
Links to translations (in parts or full) of The manuscript of survival and other updates posted on this blog.

I want to thank all the people who help to spread these messages by to translating them to their own language. They have also provided me with these links, so if any of them are not working or not updated, please let me know.

Danish: (part 349 – 356 and A history of Creation)


Farsi/Persian: (to part 270)


French (to part 374):


(Older messages, up to August 2013):

For older posts, use this link:

Hungarian (to part 365):

Italian (to part 334):



Romanian (up to part 387):


Spanish: (up to part 306)


Turkish: (short summary from part 369)



My new blog:

On June 2, 2015 I was guided to open up a new blog to share the new messages that I channel. This time, they come in the form of paintings, not words and you can see them here:


Places to inspire you:

Philip Wade has created a wonderful Open Source site where he shares the profoundly simple, yet powerful, spiritual gift of Spheres of Light and Infinite Silence. And as he says it so beautifully himself: “This site provides you with both the Gateway and the Location to a deeper experience of your True Self.”

A great selection of channelings, also where I originally posted The manuscript of survival:

Two more excellent sites for updated channelings and articles:

Lee Harris’ monthly energy forecast is always helpful:

Brenda Hoffman’s channelings are also well worth reading:

Find out what’s happening out in space that might affect us all at:

48 thoughts on “Links

  1. I want to say thank you. I thank God for you and this work yo do! I am in Chicago, mother of 3, an “edutainment” performing artist, I love using my gifts to inspire and uplift, inform and unify. You effectively do just that! Joining in on the Gathering is something I look forward to.
    May all humanity answer to this call for unity. Love & Light

  2. Dear Aisha
    We are healers from the North of England who like your website.
    We also channel messages of guidance and wisdom from Source for the benefit of humankind and have a blog site which publishes these. The site can be found at:

    We were wondering whether you would consider a link exchange?
    We hope that you do not mind us emailing you, but thought that you and your followers might enjoy the site.

    With blessings and love
    Lily, Melanie and Sian

    1. Dear Lily, Melanie and Sian! Welcome to this Pond, thank you for bringing your light here and to this world!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  3. Welcome dear Dipika!

    So true when you say “often have I turned to the light of this blog to confirm my bearings and recheck”. I find it hard to imagine being without this “checkpoint” in this turbulent time. This morning I tried to actually imagine what it would be like – but couldn´t. It feels like we have become a close-knit family – forever 🙂

    Love & light ❤


  4. thank you .. I just wanted to share my love and gratitude for since the day in dec 2012 , when I discovered this , I ve often connected and found what I needed to continue on …. Inspiration, confirmation, rejuvination , and so much more … Thank you for your words , channel , commitment and efforts and for holding this priceless space for us all …and your priceless , magnifieient , contribution and difference especially for me , coz I am like a pilot flying blind in a turbulent fog , and often have I turned to the light of this blog to confirm my bearings and recheck .

    Much Love n Light

    1. Dear Dipika, thank you for these loving words, thank you for bringing your light here and thank you for giving me this opportunity to welcome you to this Pond and to this family of light! I am glad to know that we are flying together 🙂
      Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

    1. Dear Carl, welcome to this Pond! Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for bringing your light to this space and to this world!
      Love and light from me, Aisha

  5. Dear Aisha,
    I’ve received a strong and clear guidance to start my own blog and offer ‘Soul talk’ online. I’ve been doing ‘Soul talk’ sessions for several years
    (mostly locally) and now I feel guided to connect with more people on the Soul level.
    I’ve always resonated with your work and energy, therefore I’d like to ask if you would consider to post my blog information:
    Thank you Aisha!

      1. Hello Rose, thank you for your notice.
        Please post them into the net anywhere and a working link on this blog.
        Thanks again! 😉

  6. Cara Aisha,
    ti segnalo che la pagina del link alle traduzioni in italiano è aggiornato solo fino al 9 luglio!
    Il traduttore automatico è terribile … per cui ora seguo il link in francese che ha traduzioni fatte molto accuratamente.
    Grazie a te ed ai C.C. per tutti gli aiuti! … 🙂 …
    E un grazie anche ai traduttori nelle varie lingue! … 🙂 …
    Un grande abbraccio sorridente e riconoscente.

      1. Dear Aisha,
        I saw that the translations in Italian Manuscript of Survival have been updated to part 369 of 3 December 2013, and there is also translated Update on the Energies of 18 December.
        A big hug smiling. … 🙂 …

  7. Dearest Aisha,
    My interest was tweaked when I read your email of the Gathering. I am so glad I followed my intuition to seek you out.
    Tears of joy flow as my heart resonates with the love and truths contained in your manuscripts. For so long, I have felt alone and to have found your site finally allows me to know – I am no longer a lone voice in the wilderness. I cannot even begin to thank you for your courage in undertaking this task and bringing it forward into the light.
    I would be honoured to join you on the next Gathering on June 2 from my little part of the world and look forward to receiving additional details.

    Thank you for being you.

    With love and gratitude for your work,

    1. Dear Sylvia, beautiful sister, welcome to this space, this Pond of infinite love! I am so glad that you have brought your light to this circle, and become a part of this family:–). If you click on the “Follow” button in the lower right hand corner, you will receive an email whenever I post a new message.
      Much love from me, Aisha

  8. Thank you Aisha, for this important work that you have agreed to bring forth for the benefit of us all! May you be blessed beyond measure, in all ways 🙂
    I’ve been following for quite some time now, but only discovered the comment feature a week ago? Being able to read personal interpretations & experiences related to the CCs message has provided so much more depth in understanding and practical application.
    So much Love & Gratitude to you!

  9. Thank you for your willingness to channel these messages. They have been a true inspiration when the old ways of thinking and feeling start to replay!

  10. I have thoroughly enjoyed following you on, accessing that site for over 2 years. As of yesterday 7.5.12 I have gotten a message when attempting to access it that “This account is suspended.”

    Are you aware of any problems posting or accessing the site? Thanks!

    1. Hello Diane! I just got the same message when I tried to post the latest installment of The manuscript there. Hopefully it is only a temporary measure. It has been unavailable a couple of times before, so we will just have to wait and see what happens. And thank you for your kind words and welcome to this blog. I am glad we all have this space to connect now!
      Love, Aisha.

  11. You should really create a email distribution list or something so when you post something new, we get updated! With information traveling at ever increasing speeds it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up! Just a thought…

    1. Hello Patrick! If you click on the “Follow” icon at the top of the page you will automatically be notified when I post something new.
      Regards, Aisha

      1. I do not see that, but I am viewing the site from behind a filter at work so they may have blocked that. I’ll look @ home! Thanks!

      2. Dear Aisha,
        thank you so much for your inspiring words. Unfortunately they are not translated in German anymore. So I decided to do so. It’s a lot of work to be done. So my question is : do you mind if I put a donation button to my translations ?
        Best regards and thank you for your great work

          1. Dear Aisha, thank you for your response … my name is Roswitha, so I am the one who is translating your issues. Since that time more and more lightworkers leave a comment – so my questions are: * who is going to reply this comments, *whereelse can I publish your work *and do you mind to set a donation button ? best wishes Rose

            1. Dear Rose!
              Regarding any comments or questions to the messages, I would suggest that the best way is to always include a link to my blog. That way, anyone seeking additional information can get it directly from the source, by reading the comments posted here, or by leaving a comment themselves.* I am very grateful to anyone who helps to spread these messages, either in the original form or by translating them, so I am happy to have this possibility to thank you for the work you have chosen to do, but I cannot give you any suggestions as to where you might want to publish them. My responsibility is the work I do on this blog, and from here, the parts of The manuscript of survival is being shared in so many ways, but that is something I have no control over.* I have been given the task of channeling this information, and from the very first message, I knew it was something that I was to share freely with the rest of the world. Setting up and maintaining this blog and the energy here is also my responsibility, and from the beginning, I knew that I had to do so without charging any money for it. That was my choice, based on what I felt was right for me. I cannot tell you what to do, because that is also a choice you must make yourself. You are responsible for the energy in your space, just as I am in mine, so I can only tell you to do what feels right for you.
              Love and light, Aisha

                1. Dear friend! Thank you for helping to spread these messages! I have added your link to the list 🙂
                  With love and gratitude from me, Aisha

                  1. Dear Aisha and German readers,
                    unfortunately, the last translation I get displayed at the two referenced links above for German translations is either from two years ago ( ) or the site is no longer available ( ). Also the site offered below ( ) was closed in October 2014. Is there a url where German translations are currently being offered?
                    Herzliche Grüße, Patrick

                    1. Dear Patrick, thank you so much for this! I have removed the link that no longer works and updated the other one. If anyone has any information about any new German translations I would also be very grateful if you could share it so I can include it on the list.
                      Love and light from me, Aisha

                    2. Dear Aisha, I have not totally finished it yet, but here is the link to the german translations (of the last two years) .. and will also be the one for following traslated manuscripts … Thank you for publishing the following link for you german readers/followers, Rosi

                    3. Dear Rosi! Thank you for helping to spread these messages! I have added your link to the list.
                      With love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

          2. Dear Aisha,
            thanks for your information. The german link is no longer available. You can find the german translations on

            Can you please change this adress in your (german) link above.
            Thank you and all the best wishes


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