The manuscript of survival – part 300

As you see the light approaching on the horizon, you will hear the clarion call from all of those souls starting to wake up to this new dawn. For now, it is not only you who will be singing the praise of this dawn. As we have said earlier, this heavenly choir you have been putting together on this little blue planet will start to amass so many new voices. And so day by day, the volume and the complexity of your song will increase in so many ways. For you were the first ones, and in the beginning, your voices where few and far between, and they were easily lost in the ongoing drone of noise being emitted from all sorts of sources around you. For if you were not listening intently, this heavenly song was easy to overlook amongst all of the clamoring of fear, voices of discontent and the hubbub of downright deafening proportions. For you were not easy to spot in this veritable mass of wall to wall noise, and as such, you yourselves felt how your sound was drowning in a sea of emotional turmoil.

But now, it is like your choir is parting the waves of this at times overwhelming background noise, and as it does, more and more will find themselves humming along to the tune that you are calling out. And at first, they might not even be aware of it, just like many go around their daily lives humming inaudibly even to themselves, without being conscious of doing so. But bit by bit, this low humming that emanates from their heart will start to gather momentum and indeed strength, and soon they too will start to hear this song originating from their own soul. And when they start to pick up these sounds, their whole being will be alerted to it, and they will find themselves walking away from what held their interest up until a very short time ago. For they will become as if transformed by this simple, but oh so beautiful tune that is talking not only to their ears, but also to their hearts. And just like you, they will understand that the time has come to leave the old behind, and start to open up the door behind which they just know that this heartening tune is coming from.

We know this will not be news to any of you, for you will all in some way have encountered these newly awakened souls in one form or the other, but what will be news to you all, will be the sheer number of them that you will meet on your way now. For you have in many ways been in hiding, as you have felt the need to protect yourselves. Just like newly hatched little birds, you have seeked shelter under the bushes, in order to make it through that first stage, where you felt as if surrounded by negativity and dangers on all sides. But now, your plumage has grown, and with it your confidence, and so now, you will feel ready to start to show yourself in full daylight, singing your beautiful song loud and clear, having no fear as to just who will see you or hear your song. For the time has come to take your wonders out into the world, show you true colors and sing your song of freedom. And we promise you will all be amazed by the response you will get. Oh yes, some will be more than a little frightened, and even jealous of your light, and they will not hesitate to show their displeasure, but that will not be news to any of you either. But what you will encounter more and more, are those who will be in awe of your true beauty, and who will want to know what has made you into this radiant bird, fluttering above the disheartening reality they themselves feel surrounded by. And when you look into their eyes, they will see it, and you will see it in them, and that is all it takes. For it will be as if the mere sight of your soul will set them free. And they will all start to feel the itching from their own feathers, waiting to emerge.

So fear not, dear ones, you have the wings and the voices that will carry you as long and as high as you want, so do not stay cooped up in your hiding place forever. For if you do, your light will almost be lost to this world, as you will only be able to light up a small circle around you. But if you dare to take to the air and sing your jubilant song, your light will be cascading down upon this whole planet in a way that will speed up the process considerably for everyone. So take heart, and take to your wings. You will find it a very enjoyable task indeed, for your eyes and your heart will find light in so many places, and you will feel the deep connection that you share grow stronger and deeper for every soul your song will touch.

279 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 300

  1. There are two ways of dying I’ve fancied. Bear with me lol. One is when you are surrounded by a bunch of enemies and you do a 300 Spartans formation haha. Your will power is on fire, the body is handling so much, the mind is racing miles to the solutions, figuring out ways to get out of this. In other words the enemy brings out the best of you! But after a while you realize you can’t handle it anymore you run out of all your second breaths and before you know it you are suffering and making it more difficult for your death to take care of you. Finally one of your soldiers passes out and formation becomes smaller and smaller. Some got hit by an arrow, some just lost it and ran towards the enemy, some just passed out. At this point you are dying alone. But you were alone in the first place lol
    Now here is the 2nd scenario you’re surrounded by the enemy, you and your soldiers make a 300 Spartans formation. One or two attacks you’re in a good shape. Now the trick is you have already relived this and you’re doing it again. “What am I going to do this time? What if I have to relive this again until I get it right?!” – thought the spartan. A spartan nearby read his thoughts and said: ” I’m here for the 5th time still can’t get it.” All Spartans begin to make noise. “This my 20th time I can’t do it anymore!” complains another spartan. “It’s my 50th time you piece of crap!” responds another spartan. Some are crying, some are in rage, some are just laughing, some passed out. Only one spartan is in peace! He is sitting and meditating 🙂 all Spartans looked at him in bewilderment. So the meditating spartan spoke “Hehe (he chukled) It took me 100 times to get all of yours attention” He stood up, grabbed his shield “Shall we continue?” he spoke with joy. “Hold on why are you so peaceful” asked him the spartan whose it was 2nd time. So the peaceful spartan answered: “Why die in vain! We shall die anyway why not enjoy momentum and let go!”. The peaceful spartan had a wide smile that swept across everybody in formation.

    Cut to the scene with the enemy:
    So one of the enemies spoke: “This is my 3rd time I’m killing them but they are still singing and dancing and playful with joy! No need for the bloodshed I’ll join this ploy!”

    This is what I learned so far to ease out my process. Wanted to share with you since you led me to it 🙂
    One rests the mental focus in the heart chakra and interacts with reality from there! Time flies fast! Before you know it you’re ready to die again. So far I’ve died two times in this way. What I’ve learned is interacting with reality from the heart chakra accelerates the ego deaths and therefore more downloads. Keeping my mental focus in the heart chakra while core issues being triggered makes the process more neutral. And I get away from negative thoughts and emotions while having a build up of tension in my solar plexus chakra and then I release the mental focus back to one. Relax, Deep Breathing and fully letting go like Nohmad mentioned! If I make it after that then I can go back to my business. 🙂

    1. I,m tired to say: GO INSIDE YOUR HEART. THERE, ARE ALL THE ANSWERS… Our Higher Heart Chakra, on the left of the chest. This is the exit way from 3D. Ask to your Team to open and activate yours. Then you can relax, breath deeply and enjoy the ride. Thank you, brother Golden Eagle. I hope’m listen you. But that Australian… don,t know… don,t know…

          1. He he….hey, we’re humming along now, hey dude? I’m loving you right back.

            Have just had the most amazing encounter with a stranger, who obviously isn’t a stranger, if you get my drift. A date with destiny, so to speak. Many pressing problems disappeared in a couple of hours, and I’m filled with hope and love for Source and all my fellow travellers along the road less travelled.

            Come fly with me, Nohmad my friend.


      1. Don’t be tired, Nomad, I can’t hear it too often. Reading your words puts me right in my high heart. Thank you, dear one, for your truth, for your love, for your poems.

    2. Brother, oh Brother, when are you going to shut your brain off so you can hear your Heart? Yes, your Heart contains more knowledge and wisdom then your brain does. Whew! Stop thinking and just zone out. Why do you think cats are a magnet to me? Cause we know how to zone out, be in our own worlds, and just BE. Your neurons are smoking, my friend. I smell the smoke from here!

      I admit I can get carried away and get caught up in a flurry. These energies will do that to ya, if you know what I mean. Lately I put my foot in my mouth for over thinking, so now I go back to just zoning. Zoning is best. Stress level goes down. Heart rate goes down. Blood pressure goes down. And best of all, you start to quiet the monkeys.

      Sent from my iPad

      1. Amy, I just wrote a message to you and all in response to your sharing your childhood story of the laughing, loving Jesus. He is the same one I’ve seen and love with all my heart – not remotely like the pathetic figure on the cross depicted by the churches.

        Anyway, the message was long and then something happened and it all disappeared, so I guess it’s not the right time. For now, I will just say thank you so much Amy.

        Much love


  2. Jesus is one of the greatest beings that has ever been to earth. No one has changed more peoples way of thinking than him. Most people don’t know that the teaching of Jesus weren’t written until 40 to 70 years after his death. These sayings were handed down from person to person and then written. Or some may have been written by people who lived a long life from his time. 99% of the people in those days could not read or write. Mostly the rulers and scribes were the only ones who could read or write. There are scrolls that have been found that say Jesus didn’t die on the cross and was married and had 2 children and lived a longer life than shows in the bible.
    Much of what we read in the bible was changed by the Romans when they took over the church. They killed most of the people in control of the church and placed who they wanted in charge of the church. They had most of the writings about Jesus and all the prophets That were taken from the holy lands. They wrote the bible in a way to help the church to control the people of their kingdom. Who is to say what they changed from the scrolls they have. The church to this day won’t let anyone see all the scrolls they wsed to write the bible. The church has killed more people than any other army. Look at all the holy wars. Look at history and all the people who were killed for not believing in what was written. The man who wrote the king James version of the bible was burnt at the stake. England has many of the old scrolls.

    If you study history and the bible for over 50 years like I have You will see most of the bible is true, But some of the parts were left out and changed to control the masses. I love the bible for its pure parts about its teachings. I also see inbetween the lines and the reason some of it is written the way it is now. I mainly read the old testament. But have read all the new testament several times through the years. I love what has been written about Jesus. You do know Jesus never wrote one word of the bibles new testament. It was all written by others. Jesus teachings were to let man know he has a inter life that lives forever to give hope to the pour, sick. hungry, and those that had no way of doing anything but being a slave to others. I love these teaching they are good for the soul.
    Jesus said many will come that will do much greater things than me. That time is now and growing everyday. The old ways will become a way of the past. That is not that we don’t remember the teachings of the past or respect what they did for man in the past. These teaching can still help many to a certain point. Each person will reach this point at his own time. When it comes you have to let go to grow into what is coming for your new life. We have to learn things the old way don’t teach. His kingdom coming to earth. This is talked about in prayer. It is up to us to make it happen. Where all beings will be able to share the true knowledge of our true beings.

    Bless all

    1. Ray-Ray, AMEN!!! Right on! Every word you spake here is “truth”. (((HUGS)))

      Sent from my iPad

    2. My Brother Ray-Ray, I know I have written here of what I am about to say, yet I would like to say this again, cause there are so many new here now.

      As I child I had OBE’s to another world. It was in in field of grasses and flowers and one mighty great Tree. Many other children were there as well and One who I love so much. Jesus. He taught LOVE with us kids sitting at his feet under that Tree, and whenever a newcomer would arrive, He would stop and put that child on his lap, comforting and wiping the tears away. When comforted, He gently put the child on the ground with the rest of us children, and He continued to teach.

      Then we would play silly games, running with glee. His most outstanding features at least for me, is His laugh and the twinkle in His eyes. His laugh… GOD….He would throw His head back and just shake with mirth and all because of us. He was SO happy to be with us.

      So much more to this tale, my friend. But I do know that probably some here remember this field and Jesus. I am convinced that those children are here in this world for one reason, and that is to emanate LOVE.

      Sent from my iPad

      1. That is so beautiful, Amy. I havent heard this story before. Thank you SO much, I will cherish this forever. I KNOW the truth of what you say because the words burst into images in my mind like technicolour 5d!
        And my heart tried to jump out of my chest. That combo usually gives me some indication that im hearing the Truth! hee hee
        I LOVE the idea of Jesus roaring with laughter, I never thought of that, of course he would!
        Your words have always had the ring of Truth to me, that you are qualified to talk the talk and walk the walk not because you have read some books or been to a lecture but you have reached up high
        and plumbed the depths for the Truth. And now you are sharing it with us. And now Im crying again like a baby, sheesh!

        If you share any more of this please please please make sure I get it too! 🙂

        1. Ohhhhhh, Pash. I was pressed for time (still am) so didn’t go into the full story. I promise you that when I do write this, you will get it. Saying very quietly…….Yes, Jesus has been with me my entire life. And to explain about what happened when I was 5-7 years of age, I have not the ability to do so.

          I love you, Brother, so much!

          From my Heart to your Heart, Amy who LIVES the Truth……action in motion……applying principals to Moment…….

          Sent from my iPad

    3. This is awesome Ray-Ray. It amazes me no end that the teachings of Jesus have survived at all let alone as strongly as they still are. Also despite the fact that women are virtually whitewashed from the story, I presume that was to facilitate a patriarcal hierarchy to the church. what do you think?

  3. Dear Nohmad
    Why do you speak to me like a priest? I’m sure your heart is in the right place and your intention is pure, or you wouldn’t be here – however, I am no ‘special case’ and I am a long way from childhood.

    When you write ‘our mother loves us all infinitely and would never hurt us’ – who is the ‘us’ you are referring to? All human life, including those who torture her body for profit, who rape and defile her ceaselessly? The few who perpetrate unspeakable horrors on the many? Those who worship demons and hate all things sacred and innocent?

    If all is good and has ever been so, then the story of Jesus is a lie. There would have been no need for him to come. When he said ‘Your father is not my father. Your father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning” – what does that mean?

    If I am a fool (child) – and being a fool is more than possible in my ‘special case’ – I wonder – what am I doing here with all these wonderful souls who truly believe they are here for a purpose? The Christ energy that is evident here is a beautiful, real force for good, working to aid our home planet – is it not?

    I spoke my truth to Leigh. None of us knows with certainty what is happening within and without, so none of us is in a position to offer advice to another. We can offer what we hope is knowledge but we have no proof of this, we can offer love and support and we can suggest ways of coping as we all live our days, flying by the seat of our pants. We’re all living with a foot in each world, and it’s a balancing act from one moment to another. I cannot presume to tell Leigh how to live his life, and neither can you make presumptions about me.

    I’m not writing this in anger, I’m just sayiing very clearly that condescension doesn’t sit well with me. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Okay buddy?

    1. I Love the way you think Elle, and I bet you have this lovely accent from down under. Personnaly, I often remind myself we are in a giant nuthouse and that explain all the funny activities I witness all around me and I try not to hold the loonys responsable for their occasional misshaps. Everyone is affected by this madness to a certain degree and some of us cope with it the best way we can, and some feel the need to guide people every chance they have. Advices, when not solicitated can be irritation and fortunatly can be dismissed easily as unfortunate efforts misled by a lack of understanding of certain principles of free will. You are right in reminding us that eveluating or judging people is a worthless deed as noone is really in a position to do that properly. Personnaly, the only comment I can make on your part is that I cherish your comments more than any others here and I feel blessed to be able to recognize myself in your words, within spiritual comunities that doesn’t always reflect my perceptions. Thank you for being you, and thank God for your existence.

      1. I would like to share a few things on a side note. Yesterday I went to see a wonderful documentary ‘Revolution’ and I recomend it to everyone who can. It is about the coming evolution of consciousness and wonders of mother earth.

        Some upcoming movies were very enlightning in the way people are being prepped up for what is coming, and more than ever, I am saying; viewer’s discretion is advised. First of all, a beautiful animation about a little girl discovering the existance of invisible realms and loving beings who help us in ‘Epic’.

        A second one, ‘Now you see me’ seems to be the story of four 5th dimension beings calling themselves ‘The horsemen’ with control over the matrix who decide to rob the big banks and give back the money to people.

        A third one depicting the fall of the cabal in ‘White house down’, and a fourth about world wide martial law in ‘World war Z’.

        And none the least, ‘This is the end’ about the last day of existence in 3D with everything including sinkholes, treated as a semi-comical fashion.

        I believe we are entering a period of epic significance indeed.

      2. Nayon, thank you. I appreciate you too, and thanks for the film links. Hopefully I’ll get to watch at least some.

        Aussie accents – not exactly melodious methinks but we’re pretty good at telling it as we see it. Crocodile Dundee wasn’t exactly Tom Cruise, but he won the girl with the beautiful arse (that’s arse mate, not ass), and he kept her. When in Oz, they live in a little place called Possum Creek.

        Chuckles from Downunder…..



          1. Nohmad! Thank you! All is forgiven. In those two lines I quoted from my poem, in dialogue with Carl, it would be easy to presume that I’m presenting a picture of a vengeful mother Earth, but that’s not the case. Earlier in the poem was “I’ve nurtured you and loved you, though you sought to destroy. From tiny seed to tree so tall, through you I’ve known such joy”.

            That came from very deep personal pain, as the mother of sons who were taught in such love but chose a destructive path anyway. Plus a husband who couldn’t see the forest for the trees. Mothers everywhere understand tough love, when the kids keep on refusing to do what’s right, and indulge in stupid, destructive behaviour. Eventually Mother can stand it no more, and she stamps her little foot and says “Enough!!”

            Killing the host is what parasites do, and for some reason they can’t see their own insanity. I thought long ago that if we are all to be removed for the good of the Mother, then so be it – I will go willingly, for she is a mighty spirit and deserving of our love and respect. When we do things out of ignorance, she tolerates it because she understands we meant no harm, but when too many insult and abuse her, she will withdraw her Grace.

            Do we understand each other a little better now, my friend?


            1. I always felt your pure energy, you are just LOVE. We don,t simply understand each other a little better now. You ARE my beloved sister and I,m your brother, forever.

  4. Hello, I am Leigh and I’ve been reading these messages for about a year. This message (300) is amazing! Just what we’ve all been looking forward to!! Thanks to all pond dwellers. However, I am worried that I’m going to be left behind and end up only having a little light and not being able to spread my wings, as mentioned in the message. Please help me! I need some advice.
    I know that I’m going to make it, I know it in my heart, but my job feels like it’s eating me alive! I can’t get through to anyone in my life. Girlfriend left me recently and the folks at work are still “asleep” to their hearts. (despite what I say do or think)
    I have no intention to be left behind, yet nothing in my “reality” seems to be indicating or pointing towards anything in light of any progress being made. I guess I’m feeling cut off. It’s scaring me because I want to discover myself properly.
    Any advice?

    Regards Leigh

    1. Advice? That would be a bit like the blind leading the blind, Leigh. The only thing the rest of us can do is welcome you with loving acceptance. This is unknown territory, and it’s one day at a time, sweet Jesus.

      I seriously doubt that any of us can ‘get through’ to others not onboard this particular train – we speak a different language. You’ll be okay, as you said you know this in your heart. Trust that Leigh. What else can you do?

      I’m totally disoriented myself. Just started to prepare dinner and couldn’t find a particular saucepan lid. Looked everywhere, several times. Found a new object in my cutlery drawer that I’ve never seen in my life – have no idea what it is or how it got into the drawer. It’s brand new, with the electrical cord still tied up, and I simply can’t figure out what it is! How crazy is that? Then suddenly, there was the saucepan lid I’d searched for, in plain sight on the draining board.

      My kitchen down lights keep going on and off -most disconcerting, and it’s taken ages to type this – so many mistakes (and I’m a good typist normally). Aaargghhh…….

      Hang in there Leigh, you’re not alone – it just feels that way.


      1. Elle, you are just too cute. I can SO relate what you are saying! LOL I have to laugh!!!

        Sent from my iPad

    2. Dear Leigh,
      I for one am deeply moved by your open and honest willingness to share this vunerable moment with us. There is so much Truth in your doing that alone, I can easily say your light is already as bright as any. The power of your sincere intention to shine the light is the most powerful force in the Universe. Ultimately the Light is something we share. There is only One Light that we are. I am, you are and they are too (whoever they might be!)

      Its not like we need to save up for batteries to power our light and run around trying to find a store thats open with the right type of product.
      This isnt a process of achieving its a process of remembering.
      The old ideas of finding God, pleasing God or fearing God are mistakes.
      It was a scam. I fell for it, most of us did.
      Forget about the people that are not interested in being free (still the vast majority) thats their right too. Find the people that are like you. We are still small pockets dotted around the globe and WE will not be ‘mainstream’ for a while yet. Remember we are not here to ‘change the world’, thats just another form of violence. Everyone has the right to lead their life as best as they see fit even if we can see the flaws in it. The best we can do is live the highest Truth possible and people will join in of their own free will
      when they are good and ready.

      Speaking for myself I am being guided to take what I have experienced here at the beautiful Pond and apply it locally. I have a local group here of like minded souls and many of us are interested in community living because we are beginning to see that the power of sharing and optimising skills and the opportunity of service to others from morning to night is undeniably powerful. Not to mention just the sheer Joy of it! Todays missive and other channeled messages I have received are encouraging me that its time to accelerate that process.

      This thing we call ‘society’ is for the most part an illusory pyramid scheme that is deeply fragmentory and isolating for individuals who are deliberately partitioned from each other so that our power is consumed by competing with each other for a manufactured scarcity that doesnt actually exist. Its a giant game of musical chairs and every time the music stops someone goes without and everyone else says, ‘thank God it wasnt me!’

      This model demands ‘service to self’ which is dissempowering and makes true ‘service to others’ which is true empowerment very difficult indeed. Yes, it was put upon us but it also takes compliance on our part. We ARE powerful and always have been, so we have always been powering something, either the dark or the light . Now we are in the process of ripping up the whole mental construct of how to live as a human being and rebuilding from the ground up. And not a moment too soon!
      The process can be deeply disturbing, literally. But its also hugely exhillarating as well. The first glorious taste of true freedom, power and community is to be savoured for eternity and never forgotten. For me, I think thats why we have chosen this long and painful road through the darkness. So when we emerged in the sunlight we would never again turn our backs on the Light and on each other. Nor will we ever be tricked into doing so again.

      1. Pash, what an incredible post you have made. It defines the concept you have addressed so crystal clear. On the first read through I’m simply reeling. I’m going to go through it again several times so I can digest it.

        Leigh, you’ve come to the right place. There are scores of spiritual giants, wise sages of the eons gathering here with credentials that are apparent to those with the eyes to see. The coming together of this group is making human history.


    3. Welcome Leigh! Brother Pash is absolutely right. And Elle… Elle is a very special case… But you Leigh, you are not alone, lost or forgotten. Your process is one of those smooth ones, like mine. So, you look around and EVERYTHING seems to be ALWAYS the same. Don,t worry for 3D around you. And know that your transformation is internal. First, in your heart, and second in your whole body. All of us begun with the heart, because without an open heart we can go nowhere. It,s impossible to feel the facts. Now our heart is our compass. Our heart is ALL. Why? Because we are just LOVE. And it is what we are now remembering.

      It is not that your 3D life is crumbling, no. You are rising your vibration to a new paradigm, together with all of us. It,s because of the gap of frequency that you feel them letting you behind. You does not belong more to the old reality. Your new reality is the SAME as ours. You chose it. You jumped blindly without parachute in this abyss, by faith. And here you are, one year at the Pond, together with your New Family. Thank you for saying Hello!

      My advise, you already know. It,s the same I give to all here. Go inside YOUR heart. There you,ll find ALL the answers you need to go ahead. If your job does not fit you any more, try to find another, better adapted to your new paradigm. Friends, all 3D will give you their backs to you. You changed, you does not pertain to their team anymore. Girlfriend, forget that one, her vibration does not match yours anymore. Find another woman that has your same feelings, that vibrates as you, that loves like you, that hopes the same as you.

      About your process, it does not depend on you. It is being taken care closely by your Angelical Ascension Team, so don,t worry. No one of us will be left behind. Try to enjoy the ride with all of us, your brothers and sisters of the Light. And again my most warm Welcome!

      1. “It is not that your 3D life is crumbling, no. You are rising your vibration to a new paradigm, together with all of us”

        THAT is beautiful brother! You have a way with words and we are all the richer for it.

        1. Ah, my Pash, Brother, couldn’t agree with you more! I have touched you in a while so just dropping by to say,

          “I love you”.

          BIG HUGS FORM ME!!!!!!

          Sent from my iPad

          1. My precious sister, I love you too!
            I left a message earlier today but it sounds like you didnt get it.
            Its getting hard to navigate now and im missing out on posts and i think others are too. perhaps we are outgrowing this format and we do need a forum?

            1. That very subject has been brought up, Pash. Yes, I admit, this blog is getting too big and I know I am missing some posts. I believe it was STEPHEN who is willing to make a forum.

              When I have time later on, I will scroll down to find your comment. I’m getting ready now to go to the theatre to see the Chinese Ballet.

              Much Love and Gratitude to you, my Brother.

              Sent from my iPad

    4. Leigh, if it makes you feel any better you are in good company. No one in my life around me for years has even resembled how I feel inside. For so many years I asked, “What is wrong with me? Why don’t I fit in?” Since being here at this POND, I have others now in my life, who feel like me.

      You will NOT be left behind. I know it. I feel you through your words. Know this to be True and wrap your life around this knowledge, that soon, in fact right now…..(it’s a process) Heaven is beginning to unfold. Practice keeping your focus on High Heart and 3RD eye, bringing that inner energy from lower levels. Your perception of what is all around you will be changed in an instant. The longer you do this, the more YOU will transform, all around you.

      Take the LIGHT that is so evident here and apply it to your life and all who are in it. You will be amazed!!!


      Much Love, MomAmy

      Sent from my iPad

    5. Hello Leigh !
      A big warm WELCOME (now that you’re talking, and I LOVE the fact that you are) 🙂

      I hope we hear more from you, a lot more 🙂
      By now you have all confirmations that you are not alone, and a part of this growing family !

      With Love and a splash of Big Bubbles of Joy 😀

  5. Hello Aisha, Hello Pond Family 🙂
    Saving the reading for a bit later, so much here already ! 😀
    Just peeking in to drop some Bubbles 😀 Had to 😉

    This guy took bubbles to a whole new (hudge) level !

    Celebrating 300 !

    1. Beingme, nice !!!!

      These “Bubbles of Joy” have a little story here.
      They happened to me a few weeks ago (and after talking with Philip Wade and his Spheres of Light work).

      As a “presence” and expression in words, they just simply formed in a state of “dreaming awake”. And I’ve been splashing Bubbles of Joy all over the place since.
      And seeing how much we all resonate with bubbles 😀

      Love and Bubbles of Joy to you !

  6. It occurred to me today, well, this morning while in the shower (many thoughts, ideas and solutions come about during this routine, relaxing task) that my road trip dream may have been a metaphor for the connection that I have the privilege of, and am developing with you all here. You have reached out to me in a way I’m not accustomed to. As Phoenix and myself discussed here not long ago, we look to connect with beings who have the capacity to love in the manner that we possess, and it is often, (okay usually) slim-pickins “out there”.

    So it occurred to me (again, in the shower) that I’m witnessing the gathering of a group of what I might take the liberty to describe as nothing short of extraordinary humans.

    Okay, so perhaps I’m slow on the uptake, here 🙂

    This is extraordinary to me. The spiritual caliber of all of you, and the fact that you (we) are gathered here in one place, interacting and creating bonds is nothing short of phenomenal to me. And it also occurred to me that perhaps a major purpose of the messages is to gather us together so that we can indeed create these bonds and form a network around this planet and bring it back home.

    -Like I said, sometimes I’m a bit slow realizing what others may already see as obvious. But if you’re patient with me I’ll eventually get there. (you can laugh now, that was a joke).

    Today as I walked through the yard outdoors (this was after the shower) I FELT the power of the connection of all of us. I immediately thought of my studies in past years of what one school of thought terms the “Mastermind”. Without going too far into that discussion right now there are two things about this concept that are noteworthy. One, when people are synergistically involved, as in being united as one Mind, the whole becomes far greater than the sum of its parts. -The power, the ideas, the creativity, and etc all increase exponentially. And second, and perhaps more subtle, is each member of the group actually has access to the capability of the whole.

    I felt that power and that capability today, because of my connection to all of you. For a brief moment, it was incredible and exhilarating.

    Aisha, perhaps I’m just now beginning to realize what many have known for some time, but today I felt something incredible happening with this group. And again, maybe this is already well understood by the majority, but we just might change the world.

    I love You All.


    1. I love you too Carl. We are One and All so I can say that now and mean it. Thanks be to God that We are. Ya-feckin-hooey, brothers and sisters, we really are doing this arent we?!?! 🙂

    2. Carl 🙂

      you lucky Being. You get your big Ah-ahs while showering, I get them while shoveling cat shit 😀
      True joke 🙂

      What a fantastic share ! I had to copy/paste the “core” here again :
      “One, when people are synergistically involved, as in being united as one Mind, the whole becomes far greater than the sum of its parts. -The power, the ideas, the creativity, and etc all increase exponentially. And second, and perhaps more subtle, is each member of the group actually has access to the capability of the whole. ”

      YES !!!!
      And second big Yes, I too have the feeling this is to grow beyond what it is now. Exhilarating indeed !
      Besides the words, you conveyed the FEELING !
      And the Joy of this calm anticipation will be with me this evening 🙂
      So, again, than you 🙂

      Splash of Bubbles !

      1. Carl, I am missing you for some reason. But what Bri wrote here that you said, blows me away cause it is TRUE! Yes, we are exponentially growing and this “silent” movement is not going away! I laugh and I jump for sheer ecstasy, for what I have dreamed for so long is coming to LIFE!

        I love you, Carl, via Bri’s post. And, Bri, you KNOW I Love you!!! Ms. Bubbles Herself, Her Highness of Bubbles Galore!

        Sent from my iPad

        1. Pinkiness of my heart 🙂

          Here is the complete Carl message ! TToo good to miss (glitch from I-pad ?)
          ” It occurred to me today, well, this morning while in the shower (many thoughts, ideas and solutions come about during this routine, relaxing task) that my road trip dream may have been a metaphor for the connection that I have the privilege of, and am developing with you all here. You have reached out to me in a way I’m not accustomed to. As Phoenix and myself discussed here not long ago, we look to connect with beings who have the capacity to love in the manner that we possess, and it is often, (okay usually) slim-pickins “out there”.

          So it occurred to me (again, in the shower) that I’m witnessing the gathering of a group of what I might take the liberty to describe as nothing short of extraordinary humans.

          Okay, so perhaps I’m slow on the uptake, here 🙂

          This is extraordinary to me. The spiritual caliber of all of you, and the fact that you (we) are gathered here in one place, interacting and creating bonds is nothing short of phenomenal to me. And it also occurred to me that perhaps a major purpose of the messages is to gather us together so that we can indeed create these bonds and form a network around this planet and bring it back home.

          -Like I said, sometimes I’m a bit slow realizing what others may already see as obvious. But if you’re patient with me I’ll eventually get there. (you can laugh now, that was a joke).

          Today as I walked through the yard outdoors (this was after the shower) I FELT the power of the connection of all of us. I immediately thought of my studies in past years of what one school of thought terms the “Mastermind”. Without going too far into that discussion right now there are two things about this concept that are noteworthy. One, when people are synergistically involved, as in being united as one Mind, the whole becomes far greater than the sum of its parts. -The power, the ideas, the creativity, and etc all increase exponentially. And second, and perhaps more subtle, is each member of the group actually has access to the capability of the whole.

          I felt that power and that capability today, because of my connection to all of you. For a brief moment, it was incredible and exhilarating.

          Aisha, perhaps I’m just now beginning to realize what many have known for some time, but today I felt something incredible happening with this group. And again, maybe this is already well understood by the majority, but we just might change the world.

          I love You All.


          1. Oh, Dear Carl, you leave me breathless with your words with one after the other singing true to my Heart. Yes, oh yes, I say with tears in my eyes, we have come together here at this POND, in Love, in Truth, in Sharing, in Encouraging, with the outcome no less then amazing, a Family of Light Beings. So misunderstood, so shunned, so unconnected, walking through life like a ghost.

            Where where are the others like me? Where is my familly? And to have founded those sisters and brothers we have longed for all our lives right here is the most Joyous Gift I have ever been given, as I am sure you too now realize!

            With all my love,
            Amy your Sister of Light

            1. Thank you for reaching out to me, Amy. Like Phoenix said, I had in some sense “given up”, but I’m beginning to recognize myself here, in all of you. I have been longing all my life for ecstatic union with the divine through other humans who have the capacity to love without fear; to love with reckless abandon. I’m beginning to see this as a place where we can safely overcome our fears and step out first with each other, so that we may become the vessels that can demonstrate what God is in human form, then bring it to the world as beacons that Brianna linked us to.

              My love to you Sister of Light


                1. Brianna, thank you for reposting my message for Amy. Its nice to be responded to in so positive a manner. I was thinking in the last 24 hours “Where do these words come from?” When I’m writing words that people here respond to as being “powerful” I write directly from feeling, and it is spontaneous. It occurred to me it comes from connection with you (all of you). Just like you wrote “flower” to Leslie, I have the sense that in a sense we are “channeling” each other.

                  I have a friend in town who has a small shop I visit frequently. He refers to me as a “soul mate”. I think of him as a wise spiritual sage of whom I often ask questions, share advice back and forth, and so on. One time I put him on the spot about what he knows, how much he knows and asked him how that came to be the case. I accused him in a sense of being a great and wise master. He replied to me that he frankly doesn’t know much of the time where stuff he says comes from. He said that when I’m in the room he often hears stuff come out of his mouth that he has no idea he knew or where it came from. The concept is, it came out of his mouth because I was there. Perhaps the synergy of the two of us together raised the frequency and information available to both of us, as in the mastermind principle we have recently mentioned.

                  I feel that when I write, it is because of you, (both as an individual and the group as a collective). I’m feeling that what I’m writing is actually in and from you. And beyond that, I see myself in you (you the individual, and everyone in our group). And I’m realizing in the greater sense that I -AM- you, and that is why I love you.

                  Of course the ego likes the attention at times, but I struggle with that as probably some of us here do, and frankly would be better off if I could put that where the sun doesn’t shine 🙂

                  I’ll continue to work on that part.

                  Many happy bubbles,

                  Carl, from the 3:00 AM club GMT -7 (daylight savings time)

                  1. Synergy, empathy …
                    The “synergy raising the frequency..” resonates quite well.

                    It’s funny, as I was reading your thoughts, 2 things were happening at once 🙂

                    Nodding (not unlike the “doggies” some people put in the back windows of cars, with bobbing heads), ans boy, do I nod a lot these days 😀
                    But also, while reading and nodding, I was seeing us all interacting “live” .
                    You, saying the above words, the Golden Kazakh Eagle boystfully going Quantum, Her Lady of Mighty Pinkiness saying something (starting with “ooo …” ), Alex smiling while liberating bumblebees, me blowing a frenzy of bubbles (Lady Pinkness is flapping her I-pad to send them all over), Aisha is resting in a hammock, looking on; the whole gang is around, resting, picking flowers, meditating, cooking… And Nohmad is raising an eyebrow 😀

                    And I have just gone bonkers live 😀 😀 😀

                    Carl, keep the insights pouring. It’s GREAT !
                    Bubbles !

      2. Bri I don’t know if you’ll get back here again to see this but I want to say something to you that has now come to my mind three different times, and is prompted by this kind of statement:

        “…you lucky Being. You get your big Ah-ahs while showering, I get them while shoveling cat shit …True joke”

        I want to say I appreciate how healthy your sense of yourself and life seems to be. I also appreciate how candid and matter-of-fact you can be, and are able and willing to talk about yourself. I find this kind of gift rare among “common” human beings and when I come across it, it is so refreshing, because it is so UN-common.

        At the same time I also find it to be much more common here at the Pond, which to me is evidence for the case I make that beings of incredible caliber are gathering here. The Family that is gathering here is so wonderfully healthy overall, and it is so refreshing, and so incredibly beautiful to be with all of you.

        I have had these same thoughts again and again as I read so many of you, my Sisters and Brothers, who have written here. So many of you are touching my life and I feel so privileged for that. When I read you all, opening your souls WITHOUT FEAR and saying things that are real and worthwhile, I just revel in it. What you are, who you demonstrate yourselves to be, and what you all offer is so worthwhile.

        I salute you all.

        Bri, I feel some kind of familiar connection with you, that I know you already, from somewhere. And because of how you open your heart and soul to all of us, it is you who prompted me to go ahead and say these words to the group.

        Many Happy Bubbles,


        1. Dear Carl,
          Read ! (thank Gof for “comment notifications;) )

          Trying to utter this without sounding like a pompous ass 🙂

          Reading what you wrote here gave me the most joyous feelings !
          No other word to better say it. Feeling big Joy (blurting bubbles all over).
          Words are a gift !
          When they so simply explain and convey facts 🙂 And feelings.

          Maybe it is I who prompted you to write more extensively. And every word YOU write resonates, and makes me happy…
          And I know I’m not the only one.

          ..And gave me big “Ah-HA’s” 😉 So this reflects harmony, as harmony is overall present in this group, and slowly but surely, in “real life” too.

          You know, for over a year now it is clear to me that I’d like to “start” a real community. An “example” community. Combining Eco habitat, Permaculture, and renewable energy.
          And Spiritual growth.
          Opened to guests, opened for all to visit, try produce, offering tips for a better lifestyle, and practical tips for a better habitat (especially for city people).

          So far I’ve nurtured this “baby” in my mind. Placing it here, in Romania, where I now live.
          Also because I could get some land, not far from the capital.

          And lately, I’ve been having doubts…
          Not about the idea. This is crystal clear ! As clear as the fact that, yes, I would live there, but also travel around for communication, or whatever.
          Thing is, right now, and right here (geographically speaking) I can’t see it taking off in any way.

          Some “headbanging” with local authorities, but that’s not the main issue.
          Main issue is people.
          I just don’t SEE whom I could start this with. The people I currently know… no way. Would be a disater waiting to happen !

          For some reason, the past days (been a while actually) had me thinking about this again. Thinking whether I was right about the location. (aside from the fact I hate winter 😀 )

          For the moment, I surrendered trying to force things.

          Reading your comments about some of us gathering had me started again 🙂
          This long ranting is not made to get a specific answer, of course.
          Perhaps insights.

          So far, things went … timely !
          Had to grow. Did… Am..
          Definitely ready soon 😀

          Big hugs, full of Joyous Bubbles !!!!
          (P.S. I did live in the US for a while, and in Canada too (Quebec state), maybe we did run into each other. Or maybe it’s fumbling just safety belts in dreams 🙂 )

          1. Brianna, Love, IF you knew what I see as my reality……I know exactly what you are saying.

            Frustrating isn’t it when you have a vision and nothing around you is even close to that truth.

            People…….that is where I get hung up, that and situations that just don’t seem to change.

            I encourage you to keep dreaming those dreams no matter what.

            Where are all the like minded folks? I ask you? Here on the internet at this POND.

            I dream of seeing all of us being a part of each others’ life. Pooling our ideas, planning and implementing those plans, creating a center of a New Way of Life which radiates out to all in this world. We not only create we pass on our knowledge and wisdom to the next generation, leaders of a New World, who live in Peace, in Harmony with Gaea, and All That Is. How nice.

            As I go about my mundane days I am in my Heart creating New Life. Moving meditation, knowing what I do now, affects my future and all in this world.

            …..Getting back up to speed…….still not hearing the “voice” but that too will come. Meanwhile I just hang……

            XXOO Pinkiness

            Sent from my iPad

            1. Your B-day Pinkiness 🙂

              I am following this “not a dream, but a life-project” 😉

              Did you see how some of us already have groups of like-minded people they meet with (look at Pash’s comment of today 😉 )

              Philip too ! And living and working with it (Spheres of Light).

              Others do not yet.
              Some come here to ask about this. You’ve seen it happen.
              These are times of gathering 🙂 2 months ago, I wasn’t even dreaming of finding a place like this Pond, where to freely express toughts and feelings. Where to ask and get answers. And with such flowing Love !

              Imagine some of us starting to speak directly (Skype, for instance).
              This will happen. Soon even.
              First there is writing.
              Then there will be voices 🙂

              Later faces, and then some will meet. It’s inevitablly great 😀

              From what I see, there are some in the same countries, maybe even in the same region ! Hehee, they probably will be the first to meet.

              And, I’m rambling once again 😀 😀 😀

              Love you Pinkiness ! Blup, blup 🙂

              1. Yes, Love, we are connecting. It’s all a matter when the dominos fall. Have you considered google+ as an option for connection? Just throwing that out as well……..

                Bubbles, what would I do without you in my life??? Don’t know.

                So much Love, Pink Rose

                Sent from my iPad

                1. Actually, I have Google+
                  Never really looking into it. It came with my mail (gmail)

                  To consider 🙂 I was thinking Skype because I had some good connections, and I know it can hold more than 2 people speaking. Up to 8, was it?

                  Anyhow, cool things are coming up ! 😀

                  Gotta go vacuum 😉 Time for reflection 🙂

                  1. Google+ can hold up to 9 people I think. Just another tidbit to think about!!

                    Sent from my iPad

          2. Oh golly gosh you two (Brianna and Carl) – get a room!

            Couldn’t agree more with what both of you have written – real communication, real feelings – it warms my heart. Bri, I’ve been thinking along exactly the same lines as you, and have just taken the first tentative steps towards a group of like-minded individuals growing food here.

            I have HUGE trust issues (read paranoia) because of what’s gone before, but the people who are showing up currently seem to be a good fit. Fingers crossed. I don’t think I have the heart to try sharing my life in any way ever again if it goes belly up. Me with strange men in my habitat – scary thought! The first one to answer the call is a musical genius with a very gentle, humble way about him. What does music have to do with growing vegetables? Quite a lot actually, as we know. The second is coming over tomorrow – he comes with high recommendations from someone I trust and a wealth of practical knowledge, so we’ll see.

            Bri, my question to you is – who is this Gof person? lol……….

            Blessings all
            Elle (Aussie nutter)

            1. BIG (((HUGS))) Elle! Golly how exciting yet wow so scary too! We walk similar paths! Yes, I understand totally 110%.

              Loving you, Amy

              Sent from my iPad

              1. Amy, my core issue (black moon stuff) is apparently fear of change – and here I was thinking what an adventurous little soul I’ve been (only as far as my comfort zone allows, tee hee). If this happens – man! Big big changes ahead! Well, I did ask universe for a man to take care of the heavy work (crocodile wrestling, koala stomping etc), clean my car, cook a meal, play guitar and sing like Mr Denver, and it appears that was too much to ask for in one man, so I’m getting two! Ooh la la! Just as well I’m a spicy Aussie!

                Elle PS Eat your heart out Carl – or go grab Bri and come to Oz.

                1. Oh wow, Elle, now I shall put out to the Universe the type of man I want. And boy did you ever get me going to really put into thought how I want my life to be. In fact, today I am going to write down all that comes to mind, just to get this New Life sprouting, thoughts words and INTENT.

                  My core issue is fear of power or sense of powerless and man it fits me like a glove. So many in my life have chopped me off at the pass whenever I attempt to step into power and over time, I just fizzled out.

                  Not fond of changes myself, being a Taurus and like routine, and when pushed out of comfort zone I must admit I do grow, but like? Um no.

                  Holy Toledo! This conversation has got me all astir. I feel renewed to again focus on my Life the way I want. How can the energies work with me if I don’t let them know, (hmmmmm) what I want. And then ego begginss to chaattter. Oops myy key boarrd neeeds ccharrgiing. Grrrrrrrrrr……doouble ttriplee leetterss……..hheheheeheheheehehe Got tto get plluggged inn..

                  Love you! Ammy

                  Sent from my iPad

                  1. Ooooh-waaah – Ammy’s got a vibrating keyboard! You’re gonna create one hell of a reality with that! Ggggoooodddd nnnniiiiigggghhhttt dddeeaarr.


                    1. Good night, Lovely Aussie! Sweet dreams. Iim just getting my day going and you are closing down. Incredible! Glad you got a good laugh! I am plugged in now hence no double triple letters. Heehehehehehehe

                      Sweet dreams, Amy

                      Sent from my iPad

            2. Such gifted writers here at this POND. So enjoying this conversation! Frankly, same boat syndrome here with me as well!

              BIG (((HUGS))) Amy

              Sent from my iPad

                1. Just woke from a nap telling my body to behave. Interesting observations…

                  From calves to ankle pain……I gentle embraced the pain and said let go. It did. Wow! Lower belly pain. I lovingly embraced the pain and said let go. It did. Pain in the back. Same scenario. Let go and it did. I then pictured self plugged into FLow just like my keyboard, and I fell asleep. I felt the power come back, almost instantly, so now I put feet on the floor, Mind in High, and I take this body to the gym, for the first time in weeks.

                  Stepping out and telling body and telling energy what I want? Hey, I can honestly get used to this.

                  Oh, and about the man thing….I made my list. Hehehehehehe BUT, I am really having a party all by myself watching me Love me that I just don’t want a man at least not now. I am falling in LOVE with me! How about that?

                  Besides life has to be cleaned up with who I have present, one that is here physically but not emotionally. Long over due, still don’t know how to go about this, but I put in my request box, “Flow. Effortlessly. With more then enough money to keep my life going how I see it. Swiftly without struggle”. And so it is.

                  Now off I go to dress for the gym. I have a date with myself. How about that? My strength has returned, this body wants movement, and that is exactly what it shall get.

                  Are we having fun yet? Whoopppie!!!!!!! Oh yeah!

                  Love, Amy

                  Sent from my iPad

                  1. Yeeee 😀
                    Pnikrose is CELEBRATING herself !
                    Nice, I’m joining ! Bravooo beautiful One !
                    You did it again 🙂

                    How FUNNY, you took a nap, I took a nap, and when I lied down, tucking myself in feathers, I was thinking. Haha, the Lady Pinkrose will be asleep too !

                    Nice or what ? 😀

                    Date with yourself ? YES !
                    The absolute best thing now.

                    Changing your life ? YES !
                    Keep the intent, you will make it !

                    Not “meeting new men” I hear you 😀
                    Same here. Right now is ME time.
                    Undergoing too many things to be able to put energy in a relashionship at this time.

                    So, joining in for a big WHOOPIE 😀

                    Good stuff, Amy of Pinkiness. Fantastic stuff !

                    Love you ! 😀

            3. Elle,
              Ellie, spicy Aussie 🙂

              Gof is a wee guy that lives on my keyboard, next to the letter D 😀 😀

              Read your comments with Amy of Pinkiness. Hahaha, Good for you!
              Have to ask this : are you looking for a life mate, or for a handyman 😉 🙂 😀
              The requisite list is a formidable one 🙂 🙂 Good for you. Keep your standards UP.

              That being said, LOVE your idea, to start doing something where you live ! How neat ! So many things can be imagined.
              From growing food, to flower farm, to community, to …sky’s the limit.

              Be firm on your own 2 feet, sweetheart. Do not wait for some Croc dundee to fulfill your dream 😉 Start it now.
              The rest will be… bonus ??!!

              Hugs and Bubbles !


              1. Bri, love you love you love you. You have got it straight! It all begins with the little me to the Higher Me and with the “changeovers” we have put out to the Universe, we know we have been heard, so that we can go back to walking out our own changes. Hand in hand, God/God walking together to bring Heaven to Earth.

                I’m plugged in.

                HUGZZZZZZZZZZZ, Pinkiness

                Sent from my iPad

          3. Hi Brianna, thank you for writing back.

            “Trying to utter this without sounding like a pompous ass”

            -That’s what I mean, I see you as having a healthy sense of self, writing candidly without fear. I admire this trait when I see it in people, because the person is “right there”. This is one sign of real communication, and that is what we all need.

            This is a big item for me. In the world that I’m creating, people communicate with each other, and I mean COMMUNICATE. But you and I have the same problem…right now its mostly in our dreams, and I’m not talking seatbelts. Your community- the people are just not in place as yet. They are either not yet there, or they are not yet ready. Same goes for me. I’m looking to exemplify unbounded love and compassion, and to cause it to spread. Well of course first I need to learn it myself. (I need to read Alex’s vision again). And yes, its frustrating. I’ll give an example:

            I wrote a while back about someone I love dearly. This person has this ability I speak of- to communicate openly, and to express themselves without fear. They initiated a relationship and expressed how they feel about me. I decided on the spot… I chose, to love them back. The union of hearts was ecstatic. The relationship flourished, but others around us simply did not understand. It was too far out of the box. Others felt uncomfortable, and even threatened. Outside forces came into the picture and ended it, at least on the 3D level (the relationship goes on in the spirit world and is intact). What I’m learning is the others are crying out for healing. This is my new job, I think. Amidst the hurt and the pain I need to find unconditional love and give it immeasurably and without discrimination. I feel this may actually solve the issues all the way around. Time will tell.

            They don’t call us “Wayshowers” for no reason. The pioneers always have it the toughest, and you, my beloved lady, are a pioneer. I don’t know the answer for your situation. Perhaps its simply not time, or maybe it will take place somewhere else, or, it simply takes time in this existence to manifest the dream, and the bigger the dream, the more it may take to bring it about. But what I would go so far as to risk saying is, that dream is there for a reason. All you had to do was describe what you did in a few words, and without any effort I saw (felt) it immediately. I would say its reality.

            Perhaps what’s going on is we are indeed pulling this New World down to us. I guess we’re going to need a lot of trust, but I believe in this. And I believe in you. Its going to work out, one way or another.

            Warm bubbles,


            PS Elle, behave yourself! (laughing)

            1. Who, moi? It’s not me, it’s that Gof fellow you need to worry about!

              Wicked chuckles from Downunder


            2. Carl,

              This communicating thingie is great, but did get me in trouble a few times 🙂
              Some people get it all askew, or some interpret it in a bizzare way, which ends up with a big shazam show of mushed egos 🙂

              Anyhow, cannot really do the mundane “white lies”, because it shows on my face 😀

              So silly, and yet so .. “3D”, how some reacted to your frank and sincere friendship. This happens, and will for a while.
              Strong bonds trigger envy, but the worst is the fear they trigger. Envy by itself will not create monsters. Fear does.
              In a strong healthy and unconditionnal bond, some reflect their own desires and shortcomings.
              Fear of never finding something similar. Hence the gross reactions.

              In the old world, it still takes more courage to openly express a beautiful friendship, than to show a miserable relashionship.

              Wayshowers. With dreams 🙂
              Thank you for seeing it to. Thanks to Pinkinees, to Elle (behaving or not 😉 ) They see it too.

              Like I said to her Lady of Pink Glory earlier (btw, it’s her B-day this week-end, haha) I know that some of us will eventually move up a notch to actually talking (aside from writing here). And this will be “way cool” 😀 😀 😀

              Everything in due time.

              Yes, we are pulling this new world down to us !
              Starting to MANIFEST it 🙂

              I accidently saw a doc last night, on french Tv. A group of people bought some land, near a small village, and are building an “Eco-community” for themselves.
              There we go ! They were all ages, and certainly not “hippie style” type.
              Silent revolution has started 😀

              They also said that, in France, over 1 percent of the population has moved out of big cities already. Haha !

              Voila 🙂

              All I have to do, is find enough like-minded people to begin with. Because “mine” is about having the spiritual growth aside from just Eco growth.
              Like I mentioned earlier, an “example” community 🙂

              And I speak, and I speak … 😀 😀

              Lots of Love, and plenty of Bubbles !

              1. Bri, thank you for sharing your superb insight, I think you nailed it.

                “Strong bonds trigger envy, but the worst is the fear they trigger. Envy by itself will not create monsters. Fear does.
                In a strong healthy and unconditionnal bond, some reflect their own desires and shortcomings.
                Fear of never finding something similar. Hence the gross reactions.
                In the old world, it still takes more courage to openly express a beautiful friendship, than to show a miserable relashionship.”

                I appreciate that you took the time to interact with me and share your hopes and dreams, as well as comment on mine.

                My loving best,


                PS Elle, you made me laugh out loud.

        2. OOOOOO Goosebumps! Soulmates? Hmmm…….I’ll be watching to see what unfolds…….

          Love, Amy

          Sent from my iPad

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