The manuscript of survival – part 219

Today is an important day indeed, as it hold within its confines the hopes and prayers of millions of people. We talk not about the election of one man to an earthly position here, but we talk of the choice that so many others will make in their hearts today. You see, this is not only about the election of a single individual that will be chosen as the president of one of the countries you have been divided into on this planet. We talk about the fact that from now on, the energies that have been transmuted and changed into a whole new octave, will start to make their voice heard in so many ways. You see, underneath all of the hustle and bustle created by this election, and by so many other ”superficial” events going on at the same time, the renewal of this planet’s energetic layer has been all but invisible. That is, except for the likes of you, who have already managed to tap into this new power source. And for those who have gotten a taste of this elixir, they know that big changes are afoot. We say ”elixir”, but we are well aware that the tasting of this brew may have caused more than a mild reaction in your physical body already, and also in your mental one, as this heady concoction is nothing if not life changing in so many ways. Let us explain.

For centuries, mankind have been literally wallowing in the same kind of energetic soup, a soup designated to ensure a very specific kind of evolution. You have come a long way during these centuries, but only up to a point, as you have been prevented from moving any further in any direction that would in the end make you all more powerful. And in this, your evolution has in so many ways been a crippled one. But now, as this energetic soup has been more than stirred up because of all of these incoming barrages of information being beamed onto your planet from sources far removed from your shores, it will literally be like you are starting to breathe fresh air again after being cooped up in a small closet for a very long time. And as such, your bodies will have a hard time adjusting at first, because it literally needs to readjust all of the levers that have been regulating your intake, to call it that, in so many ways. It is almost like a diver, after surviving on a minimal amount of oxygen for a long dive, finally can remove his mask and take a deep breath of pure oxygen. And if he is not careful, it will create havoc within his whole system. So yes, this ”pure oxygen” has been made available to you all, but as a precaution, we will not let you get full access to it immediately. Therefore, you will feel your bodies readjusting for quite some time yet, as it takes in the increased amounts bit by bit. Hence, the somewhat prolonged discomfort this time.

But now, you will notice how the air feels purer and easier to breathe, as you are becoming accustomed to this new and heightened level of energies. And together with this ”fresh air”, you will see how things start to change around you. For just as any living thing will respond positively to an increased amount of oxygen in their atmosphere, so too will you all start to respond to these increased amounts of energy. That is, except for those who look upon this new energy not as a life giving substance, rather the opposite. They will hunker down in order to try to avoid it, and doing so, they will also start to behave in a more and more bizarre fashion. So again, with this new level of awareness comes a new bout of reaction, as the old and failing systems will instinctively understand that all this new and fresh will be another spike in their coffin. So do not be taken by surprise if you should witness some of their display up close, for know that it is short lived. For they, like the creatures from the darkest abyss of the ocean, simply cannot thrive in the ”fresh air” that is being injected into your atmosphere. They can only survive in the old and dense layers of energy, so they will automatically seek them out. But these pockets of old and stagnant energies are becoming smaller and smaller, much like the pools of stagnant water drying out under the force of the sun. So rejoice, and do not let any action taken by these desperate creatures darken your day in any way. After all, you are the ones who can celebrate the fact that the very atmosphere around you has become even more viable and thereby fuelling your dreams in such a way they are destined for success.

26 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 219

  1. Thank’s You Aisha! In every moment Yours words are for me an explanation of that i’m living … :))) …
    Maria Adele – Turin – Italy

  2. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”For centuries, mankind have been literally wallowing in the same kind of energetic soup, a soup designated to ensure a very specific kind of evolution. You have come a long way during these centuries, but only up to a point, as you have been prevented from moving any further in any direction that would in the end make you all more powerful. And in this, your evolution has in so many ways been a crippled one. But now, as this energetic soup has been more than stirred up because of all of these incoming barrages of information being beamed onto your planet from sources far removed from your shores, it will literally be like you are starting to breathe fresh air again after being cooped up in a small closet for a very long time. And as such, your bodies will have a hard time adjusting at first, because it literally needs to readjust all of the levers that have been regulating your intake, to call it that, in so many ways.”

  3. Thanks again for all of your messages Aisha. Do you know when we can expect to see another big shift? I’m enjoying each step of the process as life unfolds and things unravel and people wake up. I cant wait for more big changes and when the dust settles hopefully everyone is in a much better stop. The major headaches for me have subsided some but the immense shoulder stiffness and neck pain are pretty constant. It feels like I have a broom handle crammed up my neck and back. The only thing that really discourages me is the 100% lack of energy. I just want to reboot all day long-which is not typical of me. I cant even muster up the energy for my daily 45 min walk. I’m just trying to listen to my heart and body and do what feels the best. Thank you again for all of your messages. Amanda

    1. New circuits, you,re intensely being upgraded with new circuits to cop with light energy with top performance. Have lots of pure water and keep walking under the Sun. Have long hot bath on shoulder and neck that will help. Have patience, the outcome is almost at sight.

  4. Thank You, Aisha, for the chanelling. I’m looking forward to the C.C.’s (or our Friends’, as I call them) messages every time I check my e-mail. It ‘s always giving me an extra push or reather an extra happy feeling for the day. Thanks again. Barb

  5. Dear Wilbur And AIsha, I have had the sensation at the center of the skull for some time as well. There are at least two things happening that I know of. One, is that my pineal gland is activated. The pineal gland is in the center of the brain. And, yes, the pineal gland, when activated releases
    hormones that promote the feeling of peace, “giddiness” and well being!
    When the pineal gland is activated, one’s diet is very important and one should get more attuned to what one’s body is needing. For example, Caffeine and sugar are not good for the pineal gland. Processed foods which contain chemicals are not good, either.
    Secondly, the third eye, which is related to the pineal gland is calibrating to the fifth dimensional frequencies and that is felt as a buzzing, throbbing in the center of the head.
    Aisha, your third eye is probably already quite open to be able to channel as you do, right?
    Anyway, I have felt that when I eat things that are not for the benefit of my body, the throbbing in my head feels heavy and unpleasant. But, when I stick to my diet , the throbbing is pleasant and empowering.
    We definitely need to be paying attention to what we eat as we build our
    new physical and light bodies.
    LOVE and LIGHT,

  6. Dear Aisha and companions, that was a great update. You are juicing my palate for more knowledge and I cant wait for this veil of illusion and ignorance to be removed from my consciousness, and to breathe the fresh air of our own Truth. To know that we have agreed and even welcomed such a restricted experience on earth ( and it really looks we did) is mind boggling. I think I also feel the changes now. I have frequent dizziness and I am entering a total “letting go” way of life. Thank you again and blessings to you

  7. Dearest Aisha & Constant Companions, thank you. I have been happy to the point of giddyness for the last two weeks. I have noticed a great change in my perception, an almost muddled sensation when dealing with benal 3D issues. Spiritual concepts which in the past I did not understand, I know understand perfectly. I experience a physical sensation in the center of my skull, not a headache, just well, a concentration of energy. I have had EEG’s and MRI’s and nothing out of the ordinary was found. So I am somewhat perplexed. Love to you all.

    1. Dear Wilbur! You are not alone in having these strange sensations of “activity” in the center of the head. At times, it almost feel like someone is performing brain surgery on me. The weirdest part is that the sensation is not coming from the skull, but from deep inside the brain, where there are no nerves who can detect such a thing. So yes, there are some very interesting things going on inside of us all, and even if they can seem unsettling at times, I for one am convinced that they are a natural part of our evolution. Still, it is indeed good to know that the tests you have taken have shown that everything is OK with you.
      Love and light, Aisha

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