A short update on the energies

As many of you have noticed, the energetic fluctuations you have been experiencing now can in many ways be likened to the pull from a riptide, a pull that will seem to be dragging you along at an ever increasing speed while it at the same time will serve to bring you seemingly ever further out to sea, into unknown territory. And what do we mean by that? Simply that you are all being submerged within brand new levels of frequencies, like different layers within a whole structure, and as they interact with your own personal magnetic field, it will start to have an effect unlike anything you have ever experienced before. For now you are not merely being subjected to a new set of frequential messages that will serve to upgrade your own system, no, this time, it is more akin to sitting in front of a whole orchestra of energetic players. And as each and every single component of this whole orchestra will affect you, the combined effect of them all “playing out the new tune” simultaneously will have far reaching effects not only on you, but on the whole planetary field that surrounds you and everyone else on this glittering, blue globe you inhabit.

For as we said, this time, it s not simply about you, but also about the Earth herself. And so, you are being brought into sync in a very new way and through a process that does not resemble anything you have ever experienced before. And so, the days and the nights may seem to be even more confusing, and your body may start to exhibit all sorts of distress signals. For it will at times have a hard time steering through all of these convoluted magnetics that are currently surging in and around you, and as everything in your body has literally been wired to run at the old set current of frequency, it will perhaps stall and sputter a little bit at first before it starts to realise that it has in fact been totally rewired already in order to prepare it for this massive switch.

For you are all already new in the sense of your setup being fully primed to take in these brand new layers of energetic empowerment, and as such, there is nothing in this process that will be of harm to you. Still, it is indeed apt to create chaos and confusion during the actual process of altering your current completely, and so, you have already been advised to take some time to just sit back and be within this brand new energetic environment. For it will take some time before you have all found your new bearings, and as such, do not think you are at a fault if you feel even more unlike yourself, or rather, unlike the one you have for so long defined as the “real you”.

For that version is a thing of the past, and so, you will need time to assimilate all of the new. And as this process of switching you over completely to the brand new regimen is very much an ongoing thing and will be so for quite a while, we will once again remind you that this will indeed be a period marked by rather intense bouts of chaos and seeming disruption, both on the inside and on the outside. For remember, what is happening now, is happening to your whole world and as such, there are many others out there sensing these brand new sets of coordinates being put into place. But as they, unlike you, have no idea just what this whole process is all about, they are apt to go into total chaos themselves. So yes, this will be a period that may be marked by some at time overwhelmingly powerful periods of disarray, but again, we want you all to keep in mind that this is not a signal of anything dark and sinister starting to resurface. This is simply the effects of the alternating current being switched off and the new, stable one being switched on, and as such, a lot of old flotsam will be churned up in its wake. Again, this is not a signal of doom and destruction, this is simply a sign of the restructuring that is happening because of the heightened light quotient affecting your entire energetic environment. And so, we will once again remind you all that all is well, and there is every reason to rejoice as you will literally once again feel it in your very bones that the light is pushing you all upwards and onwards towards attaining total freedom for you all.

156 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. Last two days have been crappy roller coaster ride. Wife and I are in constant arguments over the difference in how we understand,see, and do things. I am constantly trying to communicate in a reasonable way, but she keeps misinterpreting my words, my sentiment, and she responds with anger and vindictiveness. Yesterday my iPad crashed trying to sync it with my desktop. It was as if the power was being sucked right out of it. Every time I tried to reboot it would just go blank again. A friend is helping us a lot with recovering documents not on iCloud, wiping the iPad clean and trying to re-install. iPad will last so long then keyboard disappears and then it all goes black. My wife has been helping a lot doing all this. We have shipped the iPad off to our friend hoping he can resurrect the iPad and the programs and documents.
    I think the energy changes are playing havoc with my hardware, with the communication with my wife and with my mind. I think I am going crazy, literally, taking anti-anxiety meds to settle myself down, sleeping a lot and trying to make contact with my Guides in meditation. My energies feel so out of whack that I was reaching the point where I was saying, “Stop the world I want to get off!”
    I sure will be glad when the Equinox energies are past and I can get better handle on this human vehicle so I can continue the ride in 3D. Like to know when I have fulfilled my purpose in this incarnation. Wondering why I signed up for this, other than the intuition that I am here for the duration.

    1. THANK YOU for sharing dear Cosmic Messenger!

      The other evening my dearest friend joined me to get healing and massage like she has in so many years. We are really good friends in heart and have shared, loved, been crying, learned a lot and supported each other during our journeys the last decade and have very much in common. However, while we sat talking I felt like she threw some very negative energies towards me. I was so surprised and I didn´t say anything about it as that never happened before. I was totally dumbfounded for a while! Afterwards, I worked intensely with light, SOL, grounding for balance. Since it is likely that other energies are running high now so it’s hard for me to say what is what, and today I feel a little anxiety when I wake up and still while I write this.

      My friend who introduced me to Soul and Body Fusion wrote this on Facebook yesterday:

      “We can accommodate reactions from other people and this is the mirror to see what lies within us. Dare to stand in your own power and do not let yourself be caught up in other people’s dramas.”

      I embrace everything that happens now and is so grateful for what you wrote. Energierna really run havoc now and you really are not alone in your experiences 😉

      Much love & light to you,

      B to B

  2. So much has happened here so trying to catch up. Sending my light along with everyone’s here for Caroline. I have had contact with people on the other side as well although it isn’t something I do often since my father passed. I felt the need to stay grounded here as my grief was to much. Love to you Caroline. Xxoo


  3. Dear family of light! I have not received any news about Caroline yet. But as I connected to the energies last night, I could feel how this whole Pond was breathing deeply and slowly in and out, and I sensed that we were all doing this to help Caroline’s body in some way. It was an overwhelming feeling of love and gentle strength that came through me, and I hope and pray that we will get some positive news soon.
    With love and gratitude from me, Aisha

    1. Dear Aisha!

      Thank you!!! Sun is shining very bright today 🙂

      Life is absolutely amazing! Yesterday, after the visit to the store I told you about, I went across the street to buy greeting cards. I literally fell over a CD from an artist that I’ve never heard of before but I knew immediately in my heart that I would buy the disc. When I listen to it and read the text, mainly to the first song, so I burst into tears for it goes straight to my heart. It’s not on youtube and I can not find the text in English. Artist name is Anette Wallin and her album “The dance of life”. The song I refer to is called “You lovely tree”. I really would like to share this song with you and especially with Caroline, as I know she would love it.

      Love never ends,


      1. Lyrics to the song “You lovely tree” froom the album “The dance of life”
        by Anette Wallin
        (freely translated by me)

        Oh you beautiful tree where you stand
        wants you to heaven reach?
        I understand your great longing
        when I see your crown languish.

        The wind can whip and pina
        you have full confidence yet
        Never you may lose your courage
        where you stand, life has meaning.

        Oh a great love in your beauty lives
        you have nothing to hide
        you are totally unique, no one like you!
        God humbly follow.

        Your beautiful leaves, summer delight
        your branches bent playful
        searching for a chance
        find the right balance! My heart shall rejoice.

        Oh you beautiful tree where you stand
        wants you to heaven reach?
        Never you may lose your courage,
        where you stand, life has meaning.

        1. Beautiful B! Hopefully one day soon you will find the music to share with us too. I am definitely having a “love affair” with the trees here in Australia. The Gum Trees are plentiful and varied and the white barked ones completely draw me in. Love, Nancee

        2. Dear sister B, thank you for your words, thank you for the song, and thank you for your LOVE .-) You are so right, the LOVE never ends!
          With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

          1. Thanks Areeza! It’s a bit difficult to translate such texts, poems etc but I felt so strongly that I wanted to share the lyrics with you because it spoke so clearly to me – and to Caroline, I felt. So glad it appealed to you too 🙂



        3. My Dear B… I Love You. Thank you for this beautiful gift, the lyrics, and your ability to translate for us. This is exactly why I love trees—and most probably why you, Aisha and others here who live so close to forests love our forest Friends.

          I awoke early to learn news about our dear Caroline; your message,
          Aisha’s message and Otmn’s link add greatly to the Hope. xo

        4. I once asked a tree how he managed to cope with life being unable change to move from place to place. He merely chuckled and said all that he needed was where he stood.

    2. thank you Aisha for sharing this. Means a lot as I was holdilng Caroline and breathing with her while I fell asleep.
      Interesting too was mine and Kelly’s dear friend, Ray, came thru last night (the song All This Love comes to me and I know it is Ray as he sung this to me from the other side shortly after passing)….well, he told me some things to say to Kelly – As I have said before, I have not channeled like this much so when It happens it is such a blessing. Ray had two dogs with him and in the time I knew him in life, he only had the one who recently passed on – Ginger. Well, there was another yellow dog and I said the name “Magic” to Kelly and he said he had a yellow lab named ‘Maggie”.
      As B has said, it is wonderful to have these connections whether we are in physical form or not.
      Love, Areeza

  4. and I quote

    We are being inwardly guided by the electromagnetism of the heart with synchronicity that helps us find soul family for which to play! And soul family is defined as those in current resonance. Everyone is at a different wavelength and it is so satisfying to find those who are in a similar bandwidth as we understand one another. And we raise one another’s frequencies. It is about interacting radio stations and fine tuning one another and ourselves, of course. I am so excited about this message about the potentials with soul family coming into view!


    she’s discussing the equinox

    1. Yes Otmn – that what it´s all about – and it is amazingly inspiring 🙂
      Thank you for sharing the link with a message that resonates perfect to me.

      Love & light,


    2. Wow Otmn… yes very encouraging information! So uncomplicated too 🙂 Thank you for sharing. Where I am staying currently there is a lovely soul family connection. (We’d only ever met online and that was about 6 years ago we interacted.) I’m not looking forward to leaving in 5 days. ~Nancee

    3. Dear Otmn – thank you so much for sharing this! It really, really resonates deeply for me! We are becoming ONE now, by being connected to others that bring in a different part of the spectrum, each adding their own individual note to this amazing song we are singing 🙂 Reconnecting and rebuilding, rediscovering and reactivating each other in small and large groups, all over this planet. What an amazing time this is – I am so filled with gratitude and joy when I think of what we are all a part of!
      LOVE, Aisha

    4. Thank you, Otmn, for the link. The message and the expression is absolutely lovely and quietly sets my Heart on fire. sigh. it’s “time”. xo

  5. hey everyone-well here it is,we’re way into 2014,and i wasn’t ready,dang it,i’m only now still trying to get ready for dec. 2012,y’know?? time,stand still!
    remember that song by rush? to me it’s like he’s sayin,’time,stand still!’
    ah anyways…nuthin but love for all of us!

  6. I am just now tuning in to the thread concerning Caroline and her transitions, and the Pond members responses. I join ALL in sending her continued love and light healing, and learn so much about this distance/no distance healing touch we each can rally to her and Mark’s aid.

    Nursing. All nursing tenderly through these ministrations and I feel their truth.
    What we are learning here about quantum fields and healing is amazing to me as well. I sense the light encounter one respondent wrote about, holding her and seeing her look at the light over her shoulder feels resonant to me. I can see that encounter in my mind’s eye…perhaps the third eye?
    I also had a significant encounter with the passing of my aunt Wenche on March 13th in the middle of the night in a hospital in Boston, Ma.

    Wenche is my eldest aunt/only aunt of my father’s side and was born in Sweden. The previous days she had traversed through ICU too, and slipped out of body with complications of pneumonia.

    I am in northern Vermont, many hours away, and had my last words with her on the phone, where she recognized my voice and told me the nurses were taking very good care of her.
    Then support for Lins, my cousin, her daughter proceeded via email, with our clan convening mainly there. My Dad and Mom were able to have a final visit but I was prevented by a blizzard from going the distance physically in a car and I believe that is how she wanted to leave me, up through a virginal blizzard Viking woman style.

    I am writing this because my spirit seemed to be able to visit her too, as this other writer was describing, and I think the lesson was to trust this was so, and an exercise in expanded spiritual capacities. I sensed a lightening and happiness that Wenche had shed her body, and a simultaneous strengthening of resolve to stay in my own.

    To trust my experiences in nursing AND the ongoing adventure of the expanding spiritbodying, I guess that is how it feels to me. It is so heartening to read others’ descriptions of internal states as they do feel so different compared to more usual ailments seen in ERs and clinics.

    Understanding the notion of rewiring and transferring from one kind of operating system to another makes sense to me with the expanding knowledge of how internet communications and operating systems work.

    The science of love and quantumness, how blanketing, how reassuring. Through the time/space continuum I embrace you ALL, and look forward to good reports about Caroline. Peace and blessings, time to slip into sleep state where I am sure we will be continuing the loving intent, with grace and ease for ALL, Monica

    1. going to sleep state in a few myself Monica. will join with the Love intent for certain for our Caroline and all our light sisters and brothers – and thank you for extending your Light and Love to us. ‘With Grace and Ease for All’ – Amen.

    2. Thank you Monica for sharing your experiences with us and peace to your aunt Wenche, my fellow countrywoman. For me it is all about unconditional love and trust to be able to connect to dear ones in long distance as well as to those who have passed away. Just trust your spirit Monica 🙂

      Much love & light


    3. Dear Monica, thank you so much for sharing this! Your words touch me deeply, and they are a powerful confirmation of the transition we are all going through now from “old human” to the NEW, from the deep valley of fear to the expanding horizons of the light and the love.
      With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

  7. Dear Lin , Dear Terri,
    Thanks for your input my true friends& family. Much appreciated and makes me relax a lot.
    Lin – on my ride home, I came to exactly what you did. So, this is the truth and I will honor it. I told Kelly – who really wants to see Mom – that we will go earlier on her Birthday. My sisters, etc are going later in afternoon. I feel good with this. And interesting how it is like what happened xmas time at Vespers – the final disconnect with the sister I thought I was to stay close with. And we did hook up with her and her guy once since for Kelly’s birthday but it just did not feel right.
    Thank you both – inner peace feels so good again. Blessings to us all in helping us deal with these trying issues. Love, Areeza

  8. Have we had an update from Mark on Caroline?
    Sending my love and support also praying for her recovery.
    I will send distance healing Reiki energy to this situation for Caroline.
    Loving support for Mark also…

    1. Hi Terri, I just came also to check and see if there is any update. I am so concerned. My Love and support here to for Caroline and Mark. I keep trying to ‘feel it out’ and I do feel so close to her.

      1. Dear Breezie and Terri… if you’ll go to “older comments” almost down to the bottom of page, you’ll see that our Anna Helen and B2B posted some lovely, amazing updates that leads (me at least) to a huge smile+. Hopefully, we’ll hear confirming positive news from her hubby Mark soon.

        Hopefully, we’ll be celebrating soon… Love to you both. xo Lin

  9. That’s my girl.
    Means nothing.
    You have the power here. To go or not, in your hands.

    Stay away and do something else fun and less taxing for Kelly. (Share a bubble bath and a glass of wine with candlelight & some beautiful music???

    To heck with those inconsiderate people, who have no clue and are not interested in having a clue, because, they aren’t in the game anyway.
    We can only change ourselves.

    Take care of you & Kelly, let them take care of themselves.

    Breezie, ya know, ya just can’t fix stupid!

    Much love here plus a hug…(I get it!)

    Love, Terri

  10. Bringing this here because it hurts. Scenerio: I had a nice idea to have a family get together on Moms Birthday – at the Home. A guy my sister knows used to play Kelly’s keyboard at my parents house – he plays Rachmaninoff even. They always loved it. So – my sister emails me the time for party next Saturday – her bday. She mentions in the email a couple that are long time friends of my Mom and Dad. This couple has never attened family functions ,etc. that, is not the point.. the point here is these people are the owners of the Lumber yard where Kelly was injured. Yeah… so, again the inconsideration. I told them again and asked why they thought this was ok? I wonder if they just did not want us there. but, my gut says they are just stupid and inconsiderate. sucks.
    thanks for letting me put this here. I am beside myself at the moment.
    Kelly has been looking forward to seeing my Mom. I go from work cause its closer than my house. cant afford many trips, etc. Now, looks like we will miss the event. I am sure Kellys lawyers would say stay away — they could take pictures, etc. He takes xtra meds to even be able to go places and that makes him ‘appear’ better than he is, etc.
    I am so sad. so tired of this crap from people who you think would try and care just a little – especially when I have mentioned what my hurts from the past have to do with. They wont get it if they dont want to , i know.
    Love to all. be back later or tomorrow. just gotta try and get thru the day now. I do so well usually and with so much on my plate.

    1. forget this – its nothing
      I just read about Caroline. All my Love to that now. this means nothing.

      1. Yes, Caroline is our focus now.

        (Regarding your earlier posting, dear Breezie, most probably you’re being protected by not being included in the event for your mom. Remember your posting about energy vibes/vibrations. It’s ALL about Energy. You can send loving thoughts/energies to your mom without being in a room that holds uncomfortable vibrations for you&Kelly even excluding the lumberyard owner. Most probably you don’t belong near your birth family members any longer…. would interfere with your Ascension growth. And I’m not saying they are inferior/bad people, they’re just not in the same vibrational field that you’re in… so you’re “pushed” away. There are no accidents. You can Love them all from a distance, and hopefully they’ll do the same for you. Resisting the Truth just prolongs heartache. I’m going thru similar conditions with my birth family. It’s all ok. Nobody’s right or wrong; it just IS. Loving you. xo Lin)

  11. car battery kaput this morning, last week computer needed cleansing and house plumbing needed repairs, also had to install a new computer printer. I’m tossing out old “stuff” like crazy (even cherished childhood mementos) that doesn’t resonate with me any longer. Seems hubby&I and our 3D stuff are going to be beginning new Equinox “refreshed” and pared down.

    Consciously sending Love&Light to Caroline all day long until we hear from Mark that she is ok.

  12. We still 14F (-10C) at night, the lake is still completely covered with thick ice and snow. On my walk today, I sat down by the lake and listened to how the ice “sang and talked.” Louder and louder came the sounds of the ice that would like to crack up and it sounded like it was an impatient, almost angry bubbling and full activity underneath. I’ve never given me the time to listen to the sound of the ice this season of the year. It was captivating!

    I am myself in a light and quite different mode like I cannot remember I was since I was a child. Free and ‘innocent as a child’ as Pieter-Geert Runia says 🙂 Suddenly I stand here thinking “what am I going to do now”? As I went down to city today I went into a fair trade shop to look for a birthday gift to one of my grandchildren, I suddenly was surrounded by all people in that shop talking, laughing, testing silk shawls (for me 😉 in different colours and we all had a very pleasant time. OMG!!! This is really amazing :))) Is this just the beginning??? 🙂

    Love & joy,


      1. Thanks Lin! Yes – I have noticed that people are drawn to me very open minded and I really enjoy it 🙂 Radiant vibes? I guess we all have it now – otherwise CCs failed, don´t you think? 😉



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