A new connection, a new task and the preface of The apprentice’s manual

As you all know by now, the messages I channel come from a group calling themselves “The constant companions”. I do not know how many members there are in this group, the only thing they have told me is that they are “more than five”. This collective of entities seems to be put together in order to convey different kinds of topics, and the energy, content and wording in the different messages changes according to whom it is that connects with me. Some have been with me a long time, some come in less frequent, and sometimes they introduce a new “member” to me in a private message. They did that two days ago, and I was told by this new member that “he” ( a very masculine energy) was going to start to work with me on a new project. The manuscript was going to continue as before with regular installments from the rest of The CCs, but in addition, I will be given new information meant for “professional ears and eyes”. I have to say that this seems to be a daunting task, because “he” told me that they would give me information I would not understand myself, but that they would put me into contact with someone who will. So, I guess I have to stick my neck out and just go for it! I do not know if any of this new work will be posted here as well. As usual, I will be given clear instructions as how to handle it all. But at least I have been told to post the preface of this new work here. It is called “The apprentice’s manual”, and it looks very similar to the first part of The manuscript. No “big news” here yet, but it seems to be a kind of mission statement that confirms that we are in for some interesting times ahead. So here it is:

The apprentice’s manual

Todays missive will contain interesting information, information that will not be understood clearly just yet, as it is indeed at a level that will challenge even the brightest amongst you. You see, this will in many ways be a revealing of the unseen, where we, by using this channel, will divulge information that will come in handy in the times ahead. You as a species have brought yourselves to the brink of destruction in so many ways, but as this has been deemed to go against the rules of the Universe, we have been given the task of bringing you back from the precipice and helping you take a turn for the better. In other words, you will be given instructions that will help you to literally sort out the mess you have already made, and that will also help you see your future in a much clearer light. This will sound silly at best, delusional even, but let us just say that we represent a taskforce that has been given clear instructions as to what will be allowed to happen on this planet in the next few years. And our task is clear, you will be allowed to stay on here as long as you comply with the instructions. In other words, mankind must relinquish the thought that they possess the most advanced brains in existence, and they must start to open up to the fact that there exists an intelligence that far surpasses anything you can muster at the moment. This intelligence is not only all-pervading, it is also set on recapturing your planet back from those dark usurpers that have held it captive for such a long time. But in order to do just that, we will have to set aside the old edict of non-intervention that has been declared at the beginning of time when this planet was set aside as a training ground, and we will have to come in and help you rectify the wrongs that have been made throughout the eons because of this. You see, mankind on their own would not have caused all of the troubles you see around you at the moment, you have been helped on the way by beings with far more sinister ideas into becoming the in many ways hapless and helpless species you are today. Make no mistake, you are not unintelligent, but your intelligence has been thwarted in such a way is has led you into taking so many desicions that are literally detrimental, not just to you, but to your whole planet. So let us just say that finally, the game has been called, and you will no longer be allowed to let this destructional behaviour run rampant any more. Hence, the opening up of all of these channels whereby we have started to instruct you in a better way of management.

We are well aware that these messages will fall on many a deaf ear, but we will also accompany not only this, but also the multitude of other messages like this that are being distributed through channels such as the one we are utilizing, with some serious injections of energy that will make an impact on even the blindest and deafest amongst you. In other words, the time has come for the whole of mankind to awaken, and the wake up call will be loud and clear. We will not give any details, but we will start to amp up the volume in this upcoming period to such a degree it will be impossible to ignore. So, to all of you already sufficiently awakened to hear these messages at this time, we say thank you, as without you, this next stage would never ever come about. So be prepared for some monumental changes indeed, whether you believe in us or not, for the time has come to sound the alarm bells that will wake up even the most sound asleep ones. It is time to open the eyes, ears and hearts of the rest of humanity, as you will not be allowed to continue to sleepwalk over the edge and into the abyss.

53 thoughts on “A new connection, a new task and the preface of The apprentice’s manual

  1. WOW!! I am reading a lot of good and positive feedback from this bold and inspiring message..what i am also reading is people that thought they were living a Divine existence that now have …reservation about the new insight..Hmm…looks to me like a reaping!! and a harvest.

  2. Thank you Gail about the fonts. Regarding the color of the blog, it doesn’t have to be white, but I just say does it have to be black? There are many other colors that relax the eyes ( I used one on my blog) and I have problems with my eyes too.. :0)

    1. Your welcome, faruk47. I hope you will see immediate difference for your eyes.

      Another aspect is that you can just hold down the command/control key with one finger, and then tap the + or – key as many times as needed.


    1. I hope this information will assist you in having better experiences all across the Web.

      Here is how you can enlarge the fonts on any page you are visiting: I actually do this all the time so that I can read most pages on the computer. For this page, I enlarge the fonts to be at least a 20pt size. VERY readable for me and my eyesight.

      I have a an apple computer. there may be different keys to press simultaneously on a Windows or other Operating System.

      Could someone with other Operating Systems please reply here also to tell how to enlarge fonts on your system.

      With the apple computer/Mac OS,
      You can enlarge the fonts by pressing your Control key with the + sign key, both keys simultaneously. You can keep making the font even larger by pressings these two keys over and over.

      In the similar way, You can make fonts smaller by pressing the Control key and the – sign key, over and over until the font gets to the size you prefer.

      I actually prefer the darker page, which keeps such a bright white page from hurting my eyes. Just my input.

      I hope this will assist you on your internet adventures.

      1. OOOOOOOPS! Instead of the Control key, on the mac computer, you press the COMMAND key. The keys which are to either side of the space bar. Press either one of the COMMMAND keys with the + or – keys to make print and photos bigger or smaller on any page.

  3. Had this distinct feeling of special forces guy jumping in or something. But didn’t companions mention about some other beings coming to the front some time ago? Like first day in the army -feeling. No clue what’s happening next.

  4. Welcome. Greetings. It is time to liberate this planet. This criminal subjugation and exploitation has gone for far too long. The prime directed has been violated in a most despicable and henious manner. Direct action by the Forces of Light is warrented and should occur immediately. Further delay is not advised. Recommendation for direct action immediately with all force necessary to perform correction desired by Prime Creator.

  5. I have thoroughly enjoyed the channelings until this one. This energy feels patriarchal and speaks as if we are children instead of the sovereign beings of Light that we are. They say:
    “we represent a taskforce that has been given clear instructions as to what will be allowed to happen on this planet in the next few years. And our task is clear, you will be allowed to stay on here as long as you comply with the instructions. In other words, mankind must relinquish the thought that they possess the most advanced brains in existence, and they must start to open up to the fact that there exists an intelligence that far surpasses anything you can muster at the moment. This intelligence is not only all-pervading, it is also set on recapturing your planet back from those dark usurpers that have held it captive for such a long time. But in order to do just that, we will have to set aside the old edict of non-intervention that has been declared at the beginning of time when this planet was set aside as a training ground, and we will have to come in and help you rectify the wrongs that have been made throughout the eons because of this. ”

    According to them, we must “comply” and “relinquish” one thing or another and that we are doomed without their help. What? Give them our power after finally starting to get it back? Hmmm. I don’t think so. And I see they use the trick of putting in a few things to win us over, like “recapturing your planet back from those dark usurpers”. And then of course they must discredit anyone who doesn’t believe them by saying things like the messages will fall on”deaf ears”. Finally there is the veiled threat that the messages will be accompanied by ” serious injections of energy”.

    Sorry, but I do not feel any LIGHT or LOVE from this messenger.

    1. Very much agree. This message makes me very uneasy. Aisha, you need to be discerning, and not assume this messenger has your or our best interests at heart.

  6. Kia Ora (hello) Aisha from New Zealand,
    Loved this message, many thanks, looking forward to the amp up! Surely a lot of energy coming in lately, time for freedom and peace to return to earth and all of her children of all life forms ~Love & Light~
    Deano :~)

  7. Hi Aisha and hi to all!
    Everything indicates that Paradigm Shift Phase II is almost beginning. Let,s wait with an open heart and fearlessness. Let,s have faith in God,s plan, that is perfect.
    Much love & light to all

  8. You as a species have brought yourselves to the brink of destruction in so many ways, but as this has been deemed to go against the rules of the Universe, we have been given the task of bringing you back from the precipice and helping you take a turn for the better. In other words, you will be given instructions that will help you to literally sort out the mess you have already made, and that will also help you see your future in a much clearer light.

    I just had a conversation about this very thing with someone this morning. I’ve been shown in the past 6-7 weeks just how close to the precipice we are in so many ways, but also believe this situation could be redeemable, if we are willing to let go of the ways in which we are accustomed to living, thinking, and being. But it will require awareness and activism! A willingness to change.

    I will be interested to see what unfolds.

    Thank you. 🙂

  9. There is so much confusion about chanelled messages these days, and I believe we must emphasize the main principles to clear the way.

  10. Sounds very good! Especially on my birthday!
    i hope we (I) could be on of these “profesional ears” to go forward in “apprenticeship”…
    Anyway, it’s good to hear and I listened.

  11. Aisha, I am so happy for you, and, of course, us since we are the beneficiaries. While, as someone said, this is not new, it feels different to me in regard to how this will evolve. I sense this might bring to you less loneliness (I’m not sure how; just a sense): something you richly deserve. Maybe some travel and speaking engagements. I would so love to hear you speak. Yes, I know what that would feel like for you (grin). In any case, what is meant to happen will happen. One thing is for sure. There a many of us who are infinitely grateful for what you and the constant companions have given us. Thank you from deep within my heart.

  12. Let’s have the message out, loud and clear! We are here to help and be part of it!

    Much Love & Light!


  13. Hi Aisha and The Constant Companions,
    I love this message and you have all of my love and light to help support as you proceed through your metamorphosis. I think it is marvelous and certainly music to my ears and heart!!!! I was wondering when those who are still asleep are going to hear and see the “truth” about our Mother Earth and families from the stars. I am sooooooo very excited!!!
    Blessings and thanks,

  14. “you will be allowed to stay on here as long as you comply with the instructions”

    I don’t agree, this does not resonate with my heart !


    1. While the statement is rather blunt, it is no different that what many other channels have been saying for a while now. There will be those who refuse to move forward with the Earth. As has been stated, they will be relocated to another place where they may continue their soul’s progress toward enlightenment. There is no judgement in this, it is merely that that soul is not ready for the higher vibrations yet for one reason or another. Try not to think of “instructions” as a printed manual, think of it as raw information. We are all receiving this information every day through the new energy being sent to the planet. We just don’t know how to read it yet (but we will). Most of us will absorb this energy and eventually be able to decipher the information that is contained within. Those that can’t will not be able to survive in the higher vibrations. Thankfully our creator has planned for this and there will be places prepared for everyone.

      In Peace,
      Keith R.

      1. “we will have to set aside the old edict of non-intervention that has been declared at the beginning of time when this planet was set aside as a training ground”

        – What does it mean “to set aside the old edict of non-intervention” ?
        Are all contracts of all souls on earth canceled/on hold/… ?
        Who is able to do such a thing ?
        What authority do they have and by whom it was issued ?

        “and we will have to come in and help you rectify the wrongs”
        – What may this lead to ?
        All going into wait mode for the SAVER to come and for his instructions ?

        No matter what, don’t stop working on your individual LIGHT and have COMPASSION for the sleeping ones.

        If time is an issue, why may earth not ascend NOW and place the sleeping once in a 3D-bubble/hologram. With the 5D possibilities it will be much easier to wake them up in a gentle way.


    2. Be patient dear friends & try not to over analyze this beginning message…let us wait & see how this is to come about as indeed I’m sure you will agree, we do need help ! Do you not want war to end, hatred, greed & suffering to be dissolved, take a moment to reflect on the horrific damage that has been done to Mother-Earth & her beloved water, land, plants & creatures…the death & destruction from oil spills & seemingly never ending pollution & who is to blame….we are…& as humanity keeps multiplying, don’t you think intervention would be the most appropiate action to save our sacred Mother ? I agree with Keith, that’s there is so much we don’t know in accordance to the bigger picture, but we must ‘Trust’ that this coming process is necessary & truthfully the Galactics LOve us & know what is best for us, as they are us, only more highly evolved in universal knowledge & intelligence. We as individuals living in our own little isolated areas, cannot see All the pain, suffering & destruction that is afflicting Mother-Earth & her innocent creatures right now…did you know that this year, this is the 1st time in recorded history that the Arctic ice has melted to the most extremes ! I personally feel that this is very alarming & people have no idea how this re-disturbution of water weight is going to affect the entire Earth from unstable orbit, flux in temperature, weather patterns…on & on…that will only just increase to more & more devastation & suffering. We repeatedly are being told ‘We are the Ones we have been waiting for’…we are All ‘One’…the Galactics are us….’on Earth as it is in Heaven’….let us All just relax, be a little more trusting & patient..let us All work towards this New World of Love & Peace together…sounds like a great plan to me !!!

      1. bev and keith- such sound points you have made, i like the perspective you spin on it bc it makes things clearer for me, and thank you for your sweetness in your words! i interpreted as you did as well. i would like to add to the positivity of your message.. i had read a lot of info from denise le fay, a woman who has a good overview of dark activity and how it is time for darks to either change or exit the earth at this time. she had said that, the end of the mayan calendar 12-21-12 can be deemed the “expiration date” for the darks to discontinue their influence on earth, and that if it does not happen by them resigning themselves from dark activity, then, we have agreed at the soul-level that divine intervention will occur. and that this intervention has already started about a year or so ago. when i read that line about intervention, it made sense to me in this way. so i just wanted to put it in these words, adding to your words, bc i can see how certain words are “triggers” for us, especially lately as certain channels report being hijacked by non-benevolent entities. it is a challenge to stay out of fear but i also sense that we got to a whole new level in being able to stay in the big picture, knowing that all is playing out for the BEST outcome possible. i have the strong sense that our non-physical friends want us to let them worry about all that pertains to dark activity, and for us to just stay in our light. i think that was a direct message coming through me right now, as i got very warm in my heart hehe 🙂 love to all, we are surely making it 🙂

        1. So true, Christie. We tend to forget that even if the work we do by raising not only our own but also our planet’s level of vibration by anchoring all the light, it is not enough to complete the task of getting rid of those dark parasites holding mankind captive. As The CCs have said in part 41: “Our role is to direct you all to perform to the best of your abilities, and this we do in several different ways. Besides informing you of the progress of this process, we are also joined by members of other groups of entities who are here with a very different task. Theirs is the task of making sure that every last vestige of the darkness tainting your atmosphere will be washed away once and for all, and as such they are a formidable army indeed. Yes, certainly in this aspect army is the best description to use, as they are indeed true warriors of the light, and as such their powers will be used extensively.” And in part 21: “You cannot win this battle on love alone, and you must stay clear in your hearts about this. Love is a strong power indeed, but when it comes down to the dirty work perpetrated by these villains, we need to make it absolutely clear that the armament used against them must be of a very forceful nature indeed. ” As you all know, most of the messages in The manuscript are about helping us see ourselves and this process more clearly, and encouraging us on in so many ways. But sometimes, one of these “warriors of light” comes forward with a message through The CC’s, and the response to these messages is always very mixed. That is understandable, because as always the energy imbedded in the message will trigger different people in very different ways. For some, it will be very encouraging, for others, it will seem to be very “out of tune”. And so it will be, because we all respond to what we see according to our own programming. And yes, I do use discernment whenever I post a message. I have been given very specific instructions, both through my own guides and through The CCs on how to take extra care not to be tricked into posting something not coming from them. As you all know, the dark ones are trying so hard to confuse us all, and they have been trying their tricks on me more than once lately. But I will not be scared off from doing my job. I am a warrior, in more ways than one, and I know that all of you are too. And I know that some of you,like me, have very vivid memories of taking part in these battles that The CCs refer to in some of their messages. So yes, even if we are the bravest of the brave, we cannot do this alone. We are all part of a huge force fighting for the light, and we are all doing an amazing job, no matter what our own individual role is.
          Love and light, Aisha

  15. Thak you Aisha! I must admit that I have been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately because there seems to be so many who just can’t be bothered tp wake up. I find the thought of a louder wake up call exciting indeed!

  16. Greetings Alisha and everyone.

    Thank you to the Constant Companions and to our New Connection!

    May our continued ‘eternal dance’ collaboration blossom and flourish better than we expect.

    YES indeed, this is sweeeeet music to our ears. Everything is pointing to this COMPLETE AND TOTAL AMPING UP of LOVE and Loving Energies which have let the Usurpers know that their time for misdeeds has past and we are on to the complete transformation of hearts and minds.

    Here are some encouraging videos:

    “I know my galactic family is here, do you?”
    by In Light Radio:

    An uplifting video about what is happening now up through October 7th.
    “Fall of the Reptilian Empire”

    I give thanks for all the souls, seen and unseen who are part of these amazing eternal adventures.


  17. Thank you my Dear Aisha !~ with so much of humanity still asleep & time running short to effectly heal & re-balance Mother-Earth I have expected this…a ramping up of energy & communication to humanity in the awakening process as I have received some rather urgent toned messages, signs & nudges as well. No more beating around the bush & watching from the sidelines with uncertainty….decisions need to made now as Mother-Earth must continue with her shift….the dominoes have been set in motion…are we with her or not….are we going to help her & her beloved creatures or not ?….as I said in my earlier comment….we are grand creative spirit musicans with a purpose & have had lots of opportunity in selecting the perfect fit of instrument to play….now it is time we learned to play it very well ! Mother-Earth ‘Needs’ our ‘Hearts & Souls’ to be ‘One’ with her in perfect tune & harmony as she is about to start singing very loudly with the choir of the Universe !~ Sending Blessings & LOving Support to you Aisha with this new task & I pray it is perfectly & completely successful !….Blessings to you ‘ALL’ & may we completely awaken to fulfilling these tasks & sound out together in glorious perfect harmony !!!~

  18. Hello Aisha &CC’s,
    I was getting a distinct visual while reading this message. I saw it as us all being on a roller coaster. We have been on the long, slow ride to the top. The excitement building, maybe a bit of anxiety. I saw us at the top of this “coaster” ready to drop. Once we go over the precipice it’s going to be impossible for anyone to ignore that we are hurtling forward towards our awakened future. Be prepared for ups and downs, twists and turns, and maybe even a few loop-to-loops. For those of us who are somewhat awakened it’ll be up to us to keep the formerly sleeping passengers calm and hopefully focused while riding out the rest of this journey.

    I think we’re all in for one heck of a ride! Looking forward to this final leg, and hoping that I’m ready for it all!

    In Peace,
    Keith R.

  19. Hmm…I have been waiting for this for as long as i knew that i didnt come from this place….i no longer feel alone in this world or crazy!…Thank You once again!!! For now i know that the time has come for the True Ones of the light will subdue this world by their sleeping necks and awaken them to Glory!!! ♥♥♥

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