The manuscript of survival – part 347

As you are well aware of by now, nothing has been left to chance in this operation, and as such, the pressure you feel is nothing to be worried about. As we told you beforehand, be aware of any sort of outbursts now that the assimilation of heightened energy will be perceived as difficult for so many. And as they seem to be unable to take it all in as they say, the pressure valves will burst and the steam will find its way out in one way or the other, hence the sudden eruptions spewing forth from so many now.

And what spews forth is not the light, rather, it is what the lights in itself is pushing out of them. For when the light comes in, nothing can stand in its way, and as such, a whole lot of cleaning is indeed going on on all levels. Both on the internal and personal one, and indeed collectively and throughout the different dimensions that composes this whole energetic matrix that you are all an intrinsic part of. So know that you are merely seeing and sensing the overload that some are experiencing due to the large amount of light that is literally pouring into their system and causing an evacuation of everything that cannot occupy the same space as this light. For it is indeed this light that sets the tone as it were, for there is nothing that is not of the same vibration that can be in the vicinity of this new and extremely powerful lightforce that is pouring into you all.

So expect some outbursts to occur, both smaller ones, but also some major ones that will literally blow the lid of so much that has seemed to be under lock and key forever. So do not stand in the way of these eruptions, lest they take you with them and shake you up too much as they exit out. For remember, whatever comes out from hiding now can never go back in, and as such, you can all wave it goodbye. For this time, and exit is simply that, a one way ticket OUT and with no option for revoking it. In other words, what is leaving now, is doing so for good and will never be able to return to taint these pristine waters ever again.

So stay centered, and know that all is well, but also stay alert for any signals of eruptions coming your way. Better to duck and take cover than to face any blasts face on, for they have nothing to do with you and your journey, but everything to do with what has been but can no longer linger. But you are here to stay dear ones, and you are here to prosper and grow as so much of this old goo is being jettisoned out into the ethers to be reused for much better purposes. As we have told you before, all of this negative energy will not simply be taken out and locked away somewhere. No, it will be used as an active ingredient, and a very positive one indeed, for the evolution of your species. For anything that is old and seemingly dead because of its low and too dense vibration can and will be recycled as a building material for the light. It may sound odd, but in Creation, nothing is considered as waste, and everything lasts forever –  albeit in an altered state.

So once again we say breathe, and know that even if there might be some foul breaths wafting your way, they cannot harm you. In fact, they will only serve to help and aid you in all sort of ways you will have a hard time understanding at the moment. So behold as the light makes even the densest of materials light enough to become a part of this brand new world we are all building up together. But also remember, the denser materials in their current state is of no help to anyone, least of all to those that still cling to it like a liferaft on these high seas. They will find themselves sinking quickly as their buoy turns to a dead weight and pulls them under, as the light will make any form of trickery and illusion impossible to uphold. So stay in your center, and know that you have what it takes to keep floating forever in that tranquil sea of light you have already made possible just by your very presence. For that, we cannot thank you enough, but for now, we will just say fare thee well for now, and know that you are being born aloft by a power so strong, nothing will be able to drag you under ever again.

209 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 347

  1. I bow to thee, sun_of_blue, and thank you for shining your light here. You have helped us all get closer to that port, so reast all you need my friend!
    With much love and gratutide from me, Aisha

  2. rejoice with me

    I only could count 8 tadpoles left in the pond; there are little frogs all over the place. As I sat in the kitchen there was a moth on the window, you know how those bugs are
    Suddenly one of the frogs jumped out of the flower pot onto the window.
    I don’t know how a frog can walk up window glass, I just know I’ve seen them do it many times. It took a few steps up the glass until it was within range and then it ate the bug.
    In the yard I counted 15 frogs in 20 ft. I have to walk carefully, I don’t want to step on them.

    today I reunited with my twin flame for the first time in five months.
    it’s like she took one end of the net and took off that way. I took the other end and headed over the other way. We stretched it out as far as we could.
    today we reeled/realed it in
    we caught a bunch of nasty things that mostly have to do with combat veterans and ptsd
    when we got together the sparks flew off like a welder. I have no words to wrap around it, but a big pile of nasty has just been digested, evaporated, and dissolved.

    1. What a day of glory Otmn! My heart rejoice with yours :))) You really are a poet – right? Certain it is you who unleashes there around 1:20? I really love it / you 🙂

      Smoochs, xoxoxo, joy and all that stuff 😉


      1. I don’t know where you are exactly. I’m sure your an earthling
        anyway I don’t know when your 1 20 is
        It’s a little after 2 30 am on the 27th here

        1. I don’t think B will mind if I jump in and answer for her. I believe she is referring to the guitar riff at approx 1 min 20 sec in the video. Like it’s the energy of you rejoicing.


        2. Dear Otmn,

          I meant about 1:20 in the video 😉 You know – I don´t invite neither earthlings nor non-earthlings in the middle of the night ;)))))

          Much love,


    2. Dear Otmn! Your words and actions are just as powerful as your light, my friend. Thank you again for what you bring to this space and to this world!
      Much love from me, Aisha

      1. you know i love and am grateful to you
        hey kid,
        scrolling down forever won’t really work when so many more folks keep coming.
        i tell you what
        you will be amazed when the dam breaks and everyone everybody starts to want to learn,
        besides, I’m trying to tear the damn dam thing down.

        1. Big smooch back to you! I see some cracks in that dam already, the light is pushing its way in so many places so the pressure is increasing now. People are starting to sit up and asking questions now, and they are not going to settle for the same old answers anymore. Good thing we are getting a lot of practice finding so many new answers here!
          Love, Aisha

    3. 💋💋💋💋💋 Tons of smooches, Otmn. My husband suffers from PTSD and I KNOW how UGLY it is!!!! Smooches on the top of your head. Don’t mind the PINK lipstick, OK????

      Love, Amy

  3. Sun!

    My heart cries for and with you. I can almost feel what you have been through my beloved friend, but I have no words for it.

    Take a nap now Sun_of_blue. I´ll wake you up when it´s over and the celebration starts.

    Your honoured friend,


    P.S. My fingers always taps your name as Sun_of_Light D.S.

  4. Again I say to you, O Holy One of High, Welcome HOME. JOB well done!

    And sleep, sleep for you shall. This weariness will be but a whisp of a memory as vigor and youth return to you. 🙂

  5. Wow. You deserve your rest, friend. Thanks for all your sharing and teaching. Game over! You won!

  6. I have been following all the comments today and every time I try to reply, I lose my connection. So I guess I’m not supposed to be saying much. Except for this: I wanted to have a red pen in my hand putting check marks in all the posts and write the word Ditto. So a ginormous DITTO TO EVERYONE…totally with what each of you has said!!!!

    Love love love joy bliss peace harmony and all that great stuff,
    🙂 AH

      1. God how I love you, sister! Today it was like you took the experience of my life and heart’s journey and spoke it right out loud.

        Xoxoxoxoxo (((HUGS))) from me 🙂

        1. Hehehehehehehehe Honestly, there are times when I ask myself why in heaven’s name is this huge urge within me occuring to right what I am???? I never know why, and I just “wing it” on “faith”. And sure enough, at least one person relates.

          I am so honored that I could have touched you and your Journey, Anna Helen. God knows, it is most difficult, and when we “click” or when we “connect” to help us see, I say AHHHHHHHHH! 🙂 GRIN!!!!

          I DO SO LOVE YOU! Amy

        2. …..and has hub’s seen the Lesson? Hmmmm……..that is not for me to say……for I do not know his heart, only he does. 🙂

          BIG (((HUGS)))!!!

          1. Are you familiar with the concept of a “3D anchor” as part of a soul contract? I firmly believe that to be our arrangement. Looking at it that way helps me see him as a noble, generous and loving soul. So I love and honor him in a familial, brotherly way and can be very grateful for the support he does give me as I fly off into the wild blue yonder. He allows me freedom, space and time to pursue my own goal, even though he has no conscious awareness of what that is! No, there is no intimacy or understanding, but it’s fine…probably even better…probably exactly what I needed and planned for myself.

            And of course, I have given him all kinds of s–t in the past that he’s had to put up with, so I figure we’re ’bout equal in that respect. 🙂
            We have each had to deal with our differences in our own way. So it’s cool.

            As Sun says…it’s all a process. All is well.
            🙂 AH

            1. Anna Helen, my husband is one of my Greatest Teachers, and for this, I so do bow to him. I have been able to “see” his role from “on High”, and if it were not for this man, in my life, I would not be as far along on my Path as I AM. For this, I do Love him unconditionaally.

              Do I speak of intimate Love between a man and a woman? No. That would only have intefered with my Inner Journey. All is Perfect. All is As It Is. As so I AM.

              Love AH, Pink Glow

              1. Yep…that’s it exactly. Same thing with my father, too. Sometimes the ones with whom you have the most conflict are the greatest teachers.

                1. I suppose I don’t really need to add that the product of my union with hubs – our child, Ripley – has been one of the best learning and loving experiences as well. She is a bigtime lightworker…she just doesn’t know it yet! 🙂

    1. Dear Anna Helen, Amy – and everyone else!!! DITTO from me too! It is like every time I return to this space so many wonderful, heartfelt, honest, caring, joyful, profound words have been posted, I have a hard time just getting through them all before a new batch of them arrive. The energy here just blows me away, and the way that you all connect and add your own piece to this huge puzzle is so amazing. What a labor of love this is 🙂
      THANK YOU!
      With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha

        1. That’s amazing. I had never heard of this song before. I just happened to see it.
          This song is sooooooo joyful!

          1. Yes!! JayJay! I am jumping up and down and dancing with you in joy right now! Can ya dig it?

            This song gives me the greatest goose bumps from scalp to toe!!! And thanks so much b/c I had not yet seen the actual video.

            🙂 AH


      This is GREAT, JAYJAY! Thank YOU!!!! Imagine ALL the Ponders dancing together to this song! WHOOOOOOO!

      1. Yes Amy – can´t you feel mother earth shaking away all neggs? Oh – there is gonna be a huge earthquake I think;) Rock on my beloved friends :))))

        Smoochs and hugs and all that stuff 😉


    2. What a nice video – and with aptly text!! It makes me think of synchronicities….this video was published two months ago… Thank you very much!!!



    3. THANK YOU, JayJay! This is just perfect! I have never heard it before, and it gave me goosebumps and tears of joy – and the perfect opportunity to shake loose 🙂
      Joy, love and laughter from me, Aisha

      1. I’m so happy I could share this!
        I feel so much love!
        Love to the Pond, love to the world!

  7. And now for the conclusions of today’s “think tank”.

    I AM a success in every way, and I am not shooting myself in the foot. I have come from basically zero to Who I AM now. I feel good about me. I am walking, talking, BEing the most confident then ever before in my life. I do what MY heart guides me to do, and what I do do, I do my best.

    I may not be a success by this world’s standard’s, but then, I would not want to be, for those standards are all inside out, upside down.

    I have worked hard, with disclipline and determination to see Who I AM through all the lies and illusions that HAD been indoctrinated in me. I am living freely, by own standards, by own hand, by own Truths.

    How many in this world who consider themselves “successful” can say that?

    I can see patterns within patterns in this life of mine. I have doggedly sought after that KNOWING, that TRUTH, that LOVE that I came in with, and knew that I did, yet this world insisted I did not. I dove again and again through the mists of deceptions, in order to bring me to Me.

    Patterns……are so complex and so deep we rarely are aware of them. This is what BEing awake is all about. Seeing with eyes of Honesty and Truth, no matter how hard that may be. And then lining up to Our Highest Good in ALL areas of our lives. That is what I call our Call to Challenge.

    I do what I do because that is what my Heart guides me to do. I have not ever asked for recognition, nor have I ever asked anyone to say, “Hey, good job.” although I must admit that would really be nice. The compliments and the encouragment and the Love and the help I have received here, I have received no where else. And those are my Greatest Gifts I have been given. I cherish what I have been given here, and I tuck those Treasures in my Heart so they are not tarnished by this world.

    AND the more I absorb the Energy here at the Pond, and BEcome that Energy, the more I see this Energy manifesting in my life in “3D”.

    What you focus on, what you think, that is what you are. Simple.


    From my Heart to your Heart,
    Lady Pinkrose 🌷

  8. Ahhh ‘keep floating in the tranquil sea of light’, thank you CC’s and Aisha. The CC’s keep referring to soon because as we know they have not concept of time and dates, there is only ‘now’ especially in their dimension. Lovely Lesley if you are reading this, yes I am Sue from Brighton. Today feels easier, I am even back to singing in the shower again 🙂 love you all x

    1. Hi Sue! You made an impression on me, a good one 🙂 .
      I’m glad you’re singing in the shower again. I don’t really know what on earth I would do without music! I know we’re not as advanced as other planets in many things but at least our music rocks. Been on a Led Zeppelin binge lately 🙂

      With love,

      1. Hi sweetie, oh im not to familiar with Led Zeppelin, only ‘Stairway to Heavan’! I have been singing lots of chant/bhajans lately, they really are powerful! big hugs to you xxx

  9. Jay Jay,

    Each one of us brings a special talent to the Pond. Aisha is far more visual than I am. She is able to process more and “see more.” You have an amazing way of comforting me and holding me together when I am about to collapse. This is what is so amazing about this group in contrast to others.
    We are truly a collective of souls who support and compliment each other. I could never make it without all your assistance and support the past few weeks. Every single one of us contributes just by being here.

    As for channeling, I was told that we all have the ability but it has to be re-taught and re-membered. I could do it fluently as a child but had to go back to galactic school (every single day I learned about 2 hours with my guides.) I started first with an experienced (human) guide and translator, proceeded with a crystal pendulum, went on to meditative channels and from there – it just flew! Now I can tell who’s who on the line just like you can tell if your caller on your cell phone is male or female, educated, young or old. Just like you can probably spot a con artist with a phony sales pitch, I can spot a negative in a second. The problem is that most humans have not yet developed this or are not experienced enough. Most of the channelers are very well intentioned. Because they are such innocent and loving souls, they are easy prey for these entities who befriend them and play cat and mouse games. Luckily, I believe these days are coming to an end. The majority are gone but there are still some stragglers. Until they are completely gone and I get the green light, continue to use caution.

    Until this year, I did not share my information on a public basis. This is the only place I feel comfortable and am confident that I am with my colleagues and team-mates.

    Wishing you all a calm and pleasant night,

    Selamat Ja (Be in Joy in Sirian)

    1. Thanks Susan! What an incredible journey you’ve had, and such a privilege that you share it with us! Yes, this is an amazing, wonderful collective of souls here, each and every one – love that phrasing.

      With love and biggggg hugs,

  10. I see so many comments these last few days, I can’t keep up. It is quite amazing and mind-boggling.

    Today everything seems to be in flow, angel-wing clouds are really prominent today, even more then usual (and I see them almost everyday).

    So many confirmations that what is happening is right. The neggies are finally leaving although not quite.

    Sun-of-blue, keep doing what you do. I’m glad you are leading the way.

    I’m glad I’m not a channeler, Susan, as I know that I will believe anything that is conveyed to me. I used to be skeptic about everything, but I know that I would believe any uplifting message I receive. Not being able to pick up any messages is a safety measure for myself.

    I can’t even distuigish a Birch from an Aspen anymore, even though I studied Forestry! Woh, darm my ego.
    Anyway, flow is back, has always been there all the time of course. I just didn’t see/wanted to believe in which way it was flowing.

    My encouragement to you Ajax, my heart goes out to you, even though I have had not much to contribute, other than that you are here. Here at the POND. Peace and family are here, your family. My love to you dear brother.
    I have found a safety-net here. I wish you the same.

    Love to all of you,

    1. I can see a more reclined JayJay now, more relaxed and at ease. Maybe it’s because the brain had time off now while the heart is working on? Who cares if it’s an aspen or birch you see? Bagatelles. The main thing is that you enjoy living in the flow of life 🙂

      Smooch and hugs,


      1. Yes, flowing and releasing dark matter. They can’t follow where I go. They like resistance. I don’t resist anymore. I flow. They go.
        Love, I feel your love.

  11. Dear Amy, I smile at when you call your husband: “this man”… like you observe him from somewhere far away.
    Anyway, I seem to notice these things.
    My love to you and your husband (as he struggles on to confront himself).
    Love, JayJay

    1. (smiling) When I am the Observer, I become “neutral” and I begin to see the Perfect Divine Plan in All There Is. I didn’t even stop to think about calling my husband “this man”, for I was writing as the Observer. There is no actual “titles” as we all are truly One within the ONE.

      I’ve been an Observer all my life. Now you gave ME a good laugh at how I “see”. Thanks, JayJay!!! And come to think of it, my Observer aspect of Me does seem to come from a place “further” then just me. Hmmmmm……..interesting……..Me flicking in and out of Me………..MERGING……….LOL

      Love to you! Amy

  12. I share another “story” from my Life. Why I am doing this, again, no idea. But, that just is what IS.

    My husband has been the King of Excuses/Manipulations/Ulterior Motives/Lies. For years, I have seen this and have been amazed that he is getting away with it. Not so lately.

    He hired carpenters that are perfectionists (like he) BUT for three days in a row, have not showed when they have said they will show, and they give excuses mixed with lies as to why they did not show. They are really inconveniencing him, putting him way back on his “schedule” plus they are really stessing him out.

    I “got it” today. How this “pattern” is now attracting the same in others, so that this man learns the experience of what it feels like to be lied to, to be manipulated and to wait for someone who is not dependable.

    I hope he gets the Lesson and moves on, improves himself, and starts taking responsibility for his actions. This should prove to be interesting as I observe.

    So far, he is not getting it. And so, the “drama” is dragged out……….

    This “goo” is being expressed………..And this is Good. 🙂

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