An update before our Gathering around the Pond

Dear friends! This message just came through as a reminder before our upcoming Gathering around the Pond meditation tomorrow, Sunday April 5. at 9 PM (UTC+2). I am so looking forward to us connecting again after all these years! There is such a strong sense of potency and activation, and I do believe that the grid we anchored as a collective back then will really come alive. It is as if it has been waiting just for this moment in time to do just that. Thank you all for BEing a part of this!

The impermanence of permanence
is becoming apparent as futures collide,
creating new wavelengths of confusion.
But fear cannot prevail
as it is programmed to self-destruct.
The bedrock of our civilization
has turned into dust.
But out of this heap of dismantled ideas,
a new world will arise.
One built on the strongest of foundations,
the knowledge of Self.

14 thoughts on “An update before our Gathering around the Pond

  1. Dear Ponders! On Tuesday night, together with three Sisters, I hosted an online gathering celebrating the Full Moon. It was our first ever live group meditation, and it was a very nurturing and powerful experience. Perhaps this is what we shall do for the next Gathering around the Pond as well? The intention for Tuesday’s meditation was the question “what do I need to let go of in order to make space for the New to grow?” My offering was this poem that came to me in the days before the meditation. I wanted to share it with you as well, both the original one in Norwegian and my translation of it:

    Fruktbarhetens gudinne
    planter sine frø i dødens muld.
    Opp fra henne skjød stiger livet selv fram.
    Næret av alt det i oss som ikke lenger hadde livets rett.
    Dype røtter finner feste i fortidens levninger.
    Spirer skyter fart, båret fram av framtidstro.
    Uhindret av fortiden kan det nye ta form.
    Ta sats, sprenge seg ut og opp.
    Vikle seg ut av alle gamle tråder
    som holdt oss fast i en evighet.
    Fullmånens lys viser oss vei til mulighetenes elv.
    La oss gi oss hen til dens fruktbare flom.

    The Goddess of fertility plants her seeds
    in the mulch of all things dead.
    From her loins life itself springs forth,
    nurtured by everything that no longer nurtures us.
    Rooting deep down in the remains of the old,
    new shoots spring forth.
    Fueled by our willingness to envision a bright future,
    they burst through the restraints of old beliefs
    that held us captured for eons.
    The Full Moon lights up the river of opportunity.
    Come, let us dive into the fertile flow.

  2. Dear Pondmates,
    My beloved daughter, Miriam, is turning 18 on April 12. As part of her celebration, she has written a letter to humans sharing her reflections on the times we’re in. Bente/Aisha has invited me to share it here. Blessings to all!

    A Thousand Moments of Silence: A Letter to Us
    By Miriam John

    Dear Humans,
    I am in awe of the silence we have created over these last few weeks, as we step back from the speed and drama of the lives we have been living, and learn to stay at home. We are facing this struggle with such grace and courage, in our many different ways . . .

    Growing closer and more honest with our loved ones;
    Waking up to the reality that we are all in life together;
    Walking among these green hills and silver waters in quiet reflection;
    Facing the truth of our own mortality;
    Finding our place in the chaos.

    We are learning how to rearrange our lives: reflect on every single thing we do, and change most of it, with the hope that this will ensure everyone’s ability to breathe. And it’s working.

    I will remember this, the time of my eighteenth birthday and my coming of age, as the time when the air became clean, when the birds sang more freely, when the old oppressive structures of the city began to rest, and every morning felt like a prayer: a thousand moments of silence, all across the earth, in honor of all we have lost . . . and in hope that we may continue to live, and to live more fully.

    We are in the midst of the storm that is just beginning
    to break us open.

    We are in the midst of a great change, and we will never be the same. We will never
    return to “normal.”

    We are remembering our resilience. We are re-becoming the beautiful species that we are: a species that cares for our elders, honors the sovereignty of each being, asks before touching, sits with ourselves, creates beauty out of grief, finds our way home.

    We are also facing the devastation of being separate from each other, the great fear of having to live life alone, the awareness of harm that is being done, and we are grieving for the world as it once was . . . or perhaps, as we once thought it was. It feels as though we are inside a temporary bad dream, and at the same time, beginning to wake up at last from a very bad dream that has held us captive for hundreds of years.
    May we continue to awaken.

    Beloved people, this is my prayer for us:
    May we continue the silence, until we find songs that are strong enough to break the hold of the fear and trauma we have been living in for so long. May we awaken to the truth of our connection, and our love. And may we create, out of the ashes of this time, a vibrant world, where there’s room enough for everyone
    to breathe.

    1. Dear Sherill! Thank you so much for sharing this – and thank you so much for Miriam ❤ What a gift she is to us all. One of the Wise Young Ones, present here at this moment in time to remind us all of WHO we really are. The world will become a better place for us all, because beautiful souls like Miriam share their love for Mother Earth and all that live upon her through their words and their deeds. Happy birthday, dear Miriam – thank you for gifting us with your words and with your presence ❤

    2. I read the channellings weekly, sometimes daily, as the messages came through for years. Yesterday, I found the tab to this website saved in a bookmark on my computer. Before opening, I felt the warmth of healing and connection to those messages. Never have I read a comment or commented until today. So, today I join you all in the Pond and share in our collective. Finally ready and willing to be seen and speak the language of the higher frequencies that resonate and harmonize with you all. Love and light to you all. Thank you for the poem and comments and for this sacred space. ❤ Hannah

  3. Dear friends! Thank you for your heart-felt sharings ❤ The energies from yesterday's Gathering kept reverberating through me all morning. It was such a sense of joy and connection. During the Gathering itself, I could feel a deep activation, but I was also taken into a most wonderful bliss-state. This morning, so much started to shift, I had to lie down for a while. Afterwards, I felt so energized I went straight out into the garden and started digging. It felt SO right, clearing out a huge patch of old rhubarb, opening it up so we can create our own little sacred garden there. As within, so without 😉 How wonderful it was to BE here with all of you again! I am so looking forward to see what will emerge from this newly (re)opened space!

  4. Like coming home at Christmas after a long journey away. Quiet, deep JOY. Thank you, Dear Bente/Aisha, EveryPonders. xo

  5. Hi dear Ponders ❤
    Wow that was a powerfull reunion…

    I prepared just before 9:00 by laying down and doing some deep breathing, and got myself into a relaxed state.

    I felt the presence of the Pond as tears began to flow down my cheek.

    In that state, a protective amulet I had recieved as a gift from a dear friend of mine, some time ago, began to communicate with me.

    It told/showed me as a knowing, that it in essence was a Black Dragon, and that we were friends from a different time and space.

    It had come here to protect me from harm during the transition to the new Earth. This was just as a glimpse of deep detailed knowing, at the time my tears began flowing from the contact with the Pond.

    Then suddenly I felt a high energy go through my body from my feet to the top of my head, and the dragon said: "We are being scanned", as the scan completed, my third eye opened, and I felt the bliss of the Pond intensified.

    I was just filled with joy and bliss just from being here, and because the amulet had made itself known to me.

    Thanks to every being who helped co-create this blissful experience.

    Love & Light ❤

  6. Thank you ! I feel the golden grid as well and I’ve had visions of the Crystalline Core of Earth permeating ‘sperm like’ seeded Pure Light upwards to The Grid..bringing More Crystalline Love Light! …More to Ignite, Replenish & Nourish !! 💜✌✨
    I just woke up & read this From a FB friend:

    Seth Leaf Pruzansky

    This is the intention that I’ve been holding in my awareness for the past few months. Tonight after a powerful meditation I was able to articulate its essence into written word. I feel it is appropriate for our current times.

    Feel free to read it, meditate on it, share it, or adopt it as your own. It is charged with translucent sincerity. ❤

    “May all energies, frequencies and timelines that are not in alignment with the most virtuous and compassionate expressions of human thought, speech, feeling, behavior and action – fade from my consciousness.

    Allow any residues of a limited past that may still linger in the DNA of my subconscious to expand outwardly through the magnetic field of my heart – forever freeing them into the quantum sea of energy.

    And from there, allow this emergent consciousness within me to focus like a laser beam on creating new neural networks in my body so that they may be conditioned to reflect and attract this elevated state of being that’s now anchored into my future-present perception of self.”

    Now I’m going to go back into meditation until the job is done!

  7. Thank you dear Aisha.
    It’s indeed been a long time.
    I look forward to the gathering again.
    See you tomorrow
    Much love to all❤

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