The manuscript of survival – part 207

As you have noticed, these swirls of energy that are enveloping you have become more and more tangible to you all in so many ways. Both your physical body and your mental body have become almost battlefields it seems at times, because there is such an ebb and flow going through your whole system that is constantly changing. Keeping your balance and your focus will seem almost impossible at times, at least if you go about it in the ”old fashioned” way. Let us explain.

As we have talked about earlier, you have certainly entered the flux now, and with it, all concepts of stability and certainty must be left by the wayside. For if you expect to find true balance in the sense of keeping yourselves standing rigid and unmoving throughout all of this, you will literally break into pieces. That is because you have to adapt to a new sort of fluidity that will entail being in balance even when everything both around you and inside you is wildly fluctuating. And that is no mean feat, because it will literally go against so much of what you have taken for granted before. But that is just it, as the old ”truths” do not any longer apply, not even in this. You see, as everything is speeding up, so too are your abilities to maintain balance even if you seem to be tottering to and fro with no set pattern. That is, if you understand what we mean by ”balance” now. Balance used to be described as keeping a stable equilibrium, like the eye of a storm, where everything seems to be motionless while everything else is in constant motion. Well, that used to be the right way of describing balance, but now, it is actually something else completely. The best way we can describe it to you now, is by using the image of someone balancing on small segments of ice floating on the surface of a lake. If you stand still for too long, you will literally fall into the water, but if you keep moving in a fluid motion, you will be able to keep your balance. This will probably be a diffiult notion to wrap your head around, as we have used the image of a tree so many times. But now, being as hunkered down as a tree will not serve you any good, as then you will in many ways be wrenched away from your roots and end up toppling to the ground or splintering into pieces because the pull of the forward movement will be too strong.

Do not get us wrong here, we are not talking about giving up your equilibrium and your grounding in any way, we are just talking about finding a way to keep that whilst not being bogged down by it in a way that will stop you moving with these incoming energies. For as you all have noticed by now, they do not pause any more, they just keep on coming, and so, you will hardly have any time to stop and take a breath before the next one hits you and starts to propel you forward again. So yes, the challenges keep mounting, as you need to take this on in a very different way than before. Whereas it used to be the case that you would get a period for assimiliating and adjusting to the new levels of energy in between these bouts, now they keep coming at you like an incessant flow of waves that just rolls in without any pause between them. Hence, the increased pressure you all feel that seems to take forever to get used to. In all of this action, you have mayhaps not noticed the fact that you are in fact becoming very adept at this, and that your physical body, albeit somewhat battered and bruised by now, actually have the ability to keep going forwards anyway. That is because you have been well trained by now, and you would not be exposed to this seemingly relentless barrage of energy if we were not absolutely sure that you could take them.

We know that for many, this will seem to be very far from the truth, but believe us when we say that you are so much stronger than you can actually fathom yourselves. And even if your physical body keeps up the choir of moans and groans, aches and pains it is only for show, as it too has become more adept at taking in whatever it is exposed to. So all of these physical complaints and mental downturns are actually mostly for ”show”, if we can use such a word. Because you are all thoroughly readied for all of this change, and so all of these ”symptoms” are much like the phantom pains we have discussed earlier. In other words, your body still thinks it has to protest loudly whenever it is hit by one of these magnificent waves if energy, so it will comply and do it’s best to tell you that it is not very happy at the moment. But in fact, it is happy to comply each and every time and start to readjust itself once more, because you do not any longer have those physical and mental barriers set into place in order to restrict you. So take these complaints for what they really are, a mere echo from the past, when you were a much frailer person. And learn to stay in balance in the new way, where you flex and bend and keep moving with the flow, without losing your focus or your inner strength. It may sound like a tall order, but you are already doing this unconsciously. It is only a matter of becoming conscious of this whole process, and then you will start to relish all of this movement, as you will see that it is taking you faster and faster towards that ultimate goal you are all dreaming of.

20 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 207


  2. Thank you CC & Aisha. Very clear message. In my understanding, from now on, many people will begin to not to withstand the steady increase of energy incoming our loved planet. We must be strong and never forget that CC are helping us to keep going on.
    Much love/light & strength to all

  3. Thank you dear Aisha & Constant Companions for this missive that hits the mark exactly, as they always do. Love & light to you All.

  4. Hello Aisha, thank you for your continuing ‘barrage’ of LOVING support from our dear Constant COmpanions. We are surely much more supple and able to bend and stretch than we were even just a few short moments ago in June and July.

    Yes, the flow of life is quite amazing now and forever more. WE are learning that we are always creating new adventures and experiencing them.

    May we always remember that we are Powerful Amazing Magical Eternal Beings, Love Expressing Love in Many Forms, as we ride the waves of ever flowing change.

  5. Hello Aisha, I can certainly feel what you are describing here. However, unlike what you mentionned in part 202, others around me do not seem affected. To be honest, I am really stunned by the way they can still behave in the “businness as usual” mode -or they must be excellent actors, or on drugs (taking anti-depressors is very frequent here in France) !… 🙂

    Thank you for keeping sharing your knowledge with us (although sometimes your messages sound really enigmatic to me!…)


    1. Yes! This message is right on with me too! And I can also honestly say the same for people around me….”business as usual” which unfortunately makes for a very real surreal existence. I noticed that the energetic footing has been removed and the ground has changed completely in the last week. This is getting interesting…..breathing and letting go of expectations in any way is whats keeping me afloat…….that and the idea of walking on air or energetically moving through time and space with the utmost fluidity. The mind is experiencing this as well…….disconnected and floating somewhere in the cosmos…..Wow, If this is the beginning what a completely different human being we are all going to be! Okay…don’t think ahead…..stay in the moment…..breathe…..

      Thank you Aisha! It’s nice to re-connect again! Blessings to all and apologies to everyone whom I offended in the past. ~Namaste

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