant enough. I am in the United States so this is what I see.

    9/11 brought us all together (for about three weeks), then it was sort of business as usual. Since then, liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, have SLOWLY drifted further apart. This happened over a period of twelve years where these two idealogies are now at each others throats. Something else happened – Some of us started to realize that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the two of them. They are both very fascist.

    Now from a spiritual side, a little over 15 years ago, you never saw any places in malls that were promoting yoga. There’s lots of them now. New Age ideas like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, David Icke and lots more have become more and more popular because they teach us to go within and train our thoughts to be more positive and loving. We are discovering our soul as “the observer” of our thoughts and learning to gain control of our minds.

    Some are aware of this and some aren’t. But we’re all getting there!

    Look at our world for a second. Look at our technology. IPhones, computers, television, etc. How have these “improvements” caused us to be better people? How has it advanced our humanity? Let’s face it! It hasn’t! As a matter of fact, a good case can be made that it has just served humanity as a distraction.

    Look at our military. Department of Defense? How about calling it the Department of Offense? That term more closely defines it. And sadly, most people aren’t even aware of what I’m saying.

    Think about it.

  6. Oh I know this too well….’frustration’ can often be ever so consuming within our thoughts & some days feel like ‘a hamster on a wheel’ expending much energy & seemingly getting no where. I also find that part of this process intensifies our sensitivities, while being on the good side, experiencing blessed wonders, but at the same time negative acts & hurtful emotional attacks are also felt intensified, which can be most difficult ! Many days the storm just keeps brewing with little relief finding a quiet haven for peaceful relaxation….sure can take it’s toll on feeling wiped out & exhausted !….but I always try hard to anchor to the positive that things can always be worst, & indeed for many east coasters Sandy has achieved ‘the much worst’ ! I am thankful that my area only felt her outer bands (such a massively huge storm, the largest in Atlantic records) Prayers & Blessings to ‘All Life’ that has suffered from her fury !~ I am often told Mother-Earth must expend these forces, not only for her upcoming critical alignment to the galactic sun, but is also most crucial in these times to increase, to push in awakening humanity to ‘Truth’, to Reality’ ! Storms like Sandy can surely leave their mark, leaving many humbled to what’s real & what should be the important focals of their lives….~ Such lessons can be extremely harse. When we learn to understand, Appreciate, Protect & give our LOve & Healing Strength to her, she will magnify that back unto us ALL ! it is the universal law of in which every sentient being wants to be LOved !~

    1. This is just the start. The confirmation of visible change in these end times (and beginnings) has finally started to materialise. What does your intuition tell you? I feel like a child on the last day of school, I really do. The feeling of completion coupled with happiness, excitement and anticipation. Also being able to experience this feeling with my fellow classmates who are also just as excited. It’s time to smile, have your cake and eat it too.

      It’s also time for everyone to remind themselves to remain passive observers as events begin to snowball. Sandy alone won’t be enough for the masses to evaluate their lives. There is so much karma and debased thought form to transmute and transcend. We have transmuted for them in our fields but they need to transcend and for that to happen they need to have no where to turn.

      The people on the east coast of the USA won’t have time to catch their breath after Sandy and the rest of the world is still yet to have their first crisis. People here in my part of Australia don’t even appreciate the magnitude of this storm or even consider that New York is under water and how it is effecting people living and working there or anywhere else. Business as usual here so expect much change everywhere soon.

  7. Oh, truly, there were times that I wish I had never heard about Ascension stuff LoL that quitting was a real choice blinking on the horizon…but then, once you have learned so much you cannot go backwards. Faith and trust are key words in those times for me and indeed after those times had passed so much more have I expanded! Thank you Aisha and The CC for the ‘constant’ support. Love & Light 🙂

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