The manuscript of survival – part 222

The date today is an important one to many, as it is singified by a sequence of numbers that will trigger another sequence of numbers. Let us explain. Today’s date is 11.11, and when you also pass the time on your clock that reads 11:11, you will all be set to ”GO”. Let us explain. As you might be aware of, the codes that lie embedded in the energy that is carried into your body by those signals being sent from other shores than yours, are carefully set up in order to have the maximum effect. Therefore, some will start to do their work immediately, while others have been timed to be set off at a specific moment. And some of these have been set to be simultaneously triggered in order to create a magnfied effect.

You see, these simultaneous triggers make sure that the combined effetc of the energies embedded in many individuals literally fire up together in order to create a quantum field of sorts that will have a far reaching effect on your surroundings. In other words, these mass events have a much larger impact on your society than if you are being triggered at individual instances, hence the extra activity on some dates in your calendar. This does not mean that everythng is linked to a specific date or time, far from it, but as we have touched upon earlier, we utilize some of these dates to create immense vortices of energy that literally sweeps over your world to instigate far reaching changes, changes that would not be possible without this communal effort carried out by all of you who have given their heart and soul to this project already.

So know that today, as the clock hits that heralded time of 11:11 in region after region, you will all be ”fired up”as it were and join in this planet wide event of energetic upsurge. So we thank you all for taking part in this major operation, and know that even if you may feel some side effects from this energetic transmission, you will have the honor of taking part in one of the most important events ever carried out on your shores. So stay centered and go inside, and you will surley feel the strong connection you all share. And know that this connection will never ever fade away after today.

36 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 222

  1. Hi A.North, There was channeling a few days ago talking about how negative creatures are stinging and biting us like the mosquitoes example. I was curious, are you being attacked by these entities? I am defiinitely experiencing this. Is this a temporary thing?

    Thanks, Scott

    1. Hello Scott! I have experienced quite a lot of these attacks from the dark side, but they seem to have quieted down now. It feels to me that they have started to retreat, and that our energy have become stronger and more resistant to their manipulations. So yes, I think what you experience is a temporary thing. They cannot do much except annoy us at this stage as long as we stay out of fear, so just make sure to call in as much light as you can to repel them. If you ask for protection, it will always be given.
      love and light, Aisha

  2. I woke up last night at 11 PM and again at 1:11 AM then slept until 7:30 this morning which I almost never do. I went to bed early last night, feeling very tired and yet, up those two times. I registered with amazment at the time on the clock each time!

  3. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”Therefore, some will start to do their work immediately, while others have been timed to be set off at a specific moment. And some of these have been set to be simultaneously triggered in order to create a magnfied effect.

    You see, these simultaneous triggers make sure that the combined effetc of the energies embedded in many individuals literally fire up together in order to create a quantum field of sorts that will have a far reaching effect on your surroundings. In other words, these mass events have a much larger impact on your society than if you are being triggered at individual instances, hence the extra activity on some dates in your calendar. This does not mean that everythng is linked to a specific date or time, far from it, but as we have touched upon earlier, we utilize some of these dates to create immense vortices of energy that literally sweeps over your world to instigate far reaching changes, changes that would not be possible without this communal effort carried out by all of you who have given their heart and soul to this project already…”

  4. Pretty crazy stuff. Thanks to all who are sharing.

    Here’s mine – I have a clock that chimes every 15 minutes. I sat down to meditate just before 10:45 AM. My dog was outside and it’s kind of cold here in Denver today. At 11:00 my clock chimed. I stopped my meditation and got up to let my dog in. It was 11:01AM. She came in and laid down in the living room, where I was, so I went back to meditating. In a little while, she got up and put her head on my lap. I just sat there and ignored her. She went around to the side of the chair and rubbed her face against my hand so I started petting her. I opened up my eyes and looked at the clock. Couldn’t believe it – 11:11AM.

    She felt it too. She’s been following me around the house all day since.

    Love to all

  5. i was wondering why i was drowning mercilessly in funny energies and couldn’t get out of it, for the last few days. 11-11, makes sense… i wish i could have an energy boost, still trying to swim to shore.. thx Aisha 🙂

    1. I feel you, Sister. I’m grateful to have finally found a breakthrough during the last two days by watching Youtubes of Bashar. Are you familiar with him? I find him so beautifully comforting, loving and illuminating – yet powerfully direct. He has helped me shift quick! Perhaps he will give you the boost you would like! Would recommend his transformative shifting tool as well. Peace, love and great comfort to you – Heather

      1. Thanks, Heather! what a pleasant surprise to find kind words 🙂 sorry for the time delay, my internet has been so funny lately. on to bashar to see if he will give me a boost, have a wonderful day 🙂

  6. Thank you Aisha, the message is very well received. We are all together in this project and we will be succeed!

  7. Reblogged this on JourneyToAscension2012 and commented:
    I AM SOOO ready for this. I might be outside with my horse getting her feet trimmed…don’t know when the farrier’s coming out. But these shifts and bursts of energy are felt wherever I AM and whatever I’m doing at the time.I’ve been seeing so many of 11’11, 1″11, 12″12, 10″10, etc. lately. The numbers are telling me we are THIS close. HANG ON! We’re in for the ride of our lifetime!

  8. Numbers, triggers, thresholds, beamed codes, signs, sounds. All is telling us to awake to the new time/energy/vibration/beginning. It,s Aquarius now. Golden Age! Alien darkness is far away. Light is everywhere. Nothing will stop Light/Love to disseminate.
    It,s time of quick changes, transmutation and transformation. It,s time of BIG opportunity for us. Let,s release all that not serve us any more and choose wisely all that make ours heart to sing. Because is our proper mind that makes our reality. Let,s take responsibility for what we think and choose. There,s no darkness to blame anymore.

  9. I did my 11:11 meditation and when I looked at the clock in the meantime it hit 11:22 and your missive is number 222. For me triggers are very often with the number 2.

    1. Dear Wildsparc! I noticed the number on this missive too. Usually, I get a channeling on The manuscript every other day and a personal message on the days when I do not receive anything on The manuscript, so I was surprised when I was given part 221 on Friday after receiving part 220 the day before. Yesterday it was another personal message, and I was about halfway through today’s message when I noticed that it was part number 222. It was no coincidence I think! And I can certainly testify that the energy coming in with today’s message was much more intense than usual, and they were in a hurry to get me to post it as soon as possible. The mediation was an intense one too, and it filled me with such an enormous amount of light it was overwhelming.
      Love and light, Aisha
      PS: When I looked at the clock after my meditation, it was 11:21

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