The manuscript of survival – part 175

The sun is once again giving freely of her wonderful gifts, and even if they might not feel like gifts as you receive them, these injections will all turn out to be just that, glorious gifts of energy and freedom. As always, the insertion will have your body up in arms in many instances, as these powerful harbingers of change push so much unnecessary dross out of the way to take its place inside of you. And as usual, these upsets and upheavals leave their mark on you for a few days before everything settles into a new groove again. You are all well versed in these effects by now, but still it is indeed necessary to keep reminding yourselves that even though the process in itself never seems to become something you cherish, it is worth it all the while. So stay calm, even when your body seems to be going into overdrive, and breathe deeply to release all of the things that need to be released in order to refill yourselves with the purest of energies coming in.

11 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 175

  1. Your quite welcome Elliez……I feel like earlier it was letting up somewhat but now it’s slowly building up again? I’m getting that pressure-cooker feeling, my gait is off, my stomach is doing weird things, and my mind is being blasted with inconsistent mind chatter……?

    I hope you are rested and on the up & up!

    Happy to hear from you!

  2. Thank you Aisha and CC! Ditto to everyone as I have felt wiped out all weekend and have not gotten anything done. But I should not say that because on an energetic level a lot has gone on. I wonder when this will end??????? At least I know that others are going through the same thing.
    Blessings to All.

  3. This more than any other channeling resonates with me. I am totally wiped, to depths that I can not begin to describe.

    1. Derek- me too. wiped, apathy, deep tiredness. these channeling resonate with me more than all others, as well.. hope we feel better soon 🙂

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