The manuscript of survival – part 241

As you all know so well by now, tomorrow is that magical marker you have all set so much hope upon. As we have discussed earlier, these dates do not actually hold a significance in themselves, but they are utilized as a sort of focal point in order to help humanity by giving them an opportunity to focus their attention in a way that will magnify everything beyond what it could have been if you all worked independently. So yes, tomorrow in indeed important, because this will mark the high point of you pooling your efforts, and the outcome of all of this will not go unnoticed. However, keep in mind that there are many out there hanging onto the hope that tomorrow will be either a cataclysmic event of global proportions, or a total dissolution of everything you know. Let us just say that it will be neither, but it is a date that will indeed bring about so much more than what even the most optimistic of you will hope for. But again, remember that what your mental capacity can conjure does not hold much compared to the realities we refer to. Therefore, we repeat that there will indeed not be many that will see their dream come true tomorrow.

And what to do we mean by this? Simply the fact that what we are talking about, is a shift that no one of you can accurately describe, as you are about to enter the last stage of a portal that will have effects on you that no man has even been close to experiencing before. Again, this is not to give you false hopes, or even to try to dampen your spirits, rather it is just a reminder that this process is so much more complex than what you can even try to understand. You see, as we have already discussed in an earlier missivee, this entails changes on so many levels, levels that you cannot even begin to access just yet. But you will, and when you do, you will finally see everything as clear as day. But do not think that this is what will happen tomorrow. For tomorrow is just a part of this whole process, and even if it is important indeed, try to remember that when you open your eyes on the day marked as 22.12.12 or 12.22.12 in your calendar, you might not even be able to tell the difference in your surroundings. Because the changes that are about to take place will not be seen on the surface, at least not in the way that all of those Hollywood productions have tried to instill into your minds over and over again. We say this in order to remind you all that these energetic changes will indeed be immense, and they cannot but take you all by storm, but for all of those dead set on a certain outcome for tomorrow and the days immediately following them, we say be prepared to be disappointed. For you simply cannot fathom what you are already in the midst of experiencing, and apart from some rather pronounced physical symptoms, not much will be seen in the next 48 hours.

So again we repeat, stay calm, and stay centered, and do not let your mind try to play any tricks upon you. For you are indeed being transformed into something so vast you have yet to see the likes of it, but again, it will not show itself in the way that you might have envisaged beforehand. But make no mistake, you will know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you have entered the vastness of your being for the very first time as soon as these waves of incoming energy quietens down somewhat. For now, you are standing on the shore, and the waves are starting to break, and they are immense indeed. Larger than anything you have ever experienced before. Do not be afraid, they will not drown you, even if they will seem to pull you under again and again. So remember to breathe every time you get a chance to do so, and this will carry you through the next round of this life altering ride. That is all for now, but we will be back with more as soon as you are all able to breathe a bit more freely. And do not worry, it will not be long before you feel the fresh air filling your lungs again for the first time after this battling of the waves. Until then, we bid you all good luck and godspeed. We will be at hand to assist you, should you so wish, but remember, this is your journey, and you are more than able to fulfill it all no matter how harsh the conditions will turn out to be. After all, you have not come this far just to turn around at the door. So stride confidently forwards, dear ones, you certainly have what it takes to complete this journey back into yourselves.

37 thoughts on “The manuscript of survival – part 241

  1. Aisha,

    May I ask if the CCs ever mentioned anything about 3 days of darkness prior or after the 21 December 2012?


  2. Aisha, thank you for clarifying a few things concerning tomorrow. With all of the misinformation and disinformation being spewed about for so long it’s no wonder that people are confused. Again thank you for your service. Love, Light and Truth!

  3. Reblogged this on ~Collecting~Lighthearted~Signs~ and commented:
    excerpt…”So again we repeat, stay calm, and stay centered, and do not let your mind try to play any tricks upon you. For you are indeed being transformed into something so vast you have yet to see the likes of it, but again, it will not show itself in the way that you might have envisaged beforehand. But make no mistake, you will know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you have entered the vastness of your being for the very first time as soon as these waves of incoming energy quietens down somewhat. For now, you are standing on the shore, and the waves are starting to break, and they are immense indeed. Larger than anything you have ever experienced before. Do not be afraid, they will not drown you, even if they will seem to pull you under again and again. So remember to breathe every time you get a chance to do so, and this will carry you through the next round of this life altering ride. That is all for now, but we will be back with more as soon as you are all able to breathe a bit more freely. And do not worry, it will not be long before you feel the fresh air filling your lungs again for the first time after this battling of the waves…”

  4. AISHA, Thanks for standing by us in the eye of the Hurricane. I am feeling the immense flooding of Light energy coursing through me and my heart.

    Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Light,
    I believe that I need to leave my stories and my perceptions of the outside world- the past- behind as I enter this portal of love. I believe that the following is the HEART of my Ascension. I am sharing this in the hope that it may help at least one person reading this find peace in their ascension process. So, if it resonates with you, fantastic! and if it does not resonate with you, that is fine, too!

    I am affirming the LOVE that I AM. The PEACE that I am. The Harmony that I am. The Truth that I am. The Unconditional Love that I am. The Forgiveness and Christ Consciousness that I am. The Abundance that I am.
    This Life is holographic which means that everyone and everything is in me and IS me. WE ARE ALL ONE.
    As far as I am concerned, I am walking into this portal carrying my Highest Truth and my Highest Wishes for Mother Earth, All mankind ( the light and the dark), as well as our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.
    I invite my Higher Self to join me, Now.
    May all beings share my peace , my joy, my happiness.

    1. Wonder-full words, Michael, and Alex as well!!! That’s the understanding of Ascencions I do have as well, it happens inside of us! And at that point, when all of us (I mean ALL of us) are enlightened inside, we will see the difference in the outside! Then we will get that Heaven on Earth! LOVE and LIGHT, roselle

  5. what the CC’s say about 12/21 has been my understanding of it, amidst all the varying info out there… thx Aisha.

    i have not put my “hopes” on the one date of 12.21. i knew it was an important date but with not a “final result”. i feel that it won’t be for several generations that the new world as we want it, will be in full-bloom on earth. but i do believe that we individually reach a point in this lifetime where we have cleared thoroughly, to where our perspective lies beyond the illusion. like an ascended master who is free of all suffering (but who stays on earth). this has been done before throughout history. this is what my inner knowing says (so far) after many years of reading and processing the info ive seen, as best i can.

    yes the suffering and violence etc, really sucks. very much so. it was bc of dark rule that the world became the way it did. so us lightworkers put our entire souls into this project to change things so that suffering would be gone one day. it sucks that it stil needs to make it’s way out of earthly experience, but, what can we do about it? can we literally fix it? not if the core of the problem remains. which is the dark influence over the planet. which is what we’ve put our lives towards re-balancing. so no, i disagree with having a vibe of anger towards our guides who are trying their best to be an anchor for us. all too easy for the readers to point their fingers and pout that they are confused. if the suffering in the world makes you angry to the point of debilitation, then you will clear that one day. you will be a shining light no matter what is going on, and shine bright as the last rays of dark fade out. bc that is all we can do for now. im sure if any one of us could we would help the whole world be safe and happy. we all want it but it’s not going to be “fixed” today.

    it’s confusing when navigating during these times, bc being a human who is “of Spirit” more than anything else, comes into limited awareness to play the earth game and shift this world into awakening. so obviously the info on the Shift will be varying and of course there is interference from negative entities who want things their way. sounds like a video game? that’s bc it is quite like that in the 4th dimension, of which i have seen many things in an altered state (not-drugged). so yes the channels have a responsibility to be honest and as clear as they can. of which i believe many do and put much integrity into their work. can we expect them to be perfect? Hell no. yes the info can be confusing and i have gotten angry at times. but i would never trade the option of having these guides. these guides such as Aisha helped me in many, many ways. so why the lingering anger towards our guides? i see it as misplaced fear. and im not judging it, just saying what i see. if “nothing” happens on 12-21 can you be mad at our guides? the ones like Aisha who have been forthcoming and real with us, no. ive heard for years 12.21 will not be the “final deal”. the ones who have lied, maybe on purpose? ok be angry but you can move on. If you think your “life” depends on this date, or this Ascension, well maybe your missing the point of ascension. we have left much behind, frequencies and modes of functioning that we can’t go back to bc we have evolved past them. so whether the new world happens now or later, i know that im never going back to what ive shed. i feel that the security of my life does not depend on *when* this shift is completed. im past that point. you will clear your energy bodies of enough programming at some point to not be dependent on anything but your core self, no more programmings pushing and pulling you out of your center. so if you are depending on this, then maybe you could look at why you are still attached to having a “normal” life. it’s not even what you want anyway. your life is the bridge between the old and the new, but we are demanding the new right now. it’s not going to be right now. but your life IS right now and you are that special bridge making it all possible. yes it has been too long of a journey but you will get into a space of freedom within yourself even if the dark has still yet to be all pulled out. you will create the new in your life when it is ready, when you are done clearing your energy bodies of distortions. but don’t lament what you would never want to go back to. it’s just your mind playing tricks on you. i promise you will reach a point where you feel nothing is lost. but consider more respect for our guides please, bc they are not the ones to “blame”. the earth situation is just the situation we came into, to help. it’s not anyone’s “fault” (except the darks); we are all trying to come up together. thank you Aisha, your work means a lot.

    1. i just wanna add bc it may be helpful… you are not waiting for the shift to complete, in order to have physical and material well-being. what you are doing is clearing the negative frequencies and false beliefs surrounding these topics, before you create this sort of financial and material (health too) stability in your life. bc of the fact that these things have all been heavily distorted by dark influence so it is hard to separate the negative frequencies from money, for example. but we have been working on this for a while now and you WILL clear all of them, then you will create money/ etc. ive heard from another teacher that the ascension process is 99 percent clearing, and that is how ive experienced it for myself.

      im not necessarily pointing my finger at anyone with my post, but just wanted to express some notions i had come through me based on what ive read in not only Aisha’s, but others’ comments on other sites as well on 12.21. so much positive has been building as a whole on this planet, and we are all coming up as our true core selves now…. it IS happening 🙂

      1. Christie, simply we can’t change if the world around us won’t change. Because we live into that world and enviroment.
        The othe choice is to be isolated and making up this world as not existent.
        This is the reason for all those who are suffering for more than one problem due to the world around, put their faith in a great change. Likely the 21st itself.
        If ascension has no results in this 3D life, so ascension actually doesn’t exist. Whatever it meant.
        And I am very tired of “high beings” telling me precisous dates and making up to forget them in the nearby of them, I am tired of channeling, I am very tired of people affirming what is right or wrong while people dies or must wake up early in the morning to try to survive.
        I don’t know what “ascension” is and how long will it take to be a “real” and touchable event.
        I just know that, at least for the moment, if we go back and read some of these messages (as well as other messages from othe fonts) the date of the 21st is very clear and several times higlighted as “the event”.
        I don’t know how many of us have felt “really” something, I mean not by mind or by thought, but by five senses. Every else kind of feeling is not important. not for our everyday life.
        Is it too early? Maybe.
        Let’s see the future.

        If Ascension is not detectable in 3D, it doesn’t exist. Or, at least, is not useful at all.

  6. Wilber, (((HUGS)))! Try just to put all expectations behind you and BE in the moment. What IS, IS. We who have worked ceaselessly for years, will reap what we have sown. Be of good cheer, for I am seeing change in people, and how I am being treated. All is Perfect, All is good. Tune into the Beautiful Flow that is Now incoming, and just BE. Everything will be all right. In Love I am, Amy. Namaste.

    1. Sorry but I couldn’t say to a refugee in a desert without food and hope “to stay in the NOW”, because the “now” is exactly what is pushing him out of this bad life.
      So, I am approaching this day, few hours remaining, with the hope that all said by CC was true or some way trustable. And, if you all have read these messages, all them, it is clear that this day is “the” day. No doubts. It is written in the stone (or in this blog).
      So, to stay in the “now” is highly depending on what kind of now you are living, and be sure that many many people don’t wish to stay n their now, but even do hope that some dramatic event could happen, in order to throw away their “now”. Even the end.
      Things will happen some way. Maybe soon, maybe immediately, maybe suddenly, maybe in years. Who knows?
      What I have read here is clear. And as I trusted this channel, the only one, I am expecting exactly what described here.
      We will see and I firmly hope that this very “now” will be swept away. Period.

    2. eternityeagle thanks for the hugs, I love them. I think we all do right now. Thank you for your most welcomed, compassionate sentiments of support, my love to you, my beautiful Sister.

  7. So many times I have come here with my mind in a tizzy, confused buy the never ending chatter of prediction: the majority of it well intended but most of it misguided in some form or other. So it is. And always, I Have come away from CC,s missives with hope and just a bit more understanding. There is no doubt that what is happening is far beyond what most us could hope to grasp at THIS moment. Yet, the CC,s always manages to put the NOW into perspective. I am so grateful to you, Aisha, for accepting the asignment to bring us these insights of clarity and hope. Know that you are giving many of us exactly what we need to continue on this magnificant road leading to a place filled with unconditional love. Thank you so much, Aisha.

  8. I must apologize. Initially this missive bummed me out. Stupid me, I don’t know what I was expecting. It’s just struck me at that moment, we’ll still be amidst all the bullsh$t and violence, avarice and unbridled cruelty and ….I do not want this… But I’m all better now. Just experience it, that’s what I was told this morning. Peace, Love, Light and thanks to you All.

    1. Your two replies helped me a lot. We get sooooo much conflicting information. I read an article by Cosmic Awareness on “” that is far, far more forthcoming. Then I come here and read that everything is way over our heads and just keep believing. Don’t get me wrong, these messages have helped me a lot, but come on. Just spill the beans. We can take it.

      So i see where you are coming from Wilbur. The evil of this world is very difficult to take. It hurts me physically now. I have been through many negative experiences and have to believe that some divine occurance is going to happen.

      OK – I’m just rambling on. Just a little frustration. I’m better now.


      1. tnx Jeff for your comment and the added internet site about cosmic awareness…. i needed something like that….

      2. Thanks Jeff for your kindness. If I helped you in any way, it really made my day. Thank you. Rock on my Brother!

    2. Here is what I know Wilbur…no matter WHAT happens or does not happen tomorrow I have personally made a choice to stay awake. it does not matter what anyone else does or what happens around me. I will choose to work and walk with and spread THE LIGHT and the LOVE and I will operate knowing we are ALL ONE. I will choose to do things that bring joy. I will choose to do things that are inclusive. i will choose to bring into my life things that are OF love and of UNITY and of ONENESS. I will choose to create MY OWN personal ASCENSION into being the person I truly am….really at the end of the day this transformational process starts with that ONE small step, then another. We can all say we have been waiting for this or that to save us from the shit we live in, but I choose to BELIEVE in myself and my own ability to LOVE…and Jesus said–all this an MORE will you do if you JUST believe…and if you believe in some outside source (separation folks!!!!) saving you, then you shall wait–if you believe in the DIVINE AND AWESOME nature of yourself CONNECTED to all that IS and you energize THAT…then NOTHING can hold you back from achieving heaven on earth….

      THAT said…I do hope that tomorrow with the awesome energy presented to us that the earth tips positive and moves more and more into the light of love and unity…Thats what I got…Either way, sending TONS of love and light to all beings in all multiverses for the highest good of all! Enjoy the ride! Love alex…p.s. thanks CC and aisha for all your love and your sharing and for this wonderful place to hash it all out!

      1. Thank you oystergirl99 for your words of support when I need them. You are quite right of course. Keep on shuckin my beautiful Sister!

  9. “That is all for now, but we will be back with more as soon as you are all able to breathe a bit more freely. And do not worry, it will not be long before you feel the fresh air filling your lungs again for the first time after this battling of the waves.”

    For weeks, I have been struggling to get breath with feelings of being short of breath all the time, a heaviness on my chest. At first this struck me as odd, for I am in good physical shape. Then, I realized this is NOT a medical situation, but only the result of the energy that is coming in NOW. What a relief it will be to be able to take a deep breath again. Thank you, Aisha, for this beautiful confirmation and message. Namaste. Amy

  10. I love the words as well , but it is a bit confusing to understand almost like a riddle…thank you so much Aisha …

    1. Wilbur! My Brother! I,m extremely happy that Ascension’s energies are making the expected effect in you! You,re alive! You,re full of energies! Your heart is big opened! Your soul is vibrating! I hope you continue integrating more and more fearless aspects of yourself for long time yet!
      Unhappily, this process is long. Kryon says it,ll take 36 years, and we are half way yet. Patience.
      People like you is what Mother Earth need most. How will be create a New Age, a New Earth, a Golden Age if we continue obeying darkness rules blindly, hiding our heads in a hole and never dare to give an opinion?
      You may explode ten thousand times more, my friend, I understand what you are feeling. Of 100.000.000 of Aisha’s readers you were the one and only to say what came from deep inside of you, freely. I,m proud of you. My respect for you is unconditional.
      PS: Don,t bore for CCs or Aisha. They understand what,s going on inside you very well and I,m certain are happy for you too.

  11. I love those words very much, they really reach me and my brain is able to understand and to imagine, that it could work like this very well! And if there are UFO’s showing up and will let people join them, good for them who decided to leave to another place. But if only Love and Light is counting, I’d rather stay on our planet right where we are now. If there is no money to run behind, and no one with lots of it to control others, it would be paradise on Earth! We will SEE and FEEL tomorrow … til then, lay back and relax!

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