A short update on the energies

By now, the incoming energies will begin to register in many of you, as they herald the flux that will accompany next week’s portal of the Equinox. Yes, this is indeed another one of those numerous occasions when mankind get the chance to take another step up on this seemingly endless ladder of ascension. For we are well aware that for many, this process may seem to be endless, and that is indeed understandable. After all, this what you knew from the very beginning would constitute your life’s work this time around, and so, it is not by accident that you have been guided through this process in increments, seemingly minuscule at some times, while at others you truly commit yourselves to a true quantum leap. And this time, we can indeed guarantee you it will not be one of those infinitesimally small steps ahead, no this time, it will indeed be a mighty push in the back that will propel you all forwards in a giant leap. And so, whatever happens in the upcoming days, know that it will all be in order to prepare you all in the best possible way the better for you to be able to receive these bountiful gifts of energetic emissaries already heralding their arrival.

And so we say again remember to listen well to what your physical body may request in the time ahead, but also to the singsong of these incoming frequencies, for they are already starting to vibrate through your very being. And the better you are able to tune into these beforehand, the more approachable you will seem to be. And so, whatever it may be that needs to be done for you in order to speed up your forward momentum, the easier this process will become if you once again allow this light to interact with your being in a relaxed fashion.

You see, this is not about forcing anything, neither for you nor on our side of the veil, for this is indeed a process that will be tailored so that it fits perfectly to each and every one of you. And now, you have all come to a stage where you are no longer idle spectators or simple recipients of these wondrous energetic signatures. No, you also play an active part in the goings on in the form of actively tuning into your being the better not just to listen, but also respond back. This may sound confusing to some of you, for you will think you have no idea at all just how to respond to these incoming vibrations, but not to worry, for you all know this literally in your very bones. For this is indeed something that is old knowledge to all of you, and as such, this is not the first time you have done this, but it might be the first time you have a conscious understanding of what it is you actually do when you start up this multi frequency dialogue that is about to begin on a truly global basis.

Remember, you did not come here unprepared in any way, but this is all about allowing your old memories to come up to the surface again after having spent literally lifetimes hidden at the deeper layers of your consciousness. But now, it will all start to come to light again, in every sense of the word, and just like any skill you might have learned while still a young child, this too will suddenly seem to come naturally to you. For it is indeed simply something you have forgotten you knew how to do, but as soon as you start to tune into these brand new signals coming in, something will begin to stir within you, seemingly by its own accord, and you will find yourself literally swimming in familiar waters.

Be that as it may, still it is indeed imperative that you all remember to step away from the outside noise and step back into you in a way that will allow you to literally tune into yourself before the main broadcast if you will of these incoming signals begin to arrive. So once again we say do not let your focus be pulled away from you in the time ahead, even if there might be more than a little disturbance both in the near but also in the distant reaches of your surroundings. For as usual, whenever the light quotient begins to rise here on this little planet of yours, it also serves to stir up those still trying to make everyone ignore the light and rather focus their sight into those still dim and dank corners that they prefer mankind to hover about. So again we leave you with the reminder that whatever it is that tries to distract you from maintaining your focus on you inner world, do not let it take too much of your time, for this time, it is indeed of the highest importance that you follow the golden rule of maintaining a close and intimate connection with you own core.

For that is where the keys will fit perfectly, those keys that will be delivered to you all during this upcoming period, and if you are not ready to receive them yet or you simply allow yourself to drift away from you, then those inner chambers where these old skills lie waiting for you to find them will remain shut for a good while longer. And after spending so much time and so much effort getting to this point in time, we do hope you all will grasp this wonderful opportunity you get to really speed up your own progress in a very special way. So again we say go within, and sit down with yourself and prepare to listen in, both to what you have to tell yourself about your abilities to connect both to the inner and the outer worlds, but also to those signals that will come knocking on your door in these upcoming days. For these signals will be faint at first but they will indeed pick up both in magnitude and in frequency, and the better you are at preparing for them by allowing that inner dialogue to begin, the faster you will begin to have a true conversation with these incoming signals of the highest importance.

Again, this is not to make you feel uneasy about your ability to catch these messengers in flight as it were, rather, it is simply to remind you not to let yourself scatter your focus too wide, lest you should be too overwhelmed by anything that happens outside of you. For that will be very easy in the time ahead, as there are those still set on distracting you in all sorts of ways, and the only one who can choose where you choose to look, is you.

So let these incoming waves buffet you enough to remember to stop and refocus in a way that will enable you all to find the tune you have been looking for for such a long time now. For we know that if you let yourself open up to this, you will all find yourselves singing perfectly in tune with these incoming energetic emissaries, and together, you will make up a heavenly choir that in turn will help to retune this entire planet once again. Remember, whenever you reach another rung on this ladder of frequencies, you also serve to bring so many others along with you, and the more of you that allow these signals to act as those inner keys they are meant to be, the faster this process will go.

So to sum it all up; to increase the speed of this whole operation, we ask you all to slow down your own speed so that you have the time and the opportunity to simply stop in your tracks and listen in to these signals that have already started to reach your shores. And when you do, we venture to guess that you will all feel how your very being starts to hum in anticipation for what comes next. So let yourself sing along dear ones, and do not be afraid of singing out of tune, for you will all reach perfect pitch in the blink of an eye as soon as you allow yourselves to open up to this heavenly conversation.

643 thoughts on “A short update on the energies

  1. ORganizED EVIL ???
    … organized = YES … co-n-FUSE-d by FEAR = YES
    EviL NO + definitley NO !!! – ))
    = … organized contrast makers … AT MOST ))

    an ACT of EviL is an ACT “lacking” LOVE … no THIN-g mORe.
    JusT as, dARKness is a lack of LIGHT )))
    … T-HER E is NO ‘they’, ‘them’
    … JUST as t-HERE is (-!!! NO !!!-) >>> i, me, “NOR” MINE
    S-hoW me, which pART is ” i ” ???? – ))))
    ALL is EnergY = the EXP-erie-NCE of physicality is RE-AL (rEEl) … however, the expERIEnce happens, within an ILL-us-ION.
    = tHERE is “ONE” infinite CONSC-IOU-SNESS
    … that sub-seQUen-tly has ‘rOOm’ for ALL wHo can “accept” themselves -in- TOTALITY (= THE YOU-n-i_VERSE is a S-ELF initiating COllectiVE-)) = reCOGnizINg that at this LeVeL of RE-aLi-TY … ALL is a reFLECTION of a vibration that “MUST BE” ACT-i”ve … WITH-IN US OUR personal MOMenTUM, S-ET on a stage of COLLECTIVE MOMENTUM ))))
    (( note: collective momentum is %100 “back-drop” … a background STORY = CHOICE to participate, or NOT = contrast c-au-SING US to aSk )))
    WhaT would WE SEE “outside”, if tHERE were NOT FIRST, the vibration WITHIN … ???? – )))
    WE create OUR experience, BECAUSE, OUR experience IS, a reflection of US … BE the change WE SEE-k, the K-in-G-do-M of Hea-veN is WITHIN, K-NOW tHy SELF …
    = i am “” t-HA-t “” I AM !!! – )))
    … = i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that …. HELL-O ???
    … anyone in THERE ???
    … have you got it NOW ?? – ))
    YOU kNOW you’ve _GOT IT_ when it BEcoME-s necessary to s-ET everything else aside > > > TO PRACTICE !!! !!! -!!!- !!! !!!
    ” … After all, this what you knew from the very beginning would constitute your life’s work ((( this time around ))), and so, it is not by accident that you have been guided through this process in increments, seemingly minuscule at some times, while at others you truly commit yourselves to a true quantum leap. ”
    … because, YOU-K-NOW t-here is nothing else to DO !!!
    SOOOOooooo commited to a Quantum LEAP ?? – ))

    BE HAPPY !! – ))
    …and LOVE yOURself, NO body can LOVE US, like US ))))
    … ha ha )))

    MerC-i )))

    only LOVE ))


    1. greb’Z: I got to the bottom of your comment and smiled… I figured it was you writing what I was reading. I must admit I’ve read it 3x now 🙂 I figure what my conscious mind isn’t quite following you on will be picked up within and utilized. It certainly quickens me within… such passion and energy came attached. Thank you, Nancee

      1. merc-i )))

        … S–IN– G –IN–G !! – ))
        ha ha )))
        sincerely, THANK YOU VerY M-UC-H !!! – )))
        … nature reveals itself to me th-ROUGH math-em-atic(s) -)))
        … F-u-N !!! … + da-MeNTaL )))))))))
        Recently the fr-ACT-al LooPinG NaturE … )(( AnU ))(
        has cRy-s-T(ALL)-i-zEd withIN my per-c-EP-t-ion )))
        = s-HOW-in-G the F-LOWer-S … aRi-SING & pAs-SING ))
        + ALL-WAY-S .. EX(p)A.n.D(i)NG !! – ))
        (( note: see the D.N.A. ( M-irROre-D -))) at the C-enTer of expANDing, which is a PRE-SENT tenSE wORd -))
        ha ha ))))
        “F-ee-L-in-G” my Sh-i-fT th-RO(U)GH the infinite moMEnt of NOW.
        … leTTin-G the (( LA-n-GUAGE )) of “”ti-me”” GO !! – ))
        and, the space (w-ALL-s) co-me TumblinG DOWN !!! – )))

        ALL-(O)w(A)-NCE .. HERE AND NOW .. “is” the MoN-KeY ))
        + with ONE caVEat = Ob-sErvE with EQ-ua-ni-mi-TY )))
        .. ahhhh, PeacE of MinD )))
        … so … ))))
        W-ha-T ..’s_ON_g’.. aRe WE … S–IN– G –IN–G !! – ))
        SOURCE … is LooKinG for FR-i-END-s … EQ-u-AL’Z (( ha ha ))
        = CO-cr(E-A-T)or-S … … not Foll-O-werS )))
        HA ha ha ahha ))))
        thanks a-GAIN !! – ))
        only LOVE ))

  2. Dear friends,
    How will you welcome the equinox?
    Do you have special rituals or are you planning any?
    Any recommendations other than just “BE” 🙂

    1. Hi Tijen !….I’m focusing my energy on Mother-Earth & climate change (See Above my post)…most important for the upcoming Summit Meeting in New York….bring in that most needed ‘Awareness’ for ‘Change’ to take place !
      or there are many many more…active as well as peaceful meditating ceremonies….this one looks promising too….how are you with the didgeridoo ?…..Love All that this is & stands for !!!…..
      I can more links if you wish….
      Happy Fall Equinox to you !!….Love, Bev~
      (& Yes….I Loved All of Anna’s channeled message…really resonated with it)

      1. Bev thanks so much for the info. I didn’t know about the didgeridoo meditation, wow really! I don’t have one, so I’ll join the silent meditation events (I’ll be doing Unify’s peace meditation, and will participate the Middle East Transmissions, organized by the Children of the Sun group. Hopefully we’ll go to the mountains with friends to meditate together on sunday. Lots and lots of events worldwide, feels good!

        1. Yes…I’m a member…& it is a good one too !….the more the better !! but I’m focusing more on the ‘Water’ aspect as it holds a part of ‘Everything’ from climate change to world peace….All is ‘Water’ & when ‘Water’ changes, so does Everything !….it’s a powerful focal point to address & BE involved & a part of All these group efforts & activations !…..I don’t have a didgeridoo, but I’ll improvise !

          1. “Absolutely”….with lots of tonal notes…especially the ones your Heart sings & shines with !…..& you know, when you really think about it…’Water’ is Everything & Everywhere…not only from the oceans, lakes, rivers, plants, animals, us…..it is rain, the clouds, in the ground & the very air we breathe !….do you See why I Love ‘Water’ so much !!!!!

      2. the ‘didgeridoo’ is ‘Sound-Vibration-Intent All in 1’….& what’s so intriguing to me is when you apply that to ‘Water’ which is the energy building blocks of life, some very interesting effects take place, as you know ‘Water’ holds the largest surface area upon the earth & of course, All life consists of ‘Water’…from plants to animals to us, All consists of ‘Water’…..take a look at this, by accident this guy observed an interesting phenomena when drilling some metal with Water on it….pretty out-standing accident I think !!!

  3. This guy has stolen Einstein´s concept of using soap, which is as you know very simple. Albert uses soap for shaving, body and hairs equally. His woman
    of course rejected this strongly. She by herself was influenced by Lenin, Crowley and Joyce which she met when Einstein played his violine in Zurich in the Cabaret Voltaire. It was a one note piece, because as the young jewish german patent office worker admitted, he had found his note, while the others were still searching. Her later life was erased by the upcoming anti feminist league in 2016. Although In 1922, Einstein received news that he had won the Nobel Prize in November and the money was transferred to Mileva Marić in 1923. Of course erdogan denied this.

  4. I think ‘You All’ will find this latest post from ‘Anna Merkaba’ very interesting & confirming….I sure did ! It confirms a lot of discussions I’ve had over the years regarding the dire condition of the Earth & in regards to the ‘unawakened’ ones. ” All is Energy & this Energy will change…your Energy does not need to take focus on the ‘unawakened’….continue your Energy each & everyday with ‘ BE True to Yourself ‘ & know with utmost confidence the change you desire will come as this has been preset from the beginning of time….See this as real in your heart/mind’s eye & keep centered to the Truth of Divine Creation, your anchor that lies within & will BE there to support you, guide you in All things….let the past stay in the past…fore the Now holds All the keys & promises for the future.”

    What ever you choose to focus your energy upon during this powerful Fall Equinox, do it with the utmost Confidence aligned with the Truth within you…See it as real as the that which now surrounds you !……
    Happy Fall Equinox….Love to You All !……Bev~


    “For the meditative state into which you all shall enter, a hibernation state if you will, shall allow your physical human mind to operate with a different set of accords, thereby literally lifting your soul out of your body for recognition and rectification purposes of your being………..it is all a process of integrating the new foundation of newly formed principles. For all that we are discussing with you has indeed been ordained by your higher selves, and as such your vessels are simply being aligned with that which has already occurred. For your higher selves have indeed requested these changes and hence you are experiencing and shall experience them as we speak…”

    “All is going according to the ‘Divine Blue Print’ that has indeed been preordained “…..

    Divine Perfection !

    1. Bev dear,
      I was just reading Anna Merkaba’s words and saw your post about it. I haven’t finished it but this paragraph got my attention: “Your ego shall be transformed into a new state of being. Your ego is not going to disappear, it shall simply take a backseat to your thought processes, and you shall begin to see the world through a different set of eyes.” Hope it will help us to understand what is going on better and there will be less debate between the heart and the mind. 🙂

      1. “Hope it will help us to understand what is going on better and there will be less debate between the heart and the mind.”


        Yes it will, and the “debate” will completely disappear.
        Everything within you will function in Harmony, and you will reach enlightened states of “understanding” because of it.

        But then you’ll get bored of even that after awhile, and you’ll be demanding the higher dimensional DNA upgrade/activation.



  5. Hello everyone.
    This is my 81st favourite Japanese song from ttp://oriharu.net/jhyo1.htm
    KEY OF LIFE : But My Love (Released Date : Oct.22, 1997)
    Lyrics : NONE

    (Sampling from “The Stylistics – Can’t Give You Anything (But My Love)”)
    (Released Aug.1975)

    === These are the most beautiful books in this world written by Maria Valtorta ! ===
    5 volumes, THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD
    === The Core of Denying is Affirming ! ===
    Why do you so deny it for affirm yourself ?
    Which is your top priority instinctively ? Deny or affirm ?
    Human(Life) always affirm.
    === You can use REAL WITCHCRAFT ! (THE TOOL) ===
    ( ttps://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-417/ )
    Love & Peace & Thanks to all,

  6. (Personal) Energy-Update:

    I am very tired since Tuesday/Wednesday – and life is exhausting – and nothing noteable or desired or enjoyable happens – just blah – and from time to time annoyance – THIS IS SOLSTICE-Energy 🙂 😦

    Wish you all a more pleasant weekend 🙂


    1. correction:
      this is the energy of the UPCOMING (approaching) Solstice (not the Solstice-Energy itself)

      1. ha, how fun – talking about Solstice ….
        but We Are Celebrating Fall EQUINOX …
        sorry for confusing you … and me 😉

    1. Good, where to start…o.k.:
      1. Cayenne pepper for arteries’ cleaning. Working well in combination with ginger and hawthorn. (the book “Left for dead by Dick Quinn. If you find it ,there is all you will need later in your life. Because I need it now, my husband found it for me. He is much younger and want me “to last longer” as he express it.( I always have an impression that I’m a kind of food kept in fridge to last longer)
      2. Cinnamon mixed with honey for a global interne benefit.
      3. Diatomaceous Earth for d.e.-tox… very good, I feel it.
      4. Black seed oil- “cures everything accept death” it sais on front.
      5. Different herb tea, to clean the system. You have to find them on the Internet, there is all, just stretch your hand and take it.
      6. Turmeric, a lot of it, good anti-oxidant.

      Is that useful? maybe you will find what we didn’t yet. Curiosity is very helpful in that area.
      Take care, Kiera, say when you find out about the healing food.

      1. I have the black seed oil. tastes horrible… but I take a swaller and hit it with some warm tea and down the hatch.
        Turmeric is a great anti- inflammatory as well.
        Started the diatomaceous earth a month ago. for cat too. I feel it to! 🙂 cat looks great too ! healthier appetite and he actually lost a couple pnds which he needed to.
        I take coQ10, evening primrose oil, biotin (my hair from the later too is so much nicer and fuller), magnesium, vit b 12, and I use Nutribiotic dental gel for many, many yrs now. not been to dentist in 30 yrs. when i stopped using it, teeth were sensitive,,, started again,,, all is well.
        I don’t look my age either.
        thanks M! ❤ xo

        1. That is the reason you don’t look your age, Areeza, you cleaning your system well so no poisons (or minimum) to carry aging process forward. Find apricot seeds (vit B17) which help enormously. You can read about it, there is not to much place for details. A lot of different seeds ( flax s.,sesame s.,walnuts, shia s.,apple s. etc.).This is my diner sometime. And if you know about stimulating a sertain point on the body,you can help yourself very effective. All healing practices- I somehow know it from my childhood,my grandma knew things…Today it’s my husband who know things.I’m glad we can talk about how to care about the body. Everything else coming itself to us if you are ready for it.
          Big hug to you.

        2. Haven’t tried Turmeric yet — garlic was also working pretty good anti-inflammatory-wise. Except when the energies became too high and intense.

          Cinnamon and honey big time, baby…..also discovered last month, that natural Bees Wax (honey alone wasn’t cutting it) applied externally anywhere on the body, literally stopped and reversed huge out-of-the-blue “hive” outbreaks on the skin.
          A lot of times I’d be putting it on at night after bedtime, being woken up with masses of f*** hives starting up…..rub on a bit of bees wax, and with 3rd eye pineal gland still in naturally high DMT mode, I could immediately “see” the hexagonal honeycomb structure in my 3rd eye after applying.

          And here’s one I will kiss Susan for, till all eternity — she told us to try ingesting Arnica (from the flower) for the “bad energy” shock to our bodies….and that Arnica literally cleared up my 20-year Ocular Rosacea with ALL its skin-boil fluid-leakage and swelling /inflammation of the Lymphatic vessels. Hot damn.

          Didn’t work on the hideous all-over bad electrical energy/ radioactive induced? body rashes, though…..but so grateful, indescribably.

          1. What is Ocular Rosacea, Kiera?
            But whatever it is, horrible Black seed oil will fight it well too.
            I’m going to find out about Aenica.
            One learn all the time, thank you.
            All kind of bad energy can be deflected by crystals.They are my hobby. My home is full of them. Smart matter (?) -sorry for any misspelling- is necessary to be neutralised. Black tourmaline is a good body shield against any energetic attack. So is Labradorite, Turquoise. For your 3rd eye keep close the beautiful Lapis Lasuli (not sure about spelling), deep blue stone with golden specks and white there and here. For all my life the stones gave me a great joy. And I always knew they are alive.
            Oh…Lapis enhances psychic energy.

          2. I had forgotten about the arnica. Thanks for the reminder. Every time my pineal gland goes through another change, my facial and neck acne and rosacea erupt.

            1. I have used Arnica for years as the way to stop bruising from trauma of hits. Kids rarely got black and blue marks. Homeopathy pellets and gel topically. Hope that helps!!! Use muscle testing to see how much you need. 🙂 <3.

              1. Hi Michael
                Same place- answer to your question why “reluctant…”
                Thank you for your attention. Feels good.

  7. What about aging…Nobody guess me 66 but it doesn’t means it
    hasn’t have effect on me. Body plumbing is for repair. Blood pump is for repair, the joints are not so flexible…hell,everything needs more attention. The brain is in full swing…for how long? I think we all have
    something in common after 65…at least arthritis.

      1. Thank;s Kiera
        I will. I learned how to treat and prevent some of what I complained. If somebody is interested, I will share the knowledge.
        Hugs for all

  8. my mother turned 87 on 9/11
    today she fell down and broke her leg, or maybe her leg broke first and then she fell down. so i sent her to the hospital in the ambulance
    that makes 9 times i called for the ambulance in the last 4 years.

    1. Dear Otmn, Keep us posted on your Mom. Sending healing energy her way. Will you be able to help her get around if they send her home with a cast? I’d think crutches would be a huge challenge at her age! Thinking of you as I prepare to turn in for the night. Other’s will be awake on here soon to pick up the support. ~Nancee

    2. Surrounding you and mom with healing, supportive energy, Otmn. I’m noticing more and more older folks having a hard time lately. Lots with vertigo and subsequent injuries from falls. My aunt is basically bed-ridden from vertigo. She’s terrified of falling.
      Love you,

    3. mother broke her right fibula in several places, when i talked with her this morning she was quite cheerful. (ah, morphine)
      she thinks it broke first and then she fell. tomorrow, the surgeon will go in and put the several pieces back together. she may not ever come home, due to the stairs. we will have to wait and see how it goes.
      it looks like my traveling days are over. I’ll have to stay home and look after the animals, and the plants. mom has been addicted to flowers forever, she could never walk past a flower for sale without bringing it home. they are all over this place.
      did you know the Minoans had indoor plumbing and toilets somewhere around 5,000 years ago in Knossos? If i could get to Crete, i would visit their ruins, oh well.

      1. Otmn!
        I’m sure there are plenty of us who would gladly watch over the animals and the plants whenever you want to travel. Just takes a bit of coordination. 😉

  9. Aging on Earth


    QUESTIONER: Why does rapid aging occur on this planet?

    RA: Rapid aging occurs upon Earth due to an ongoing imbalance of the receptor web complex in the etheric portion of the E field of the planet.

    The thought-form distortions of your peoples have caused the E streamings to enter the planetary magnetic atmosphere, or web of energy patterns in such a way that the proper streamings are not correctly imbued with the balanced vibrations of light/love from the cosmic level of this octave of existence [from 8D, the Creator or Logos]. {v. I}

    QUESTIONER: Was one of your attempts to serve this planet to help the population more fully understand and practice the Law of One, so that this rapid aging could be reduced?

    RA: Yes. {v. I}

    QUESTIONER: If an entity were perfectly balanced with respect to the Law of One on this planet, would he undergo the aging process?

    RA: A perfectly balanced entity would become tired rather than visibly aged.

    The lessons being learned, the entity would depart. However, this is appropriate and is a form of aging which your peoples do not experience.

    [ For most people on Earth, spiritual ] understanding comes slowly, and their physical body decomposes more rapidly. {v. I}

    ~ The Law of One



  10. Oh fuck yeah and it’s the same shit happening in uhe lightworking, reptilians vs. nordics. Wtf, I’m nordic and I have a reptilian brain! 4 fucks sakes! And I drink alcohol and hallucimate shit out of my mind! Ever thought about the possibility that it’s only in your mind? No other lives left like cats, trying to find out of the loophole. Why does so ORGANIZED evil exist, if not for the one try only?

    1. Thank you, Tonik. That is something I too have wondered about? Why does evil exist? Even many so called “lightworkers” think they need an adversary. Why? Is there always a battle to be won? For what if they gave a war and no one showed up?

      1. I am still thinking of the yin/yang balance. maybe once that is in true balance, there will be no more ‘wanting for something – thinking something is missing’. etc. Love, Areeza
        oh…. and I want to ask you about acupuncture treatment specifically for my Kelly’s spine injury. inflamed spinal cord – low back. Bulging disks and the cord itself too. Meds make his stomach bleed (ulcers from long ago). so not much pain relief does the poor man ever get. He is terrified of needles. yes,,, I have tried and tried to explain acupuncture to him. He had 100’s of needle injections when suffering from all types of childhood allergies. Cant seem to get past it. anyways… I think if there was a way acupuncture could help, he might go one of these days.
        thanks much ! ❤

      2. ORganizED EVIL ???
        … organized = YES … co-n-FUSE-d by FEAR = YES
        EviL NO + definitley NO !!! – ))
        = … organized contrast makers … AT MOST ))

        an ACT of EviL is an ACT “lacking” LOVE … no THIN-g mORe.
        JusT as, dARKness is a lack of LIGHT )))
        … T-HER E is NO ‘they’, ‘them’
        … JUST as t-HERE is (-!!! NO !!!-) >>> i, me, “NOR” MINE
        S-hoW me, which pART is ” i ” ???? – ))))
        ALL is EnergY = the EXP-erie-NCE of physicality is RE-AL (rEEl) … however, the expERIEnce happens, within an ILL-us-ION.
        = tHERE is “ONE” infinite CONSC-IOU-SNESS
        … that sub-seQUen-tly has ‘rOOm’ for ALL wHo can “accept” themselves -in- TOTALITY (= THE YOU-n-i_VERSE is a S-ELF initiating COllectiVE-)) = reCOGnizINg that at this LeVeL of RE-aLi-TY … ALL is a reFLECTION of a vibration that “MUST BE” ACT-i”ve … WITH-IN US OUR personal MOMenTUM, S-ET on a stage of COLLECTIVE MOMENTUM ))))
        (( note: collective momentum is %100 “back-drop” … a background STORY = CHOICE to participate, or NOT = contrast c-au-SING US to aSk )))
        WhaT would WE SEE “outside”, if tHERE were NOT FIRST, the vibration WITHIN … ???? – )))
        WE create OUR experience, BECAUSE, OUR experience IS, a reflection of US … BE the change WE SEE-k, the K-in-G-do-M of Hea-veN is WITHIN, K-NOW tHy SELF …
        = i am “” t-HA-t “” I AM !!! – )))
        … = i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, i am that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that, and that …. HELL-O ???
        … anyone in THERE ???
        … have you got it NOW ?? – ))
        YOU kNOW you’ve _GOT IT_ when it BEcoME-s necessary to s-ET everything else aside > > > TO PRACTICE !!! !!! -!!!- !!! !!!
        ” … After all, this what you knew from the very beginning would constitute your life’s work ((( this time around ))), and so, it is not by accident that you have been guided through this process in increments, seemingly minuscule at some times, while at others you truly commit yourselves to a true quantum leap. ”
        … because, YOU-K-NOW t-here is nothing else to DO !!!
        SOOOOooooo commited to a Quantum LEAP ?? – ))
        … a QUANTUM ALIG-N-MENT WITH DESIRE !!! – )))

        BE HAPPY !! – ))
        …and LOVE yOURself, NO body can LOVE US, like US ))))
        … ha ha )))

        MerC-i )))

        only LOVE ))


        1. YES !!!! – )))

          DE-Li-BE-RatE CreatioN = to BE ”LI-BE-R-AT-ED”
          … its ALL in OUR H-and-S … YUMM !!! – )))

          ThankS DeHOrC ))))
          … and, see you at the meditation c-enTer in MerriT ??? – )))
          ha ha )))

          PLAN-t-IN-G see-D-s )))


  11. Feels like a Polish in the advent of the german attack. No bad feelings for them, in Warsov I saw Polish WW2 old veterans carrying their uniforms with pride, nowhere else. It still amazes me. Why. With cavalry and swords against tanks! No air-force. Resistance must be. Goosh!

  12. By a contrast, it would be interesting to see, how many Finns would take a rifle and die boots-on. Everybody’s laughing at Somali refugees here which have basically had a war going on for decades. And 40 of them joined ISIS already from Finland, which is a good reason for NATO to bomb us. Even Russians want to bomb us. EU looks down upon us. Talk abou chances “GOD”.

  13. For Guerric:

    ALBERT EINSTEIN — A Genius at Plagiarizing

    E=mc2 ?????? — Was Olinto De Pretto’s equation


    “Professor Umberto Bartocci, a mathematical historian, of the University of Perugia claims that Olinto De Pretto, an industrialist from Vicenza, published the equation E=mc^2 in a scientific magazine, Atte, in 1903.
    Einstein allegedly used De Pretto’s insight in a major paper published in 1905, but De Pretto was never acclaimed.

    De Pretto had stumbled on the equation, but not the theory of relativity, while speculating about ether in the life of the universe, said Prof Bartocci. It was republished in 1904 by Veneto’s Royal Science Institute, but the equation’s significance was not understood.

    According to Professor Bartocci, a Swiss Italian named Michele Besso alerted Einstein to the research and in 1905 Einstein published his own work. It took years for his breakthrough to be grasped.

    When the penny finally dropped, De Pretto’s contribution was overlooked while Einstein went on to become the century’s most famous scientist.

    De Pretto died in 1921.



    Maxwell studied the phenomenon of light extensively and first proposed that it was electromagnetic in nature.

    James Maxwell wrote an article to this effect for the 1878 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. His ideas prompted much debate, and by 1887, as a result of his work and the ensuing debate, the scientific community, particularly Lorentz, Michelson, and Morley reached the conclusion that the velocity of light was independent of the velocity of the observer. Thus, this piece of the Special Theory of Relativity was known 27 years before Einstein wrote his paper.

    This debate over the nature of light also led Michelson and Morley to conduct an important experiment, the results of which could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics. They observed a phenomenon caused by relativity but they did not understand relativity.

    They had attempted to detect the motion of the earth through ether, which was a medium thought to be necessary for the propagation of light. In response to this problem, in 1880, the Irish physicist George Fitzgerald, who had also first proposed a mechanism for producing radio waves, wrote a paper which stated that the results of the Michelson Morley experiment could be explained if, “. . . the length of material bodies change, according as they are moving through the either or across it by an amount depending on the square of the ratio of their velocities to that of light.”


    FURTHER . . . IN 1892, HENDRIK LORENTZ, of the Netherlands, proposed the same solution and began to greatly expand the idea. All throughout the 1890’s, both Lorentz and Fitzgerald worked on these ideas and wrote articles strangely similar to Einstein’s Special Theory detailing what is now known as the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction.

    In 1898, the Irishman Joseph Larmor wrote down equations explaining the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction and its relativistic consequences, 7 years before Einstein’s paper. By 1904, “Lorentz transformations,” the series of equations explaining relativity, were published by Lorentz. They describe the increase of mass, the shortening of length, and the time dilation of a body moving at speeds close to the velocity of light. In short, by 1904, everything in “Einstein’s paper” regarding the Special Theory of Relativity had already been published.

    The Frenchman Poincaré‚ had, in 1898, written a paper unifying many of these ideas. He stated seven years before Einstein’s paper: “. . . we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals. The simultaneity of two events or the order of their succession, as well as the equality of two time intervals, must be defined in such a way that the statements of the natural laws be as simple as possible.

    Anyone who has read Einstein’s 1905 paper will immediately recognize the similarity and the lack of originality on the part of Einstein.
    Thus, we see that the only thing original about the paper was the term ‘Special Theory of Relativity.’
    Over the next few years, Poincaré‚ became one of the most important lecturers and writers regarding relativity, but he never, in any of his papers or speeches, mentioned Albert Einstein.

    Furthermore, the mathematical relationship of mass and energy was a simple deduction from the already well-known equations of Scottish physicist James Maxwell. Scientists long understood that the mathematical relationship expressed by the equation E=mc2 was the logical result of Maxwell’s work, they just did not believe it.

    THUS, THE EXPERIMENTS OF THOMSON, KAUFMANN, AND FINALLY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HASENÖRHL, CONFIRMED MAXWELL’S WORK. IT IS LUDICROUS TO BELIEVE THAT EINSTEIN DEVELOPED THIS POSTULATE , particularly in light of the fact that Einstein did not have the laboratory necessary to conduct the appropriate experiments.

    The last subject dealt with in Einstein’s 1905 papers was the foundation of the photon theory of light. Einstein wrote about the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the release of electrons from certain metals or semiconductors by the action of light. This area of research is particularly important to the Einstein myth because it was for this topic that he UNJUSTLY received his 1922 Nobel Prize.


    The main point of Einstein’s paper, and the point for which he is given credit, is that light is emitted and absorbed in finite packets called quanta. This was the explanation for the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect had been explained by Heinrich Hertz in 1888. Hertz and others, including Philipp Lenard, worked on understanding this phenomenon. ”


    And on and on…..


    1. See Kiera
      it is about character of the person. Einstein, Rodin… Picaso joining the group too: he “borrowed” the cubism art styl from George Braque.
      Well…they know how to act fast.

      1. The concept of Oneness goes astray in the 3rd dimension.

        Many others within the One pulling from the shared “Collective Unconscious” energy streams surrounding the planet, and all contributing to the expansion of the Whole.

        Exactly like Aisha’s people pyramid….



              1. That reminds me — Jared keeps loudly complaining that he really REALLY wishes he had the freedom to swear…..after 10 frigging swear-restricted years of fudging “rotten snails”, gosh darn it golly gee willikers:



        1. Yes absolutely~ It is eye candy, and so powerful to watch to alleviate any anxieties about the Asian/Chinese group culture of NOW…
          That is group discipline of the highest order, I never have seen anything like it!
          Thanks Kiera! ❤ Monica

          1. So welcome Monica…..please to be asking, what anxieties??

            (Sorry, I don’t have any anxieties about anything so I don’t know what this means (scratching head))

  14. re Susan:
    saw some folks inquiring about Susan. I did receive a reply from her a couple of months ago. I will look to see if I still have it because I don’t want to misquote. The part I remember best and got an image of was when she said they were experiencing daily sirens and were supposed to go down to shelter areas at their dwellings. she said for her, she would just step away from the window at those times. that struck me most. so, I would say she is taking care of herself. I think she has her hands full with those energies at her doorstep. all in all, she sounded good.

    1. oh, and she said local entertainment type events and outings were cancelled in her area at that time,,, but businesses were attempting to go on as usual.

  15. been having dreams that bring me to past places. usually dwellings. they are always different. usually larger and more interesting than they ‘actually were’. I am tempted in these dreams…. like ‘man, I should have stayed here’. then, there is something or someone that is not of a great energy there and I say… ‘glad I am not staying here upon second thought’. 😉

    1. You are NOT the same person that was there, a moment ago — You are a completely different personality, a completely different person….and you are in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REALITY.



    2. Thank you very much der Tomo ❤
      This fits ferfekt to my current thoughts ❤

      You're a gem!

      Love ❤
      Bixie 😀

    1. Thank you very much dear Lysarbejder,
      for this great treasure of love and light – and understanding ❤

      Love ❤
      Bixie 😀

  16. todays Zen offering:
    “Jumping waves smack into one another; White herons start up in fright, then drop down again.”

  17. just popping in to say Hi all and bring my Love and do a mind dump of sorts.
    I have been mulling over some very important things. has to do with the balance of Male/Female. I didn’t fully realize just how very important what was stirring in me was until now. I had not read two updates prior here. missed it oddly enough…but not by mistake as I was supposed to read it now and not be influenced by it while I was churning this stuff around. Had to come on my own to some things.
    So what is very important for those exhibiting more female energies at this special time is this: We have to be sure we are not tipping the scales to the female side too much. It was tipped to the Male side for a long while…. and before that it was tipped to Female side too much. so to speak – in our Earth history.
    so now… it is of grave importance that we get the ‘true balance’.
    Something about it for me personally: I was going to go to Crete. I wanted to support myself in doing something just for my self. I would have liked my male mate to support my decision. He did not – in my view. He had reasons… I view them now not good nor bad. And, it actually had me take a deeper look at all the feelings that arose. My Quest was/is realized in another way.
    I came to realize a couple of days ago just how much Kelly wanted to be with me and how he cared for me. And I realized just how much I wanted to be with him and care for him. Had I gone to Crete it would have been for me. Nothing wrong with that. I would have loved seeing all of u !! oh absolutely ! And the energies I could support there (still will here of course), I would have hated the travel part. LoL. If I could stay two or three weeks, no problem. Just not for me the way it would have been.
    On Tuesday this week, I found myself planning a whole birthday week off. I found much joy in it and realized that it will be me and Kelly and my full awareness of supporting that female/male balance – together. We will go to Mystic, Connecticut — the Seaport. A favorite place for the both of us. We will embrace our own neck of the woods. Go on a steam train/riverboat trip. stay by the sea. Its a smaller scale than Crete – yes – but it feels nice. I will also see my friend in Rhode Island who turns the big 50 one day before me! 🙂 she will be so happy about this visit! We have known each other since age 16. She is having a hard time right now in her life but she is such a strong gal — can be harsh on the outside but I know her softer side.
    Just be aware of pushing too much for the feminine aspects at this time is what has been coming to me. Be aware of the balance – in our relationships with others in our circle, outside our circle, and within our very own Beingness.
    I know I could explain this better… but I wanted to get it out here/in here. 🙂
    I envision a nice settled scale for once — not so much tipping !
    Love to All
    ❤ XO

    1. Dear Areeza!

      So amazing to feel the calm, balanced and wise energies radiating from your message. Big hug !!!

      Congratulations on the 50th anniversary – in advance 🙂 I´m sure it will be a wonderful week ❤

      Love, light & joy ❤


      1. LoL… I got a hearty laugh from what you say because if u folks could walk around with me for a day you would see…. I am not sure what u would see actually. I was cut off at the pass in this response.

    2. http://www.michellealva.com/how-to-balance-the-feminine-and-masculine-in-you/


      How To Find Balance In An Unbalanced World:


      “Men and women both possess qualities that are masculine and feminine.

      When you balance the feminine and masculine aspects within yourself, regardless if you are male or female, you get to experience the complete and powerful human being you were designed to be.

      We feel our wholeness and healthiest when we are able to bring out these aspects of ourselves. Being balanced means that we are in touch with all the parts of who we are, and express the whole spectrum of our being. This means that we allow ourselves to be action oriented, firm and logical, but we also allow ourselves to be vulnerable, nurturing and emotional.

      It is our nature to embody both masculine and feminine qualities, however in our past history and culture, we have witnessed an over-emphasis on the masculine energies which have dominated and brought us off-balance.

      Some believe that today we are in need of embracing more the feminine aspects within us all, such as being nurturing and receptive, which in the past have been perceived as weak. The masculine qualities have overtaken in our culture evidenced by our state of chronic stress.

      We are in need of re-balancing as a whole population for the continued growth and existence of our population.

      Let’s take a closer look and notice how we may start to bring more balance to our world, one person at a time. When we take the time to embrace the whole person that we are and balance between our feminine and masculine aspects, we each bring more balance to our collective consciousness, planet and universe!

      The masculine qualities are characterized by:

      action oriented

      Feminine qualities are characterized by:

      instinctual wisdom

      Notice if any of the above qualities in you require more practice or development and choose to bring more of those qualities into your every day being.

      Do you resonate more with the feminine or masculine aspects of yourself? Notice if you feel balanced or preferring one or the other.

      We sometimes seek an opposite sex partner to feel more whole if we are off-balance within ourselves.

      The more we balance our feminine and masculine energies within us, the more we are able to attract a healthy and balanced partner where we can come into a relationship both whole and not in relationship out of “neediness” to feel whole.”



      1. Use the inner voice of spirit all the time and you would get the balance you seek. Your soul knows balance I would think.

      2. Kiera!

        Many of your messages – like this one – can not be read because the text fall outside the scope (;) so to speak, on the right side. If I reduce the text properly to “pick it up” it becomes unreadable because it’s too small. Is anyone else having the same problem?


        1. Birgitta!
          I’m experiencing something similar. I can easily read the text but cannot view the pictures! This randomly happens to me.
          I can always see your beautiful pictures, though! They remind me of my lake in Ontario and always bring tears of joy and many wonderful memories. In fact, I’ve set my desktop background with the pic of your hand and the lake! 😉
          Love you!

            1. I still have IE. At certain times,all of my digital and electronic devices “do” weird things. I blame my team. They love messing with me. Like when I watched the same Conan O’Brien show for five nights in a row. I just laugh and go with it – keeps me on my toes.

                1. Myselves! 😉 and then when you combine one of us working at the multi-dimensional levels with others who are doing the same, well then – WOW!! We gotta assist people out of linear life for successful expansion. Hencethe

                  1. Hence the reason why personal clearing is vitally important. And why Philip’s work with SOL/IS is so vital for all levels to expand. The ripple effect.

            2. I always use the latest versions of Google Chrome and Firefox – though Firefox has been more stable lately and has been my first choice.

              Love ❤


    3. “Just be aware of pushing too much for the feminine aspects at this time is what has been coming to me.
      Be aware of the balance – in our relationships with others in our circle, outside our circle, and within our very own Beingness.”

      ~ Areeza / breeze



      New Age Love and Light Fallacies

      by Carissa Conti



      “I’ve noticed that my biggest brow furrowing moments tend to occur with the “love and light” material.
      Love is great, and I’m all for the light, but there’s something really off about so much of the material that’s floating around out there to the point where it strikes me as being a knowing diversion ploy, to steer people off track.

      Love and light material tends to be so focused on the light, fluffy and ethereal, with a reluctance to face anything negative for fear of attracting it in, that it may ironically serve the purpose of helping to keep people in the dark.

      But for people who have experiences in life with negative stuff, and newbies looking for answers, that sort of material isn’t going to cut it.


      Many new agers get everything backwards and upside down.

      They think that so long as negative stuff is happening to a person then “it must be happening for a reason,” so, just sit there and suffer with it for as long as it goes on because the suffering itself must be “the lesson.”

      No, the lesson is to realize,
      “Hey, something in my personal frequency/field is pulling these sorts of awful people and situations into my reality. I need to look into that and figure out how this happened……so I can change things.”
      That’s the lesson.

      if you obsess on something and are full of fear or paranoia about it then sure, you’ll probably draw it in to yourself.

      But if you look at something ***NEUTRALLY***, non-obsessively, without fear, then you’re just merely looking at it and analyzing it.



      ***It’s the EMOTION behind the thought….or lack thereof….that determines the outcome. ***

      That’s how reality creation works, which they don’t tell you in New Age circles. It’s all about the emotional intent driving the thought. Not the mere awareness of it.



      Common sense says we need awareness of the things in life that are negative, dangerous or threatening so that we can know the correct action to take to dodge it as well as the correct mindset to adopt in order to not be compatible with it, and/or prevent it from happening again.

      But do so without worry, fear or paranoia.”

      ~ Carissa Conti

  18. To ‘All’ my Beloved Ponders !….without any further distractions, let’s ready ourselves for an upcoming incredible ‘Energy’ weekend to welcome in the Fall Equinox !…..so much happening All over this beautiful world from peaceful meditations to active marches, so expect ‘Exuberantly Charged’ Forces of Light Energy to BE beamed in & off our Sacred Mother-Earth in the next few days ! I’m attaching one of them, a very important one, & you don’t necessarily have to actively march, you simply have to connect your Heart with Mother’s Heart, sending your Love & Healing Support for her Recovery from the millennium of past abuse she has had to endure & with your Love filled ‘Intent’ to devote to Protect & help her Shine Again as she was created to & was always meant to !!! Look within the very essence of ‘You’ & know that the Ego ‘Me’ must dissolve & the unity of ‘Oneness’ for All precious Life that Mother-Earth holds the sacred living balance to, depends entirely upon her utmost Strength & Healthy functioning body….By & through the Love of Creation, this is the greatest manifestation gift of All to us All, the allowing of All physical Life to exist, to grow & multiply & that we should All Cherish & Protect it !
    Happy Fall Equinox to All Ponders…may it Shine beyond our expectations filled with Divine Brilliant Light to completely envelope All of our Blessed Precious & Sacred Mother-Earth !…..Love, Bev


    1. Thank you bev ~ for your never ending support for Mother ❤ I will join Mother Nature and support her with my love in the best way I can do.

      Much love and gratitude to you – and her ❤


      1. I Thank you Bev,
        for your effort to give us awareness of what our fellow folks are up to. I’m praying that the protests energy changes to embracing energy, as I send my heart felt love to them and to us all. Especially Gaia my love. ❤ ❤ ❤

        1. Thank you Michael !…whether silently or actively, all is important & it all counts !….we each will shine in our own best way possible…well at least I hope ‘We All’ will !!!…..Love, Bev

    2. Hey Vinny!

      Yeah, I’ve been feeling something similar. It’s all about the balance this time around. We can certainly intend to add our energy to an upcoming event – I usually intend/send mine to a future event so that I can stay balanced when the energies are feeling “big” in the “now” moment. But this equinox is unlike anything we’ve come across with so many of us currently conscious of what is transpiring. Always follow your Higher Selves and trust those aspects. As Bev has stated many times before, it is all about letting the HS get in the driver seat and take the wheel. TRUST! And then enjoy the ride! That has been my experience, anyways. 😉
      Love you!

      1. “We are to fire up the whole thing” —

        YES, YES & another bleep’n YES!!!!!

        And watch out when Gaia’s body expands! 😉

        I’m very aware of working with my counterparts, too. The other “me”s.

        The FUN is just beginning! 😉

      2. Hi Vinny….a quick reply to you as you are well aware I too am concentrating on staying focused in my core today & tomorrow which is more important than most can understand I feel….Thanks so much for all you said & very smart of you when you said…. ‘when you find your core, the mind will kick in & try to take you away from it with thoughts’……this is actually what is happening to many & also influences from others trying to keep us from staying at our core ! This is the most powerful Fall Equinox yet from all past others, & the height & level of how much strength these transformational will bring & have effect depends solely on the strength energies we each project from our core at this time….I really need to stress how very important this is !….Distraction keeps our energies low & unfocused so ‘Yes’…stay focused on your core as strong & as often as you can today, tomorrow…our ‘sound-vibration-intent’ is critically needed at this window of time & as you said, this is a powerful but short window ! When I said my focus is on healing the ‘Water’ ….all ‘Water’ that is of this world, it also encompasses the ‘Water’ within humanity, ‘Water’ is in & a part of everything !…& when it heals so does everything that has ‘Water’….it is taking all the negativity, all the poisons & chaos out & re-aligning back with the sacred energy matrix structure of Creation…….Happy & Successful Fruitful Bearing Fall Equinox to You…to Caroline….to ‘Everyone’ !…..Stay Focused !….. Love, Bev~

  19. Thank you again Aisha for this precious message and for the sacred work you are doing. I agree about seeing the white quartz vein in your photo, it moved me deeply as well. I really tune IN to the CCs since the language they write to us through you feels and appears so scientific as well as taking into account the spiritual nature of all existence. No dogma, no subtle attempt to begugile us into some cultic or false notions about :how things are” and this season is for e both a season of celebration for harvest and life and bundance, but balanced with understandable dread…not of what could happen to me in the future, just knowing I am walking through the days of a past that still in many respects is needing of 3d attention to manifest.

    Like Aisha following your own inner promptings, to start this blog at one point, to nurture it, and to write out messages to the world from an unseen place in you, in English, not your native tongue. I wonder and marvel at this.

    Here, from my perspective in New England, you post similar landscapes that resonate with familiarity for me. Our leaves are changing too, I pay attention to feathers, like you and Tijen and B and Caoline, and Kiera, and tomo and vinny and Michael L. and otmn and tomo and on and on andon JJ, AH, Alex, Breeze, Mark, Amy, all of us picking up Nature signals in one form or another while strattling the piece of the world we are moored to.

    Shamanism. In my view we are practicing modern shamans and shamanesses if that can be a word.

    In Native American cultures, the shaman was or is a medicine woman or man. In Africa a hermaphrodite would be considered a gifted and powerful medicine person.

    this group’s collective comfort with a language of certain music and images, woven with our shared knowledge of how to share these images, light and sound, and in writing and using old mediums and new together, well, this is our global shaman work now. It is sacred. We do need to tune out the noise, and we do this here I see.

    Shamanism is certainly about a process we each in our way contribute to here, the envisioning, or dreaming, doing, waiting patiently and manifesting steps. The inner to outer figure eight infinity work.

    So in a practical way let me see if I can post a puppy pic of a little guy we met yesterday…”Jake” is what Tim has named him…this is not him, but a model of his kind and likely a twin or spittin image of him lol…

    ❤ Monica

      1. The call was trumpeted for all to hear. Come gather one and all!!!
        And so we did, and so we all in our way have.
        Peace is in our hearts I can feel that here in the pond, even if the 3d world tumbles as if rolling down a hill. The last few days I have read from all your lips more then hope, more then faith, but a knowing.
        A….Aaaaaaaaah feeling of closeness and accomplishment.
        Hip hip horah!!!! 🙂

      2. Tijen,
        I had no idea you were in Jordan. the foolish violence near your part of the world seems to be endless.
        here is a quote from Martin Luther King,

        ” Why should we love our enemies? The reason is fairly obvious. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. So when Jesus says “love your enemies,” he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition. Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies-or else? The chain reaction of evil-Hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars-must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.”
        or in my own words
        fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
        if only everyone seeking violence could understand.
        I hope you pass this along.

        1. Dear otmn,
          I am Turkish and live in Turkey. I visited Jordan almost 2 years ago. I’ve also been to Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt (many years ago) and Morocco in/around the region. I didn’t feel any danger during my stays in any of the countries I mentioned. Of course I took normal precautions. Jordan was among the most “normal” in comparison with the other places. Also Morocco. It seems like the “Arab spring” didn’t stop by in those places 🙂 I agree with what you’re saying, thank you 🙂

        2. Dear otmn,
          Me again, this isn’t the place for war talk may be since we want peace on earth but I wanted to add something: Today’s wars are never between two countries, there are always other powers involved. I sometimes think if those people were left alone they wouldn’t fight like this. We know how powerful “war industries” are.

          1. well i don’t understand what you meant above by citing Ammon, Jordan. Turkey is still not very far, either. Oregon is about as far as you can get from any conflict. so I know very little about. i try to avoid the news, but i hear some of it, like it or not.
            some forums claim that 40 families control everything, they supply all the war supplies from, ships and planes,tanks and armored vehicles, gas and oil, bombs and bullets, food and clothing, housing and beds, radios and radar, bandages and hospitals, prosthetic arms and legs, pharmaceuticals and rehabilitation, ignored mental effects and crime, prosecutors and judges, jails and prisons, guards and parole officers, on and on until finally. they make more money with funerals and burials.
            war is very profitable indeed.
            just as Gandhi won the Salt rebellion, nonviolently,
            Martin Luther King destroyed segregation, nonviolently,
            we too will prevail.
            not just ponders, but many, many others are the “We” i mean when i say,
            We too will overcome, nonviolently.
            We are wonders to behold.

            1. Dear Otmn,
              That’s ok, you don’t have to know where I’m from. I’m posting some photos I took from different places, that’s it.
              But anyways, you know my dear, there is no place on earth that is far from conflict or danger. Do you remember the Bali bombings? I didn’t know anything about it until I read a beautiful book, Fragrant Rice, by an Aussie, who’s married to a Balinese (today is the day of books from down under) 🙂 She writes how the bombing affected the lives of Balinese and it’s one of the most peaceful places on earth. They depend on tourism and nobody came for may be two years after the bombing she says. and all the poor people, they were praying to their gods for forgiving. They thought it was something they did to deserve such a horror. And we know about the NY bombings, the crazy guy who killed so many kids in Norway… I believe every inch of the world soil is as dangerous if you look at things from one point. But from the other perspective, it’s as safe. Unfortunately media bombards us with news, we all know why, to spread fear. There are so many places that people think unsafe but those are the places you can have unforgettable experiences. Anyways, I know this is not the proper reply to your post but I wanted to share this. And also about the world politics, everything is so mingled. Do you think the problem in the Middle East and the Arabic world is only because of those powerful families? No it is not. Believe me, the American politicans and war kings are as responsible. So no conflict/place on earth is as its seen from CNN International or BBC or whatever media company. I think you’re doing right not to follow the news. If I listened to them, I would go no where in the world, believe me. But I’m glad I travel. I have wonderful friends from around the world and it makes me so rich! Sending you love from a peaceful Antalya noon. 🙂

              1. Oh Tijen,
                I cannot wait to meet you in person and hold you tight! I can hear the laughter already. Oh – the tales we can share of our travels and unique perspectives! 😉
                Love you!

              2. I love travel tails 🙂 Let’s meet and hug and talk and laugh and EAT (of course). We can have coffee too for our coffee addict friends 🙂 (Will you be at Crete?)

                1. Yes to EAT!!! I love trying new & unique foods and coffees and all experiences! Unfortunately, I will not be in Crete. However, I do believe that we will begin to have more Pond gatherings in person. It’s how we all planned it to be! 😉

                2. Oh I wish you’d be there too, that’d be awesome! Are you in the US? Tell me where you are and I’ll make our small gathering happen!(Worst thing I’ll fly with my own wings) 🙂

                  1. Yep – I’m in the US. In Cleveland, Ohio. I’m feeling a gathering in the spring. Or sooner – things keep changing so quickly! There’s been some talk of British Columbia in Canada, but I think we need one (or a few 😉 ) on the eastern side of North America as well.

                    1. Yes Michael, NYC, Brooklyn… I come every year and I doubt I skip it this year. I’ll be missing my girls (my nieces) so much by then 🙂 I’d love to meet you too if you’re around.

    1. Dear Monica!

      We are indeed the new shamans and shamanesses 😉

      I have been outside walking barefoot and rake grass after the last (?) grass clippings this year, distributed marigolds to my nearest neighbors, made all possible things to be out in the sun instead of taking up the vacuum cleaner indoors and now I am here again 😉 I won´t be able to be active on the blog until perhaps end of next week but will hopefully be able to follow your comments on the blog anyway 🙂

      Love ❤


    2. Dear Monica, I just now had a vision of you as a shaman. Me, I know I was one also — at least in one life , probably more. But I just saw you and I in a past life experience ….doing joint work @ different parts of the globe…. but @ the same timeframe on Earth. interesting. It was like we connected during our journey times then – and now! cool.
      Love with my hugs to you — headed up closer to your way in mid Oct. !

      1. This is so cool Breeze~
        I believe you. You feel so familiar to me…the way you blog and talk…
        so does Kiera and B and Aisha and Amy and Michael, Philip, Mark, Jessica, Alex, the regulars posting. Like we all intuitively KNOW we are just where we need to be energetically right NOW.
        I had some video I personally took of Nelson Mandella used on CNN in the fall of 1994. Because I traveled as a wife of a dean of a foundation at a college and we travelled with an American delegation to honor this giant of a man together.
        I have since thrown out old tapes of those trips, since they are archived in other places and I know it was not a dream. I really did go there and meet a guy I have admired all of my life.

        I awoke this morning after a slightly disturbing dream about my baby grand daughter and my own daughter. I felt empty and a bit lost and a tinge, just a tinge of remorse for the lost times of innocence I did not share with my daughter while globe trotting to see if I could help other moms and babies.
        As I came to awareness of where I am really today I looked out my window observatory and saw beauty. Realized my son and daughter DO love me and they are healthy eagle types in a shaman’s way or language, and soar over great distances and find similar mates. Fiercely independent.

        Then I thought of Tijen and Breeze and B and others who are “there” for me as soon as I hop on my WiFi wave. And here you are.
        No I am not alone, not at all. So good to have you, my inner circle of truly trusted friends to SEE the world is balancing out, we are helping, sharing, laughing at silly mythologies, breaking up addictive low level pastimes, photographing, offering sage quips and clips, and insights.
        Yes Tijen, everywhere is hazardous yet vastly magnificent and we are living proof of that.
        Peace in truth, love and Light you marvelous Light bearers, ❤ Monica

        1. Dearest Monica,
          I share your feelings about getting online and finding friends from all over the world who are loving you for who you are and sharing so much on a black sheet of paper (oh no sorry, screen) 🙂
          I must confess: I have friends here in Antalya whom I love dearly and missed them so much during the five months I was away. Yesterday I met two of them (the third is away for yoga teacher’s training). It was wonderful to meet them again, it was something I was looking forward to but lately, I mean the last few months, I feel so fulfilled with my Ponders’ presence in my life, I didn’t know what to talk with them. It feels like I’ve been living in a different world and we cannot understand each other now. I know it is not true and I know we’ll become as close very soon but my mind was wondering guiltily since yesterday. Good morning to you my dear lady 🙂

          1. YES!!! I’m hoping to be living in Vermont by then instead of New York—but wherever I am, you’re so welcome to visit, Tijen and Breeze and all! What fun that will be!

    3. you said : “…..the piece of the world we are moored to” and I had a love affair with that ! 😀 I am so relating to being grounded in my space here…. and actually feeling content and joy in it more than I ever have before I think.
      Autumn used to be my favorite time but now I like all the seasons.
      ~ xo ~

    1. It ‘a good feeling, to feel supported … in the silence … in the solitude of those who must take the lead without asking the “problem” to be … or to “do” … or “overdoing it” … 🙂 …

      Go to the Top.
      One step after another! … 🙂 …

  20. This morning, during my breakfast, I was listening to Deva Premal and Mitten’s concert album. There was a song, “there is so much magnificance,
    hear the ocean, waves are coming in…” When I heard that, I started crying, saying: “oh yeah, I hear the ocean of love, it’s in me, it is me!” Tears salted my bread, a feather appeared, going down, lazily. I found this video then, to share with you. The music of the song is a bit cheesy but along with the beautiful images of the world and soothing words to see on the images, I enjoyed watching it. Much love to all of you dear sisters and brothers of light. Have a wonderful day, filled wth love and abundance of whatever you need in your life, or just today. ❤

    1. Thank you TIjen! WIll listen more carefully later. Have things to prepare today (and haven´t even had breakfast yet though being up early 😉

      I thought of my previous answer to you about “choose how you will perceive things”. What I actually meant was “Everything is relative”

      Have a nice day my dear friend ❤


      Oh – I listened while writing to you – beautiful and nice 🙂

        1. Oh – another thing (you are popping up in my mind many times today 😉 About sending you “massage” yesterday: I actually started sending (without saying something) to you but was distracted – connection interrupted. Later, when going to bed, I tried to send to you again but was too sleepy – connection interrupted again ;)) So – I suppose you didn´t feel anything, though I intended. So – you do not have to pay this time ;)))

          Love ❤


          1. I’ll pay when I visit you, is that ok? LOL
            Thank you though. Sometimes intention is enough for healing isn’t it? Today we were talking with a friend about being initiated to Reiki level 3 or not. I told her that I don’t feel the need anymore. She feels the same 🙂

    2. Dear Tijen! Thank you for sharing these images and these words! “To love a person is to learn the song that is in their heart and sing it to them when they have forgotten.” That is the song we are all learning to sing now – the true song of mankind 🙂 I add my wishes for a wonderful day to you all!
      Love, light and gratitude from me, Aisha ❤

      1. God Yes!!!! You touched my heart at the words, song in their HEART!
        Deeper then the oceans, wider then outer space!!!
        And from your video……Waves are coming in,,,light waves!!!!! 🙂
        Keep on Being you Tijen you are magnificent!!!!! ❤

          1. I didn’t mean you’re ancient Michael, don’t misunderstand me please. I chose this image because of its “magnificence”. Isn’t it really? That day at Petra, I didn’t have too much time but I wanted to see the monastery. You had to climb up many stairs but when you get there, it’s just so marvelous, so magical. Across the site, there is a Beduin type coffee house where they serve black coffee with cardamom. I had one of those with some chocolate and sat in awe. One of the fond travel memories.

            1. I was Joking!!!!!!!! Tijen 🙂 🙂 🙂
              But I did get a explanation about that place I’ve never been.
              God works in mysterious ways!!!!!
              Have to look up that coffee. Luckily I know what Cardamom is!!!
              I’m a tea drinker!!! ❤

            2. I am too a tea person (enjoying my morning tea with cardamom actually), although I make myself a capuccino in the afternoons, I enjoy coffee then. But just one. Petra is an amazing place really. I shall post more photos from the place, it took my breath away. I spent two days there, could stay longer. I met a woman from New Zealand, who came there when she was 19. She was a nurse. She met this Beduin guy, they fell in love, got married and she spent most of her life in the ruins, living in one of the caves. She showed me the cave they lived. They don’t live there anymore since the government moved all the Beduins to some apartments they built for them. She has an amazing story. She wrote a book called: I married to a Beduin. Here is her website if you’re interested: http://marriedtoabedouin.com/

      1. Oh they’re beautiful Kiera. It reminded me of the angels I collected from different countries for a friend. I couldn’t give them to her for some years and at a gathering with girl friends last winter, I asked them to choose one (without knowing what is inside). I chose the most special one to one of my friends and gave it to her before the gathering. During the gathering she got so upset and said: “why did you give me one earlier, I wanted to choose one too!” 🙂

  21. THIS is more like what I was trying to write about last post… going IN then going outwards into the world.

    “We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible. And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.”
    ― Hermann Hesse
    Art by Autumn Sky Art


    1. yes, me too
      i don’t have much to say
      so many voices are saying it so well.
      i wish the folks i share dna with could love me as much as ponders do.

      1. Dear otmn! I think the reason we choose our biological family is so they can help us to find our way back to our family of light 🙂
        Big smoooch and much love to you, dear brother!
        Aisha ❤

    1. You know, many geniuses blossomed because of the woman behind the scenes providing all needed to think…in quietude. I have to admit that kind of service is deeply ingrained me, whether from only this or other life times.
      I like to be treated the way Einstein insisted he be, lol. I would love to have a partner semisilently padding into my room, tidying it up, bringing me meals so I could think. Then I would think, I have had quite enough off this sitting around in one place thinking! And dance out the door like Pippi Longstocking. e=mc2 Monica or e
      This is a refreshing of my vision…just so you know. A real retreat center on a real place on our blessed Earth. Please see sample…

      1. So true,Monica

        Albert & Mileva Einstein: both scientists.
        She never published but there is a strong arguments supporting idea that Mileva helped him to develop his theories -she was very talented scientist… When he didn’t wanted her anymore,he set up the cruel conditions Kiera is writing about. So she left.

        August Rodin & Camille Claudel: both sculptors.
        She was very talented. So much that he “borroved”some of her ideas which destabilised her fragile psyche…When she grew more ill, he just left.

        Both man financially supported abandoned women long after…
        Bad conscious?

        That is why I never marry an artist. At least I know a little about cars and nobody is talking about my work.

        1. So did I, over 2 hours ago, also Einstein posts!

          This has happened to me so many times before, that now I just wait until the post shows up, typically 4 + hours later….or else I just end up double posting.

          1. Kiera,
            I did once again after I saw my note:”what is going on…”
            and…nothing. I’ll try again tomorrow. It’s about man and women
            from the same profession: Albert & Maleva Einstein (scientists); Auguste Rodin & Camille Claudel (sculptors). Very similar effect on the relationship.

          2. Dear Maria and Kiera! Your posts were stopped by the spam filter. It automatically stops any comments with more than two links in it or if your comments are “unusually long” – whatever that is. Sometimes short comments without any links at all are stopped too – for no apparent reason. I try to clear them as soon as possible 😉
            Aisha ❤

            1. Dear Aisha
              thank you for the explanation. Now it appears there.
              I have bad conscious about bothering you. I’ll be a good girl now on.

      1. “Was Einstein the world’s worst husband?

        Indeed, Isaacson reveals how as a young man, Einstein predicted in a letter to the mother of his first girlfriend that the ‘joys of science’ would be a refuge from ‘painful personal emotions’.



        The scientist demanded that his wife keep his rooms tidy, bring him three meals a day (to be eaten in his room), keep his clothes and laundry in good order, and keep his bedroom and study neat (she should not use his desk, of course).

        There would seemingly be no benefits to Maric in return. In fact, Einstein stipulates in his list of conditions, printed in Isaacson’s book (via website listsofnote.com), that she must not expect Einstein to either sit with her, or accompany her outside of the house – and she must stop talking when he requests.

        She must ‘renounce all personal relations’ not strictly essential for social reasons – which should not include expecting to be accompanied on social engagements.

        In addition, Einstein stipulated that his wife should not expect any intimacy from him, should not reproach him in any way; should stop talking to him if he requested it; should leave his bedroom or study immediately without protest if requested, and should refrain from belittling him in front of the children, either through words or behaviour.”




        1. Sounds very familiar in certain country. Some even say still it is normal & beautiful wife behaviord to be expected. Ha ha 😵

          1. E=mc2 ?????? — Was Olinto De Pretto’s equation


            “Professor Umberto Bartocci, a mathematical historian, of the University of Perugia claims that Olinto De Pretto, an industrialist from Vicenza, published the equation E=mc^2 in a scientific magazine, Atte, in 1903.
            Einstein allegedly used De Pretto’s insight in a major paper published in 1905, but De Pretto was never acclaimed.

            De Pretto had stumbled on the equation, but not the theory of relativity, while speculating about ether in the life of the universe, said Prof Bartocci. It was republished in 1904 by Veneto’s Royal Science Institute, but the equation’s significance was not understood.

            According to Professor Bartocci, a Swiss Italian named Michele Besso alerted Einstein to the research and in 1905 Einstein published his own work. It took years for his breakthrough to be grasped.

            When the penny finally dropped, De Pretto’s contribution was overlooked while Einstein went on to become the century’s most famous scientist.

            De Pretto died in 1921.



            Maxwell studied the phenomenon of light extensively and first proposed that it was electromagnetic in nature.

            James Maxwell wrote an article to this effect for the 1878 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. His ideas prompted much debate, and by 1887, as a result of his work and the ensuing debate, the scientific community, particularly Lorentz, Michelson, and Morley reached the conclusion that the velocity of light was independent of the velocity of the observer. Thus, this piece of the Special Theory of Relativity was known 27 years before Einstein wrote his paper.

            This debate over the nature of light also led Michelson and Morley to conduct an important experiment, the results of which could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics. They observed a phenomenon caused by relativity but they did not understand relativity.

            They had attempted to detect the motion of the earth through ether, which was a medium thought to be necessary for the propagation of light. In response to this problem, in 1880, the Irish physicist George Fitzgerald, who had also first proposed a mechanism for producing radio waves, wrote a paper which stated that the results of the Michelson Morley experiment could be explained if, “. . . the length of material bodies change, according as they are moving through the either or across it by an amount depending on the square of the ratio of their velocities to that of light.”


            FURTHER . . . IN 1892, HENDRIK LORENTZ, of the Netherlands, proposed the same solution and began to greatly expand the idea. All throughout the 1890’s, both Lorentz and Fitzgerald worked on these ideas and wrote articles strangely similar to Einstein’s Special Theory detailing what is now known as the Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction.

            In 1898, the Irishman Joseph Larmor wrote down equations explaining the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction and its relativistic consequences, 7 years before Einstein’s paper. By 1904, “Lorentz transformations,” the series of equations explaining relativity, were published by Lorentz. They describe the increase of mass, the shortening of length, and the time dilation of a body moving at speeds close to the velocity of light. In short, by 1904, everything in “Einstein’s paper” regarding the Special Theory of Relativity had already been published.

            The Frenchman Poincaré‚ had, in 1898, written a paper unifying many of these ideas. He stated seven years before Einstein’s paper: “. . . we have no direct intuition about the equality of two time intervals. The simultaneity of two events or the order of their succession, as well as the equality of two time intervals, must be defined in such a way that the statements of the natural laws be as simple as possible.

            Anyone who has read Einstein’s 1905 paper will immediately recognize the similarity and the lack of originality on the part of Einstein.
            Thus, we see that the only thing original about the paper was the term ‘Special Theory of Relativity.’
            Over the next few years, Poincaré‚ became one of the most important lecturers and writers regarding relativity, but he never, in any of his papers or speeches, mentioned Albert Einstein.

            Furthermore, the mathematical relationship of mass and energy was a simple deduction from the already well-known equations of Scottish physicist James Maxwell. Scientists long understood that the mathematical relationship expressed by the equation E=mc2 was the logical result of Maxwell’s work, they just did not believe it.

            THUS, THE EXPERIMENTS OF THOMSON, KAUFMANN, AND FINALLY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HASENÖRHL, CONFIRMED MAXWELL’S WORK. IT IS LUDICROUS TO BELIEVE THAT EINSTEIN DEVELOPED THIS POSTULATE , particularly in light of the fact that Einstein did not have the laboratory necessary to conduct the appropriate experiments.

            The last subject dealt with in Einstein’s 1905 papers was the foundation of the photon theory of light. Einstein wrote about the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is the release of electrons from certain metals or semiconductors by the action of light. This area of research is particularly important to the Einstein myth because it was for this topic that he UNJUSTLY received his 1922 Nobel Prize.


            The main point of Einstein’s paper, and the point for which he is given credit, is that light is emitted and absorbed in finite packets called quanta. This was the explanation for the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect had been explained by Heinrich Hertz in 1888. Hertz and others, including Philipp Lenard, worked on understanding this phenomenon. ”


            And on and on…..


        2. From what I know about a BIG man and their the same profession women, seems that the man using them to start or enrich their own carrier.

          Albert & Mileva Einstein: both scientist.
          She never published anything but there are strong arguments that support the idea that Mileva Maric helped Albert to develop his theories…When hi didn’t want her anymore, he set up this incredible conditions so she left.

          August Rodin & Camille Claudel: both sculptors
          She was slowed down and almost stoped working .He “borrowed” some of her ideas which destabilised her fragile psyche…When she grew more ill, he just left.

          Interesting thing is that both man supported abandoned women financially long after (bad conscious?).

          Which made me never marry an artist. Now I know at least something about a cars. And nobody is telling me what to do
          in my work.

            1. You know Michael?
              I suppose I’m strangely reluctant to talk about all that stuff like
              HS,3D,5D,infinite D…the same way as I can’t easily talk about love. Maybe this is the secret of my relationships ( husband 20 years, friends 30,45 years). But I am 100% for them when they need me. I’m a girl to be with in bad weather as my friends say.
              The most of what I avoid is, to talk about imagination and the things between the sky and Earth. Kiera is disappointed to read what I’m writing – herbs, plants etz. but honestly: healthy body
              absorbs more light, you have to care about it. And that is my HS
              pushing that way. I’m a good listener.
              Friendly hug from me.

                1. Never, dear soul- I just think you need more exciting theme of
                  conversation and I’m too 3D for you, which is O.K. with me. We two are just like sky and slipper. I enjoying that intense ride you imposing on us. Loooove “God, I’m gorgeous”. (I’m a Rat from Chinese astrology). But I can’t say this to myself.
                  No, there is not underestimation.
                  Big hug to you too.

              1. Dear Maria,
                Why do you say your strangely reluctant to share beyond 3d ruminations. You have a way of feeling life unfold through you. Are you happy with it? If yes,,,,,, Then please enjoy!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

                1. Michael
                  I’m happy with my life, no doubt. I entered the Pond to try to open more my very private insight. All is the consequences of difficult childhood. One close the door to they heart temporarily or sometime forever. I’m fighting for not having it close forever. The reluctance to speak about the things that are very private is one sign of whole picture. If you had experience which you cannot explain, with strange voices, visual, very real
                  objects, suggestions that you recognise are not product of your own mind…tell me, would you talk about it publicly? I’m here to find out if others have similar experiences. And to learn to be open to discussion
                  Take care

                  1. Dear Maria,
                    Well enjoy the fireworks here, because folks here see so much of the other side of the veil.
                    If you have time read some of the past illuminations of our monthly pond gatherings!!! There maybe some posts that resonate with you.

                    Love and light, ❤

              2. “I suppose I’m strangely reluctant to talk about all that stuff like
                HS,3D,5D,infinite D”

                LOL – I agree with you Maria – I cannot refer to HS as I actually don´t know what it is ;)))

                I really appreciate what you share about herbs and other “nature stuff” too 🙂

                Much love & gratitude ❤


                  1. Thanks Tijen! You have all been in my heart these days ❤

                    Yes – I had a fruitful week "in every sense of the word" but today I´m totally exhausted and almost desoriented. Equinox energies started Saturday night for me. Despite this, I have still been able to enjoy my days during the stay, but now it feels as if the energies only took a break for a few days to erupt into full-scale today.

                    Love ❤


  22. I have to laugh at the synchronicities that are happening lately! LOL this morning I checked in and there wasn’t a message and so I went about my day in heart centeredness…enjoying the beauty of life–quite a few realizations about my space of love and circle of love came into my knowing which brought great release and peace to me. Then I spoke to a dear friend for what seemed like 5 minutes and realized we had riffed on our shared spiritual journey for over 45 minutes–time sure flies when you are having fun! Then, I decided to make a dinner to taste like a restaurant dinner my husband loves and without a true recipe I nailed it–just such joy!

    As I was doing the dishes, I was inspired to sing–silly songs–the lime in the coconut mostly, sang bird is the word to my parrots and was giddy with delight–and then I stopped in for a visit here and the CC’s are speaking about singing again! LOL I love it!

    also finding that naturally my focus has drifted to my space of love and my brain has calmed its desire to be fed with more information…the energy of yesterday and into today has been powerful and I was reminded of Patricia Cota-Robles energetic work in the Grand Tetons last night–it came into my knowing and today I focused on this blessed work she is doing…I was trying to explain the feeling of the energy to someone today and it was like riding on the tea cup ride at Disneyland–spinning spinning and knowing as a ballerina that to remain focused on one spot (the heart center) keeps us from getting dizzy.

    Much love to you all–and keep on singin and keep on swimmin–the water is beautiful and the tune divine! 🙂 Alex

    1. “I was trying to explain the feeling of the energy to someone today and it was like riding on the tea cup ride at Disneyland–spinning spinning and knowing as a ballerina that to remain focused on one spot (the heart center) keeps us from getting dizzy.”

      Thank you! I will keep that wonderful explanation in mind 🙂

      Much love & gratitude ❤


    2. Dear Alex! I see you as a beautiful ballerina doing pirouettes while singing silly songs in your kitchen 🙂 Thank you for bringing a big smile to my face, and for bringing Patricia Cota-Robles energetic work in the Grand Tetons to our attention! I have been very much in my own “bubble” lately, but I was guided to take some time to read about her work. Like the CCs, she also mentions the importance of our conscious participation in this process:
      So yes, let’s all keep singing ever louder!
      LOVE, Aisha ❤

  23. FLYING SOMEWHERE WITH NO MONEY (the Power of Positive Crazy)

    Crucial Advice: Be in the State of Joy/Excitement/Passion (aka Be in the Vortex) — before going “Good” Crazy (the crazier, the better)



    Factual Story:

    “Because she STAYED in the State of her Passion, she had a thought — that would not have come to her, had she been in any other state!

    If it sounds crazy — then allow yourself to go, “The crazier, the better!”
    You know, there is a Positive “crazy”, as well as a Negative one.

    Let me remind you that having this conversation with us today, is something that many people on your planet would consider INSANE.
    And yet, here you are.
    Ostensibly talking to an Extra Terrestrial Consciousness, through the body of a person on your planet who is acting like a long-distance telephone.”




      1. “ Bashar : You will actually begin to sense space and time in a very different way.

        Many things that heretofore you did not necessarily have a way to describe you will begin to experience and will have to invent new words for.

        You actually can have a sense of space and time beyond what you understand now. It can become more visceral in a sense more tangible to you.”

        Through experiences it all happens like be in the invisibable transparent cacoon so I name spheric reality instead of new (old) sense*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

        1. Hello Tomo, I read your Bashar quote. It sounded so very familiar to me so I went on youtube.com and searched for “Bashar, new senses.” I found the clip and much to my surprise the person asking the question about “new senses” was me! It was at the Phoenix conference, Rising from the Ashes. I remember standing there in front of Darryl/Bashar and feeling energy rushing through my body. I could hardly stand, I could hardly think or process my thoughts enough to have a conversation with him. The energy was rush was so big and so fast moving – it was all so unfamiliar and so scary. There were parts of me that just wanted to run and hide. But there were other parts of me that just wanted to know. The me of a year ago who had that experience would describe that energy rush as utter fear. However, over the last year with all the energy upgrades – and the help from this web site – I think my definition of fear is no longer the appropriate one. The me of today would describe that energy state as exhilarating. Tomo, had you not quoted Bashar I would never have had this “Ah – Haaa” moment. Thank you! I realize I have made great progress in my ability to handle the energy upgrades even though most of the time I felt I wasn’t progressing or “doing it right.” And it is about the definitions we give to things and experiences that determine our perception of reality. I get that now!Thank you!

            1. Thank you, Tijen. The energy was truly “trippy.” I am learning now that I must remember to breathe and ground to keep my sense of connection to this earth we live on. Otherwise I felt like I just might spin out of control. How fun is this for all of us! Blessings to you. with love, Jessica

            2. Haha exactly Jessica! You know what I’ve been thinking: We’re reading so much stuff and know what is going on with the energies (as much as we could). So many people are not aware of it. I don’t know what they feel or think? I have a friend who was telling me that she has some symptoms and she feels the urge to detox. I told her what I know about the energies and she said it makes sense.

          1. Thank you dear Jessica *♥︎・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* just wow, wow !! I wish you can see how happy I am right now to see your post. I have never imagined I can talk with someone from video wow. ( Ok I am calm) . I do my best to explain why I posted the new senses video. What Bashar was saying I experienced in very unique ways for quite long time & I was wondering if I post this anyone will reply to me and here you are with big beautiful smile accesalating up & up I am so grateful to you Jessica♥︎

            1. Yes Jessica~
              I am humming along with you that comment. My sister would call this “reframing”…the story line we are constantly narrating to ourselves about the life story we see unfolding in front of our eyes.
              How we feel about those energy surges certainly fluctuates and changes over time as we call it that.
              If I just notice the sensations; in my skin, my gut, and how my mind starts narrating what is happening, it is like the filters of perception we learned to survive, then the restlessness we feel with each new growth swell if I may use wavelike terms, spurs us on into deepening, widening growth. We can self sooth, move around to get warmer or cooler, reassure ourselves when wide awake I am here, now, in this setting…I can be the wise parent to my inner child who hated being too hot, too cold, to sweaty, too damp…
              ❤ Monica

              1. Dear Monica, Thank you for your wise counsel. And, I think your sister’s description of “reframing” is perfect. Bashar talked about the filters and limitations we put on our senses as they determine our experience of reality. Once we remove these impediments our whole world changes. For me, I have always lived my life from my ego/brain/logical/linear processing. The new energies operate quite differently. Now I have to pay greater attention to how my body is responding honor what it is telling me. I have known this intellectually but always struggled to trust it because I was so “in my head” struggling to make life “work.” Now I am practicing to go with what “feels” good. The other addition – “no expectation of outcome” except that it “be better than I ever expected!” Jessica

          2. Beautiful. Such intense energy sensations are something many of us have not felt before (including me until recently). It takes a bit of getting used to. The higher your vibration becomes this sense of ever flowing energy becomes more and more a permanent thing. Being in allignment with source is for lack of a better word heavenly. As I have said here before, just holding a high vibration is a joy in of itself.

            1. Thank you for the reminder of staying in alignment with Source Energy. The key to living in the new energies. Jessica

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